-A class for manipulating dates.
-{\bf NOTE:} this class is retained only for compatibility,
-and has been replaced by \helpref{wxDateTime}{wxdatetime}. wxDate
-may be withdrawn in future versions of wxWindows.
-\wxheading{Derived from}
-\wxheading{Include files}
-\wxheading{See also}
-Default constructor.
-\func{}{wxDate}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date}}
-Copy constructor.
-\func{}{wxDate}{\param{int}{ month}, \param{int}{ day}, \param{int}{ year}}
-Constructor taking month, day and year.
-\func{}{wxDate}{\param{long}{ julian}}
-Constructor taking an integer representing the Julian date. This is the number of days since
-1st January 4713 B.C., so to convert from the number of days since 1st January 1901,
-construct a date for 1/1/1901, and add the number of days.
-\func{}{wxDate}{\param{const wxString\& }{dateString}}
-Constructor taking a string representing a date. This must be either the string TODAY, or of the
-form {\tt MM/DD/YYYY} or {\tt MM-DD-YYYY}. For example:
- wxDate date("11/26/1966");
-\docparam{date}{Date to copy.}
-\docparam{month}{Month: a number between 1 and 12.}
-\docparam{day}{Day: a number between 1 and 31.}
-\docparam{year}{Year, such as 1995, 2005.}
-\func{wxDate\&}{AddMonths}{\param{int}{ months=1}}
-Adds the given number of months to the date, returning a reference to `this'.
-\func{wxDate\&}{AddWeeks}{\param{int}{ weeks=1}}
-Adds the given number of weeks to the date, returning a reference to `this'.
-\func{wxDate\&}{AddYears}{\param{int}{ years=1}}
-Adds the given number of months to the date, returning a reference to `this'.
-\constfunc{wxString}{FormatDate}{\param{int}{ type=-1}}
-Formats the date according to {\it type} if not -1, or according
-to the current display type if -1.
-\docparam{type}{-1 or one of:
-\twocolitem{wxDAY}{Format day only.}
-\twocolitem{wxMONTH}{Format month only.}
-\twocolitem{wxMDY}{Format MONTH, DAY, YEAR.}
-\twocolitem{wxFULL}{Format day, month and year in US style: DAYOFWEEK, MONTH, DAY, YEAR.}
-\twocolitem{wxEUROPEAN}{Format day, month and year in European style: DAY, MONTH, YEAR.}
-Returns the numeric day (in the range 1 to 31).
-Returns the integer day of the week (in the range 1 to 7).
-Returns the name of the day of week.
-Returns the day of the year (from 1 to 365).
-Returns the number of days in the month (in the range 1 to 31).
-Returns the day of week that is first in the month (in the range 1 to 7).
-Returns the Julian date.
-Returns the month number (in the range 1 to 12).
-Returns the date representing the last day of the month.
-Returns the name of the month. Do not delete the returned storage.
-Returns the date representing the first day of the month.
-Returns the week of month (in the range 1 to 6).
-Returns the week of year (in the range 1 to 52).
-Returns the year as an integer (such as `1995').
-Returns the date representing the last day of the year.
-Returns the date representing the first day of the year.
-Returns true if the year of this date is a leap year.
-Sets the date to current system date, returning a reference to `this'.
-\func{wxDate\&}{Set}{\param{long}{ julian}}
-Sets the date to the given Julian date, returning a reference to `this'.
-\func{wxDate\&}{Set}{\param{int}{ month}, \param{int}{ day}, \param{int}{ year}}
-Sets the date to the given date, returning a reference to `this'.
-{\it month} is a number from 1 to 12.
-{\it day} is a number from 1 to 31.
-{\it year} is a year, such as 1995, 2005.
-\func{void}{SetFormat}{\param{int}{ format}}
-Sets the current format type.
-\docparam{format}{-1 or one of:
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxDAY}}{Format day only.}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxMONTH}}{Format month only.}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxMDY}}{Format MONTH, DAY, YEAR.}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxFULL}}{Format day, month and year in US style: DAYOFWEEK, MONTH, DAY, YEAR.}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxEUROPEAN}}{Format day, month and year in European style: DAY, MONTH, YEAR.}
-\func{int}{SetOption}{\param{int}{ option}, \param{const bool}{ enable=true}}
-Enables or disables an option for formatting.
-\docparam{option}{May be one of:
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxNO\_CENTURY}}{The century is not formatted.}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxDATE\_ABBR}}{Month and day names are abbreviated to 3 characters when formatting.}
-\membersection{wxDate::operator wxString}\label{wxdatewxstring}
-\func{}{operator wxString}{\void}
-Conversion operator, to convert wxDate to wxString by calling FormatDate.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $+$}\label{wxdateplus}
-\func{wxDate}{operator $+$}{\param{long}{ i}}
-\func{wxDate}{operator $+$}{\param{int}{ i}}
-Adds an integer number of days to the date, returning a date.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $-$}\label{wxdateminus}
-\func{wxDate}{operator $-$}{\param{long}{ i}}
-\func{wxDate}{operator $-$}{\param{int}{ i}}
-Subtracts an integer number of days from the date, returning a date.
-\func{long}{operator $-$}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date}}
-Subtracts one date from another, return the number of intervening days.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $+=$}\label{wxdateplusequals}
-\func{wxDate\&}{operator $+=$}{\param{long}{ i}}
-Postfix operator: adds an integer number of days to the date, returning
-a reference to `this' date.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $-=$}\label{wxdateminusequals}
-\func{wxDate\&}{operator $-=$}{\param{long}{ i}}
-Postfix operator: subtracts an integer number of days from the date, returning
-a reference to `this' date.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $++$}\label{wxdateplusplus}
-\func{wxDate\&}{operator $++$}{\void}
-Increments the date (postfix or prefix).
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $--$}\label{wxdateminusminus}
-\func{wxDate\&}{operator $--$}{\void}
-Decrements the date (postfix or prefix).
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $<$}\label{wxdatelessthan}
-\func{friend bool}{operator $<$}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date1}, \param{const wxDate\&}{ date2}}
-Function to compare two dates, returning true if {\it date1} is earlier than {\it date2}.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $<=$}\label{wxdatelessthaneq}
-\func{friend bool}{operator $<=$}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date1}, \param{const wxDate\&}{ date2}}
-Function to compare two dates, returning true if {\it date1} is earlier than or equal to {\it date2}.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $>$}\label{wxdategreaterthan}
-\func{friend bool}{operator $>$}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date1}, \param{const wxDate\&}{ date2}}
-Function to compare two dates, returning true if {\it date1} is later than {\it date2}.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $>=$}\label{wxdategreaterthaneq}
-\func{friend bool}{operator $>=$}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date1}, \param{const wxDate\&}{ date2}}
-Function to compare two dates, returning true if {\it date1} is later than or equal to {\it date2}.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $==$}\label{wxdateequals}
-\func{friend bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date1}, \param{const wxDate\&}{ date2}}
-Function to compare two dates, returning true if {\it date1} is equal to {\it date2}.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator $!=$}\label{wxdatenotequals}
-\func{friend bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date1}, \param{const wxDate\&}{ date2}}
-Function to compare two dates, returning true if {\it date1} is not equal to {\it date2}.
-\membersection{wxDate::operator \cinsert}\label{wxdateinsert}
-\func{friend ostream\&}{operator \cinsert}{\param{ostream\&}{ os}, \param{const wxDate\&}{ date}}
-Function to output a wxDate to an ostream.