+** Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
+** A collection of useful high-level File Manager routines.
+** by Jim Luther, Apple Developer Technical Support Emeritus
+** File: MoreFilesExtras.h
+** Copyright © 1992-1998 Apple Computer, Inc.
+** All rights reserved.
+** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
+** restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
+** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are
+** not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
+** after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
+** we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
+** descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
+#include <Types.h>
+#include <Files.h>
+#ifndef true
+#define true 1
+#define false 0
+#include "Optim.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Constants and types from Universal Interfaces 3.0.1 Files.h */
+enum {
+ volMountNoLoginMsgFlagBit = 0, /* Input to VolumeMount: If set, the file system */
+ volMountNoLoginMsgFlagMask = 0x0001, /* should suppresss any log-in message/greeting dialog */
+ volMountExtendedFlagsBit = 7, /* Input to VolumeMount: If set, the mount info is a */
+ volMountExtendedFlagsMask = 0x0080 /* AFPXVolMountInfo record for 3.7 AppleShare Client */
+/* AFPXVolMountInfo is the new AFP volume mount info record, requires the 3.7 AppleShare Client */
+struct AFPXVolMountInfo {
+ short length; /* length of location data (including self) */
+ VolumeType media; /* type of media */
+ short flags; /* bits for no messages, no reconnect */
+ SInt8 nbpInterval; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */
+ SInt8 nbpCount; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */
+ short uamType; /* User Authentication Method type */
+ short zoneNameOffset; /* short positive offset from start of struct to Zone Name */
+ short serverNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Server Name string */
+ short volNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Name string */
+ short userNameOffset; /* offset to pascal User Name string */
+ short userPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal User Password string */
+ short volPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Password string */
+ short extendedFlags; /* extended flags word */
+ short uamNameOffset; /* offset to a pascal UAM name string */
+ short alternateAddressOffset; /* offset to Alternate Addresses in tagged format */
+ char AFPData[176]; /* variable length data may follow */
+typedef struct AFPXVolMountInfo AFPXVolMountInfo;
+typedef AFPXVolMountInfo * AFPXVolMountInfoPtr;
+enum {
+ kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask = 1 /* bit in AFPXVolMountInfo.extendedFlags that means alternateAddressOffset is used*/
+enum {
+ /* constants for use in AFPTagData.fType field*/
+ kAFPTagTypeIP = 0x01,
+ kAFPTagTypeIPPort = 0x02,
+ kAFPTagTypeDDP = 0x03 /* Currently unused*/
+enum {
+ /* constants for use in AFPTagData.fLength field*/
+ kAFPTagLengthIP = 0x06,
+ kAFPTagLengthIPPort = 0x08,
+ kAFPTagLengthDDP = 0x06
+struct AFPTagData {
+ UInt8 fLength; /* length of this data tag including the fLength field */
+ UInt8 fType;
+ UInt8 fData[1]; /* variable length data */
+typedef struct AFPTagData AFPTagData;
+struct AFPAlternateAddress {
+ UInt8 fAddressCount;
+ UInt8 fAddressList[1]; /* actually variable length packed set of AFPTagData */
+typedef struct AFPAlternateAddress AFPAlternateAddress;
+** Macros to get information out of GetVolParmsInfoBuffer
+#define isNetworkVolume(volParms) ((volParms).vMServerAdr != 0)
+#define hasLimitFCBs(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bLimitFCBs)) != 0)
+#define hasLocalWList(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bLocalWList)) != 0)
+#define hasNoMiniFndr(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bNoMiniFndr)) != 0)
+#define hasNoVNEdit(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bNoVNEdit)) != 0)
+#define hasNoLclSync(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bNoLclSync)) != 0)
+#define hasTrshOffLine(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bTrshOffLine)) != 0)
+#define hasNoSwitchTo(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bNoSwitchTo)) != 0)
+#define hasNoDeskItems(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bNoDeskItems)) != 0)
+#define hasNoBootBlks(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bNoBootBlks)) != 0)
+#define hasAccessCntl(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bAccessCntl)) != 0)
+#define hasNoSysDir(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bNoSysDir)) != 0)
+#define hasExtFSVol(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasExtFSVol)) != 0)
+#define hasOpenDeny(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasOpenDeny)) != 0)
+#define hasCopyFile(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCopyFile)) != 0)
+#define hasMoveRename(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasMoveRename)) != 0)
+#define hasDesktopMgr(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasDesktopMgr)) != 0)
+#define hasShortName(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasShortName)) != 0)
+#define hasFolderLock(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasFolderLock)) != 0)
+#define hasPersonalAccessPrivileges(volParms) \
+ (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges)) != 0)
+#define hasUserGroupList(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasUserGroupList)) != 0)
+#define hasCatSearch(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCatSearch)) != 0)
+#define hasFileIDs(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasFileIDs)) != 0)
+#define hasBTreeMgr(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasBTreeMgr)) != 0)
+#define hasBlankAccessPrivileges(volParms) \
+ (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasBlankAccessPrivileges)) != 0)
+** Bit masks and macros to get common information out of ioACUser returned
+** by PBGetCatInfo (remember to clear ioACUser before calling PBGetCatInfo
+** since some file systems don't bother to set this field).
+** Use the GetDirAccessRestrictions or FSpGetDirAccessRestrictions
+** functions to retrieve the ioACUser access restrictions byte for
+** a folder.
+** Note: The access restriction byte returned by PBGetCatInfo is the
+** 2's complement of the user's privileges byte returned in
+** ioACAccess by PBHGetDirAccess.
+ /* bits defined in ioACUser */
+ acUserNoSeeFoldersMask = 0x01,
+ acUserNoSeeFilesMask = 0x02,
+ acUserNoMakeChangesMask = 0x04,
+ acUserNotOwnerMask = 0x80,
+ /* mask for just the access restriction bits */
+ acUserAccessMask = 0x07,
+ /* common access privilege settings */
+ acUserFull = 0x00, /* no access restiction bits on */
+ acUserNone = acUserAccessMask, /* all access restiction bits on */
+ acUserDropBox = acUserNoSeeFoldersMask + acUserNoSeeFilesMask, /* make changes, but not see files or folders */
+ acUserBulletinBoard = acUserNoMakeChangesMask /* see files and folders, but not make changes */
+/* Macros for testing ioACUser bits */
+#define userIsOwner(ioACUser) \
+ (((ioACUser) & acUserNotOwnerMask) == 0)
+#define userHasFullAccess(ioACUser) \
+ (((ioACUser) & (acUserAccessMask)) == acUserFull)
+#define userHasDropBoxAccess(ioACUser) \
+ (((ioACUser) & acUserAccessMask) == acUserDropBox)
+#define userHasBulletinBoard(ioACUser) \
+ (((ioACUser) & acUserAccessMask) == acUserBulletinBoard)
+#define userHasNoAccess(ioACUser) \
+ (((ioACUser) & acUserAccessMask) == acUserNone)
+** Deny mode permissions for use with the HOpenAware, HOpenRFAware,
+** FSpOpenAware, and FSpOpenRFAware functions.
+ dmNone = 0x0000,
+ dmNoneDenyRd = 0x0010,
+ dmNoneDenyWr = 0x0020,
+ dmNoneDenyRdWr = 0x0030,
+ dmRd = 0x0001, /* Single writer, multiple readers; the readers */
+ dmRdDenyRd = 0x0011,
+ dmRdDenyWr = 0x0021, /* Browsing - equivalent to fsRdPerm */
+ dmRdDenyRdWr = 0x0031,
+ dmWr = 0x0002,
+ dmWrDenyRd = 0x0012,
+ dmWrDenyWr = 0x0022,
+ dmWrDenyRdWr = 0x0032,
+ dmRdWr = 0x0003, /* Shared access - equivalent to fsRdWrShPerm */
+ dmRdWrDenyRd = 0x0013,
+ dmRdWrDenyWr = 0x0023, /* Single writer, multiple readers; the writer */
+ dmRdWrDenyRdWr = 0x0033 /* Exclusive access - equivalent to fsRdWrPerm */
+#pragma options align=mac68k
+** For those times where you need to use more than one kind of File Manager parameter
+** block but don't feel like wasting stack space, here's a parameter block you can reuse.
+union UniversalFMPB
+ ParamBlockRec PB;
+ CInfoPBRec ciPB;
+ DTPBRec dtPB;
+ HParamBlockRec hPB;
+ CMovePBRec cmPB;
+ WDPBRec wdPB;
+ FCBPBRec fcbPB;
+ XVolumeParam xPB;
+typedef union UniversalFMPB UniversalFMPB;
+typedef UniversalFMPB *UniversalFMPBPtr, **UniversalFMPBHandle;
+** Used by GetUGEntries to return user or group lists
+struct UGEntry
+ short objType; /* object type: -1 = group; 0 = user */
+ long objID; /* the user or group ID */
+ Str31 name; /* the user or group name */
+typedef struct UGEntry UGEntry;
+typedef UGEntry *UGEntryPtr, **UGEntryHandle;
+typedef unsigned char Str8[9];
+** I use the following records instead of the AFPVolMountInfo and AFPXVolMountInfo structures in Files.h
+struct MyAFPVolMountInfo
+ short length; /* length of this record */
+ VolumeType media; /* type of media, always AppleShareMediaType */
+ short flags; /* 0 = normal mount; set bit 0 to inhibit greeting messages */
+ char nbpInterval; /* NBP interval parameter; 7 is a good choice */
+ char nbpCount; /* NBP count parameter; 5 is a good choice */
+ short uamType; /* User Authentication Method */
+ short zoneNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to zoneName */
+ short serverNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to serverName */
+ short volNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to volName */
+ short userNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to userName */
+ short userPasswordOffset; /* offset from start of record to userPassword */
+ short volPasswordOffset; /* offset from start of record to volPassword */
+ Str32 zoneName; /* server's AppleTalk zone name */
+ char filler1; /* to word align volPassword */
+ Str32 serverName; /* server name */
+ char filler2; /* to word align volPassword */
+ Str27 volName; /* volume name */
+ Str31 userName; /* user name (zero length Pascal string for guest) */
+ Str8 userPassword; /* user password (zero length Pascal string if no user password) */
+ char filler3; /* to word align volPassword */
+ Str8 volPassword; /* volume password (zero length Pascal string if no volume password) */
+ char filler4; /* to end record on word boundry */
+typedef struct MyAFPVolMountInfo MyAFPVolMountInfo;
+typedef MyAFPVolMountInfo *MyAFPVolMountInfoPtr, **MyAFPVolMountInfoHandle;
+struct MyAFPXVolMountInfo
+ short length; /* length of this record */
+ VolumeType media; /* type of media, always AppleShareMediaType */
+ short flags; /* bits for no messages, no reconnect, etc */
+ char nbpInterval; /* NBP interval parameter; 7 is a good choice */
+ char nbpCount; /* NBP count parameter; 5 is a good choice */
+ short uamType; /* User Authentication Method */
+ short zoneNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to zoneName */
+ short serverNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to serverName */
+ short volNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to volName */
+ short userNameOffset; /* offset from start of record to userName */
+ short userPasswordOffset; /* offset from start of record to userPassword */
+ short volPasswordOffset; /* offset from start of record to volPassword */
+ short extendedFlags; /* extended flags word */
+ short uamNameOffset; /* offset to a pascal UAM name string */
+ short alternateAddressOffset; /* offset to Alternate Addresses in tagged format */
+ Str32 zoneName; /* server's AppleTalk zone name */
+ char filler1; /* to word align volPassword */
+ Str32 serverName; /* server name */
+ char filler2; /* to word align volPassword */
+ Str27 volName; /* volume name */
+ Str31 userName; /* user name (zero length Pascal string for guest) */
+ Str8 userPassword; /* user password (zero length Pascal string if no user password) */
+ char filler3; /* to word align volPassword */
+ Str8 volPassword; /* volume password (zero length Pascal string if no volume password) */
+ char filler4; /* to word align uamNameOffset */
+ Str32 uamName; /* UAM name */
+ char filler5; /* to word align alternateAddress */
+ char alternateAddress[kVariableLengthArray]; /* AFPAlternateAddress */
+typedef struct MyAFPXVolMountInfo MyAFPXVolMountInfo;
+typedef MyAFPXVolMountInfo *MyAFPXVolMountInfoPtr, **MyAFPXVolMountInfoHandle;
+#pragma options align=reset
+pascal void TruncPString(StringPtr destination,
+ ConstStr255Param source,
+ short maxLength);
+/* ¦ International friendly string truncate routine.
+ The TruncPString function copies up to maxLength characters from
+ the source Pascal string to the destination Pascal string. TruncPString
+ ensures that the truncated string ends on a single-byte character, or on
+ the last byte of a multi-byte character.
+ destination output: destination Pascal string.
+ source input: source Pascal string.
+ maxLength output: The maximum allowable length of the destination
+ string.
+pascal Ptr GetTempBuffer(long buffReqSize,
+ long *buffActSize);
+/* ¦ Allocate a temporary copy or search buffer.
+ The GetTempBuffer function allocates a temporary buffer for file system
+ operations which is at least 1024 bytes (1K) and a multiple of
+ 1024 bytes.
+ buffReqSize input: Size you'd like the buffer to be.
+ buffActSize output: Size of buffer allocated.
+ function result output: Pointer to memory allocated or nil if no memory
+ was available. The caller is responsible for
+ disposing of this buffer with DisposePtr.
+pascal OSErr GetVolumeInfoNoName(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum,
+ HParmBlkPtr pb);
+/* ¦ Call PBHGetVInfoSync ignoring returned name.
+ GetVolumeInfoNoName uses pathname and vRefNum to call PBHGetVInfoSync
+ in cases where the returned volume name is not needed by the caller.
+ The pathname and vRefNum parameters are not touched, and the pb
+ parameter is initialized by PBHGetVInfoSync except that ioNamePtr in
+ the parameter block is always returned as NULL (since it might point
+ to GetVolumeInfoNoName's local variable tempPathname).
+ I noticed using this code in several places, so here it is once.
+ This reduces the code size of MoreFiles.
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass in a
+ partial pathname, it is ignored. A full pathname to a
+ volume must end with a colon character (:).
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number, working
+ directory number, drive number, or 0).
+ pb input: A pointer to HParamBlockRec.
+ output: The parameter block as filled in by PBHGetVInfoSync
+ except that ioNamePtr will always be NULL.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume, or pb was NULL
+pascal OSErr XGetVolumeInfoNoName(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum,
+ XVolumeParamPtr pb);
+/* ¦ Call PBXGetVolInfoSync ignoring returned name.
+ XGetVolumeInfoNoName uses pathname and vRefNum to call PBXGetVolInfoSync
+ in cases where the returned volume name is not needed by the caller.
+ The pathname and vRefNum parameters are not touched, and the pb
+ parameter is initialized by PBXGetVolInfoSync except that ioNamePtr in
+ the parameter block is always returned as NULL (since it might point
+ to XGetVolumeInfoNoName's local variable tempPathname).
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass in a
+ partial pathname, it is ignored. A full pathname to a
+ volume must end with a colon character (:).
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number, working
+ directory number, drive number, or 0).
+ pb input: A pointer to HParamBlockRec.
+ output: The parameter block as filled in by PBXGetVolInfoSync
+ except that ioNamePtr will always be NULL.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume, or pb was NULL
+pascal OSErr GetCatInfoNoName(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ CInfoPBPtr pb);
+/* ¦ Call PBGetCatInfoSync ignoring returned name.
+ GetCatInfoNoName uses vRefNum, dirID and name to call PBGetCatInfoSync
+ in cases where the returned object is not needed by the caller.
+ The vRefNum, dirID and name parameters are not touched, and the pb
+ parameter is initialized by PBGetCatInfoSync except that ioNamePtr in
+ the parameter block is always returned as NULL (since it might point
+ to GetCatInfoNoName's local variable tempName).
+ I noticed using this code in several places, so here it is once.
+ This reduces the code size of MoreFiles.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
+ specifies a directory that's the object.
+ pb input: A pointer to CInfoPBRec.
+ output: The parameter block as filled in by
+ PBGetCatInfoSync except that ioNamePtr will
+ always be NULL.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+pascal OSErr DetermineVRefNum(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum,
+ short *realVRefNum);
+/* ¦ Determine the real volume reference number.
+ The DetermineVRefNum function determines the volume reference number of
+ a volume from a pathname, a volume specification, or a combination
+ of the two.
+ WARNING: Volume names on the Macintosh are *not* unique -- Multiple
+ mounted volumes can have the same name. For this reason, the use of a
+ volume name or full pathname to identify a specific volume may not
+ produce the results you expect. If more than one volume has the same
+ name and a volume name or full pathname is used, the File Manager
+ currently uses the first volume it finds with a matching name in the
+ volume queue.
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass in a
+ partial pathname, it is ignored. A full pathname to a
+ volume must end with a colon character (:).
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number, working
+ directory number, drive number, or 0).
+ realVRefNum output: The real volume reference number.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+pascal OSErr HGetVInfo(short volReference,
+ StringPtr volName,
+ short *vRefNum,
+ unsigned long *freeBytes,
+ unsigned long *totalBytes);
+/* ¦ Get information about a mounted volume.
+ The HGetVInfo function returns the name, volume reference number,
+ available space (in bytes), and total space (in bytes) for the
+ specified volume. You can specify the volume by providing its drive
+ number, volume reference number, or 0 for the default volume.
+ This routine is compatible with volumes up to 4 gigabytes.
+ volReference input: The drive number, volume reference number,
+ or 0 for the default volume.
+ volName input: A pointer to a buffer (minimum Str27) where
+ the volume name is to be returned or must
+ be nil.
+ output: The volume name.
+ vRefNum output: The volume reference number.
+ freeBytes output: The number of free bytes on the volume.
+ freeBytes is an unsigned long value.
+ totalBytes output: The total number of bytes on the volume.
+ totalBytes is an unsigned long value.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ __________
+ Also see: XGetVInfo
+pascal OSErr XGetVInfo(short volReference,
+ StringPtr volName,
+ short *vRefNum,
+ UnsignedWide *freeBytes,
+ UnsignedWide *totalBytes);
+/* ¦ Get extended information about a mounted volume.
+ The XGetVInfo function returns the name, volume reference number,
+ available space (in bytes), and total space (in bytes) for the
+ specified volume. You can specify the volume by providing its drive
+ number, volume reference number, or 0 for the default volume.
+ This routine is compatible with volumes up to 2 terabytes.
+ volReference input: The drive number, volume reference number,
+ or 0 for the default volume.
+ volName input: A pointer to a buffer (minimum Str27) where
+ the volume name is to be returned or must
+ be nil.
+ output: The volume name.
+ vRefNum output: The volume reference number.
+ freeBytes output: The number of free bytes on the volume.
+ freeBytes is an UnsignedWide value.
+ totalBytes output: The total number of bytes on the volume.
+ totalBytes is an UnsignedWide value.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ __________
+ Also see: HGetVInfo
+pascal OSErr CheckVolLock(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum);
+/* ¦ Determine if a volume is locked.
+ The CheckVolLock function determines if a volume is locked - either by
+ hardware or by software. If CheckVolLock returns noErr, then the volume
+ is not locked.
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass in a
+ partial pathname, it is ignored. A full pathname to a
+ volume must end with a colon character (:).
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number, working
+ directory number, drive number, or 0).
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error - volume not locked
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume locked by software
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+pascal OSErr GetDriverName(short driverRefNum,
+ Str255 driverName);
+/* ¦ Get a device driver's name.
+ The GetDriverName function returns a device driver's name.
+ driverRefNum input: The driver reference number.
+ driverName output: The driver's name.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ badUnitErr -21 Bad driver reference number
+pascal OSErr FindDrive(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum,
+ DrvQElPtr *driveQElementPtr);
+/* ¦ Find a volume's drive queue element in the drive queue.
+ The FindDrive function returns a pointer to a mounted volume's
+ drive queue element.
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you
+ pass in a partial pathname, it is ignored.
+ A full pathname to a volume must end with
+ a colon character (:).
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference
+ number, working directory number, drive
+ number, or 0).
+ driveQElementPtr output: Pointer to a volume's drive queue element
+ in the drive queue. DO NOT change the
+ DrvQEl.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ nsDrvErr -56 No such drive
+pascal OSErr GetDiskBlocks(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum,
+ unsigned long *numBlocks);
+/* ¦ Return the number of physical disk blocks on a disk drive.
+ The GetDiskBlocks function returns the number of physical disk
+ blocks on a disk drive. NOTE: This is not the same as volume
+ allocation blocks!
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you
+ pass in a partial pathname, it is ignored.
+ A full pathname to a volume must end with
+ a colon character (:).
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference
+ number, working directory number, drive
+ number, or 0).
+ numBlocks output: The number of physical disk blocks on the disk drive.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume, driver reference
+ number is zero, ReturnFormatList
+ returned zero blocks, DriveStatus
+ returned an unknown value, or
+ driveQElementPtr->qType is unknown
+ nsDrvErr -56 No such drive
+ statusErr Ð18 Driver does not respond to this
+ status request
+ badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not
+ match unit table
+ unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies
+ a nil handle in unit table
+ abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO
+ notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open
+pascal OSErr GetVolFileSystemID(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum,
+ short *fileSystemID);
+/* ¦ Get a volume's file system ID.
+ The GetVolFileSystemID function returned the file system ID of
+ a mounted volume. The file system ID identifies the file system
+ that handles requests to a particular volume. Here's a partial list
+ of file system ID numbers (only Apple's file systems are listed):
+ FSID File System
+ ----- -----------------------------------------------------
+ $0000 Macintosh HFS or MFS
+ $0100 ProDOS File System
+ $0101 PowerTalk Mail Enclosures
+ $4147 ISO 9660 File Access (through Foreign File Access)
+ $4242 High Sierra File Access (through Foreign File Access)
+ $464D QuickTake File System (through Foreign File Access)
+ $4953 Macintosh PC Exchange (MS-DOS)
+ $4A48 Audio CD Access (through Foreign File Access)
+ $4D4B Apple Photo Access (through Foreign File Access)
+ See the Technical Note "FL 35 - Determining Which File System
+ Is Active" and the "Guide to the File System Manager" for more
+ information.
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass
+ in a partial pathname, it is ignored. A full
+ pathname to a volume must contain at least
+ one colon character (:) and must not start with
+ a colon character.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number,
+ working directory number, drive number, or 0).
+ fileSystemID output: The volume's file system ID.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume, or pb was NULL
+pascal OSErr GetVolState(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum,
+ Boolean *volumeOnline,
+ Boolean *volumeEjected,
+ Boolean *driveEjectable,
+ Boolean *driverWantsEject);
+/* ¦ Returns a volume's online and eject information.
+ The GetVolState function determines if a volume is online or offline,
+ if an offline volume is ejected, and if the volume's driver is
+ ejectable or wants eject calls.
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number,
+ working directory number, drive number, or 0).
+ volumeOnline output: True if the volume is online;
+ False if the volume is offline.
+ volumeEjected output: True if the volume is ejected (ejected
+ volumes are always offline); False if the
+ volume is not ejected.
+ driveEjectable output: True if the volume's drive is ejectable;
+ False if the volume's drive is not ejectable.
+ driverWantsEject output: True if the volume's driver wants an Eject
+ request after unmount (even if the drive
+ is not ejectable); False if the volume's
+ driver does not need an eject request.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ paramErr -50 No default volume, or pb was NULL
+pascal OSErr UnmountAndEject(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short vRefNum);
+/* ¦ Unmount and eject a volume.
+ The UnmountAndEject function unmounts and ejects a volume. The volume
+ is ejected only if it is ejectable and not already ejected.
+ pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass in a
+ partial pathname, it is ignored. A full pathname to a
+ volume must end with a colon character (:).
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number, working
+ directory number, drive number, or 0).
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad volume name
+ fBsyErr -47 One or more files are open
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ nsDrvErr -56 No such drive
+ extFSErr -58 External file system error - no file
+ system claimed this call.
+pascal OSErr OnLine(FSSpecPtr volumes,
+ short reqVolCount,
+ short *actVolCount,
+ short *volIndex);
+/* ¦ Return the list of volumes currently mounted.
+ The OnLine function returns the list of volumes currently mounted in
+ an array of FSSpec records.
+ A noErr result indicates that the volumes array was filled
+ (actVolCount == reqVolCount) and there may be additional volumes
+ mounted. A nsvErr result indicates that the end of the volume list
+ was found and actVolCount volumes were actually found this time.
+ volumes input: Pointer to array of FSSpec where the volume list
+ is returned.
+ reqVolCount input: Maximum number of volumes to return (the number of
+ elements in the volumes array).
+ actVolCount output: The number of volumes actually returned.
+ volIndex input: The current volume index position. Set to 1 to
+ start with the first volume.
+ output: The volume index position to get the next volume.
+ Pass this value the next time you call OnLine to
+ start where you left off.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error, but there are more volumes
+ to list
+ nsvErr -35 No more volumes to be listed
+ paramErr -50 volIndex was <= 0
+pascal OSErr SetDefault(short newVRefNum,
+ long newDirID,
+ short *oldVRefNum,
+ long *oldDirID);
+/* ¦ Set the default volume before making Standard I/O requests.
+ The SetDefault function sets the default volume and directory to the
+ volume specified by newVRefNum and the directory specified by newDirID.
+ The current default volume reference number and directory ID are
+ returned in oldVRefNum and oldDir and must be used to restore the
+ default volume and directory to their previous state *as soon as
+ possible* with the RestoreDefault function. These two functions are
+ designed to be used as a wrapper around Standard I/O routines where
+ the location of the file is implied to be the default volume and
+ directory. In other words, this is how you should use these functions:
+ error = SetDefault(newVRefNum, newDirID, &oldVRefNum, &oldDirID);
+ if ( error == noErr )
+ {
+ // call the Stdio functions like remove, rename, tmpfile,
+ // fopen, freopen, etc. or non-ANSI extensions like
+ // fdopen,fsetfileinfo, -- create, open, unlink, etc. here!
+ error = RestoreDefault(oldVRefNum, oldDirID);
+ }
+ By using these functions as a wrapper, you won't need to open a working
+ directory (because SetDefault and RestoreDefault use HSetVol) and you
+ won't have to worry about the effects of using HSetVol (documented in
+ Technical Note "FL 11 - PBHSetVol is Dangerous" and in the
+ Inside Macintosh: Files book in the description of the HSetVol and
+ PBHSetVol functions) because the default volume/directory is restored
+ before giving up control to code that might be affected by HSetVol.
+ newVRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number,
+ working directory number, drive number, or 0) of
+ the new default volume.
+ newDirID input: Directory ID of the new default directory.
+ oldVRefNum output: The volume specification to save for use with
+ RestoreDefault.
+ oldDirID output: The directory ID to save for use with
+ RestoreDefault.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad volume name
+ fnfErr -43 Directory not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have access to the directory
+ __________
+ Also see: RestoreDefault
+pascal OSErr RestoreDefault(short oldVRefNum,
+ long oldDirID);
+/* ¦ Restore the default volume after making Standard C I/O requests.
+ The RestoreDefault function restores the default volume and directory
+ to the volume specified by oldVRefNum and the directory specified by
+ oldDirID. The oldVRefNum and oldDirID parameters were previously
+ obtained from the SetDefault function. These two functions are designed
+ to be used as a wrapper around Standard C I/O routines where the
+ location of the file is implied to be the default volume and directory.
+ In other words, this is how you should use these functions:
+ error = SetDefault(newVRefNum, newDirID, &oldVRefNum, &oldDirID);
+ if ( error == noErr )
+ {
+ // call the Stdio functions like remove, rename, tmpfile,
+ // fopen, freopen, etc. or non-ANSI extensions like
+ // fdopen,fsetfileinfo, -- create, open, unlink, etc. here!
+ error = RestoreDefault(oldVRefNum, oldDirID);
+ }
+ By using these functions as a wrapper, you won't need to open a working
+ directory (because SetDefault and RestoreDefault use HSetVol) and you
+ won't have to worry about the effects of using HSetVol (documented in
+ Technical Note "FL 11 - PBHSetVol is Dangerous" and in the
+ Inside Macintosh: Files book in the description of the HSetVol and
+ PBHSetVol functions) because the default volume/directory is restored
+ before giving up control to code that might be affected by HSetVol.
+ oldVRefNum input: The volume specification to restore.
+ oldDirID input: The directory ID to restore.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad volume name
+ fnfErr -43 Directory not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ rfNumErr -51 Bad working directory reference number
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have access to the directory
+ __________
+ Also see: SetDefault
+pascal OSErr GetDInfo(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ DInfo *fndrInfo);
+/* ¦ Get the finder information for a directory.
+ The GetDInfo function gets the finder information for a directory.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
+ specifies a directory that's the object.
+ fndrInfo output: If the object is a directory, then its DInfo.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: FSpGetDInfo, FSpGetFInfoCompat
+pascal OSErr FSpGetDInfo(const FSSpec *spec,
+ DInfo *fndrInfo);
+/* ¦ Get the finder information for a directory.
+ The FSpGetDInfo function gets the finder information for a directory.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the directory.
+ fndrInfo output: If the object is a directory, then its DInfo.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: FSpGetFInfoCompat, GetDInfo
+pascal OSErr SetDInfo(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ const DInfo *fndrInfo);
+/* ¦ Set the finder information for a directory.
+ The SetDInfo function sets the finder information for a directory.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
+ specifies a directory that's the object.
+ fndrInfo input: The DInfo.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: FSpSetDInfo, FSpSetFInfoCompat
+pascal OSErr FSpSetDInfo(const FSSpec *spec,
+ const DInfo *fndrInfo);
+/* ¦ Set the finder information for a directory.
+ The FSpSetDInfo function sets the finder information for a directory.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the directory.
+ fndrInfo input: The DInfo.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: FSpSetFInfoCompat, SetDInfo
+#define GetDirID(vRefNum, dirID, name, theDirID, isDirectory) \
+ GetDirectoryID(vRefNum, dirID, name, theDirID, isDirectory)
+pascal OSErr GetDirectoryID(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ long *theDirID,
+ Boolean *isDirectory);
+/* ¦ Get the directory ID number of the directory specified.
+ The GetDirectoryID function gets the directory ID number of the
+ directory specified. If a file is specified, then the parent
+ directory of the file is returned and isDirectory is false. If
+ a directory is specified, then that directory's ID number is
+ returned and isDirectory is true.
+ WARNING: Volume names on the Macintosh are *not* unique -- Multiple
+ mounted volumes can have the same name. For this reason, the use of a
+ volume name or full pathname to identify a specific volume may not
+ produce the results you expect. If more than one volume has the same
+ name and a volume name or full pathname is used, the File Manager
+ currently uses the first volume it finds with a matching name in the
+ volume queue.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
+ specifies a directory that's the object.
+ theDirID output: If the object is a file, then its parent directory
+ ID. If the object is a directory, then its ID.
+ isDirectory output: True if object is a directory; false if
+ object is a file.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+#define DirIDFromFSSpec(spec, theDirID, isDirectory) \
+ FSpGetDirectoryID(spec, theDirID, isDirectory)
+pascal OSErr FSpGetDirectoryID(const FSSpec *spec,
+ long *theDirID,
+ Boolean *isDirectory);
+/* ¦ Get the directory ID number of a directory.
+ The FSpGetDirectoryID function gets the directory ID number of the
+ directory specified by spec. If spec is to a file, then the parent
+ directory of the file is returned and isDirectory is false. If
+ spec is to a directory, then that directory's ID number is
+ returned and isDirectory is true.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the directory.
+ theDirID output: The directory ID.
+ isDirectory output: True if object is a directory; false if
+ object is a file.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+pascal OSErr GetDirName(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ Str31 name);
+/* ¦ Get the name of a directory from its directory ID.
+ The GetDirName function gets the name of a directory from its
+ directory ID.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name output: Points to a Str31 where the directory name is to be
+ returned.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume or
+ name parameter was NULL
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+pascal OSErr GetIOACUser(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ SInt8 *ioACUser);
+/* ¦ Get a directory's access restrictions byte.
+ GetIOACUser returns a directory's access restrictions byte.
+ Use the masks and macro defined in MoreFilesExtras to check for
+ specific access priviledges.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
+ specifies a directory that's the object.
+ ioACUser output: The access restriction byte
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+pascal OSErr FSpGetIOACUser(const FSSpec *spec,
+ SInt8 *ioACUser);
+/* ¦ Get a directory's access restrictions byte.
+ FSpGetIOACUser returns a directory's access restrictions byte.
+ Use the masks and macro defined in MoreFilesExtras to check for
+ specific access priviledges.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the directory.
+ ioACUser output: The access restriction byte
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+pascal OSErr GetParentID(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ long *parID);
+/* ¦ Get the parent directory ID number of the specified object.
+ The GetParentID function gets the parent directory ID number of the
+ specified object.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ parID output: The parent directory ID of the specified object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+pascal OSErr GetFilenameFromPathname(ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ Str255 filename);
+/* ¦ Get the object name from the end of a full or partial pathname.
+ The GetFilenameFromPathname function gets the file (or directory) name
+ from the end of a full or partial pathname. Returns notAFileErr if the
+ pathname is nil, the pathname is empty, or the pathname cannot refer to
+ a filename (with a noErr result, the pathname could still refer to a
+ directory).
+ pathname input: A full or partial pathname.
+ filename output: The file (or directory) name.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ notAFileErr -1302 The pathname is nil, the pathname
+ is empty, or the pathname cannot refer
+ to a filename
+ __________
+ See also: GetObjectLocation.
+pascal OSErr GetObjectLocation(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param pathname,
+ short *realVRefNum,
+ long *realParID,
+ Str255 realName,
+ Boolean *isDirectory);
+/* ¦ Get a file system object's location.
+ The GetObjectLocation function gets a file system object's location -
+ that is, its real volume reference number, real parent directory ID,
+ and name. While we're at it, determine if the object is a file or directory.
+ If GetObjectLocation returns fnfErr, then the location information
+ returned is valid, but it describes an object that doesn't exist.
+ You can use the location information for another operation, such as
+ creating a file or directory.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ pathname input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ realVRefNum output: The real volume reference number.
+ realParID output: The parent directory ID of the specified object.
+ realName output: The name of the specified object (the case of the
+ object name may not be the same as the object's
+ catalog entry on disk - since the Macintosh file
+ system is not case sensitive, it shouldn't matter).
+ isDirectory output: True if object is a directory; false if object
+ is a file.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ notAFileErr -1302 The pathname is nil, the pathname
+ is empty, or the pathname cannot refer
+ to a filename
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSMakeFSSpecCompat
+pascal OSErr GetDirItems(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ Boolean getFiles,
+ Boolean getDirectories,
+ FSSpecPtr items,
+ short reqItemCount,
+ short *actItemCount,
+ short *itemIndex);
+/* ¦ Return a list of items in a directory.
+ The GetDirItems function returns a list of items in the specified
+ directory in an array of FSSpec records. File, subdirectories, or
+ both can be returned in the list.
+ A noErr result indicates that the items array was filled
+ (actItemCount == reqItemCount) and there may be additional items
+ left in the directory. A fnfErr result indicates that the end of
+ the directory list was found and actItemCount items were actually
+ found this time.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
+ specifies a directory that's the object.
+ getFiles input: Pass true to have files added to the items list.
+ getDirectories input: Pass true to have directories added to the
+ items list.
+ items input: Pointer to array of FSSpec where the item list
+ is returned.
+ reqItemCount input: Maximum number of items to return (the number
+ of elements in the items array).
+ actItemCount output: The number of items actually returned.
+ itemIndex input: The current item index position. Set to 1 to
+ start with the first item in the directory.
+ output: The item index position to get the next item.
+ Pass this value the next time you call
+ GetDirItems to start where you left off.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error, but there are more items
+ to list
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found, there are no more items
+ to be listed.
+ paramErr -50 No default volume or itemIndex was <= 0
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+pascal OSErr DeleteDirectoryContents(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Delete the contents of a directory.
+ The DeleteDirectoryContents function deletes the contents of a directory.
+ All files and subdirectories in the specified directory are deleted.
+ If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and then
+ deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered,
+ DeleteDirectoryContents quits and returns to the caller.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to directory name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Software volume lock
+ fBsyErr -47 File busy, directory not empty, or working directory control block open
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: DeleteDirectory
+pascal OSErr DeleteDirectory(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Delete a directory and its contents.
+ The DeleteDirectory function deletes a directory and its contents.
+ All files and subdirectories in the specified directory are deleted.
+ If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and then
+ deleted. After deleting the directories contents, the directory is
+ deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered, DeleteDirectory
+ quits and returns to the caller.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to directory name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Software volume lock
+ fBsyErr -47 File busy, directory not empty, or working directory control block open
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: DeleteDirectoryContents
+pascal OSErr CheckObjectLock(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Determine if a file or directory is locked.
+ The CheckObjectLock function determines if a file or directory is locked.
+ If CheckObjectLock returns noErr, then the file or directory
+ is not locked. If CheckObjectLock returns fLckdErr, the it is locked.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: FSpCheckObjectLock
+pascal OSErr FSpCheckObjectLock(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Determine if a file or directory is locked.
+ The FSpCheckObjectLock function determines if a file or directory is locked.
+ If FSpCheckObjectLock returns noErr, then the file or directory
+ is not locked.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ Also see: CheckObjectLock
+pascal OSErr GetFileSize(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param fileName,
+ long *dataSize,
+ long *rsrcSize);
+/* ¦ Get the logical sizes of a file's forks.
+ The GetFileSize function returns the logical size of a file's
+ data and resource fork.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: The name of the file.
+ dataSize output: The number of bytes in the file's data fork.
+ rsrcSize output: The number of bytes in the file's resource fork.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErrdirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpGetFileSize
+pascal OSErr FSpGetFileSize(const FSSpec *spec,
+ long *dataSize,
+ long *rsrcSize);
+/* ¦ Get the logical sizes of a file's forks.
+ The FSpGetFileSize function returns the logical size of a file's
+ data and resource fork.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the file.
+ dataSize output: The number of bytes in the file's data fork.
+ rsrcSize output: The number of bytes in the file's resource fork.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErrdirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: GetFileSize
+pascal OSErr BumpDate(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Update the modification date of a file or directory.
+ The BumpDate function changes the modification date of a file or
+ directory to the current date/time. If the modification date is already
+ equal to the current date/time, then add one second to the
+ modification date.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpBumpDate
+pascal OSErr FSpBumpDate(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Update the modification date of a file or directory.
+ The FSpBumpDate function changes the modification date of a file or
+ directory to the current date/time. If the modification date is already
+ equal to the current date/time, then add one second to the
+ modification date.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: BumpDate
+pascal OSErr ChangeCreatorType(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ OSType creator,
+ OSType fileType);
+/* ¦ Change the creator or file type of a file.
+ The ChangeCreatorType function changes the creator or file type of a file.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: The name of the file.
+ creator input: The new creator type or 0x00000000 to leave
+ the creator type alone.
+ fileType input: The new file type or 0x00000000 to leave the
+ file type alone.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ notAFileErr -1302 Name was not a file
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpChangeCreatorType
+pascal OSErr FSpChangeCreatorType(const FSSpec *spec,
+ OSType creator,
+ OSType fileType);
+/* ¦ Change the creator or file type of a file.
+ The FSpChangeCreatorType function changes the creator or file type of a file.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the file.
+ creator input: The new creator type or 0x00000000 to leave
+ the creator type alone.
+ fileType input: The new file type or 0x00000000 to leave the
+ file type alone.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ notAFileErr -1302 Name was not a file
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: ChangeCreatorType
+pascal OSErr ChangeFDFlags(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name,
+ Boolean setBits,
+ unsigned short flagBits);
+/* ¦ Set or clear Finder Flag bits.
+ The ChangeFDFlags function sets or clears Finder Flag bits in the
+ fdFlags field of a file or directory's FInfo record.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ setBits input: If true, then set the bits specified in flagBits.
+ If false, then clear the bits specified in flagBits.
+ flagBits input: The flagBits parameter specifies which Finder Flag
+ bits to set or clear. If a bit in flagBits is set,
+ then the same bit in fdFlags is either set or
+ cleared depending on the state of the setBits
+ parameter.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpChangeFDFlags
+pascal OSErr FSpChangeFDFlags(const FSSpec *spec,
+ Boolean setBits,
+ unsigned short flagBits);
+/* ¦ Set or clear Finder Flag bits.
+ The FSpChangeFDFlags function sets or clears Finder Flag bits in the
+ fdFlags field of a file or directory's FInfo record.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ setBits input: If true, then set the bits specified in flagBits.
+ If false, then clear the bits specified in flagBits.
+ flagBits input: The flagBits parameter specifies which Finder Flag
+ bits to set or clear. If a bit in flagBits is set,
+ then the same bit in fdFlags is either set or
+ cleared depending on the state of the setBits
+ parameter.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: ChangeFDFlags
+pascal OSErr SetIsInvisible(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Set the invisible Finder Flag bit.
+ The SetIsInvisible function sets the invisible bit in the fdFlags
+ word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpSetIsInvisible, ClearIsInvisible, FSpClearIsInvisible
+pascal OSErr FSpSetIsInvisible(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Set the invisible Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpSetIsInvisible function sets the invisible bit in the fdFlags
+ word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetIsInvisible, ClearIsInvisible, FSpClearIsInvisible
+pascal OSErr ClearIsInvisible(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Clear the invisible Finder Flag bit.
+ The ClearIsInvisible function clears the invisible bit in the fdFlags
+ word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetIsInvisible, FSpSetIsInvisible, FSpClearIsInvisible
+pascal OSErr FSpClearIsInvisible(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Clear the invisible Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpClearIsInvisible function clears the invisible bit in the fdFlags
+ word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetIsInvisible, FSpSetIsInvisible, ClearIsInvisible
+pascal OSErr SetNameLocked(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Set the nameLocked Finder Flag bit.
+ The SetNameLocked function sets the nameLocked bit in the fdFlags word
+ of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpSetNameLocked, ClearNameLocked, FSpClearNameLocked
+pascal OSErr FSpSetNameLocked(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Set the nameLocked Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpSetNameLocked function sets the nameLocked bit in the fdFlags word
+ of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetNameLocked, ClearNameLocked, FSpClearNameLocked
+pascal OSErr ClearNameLocked(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Clear the nameLocked Finder Flag bit.
+ The ClearNameLocked function clears the nameLocked bit in the fdFlags
+ word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetNameLocked, FSpSetNameLocked, FSpClearNameLocked
+pascal OSErr FSpClearNameLocked(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Clear the nameLocked Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpClearNameLocked function clears the nameLocked bit in the fdFlags
+ word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetNameLocked, FSpSetNameLocked, ClearNameLocked
+pascal OSErr SetIsStationery(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Set the isStationery Finder Flag bit.
+ The SetIsStationery function sets the isStationery bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpSetIsStationery, ClearIsStationery, FSpClearIsStationery
+pascal OSErr FSpSetIsStationery(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Set the isStationery Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpSetIsStationery function sets the isStationery bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetIsStationery, ClearIsStationery, FSpClearIsStationery
+pascal OSErr ClearIsStationery(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Clear the isStationery Finder Flag bit.
+ The ClearIsStationery function clears the isStationery bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetIsStationery, FSpSetIsStationery, FSpClearIsStationery
+pascal OSErr FSpClearIsStationery(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Clear the isStationery Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpClearIsStationery function clears the isStationery bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetIsStationery, FSpSetIsStationery, ClearIsStationery
+pascal OSErr SetHasCustomIcon(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Set the hasCustomIcon Finder Flag bit.
+ The SetHasCustomIcon function sets the hasCustomIcon bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpSetHasCustomIcon, ClearHasCustomIcon, FSpClearHasCustomIcon
+pascal OSErr FSpSetHasCustomIcon(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Set the hasCustomIcon Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpSetHasCustomIcon function sets the hasCustomIcon bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetHasCustomIcon, ClearHasCustomIcon, FSpClearHasCustomIcon
+pascal OSErr ClearHasCustomIcon(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Clear the hasCustomIcon Finder Flag bit.
+ The ClearHasCustomIcon function clears the hasCustomIcon bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetHasCustomIcon, FSpSetHasCustomIcon, FSpClearHasCustomIcon
+pascal OSErr FSpClearHasCustomIcon(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Clear the hasCustomIcon Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpClearHasCustomIcon function clears the hasCustomIcon bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: SetHasCustomIcon, FSpSetHasCustomIcon, ClearHasCustomIcon
+pascal OSErr ClearHasBeenInited(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param name);
+/* ¦ Clear the hasBeenInited Finder Flag bit.
+ The ClearHasBeenInited function clears the hasBeenInited bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
+ a directory that's the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpClearHasBeenInited
+pascal OSErr FSpClearHasBeenInited(const FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Clear the hasBeenInited Finder Flag bit.
+ The FSpClearHasBeenInited function clears the hasBeenInited bit in the
+ fdFlags word of the specified file or directory's finder information.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: ClearHasBeenInited
+pascal OSErr CopyFileMgrAttributes(short srcVRefNum,
+ long srcDirID,
+ ConstStr255Param srcName,
+ short dstVRefNum,
+ long dstDirID,
+ ConstStr255Param dstName,
+ Boolean copyLockBit);
+/* ¦ Copy all File Manager attributes from the source to the destination.
+ The CopyFileMgrAttributes function copies all File Manager attributes
+ from the source file or directory to the destination file or directory.
+ If copyLockBit is true, then set the locked state of the destination
+ to match the source.
+ srcVRefNum input: Source volume specification.
+ srcDirID input: Source directory ID.
+ srcName input: Pointer to source object name, or nil when
+ srcDirID specifies a directory that's the object.
+ dstVRefNum input: Destination volume specification.
+ dstDirID input: Destination directory ID.
+ dstName input: Pointer to destination object name, or nil when
+ dstDirID specifies a directory that's the object.
+ copyLockBit input: If true, set the locked state of the destination
+ to match the source.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: FSpCopyFileMgrAttributes
+pascal OSErr FSpCopyFileMgrAttributes(const FSSpec *srcSpec,
+ const FSSpec *dstSpec,
+ Boolean copyLockBit);
+/* ¦ Copy all File Manager attributes from the source to the destination.
+ The FSpCopyFileMgrAttributes function copies all File Manager attributes
+ from the source file or directory to the destination file or directory.
+ If copyLockBit is true, then set the locked state of the destination
+ to match the source.
+ srcSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the source object.
+ dstSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the destination object.
+ copyLockBit input: If true, set the locked state of the destination
+ to match the source.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ __________
+ See also: CopyFileMgrAttributes
+pascal OSErr HOpenAware(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param fileName,
+ short denyModes,
+ short *refNum);
+/* ¦ Open the data fork of a file using deny mode permissions.
+ The HOpenAware function opens the data fork of a file using deny mode
+ permissions instead the normal File Manager permissions. If OpenDeny
+ is not available, then HOpenAware translates the deny modes to the
+ closest File Manager permissions and tries to open the file with
+ OpenDF first, and then Open if OpenDF isn't available. By using
+ HOpenAware with deny mode permissions, a program can be "AppleShare
+ aware" and fall back on the standard File Manager open calls
+ automatically.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ fileName input: The name of the file.
+ denyModes input: The deny modes access under which to open the file.
+ refNum output: The file reference number of the opened file.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ tmfoErr -42 Too many files open
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ opWrErr -49 File already open for writing
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to the file
+ afpDenyConflict -5006 Requested access permission not possible
+ __________
+ See also: FSpOpenAware, HOpenRFAware, FSpOpenRFAware
+pascal OSErr FSpOpenAware(const FSSpec *spec,
+ short denyModes,
+ short *refNum);
+/* ¦ Open the data fork of a file using deny mode permissions.
+ The FSpOpenAware function opens the data fork of a file using deny mode
+ permissions instead the normal File Manager permissions. If OpenDeny
+ is not available, then FSpOpenAware translates the deny modes to the
+ closest File Manager permissions and tries to open the file with
+ OpenDF first, and then Open if OpenDF isn't available. By using
+ FSpOpenAware with deny mode permissions, a program can be "AppleShare
+ aware" and fall back on the standard File Manager open calls
+ automatically.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the file.
+ denyModes input: The deny modes access under which to open the file.
+ refNum output: The file reference number of the opened file.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ tmfoErr -42 Too many files open
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ opWrErr -49 File already open for writing
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to the file
+ afpDenyConflict -5006 Requested access permission not possible
+ __________
+ See also: HOpenAware, HOpenRFAware, FSpOpenRFAware
+pascal OSErr HOpenRFAware(short vRefNum,
+ long dirID,
+ ConstStr255Param fileName,
+ short denyModes,
+ short *refNum);
+/* ¦ Open the resource fork of a file using deny mode permissions.
+ The HOpenRFAware function opens the resource fork of a file using deny
+ mode permissions instead the normal File Manager permissions. If
+ OpenRFDeny is not available, then HOpenRFAware translates the deny
+ modes to the closest File Manager permissions and tries to open the
+ file with OpenRF. By using HOpenRFAware with deny mode permissions,
+ a program can be "AppleShare aware" and fall back on the standard
+ File Manager open calls automatically.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ dirID input: Directory ID.
+ fileName input: The name of the file.
+ denyModes input: The deny modes access under which to open the file.
+ refNum output: The file reference number of the opened file.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ tmfoErr -42 Too many files open
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ opWrErr -49 File already open for writing
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to the file
+ afpDenyConflict -5006 Requested access permission not possible
+ __________
+ See also: HOpenAware, FSpOpenAware, FSpOpenRFAware
+pascal OSErr FSpOpenRFAware(const FSSpec *spec,
+ short denyModes,
+ short *refNum);
+/* ¦ Open the resource fork of a file using deny mode permissions.
+ The FSpOpenRFAware function opens the resource fork of a file using deny
+ mode permissions instead the normal File Manager permissions. If
+ OpenRFDeny is not available, then FSpOpenRFAware translates the deny
+ modes to the closest File Manager permissions and tries to open the
+ file with OpenRF. By using FSpOpenRFAware with deny mode permissions,
+ a program can be "AppleShare aware" and fall back on the standard
+ File Manager open calls automatically.
+ spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the file.
+ denyModes input: The deny modes access under which to open the file.
+ refNum output: The file reference number of the opened file.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 No such volume
+ tmfoErr -42 Too many files open
+ fnfErr -43 File not found
+ wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ opWrErr -49 File already open for writing
+ paramErr -50 No default volume
+ permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to the file
+ afpDenyConflict -5006 Requested access permission not possible
+ __________
+ See also: HOpenAware, FSpOpenAware, HOpenRFAware
+pascal OSErr FSReadNoCache(short refNum,
+ long *count,
+ void *buffPtr);
+/* ¦ Read any number of bytes from an open file requesting no caching.
+ The FSReadNoCache function reads any number of bytes from an open file
+ while asking the file system to bypass its cache mechanism.
+ refNum input: The file reference number of an open file.
+ count input: The number of bytes to read.
+ output: The number of bytes actually read.
+ buffPtr input: A pointer to the data buffer into which the bytes are
+ to be read.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ readErr Ð19 Driver does not respond to read requests
+ badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not
+ match unit table
+ unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a
+ nil handle in unit table
+ abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO
+ notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open
+ ioErr Ð36 Data does not match in read-verify mode
+ fnOpnErr -38 File not open
+ rfNumErr -51 Bad reference number
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to
+ the file
+ __________
+ See also: FSWriteNoCache
+pascal OSErr FSWriteNoCache(short refNum,
+ long *count,
+ const void *buffPtr);
+/* ¦ Write any number of bytes to an open file requesting no caching.
+ The FSReadNoCache function writes any number of bytes to an open file
+ while asking the file system to bypass its cache mechanism.
+ refNum input: The file reference number of an open file.
+ count input: The number of bytes to write to the file.
+ output: The number of bytes actually written.
+ buffPtr input: A pointer to the data buffer from which the bytes are
+ to be written.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ writErr Ð20 Driver does not respond to write requests
+ badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not
+ match unit table
+ unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a
+ nil handle in unit table
+ abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO
+ notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open
+ dskFulErr -34 Disk full
+ ioErr Ð36 Data does not match in read-verify mode
+ fnOpnErr -38 File not open
+ wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Software volume lock
+ rfNumErr -51 Bad reference number
+ wrPermErr -61 Read/write permission doesnÕt
+ allow writing
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to
+ the file
+ __________
+ See also: FSReadNoCache
+pascal OSErr FSWriteVerify(short refNum,
+ long *count,
+ const void *buffPtr);
+/* ¦ Write any number of bytes to an open file and then verify the data was written.
+ The FSWriteVerify function writes any number of bytes to an open file
+ and then verifies that the data was actually written to the device.
+ refNum input: The file reference number of an open file.
+ count input: The number of bytes to write to the file.
+ output: The number of bytes actually written and verified.
+ buffPtr input: A pointer to the data buffer from which the bytes are
+ to be written.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ readErr Ð19 Driver does not respond to read requests
+ writErr Ð20 Driver does not respond to write requests
+ badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not
+ match unit table
+ unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a
+ nil handle in unit table
+ abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO
+ notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open
+ dskFulErr -34 Disk full
+ ioErr Ð36 Data does not match in read-verify mode
+ fnOpnErr -38 File not open
+ eofErr -39 Logical end-of-file reached
+ posErr -40 Attempt to position mark before start
+ of file
+ wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Software volume lock
+ rfNumErr -51 Bad reference number
+ gfpErr -52 Error during GetFPos
+ wrPermErr -61 Read/write permission doesnÕt
+ allow writing
+ memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone to allocate
+ verify buffer
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to
+ the file
+pascal OSErr CopyFork(short srcRefNum,
+ short dstRefNum,
+ void *copyBufferPtr,
+ long copyBufferSize);
+/* ¦ Copy all data from the source fork to the destination fork of open file forks.
+ The CopyFork function copies all data from the source fork to the
+ destination fork of open file forks and makes sure the destination EOF
+ is equal to the source EOF.
+ srcRefNum input: The source file reference number.
+ dstRefNum input: The destination file reference number.
+ copyBufferPtr input: Pointer to buffer to use during copy. The
+ buffer should be at least 512-bytes minimum.
+ The larger the buffer, the faster the copy.
+ copyBufferSize input: The size of the copy buffer.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ readErr Ð19 Driver does not respond to read requests
+ writErr Ð20 Driver does not respond to write requests
+ badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not
+ match unit table
+ unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a
+ nil handle in unit table
+ abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO
+ notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open
+ dskFulErr -34 Disk full
+ ioErr Ð36 Data does not match in read-verify mode
+ fnOpnErr -38 File not open
+ wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Software volume lock
+ rfNumErr -51 Bad reference number
+ wrPermErr -61 Read/write permission doesnÕt
+ allow writing
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access to
+ the file
+pascal OSErr GetFileLocation(short refNum,
+ short *vRefNum,
+ long *dirID,
+ StringPtr fileName);
+/* ¦ Get the location of an open file.
+ The GetFileLocation function gets the location (volume reference number,
+ directory ID, and fileName) of an open file.
+ refNum input: The file reference number of an open file.
+ vRefNum output: The volume reference number.
+ dirID output: The parent directory ID.
+ fileName input: Points to a buffer (minimum Str63) where the
+ filename is to be returned or must be nil.
+ output: The filename.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 Specified volume doesnÕt exist
+ fnOpnErr -38 File not open
+ rfNumErr -51 Reference number specifies nonexistent
+ access path
+ __________
+ See also: FSpGetFileLocation
+pascal OSErr FSpGetFileLocation(short refNum,
+ FSSpec *spec);
+/* ¦ Get the location of an open file in an FSSpec record.
+ The FSpGetFileLocation function gets the location of an open file in
+ an FSSpec record.
+ refNum input: The file reference number of an open file.
+ spec output: FSSpec record containing the file name and location.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 Specified volume doesnÕt exist
+ fnOpnErr -38 File not open
+ rfNumErr -51 Reference number specifies nonexistent
+ access path
+ __________
+ See also: GetFileLocation
+pascal OSErr CopyDirectoryAccess(short srcVRefNum,
+ long srcDirID,
+ ConstStr255Param srcName,
+ short dstVRefNum,
+ long dstDirID,
+ ConstStr255Param dstName);
+/* ¦ Copy the AFP directory access privileges.
+ The CopyDirectoryAccess function copies the AFP directory access
+ privileges from one directory to another. Both directories must be on
+ the same file server, but not necessarily on the same server volume.
+ srcVRefNum input: Source volume specification.
+ srcDirID input: Source directory ID.
+ srcName input: Pointer to source directory name, or nil when
+ srcDirID specifies the directory.
+ dstVRefNum input: Destination volume specification.
+ dstDirID input: Destination directory ID.
+ dstName input: Pointer to destination directory name, or nil when
+ dstDirID specifies the directory.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 Volume not found
+ fnfErr -43 Directory not found
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ to the directory
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Object is a file, not a directory
+ __________
+ See also: FSpCopyDirectoryAccess
+pascal OSErr FSpCopyDirectoryAccess(const FSSpec *srcSpec,
+ const FSSpec *dstSpec);
+/* ¦ Copy the AFP directory access privileges.
+ The FSpCopyDirectoryAccess function copies the AFP directory access
+ privileges from one directory to another. Both directories must be on
+ the same file server, but not necessarily on the same server volume.
+ srcSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the source directory.
+ dstSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the destination directory.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ nsvErr -35 Volume not found
+ fnfErr -43 Directory not found
+ vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
+ paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
+ to the directory
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Object is a file, not a directory
+ __________
+ See also: CopyDirectoryAccess
+pascal OSErr HMoveRenameCompat(short vRefNum,
+ long srcDirID,
+ ConstStr255Param srcName,
+ long dstDirID,
+ ConstStr255Param dstpathName,
+ ConstStr255Param copyName);
+/* ¦ Move a file or directory and optionally rename it.
+ The HMoveRenameCompat function moves a file or directory and optionally
+ renames it. The source and destination locations must be on the same
+ volume. This routine works even if the volume doesn't support MoveRename.
+ vRefNum input: Volume specification.
+ srcDirID input: Source directory ID.
+ srcName input: The source object name.
+ dstDirID input: Destination directory ID.
+ dstName input: Pointer to destination directory name, or
+ nil when dstDirID specifies a directory.
+ copyName input: Points to the new name if the object is to be
+ renamed or nil if the object isn't to be renamed.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ dirFulErr -33 File directory full
+ dskFulErr -34 Disk is full
+ nsvErr -35 Volume not found
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename or attempt to move into
+ a file
+ fnfErr -43 Source file or directory not found
+ wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Destination volume is read-only
+ fBsyErr -47 File busy, directory not empty, or
+ working directory control block open
+ dupFNErr -48 Destination already exists
+ paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function,
+ no default volume, or source and
+ volOfflinErr -53 Volume is offline
+ fsRnErr -59 Problem during rename
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ badMovErr -122 Attempted to move directory into
+ offspring
+ wrgVolTypErr -123 Not an HFS volume (it's a MFS volume)
+ notAFileErr -1302 The pathname is nil, the pathname
+ is empty, or the pathname cannot refer
+ to a filename
+ diffVolErr -1303 Files on different volumes
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 The user does not have the right to
+ move the file or directory
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpSameObjectErr -5038 Source and destination files are the same
+ __________
+ See also: FSpMoveRenameCompat
+pascal OSErr FSpMoveRenameCompat(const FSSpec *srcSpec,
+ const FSSpec *dstSpec,
+ ConstStr255Param copyName);
+/* ¦ Move a file or directory and optionally rename it.
+ The FSpMoveRenameCompat function moves a file or directory and optionally
+ renames it. The source and destination locations must be on the same
+ volume. This routine works even if the volume doesn't support MoveRename.
+ srcSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the source object.
+ dstSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the destination
+ directory.
+ copyName input: Points to the new name if the object is to be
+ renamed or nil if the object isn't to be renamed.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ dirFulErr -33 File directory full
+ dskFulErr -34 Disk is full
+ nsvErr -35 Volume not found
+ ioErr -36 I/O error
+ bdNamErr -37 Bad filename or attempt to move into
+ a file
+ fnfErr -43 Source file or directory not found
+ wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
+ fLckdErr -45 File is locked
+ vLckdErr -46 Destination volume is read-only
+ fBsyErr -47 File busy, directory not empty, or
+ working directory control block open
+ dupFNErr -48 Destination already exists
+ paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function,
+ no default volume, or source and
+ volOfflinErr -53 Volume is offline
+ fsRnErr -59 Problem during rename
+ dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ badMovErr -122 Attempted to move directory into
+ offspring
+ wrgVolTypErr -123 Not an HFS volume (it's a MFS volume)
+ notAFileErr -1302 The pathname is nil, the pathname
+ is empty, or the pathname cannot refer
+ to a filename
+ diffVolErr -1303 Files on different volumes
+ afpAccessDenied -5000 The user does not have the right to
+ move the file or directory
+ afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
+ afpSameObjectErr -5038 Source and destination files are the same
+ __________
+ See also: HMoveRenameCompat
+pascal OSErr BuildAFPVolMountInfo(short flags,
+ char nbpInterval,
+ char nbpCount,
+ short uamType,
+ Str32 zoneName,
+ Str31 serverName,
+ Str27 volName,
+ Str31 userName,
+ Str8 userPassword,
+ Str8 volPassword,
+ AFPVolMountInfoPtr *afpInfoPtr);
+/* ¦ Allocate and initializes the fields of an AFPVolMountInfo record.
+ The BuildAFPVolMountInfo function allocates and initializes the fields
+ of an AFPVolMountInfo record before using that record to call
+ the VolumeMount function.
+ flags input: The AFP mounting flags. 0 = normal mount;
+ set bit 0 to inhibit greeting messages.
+ nbpInterval input: The interval used for VolumeMount's
+ NBP Lookup call. 7 is a good choice.
+ nbpCount input: The retry count used for VolumeMount's
+ NBP Lookup call. 5 is a good choice.
+ uamType input: The user authentication method to use.
+ zoneName input: The AppleTalk zone name of the server.
+ serverName input: The AFP server name.
+ volName input: The AFP volume name.
+ userName input: The user name (zero length Pascal string for
+ guest).
+ userPassWord input: The user password (zero length Pascal string
+ if no user password)
+ volPassWord input: The volume password (zero length Pascal string
+ if no volume password)
+ afpInfoPtr output: A pointer to the newly created and initialized
+ AFPVolMountInfo record. If the function fails to
+ create an AFPVolMountInfo record, it sets
+ afpInfoPtr to NULL and the function result is
+ memFullErr. Your program is responsible
+ for disposing of this pointer when it is finished
+ with it.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ memFullErr -108 memory full error
+ __________
+ Also see: GetVolMountInfoSize, GetVolMountInfo, VolumeMount,
+ RetrieveAFPVolMountInfo, BuildAFPXVolMountInfo,
+ RetrieveAFPXVolMountInfo
+pascal OSErr RetrieveAFPVolMountInfo(AFPVolMountInfoPtr afpInfoPtr,
+ short *flags,
+ short *uamType,
+ StringPtr zoneName,
+ StringPtr serverName,
+ StringPtr volName,
+ StringPtr userName);
+/* ¦ Retrieve the AFP mounting information from an AFPVolMountInfo record.
+ The RetrieveAFPVolMountInfo function retrieves the AFP mounting
+ information returned in an AFPVolMountInfo record by the
+ GetVolMountInfo function.
+ afpInfoPtr input: Pointer to AFPVolMountInfo record that contains
+ the AFP mounting information.
+ flags output: The AFP mounting flags.
+ uamType output: The user authentication method used.
+ zoneName output: The AppleTalk zone name of the server.
+ serverName output: The AFP server name.
+ volName output: The AFP volume name.
+ userName output: The user name (zero length Pascal string for
+ guest).
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ paramErr -50 media field in AFP mounting information
+ was not AppleShareMediaType
+ __________
+ Also see: GetVolMountInfoSize, GetVolMountInfo, VolumeMount,
+ BuildAFPVolMountInfo, BuildAFPXVolMountInfo,
+ RetrieveAFPXVolMountInfo
+pascal OSErr BuildAFPXVolMountInfo(short flags,
+ char nbpInterval,
+ char nbpCount,
+ short uamType,
+ Str32 zoneName,
+ Str31 serverName,
+ Str27 volName,
+ Str31 userName,
+ Str8 userPassword,
+ Str8 volPassword,
+ Str32 uamName,
+ unsigned long alternateAddressLength,
+ void *alternateAddress,
+ AFPXVolMountInfoPtr *afpXInfoPtr);
+/* ¦ Allocate and initializes the fields of an AFPXVolMountInfo record.
+ The BuildAFPXVolMountInfo function allocates and initializes the fields
+ of an AFPXVolMountInfo record before using that record to call
+ the VolumeMount function.
+ flags input: The AFP mounting flags.
+ nbpInterval input: The interval used for VolumeMount's
+ NBP Lookup call. 7 is a good choice.
+ nbpCount input: The retry count used for VolumeMount's
+ NBP Lookup call. 5 is a good choice.
+ uamType input: The user authentication method to use.
+ zoneName input: The AppleTalk zone name of the server.
+ serverName input: The AFP server name.
+ volName input: The AFP volume name.
+ userName input: The user name (zero length Pascal string
+ for guest).
+ userPassWord input: The user password (zero length Pascal
+ string if no user password)
+ volPassWord input: The volume password (zero length Pascal
+ string if no volume password)
+ uamName input: The User Authentication Method name.
+ alternateAddressLength input: Length of alternateAddress data.
+ alternateAddress input The AFPAlternateAddress (variable length)
+ afpXInfoPtr output: A pointer to the newly created and
+ initialized AFPVolMountInfo record.
+ If the function fails to create an
+ AFPVolMountInfo record, it sets
+ afpInfoPtr to NULL and the function
+ result is memFullErr. Your program is
+ responsible for disposing of this pointer
+ when it is finished with it.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ memFullErr -108 memory full error
+ __________
+ Also see: GetVolMountInfoSize, GetVolMountInfo, VolumeMount,
+ BuildAFPVolMountInfo, RetrieveAFPVolMountInfo,
+ RetrieveAFPXVolMountInfo
+pascal OSErr RetrieveAFPXVolMountInfo(AFPXVolMountInfoPtr afpXInfoPtr,
+ short *flags,
+ short *uamType,
+ StringPtr zoneName,
+ StringPtr serverName,
+ StringPtr volName,
+ StringPtr userName,
+ StringPtr uamName,
+ unsigned long *alternateAddressLength,
+ AFPAlternateAddress **alternateAddress);
+/* ¦ Retrieve the AFP mounting information from an AFPXVolMountInfo record.
+ The RetrieveAFPXVolMountInfo function retrieves the AFP mounting
+ information returned in an AFPXVolMountInfo record by the
+ GetVolMountInfo function.
+ afpXInfoPtr input: Pointer to AFPXVolMountInfo record that
+ contains the AFP mounting information.
+ flags output: The AFP mounting flags.
+ uamType output: The user authentication method used.
+ zoneName output: The AppleTalk zone name of the server.
+ serverName output: The AFP server name.
+ volName output: The AFP volume name.
+ userName output: The user name (zero length Pascal
+ string for guest).
+ uamName output: The User Authentication Method name.
+ alternateAddressLength output: Length of alternateAddress data returned.
+ alternateAddress: output: A pointer to the newly created and
+ AFPAlternateAddress record (a variable
+ length record). If the function fails to
+ create an AFPAlternateAddress record,
+ it sets alternateAddress to NULL and the
+ function result is memFullErr. Your
+ program is responsible for disposing of
+ this pointer when it is finished with it.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ paramErr -50 media field in AFP mounting information
+ was not AppleShareMediaType
+ memFullErr -108 memory full error
+ __________
+ Also see: GetVolMountInfoSize, GetVolMountInfo, VolumeMount,
+ BuildAFPVolMountInfo, RetrieveAFXVolMountInfo,
+ BuildAFPXVolMountInfo
+pascal OSErr GetUGEntries(short objType,
+ UGEntryPtr entries,
+ long reqEntryCount,
+ long *actEntryCount,
+ long *objID);
+/* ¦ Retrieve a list of user or group entries from the local file server.
+ The GetUGEntries functions retrieves a list of user or group entries
+ from the local file server.
+ objType input: The object type: -1 = group; 0 = user
+ UGEntries input: Pointer to array of UGEntry records where the list
+ is returned.
+ reqEntryCount input: The number of elements in the UGEntries array.
+ actEntryCount output: The number of entries returned.
+ objID input: The current index position. Set to 0 to start with
+ the first entry.
+ output: The index position to get the next entry. Pass this
+ value the next time you call GetUGEntries to start
+ where you left off.
+ Result Codes
+ noErr 0 No error
+ fnfErr -43 No more users or groups
+ paramErr -50 Function not supported; or, ioObjID is
+ negative
+ __________
+ Also see: GetUGEntry
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "OptimEnd.h"
+#endif /* __MOREFILESEXTRAS__ */