--- /dev/null
+import wx
+import wx.media
+import os
+class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, log):
+ self.log = log
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1,
+ # Create some controls
+ self.mc = wx.media.MediaCtrl(self)
+ self.mc.SetMinSize((320,200))
+ btn1 = wx.Button(self, -1, "Load File")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLoadFile, btn1)
+ btn2 = wx.Button(self, -1, "Load URL")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLoadURI, btn2)
+ btn3 = wx.Button(self, -1, "Play")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnPlay, btn3)
+ btn4 = wx.Button(self, -1, "Pause")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnPause, btn4)
+ btn5 = wx.Button(self, -1, "Stop")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStop, btn5)
+ # setup the layout
+ sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5,5)
+ sizer.Add(self.mc, (1,1), span=(5,1))#, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ sizer.Add(btn1, (1,3))
+ sizer.Add(btn2, (2,3))
+ sizer.Add(btn3, (3,3))
+ sizer.Add(btn4, (4,3))
+ sizer.Add(btn5, (5,3))
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ def OnLoadFile(self, evt):
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose a media file",
+ defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="",
+ style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR )
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ path = dlg.GetPath()
+ if not self.mc.Load(path):
+ wx.MessageBox("Unable to load %s." % path,
+ "ERROR: Unsupported format?",
+ wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.OK)
+ else:
+ self.mc.SetBestFittingSize()
+ self.GetSizer().Layout()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ def OnLoadURI(self, evt):
+ dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, "URL:", "Please enter the URL of a media file",
+ "http://www.mwscomp.com/movies/grail/tim-the-enchanter.avi")
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ url = dlg.GetValue()
+ if not self.mc.LoadFromURI(url):
+ wx.MessageBox("Unable to load %s." % url,
+ "ERROR", wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.OK)
+ else:
+ self.mc.SetBestFittingSize()
+ self.GetSizer().Layout()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ def OnPlay(self, evt):
+ self.mc.Play()
+ def OnPause(self, evt):
+ self.mc.Pause()
+ def OnStop(self, evt):
+ self.mc.Stop()
+def runTest(frame, nb, log):
+ try:
+ win = TestPanel(nb, log)
+ return win
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ from Main import MessagePanel
+ win = MessagePanel(nb, 'wx.MediaCtrl is not available on this platform.',
+ 'Sorry', wx.ICON_WARNING)
+ return win
+overview = """<html><body>
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys,os
+ import run
+ run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] + sys.argv[1:])
--- /dev/null
+// Name: media.i
+// Purpose: SWIG definitions for the wxMediaCtrl
+// Author: Robin Dunn
+// Created: 23-Nov-2004
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 2004 by Total Control Software
+// Licence: wxWindows license
+%define DOCSTRING
+"Classes for a medai player control"
+%module(package="wx", docstring=DOCSTRING) media
+#include "wx/wxPython/wxPython.h"
+#include "wx/wxPython/pyclasses.h"
+#include <wx/mediactrl.h>
+%import core.i
+%pythoncode { wx = _core }
+%pythoncode { __docfilter__ = wx.__DocFilter(globals()) }
+%include _media_rename.i
+%typemap(in) wxLongLong {
+ $1 = PyLong_AsLongLong($input);
+%typemap(out) wxLongLong {
+ $result = PyLong_FromLongLong($1.GetValue());
+// Make a stubbed out class for platforms that don't have wxMediaCtrl
+enum wxMediaState
+enum wxMediaTimeFormat
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_MEDIA wxMediaEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
+ wxMediaEvent(wxEventTypL, int ) { wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); }
+class wxMediaCtrl : public wxControl
+ wxMediaCtrl() { wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); }
+ wxMediaCtrl(wxWindow* , wxWindowID ,
+ const wxString& ,
+ const wxPoint& ,
+ const wxSize& ,
+ long style ,
+ const wxString& ,
+ const wxValidator& ,
+ const wxString& ) { wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); }
+ wxMediaCtrl(wxWindow* ,
+ wxWindowID ,
+ const wxURI& ,
+ const wxPoint&,
+ const wxSize& .
+ long style,
+ const wxString& ,
+ const wxValidator& ,
+ const wxString& ) { wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); }
+ bool Create(wxWindow* , wxWindowID ,
+ const wxString& ,
+ const wxPoint& ,
+ const wxSize& ,
+ long style ,
+ const wxString& ,
+ const wxValidator& ,
+ const wxString& ) { return false; }
+ bool Create(wxWindow* ,
+ wxWindowID ,
+ const wxURI& ,
+ const wxPoint&,
+ const wxSize& .
+ long style,
+ const wxString& ,
+ const wxValidator& ,
+ const wxString& ) { return false; }
+ bool Play() { return false; }
+ bool Pause() { return false; }
+ bool Stop() { return false; }
+ bool Load(const wxString& fileName) { return false; }
+ bool Load(const wxURI& location) { return false; }
+ void Loop(bool bLoop = true) {}
+ bool IsLooped() { return false; }
+ wxMediaState GetState() { return wxMEDIASTATE_STOPPED; }
+ double GetPlaybackRate() { return 0.0; };
+ bool SetPlaybackRate(double dRate) { return false; }
+ bool SetPosition(wxLongLong where) { return false; }
+ wxLongLong GetPosition() { return 0; }
+ wxLongLong GetDuration() { return 0; }
+enum wxMediaState
+enum wxMediaTimeFormat
+class wxMediaEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
+ wxMediaEvent(wxEventType commandType = wxEVT_NULL, int id = 0);
+MAKE_CONST_WXSTRING2(MediaCtrlNameStr, "mediaCtrl");
+class wxMediaCtrl : public wxControl
+ %pythonAppend wxMediaCtrl "self._setOORInfo(self)"
+ %pythonAppend wxMediaCtrl() ""
+ wxMediaCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id=-1,
+ const wxString& fileName = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxString& szBackend = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxPyMediaCtrlNameStr);
+ %name(PreMediaCtrl) wxMediaCtrl();
+ %extend {
+ %name(MediaCtrlFromURI)
+ wxMediaCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id=-1,
+ const wxString& location=wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxString& szBackend = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxPyMediaCtrlNameStr)
+ {
+ return new wxMediaCtrl(parent, id, wxURI(location),
+ pos, size, style, szBackend, validator, name);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromURI(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id=-1,
+ const wxString& location=wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxString& szBackend = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxPyMediaCtrlNameStr)
+ {
+ return self->Create(parent, id, wxURI(location),
+ pos, size, style, szBackend, validator, name);
+ }
+ }
+ bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id=-1,
+ const wxString& fileName = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxString& szBackend = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxPyMediaCtrlNameStr);
+ bool Play();
+ bool Pause();
+ bool Stop();
+ bool Load(const wxString& fileName);
+ %extend {
+ bool LoadFromURI(const wxString& location) {
+ return self->Load(wxURI(location));
+ }
+ }
+ void Loop(bool bLoop = true);
+ bool IsLooped();
+ wxMediaState GetState();
+ double GetPlaybackRate();
+ bool SetPlaybackRate(double dRate);
+ bool SetPosition(wxLongLong where);
+ wxLongLong GetPosition();
+ wxLongLong GetDuration();
+%constant wxEventType wxEVT_MEDIA_FINISHED;
+%constant wxEventType wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP;
+%pythoncode {
+EVT_MEDIA_STOP = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP, 1)
+%init %{
--- /dev/null
+## This file reverse renames symbols in the wx package to give
+## them their wx prefix again, for backwards compatibility.
+## Generated by BuildRenamers in config.py
+# This silly stuff here is so the wxPython.wx module doesn't conflict
+# with the wx package. We need to import modules from the wx package
+# here, then we'll put the wxPython.wx entry back in sys.modules.
+import sys
+_wx = None
+if sys.modules.has_key('wxPython.wx'):
+ _wx = sys.modules['wxPython.wx']
+ del sys.modules['wxPython.wx']
+import wx.media
+sys.modules['wxPython.wx'] = _wx
+del sys, _wx
+# Now assign all the reverse-renamed names:
+wxMediaEvent = wx.media.MediaEvent
+wxMediaEventPtr = wx.media.MediaEventPtr
+wxMediaCtrlNameStr = wx.media.MediaCtrlNameStr
+wxMediaCtrl = wx.media.MediaCtrl
+wxMediaCtrlPtr = wx.media.MediaCtrlPtr
+wxPreMediaCtrl = wx.media.PreMediaCtrl
+wxMediaCtrlFromURI = wx.media.MediaCtrlFromURI