- Adds an arc of a circle centering at (@a x,@a y) with radius (@a r)
- from @a startAngle to @a endAngle.
+ Adds an arc of a circle.
+ The circle is defined by the coordinates of its centre (@a x, @a y) or
+ @a c and its radius @a r. The arc goes from the starting angle @a
+ startAngle to @a endAngle either clockwise or counter-clockwise
+ depending on the value of @a clockwise argument.
+ The angles are measured in radians but, contrary to the usual
+ mathematical convention, are always @e clockwise from the horizontal
+ axis.
+ //@{
virtual void AddArc(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r,
wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle,
bool clockwise);
- /**
- Adds an arc of a circle centering at @a c with radius (@a r)
- from @a startAngle to @a endAngle.
- */
void AddArc(const wxPoint2DDouble& c, wxDouble r,
wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise);
+ //@}
Appends a an arc to two tangents connecting (current) to (@a x1,@a y1)