import wx
import wx.lib.ogl as ogl
+The other compatibility issue deals with removing a wart in the
+original API that was necessary in order to allow overloaded methods
+in derived classes to call the same method in the base class when
+using the old SWIG. Instead dedaling with the wart you can now just
+call the base class method like you woudl for any other Python class.
+For example, if you had to do something like this previously::
+ class MyDividedShape(ogl.DividedShape):
+ ...
+ def OnSizingEndDragLeft(self, pt, x, y, keys, attch):
+ self.base_OnSizingEndDragLeft(pt, x, y, keys, attch)
+ ...
+You will need to change it to be like this::
+ class MyDividedShape(ogl.DividedShape):
+ ...
+ def OnSizingEndDragLeft(self, pt, x, y, keys, attch):
+ ogl.DividedShape.OnSizingEndDragLeft(self, pt, x, y, keys, attch)
+ ...