splash_bmp = getSplashBitmap()
image = wx.StaticBitmap(aboutPage, -1, splash_bmp, (0,0), (splash_bmp.GetWidth(), splash_bmp.GetHeight()))
sizer.Add(image, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 0)
- sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(aboutPage, -1, wx.GetApp().GetAppName() + _("\nVersion 0.6 Early Access\n\nCopyright (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid Incorporated and Contributors. All rights reserved.")), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 10)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(aboutPage, -1, wx.GetApp().GetAppName() + _("\nVersion 0.7 Early Access\n\nCopyright (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid Incorporated and Contributors. All rights reserved.")), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 10)
sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(aboutPage, -1, _("http://www.activegrid.com")), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 10)
nb.AddPage(aboutPage, _("Copyright"))
self._pt2 = None
self._needEraseLasso = False
self._propShape = None
+ self._maxWidth = 2000
+ self._maxHeight = 16000
+ def OnDraw(self, dc):
+ """ for Print Preview and Print """
+ dc.BeginDrawing()
+ self._canvas.Redraw(dc)
+ dc.EndDrawing()
def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags)
wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS(self._canvas, self.OnKillFocus)
wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS(self._canvas, self.OnFocus)
- maxWidth = 2000
- maxHeight = 16000
- self._canvas.SetScrollbars(20, 20, maxWidth / 20, maxHeight / 20)
+ self._canvas.SetScrollbars(20, 20, self._maxWidth / 20, self._maxHeight / 20)
self._diagram = ogl.Diagram()
self._view.SetSelection(model, keys == self.SHIFT_KEY or keys == self.CONTROL_KEY)
+ def OnMovePre(self, dc, x, y, oldX, oldY, display):
+ """ Prevent objects from being dragged outside of viewable area """
+ if (x > self._view._maxWidth) or (y > self._view._maxHeight):
+ return False
+ return ogl.ShapeEvtHandler.OnMovePre(self, dc, x, y, oldX, oldY, display)
def OnMovePost(self, dc, x, y, oldX, oldY, display):
+ """ Update the model's record of where the shape should be. Also enable redo/undo. """
if x == oldX and y == oldY:
if not self._view.GetDocument():
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- if ID == -1:
- ID = wx.NewId()
- STCTextEditor.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ STCTextEditor.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp)
if _WINDOWS: # should test to see if menu item exists, if it does, add this workaround
self.CmdKeyClear(wx.stc.STC_KEY_TAB, 0) # menu item "Indent Lines" from CodeService.InstallControls() generates another INDENT_LINES_ID event, so we'll explicitly disable the tab processing in the editor
- wx.stc.EVT_STC_MARGINCLICK(self, ID, self.OnMarginClick)
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_MARGINCLICK(self, self.GetId(), self.OnMarginClick)
wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self, self.OnKeyPressed)
if self.GetMatchingBraces():
- wx.stc.EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(self, ID, self.OnUpdateUI)
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(self, self.GetId(), self.OnUpdateUI)
item = menuBar.FindItemById(itemID)
if item:
menu.Append(itemID, item.GetLabel())
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self, itemID, self.DSProcessEvent) # wxHack: for customized right mouse menu doesn't work with new DynamicSashWindow
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, itemID, self.DSProcessUpdateUIEvent) # wxHack: for customized right mouse menu doesn't work with new DynamicSashWindow
return menu
def DoIndent(self):
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
# Need to do a default one for all languges
from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation
import atexit
import pickle
+import cStringIO
+import bz2
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
import win32api
exc_type_name = exc_type
exc_type_name = exc_type.__name__
- message = "Exception occurred: " + repr(exc_type_name) + " See locals.__exception__ for details."
+ message = "Exception occured: " + repr(exc_type_name) + " See locals.__exception__ for details."
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
self._harness.interaction(message, frame, message)
return ""
def stop_here(self, frame):
- if( self._userBreak ):
- self._userBreak = False
+ if self._userBreak:
return True
if _VERBOSE: print "Before calling server close on breakpoint server"
if _VERBOSE: print "Calling server close on breakpoint server"
+ self._server = None
class DebuggerHarness(object):
+ self._server.register_function(self.execute_in_frame)
+ self._server.register_function(self.request_frame_document)
+ self.frame_stack = []
self.message_frame_dict = {}
self.introspection_list = []
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
return self.get_exception_document(tp, val, tb)
return ""
+ def execute_in_frame(self, frame_message, command):
+ frame = self.message_frame_dict[frame_message]
+ output = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ out = sys.stdout
+ err = sys.stderr
+ sys.stdout = output
+ sys.stderr = output
+ try:
+ exec command in frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals
+ return output.getvalue()
+ sys.stdout = out
+ sys.stderr = err
+ except:
+ sys.stdout = out
+ sys.stderr = err
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ output = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb, file=output)
+ return output.getvalue()
def attempt_introspection(self, frame_message, chain):
frame = self.message_frame_dict[frame_message]
def getFrameXML(self, base_frame):
- doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "stack", None)
- top_element = doc.documentElement
- stack = []
+ self.frame_stack = []
frame = base_frame
while frame is not None:
if((frame.f_code.co_filename.count('DebuggerHarness.py') == 0) or _DEBUG_DEBUGGER):
- stack.append(frame)
+ self.frame_stack.append(frame)
frame = frame.f_back
- stack.reverse()
+ self.frame_stack.reverse()
self.message_frame_dict = {}
- for f in stack:
- self.addFrame(f,top_element, doc)
+ doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "stack", None)
+ top_element = doc.documentElement
+ numberFrames = len(self.frame_stack)
+ for index in range(numberFrames):
+ frame = self.frame_stack[index]
+ message = self._adb.frame2message(frame)
+ # We include globals and locals only for the last frame as an optimization for cases
+ # where there are a lot of frames.
+ self.addFrame(frame, top_element, doc, includeContent=(index == numberFrames - 1))
return doc.toxml()
- def addFrame(self, frame, root_element, document):
+ def addFrame(self, frame, root_element, document, includeContent=False):
frameNode = document.createElement('frame')
frameNode.setAttribute('line', str(frame.f_lineno))
message = self._adb.frame2message(frame)
frameNode.setAttribute('message', message)
- #print "Frame: %s %s %s" %(message, frame.f_lineno, filename)
self.message_frame_dict[message] = frame
- self.addDict(frameNode, "locals", frame.f_locals, document, 2)
- self.addNode(frameNode, "globals", frame.f_globals, document)
+ if includeContent:
+ self.addDict(frameNode, "locals", frame.f_locals, document, 2)
+ self.addNode(frameNode, "globals", frame.f_globals, document)
+ def request_frame_document(self, message):
+ frame = self.message_frame_dict[message]
+ doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "stack", None)
+ top_element = doc.documentElement
+ if frame:
+ self.addFrame(frame, top_element, doc, includeContent=True)
+ return xmlrpclib.Binary(bz2.compress(doc.toxml()))
def getRepr(self, varName, globals, locals):
return repr(eval(varName, globals, locals))
def saferepr(self, thing):
- return repr(thing)
+ try:
+ return repr(thing)
+ except:
+ return str(type(thing))
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
- traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ #traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
return repr(val)
# The debugger calls this method when it reaches a breakpoint.
def interaction(self, message, frame, info):
print 'hit debug side interaction'
- self._userBreak = False
+ self._adb._userBreak = False
self._currentFrame = frame
done = False
while not done:
- import bz2
xml = self.getFrameXML(frame)
arg = xmlrpclib.Binary(bz2.compress(xml))
import DebuggerHarness
import traceback
import StringIO
if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
import win32api
self._lineCount = 0
self._accumulate = accumulate
self._callbackOnExit = callbackOnExit
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ def __del__(self):
+ # See comment on DebugCommandUI.StopExecution
+ self._keepGoing = False
def run(self):
file = self._file
start = time.time()
text = file.readline()
if text == '' or text == None:
self._keepGoing = False
- elif not self._accumulate:
+ elif not self._accumulate and self._keepGoing:
# Should use a buffer? StringIO?
# Seems as though the read blocks if we got an error, so, to be
# sure that at least some of the exception gets printed, always
# send the first hundred lines back as they come in.
- if self._lineCount < 100:
+ if self._lineCount < 100 and self._keepGoing:
self._lineCount += 1
output = ""
- elif time.time() - start > 0.25:
+ elif time.time() - start > 0.25 and self._keepGoing:
except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
self._keepGoing = False
start = time.time()
output = ""
- except TypeError:
- pass
+ #except TypeError:
+ # pass
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
print "Exception in OutputReaderThread.run():", tp, val
def AskToStop(self):
self._keepGoing = False
import wx.lib.newevent
(UpdateTextEvent, EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
(UpdateErrorEvent, EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
self._stdOutReader = None
self._stdErrReader = None
self._process = None
- DebuggerService.executors.append(self)
def OutCall(self, text):
evt = UpdateTextEvent(value = text)
startIn = str(os.getcwd())
startIn = os.path.abspath(startIn)
command = self._cmd + ' ' + arguments
- #stdinput = process.IOBuffer()
- #self._process = process.ProcessProxy(command, mode='b', cwd=startIn, stdin=stdinput)
self._process = process.ProcessOpen(command, mode='b', cwd=startIn, env=environment)
# Kick off threads to read stdout and stderr and write them
# to our text control.
self._stdErrReader = OutputReaderThread(self._process.stderr, self._stdErrCallback, accumulate=False)
def DoStopExecution(self):
+ # See comment on DebugCommandUI.StopExecution
if(self._process != None):
- self._process.kill()
- self._process.close()
- self._process = None
- if(self._stdOutReader != None):
- if(self._stdErrReader != None):
- DebuggerService.executors.remove(self)
+ try:
+ self._process.kill(gracePeriod=2.0)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self._process = None
class RunCommandUI(wx.Panel):
+ runners = []
+ def ShutdownAllRunners():
+ # See comment on DebugCommandUI.StopExecution
+ for runner in RunCommandUI.runners:
+ try:
+ runner.StopExecution(None)
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ RunCommandUI.runners = []
+ ShutdownAllRunners = staticmethod(ShutdownAllRunners)
def __init__(self, parent, id, fileName):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
self._noteBook = parent
+ threading._VERBOSE = _VERBOSE
self.KILL_PROCESS_ID = wx.NewId()
self.CLOSE_TAB_ID = wx.NewId()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_END_PROCESS, self.OnProcessEnded)
# GUI Initialization follows
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
self._tb = tb = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, (30,1000), wx.TB_VERTICAL| wx.TB_FLAT, "Runner" )
- sizer.Add(tb, 0, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
+ sizer.Add(tb, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
close_bmp = getCloseBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.CLOSE_TAB_ID, close_bmp, _('Close Window'))
+ self._stopped = False
# Executor initialization
self._executor = Executor(fileName, self, callbackOnExit=self.ExecutorFinished)
self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT, self.AppendText)
self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT, self.AppendErrorText)
+ RunCommandUI.runners.append(self)
def __del__(self):
+ # See comment on DebugCommandUI.StopExecution
def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment):
def StopExecution(self):
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ if not self._stopped:
+ self._stopped = True
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
def AppendText(self, event):
id = event.GetId()
if id == self.KILL_PROCESS_ID:
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ self.StopExecution()
elif id == self.CLOSE_TAB_ID:
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ self.StopExecution()
index = self._noteBook.GetSelection()
foundView.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum -1, CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM)
- def OnProcessEnded(self, evt):
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost'
DebuggerRunning = staticmethod(DebuggerRunning)
def ShutdownAllDebuggers():
+ # See comment on DebugCommandUI.StopExecution
for debugger in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
- debugger.StopExecution(None)
+ try:
+ debugger.StopExecution(None)
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ DebugCommandUI.debuggers = []
ShutdownAllDebuggers = staticmethod(ShutdownAllDebuggers)
def GetAvailablePort():
def __del__(self):
- if self in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
- DebugCommandUI.debuggers.remove(self)
+ # See comment on DebugCommandUI.StopExecution
+ self.StopExecution(None)
def DisableWhileDebuggerRunning(self):
self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_ID, False)
def StopExecution(self, event):
- self._stopped = True
- self.DisableAfterStop()
- try:
- self._callback.ServerClose()
- except:
- pass
- try:
- if self._executor:
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
- self._executor = None
- except:
- pass
- self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
- DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerPort)
- DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._guiPort)
- DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerBreakPort)
+ # This is a general comment on shutdown for the running and debugged processes. Basically, the
+ # current state of this is the result of trial and error coding. The common problems were memory
+ # access violations and threads that would not exit. Making the OutputReaderThreads daemons seems
+ # to have side-stepped the hung thread issue. Being very careful not to touch things after calling
+ # process.py:ProcessOpen.kill() also seems to have fixed the memory access violations, but if there
+ # were more ugliness discovered I would not be surprised. If anyone has any help/advice, please send
+ # it on to mfryer@activegrid.com.
+ if not self._stopped:
+ self._stopped = True
+ try:
+ self.DisableAfterStop()
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ self._callback.ShutdownServer()
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ try:
+ self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerPort)
+ DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._guiPort)
+ DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerBreakPort)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if self._executor:
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ self._executor = None
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
def StopAndRemoveUI(self, event):
if self in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
def OnClearOutput(self, event):
- self.framesTab.ClearOutput()
+ self.framesTab.ClearOutput(None)
def SwitchToOutputTab(self):
sizer3.Add(self._notebook, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
self.consoleTab = self.MakeConsoleTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId())
- #self.inspectConsoleTab = self.MakeInspectConsoleTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId())
+ self.inspectConsoleTab = self.MakeInspectConsoleTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId())
self.breakPointsTab = self.MakeBreakPointsTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId())
self._notebook.AddPage(self.consoleTab, "Output")
- #self._notebook.AddPage(self.inspectConsoleTab, "Interact")
+ self._notebook.AddPage(self.inspectConsoleTab, "Interact")
self._notebook.AddPage(self.breakPointsTab, "Break Points")
return panel
def MakeInspectConsoleTab(self, parent, id):
- def OnEnterPressed(event):
- print "Enter text was %s" % event.GetString()
- def OnText(event):
- print "Command was %s" % event.GetString()
+ self.command_list = []
+ self.command_index = 0
+ def ExecuteCommand(command):
+ if not len(self.command_list) or not command == self.command_list[len(self.command_list) -1]:
+ self.command_list.append(command)
+ self.command_index = len(self.command_list) - 1
+ retval = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.execute_in_frame(self._framesChoiceCtrl.GetStringSelection(), command)
+ self._interCtrl.AddText("\n" + str(retval))
+ self._interCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._interCtrl.GetLineCount())
+ # Refresh the tree view in case this command resulted in changes there. TODO: Need to reopen tree items.
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage(self._framesChoiceCtrl.GetStringSelection())
+ def ReplaceLastLine(command):
+ line = self._interCtrl.GetLineCount() - 1
+ self._interCtrl.GotoLine(line)
+ start = self._interCtrl.GetCurrentPos()
+ self._interCtrl.SetTargetStart(start)
+ end = self._interCtrl.GetLineEndPosition(line)
+ self._interCtrl.SetTargetEnd(end)
+ self._interCtrl.ReplaceTarget(">>> " + command)
+ self._interCtrl.GotoLine(line)
+ self._interCtrl.SetSelectionStart(self._interCtrl.GetLineEndPosition(line))
- panel = wx.Panel(parent, id)
- try:
+ def OnKeyPressed(event):
+ key = event.KeyCode()
+ if key == wx.WXK_DELETE or key == wx.WXK_BACK:
+ if self._interCtrl.GetLine(self._interCtrl.GetCurrentLine()) == ">>> ":
+ return
+ elif key == wx.WXK_RETURN:
+ command = self._interCtrl.GetLine(self._interCtrl.GetCurrentLine())[4:]
+ ExecuteCommand(command)
+ self._interCtrl.AddText("\n>>> ")
+ return
+ elif key == wx.WXK_UP:
+ if not len(self.command_list):
+ return
+ ReplaceLastLine(self.command_list[self.command_index])
+ if self.command_index == 0:
+ self.command_index = len(self.command_list) - 1
+ else:
+ self.command_index = self.command_index - 1
+ return
+ elif key == wx.WXK_DOWN:
+ if not len(self.command_list):
+ return
+ if self.command_index < len(self.command_list) - 1:
+ self.command_index = self.command_index + 1
+ else:
+ self.command_index = 0
+ ReplaceLastLine(self.command_list[self.command_index])
+ return
+ event.Skip()
+ try:
+ panel = wx.Panel(parent, id)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- self._ictextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.NewId(), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_RICH|wx.HSCROLL)
- sizer.Add(self._ictextCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 2)
- self._ictextCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, OnEnterPressed)
- self._ictextCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, OnText)
+ self._interCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(panel, wx.NewId())
+ sizer.Add(self._interCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 2)
+ self._interCtrl.SetViewLineNumbers(False)
if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
font = "Courier New"
font = "Courier"
- self._ictextCtrl.SetDefaultStyle(wx.TextAttr(font=wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font)))
+ self._interCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font))
+ self._interCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._interCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self._interCtrl, OnKeyPressed)
+ self._interCtrl.AddText(">>> ")
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
tree = self._treeCtrl
root = self._root
+ self._interCtrl.Enable(False)
def LoadFramesListXML(self, framesXML):
+ self._interCtrl.Enable(True)
domDoc = parseString(framesXML)
list = self._framesChoiceCtrl
frame_count += 1
index = len(self._stack) - 1
node = self._stack[index]
self.currentItem = index
def ListItemSelected(self, event):
- message = event.GetString()
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage(event.GetString())
+ self.OnSyncFrame(None)
+ def PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage(self, message):
index = 0
for node in self._stack:
if node.getAttribute("message") == message:
+ binType = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.request_frame_document(message)
+ xmldoc = bz2.decompress(binType.data)
+ domDoc = parseString(xmldoc)
+ nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('frame')
self.currentItem = index
- self.PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(node)
- self.OnSyncFrame(None)
+ if len(nodeList):
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(nodeList[0])
index = index + 1
if not firstChild:
firstChild = treeNode
- tree.Expand(firstChild)
+ if firstChild:
+ tree.Expand(firstChild)
def IntrospectCallback(self, event):
def OnToolClicked(self, event):
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ return False
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ return False
# Class methods
def start(self):
- def ServerClose(self):
- rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, kill=True)
- rbt.start()
+ def ShutdownServer(self):
+ #rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, kill=True)
+ #rbt.start()
if self._serverHandlerThread:
def SingleStep(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_step)
- #dot.start()
self._debuggerServer.set_step() # Figure out where to set allowNone
def Next(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_next)
- #dot.start()
def Continue(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_continue)
- #dot.start()
def Return(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_return)
- #dot.start()
if _VERBOSE: print "+"*40
class DebuggerService(Service.Service):
- executors = []
# Constants
DEBUG_ID = wx.NewId()
- def KillAllRunningProcesses():
- execs = DebuggerService.executors
- for executor in execs:
- executor.DoStopExecution()
- KillAllRunningProcesses = staticmethod(KillAllRunningProcesses)
def ComparePaths(first, second):
one = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(first)
return win32api.GetLongPathName(path)
- print "Cannot get long path for %s" % path
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "Cannot get long path for %s" % path
return path
def OnExit(self):
+ RunCommandUI.ShutdownAllRunners()
def OnRunProject(self, event):
self._lastStartIn = str(os.getcwd())
self._startEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self._lastStartIn)
- def TextChanged2(event):
- self._startEntry.SetToolTipString(event.GetString())
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, TextChanged2, self._startEntry)
flexGridSizer.Add(self._startEntry, 1, wx.EXPAND)
self._findDir = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Browse..."))
return wx.IconFromBitmap(getBreakBitmap())
def getClearOutputData():
return \
-\xbaS\xbb\x12\xee\x03?\xe5\x08\xe5N\xba\xbc Db\xec\xd8p\xb1l\xb8\xa7\x83\xfe\
+\x00\x00\xb7IDAT8\x8d\xa5\x93\xdd\x11\xc3 \x0c\x83%`\xa3\xee\xd4\xaeA\xc6\
+\x80\x07\xe1\xa1\x1d\xa2\x1cbF\x92\x0f\x80\xe0\xd1 \xb7\x14\x8c \x00*\x15\
def getClearOutputBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getClearOutputImage())
return \
-\x83\xfc\x1c$\x1e)7\xdf<Y0\xaf\x0b\xe6\xf5\x1d\xa1\xb5\x13C\x03 !\xaa\xfd\
-\xd3,\x17\x8b\xc7\x9d\xbb>\x8a \xec5\x94\tc\xc4\x12\xab\x94\xeb\x7fkWr\xc9B%\
+\xeeTT\xd1\xc6o& \t\x9a\x13\x00J\x9ev\xb1\'\xa3~\x14+\xbfN\x12\x92\x00@\xe6\
def getContinueBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getContinueImage())
def getStopData():
return \
-N\t\xf4Wr\xa0\x8f\xb1\x0f\x81\xe1\x97\xe4-\xb6}_V%\xc8\xc2, \t\x92\xe6]\xfbZ\
def getStopBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getStopImage())
class HtmlCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style)
self.SetProperty("fold.html", "1")
def GetMatchingBraces(self):
return "<>[]{}()"
def CanWordWrap(self):
return True
import PHPEditor
import wx.lib.ogl as ogl
import DebuggerService
- import atexit
- atexit.register(DebuggerService.DebuggerService.KillAllRunningProcesses)
import AboutDialog
import SVNService
docManager = wx.lib.docview.DocManager(flags = self.GetDefaultDocManagerFlags())
+ defaultTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Any"),
+ "*.*",
+ _("Any"),
+ _(".txt"),
+ _("Text Document"),
+ _("Text View"),
+ STCTextEditor.TextDocument,
+ STCTextEditor.TextView,
+ wx.lib.docview.TEMPLATE_INVISIBLE,
+ icon = STCTextEditor.getTextIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(defaultTemplate)
dplTemplate = DeploymentService.DeploymentTemplate(docManager,
frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags)
panel = wx.Panel(frame, -1)
- bitmap = wx.Image(doc.GetFilename()).ConvertToBitmap()
- self._ctrl = wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, bitmap, (0,0), (bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight()))
+ self._bitmap = wx.Image(doc.GetFilename()).ConvertToBitmap()
+ self._ctrl = wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, self._bitmap, (0,0), (self._bitmap.GetWidth(), self._bitmap.GetHeight()))
wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self._ctrl, self.OnFocus)
wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self._ctrl, self.OnFocus)
wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self._ctrl, self.OnFocus)
wx.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK(self._ctrl, self.OnFocus)
wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(self._ctrl, self.OnFocus)
wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK(self._ctrl, self.OnFocus)
- panel.SetClientSize(bitmap.GetSize())
+ panel.SetClientSize(self._bitmap.GetSize())
return True
return True
+ def OnDraw(self, dc):
+ """ for Print Preview and Print """
+ dc.BeginDrawing()
+ dc.DrawBitmap(self._bitmap, 10, 10, True)
+ dc.EndDrawing()
# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
class PHPCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style)
self.SetKeyWords(4, string.join(PHPKEYWORDS))
class PerlCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style)
self.SetKeyWords(0, string.join(PERLKEYWORDS))
import time
import Service
import sys
-import activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller
+import activegrid.util.objutils
import UICommon
import Wizard
import SVNService
# XML Marshalling Methods
-LOCAL_TYPE_MAPPING = { "projectmodel" : "activegrid.tool.ProjectEditor.ProjectModel", }
def load(fileObject):
- xml = fileObject.read()
- projectModel = activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml, knownTypes=LOCAL_TYPE_MAPPING)
- return projectModel
+ return activegrid.util.objutils.defaultLoad(fileObject)
def save(fileObject, projectModel):
- xml = activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller.marshal(projectModel, prettyPrint=True, knownTypes=LOCAL_TYPE_MAPPING)
- fileObject.write(xml)
+ activegrid.util.objutils.defaultSave(fileObject, projectModel, prettyPrint=True)
def __init__(self):
self._files = []
+ def initialize(self):
+ pass
class ProjectDocument(wx.lib.docview.Document):
if path.startswith("."): # relative to project file
curPath = os.path.dirname(self.GetFilename())
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(curPath, path))
- print "Warning: absolute path '%s' found in project file, this may affect deployment" % path
return newFilePaths
if isProject:
documents = self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
for document in documents:
- if document.GetFilename() == oldFile: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ if os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(oldFile): # If the renamed document is open, update it
document.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("rename", document, newFile))
documents = self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
for document in documents:
- if document.GetFilename() == oldFile: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ if os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(oldFile): # If the renamed document is open, update it
document.SetFilename(newFile, notifyViews = True)
document.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("rename", document, newFile))
return True
# What if the document is already open and we're overwriting it?
documents = docManager.GetDocuments()
for document in documents:
- if document.GetFilename() == self._fullProjectPath: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ if os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(self._fullProjectPath): # If the renamed document is open, update it
or id == ProjectService.RENAME_ID
or id == ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID
or id == ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID
- or id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID
- or id == ProjectService.DELETE_FILE_ID):
+ or id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID):
return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.DELETE_FILE_ID:
+ event.Enable(len(self.GetSelectedFiles()) > 0)
+ return True
elif id == ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID:
return True
or id == ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID):
return True
+ elif (id == wx.ID_PREVIEW
+ or id == wx.ID_PRINT):
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
return False
return filenames
+ def GetSelectedProjects(self):
+ filenames = []
+ for item in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ if self._IsItemProject(item):
+ filename = self._treeCtrl.GetLongFilename(item)
+ if filename and filename not in filenames:
+ filenames.append(filename)
+ return filenames
def AddProjectToView(self, document):
rootItem = self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem()
projectItem = self._treeCtrl.AppendItem(rootItem, self._MakeProjectName(document))
allfilter = allfilter + _(';')
descr = descr + temp.GetDescription() + _(" (") + temp.GetFileFilter() + _(") |") + temp.GetFileFilter() # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
allfilter = allfilter + temp.GetFileFilter()
- descr = _("All") + _(" (") + allfilter + _(") |") + allfilter + _('|') + descr # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
- descr = descr + _("|") + _("Any (*.*) | *.*")
+ descr = _("All (%s)|%s|%s|Any (*.*) | *.*") % (allfilter, allfilter, descr) # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
descr = _("*.*")
itemIDs = [wx.ID_CLOSE, wx.ID_SAVE, wx.ID_SAVEAS, None]
menuBar = self._GetParentFrame().GetMenuBar()
itemIDs = itemIDs + [ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT]
+ svnIDs = [SVNService.SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_REVERT_ID]
itemIDs = itemIDs + [None, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_REVERT_ID]
+ globalIDs = [wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, wx.ID_CLOSE, wx.ID_SAVE, wx.ID_SAVEAS]
itemIDs = itemIDs + [None, wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, None, wx.ID_CUT, wx.ID_COPY, wx.ID_PASTE, wx.ID_CLEAR, None, wx.ID_SELECTALL, ProjectService.RENAME_ID, ProjectService.DELETE_FILE_ID, None, wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID]
for itemID in itemIDs:
if not itemID:
wx.EVT_MENU(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, self.OnClear)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, self._GetParentFrame().ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ svnService = wx.GetApp().GetService(SVNService.SVNService)
item = menuBar.FindItemById(itemID)
if item:
+ if itemID in svnIDs:
+ if SVN_INSTALLED and svnService:
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self._GetParentFrame(), itemID, svnService.ProcessEvent)
+ elif itemID in globalIDs:
+ pass
+ else:
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self._treeCtrl, itemID, self.ProcessEvent)
menu.Append(itemID, item.GetLabel())
self._treeCtrl.PopupMenu(menu, wx.Point(event.GetX(), event.GetY()))
def ProcessEventBeforeWindows(self, event):
id = event.GetId()
if id == wx.ID_CLOSE_ALL:
return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLOSE:
+ document = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument()
+ if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ self.OnProjectClose(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEventBeforeWindows(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == wx.ID_CLOSE_ALL:
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != ProjectDocument:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLOSE:
+ document = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument()
+ if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ projectFilenames = self.GetView().GetSelectedProjects()
+ if projectFilenames and len(projectFilenames):
+ event.Enable(True)
+ else:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
return False
self.GetView().Activate(True) # after add, should put focus on project editor
+ def OnProjectClose(self, event):
+ projectFilenames = self.GetView().GetSelectedProjects()
+ for filename in projectFilenames:
+ doc = self.FindProjectByFile(filename)
+ if doc:
+ self.GetDocumentManager().CloseDocument(doc, False)
def OnFileCloseAll(self, event):
for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()[:]: # Cloning list to make sure we go through all docs even as they are deleted
if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != ProjectDocument:
class PythonView(CodeEditor.CodeView):
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return PythonCtrl
def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
if not self.GetCtrl():
return False
return CodeEditor.CodeView.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
- def GetCtrlClass(self):
- """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
- return PythonCtrl
def OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView):
STCTextEditor.TextView.OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView)
if activate:
class PythonCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style)
self.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "1")
self.SetProperty("fold.comment.python", "1")
self.SetProperty("fold.quotes.python", "1")
if doExtraIndent or len(textNoTrailingSpaces) and textNoTrailingSpaces[-1] == ':':
spaces = spaces + ' ' * self.GetIndent()
self.AddText('\n' + spaces)
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
# Callback for tokenizer in self.DoIndent
class TextDocument(wx.lib.docview.Document):
- def OnSaveDocument(self, filename):
+ def SaveObject(self, fileObject):
view = self.GetFirstView()
- docFile = file(self._documentFile, "w")
- docFile.write(view.GetValue())
- docFile.close()
- self.Modify(False)
- self.SetDocumentModificationDate()
- self.SetDocumentSaved(True)
+ fileObject.write(view.GetValue())
return True
- def OnOpenDocument(self, filename):
+ def LoadObject(self, fileObject):
view = self.GetFirstView()
- docFile = file(self._documentFile, 'r')
- data = docFile.read()
+ data = fileObject.read()
- self.SetFilename(filename, True)
- self.Modify(False)
- self.SetDocumentModificationDate()
- self.UpdateAllViews()
- self._savedYet = True
return True
# Don't create a command processor, it has its own
-# Use this to override MultiClient.Select to prevent yellow background.
-def MultiClientSelectBGNotYellow(a):
- a.GetParent().multiView.UnSelect()
- a.selected = True
- #a.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255,255,0)) # Yellow
- a.Refresh()
class TextView(wx.lib.docview.View):
self._textEditor = None
self._markerCount = 0
self._commandProcessor = None
- self._multiSash = None
+ self._dynSash = None
def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
return TextCtrl
def GetCtrl(self):
- # look for active one first
- self._textEditor = self._GetActiveCtrl(self._multiSash)
- if self._textEditor == None: # it is possible none are active
- # look for any existing one
- self._textEditor = self._FindCtrl(self._multiSash)
return self._textEditor
-## def GetCtrls(self, parent = None):
-## """ Walk through the MultiSash windows and find all Ctrls """
-## controls = []
-## if isinstance(parent, self.GetCtrlClass()):
-## return [parent]
-## if hasattr(parent, "GetChildren"):
-## for child in parent.GetChildren():
-## controls = controls + self.GetCtrls(child)
-## return controls
+ def SetCtrl(self, ctrl):
+ self._textEditor = ctrl
+ def OnCreatePrintout(self):
+ """ for Print Preview and Print """
+ return TextPrintout(self, self.GetDocument().GetPrintableName())
def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
- wx.lib.multisash.MultiClient.Select = MultiClientSelectBGNotYellow
- self._multiSash = wx.lib.multisash.MultiSash(frame, -1)
- self._multiSash.SetDefaultChildClass(self.GetCtrlClass()) # wxBug: MultiSash instantiates the first TextCtrl with this call
- self._textEditor = self.GetCtrl() # wxBug: grab the TextCtrl from the MultiSash datastructure
+ self._dynSash = wx.gizmos.DynamicSashWindow(frame, -1, style=wx.CLIP_CHILDREN)
+ self._dynSash._view = self
+ self._textEditor = self.GetCtrlClass()(self._dynSash, -1, style=wx.NO_BORDER)
return True
- def _GetActiveCtrl(self, parent):
- """ Walk through the MultiSash windows and find the active Control """
- if isinstance(parent, wx.lib.multisash.MultiClient) and parent.selected:
- return parent.child
- if hasattr(parent, "GetChildren"):
- for child in parent.GetChildren():
- found = self._GetActiveCtrl(child)
- if found:
- return found
- return None
- def _FindCtrl(self, parent):
- """ Walk through the MultiSash windows and find the first TextCtrl """
- if isinstance(parent, self.GetCtrlClass()):
- return parent
- if hasattr(parent, "GetChildren"):
- for child in parent.GetChildren():
- found = self._FindCtrl(child)
- if found:
- return found
- return None
def _CreateSizer(self, frame):
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- sizer.Add(self._multiSash, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ sizer.Add(self._dynSash, 1, wx.EXPAND)
id = event.GetId()
if id == wx.ID_UNDO:
- event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanUndo())
- event.SetText(_("Undo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Z'))
- return True
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanUndo())
+ event.SetText(_("&Undo\tCtrl+Z")) # replace menu string
+ return True
elif id == wx.ID_REDO:
- event.SetText(_("Redo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Y'))
+ event.SetText(_("&Redo\tCtrl+Y")) # replace menu string
return True
elif (id == wx.ID_CUT
or id == wx.ID_COPY
def GetLine(self, lineNum):
return self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNum-1) # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
def MarkerDefine(self):
""" This must be called after the texteditor is instantiated """
self.GetCtrl().MarkerDefine(TextView.MARKER_NUM, wx.stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLE, wx.BLACK, wx.BLUE)
self.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum, marker_index)
self._markerCount += 1
def MarkerAdd(self, lineNum = -1, marker_index=MARKER_NUM, mask=MARKER_MASK):
if lineNum == -1:
lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()
class TextCtrl(wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- if ID == -1:
- ID = wx.NewId()
- wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style = style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style=style)
+ if isinstance(parent, wx.gizmos.DynamicSashWindow):
+ self._dynSash = parent
+ self.SetupDSScrollBars()
+ self.Bind(wx.gizmos.EVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_SPLIT, self.OnDSSplit)
+ self.Bind(wx.gizmos.EVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_UNIFY, self.OnDSUnify)
self._font = None
self._fontColor = None
self.CmdKeyAssign(wx.stc.STC_KEY_NEXT, wx.stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, wx.stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMOUT)
self.Bind(wx.stc.EVT_STC_ZOOM, self.OnUpdateLineNumberMarginWidth) # auto update line num width on zoom
wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self, self.OnKeyPressed)
+ wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS(self, self.OnKillFocus)
+ wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS(self, self.OnFocus)
- # for multisash initialization
- if isinstance(parent, wx.lib.multisash.MultiClient):
- while parent.GetParent():
- parent = parent.GetParent()
- if hasattr(parent, "GetView"):
- break
- if hasattr(parent, "GetView"):
- textEditor = parent.GetView()._textEditor
- if textEditor:
- doc = textEditor.GetDocPointer()
- if doc:
- self.SetDocPointer(doc)
+ def OnFocus(self, event):
+ self.SetSelBackground(1, "BLUE")
+ self.SetSelForeground(1, "WHITE")
+ if hasattr(self, "_dynSash"):
+ self._dynSash._view.SetCtrl(self)
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnKillFocus(self, event):
+ self.SetSelBackground(0, "BLUE")
+ self.SetSelForeground(0, "WHITE")
+ self.SetSelBackground(1, "#C0C0C0")
+ # Don't set foreground color, use syntax highlighted default colors.
+ event.Skip()
def SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Text", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = False):
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
self.SetViewWhiteSpace(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorViewWhitespace", False))
def GetDefaultFont(self):
""" Subclasses should override this """
def GetFont(self):
return self._font
def SetFont(self, font):
self._font = font
self.StyleSetFont(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, self._font)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # DynamicSashWindow methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def SetupDSScrollBars(self):
+ # hook the scrollbars provided by the wxDynamicSashWindow
+ # to this view
+ v_bar = self._dynSash.GetVScrollBar(self)
+ h_bar = self._dynSash.GetHScrollBar(self)
+ v_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnDSSBScroll)
+ h_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnDSSBScroll)
+ v_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnDSSBFocus)
+ h_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnDSSBFocus)
+ # And set the wxStyledText to use these scrollbars instead
+ # of its built-in ones.
+ self.SetVScrollBar(v_bar)
+ self.SetHScrollBar(h_bar)
+ def OnDSSplit(self, evt):
+ newCtrl = self._dynSash._view.GetCtrlClass()(self._dynSash, -1, style=wx.NO_BORDER)
+ newCtrl.SetDocPointer(self.GetDocPointer()) # use the same document
+ self.SetupDSScrollBars()
+ if self == self._dynSash._view.GetCtrl(): # originally had focus
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetFocus) # do this to set colors correctly. wxBug: for some reason, if we don't do a CallAfter, it immediately calls OnKillFocus right after our SetFocus.
+ def OnDSUnify(self, evt):
+ self.SetupDSScrollBars()
+ self.SetFocus() # do this to set colors correctly
+ def OnDSSBScroll(self, evt):
+ # redirect the scroll events from the _dynSash's scrollbars to the STC
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
+ def OnDSSBFocus(self, evt):
+ # when the scrollbar gets the focus move it back to the STC
+ self.SetFocus()
+ def DSProcessEvent(self, event):
+ # wxHack: Needed for customized right mouse click menu items.
+ if hasattr(self, "_dynSash"):
+ if event.GetId() == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ # force focus so that select all occurs in the window user right clicked on.
+ self.SetFocus()
+ return self._dynSash._view.ProcessEvent(event)
+ return False
+ def DSProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ # wxHack: Needed for customized right mouse click menu items.
+ if hasattr(self, "_dynSash"):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if (id == wx.ID_SELECTALL # allow select all even in non-active window, then force focus to it, see above ProcessEvent
+ or id == wx.ID_UNDO
+ or id == wx.ID_REDO):
+ pass # allow these actions even in non-active window
+ else: # disallow events in non-active windows. Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete is too confusing user experience.
+ if self._dynSash._view.GetCtrl() != self:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ return self._dynSash._view.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(event)
+ return False
+class TextPrintout(wx.lib.docview.DocPrintout):
+ """ for Print Preview and Print """
+ def OnPreparePrinting(self):
+ """ initialization """
+ dc = self.GetDC()
+ ppiScreenX, ppiScreenY = self.GetPPIScreen()
+ ppiPrinterX, ppiPrinterY = self.GetPPIPrinter()
+ scaleX = float(ppiPrinterX)/ppiScreenX
+ scaleY = float(ppiPrinterY)/ppiScreenY
+ pageWidth, pageHeight = self.GetPageSizePixels()
+ self._scaleFactorX = scaleX/pageWidth
+ self._scaleFactorY = scaleY/pageHeight
+ w, h = dc.GetSize()
+ overallScaleX = self._scaleFactorX * w
+ overallScaleY = self._scaleFactorY * h
+ txtCtrl = self._printoutView.GetCtrl()
+ font, color = txtCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig()
+ self._margin = 40
+ self._fontHeight = font.GetPointSize() + 1
+ self._pageLines = int((h/overallScaleY - (2 * self._margin))/self._fontHeight)
+ self._maxLines = txtCtrl.GetLineCount()
+ self._numPages, remainder = divmod(self._maxLines, self._pageLines)
+ if remainder != 0:
+ self._numPages += 1
+ spaces = 1
+ lineNum = self._maxLines
+ while lineNum >= 10:
+ lineNum = lineNum/10
+ spaces += 1
+ self._printFormat = "%%0%sd: %%s" % spaces
+ def OnPrintPage(self, page):
+ """ Prints the given page of the view """
+ dc = self.GetDC()
+ txtCtrl = self._printoutView.GetCtrl()
+ font, color = txtCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig()
+ dc.SetFont(font)
+ w, h = dc.GetSize()
+ dc.SetUserScale(self._scaleFactorX * w, self._scaleFactorY * h)
+ dc.BeginDrawing()
+ dc.DrawText("%s - page %s" % (self.GetTitle(), page), self._margin, self._margin/2)
+ startY = self._margin
+ startLine = (page - 1) * self._pageLines
+ endLine = min((startLine + self._pageLines), self._maxLines)
+ for i in range(startLine, endLine):
+ text = txtCtrl.GetLine(i).rstrip()
+ startY += self._fontHeight
+ if txtCtrl.GetViewLineNumbers():
+ dc.DrawText(self._printFormat % (i+1, text), self._margin, startY)
+ else:
+ dc.DrawText(text, self._margin, startY)
+ dc.EndDrawing()
+ return True
+ def HasPage(self, pageNum):
+ return pageNum <= self._numPages
+ def GetPageInfo(self):
+ minPage = 1
+ maxPage = self._numPages
+ selPageFrom = 1
+ selPageTo = self._numPages
+ return (minPage, maxPage, selPageFrom, selPageTo)
# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
import wx
+import os
import os.path
import ProjectEditor
import MessageService
# Constants
SPACE = 10
class SVNService(wx.lib.pydocview.DocService):
+ SVN_UPDATE_ALL_ID = wx.NewId()
SVN_UPDATE_ID = wx.NewId()
SVN_REVERT_ID = wx.NewId()
SVN_ADD_ID = wx.NewId()
SVN_DELETE_ID = wx.NewId()
def __init__(self):
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
configDir = config.Read(SVN_CONFIG_DIR, "")
self._client = pysvn.Client(configDir)
self._defaultURL = self._client.info('.').url
self._client.callback_cancel = self.IfCancel
self._client.callback_notify = self.UpdateStatus
self._client.callback_get_log_message = self.GetLogMessage
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ALL_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ALL_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ menu.Append(SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ALL_ID, _("SVN Update All in Project"), _("Update all files in a project from Subversion"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ALL_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ALL_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ menu.Append(SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ALL_ID, _("SVN Commit All in Project..."), _("Commit all files changes in a project to Subversion"))
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
menu.Append(SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID, _("SVN Update"), _("Update file from Subversion"))
if id == SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID:
- filenames = self.GetCurrentDocuments()
+ filenames = self.GetCurrentDocuments()[:]
+ filenames.sort(self.BasenameCaseInsensitiveCompare)
messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
return True
+ elif id == SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ALL_ID:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ view = messageService.GetView()
+ view.ClearLines()
+ view.AddLines(_("SVN Update:\n"))
+ projects = self.GetCurrentProjects()
+ for project in projects:
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for doc in openDocs:
+ if doc.GetFilename() == project:
+ filenames = doc.GetFiles()[:] # make a copy and sort it.
+ filenames.sort(self.BasenameCaseInsensitiveCompare)
+ for filename in filenames:
+ view.AddLines("%s\n" % filename)
+ try:
+ status = self._client.update(filename)
+ if status.number > 0:
+ view.AddLines(_("Updated to revision %s\n") % status.number)
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for doc in openDocs:
+ if doc.GetFilename() == filename:
+ yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(),
+ _("Updated file '%s' is currently open. Close it?") % os.path.basename(filename),
+ _("Close File"),
+ status = yesNoMsg.ShowModal()
+ if status == wx.ID_YES:
+ doc.DeleteAllViews()
+ elif status == wx.ID_NO:
+ pass
+ else: # elif status == wx.CANCEL:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ return True
+ break
+ else:
+ view.AddLines(_("Update failed.\n"))
+ except pysvn.ClientError, e:
+ view.AddLines("%s\n" % str(e))
+ wx.MessageBox(str(e), _("SVN Update"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
+ except:
+ extype, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ view.AddLines("Update failed: (%s) %s\n" % (extype, str(ex)))
+ for line in traceback.format_tb(tb):
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Update failed."), _("SVN Update"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ return True
+ elif id == SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ALL_ID:
+ filenames = []
+ projects = self.GetCurrentProjects()
+ for project in projects:
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for doc in openDocs:
+ if doc.GetFilename() == project:
+ for filename in doc.GetFiles():
+ if filename not in filenames:
+ filenames.append(filename)
+ filenames.sort(self.BasenameCaseInsensitiveCompare)
+ # ask user if dirty files should be saved first
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for filename in filenames:
+ for doc in openDocs:
+ if doc.GetFilename() == filename and doc.IsModified():
+ yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(),
+ _("'%s' has unsaved modifications. Save it before commit?") % os.path.basename(filename),
+ _("SVN Commit"),
+ status = yesNoMsg.ShowModal()
+ if status == wx.ID_YES:
+ doc.Save()
+ elif status == wx.ID_NO:
+ pass
+ else: # elif status == wx.CANCEL:
+ return True
+ break
+ shortFilenames = []
+ for i, filename in enumerate(filenames):
+ shortFilename = os.path.basename(filename)
+ shortFilenames.append(shortFilename)
+ dlg = wx.Dialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), -1, _("SVN Commit"))
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg, -1, _("Comment:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ commentText = wx.TextCtrl(dlg, -1, size=(250,-1), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
+ sizer.Add(commentText, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg, -1, _("Files:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.TOP, SPACE)
+ fileList = wx.CheckListBox(dlg, -1, choices = shortFilenames)
+ for i in range(fileList.GetCount()):
+ fileList.Check(i, True)
+ sizer.Add(fileList, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ okBtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK)
+ okBtn.SetDefault()
+ buttonSizer.Add(okBtn, 0, wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CANCEL), 0)
+ contentSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ contentSizer.Add(sizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, SPACE)
+ dlg.SetSizer(contentSizer)
+ dlg.Fit()
+ dlg.Layout()
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ view = messageService.GetView()
+ view.ClearLines()
+ view.AddLines(_("SVN Commit:\n"))
+ try:
+ selFilenames = []
+ for i in range(fileList.GetCount()):
+ if fileList.IsChecked(i):
+ selFilenames.append(filenames[i])
+ view.AddLines("%s\n" % filenames[i])
+ if len(selFilenames):
+ comment = commentText.GetValue()
+ status = self._client.checkin(selFilenames, comment)
+ if status is None:
+ view.AddLines(_("Nothing to commit.\n"))
+ elif status.number > 0:
+ view.AddLines(_("Committed as revision %s.\n") % status.number)
+ else:
+ view.AddLines(_("Commit failed.\n"))
+ except pysvn.ClientError, e:
+ view.AddLines("%s\n" % str(e))
+ wx.MessageBox(str(e), _("SVN Commit"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
+ except:
+ extype, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ view.AddLines("Commit failed: (%s) %s\n" % (extype, str(ex)))
+ for line in traceback.format_tb(tb):
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Commit failed."), _("SVN Commit"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return True
elif id == SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ID:
- filenames = self.GetCurrentDocuments()
+ filenames = self.GetCurrentDocuments()[:]
+ filenames.sort(self.BasenameCaseInsensitiveCompare)
# ask user if dirty files should be saved first
openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
gridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 2, hgap = 5, vgap = 5)
gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg, -1, _("Repository URL:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
- svnURLText = wx.TextCtrl(dlg, -1, svnUrl, size = (200, -1))
- svnURLText.SetToolTipString(svnUrl)
- gridSizer.Add(svnURLText, 0)
+ svnUrlList = ReadSvnUrlList()
+ svnURLCombobox = wx.ComboBox(dlg, -1, size=(200, -1), choices=svnUrlList, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN)
+ if len(svnUrlList):
+ svnURLCombobox.SetToolTipString(svnUrlList[0])
+ svnURLCombobox.SetStringSelection(svnUrlList[0])
+ else:
+ svnURLCombobox.SetToolTipString(_("Set Repository URL"))
+ gridSizer.Add(svnURLCombobox, 0)
gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg, -1, _("Checkout to dir:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
localPath = wx.TextCtrl(dlg, -1, size = (200, -1))
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ WriteSvnUrlList(svnURLCombobox)
messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
view.AddLines(_("SVN Checkout:\n"))
- svnUrl = svnURLText.GetValue()
+ svnUrl = svnURLCombobox.GetValue()
toLocation = localPath.GetValue()
self._client.checkout(svnUrl, toLocation)
return True
+ elif (id == SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ALL_ID
+ or id == SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ALL_ID):
+ if self.GetCurrentProjects():
+ event.Enable(True)
+ else:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
return False
+ def GetCurrentProjects(self):
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ if projectService:
+ projView = projectService.GetView()
+ if projView.HasFocus():
+ filenames = projView.GetSelectedProjects()
+ if len(filenames):
+ return filenames
+ else:
+ return None
+ return None
def GetCurrentDocuments(self):
projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
return filenames
+ def BasenameCaseInsensitiveCompare(self, s1, s2):
+ s1L = os.path.basename(s1).lower()
+ s2L = os.path.basename(s2).lower()
+ if s1L == s2L:
+ return 0
+ elif s1L < s2L:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 1
class SVNOptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- svnService = wx.GetApp().GetService(SVNService)
- svnUrl = config.Read(SVN_REPOSITORY_URL, svnService._defaultURL)
configDir = config.Read(SVN_CONFIG_DIR, "")
borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
hsizer.Add(findDirButton, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
sizer.Add(hsizer, 0)
+ svnUrlList = ReadSvnUrlList()
sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("SVN URL:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
- self._svnURLText = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, svnUrl, size = (200, -1))
- self._svnURLText.SetToolTipString(svnUrl)
- sizer.Add(self._svnURLText, 0)
+ self._svnURLCombobox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, size=(200, -1), choices=svnUrlList, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN)
+ if len(svnUrlList):
+ self._svnURLCombobox.SetToolTipString(svnUrlList[0])
+ self._svnURLCombobox.SetStringSelection(svnUrlList[0])
+ else:
+ self._svnURLCombobox.SetToolTipString(_("Set Repository URL"))
+ sizer.Add(self._svnURLCombobox, 0)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("SVN_SSH:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ svnSSH = os.getenv("SVN_SSH")
+ if not svnSSH or svnSSH == "":
+ self._svnSSH = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, size = (200, -1))
+ else:
+ self._svnSSH = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, svnSSH, size = (200, -1))
+ self._svnSSH.SetToolTipString(_("Override SVN_SSH environment variable temporarily."))
+ findSSHButton = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Browse..."))
+ def OnBrowseFileButton(event):
+ dirDlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Choose a file:"), style=wx.OPEN|wx.CHANGE_DIR)
+ if dirDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ self._svnSSH.SetValue(dirDlg.GetPath())
+ self._svnSSH.SetToolTipString(self._svnSSH.GetValue())
+ self._svnSSH.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ dirDlg.Destroy()
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(findSSHButton, -1, OnBrowseFileButton)
+ hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ hsizer.Add(self._svnSSH, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ hsizer.Add(findSSHButton, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ sizer.Add(hsizer, 0)
borderSizer.Add(sizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
config.Write(SVN_CONFIG_DIR, self._svnConfigDir.GetValue())
- config.Write(SVN_REPOSITORY_URL, self._svnURLText.GetValue())
+ WriteSvnUrlList(self._svnURLCombobox)
+ os.environ["SVN_SSH"] = self._svnSSH.GetValue()
+def ReadSvnUrlList():
+ """ Read in list of SNV repository URLs. First in list is the last one path used. """
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ urlStringList = config.Read(SVN_REPOSITORY_URL)
+ if len(urlStringList):
+ urlList = eval(urlStringList)
+ else:
+ urlList = []
+ if len(urlList) == 0:
+ svnService = wx.GetApp().GetService(SVNService)
+ if svnService and hasattr(svnService, "_defaultURL"):
+ urlList.append(svnService._defaultURL)
+ return urlList
+def WriteSvnUrlList(comboBox):
+ """ Save out list of SVN repository URLs from combobox. Put on top the current selection. Only save out first 10 from the list """
+ urlList = []
+ url = comboBox.GetValue()
+ if len(url):
+ urlList.append(url)
+ for i in range(min(comboBox.GetCount(), 10)):
+ url = comboBox.GetString(i)
+ if url not in urlList:
+ urlList.append(url)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write(SVN_REPOSITORY_URL, urlList.__repr__())
if nameControl.GetValue().find(' ') != -1:
wx.MessageBox(_("Please provide a filename that does not contains spaces."), _("Spaces in Filename"))
return False
+ if not os.path.exists(dirControl.GetValue()):
+ wx.MessageBox(_("That directory does not exist. Please choose an existing directory."), _("Provide a Valid Directory"))
+ return False
filePath = os.path.join(dirControl.GetValue(), MakeNameEndInExtension(nameControl.GetValue(), "." + fileExtension))
if os.path.exists(filePath):
if allowOverwriteOnPrompt:
class XmlCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style)
self.SetProperty("fold.html", "1")
self.__buf = ''
# A state change is defined as the buffer being closed or a
- # write occurring.
+ # write occuring.
if mutex is not None:
self._mutex = mutex
if not os.path.isabs(utilModuleDir):
utilModuleDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), utilModuleDir)
mainModuleDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(utilModuleDir, os.path.join(os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)))
+ if mainModuleDir.endswith('.zip'):
+ mainModuleDir = os.path.dirname(mainModuleDir) # Get rid of library.zip
mainModuleDir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
import traceback
import sys
import os
import xmlmarshaller
+AG_TYPE_MAPPING = { "ag:append" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.AppendOperation",
+ "ag:body" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Body",
+ "ag:copy" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.CopyOperation",
+ "ag:cssRule" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.CssRule",
+ "ag:datasource" : "activegrid.data.dataservice.DataSource",
+ "ag:debug" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.DebugOperation",
+ "ag:deployment" : "activegrid.server.deployment.Deployment",
+ "ag:glue" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Glue",
+ "ag:hr" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.HorizontalRow",
+ "ag:image" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Image",
+ "ag:inputs" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Inputs",
+ "ag:label" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Label",
+ "ag:processmodel": "activegrid.model.processmodel.ProcessModel",
+ "ag:processmodelref" : "activegrid.server.deployment.ProcessModelRef",
+ "ag:query" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Query",
+ "ag:schemaOptions" : "activegrid.model.schema.SchemaOptions",
+ "ag:schemaref" : "activegrid.server.deployment.SchemaRef",
+ "ag:set" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.SetOperation",
+ "ag:text" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Text",
+ "ag:title" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.Title",
+ "ag:view" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.View",
+ "bpws:case" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELCase",
+ "bpws:catch" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELCatch",
+ "bpws:faultHandlers" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELFaultHandlers",
+ "bpws:invoke" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELInvoke",
+ "bpws:onMessage" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELOnMessage",
+ "bpws:otherwise" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELOtherwise",
+ "bpws:pick" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELPick",
+ "bpws:process" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELProcess",
+ "bpws:receive" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELReceive",
+ "bpws:reply" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELReply",
+ "bpws:scope" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELScope",
+ "bpws:sequence" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELSequence",
+ "bpws:switch" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELSwitch",
+ "bpws:terminate" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELTerminate",
+ "bpws:variable" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELVariable",
+ "bpws:variables" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELVariables",
+ "bpws:while" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.BPELWhile",
+ "wsdl:message" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.WSDLMessage",
+ "wsdl:part" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.WSDLPart",
+ "xforms:group" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.XFormsGroup",
+ "xforms:input" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.XFormsInput",
+ "xforms:label" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.XFormsLabel",
+ "xforms:output" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.XFormsOutput",
+ "xforms:secret" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.XFormsSecret",
+ "xforms:submit" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.XFormsSubmit",
+ "xs:all" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdSequence",
+ "xs:complexType" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdComplexType",
+ "xs:element" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdElement",
+ "xs:field" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKeyField",
+ "xs:key" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKey",
+ "xs:keyref" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKeyRef",
+ "xs:schema" : "activegrid.model.schema.Schema",
+ "xs:selector" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKeySelector",
+ "xs:sequence" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdSequence",
+ "projectmodel" : "activegrid.tool.ProjectEditor.ProjectModel",
+ }
def defaultLoad(fileObject, knownTypes=None):
xml = fileObject.read()
- loadedObject = xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml, knownTypes=knownTypes)
+ loadedObject = defaultUnmarshal(xml, knownTypes=knownTypes)
if hasattr(fileObject, 'name'):
loadedObject.fileName = os.path.abspath(fileObject.name)
return loadedObject
-def defaultSave(fileObject, objectToSave, knownTypes=None, withEncoding=1, encoding='utf-8'):
- xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(objectToSave, prettyPrint=True, knownTypes=knownTypes, withEncoding=withEncoding, encoding=encoding)
+def defaultUnmarshal(xml, knownTypes=None):
+ if not knownTypes: knownTypes = AG_TYPE_MAPPING
+ return xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml, knownTypes=knownTypes)
+def defaultSave(fileObject, objectToSave, prettyPrint=True, knownTypes=None, withEncoding=1, encoding='utf-8'):
+ xml = defaultMarshal(objectToSave, prettyPrint=prettyPrint, knownTypes=knownTypes, withEncoding=withEncoding, encoding=encoding)
+def defaultMarshal(objectToSave, prettyPrint=True, knownTypes=None, withEncoding=1, encoding='utf-8'):
+ if not knownTypes: knownTypes = AG_TYPE_MAPPING
+ return xmlmarshaller.marshal(objectToSave, prettyPrint=prettyPrint, knownTypes=knownTypes, withEncoding=withEncoding, encoding=encoding)
def clone(objectToClone, knownTypes=None, encoding='utf-8'):
+ if not knownTypes: knownTypes = AG_TYPE_MAPPING
xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(objectToClone, prettyPrint=True, knownTypes=knownTypes, encoding=encoding)
clonedObject = xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml, knownTypes=knownTypes)
if hasattr(objectToClone, 'fileName'):
except KeyError:
return hasProp
+def toDiffableString(value):
+ s = repr(value)
+ ds = ""
+ i = s.find(" at 0x")
+ start = 0
+ while (i >= 0):
+ j = s.find(">", i)
+ if (j < i):
+ break
+ ds += s[start:i]
+ start = j
+ i = s.find(" at 0x", start)
+ return ds + s[start:]
+def printObject(out, object, name="", indent=0, flags=0, exclude=None, maxIndent=30):
+ if ((maxIndent != None) and (indent > maxIndent)):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, str(object)
+ return True
+ finalNewLine = False
+ printed = True
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) > 0):
+ if (exclude and object in exclude):
+ return
+ indent = 0
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_INTERNAL) == 0):
+ finalNewLine = True
+ if (object == None):
+ if (flags & PRINT_OBJ_NONONE) == 0:
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " = None",
+ else:
+ finalNewLine = False
+ printed = False
+ elif (name.startswith("_") and ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_HIDE_INTERNAL) > 0)):
+ finalNewLine = False
+ printed = False
+ elif (isinstance(object, (list, tuple))):
+ if (exclude and object in exclude):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object), " of length = ", len(object), " (already printed)",
+ elif (exclude and name in exclude):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object), " of length = ", len(object), " (excluded)",
+ else:
+ if (exclude != None): exclude.append(object)
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object), " of length = %i" % len(object),
+ for i, o in enumerate(object):
+ print >> out
+ printObject(out, o, name="[%i]" % i, indent=indent+2, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent)
+ elif (isinstance(object, dict)):
+ if (exclude and object in exclude):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object), " (already printed)",
+ else:
+ if (exclude != None): exclude.append(object)
+ if (len(name) > 0):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name,
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+ indent += 2
+ print >> out, " "*indent, "{",
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+ keys = object.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for n in keys:
+ if ((n != None) and (not n.startswith("_") or ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_HIDE_INTERNAL) == 0))):
+ if printObject(out, object[n], name=n, indent=indent+2, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent):
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+ else:
+ print >> out, ",",
+ print >> out, " "*indent, "}",
+ elif (hasattr(object, "__dict__")):
+ if (exclude and object in exclude):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object), " (already printed) = ", toDiffableString(object),
+ else:
+ if (exclude != None): exclude.append(object)
+ if (name.startswith("_")):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object),
+ elif (exclude and object.__dict__ in exclude):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object), " (already printed)",
+ else:
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object),
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_GETATTR) == 0):
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+ printObject(out, object.__dict__, indent=indent, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent)
+ else:
+ keys = object.__dict__.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for n in keys:
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+ printObject(out, getattr(object, n), name=n, indent=indent+2, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent)
+ elif (indent < 0):
+ print >> out, object,
+ elif isinstance(object, basestring):
+ if (exclude and name in exclude):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", type(object), " of length = ", len(object), " (excluded)",
+ elif (len(object) > 100):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", type(object), "[%i] = %s...%s" % (len(object), object[:50], object[-50:]),
+ else:
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", type(object), "=", str(object),
+ else:
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", type(object), "=", str(object),
+ if (finalNewLine):
+ print >> out
+ return printed
if __builtin__.__dict__.has_key(objname):
module = __builtin__
+ elif knownGlobalModule:
+ module = knownGlobalModule
if modulename:
module = __import__(modulename)
return str(pythonValue)
-def unmarshal(xmlstr, knownTypes=None):
- global knownGlobalTypes
+def unmarshal(xmlstr, knownTypes=None, knownModule=None):
+ global knownGlobalTypes, knownGlobalModule
if (knownTypes == None):
knownGlobalTypes = {}
knownGlobalTypes = knownTypes
+ knownGlobalModule = knownModule
objectfactory = XMLObjectFactory()
xml.sax.parseString(xmlstr, objectfactory)
return objectfactory.getRootObject()
msgTitle = _("File Error")
backupFilename = None
+ fileObject = None
# if current file exists, move it to a safe place temporarily
if os.path.exists(filename):
fileObject = file(filename, 'w')
+ fileObject = None
if backupFilename:
+ # for debugging purposes
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ if fileObject:
+ fileObject.close() # file is still open, close it, need to do this before removal
# save failed, restore old file
if backupFilename:
fileObject = file(filename, 'r')
+ fileObject.close()
+ fileObject = None
+ # for debugging purposes
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ if fileObject:
+ fileObject.close() # file is still open, close it
wx.MessageBox("Could not open '%s'. %s" % (FileNameFromPath(filename), sys.exc_value),
Override to return an instance of a class other than wxDocPrintout.
- return DocPrintout(self)
+ return DocPrintout(self, self.GetDocument().GetPrintableName())
def GetFrame(self):
Returns True if the path's extension matches one of this template's
file filter extensions.
+## print "*** path", path
+## if "*.*" in self.GetFileFilter():
+## return True
ext = FindExtension(path)
if not ext: return False
return ext in self.GetFileFilter()
printout = view.OnCreatePrintout()
if printout:
- pdd = wx.PrintDialogData()
+ if not hasattr(self, "printData"):
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData()
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
+ self.printData.SetPrintMode(wx.PRINT_MODE_PRINTER)
+ pdd = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
printer = wx.Printer(pdd)
- printer.Print(view.GetFrame(), printout) # , True)
+ printer.Print(view.GetFrame(), printout)
def OnPrintSetup(self, event):
parentWin = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
- data = wx.PrintDialogData()
+ if not hasattr(self, "printData"):
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData()
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
+ data = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
printDialog = wx.PrintDialog(parentWin, data)
- # TODO: Confirm that we don't have to remember PrintDialogData
+ # this makes a copy of the wx.PrintData instead of just saving
+ # a reference to the one inside the PrintDialogData that will
+ # be destroyed when the dialog is destroyed
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData(printDialog.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData())
+ printDialog.Destroy()
def OnPreview(self, event):
printout = view.OnCreatePrintout()
if printout:
+ if not hasattr(self, "printData"):
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData()
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
+ self.printData.SetPrintMode(wx.PRINT_MODE_PREVIEW)
+ data = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
# Pass two printout objects: for preview, and possible printing.
- preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, view.OnCreatePrintout())
+ preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, view.OnCreatePrintout(), data)
+ if not preview.Ok():
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Unable to display print preview."))
+ return
# wxWindows source doesn't use base frame's pos, size, and icon, but did it this way so it would work like MS Office etc.
mimicFrame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
frame = wx.PreviewFrame(preview, mimicFrame, _("Print Preview"), mimicFrame.GetPosition(), mimicFrame.GetSize())
- frame.SetTitle(mimicFrame.GetTitle() + _(" - Preview"))
+ frame.SetTitle(_("%s - %s - Preview") % (mimicFrame.GetTitle(), view.GetDocument().GetPrintableName()))
if doc and doc.GetCommandProcessor():
- event.SetText(_("Undo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Z'))
+ event.SetText(_("&Undo\tCtrl+Z"))
def OnUpdateRedo(self, event):
if doc and doc.GetCommandProcessor():
- event.SetText(_("Redo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Y'))
+ event.SetText(_("&Redo\tCtrl+Y"))
def OnUpdatePrint(self, event):
temp, path = self.SelectDocumentPath(templates, path, flags)
# Existing document
- if self.GetFlags() & DOC_OPEN_ONCE:
+ if path and self.GetFlags() & DOC_OPEN_ONCE:
for document in self._docs:
- if document.GetFilename() == path:
+ if document.GetFilename() and os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(path):
""" check for file modification outside of application """
if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.getmtime(path) != document.GetDocumentModificationDate():
msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
Given a path, try to find template that matches the extension. This is
only an approximate method of finding a template for creating a
+ Note this wxPython verson looks for and returns a default template if no specific template is found.
+ default = None
for temp in self._templates:
if temp.FileMatchesTemplate(path):
return temp
- return None
+ if "*.*" in temp.GetFileFilter():
+ default = temp
+ return default
def FindSuitableParent(self):
allfilter = allfilter + _(';')
descr = descr + temp.GetDescription() + _(" (") + temp.GetFileFilter() + _(") |") + temp.GetFileFilter() # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
allfilter = allfilter + temp.GetFileFilter()
- descr = _("All") + _(" (") + allfilter + _(") |") + allfilter + _('|') + descr # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
+ descr = _("All (%s)|%s|%s|Any (*.*) | *.*") % (allfilter, allfilter, descr) # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
descr = _("*.*")
- wx.Printout.__init__(self)
+ wx.Printout.__init__(self, title)
self._printoutView = view
redoAccel = ''
if undoCommand and undoItem and undoCommand.CanUndo():
- undoItem.SetText(_("Undo ") + undoCommand.GetName() + undoAccel)
+ undoItem.SetText(_("&Undo ") + undoCommand.GetName() + undoAccel)
#elif undoCommand and not undoCommand.CanUndo():
# undoItem.SetText(_("Can't Undo") + undoAccel)
- undoItem.SetText(_("Undo" + undoAccel))
+ undoItem.SetText(_("&Undo" + undoAccel))
if redoCommand and redoItem:
- redoItem.SetText(_("Redo ") + redoCommand.GetName() + redoAccel)
+ redoItem.SetText(_("&Redo ") + redoCommand.GetName() + redoAccel)
- redoItem.SetText(_("Redo") + redoAccel)
+ redoItem.SetText(_("&Redo") + redoAccel)
def CanUndo(self):
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
if config.ReadInt("MDIFrameMaximized", False):
- # wxBug: On maximize, statusbar leaves a residual that needs to be refreshed, happens even when user does it
+ # wxBug: On maximize, statusbar leaves a residual that needs to be refereshed, happens even when user does it
args = pickle.loads(data)
for arg in args:
if arg[0] != '/' and arg[0] != '-' and os.path.exists(arg):
- self.GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(arg, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ self.GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(os.path.normpath(arg), wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
# force display of running app
topWindow = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
args = sys.argv[1:]
for arg in args:
if arg[0] != '/' and arg[0] != '-' and os.path.exists(arg):
- self.GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(arg, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ self.GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(os.path.normpath(arg), wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
def GetDocumentManager(self):