# Name: wx.lib.mixins.inspect
-# Purpose: A mix-in class that can add PyCrust-based inspection of the app
+# Purpose: A mix-in class that can add PyCrust-based inspection of the
+# app's widgets and sizers.
# Author: Robin Dunn
# Licence: wxWindows license
-# NOTE: This class is based on ideas sent to the wxPython-users
-# mail-list by Dan Eloff.
+# NOTE: This class was originally based on ideas sent to the
+# wxPython-users mail list by Dan Eloff.
import wx
import wx.py
+import wx.stc
+import sys
class InspectionMixin(object):
This class is intended to be used as a mix-in with the wx.App
- object. When used it will add the ability to popup a PyCrust
- window where the widget under the mouse cursor will be loaded into
- the shell's namespace as 'win'.
+ class. When used it will add the ability to popup a
+ InspectionFrame window where the widget under the mouse cursor
+ will be selected in the tree and loaded into the shell's namespace
+ as 'obj'. The default key sequence to activate the inspector is
+ Ctrl-Alt-I (or Cmd-Alt-I on Mac) but this can be changed via
+ parameters to the `Init` method, or the application can call
+ `ShowInspectionTool` from other event handlers if desired.
To use this class simply derive a class from wx.App and
- InspectionMixin and then call the Init() method from the app's
+ InspectionMixin and then call the `Init` method from the app's
- def Init(self, pos=(-1, -1), size=(-1, -1)):
+ def Init(self, pos=(-1, -1), size=(850,700), config=None, locals=None,
+ alt=True, cmd=True, shift=False, keyCode=ord('I')):
- Make the event binding that will activate the PyCrust window.
+ Make the event binding that will activate the InspectionFrame window.
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyPress)
- self._crust = None
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self._OnKeyPress)
+ self._tool = None
self._pos = pos
self._size = size
+ self._config = config
+ self._locals = locals
+ self._alt = alt
+ self._cmd = cmd
+ self._shift = shift
+ self._keyCode = keyCode
- def OnKeyPress(self, evt):
+ def _OnKeyPress(self, evt):
- Event handler
+ Event handler, check for our hot-key. Normally it is
+ Ctrl-Alt-I but that can be changed by what is passed to the
+ Init method.
- if evt.AltDown() and evt.CmdDown() and evt.KeyCode == ord('I'):
- self.ShowShell()
+ if evt.AltDown() == self._alt and \
+ evt.CmdDown() == self._cmd and \
+ evt.ShiftDown() == self._shift and \
+ evt.GetKeyCode() == self._keyCode:
+ self.ShowInspectionTool()
- def ShowShell(self):
+ def ShowInspectionTool(self):
- Show the PyCrust window.
+ Show the Inspection tool, creating it if neccesary.
- if not self._crust:
- self._crust = wx.py.crust.CrustFrame(self.GetTopWindow(),
- pos = self._pos, size = self._size)
- self._crust.shell.interp.locals['app'] = self
- self._crust.shell.interp.locals['wx'] = wx
- win = wx.FindWindowAtPointer()
- self._crust.shell.interp.locals['win'] = win
- self._crust.Show()
+ if not self._tool:
+ self._tool = InspectionFrame(parent=self.GetTopWindow(),
+ pos=self._pos,
+ size=self._size,
+ config=self._config,
+ locals=self._locals,
+ app=self)
+ # get the current widget under the mouse
+ wnd = wx.FindWindowAtPointer()
+ self._tool.SetObj(wnd)
+ self._tool.Show()
+ self._tool.Raise()
+class InspectionFrame(wx.Frame):
+ """
+ This class is the frame that holds the wxPython inspection tools.
+ The toolbar and splitter windows are also managed here. The
+ contents of the splitter windows are handled by other classes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, wnd=None, locals=None, config=None,
+ app=None, title="wxPython Widget Inspection Tool",
+ *args, **kw):
+ kw['title'] = title
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ self.includeSizers = False
+ self.started = False
+ self.MakeToolBar()
+ self.outerSplitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self,style=wx.SP_3D|wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE)
+ self.innerSplitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self.outerSplitter,style=wx.SP_3D|wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE)
+ self.tree = InspectionTree(self.outerSplitter)
+ self.info = InspectionInfoPanel(self.innerSplitter)
+ if not locals:
+ locals = {}
+ myIntroText = (
+ "Python %s on %s\nNOTE: The 'obj' variable refers to the selected object."
+ % (sys.version.split()[0], sys.platform))
+ self.crust = wx.py.crust.Crust(self.innerSplitter, locals=locals,
+ intro=myIntroText,
+ showInterpIntro=False,
+ )
+ self.locals = self.crust.shell.interp.locals
+ self.crust.shell.interp.introText = ''
+ self.locals['obj'] = self.obj = wnd
+ self.locals['app'] = app
+ self.locals['wx'] = wx
+ wx.CallAfter(self._postStartup)
+ self.innerSplitter.SplitHorizontally(self.info, self.crust, -225)
+ self.outerSplitter.SplitVertically(self.tree, self.innerSplitter, 280)
+ self.outerSplitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(20)
+ self.innerSplitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(20)
+ def MakeToolBar(self):
+ tbar = self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL | wx.TB_FLAT | wx.TB_TEXT | wx.NO_BORDER )
+ tbar.SetToolBitmapSize((20,20))
+ refreshBmp = getRefreshBitmap()
+ findWidgetBmp = getFindBitmap()
+ showSizersBmp = getShowSizersBitmap()
+ toggleFillingBmp = getShowFillingBitmap()
+ refreshTool = tbar.AddLabelTool(-1, 'Refresh', refreshBmp,
+ shortHelp = 'Refresh widget tree')
+ findWidgetTool = tbar.AddLabelTool(-1, 'Find', findWidgetBmp,
+ shortHelp='Find new target widget. Click here and\nthen on another widget in the app.')
+ showSizersTool = tbar.AddLabelTool(-1, 'Sizers', showSizersBmp,
+ shortHelp='Include sizers in widget tree',
+ kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+ toggleFillingTool = tbar.AddLabelTool(-1, 'Filling', toggleFillingBmp,
+ shortHelp='Show PyCrust \'filling\'',
+ kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+ tbar.Realize()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnRefreshTree, refreshTool)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnFindWidget, findWidgetTool)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnShowSizers, showSizersTool)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnToggleFilling, toggleFillingTool)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.OnShowSizersUI, showSizersTool)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.OnToggleFillingUI, toggleFillingTool)
+ def _postStartup(self):
+ if self.crust.ToolsShown():
+ self.crust.ToggleTools()
+ self.UpdateInfo()
+ self.started = True
+ def UpdateInfo(self):
+ self.info.Update(self.obj)
+ def SetObj(self, obj):
+ if self.obj is obj:
+ return
+ self.locals['obj'] = self.obj = obj
+ self.UpdateInfo()
+ if not self.tree.built:
+ self.tree.BuildTree(obj, includeSizers=self.includeSizers)
+ else:
+ self.tree.SelectObj(obj)
+ def RefreshTree(self):
+ self.tree.BuildTree(self.obj, includeSizers=self.includeSizers)
+ def OnRefreshTree(self, evt):
+ self.RefreshTree()
+ def OnFindWidget(self, evt):
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST, self.OnCaptureLost)
+ self.CaptureMouse()
+ self.finding = wx.BusyInfo("Click on any widget in the app...")
+ def OnCaptureLost(self, evt):
+ self.Unbind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN)
+ self.Unbind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST)
+ del self.finding
+ def OnLeftDown(self, evt):
+ self.ReleaseMouse()
+ wnd = wx.FindWindowAtPointer()
+ if wnd is not None:
+ self.SetObj(wnd)
+ else:
+ wx.Bell()
+ self.OnCaptureLost(evt)
+ def OnShowSizers(self, evt):
+ self.includeSizers = not self.includeSizers
+ self.RefreshTree()
+ def OnToggleFilling(self, evt):
+ self.crust.ToggleTools()
+ def OnShowSizersUI(self, evt):
+ evt.Check(self.includeSizers)
+ def OnToggleFillingUI(self, evt):
+ if self.started:
+ evt.Check(self.crust.ToolsShown())
+# should inspection frame (and children) be includeed in the tree?
+class InspectionTree(wx.TreeCtrl):
+ """
+ All of the widgets in the app, and optionally their sizers, are
+ loaded into this tree.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ #s = kw.get('style', 0)
+ #kw['style'] = s | wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT
+ wx.TreeCtrl.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ self.roots = []
+ self.built = False
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnSelectionChanged)
+ def BuildTree(self, startWidget, includeSizers=False):
+ if self.GetCount():
+ self.DeleteAllItems()
+ self.roots = []
+ self.built = False
+ realRoot = self.AddRoot('Top-level Windows')
+ for w in wx.GetTopLevelWindows():
+ if w is wx.GetTopLevelParent(self) and not INCLUDE_INSPECTOR:
+ continue
+ root = self._AddWidget(realRoot, w, includeSizers)
+ self.roots.append(root)
+ # Expand the subtree containing the startWidget, and select it.
+ if not startWidget or not isinstance(startWidget, wx.Window):
+ startWidget = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
+ top = wx.GetTopLevelParent(startWidget)
+ topItem = self.FindWidgetItem(top)
+ if topItem:
+ self.ExpandAllChildren(topItem)
+ self.SelectObj(startWidget)
+ self.built = True
+ def _AddWidget(self, parentItem, widget, includeSizers):
+ text = self.GetTextForWidget(widget)
+ item = self.AppendItem(parentItem, text)
+ self.SetItemPyData(item, widget)
+ # Add the sizer and widgets in the sizer, if we're showing them
+ widgetsInSizer = []
+ if includeSizers and widget.GetSizer() is not None:
+ widgetsInSizer = self._AddSizer(item, widget.GetSizer())
+ # Add any children not in the sizer, or all children if we're
+ # not showing the sizers
+ for child in widget.GetChildren():
+ if not child in widgetsInSizer and not child.IsTopLevel():
+ self._AddWidget(item, child, includeSizers)
+ return item
+ def _AddSizer(self, parentItem, sizer):
+ widgets = []
+ text = self.GetTextForSizer(sizer)
+ item = self.AppendItem(parentItem, text)
+ self.SetItemPyData(item, sizer)
+ self.SetItemTextColour(item, "blue")
+ for si in sizer.GetChildren():
+ if si.IsWindow():
+ w = si.GetWindow()
+ self._AddWidget(item, w, True)
+ widgets.append(w)
+ elif si.IsSizer():
+ widgets += self._AddSizer(item, si.GetSizer())
+ else:
+ i = self.AppendItem(item, "Spacer")
+ self.SetItemPyData(i, si)
+ self.SetItemTextColour(i, "blue")
+ return widgets
+ def FindWidgetItem(self, widget):
+ """
+ Find the tree item for a widget.
+ """
+ for item in self.roots:
+ found = self._FindWidgetItem(widget, item)
+ if found:
+ return found
+ return None
+ def _FindWidgetItem(self, widget, item):
+ if self.GetItemPyData(item) is widget:
+ return item
+ child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
+ while child:
+ found = self._FindWidgetItem(widget, child)
+ if found:
+ return found
+ child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
+ return None
+ def GetTextForWidget(self, widget):
+ """
+ Returns the string to be used in the tree for a widget
+ """
+ return "%s (\"%s\")" % (widget.__class__.__name__, widget.GetName())
+ def GetTextForSizer(self, sizer):
+ """
+ Returns the string to be used in the tree for a sizer
+ """
+ return "%s" % sizer.__class__.__name__
+ def SelectObj(self, obj):
+ item = self.FindWidgetItem(obj)
+ if item:
+ self.EnsureVisible(item)
+ self.SelectItem(item)
+ def OnSelectionChanged(self, evt):
+ obj = self.GetItemPyData(evt.GetItem())
+ toolFrm = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
+ toolFrm.SetObj(obj)
+class InspectionInfoPanel(wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+ """
+ Used to display information about the currently selected items.
+ Currently just a read-only wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl with some plain
+ text. Should probably add some styles to make things easier to
+ read.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ from wx.py.editwindow import FACES
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT,
+ "face:%(mono)s,size:%(size)d,back:%(backcol)s" % FACES)
+ self.StyleClearAll()
+ self.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def Update(self, obj):
+ st = []
+ if not obj:
+ st.append("Item is None or has been destroyed.")
+ elif isinstance(obj, wx.Window):
+ st += self.FmtWidget(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, wx.Sizer):
+ st += self.FmtSizer(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, wx.SizerItem):
+ st += self.FmtSizerItem(obj)
+ #self.SetValue('\n'.join(st))
+ self.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self.SetText('\n'.join(st))
+ self.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def Fmt(self, name, value):
+ if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
+ return " %s = '%s'" % (name, value)
+ else:
+ return " %s = %s" % (name, value)
+ def FmtWidget(self, obj):
+ st = ["Widget:"]
+ st.append(self.Fmt('name', obj.GetName()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('class', obj.__class__))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('bases', obj.__class__.__bases__))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('id', obj.GetId()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('style', obj.GetWindowStyle()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('pos', obj.GetPosition()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('size', obj.GetSize()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('minsize', obj.GetMinSize()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('bestsize', obj.GetBestSize()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('client size',obj.GetClientSize()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('IsEnabled', obj.IsEnabled()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('IsShown', obj.IsShown()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('fg color', obj.GetForegroundColour()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('bg color', obj.GetBackgroundColour()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('label', obj.GetLabel()))
+ if hasattr(obj, 'GetTitle'):
+ st.append(self.Fmt('title', obj.GetTitle()))
+ if hasattr(obj, 'GetValue'):
+ st.append(self.Fmt('value', obj.GetValue()))
+ if obj.GetContainingSizer() is not None:
+ st.append('')
+ sizer = obj.GetContainingSizer()
+ st += self.FmtSizerItem(sizer.GetItem(obj))
+ return st
+ def FmtSizerItem(self, obj):
+ st = ['SizerItem:']
+ st.append(self.Fmt('proportion', obj.GetProportion()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('flag',
+ FlagsFormatter(itemFlags, obj.GetFlag())))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('border', obj.GetBorder()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('pos', obj.GetPosition()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('size', obj.GetSize()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('minsize', obj.GetMinSize()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('ratio', obj.GetRatio()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('IsWindow', obj.IsWindow()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('IsSizer', obj.IsSizer()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('IsSpacer', obj.IsSpacer()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('IsShown', obj.IsShown()))
+ if isinstance(obj, wx.GBSizerItem):
+ st.append(self.Fmt('cellpos', obj.GetPos()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('cellspan', obj.GetSpan()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('endpos', obj.GetEndPos()))
+ return st
+ def FmtSizer(self, obj):
+ st = ['Sizer:']
+ st.append(self.Fmt('class', obj.__class__))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('pos', obj.GetPosition()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('size', obj.GetSize()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('minsize', obj.GetMinSize()))
+ if isinstance(obj, wx.BoxSizer):
+ st.append(self.Fmt('orientation',
+ FlagsFormatter(orientFlags, obj.GetOrientation())))
+ if isinstance(obj, wx.GridSizer):
+ st.append(self.Fmt('cols', obj.GetCols()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('rows', obj.GetRows()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('vgap', obj.GetVGap()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('hgap', obj.GetHGap()))
+ if isinstance(obj, wx.FlexGridSizer):
+ st.append(self.Fmt('rowheights', obj.GetRowHeights()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('colwidths', obj.GetColWidths()))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('flexdir',
+ FlagsFormatter(orientFlags, obj.GetFlexibleDirection())))
+ st.append(self.Fmt('nonflexmode',
+ FlagsFormatter(flexmodeFlags, obj.GetNonFlexibleGrowMode())))
+ if isinstance(obj, wx.GridBagSizer):
+ st.append(self.Fmt('emptycell', obj.GetEmptyCellSize()))
+ if obj.GetContainingWindow():
+ si = obj.GetContainingWindow().GetSizer().GetItem(obj)
+ if si:
+ st.append('')
+ st += self.FmtSizerItem(si)
+ return st
+class FlagsFormatter(object):
+ def __init__(self, d, val):
+ self.d = d
+ self.val = val
+ def __str__(self):
+ st = []
+ for k in self.d.keys():
+ if self.val & k:
+ st.append(self.d[k])
+ if st:
+ return '|'.join(st)
+ else:
+ return '0'
+orientFlags = {
+ }
+itemFlags = {
+ wx.TOP : 'wx.TOP',
+ wx.BOTTOM : 'wx.BOTTOM',
+ wx.LEFT : 'wx.LEFT',
+ wx.RIGHT : 'wx.RIGHT',
+# wx.ALL : 'wx.ALL',
+ wx.EXPAND : 'wx.EXPAND',
+# wx.GROW : 'wx.GROW',
+ wx.SHAPED : 'wx.SHAPED',
+ wx.ALIGN_TOP : 'wx.ALIGN_TOP',
+ }
+flexmodeFlags = {
+ }
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+import cStringIO
+def getRefreshData():
+ return \
+\xd8\x01^\xab*\x00I\x92 "\xdf#\xb3\x17\xa5o\xaf\x01\xee\x81\xe0\xc9\x06\xd8)\
+p,"_\xaao\xaaJ\x1c\xc7\xc4qL\x05\x0c "\x9f\x80\xe32\xa72OT\x00A\xe1\xf0\x8dg\
+\xfa$I\xfcd2\xa9\x00W\xc0 jpx%"k3\xeb\xec\xef\xef\xb3\xbb\xbb\xcb\xf9\xf9y\
+def getRefreshBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getRefreshImage())
+def getRefreshImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getRefreshData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getFindData():
+ return \
+\xd6\xa1\x17\x10\x8a\xa8\x8b\x83C\x0c\x9d\xae\x07R\x1d|@\x9d\x02\xa2 \xde\
+p\xad\xaf\xfe\xe0\xd2"#\xf5\x1c>0\xc3}\xb0\x87\x88\xe28\x16\x86\xa1 \x08@\
+\x96e\xd24\x8d\xa6\xa7\xa7\xa1\x92\xe4\xfd\xcdA\xc0\x82|\x99O\xd1h\xb5Z\x82 \
+def getFindBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getFindImage())
+def getFindImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getFindData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getShowSizersData():
+ return \
+\x007\\\x81\x16\xc5\xe2\x0c{\x01\xba Qr\x85H\x89#Rr\r\xe2~\xbaH\xc8\xa2B2\
+def getShowSizersBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getShowSizersImage())
+def getShowSizersImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getShowSizersData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getShowFillingData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\x99IDAT8\x8d\xd5\xd2\xb1\r\xc3 \x10\x85\xe1\xff"\xcf\x90\x89\xa0O\
+def getShowFillingBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getShowFillingImage())
+def getShowFillingImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getShowFillingData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)