#error "don't know how to test wxDllLoader on this platform"
- wxPuts(_T("*** testing wxDllLoader ***\n"));
+ wxPuts(_T("*** testing basic wxDynamicLibrary functions ***\n"));
wxDynamicLibrary lib(LIB_NAME);
if ( !lib.IsLoaded() )
+#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__UNIX__)
+static void TestDllListLoaded()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** testing wxDynamicLibrary::ListLoaded() ***\n"));
+ puts("\nLoaded modules:");
+ wxDynamicLibraryDetailsArray dlls = wxDynamicLibrary::ListLoaded();
+ const size_t count = dlls.GetCount();
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n )
+ {
+ const wxDynamicLibraryDetails& details = dlls[n];
+ printf("%-45s", details.GetPath().c_str());
+ void *addr;
+ size_t len;
+ if ( details.GetAddress(&addr, &len) )
+ {
+ printf(" %08lx:%08lx",
+ (unsigned long)addr, (unsigned long)((char *)addr + len));
+ }
+ printf(" %s\n", details.GetVersion().c_str());
+ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestDllListLoaded();
#include "wx/dynlib.h"
+#include "wx/ffile.h"
#if defined(HAVE_DLOPEN) || defined(__DARWIN__)
return symbol;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// error handling
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* static */
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// listing loaded modules
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxDynamicLibraryDetails declares this class as its friend, so put the code
+// initializing new details objects here
+class wxDynamicLibraryDetailsCreator
+ // create a new wxDynamicLibraryDetails from the given data
+ static wxDynamicLibraryDetails *
+ New(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, const wxString& path)
+ {
+ wxDynamicLibraryDetails *details = new wxDynamicLibraryDetails;
+ details->m_path = path;
+ details->m_name = path.AfterLast(_T('/'));
+ details->m_address = wx_reinterpret_cast(void *, start);
+ details->m_length = end - start;
+ // try to extract the library version from its name
+ const size_t posExt = path.rfind(_T(".so"));
+ if ( posExt != wxString::npos )
+ {
+ if ( path.c_str()[posExt + 3] == _T('.') )
+ {
+ // assume "libfoo.so.x.y.z" case
+ details->m_version.assign(path, posExt + 4, wxString::npos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t posDash = path.find_last_of(_T('-'), posExt);
+ if ( posDash != wxString::npos )
+ {
+ // assume "libbar-x.y.z.so" case
+ posDash++;
+ details->m_version.assign(path, posDash, posExt - posDash);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return details;
+ }
+/* static */
+wxDynamicLibraryDetailsArray wxDynamicLibrary::ListLoaded()
+ wxDynamicLibraryDetailsArray dlls;
+#ifdef __LINUX__
+ // examine /proc/self/maps to find out what is loaded in our address space
+ wxFFile file("/proc/self/maps");
+ if ( file.IsOpened() )
+ {
+ // details of the module currently being parsed
+ wxString pathCur;
+ unsigned long startCur,
+ endCur;
+ char path[1024];
+ char buf[1024];
+ while ( fgets(buf, WXSIZEOF(buf), file.fp()) )
+ {
+ // format is: start-end perm something? maj:min inode path
+ unsigned long start, end;
+ switch ( sscanf(buf, "%08lx-%08lx %*4s %*08x %*02d:%*02d %*d %1024s\n",
+ &start, &end, path) )
+ {
+ case 2:
+ // there may be no path column
+ path[0] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // nothing to do, read everything we wanted
+ break;
+ default:
+ // chop '\n'
+ buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0';
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Failed to parse line \"%s\" in /proc/self/maps."),
+ buf);
+ continue;
+ }
+ wxString pathNew = wxString::FromAscii(path);
+ if ( pathCur.empty() )
+ {
+ // new module start
+ pathCur = pathNew;
+ startCur = start;
+ endCur = end;
+ }
+ else if ( pathCur == pathNew )
+ {
+ // continuation of the same module
+ wxASSERT_MSG( start == endCur, _T("hole in /proc/self/maps?") );
+ endCur = end;
+ }
+ else // end of the current module
+ {
+ dlls.Add(wxDynamicLibraryDetailsCreator::New(startCur,
+ endCur,
+ pathCur));
+ pathCur.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // __LINUX__
+ return dlls;
#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS