- @page python_overview wxPython overview
- This topic was written by Robin Dunn, author of the wxPython wrapper.
- @ref pwhat_overview
- @ref pwhy_overview
- @ref pother_overview
- @ref pusing_overview
- @ref pclasses_overview
- @ref phelp_overview
- @section wxpwhat What is wxPython?
- wxPython is a blending of the wxWidgets GUI classes and the
- #Python programming language.
- @b Python
- So what is Python? Go to
- #http://www.python.org to learn more,
- but in a nutshell Python is an interpreted,
- interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is often
- compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java.
- Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has
- modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types, and
- dynamic typing. There are interfaces to many system calls and
- libraries, and new built-in modules are easily written in C or
- C++. Python is also usable as an extension language for applications
- that need a programmable interface.
- Python is copyrighted but freely usable and distributable, even for
- commercial use.
- @b wxPython
- wxPython is a Python package that can be imported at runtime that
- includes a collection of Python modules and an extension module
- (native code). It provides a series of Python classes that mirror (or
- shadow) many of the wxWidgets GUI classes. This extension module
- attempts to mirror the class hierarchy of wxWidgets as closely as
- possible. This means that there is a wxFrame class in wxPython that
- looks, smells, tastes and acts almost the same as the wxFrame class in
- the C++ version.
- wxPython is very versatile. It can be used to create standalone GUI
- applications, or in situations where Python is embedded in a C++
- application as an internal scripting or macro language.
- Currently wxPython is available for Win32 platforms and the GTK
- toolkit (wxGTK) on most Unix/X-windows platforms. See the wxPython
- website #http://wxPython.org/ for
- details about getting wxPython working for you.
- @section wxpwhy Why use wxPython?
- So why would you want to use wxPython over just C++ and wxWidgets?
- Personally I prefer using Python for everything. I only use C++ when I
- absolutely have to eke more performance out of an algorithm, and even
- then I usually code it as an extension module and leave the majority
- of the program in Python.
- Another good thing to use wxPython for is quick prototyping of your
- wxWidgets apps. With C++ you have to continuously go though the
- edit-compile-link-run cycle, which can be quite time consuming. With
- Python it is only an edit-run cycle. You can easily build an
- application in a few hours with Python that would normally take a few
- days or longer with C++. Converting a wxPython app to a C++/wxWidgets app
- should be a straight forward task.
- @section wxpother Other Python GUIs
- There are other GUI solutions out there for Python.
- @b Tkinter
- Tkinter is the de facto standard GUI for Python. It is available
- on nearly every platform that Python and Tcl/TK are. Why Tcl/Tk?
- Well because Tkinter is just a wrapper around Tcl's GUI toolkit, Tk.
- This has its upsides and its downsides...
- The upside is that Tk is a pretty versatile toolkit. It can be made
- to do a lot of things in a lot of different environments. It is fairly
- easy to create new widgets and use them interchangeably in your
- programs.
- The downside is Tcl. When using Tkinter you actually have two
- separate language interpreters running, the Python interpreter and the
- Tcl interpreter for the GUI. Since the guts of Tcl is mostly about
- string processing, it is fairly slow as well. (Not too bad on a fast
- Pentium II, but you really notice the difference on slower machines.)
- It wasn't until the latest version of Tcl/Tk that native Look and
- Feel was possible on non-Motif platforms. This is because Tk
- usually implements its own widgets (controls) even when there are
- native controls available.
- Tkinter is a pretty low-level toolkit. You have to do a lot of work
- (verbose program code) to do things that would be much simpler with a higher
- level of abstraction.
- @b PythonWin
- PythonWin is an add-on package for Python for the Win32 platform. It
- includes wrappers for MFC as well as much of the Win32 API. Because
- of its foundation, it is very familiar for programmers who have
- experience with MFC and the Win32 API. It is obviously not compatible
- with other platforms and toolkits. PythonWin is organized as separate
- packages and modules so you can use the pieces you need without having
- to use the GUI portions.
- @b Others
- There are quite a few other GUI modules available for Python, some in
- active use, some that haven't been updated for ages. Most are simple
- wrappers around some C or C++ toolkit or another, and most are not
- cross-platform compatible. See @ref Graphics_overview
- for a listing of a few of them.
- @section wxpusing Using wxPython
- @b First things first...
- I'm not going to try and teach the Python language here. You can do
- that at the http://www.python.org/doc/tut/tut.html.
- I'm also going to assume that you know a bit about wxWidgets already,
- enough to notice the similarities in the classes used.
- Take a look at the following wxPython program. You can find a similar
- program in the @c wxPython/demo directory, named @c DialogUnits.py. If your
- Python and wxPython are properly installed, you should be able to run
- it by issuing this command:
- @b @c python DialogUnits.py
- @code
- 001: ## import all of the wxPython GUI package
- 002: from wxPython.wx import *
- 003:
- 004: ## Create a new frame class, derived from the wxPython Frame.
- 005: class MyFrame(wxFrame):
- 006:
- 007: def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
- 008: # First, call the base class' __init__ method to create the frame
- 009: wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title,
- 010: wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(160, 100))
- 011:
- 012: # Associate some events with methods of this class
- 013: EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSize)
- 014: EVT_MOVE(self, self.OnMove)
- 015:
- 016: # Add a panel and some controls to display the size and position
- 017: panel = wxPanel(self, -1)
- 018: wxStaticText(panel, -1, "Size:",
- 019: wxDLG_PNT(panel, wxPoint(4, 4)), wxDefaultSize)
- 020: wxStaticText(panel, -1, "Pos:",
- 021: wxDLG_PNT(panel, wxPoint(4, 14)), wxDefaultSize)
- 022: self.sizeCtrl = wxTextCtrl(panel, -1, "",
- 023: wxDLG_PNT(panel, wxPoint(24, 4)),
- 024: wxDLG_SZE(panel, wxSize(36, -1)),
- 025: wxTE_READONLY)
- 026: self.posCtrl = wxTextCtrl(panel, -1, "",
- 027: wxDLG_PNT(panel, wxPoint(24, 14)),
- 028: wxDLG_SZE(panel, wxSize(36, -1)),
- 029: wxTE_READONLY)
- 030:
- 031:
- 032: # This method is called automatically when the CLOSE event is
- 033: # sent to this window
- 034: def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
- 035: # tell the window to kill itself
- 036: self.Destroy()
- 037:
- 038: # This method is called by the system when the window is resized,
- 039: # because of the association above.
- 040: def OnSize(self, event):
- 041: size = event.GetSize()
- 042: self.sizeCtrl.SetValue("%s, %s" % (size.width, size.height))
- 043:
- 044: # tell the event system to continue looking for an event handler,
- 045: # so the default handler will get called.
- 046: event.Skip()
- 047:
- 048: # This method is called by the system when the window is moved,
- 049: # because of the association above.
- 050: def OnMove(self, event):
- 051: pos = event.GetPosition()
- 052: self.posCtrl.SetValue("%s, %s" % (pos.x, pos.y))
- 053:
- 054:
- 055: # Every wxWidgets application must have a class derived from wxApp
- 056: class MyApp(wxApp):
- 057:
- 058: # wxWidgets calls this method to initialize the application
- 059: def OnInit(self):
- 060:
- 061: # Create an instance of our customized Frame class
- 062: frame = MyFrame(@NULL, -1, "This is a test")
- 063: frame.Show(@true)
- 064:
- 065: # Tell wxWidgets that this is our main window
- 066: self.SetTopWindow(frame)
- 067:
- 068: # Return a success flag
- 069: return @true
- 070:
- 071:
- 072: app = MyApp(0) # Create an instance of the application class
- 073: app.MainLoop() # Tell it to start processing events
- 074:
- @endcode
- @b Things to notice
- At line 2 the wxPython classes, constants, and etc. are imported
- into the current module's namespace. If you prefer to reduce
- namespace pollution you can use "@c from wxPython import wx" and
- then access all the wxPython identifiers through the wx module, for
- example, "@c wx.wxFrame".
- At line 13 the frame's sizing and moving events are connected to
- methods of the class. These helper functions are intended to be like
- the event table macros that wxWidgets employs. But since static event
- tables are impossible with wxPython, we use helpers that are named the
- same to dynamically build the table. The only real difference is
- that the first argument to the event helpers is always the window that
- the event table entry should be added to.
- Notice the use of @c wxDLG_PNT and @c wxDLG_SZE in lines 19
- - 29 to convert from dialog units to pixels. These helpers are unique
- to wxPython since Python can't do method overloading like C++.
- There is an @c OnCloseWindow method at line 34 but no call to
- EVT_CLOSE to attach the event to the method. Does it really get
- called? The answer is, yes it does. This is because many of the
- standard events are attached to windows that have the associated
- standard method names. I have tried to follow the lead of the
- C++ classes in this area to determine what is standard but since
- that changes from time to time I can make no guarantees, nor will it
- be fully documented. When in doubt, use an EVT_*** function.
- At lines 17 to 21 notice that there are no saved references to
- the panel or the static text items that are created. Those of you
- who know Python might be wondering what happens when Python deletes
- these objects when they go out of scope. Do they disappear from the GUI? They
- don't. Remember that in wxPython the Python objects are just shadows of the
- corresponding C++ objects. Once the C++ windows and controls are
- attached to their parents, the parents manage them and delete them
- when necessary. For this reason, most wxPython objects do not need to
- have a __del__ method that explicitly causes the C++ object to be
- deleted. If you ever have the need to forcibly delete a window, use
- the Destroy() method as shown on line 36.
- Just like wxWidgets in C++, wxPython apps need to create a class
- derived from @c wxApp (line 56) that implements a method named
- @c OnInit, (line 59.) This method should create the application's
- main window (line 62) and use @c wxApp.SetTopWindow() (line 66) to
- inform wxWidgets about it.
- And finally, at line 72 an instance of the application class is
- created. At this point wxPython finishes initializing itself, and calls
- the @c OnInit method to get things started. (The zero parameter here is
- a flag for functionality that isn't quite implemented yet. Just
- ignore it for now.) The call to @c MainLoop at line 73 starts the event
- loop which continues until the application terminates or all the top
- level windows are closed.
- @section wxpclasses wxWidgets classes implemented in wxPython
- The following classes are supported in wxPython. Most provide nearly
- full implementations of the public interfaces specified in the C++
- documentation, others are less so. They will all be brought as close
- as possible to the C++ spec over time.
- #wxAcceleratorEntry
- #wxAcceleratorTable
- #wxActivateEvent
- #wxBitmap
- #wxBitmapButton
- #wxBitmapDataObject
- wxBMPHandler
- #wxBoxSizer
- #wxBrush
- #wxBusyInfo
- #wxBusyCursor
- #wxButton
- #wxCalculateLayoutEvent
- #wxCalendarCtrl
- #wxCaret
- #wxCheckBox
- #wxCheckListBox
- #wxChoice
- #wxClientDC
- #wxClipboard
- #wxCloseEvent
- #wxColourData
- #wxColourDialog
- #wxColour
- #wxComboBox
- #wxCommandEvent
- #wxConfig
- #wxControl
- #wxCursor
- #wxCustomDataObject
- #wxDataFormat
- #wxDataObject
- #wxDataObjectComposite
- #wxDataObjectSimple
- #wxDateTime
- #wxDateSpan
- #wxDC
- #wxDialog
- #wxDirDialog
- #wxDragImage
- #wxDropFilesEvent
- #wxDropSource
- #wxDropTarget
- #wxEraseEvent
- #wxEvent
- #wxEvtHandler
- #wxFileConfig
- #wxFileDataObject
- #wxFileDialog
- #wxFileDropTarget
- #wxFileSystem
- #wxFileSystemHandler
- #wxFocusEvent
- #wxFontData
- #wxFontDialog
- #wxFont
- #wxFrame
- #wxFSFile
- #wxGauge
- wxGIFHandler
- #wxGLCanvas
- #wxHtmlCell
- #wxHtmlContainerCell
- #wxHtmlDCRenderer
- #wxHtmlEasyPrinting
- #wxHtmlParser
- #wxHtmlTagHandler
- #wxHtmlTag
- #wxHtmlWinParser
- #wxHtmlPrintout
- #wxHtmlWinTagHandler
- #wxHtmlWindow
- #wxIconizeEvent
- #wxIcon
- #wxIdleEvent
- #wxImage
- #wxImageHandler
- #wxImageList
- #wxIndividualLayoutConstraint
- #wxInitDialogEvent
- #wxInputStream
- #wxInternetFSHandler
- #wxJoystickEvent
- wxJPEGHandler
- #wxKeyEvent
- #wxLayoutAlgorithm
- #wxLayoutConstraints
- #wxListBox
- #wxListCtrl
- #wxListEvent
- #wxListItem
- #wxMask
- #wxMaximizeEvent
- #wxMDIChildFrame
- #wxMDIClientWindow
- #wxMDIParentFrame
- #wxMemoryDC
- #wxMemoryFSHandler
- #wxMenuBar
- #wxMenuEvent
- #wxMenuItem
- #wxMenu
- #wxMessageDialog
- #wxMetaFileDC
- #wxMiniFrame
- #wxMouseEvent
- #wxMoveEvent
- #wxNotebookEvent
- #wxNotebook
- #wxPageSetupDialogData
- #wxPageSetupDialog
- #wxPaintDC
- #wxPaintEvent
- #wxPalette
- #wxPanel
- #wxPen
- wxPNGHandler
- #wxPoint
- #wxPostScriptDC
- #wxPreviewFrame
- #wxPrintData
- #wxPrintDialogData
- #wxPrintDialog
- #wxPrinter
- #wxPrintPreview
- #wxPrinterDC
- #wxPrintout
- #wxProcess
- #wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent
- #wxRadioBox
- #wxRadioButton
- #wxRealPoint
- #wxRect
- #wxRegionIterator
- #wxRegion
- #wxSashEvent
- #wxSashLayoutWindow
- #wxSashWindow
- #wxScreenDC
- #wxScrollBar
- #wxScrollEvent
- #wxScrolledWindow
- #wxScrollWinEvent
- wxShowEvent
- #wxSingleChoiceDialog
- #wxSizeEvent
- #wxSize
- #wxSizer
- #wxSizerItem
- #wxSlider
- #wxSpinButton
- #wxSpinEvent
- #wxSplitterWindow
- #wxStaticBitmap
- #wxStaticBox
- #wxStaticBoxSizer
- #wxStaticLine
- #wxStaticText
- #wxStatusBar
- #wxSysColourChangedEvent
- #wxTaskBarIcon
- #wxTextCtrl
- #wxTextDataObject
- #wxTextDropTarget
- #wxTextEntryDialog
- #wxTimer
- #wxTimerEvent
- #wxTimeSpan
- #wxTipProvider
- wxToolBarTool
- #wxToolBar
- #wxToolTip
- #wxTreeCtrl
- #wxTreeEvent
- #wxTreeItemData
- wxTreeItemId
- #wxUpdateUIEvent
- #wxValidator
- #wxWindowDC
- #wxWindow
- #wxZipFSHandler
- @section wxphelp Where to go for help
- Since wxPython is a blending of multiple technologies, help comes from
- multiple sources. See
- #http://wxpython.org/ for details on
- various sources of help, but probably the best source is the
- wxPython-users mail list. You can view the archive or subscribe by
- going to
- #http://lists.wxwindows.org/mailman/listinfo/wxpython-users
- Or you can send mail directly to the list using this address:
- wxpython-users@lists.wxwindows.org
- */