-\func{void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{volume}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\func{static void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{volume}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-\func{void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\func{static void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-split a fullpath into the volume, path, (base) name and extension
-(all of the pointers can be NULL)
+This function splits a full file name into components: the volume (with the
+first version) path (including the volume in the second version), the base name
+and the extension. Any of the output parameters ({\it volume}, {\it path},
+{\it name} or {\it ext}) may be {\tt NULL} if you are not interested in the
+value of a particular component. Also, {\it fullpath} may be empty on entry.
+On return, {\it path} contains the file path (without the trailing separator),
+{\it name} contains the file name and {\it ext} contains the file extension
+without leading dot. All three of them may be empty if the corresponding
+component is. The old contents of the strings pointed to by these parameters
+will be overwritten in any case (if the pointers are not {\tt NULL}).
\func{char *}{wxFileNameFromPath}{\param{char *}{path}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+\helpref{wxFileName::SplitPath}{wxfilenamesplitpath} instead.
Returns the filename for a full path. The second form returns a pointer to
temporary storage that should not be deallocated.
\func{wxString}{wxGetWorkingDirectory}{\param{char *}{buf=NULL}, \param{int }{sz=1000}}
-This function is obsolete: use \helpref{wxGetCwd}{wxgetcwd} instead.
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete: use \helpref{wxGetCwd}{wxgetcwd} instead.
Copies the current working directory into the buffer if supplied, or
copies the working directory into new storage (which you must delete yourself)
%% It is the application's responsibility to create and delete the file.
-These functions are obsolete, please use\rtfsp
+{\bf NB:} These functions are obsolete, please use\rtfsp
\func{void}{wxSplitPath}{\param{const char *}{ fullname}, \param{wxString *}{ path}, \param{wxString *}{ name}, \param{wxString *}{ ext}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+\helpref{wxFileName::SplitPath}{wxfilenamesplitpath} instead.
This function splits a full file name into components: the path (including possible disk/drive
specification under Windows), the base name and the extension. Any of the output parameters
({\it path}, {\it name} or {\it ext}) may be NULL if you are not interested in the value of
\func{bool}{wxStringMatch}{\param{const wxString\& }{s1}, \param{const wxString\& }{s2},\\
\param{bool}{ subString = TRUE}, \param{bool}{ exact = FALSE}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, use \helpref{wxString::Find}{wxstringfind} instead.
Returns {\tt TRUE} if the substring {\it s1} is found within {\it s2},
ignoring case if {\it exact} is FALSE. If {\it subString} is {\tt FALSE},
no substring matching is done.
-This function is obsolete, use \helpref{wxString::Find}{wxstringfind} instead.
\func{bool}{wxStringEq}{\param{const wxString\& }{s1}, \param{const wxString\& }{s2}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, use \helpref{wxString}{wxstring} instead.
A macro defined as:
#define wxStringEq(s1, s2) (s1 && s2 && (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0))
-This function is obsolete, use \helpref{wxString}{wxstring} instead.
\func{size\_t}{wxStrlen}{\param{const char *}{ p}}
\section{Printer settings}\label{printersettings}
-These routines are obsolete and should no longer be used!
+{\bf NB:} These routines are obsolete and should no longer be used!
The following functions are used to control PostScript printing. Under
Windows, PostScript output can only be sent to a file.
\func{void}{wxStripMenuCodes}{\param{char *}{in}, \param{char *}{out}}
-This function is obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxMenuItem::GetLabelFromText}{wxmenuitemgetlabelfromtext} instead.
Strips any menu codes from {\it in} and places the result
\func{void}{wxDebugMsg}{\param{const wxString\& }{fmt}, \param{...}{}}
-{\bf This function is deprecated, use \helpref{wxLogDebug}{wxlogdebug} instead!}
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log
+functions}{logfunctions} and \helpref{wxLogDebug}{wxlogdebug} in particular.
Display a debugging message; under Windows, this will appear on the
debugger command window, and under Unix, it will be written to standard
(at least for Watcom C++): preformat your messages and use OutputDebugString
-This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{void}{wxError}{\param{const wxString\& }{msg}, \param{const wxString\& }{title = "wxWindows Internal Error"}}
-This function is now obsolete, please use \helpref{wxLogError}{wxlogerror}
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, please use \helpref{wxLogError}{wxlogerror}
Displays {\it msg} and continues. This writes to standard error under
\func{void}{wxFatalError}{\param{const wxString\& }{msg}, \param{const wxString\& }{title = "wxWindows Fatal Error"}}
-This function is now obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxLogFatalError}{wxlogfatalerror} instead.
Displays {\it msg} and exits. This writes to standard error under Unix,
\func{}{WXTRACE}{formatString, ...}
+{\bf NB:} This macro is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
Calls wxTrace with printf-style variable argument syntax. Output
is directed to the current output stream (see \helpref{wxDebugContext}{wxdebugcontextoverview}).
-This macro is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{}{WXTRACELEVEL}{level, formatString, ...}
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
Calls wxTraceLevel with printf-style variable argument syntax. Output
is directed to the current output stream (see \helpref{wxDebugContext}{wxdebugcontextoverview}).
The first argument should be the level at which this information is appropriate.
It will only be output if the level returned by wxDebugContext::GetLevel is equal to or greater than
this value.
-This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{void}{wxTrace}{\param{const wxString\& }{fmt}, \param{...}{}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
Takes printf-style variable argument syntax. Output
is directed to the current output stream (see \helpref{wxDebugContext}{wxdebugcontextoverview}).
-This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{void}{wxTraceLevel}{\param{int}{ level}, \param{const wxString\& }{fmt}, \param{...}{}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
Takes printf-style variable argument syntax. Output
is directed to the current output stream (see \helpref{wxDebugContext}{wxdebugcontextoverview}).
The first argument should be the level at which this information is appropriate.
It will only be output if the level returned by wxDebugContext::GetLevel is equal to or greater than
this value.
-This function is now obsolete, replaced by \helpref{Log functions}{logfunctions}.
\wxheading{Include files}