+ utils/convertrc/Makefile
# $Id$
-CONTRIB_UTILS=wxrc wxrcedit
+CONTRIB_UTILS=wxrc wxrcedit convertrc
@for d in $(CONTRIB_UTILS); do (cd $$d && $(MAKE)); done
--- /dev/null
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="ConvertVC" - Package Owner=<4>
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
+# ** DO NOT EDIT **
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101
+CFG=ConvertVC - Win32 Debug
+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "ConvertVC.mak".
+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "ConvertVC.mak" CFG="ConvertVC - Win32 Debug"
+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+!MESSAGE "ConvertVC - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
+!MESSAGE "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
+!MESSAGE "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug DLL" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
+!MESSAGE "ConvertVC - Win32 Release DLL" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
+# Begin Project
+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O1 /Ob2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib wx.lib xpm.lib png.lib zlib.lib jpeg.lib tiff.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libc.lib" /nodefaultlib:"libci.lib" /nodefaultlib:"msvcrtd.lib" /out:"Release/wxconvert.exe"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D DEBUG=1 /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /Yu"wx/wxprec.h" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib wxd.lib xpmd.lib pngd.lib zlibd.lib jpegd.lib tiffd.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcd.lib" /nodefaultlib:"libcid.lib" /nodefaultlib:"msvcrt.lib" /out:"Debug/wxconvert.exe" /pdbtype:sept
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug DLL"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "DebugDLL"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "DebugDLL"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "DebugDLL"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "DebugDLL"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D DEBUG=1 /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /D WXUSINGDLL=1 /YX"wxprec.h" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib wxdlld.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcd.lib" /nodefaultlib:"libcid.lib" /out:"DebugDLL/wxconvert.exe" /pdbtype:sept
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release DLL"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "ReleaseDLL"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "ReleaseDLL"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "ReleaseDLL"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "ReleaseDLL"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O1 /Ob2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /D WXUSINGDLL=1 /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o "NUL" /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib wxdll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libc.lib" /nodefaultlib:"libci.lib" /out:"ReleaseDLL/wxconvert.exe"
+# Begin Target
+# Name "ConvertVC - Win32 Release"
+# Name "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug"
+# Name "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug DLL"
+# Name "ConvertVC - Win32 Release DLL"
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug DLL"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release DLL"
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug DLL"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release DLL"
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Debug DLL"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ConvertVC - Win32 Release DLL"
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Target
+# End Project
--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@/..
+top_builddir = ../../..
+program_dir = contrib/utils/convertrc
+OBJECTS=convert.o rc2xml.o rc2wxr.o wxr2xml.o
+include $(top_builddir)/src/makeprog.env
--- /dev/null
+//wxConvertApp Programming Utility
+/*This program currently offers 3 useful conversions
+1. Converts most of an .RC file into a wxXml file
+2. Converts most of an .wxr file into a wxXml file
+3. Converts portions of an .RC file into a wxr file
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation "convert.cpp"
+#pragma interface "convert.cpp"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include <wx/wxprec.h>
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
+// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWindows headers
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include <wx/wx.h>
+#include <wx/image.h>
+#include "wx/resource.h"
+#include "convert.h"
+#include "rc2wxr.h"
+#include "wxr2xml.h"
+#include "rc2xml.h"
+// Construction/Destruction
+ m_pFrame=NULL;
+ m_pMenuBar=NULL;
+bool wxConvertApp::OnInit()
+//Initialize all image loaders(JPEG,BMP,PNG,and etc)
+ wxInitAllImageHandlers();
+ SetAppName("wxConvertApp");
+ if (HandleCommandLine())
+ return TRUE;
+// Create the main frame window
+ m_pFrame = new wxMainFrame(NULL, -1, "wxConvertApp", wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(500, 400),
+ InitMenu();
+ m_pFrame->Show(TRUE);
+ SetTopWindow(m_pFrame);
+ return TRUE;
+void wxConvertApp::InitMenu()
+ m_pMenuBar=new wxMenuBar;
+ wxASSERT(m_pMenuBar);
+ wxMenu *filemenu=new wxMenu;
+ filemenu->Append(ID_RC2WXR,"Convert RC file to WXR file");
+ filemenu->Append(ID_WXR2XML,"Convert WXR file to XML file");
+ filemenu->Append(ID_RC2XML,"Convert RC file to XML file");
+ filemenu->Append(ID_QUIT, "E&xit");
+ m_pMenuBar->Append(filemenu,"&File");
+ m_pFrame->SetMenuBar(m_pMenuBar);
+// MainFrame.cpp: implementation of the wxMainFrame class.
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxMainFrame, wxFrame)
+ EVT_MENU(ID_QUIT,wxMainFrame::OnQuit)
+ EVT_MENU(ID_RC2WXR,wxMainFrame::OnRc2Wxr)
+// Construction/Destruction
+wxMainFrame::wxMainFrame(wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id,
+const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
+long style, const wxString& name)
+void wxMainFrame::OnQuit()
+ Close(TRUE);
+void wxMainFrame::OnRc2Wxr()
+ wxFileDialog filed(this);
+ filed.SetWildcard("*.rc");
+ filed.SetStyle(wxOPEN);
+ if (filed.ShowModal()!=wxID_OK)
+ return;
+ wxFileDialog wxrfile(this,"Enter Desired WXR file name");
+ wxrfile.SetWildcard("*.wxr");
+ wxrfile.SetStyle(wxOPEN);
+ wxrfile.SetFilename("resource.wxr");
+ if (wxrfile.ShowModal()!=wxID_OK)
+ return;
+ rc2wxr convert;
+ convert.Convert(wxrfile.GetPath(),filed.GetPath());
+void wxMainFrame::OnWXR2XML()
+ wxFileDialog f(this);
+ f.SetWildcard("*.wxr");
+ if (f.ShowModal()!=wxID_OK)
+ return;
+ wxFileDialog xmlfile(this,"Enter Desired XML file name");
+ xmlfile.SetWildcard("*.xml");
+ xmlfile.SetStyle(wxOPEN);
+ xmlfile.SetFilename("resource.xml");
+ if (xmlfile.ShowModal()!=wxID_OK)
+ return;
+ wxr2xml XMLCon;
+ XMLCon.Convert(f.GetPath(),xmlfile.GetPath());
+void wxMainFrame::OnRC2XML()
+ wxFileDialog f(this);
+ f.SetWildcard("*.rc");
+ if (f.ShowModal()!=wxID_OK)
+ return;
+ wxFileDialog xmlfile(this,"Enter Desired XML file name");
+ xmlfile.SetWildcard("*.xml");
+ xmlfile.SetStyle(wxOPEN);
+ xmlfile.SetFilename("resource.xml");
+ if (xmlfile.ShowModal()!=wxID_OK)
+ return;
+ rc2xml XMLCon;
+ XMLCon.Convert(f.GetPath(),xmlfile.GetPath());
+bool wxConvertApp::HandleCommandLine()
+ if (argc != 2)
+ return FALSE;
+//Figure out kind of conversion
+ wxString source,target;
+ wxr2xml trans_wxr2xml;
+ rc2xml trans_rc2xml;
+ rc2wxr trans_rc2wxr;
+ source=argv[1];
+ target=argv[2];
+ if ((source.Find(".wxr")>0)&&(target.Find(".xml")>0))
+ {
+ trans_wxr2xml.Convert(source,target);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ((source.Find(".rc")!=-1)&(target.Find(".wxr")!=-1))
+ {
+ trans_rc2wxr.Convert(source,target);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ((source.Find(".rc")!=-1)&(target.Find(".xml")!=-1))
+ {
+ trans_rc2xml.Convert(source,target);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
--- /dev/null
+// MainFrame.h: interface for the wxMainFrame class.
+#if !defined(MAINFRAME_H)
+#define MAINFRAME_H
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#define ID_QUIT 1002
+#define ID_ABOUT 1003
+#define ID_RC2WXR 1005
+#define ID_WXR2XML 1006
+#define ID_RC2XML 1007
+class wxMainFrame:public wxFrame
+ void OnRC2XML();
+ void OnWXR2XML();
+ void OnRc2Wxr();
+ void OnQuit();
+ wxMainFrame(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
+ const wxString& name = "frame");
+ virtual ~wxMainFrame();
+class wxConvertApp : public wxApp
+ bool HandleCommandLine();
+ void InitMenu();
+ bool OnInit(void);
+ wxConvertApp();
+ virtual ~wxConvertApp();
+ wxMenuBar * m_pMenuBar;
+ wxMainFrame *m_pFrame;
+#endif // !defined(MAINFRAME_H)
-// RC2WXR.cpp: implementation of the wxRC2WXR class.
+// rc2wxr.cpp: implementation of the rc2wxr class.
+//Author: Brian Gavin 9/24/00
+//License: wxWindows License
+WARNING- I know this code has some bugs to work out but
+I don't plan to fix them since I feel that wxr files will
+not be used much longer.
+This code was used as a starting point for my rc2xml converter
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation "rc2wxr.cpp"
+#pragma interface "rc2wxr.cpp"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
-#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#include <wx/wxprec.h>
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
+// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWindows headers
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "rc2wxr.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
// Construction/Destruction
-void wxRC2WXR::Open(wxString wxrfile, wxString rcfile)
+void rc2wxr::Convert(wxString wxrfile, wxString rcfile)
- wxFileProgressDlg fileprog;
- m_rc.Open(rcfile);
- m_filesize=m_rc.Length();
if( (m_wxr = fopen( wxrfile, "wt" )) == NULL )
- return;
+ return;
wxString tok,prevtok;
if (tok=="DIALOG")
- ParseDialog(prevtok);
- fileprog.UpdateProgress(&m_rc);
if (tok=="MENU")
- ParseMenu(prevtok);
- fileprog.UpdateProgress(&m_rc);
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseDialog(wxString dlgname)
- wxString tok;
- static int dlgid=999;
- dlgid++;
- /* Make sure that this really is a dialog
- microsoft reuses the keyword DIALOG for other things
- */
- tok=PeekToken();
- //Microsoft notation?
- if (tok=="DISCARDABLE")
- {
- tok=GetToken();
- tok=PeekToken();
- }
- //This isn't a Dialog resource eject eject
- if (!tok.IsNumber())
- return;
+void rc2wxr::ParseDialog(wxString dlgname)
+wxString tok;
+static int dlgid=999;
+/* Make sure that this really is a dialog
+microsoft reuses the keyword DIALOG for other things
+//Microsoft notation?
+if (tok=="DISCARDABLE")
+//This isn't a Dialog resource eject eject
+if (!tok.IsNumber())
+ return;
//Generate Dialog text
-fprintf(m_wxr,"static char *dialog%i = \"dialog(name = '%s',\\\n",dlgid,dlgname);
+fprintf(m_wxr,"static char *dialog%i = \"dialog(name = '%s',\\\n",dlgid,dlgname.mb_str());
//be lazy about style for now. add it later
fprintf(m_wxr,"style = 'wxRAISED_BORDER | wxCAPTION | wxTHICK_FRAME | wxSYSTEM_MENU',\\\n");
while ((tok!="BEGIN")&(tok!="{"))
if (tok=="CAPTION")
- {
- title=GetQuoteField();
- fprintf(m_wxr,"title = '%s',\\\n",title);
- }
+fprintf(m_wxr,"title = '%s',\\\n",title.mb_str());
fprintf(m_wxr,"use_dialog_units = 1,\\\n");
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseControls()
+void rc2wxr::ParseControls()
wxString tok;
//LTEXT "Radius",IDC_STATIC,9,67,23,8
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseStaticText()
+void rc2wxr::ParseStaticText()
wxString tok;
wxString phrase,varname;
int x,y,width,height;
-fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxStaticText,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,phrase,varname);
+fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxStaticText,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,phrase.mb_str(),varname.mb_str());
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseTextCtrl()
+void rc2wxr::ParseTextCtrl()
wxString tok;
wxString varname;
int x,y,width,height;
-fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxTextCtrl,'','0','%s',",m_controlid,varname);
+fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxTextCtrl,'','0','%s',",m_controlid,varname.mb_str());
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
//PUSHBUTTON "Create/Update",IDC_CREATE,15,25,53,13,NOT WS_TABSTOP
-void wxRC2WXR::ParsePushButton()
+void rc2wxr::ParsePushButton()
wxString tok;
wxString phrase,varname;
int x,y,width,height;
-fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxButton,'%s','0','%s',",c,phrase,varname);
+fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxButton,'%s','0','%s',",c,phrase.mb_str(),varname.mb_str());
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
-bool wxRC2WXR::Seperator(int ch)
+bool rc2wxr::Seperator(int ch)
if ((ch==' ')|(ch==',')|(ch==13)|(ch==10)|(ch=='|'))
return TRUE;
if (ch==EOF)
- m_done=TRUE;
- return TRUE;
+return TRUE;
return FALSE;
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseGroupBox()
+void rc2wxr::ParseGroupBox()
// GROUPBOX "Rotate",IDC_STATIC,1,1,71,79
wxString tok;
int x,y,width,height;
-fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxStaticBox,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,phrase,varname);
+fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxStaticBox,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,phrase.mb_str(),varname.mb_str());
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
-void wxRC2WXR::ReadRect(int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height)
+void rc2wxr::ReadRect(int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height)
-wxString wxRC2WXR::GetToken()
+wxString rc2wxr::GetToken()
wxString tok="";
if (m_done)
- return tok;
+ return tok;
if (ch==EOF)
- m_done=TRUE;
while (!Seperator(ch))
- tok+=(char)ch;
- ReadChar(ch);
return tok;
-wxString wxRC2WXR::GetQuoteField()
+wxString rc2wxr::GetQuoteField()
wxString phrase;
//ASCII code 34 "
return phrase;
-void wxRC2WXR::ReadChar(int &ch)
+void rc2wxr::ReadChar(int &ch)
int result;
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseComboBox()
+void rc2wxr::ParseComboBox()
int x,y,width,height;
-fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxChoice,'','0','%s',",m_controlid,varname);
+fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxChoice,'','0','%s',",m_controlid,varname.mb_str());
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseMenu(wxString name)
+void rc2wxr::ParseMenu(wxString name)
wxString tok="";
static int menuid=0;
-fprintf(m_wxr,"static char *MenuBar%i = \"menu(name = '%s',\\\n",menuid,name);
+fprintf(m_wxr,"static char *MenuBar%i = \"menu(name = '%s',\\\n",menuid,name.mb_str());
fprintf(m_wxr,"menu = \\\n");
-void wxRC2WXR::ParsePopupMenu()
+void rc2wxr::ParsePopupMenu()
static int menuitem=99;
//Remove /t because it causes problems
-fprintf(m_wxr," ['%s',%i,'',\\\n",tok,menuitem);
+fprintf(m_wxr," ['%s',%i,'',\\\n",tok.mb_str(),menuitem);
while ((tok!="BEGIN")&(tok!="{"))
if (tok=="MENUITEM")
- {
- if (PeekToken()=="SEPARATOR")
- fprintf(m_wxr," [],\\\n");
- else
- {
- tok=GetQuoteField();
- //Remove /t because it causes problems
- spot=tok.First("\\t");
- tok=tok.Left(spot);
- menuitem++;
- fprintf(m_wxr," ['%s',%i,''],\\\n",tok,menuitem);
- }
- }
+if (PeekToken()=="SEPARATOR")
+fprintf(m_wxr," [],\\\n");
+//Remove /t because it causes problems
+fprintf(m_wxr," ['%s',%i,''],\\\n",tok.mb_str(),menuitem);
-wxString wxRC2WXR::PeekToken()
+wxString rc2wxr::PeekToken()
wxString tok;
int p;
return tok;
//Windows pain in the butt CONTROL
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseControlMS()
+void rc2wxr::ParseControlMS()
wxString label,varname,kindctrl,tok;
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseSlider(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2wxr::ParseSlider(wxString label, wxString varname)
- wxString tok;
- while (ReadOrs(tok));
-fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxSlider,'','wxSL_HORIZONTAL','%s',",m_controlid,varname);
+wxString tok;
+while (ReadOrs(tok));
+fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxSlider,'','wxSL_HORIZONTAL','%s',",m_controlid,varname.mb_str());
int x,y,width,height;
CONTROL "Progress1",CG_IDC_PROGDLG_PROGRESS,"msctls_progress32",
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseProgressBar(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2wxr::ParseProgressBar(wxString label, wxString varname)
wxString tok;
while (ReadOrs(tok));
-fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxGauge,'','wxGA_HORIZONTAL','%s',",m_controlid,varname);
+fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxGauge,'','wxGA_HORIZONTAL','%s',",m_controlid,varname.mb_str());
int x,y,width,height;
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
-bool wxRC2WXR::ReadOrs(wxString & w)
+bool rc2wxr::ReadOrs(wxString & w)
wxString tok;
//Is it a check button or a radio button
-void wxRC2WXR::ParseCtrlButton(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2wxr::ParseCtrlButton(wxString label, wxString varname)
wxString tok;
- tok=GetToken();
- int x,y,width,height;
+int x,y,width,height;
- fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxCheckBox,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,label,varname);
+ fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxCheckBox,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,label.mb_str(),varname.mb_str());
while (ReadOrs(tok));
- ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
- fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxRadioButton,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,label,varname);
+ fprintf(m_wxr," control = [%i,wxRadioButton,'%s','0','%s',",m_controlid,label.mb_str(),varname.mb_str());
- ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
fprintf(m_wxr,"[8, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0, 'MS Sans Serif']],\\\n");
-wxPoint pos;
-wxSize size;
-pos = ConvertDialogToPixels(wxPoint(10,10));
-size = ConvertDialogToPixels(wxSize(170,31));
-Create(GetParent(),100,"Parsing RC File",pos,size,603985920);
-//wxGauge Control
-pos = ConvertDialogToPixels(wxPoint(16,16));
-size = ConvertDialogToPixels(wxSize(136,6));
-m_pProgress = new wxGauge(this,101,100,pos,size);
-//wxStaticText Control
-pos = ConvertDialogToPixels(wxPoint(72,4));
-size = ConvertDialogToPixels(wxSize(18,6));
-m_pCompleteLabel= new wxStaticText(this,102,"0",pos,size,0);
-void wxFileProgressDlg::UpdateProgress(wxFile * f)
-int p;
-wxString t;
-// GenerateBitmapSrc Class
-// Construction/Destruction
-bool GenerateBitmapSrc::Create(wxString imfile, wxString srcfile,wxString varname)
-wxImage img;
-FILE *src;
-int h,w;
-if( (src = fopen( srcfile, "at" )) == NULL )
- return FALSE;
-fprintf(src,"#if !defined(IMG_%s)\n",varname);
-fprintf(src,"#define IMG_%s\n",varname);
-fprintf(src,"//Data from bitmap file %s \n",imfile);
-fprintf(src,"//Image Height=%i,Width=%i RGB format\n",h,w);
-fprintf(src,"static unsigned char %s[][3]={\n",varname);
-for (int y=0;y<h;y++)
- for (int x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- //fprintf(src,"{%i,%i,%i},",img.GetRed(x,y),img.GetGreen(x,y),img.GetBlue(x,y));
- }
-fprintf(src,"wxBitmap Load%s()\n{\n",varname);
-fprintf(src,"wxImage myimg(%i,%i);\n",w,h);
-int size=w*h*3;
-fprintf(src,"return myimg.ConvertToBitmap();\n");
-return TRUE;
#include "wx/file.h"
#include "stdio.h"
-class wxRC2WXR : public wxObject
+class rc2wxr : public wxObject
-void Open(wxString wxrfile, wxString rcfile);
+void Convert(wxString wxrfile, wxString rcfile);
wxFile m_rc;
-class wxFileProgressDlg : public wxDialog
- void UpdateProgress(wxFile *f);
-virtual ~wxFileProgressDlg();
-wxGauge *m_pProgress;
-wxStaticText *m_pCompleteLabel;
-class GenerateBitmapSrc : public wxObject
- bool Create(wxString imfile, wxString srcfile,wxString varname);
- GenerateBitmapSrc();
- virtual ~GenerateBitmapSrc();
\ No newline at end of file
-// rc2xml.cpp: implementation of the wxRC2XML class.
+// rc2xml.cpp: implementation of the rc2xml class.
+//Author: Brian Gavin 9/24/00
+//License: wxWindows License
+How to use:
+#include "rc2xml.h"
+rc2xml trans;
+/* TODO
+1. Figure how to fix memory leaks in all wxLists in this class
+2. Find a way to rename MS Windows fonts so that they work
+cross platform (wxGTK,etc)
+3. Be able to abort incorrectly formated files without crashing
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation "rc2xml.cpp"
+#pragma interface "rc2xml.cpp"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
-#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#include <wx/wxprec.h>
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
+// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWindows headers
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "rc2xml.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
#include "wx/resource.h"
+#include <wx/textfile.h>
+#include <wx/tokenzr.h>
// Construction/Destruction
-m_bitmaplist=new wxList(wxKEY_STRING);
-m_stringtable=new wxList(wxKEY_STRING);
-m_iconlist = new wxList(wxKEY_STRING);
+ m_done=FALSE;
+ m_bitmaplist=new wxList(wxKEY_STRING);
+ m_stringtable=new wxList(wxKEY_STRING);
+ m_iconlist = new wxList(wxKEY_STRING);
+ m_resourcelist =new wxList(wxKEY_INTEGER);
-delete m_bitmaplist;
-delete m_stringtable;
-delete m_iconlist;
+ delete m_bitmaplist;
+ delete m_stringtable;
+ delete m_iconlist;
+ delete m_resourcelist;
-bool wxRC2XML::Convert(wxString rcfile, wxString xmlfile)
+bool rc2xml::Convert(wxString rcfile, wxString xmlfile)
-bool result;
-wxASSERT_MSG(result,"Couldn't create XML file");
-if (!result)
- return FALSE;
+ m_rc.Open(rcfile.c_str());
+ m_filesize=m_rc.Length();
+ bool result;
+ result=m_xmlfile.Open(xmlfile.c_str(),"w+t");
+ wxASSERT_MSG(result,"Couldn't create XML file");
+ if (!result)
+ return FALSE;
/* Write Basic header for XML file */
-m_xmlfile.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("<resource>\n");
+//Read resource.h
+ ParseResourceHeader();
//Gather all the resource we need for toolbars,menus, and etc
+ FirstPass();
+ m_done=FALSE;
+ m_rc.Seek(0);
//Read in dialogs, toolbars,menus
+ SecondPass();
+ m_xmlfile.Write("</resource>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Close();
+ m_rc.Close();
return TRUE;
-void wxRC2XML::ParseDialog(wxString dlgname)
+void rc2xml::ParseDialog(wxString dlgname)
- wxString token;
- static int dlgid=999;
- dlgid++;
- /* Make sure that this really is a dialog
- microsoft reuses the keyword DIALOG for other things
- */
- token=PeekToken();
- //Microsoft notation?
- if (token=="DISCARDABLE")
- {
- token=GetToken();
- token=PeekToken();
- }
- //Error isn't a Dialog resource eject eject
- if (!token.IsNumber())
- return;
+ wxString token;
+ static int dlgid=999;
+ dlgid++;
+/* Make sure that this really is a dialog
+microsoft reuses the keyword DIALOG for other things
+ token=PeekToken();
+//Microsoft notation?
+ if (token=="DISCARDABLE")
+ {
+ token=GetToken();
+ token=PeekToken();
+ }
+//Error isn't a Dialog resource eject eject
+ if (!token.IsNumber())
+ return;
//Record x,y,width,height
-int x,y,width,height;
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
//Get Title
-wxString title;
+ token=GetToken();
+ wxString title;
+ wxString ptsize,face;
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t<dialog");
+ //Avoid duplicate names this way
+ dlgname.Replace("IDD_","DLG_");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,dlgname);
+ WriteTitle(title);
+ while ((token!="BEGIN")&(token!="{"))
+ {
+ if (token=="CAPTION")
+ {
+ title=GetQuoteField();
+ }
+//TODO fix face name so that it is cross platform name
+// FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
+ if (token=="FONT")
+ {
+ ptsize=GetToken();
+ face=GetQuoteField();
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<font>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<size>"+ptsize+"</size>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<face>"+face+"</face>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</font>\n");
+ }
+ token=GetToken();
+ }
-while ((token!="BEGIN")&(token!="{"))
-if (token=="CAPTION")
- {
- title=GetQuoteField();
- }
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <dialog");
-//Avoid duplicate names this way
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </dialog>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t<children>\n");
+ ParseControls();
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</dialog>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParseControls()
+void rc2xml::ParseControls()
-wxString token;
-while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
- {
- if (token=="LTEXT")
- ParseStaticText();
- else if (token=="EDITTEXT")
- ParseTextCtrl();
- else if (token=="PUSHBUTTON")
- ParsePushButton();
- else if (token=="DEFPUSHBUTTON")
- ParsePushButton();
- else if (token=="GROUPBOX")
- ParseGroupBox();
- else if (token=="COMBOBOX")
- ParseComboBox();
- else if (token=="CONTROL")
- ParseControlMS();
- else if (token=="LISTBOX")
- ParseListBox();
- else if (token=="ICON")
- ParseIconStatic();
- else if (token=="SCROLLBAR")
- ParseScrollBar();
- token=GetToken();
- }
+ wxString token;
+ token=GetToken();
+ while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
+ {
+ if (token=="LTEXT")
+ ParseStaticText();
+ else if (token=="EDITTEXT")
+ ParseTextCtrl();
+ else if (token=="PUSHBUTTON")
+ ParsePushButton();
+ else if (token=="DEFPUSHBUTTON")
+ ParsePushButton();
+ else if (token=="GROUPBOX")
+ ParseGroupBox();
+ else if (token=="COMBOBOX")
+ ParseComboBox();
+ else if (token=="CONTROL")
+ ParseControlMS();
+ else if (token=="LISTBOX")
+ ParseListBox();
+ else if (token=="ICON")
+ ParseIconStatic();
+ else if (token=="SCROLLBAR")
+ ParseScrollBar();
+ token=GetToken();
+ }
//LTEXT "Radius",IDC_STATIC,9,67,23,8
-void wxRC2XML::ParseStaticText()
+void rc2xml::ParseStaticText()
-wxString token;
-wxString phrase,varname;
-int x,y,width,height;
+ wxString token;
+ wxString phrase,varname;
+ phrase=GetQuoteField();
+ varname=GetToken();
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <statictext");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </statictext>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<statictext");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);WriteLabel(phrase);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</statictext>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParseTextCtrl()
+void rc2xml::ParseTextCtrl()
-wxString token;
-wxString varname,style;
-int x,y,width,height;
+ wxString token;
+ wxString varname,style;
+ varname=GetToken();
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <textctrl");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </textctrl>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<textctrl");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</textctrl>\n");
//PUSHBUTTON "Create/Update",IDC_CREATE,15,25,53,13,NOT WS_TABSTOP
-void wxRC2XML::ParsePushButton()
+void rc2xml::ParsePushButton()
-wxString token;
-wxString phrase,varname;
+ wxString token;
+ wxString phrase,varname;
+ phrase=GetQuoteField();
+ varname=GetToken();
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <button");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </button>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<button");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteLabel(phrase);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</button>\n");
-bool wxRC2XML::Seperator(int ch)
+bool rc2xml::Seperator(int ch)
//if ((ch==' ')|(ch==',')|(ch==13)|(ch==10)|(ch=='|')|(ch=='\t'))
-if ((ch==' ')|(ch==',')|(ch==13)|(ch==10)|(ch=='\t'))
- return TRUE;
-if (ch==EOF)
- m_done=TRUE;
- return TRUE;
-return FALSE;
+ if ((ch==' ')|(ch==',')|(ch==13)|(ch==10)|(ch=='\t'))
+ return TRUE;
+ if (ch==EOF)
+ {
+ m_done=TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
-void wxRC2XML::ParseGroupBox()
+void rc2xml::ParseGroupBox()
// GROUPBOX "Rotate",IDC_STATIC,1,1,71,79
-wxString token;
-wxString phrase,varname;
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <staticbox");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </staticbox>\n");
+ wxString token;
+ wxString phrase,varname;
+ phrase=GetQuoteField();
+ varname=GetToken();
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<staticbox");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteLabel(phrase);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</staticbox>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ReadRect(int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height)
+void rc2xml::ReadRect(int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height)
+ x=atoi(GetToken());
+ y=atoi(GetToken());
+ width=atoi(GetToken());
+ height=atoi(GetToken());
-wxString wxRC2XML::GetToken()
-wxString token="";
-if (m_rc.Eof())
+wxString rc2xml::GetToken()
-return token;
+ wxString token="";
-int ch=0;
-if (ch==EOF)
-return token;
+ if (m_rc.Eof())
+ {
+ m_done=TRUE;
+ return token;
-while (Seperator(ch))
- ReadChar(ch);
- if (m_done)
- return token;
+ int ch=0;
+ ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch==EOF)
+ {
+ m_done=TRUE;
+ return token;
+ }
-if (ch==EOF)
- m_done=TRUE;
+ while (Seperator(ch))
+ {
+ ReadChar(ch);
+ if (m_done)
+ return token;
+ }
+ if (ch==EOF)
+ {
+ m_done=TRUE;
+ }
-while (!Seperator(ch))
- token+=(char)ch;
- ReadChar(ch);
-if (ch==EOF)
- m_done=TRUE;
+ while (!Seperator(ch))
+ {
+ token+=(char)ch;
+ ReadChar(ch);
+ }
+ if (ch==EOF)
+ m_done=TRUE;
-return token;
+ return token;
-wxString wxRC2XML::GetQuoteField()
+wxString rc2xml::GetQuoteField()
-wxString phrase;
-//ASCII code 34 "
-int ch=0;
+ wxString phrase;
+ //ASCII code 34 "
+ int ch=0;
+ ReadChar(ch);
-while (ch!=34)
- ReadChar(ch);
+ while (ch!=34)
+ ReadChar(ch);
- ReadChar(ch);
+ ReadChar(ch);
-while (ch!=34)
- phrase+=(char)ch;
- ReadChar(ch);
-return phrase;
+ while (ch!=34)
+ {
+ phrase+=(char)ch;
+ ReadChar(ch);
+ }
+ return phrase;
-void wxRC2XML::ReadChar(int &ch)
+void rc2xml::ReadChar(int &ch)
- int result;
+ int result;
+ result=m_rc.Tell();
- m_done=TRUE;
+ if((result>=m_filesize))
+ m_done=TRUE;
+ result=m_rc.Read(&ch,1);
- m_done=TRUE;
+ if((result==-1))
+ m_done=TRUE;
- m_done=TRUE;
+ if(ch==EOF)
+ m_done=TRUE;
-void wxRC2XML::ParseComboBox()
+void rc2xml::ParseComboBox()
-wxString token;
-wxString varname;
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <combobox");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </combobox>\n");
+ wxString token;
+ wxString varname;
+ varname=GetToken();
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<combobox");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t</combobox>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParseMenu(wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseMenu(wxString varname)
-wxString token="";
-//Write menubar to xml file
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <menubar");
-//Avoid duplicate names this way
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
-while ((token!="BEGIN")&(token!="{"))
- token=GetToken();
-while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
- token=GetToken();
-if (token=="POPUP")
- {
- ParsePopupMenu();
- }
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </menubar>\n");
+ wxString token="";
+ //Write menubar to xml file
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t<menubar");
+ //Avoid duplicate names this way
+ varname.Replace("IDR_","MB_");
+ WriteName(varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<children>\n");
+ while ((token!="BEGIN")&(token!="{"))
+ token=GetToken();
+ while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
+ {
+ token=GetToken();
+ if (token=="POPUP")
+ {
+ ParsePopupMenu();
+ }
+ }
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</menubar>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParsePopupMenu()
+void rc2xml::ParsePopupMenu()
-static menucount=0;
-wxString token,name,msg,longhelp,tip;
-int spot;
-//Remove /t because it causes problems
+ static int menucount=0;
+ menucount++;
+ wxString token,name,msg,longhelp,tip;
+ token=GetQuoteField();
+//Remove \t because it causes problems
//Write Menu item
//Generate a fake name since RC menus don't have one
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <menu");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
-while ((token!="BEGIN")&(token!="{"))
- token=GetToken();
-while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
- {
- token=GetToken();
- if (token=="POPUP")
- ParsePopupMenu();
- if (token=="MENUITEM")
- ParseMenuItem();
+ name<<"Menu_"<<menucount;
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<menu");
+ WriteName(name);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ WriteLabel(token);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<children>\n");
+ while ((token!="BEGIN")&(token!="{"))
+ token=GetToken();
+ while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
+ {
+ token=GetToken();
+ if (token=="POPUP")
+ ParsePopupMenu();
- }
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </menu>\n");
+ if (token=="MENUITEM")
+ ParseMenuItem();
+ }
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</menu>\n");
-wxString wxRC2XML::PeekToken()
+wxString rc2xml::PeekToken()
-wxString token;
-int p;
+ wxString token;
+ int p;
+ p=m_rc.Tell();
+ token=GetToken();
-return token;
+ m_rc.Seek(p);
+ return token;
//MS Windows pain in the butt CONTROL
-void wxRC2XML::ParseControlMS()
+void rc2xml::ParseControlMS()
-wxString label,varname,kindctrl,token;
+ wxString label,varname,kindctrl,token;
+ token=PeekToken();
-if (token.Contains("\""))
- ParseNormalMSControl();
- ParseWeirdMSControl();
+ if (token.Contains("\""))
+ ParseNormalMSControl();
+ else
+ ParseWeirdMSControl();
-void wxRC2XML::ParseSlider(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseSlider(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while (ReadOrs(token));
-//TODO Handle styles
-//fprintf(m_wxrfile," control = [%i,wxSlider,'','wxSL_HORIZONTAL','%s',",m_controlid,varname);
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <slider");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </slider>\n");
+ wxString token,style;
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ if (token.Find("TBS_VERT")!=-1)
+ style+="wxSL_VERTICAL";
+ //MFC RC Default is horizontal
+ else
+ style+="wxSL_HORIZONTAL";
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<slider");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteStyle(style);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t</slider>\n");
CONTROL "Progress1",CG_IDC_PROGDLG_PROGRESS,"msctls_progress32",
-void wxRC2XML::ParseProgressBar(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseProgressBar(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while (ReadOrs(token));
-int x,y,width,height;
-wxString style;
+ wxString token,style;
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
//Always horizontal in MFC
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <gauge");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </gauge>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<gauge");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteStyle(style);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</gauge>\n");
-/* FIXME: this function needs to be rewritten */
-bool wxRC2XML::ReadOrs(wxString & w)
+bool rc2xml::ReadOrs(wxString & orstring)
-wxString token;
-if (token.IsNumber())
- return FALSE;
-return TRUE;
+ wxString token;
+ token=PeekToken();
+ if (token.IsNumber())
+ return FALSE;
+ orstring=GetToken();
+ while(PeekToken()==_T("|"))
+ {
+ //Grab |
+ orstring+=GetToken();
+ //Grab next token
+ orstring+=GetToken();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
//Is it a check button or a radio button
-void wxRC2XML::ParseCtrlButton(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseCtrlButton(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
- token=GetToken();
- int x,y,width,height;
-if (token=="BS_AUTOCHECKBOX")
- {
- while (ReadOrs(token));
- ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <checkbox");
- WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
- WriteLabel(label);
- m_xmlfile.Write(" </checkbox>\n");
- }
- {
- while(ReadOrs(token));
- ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <radiobutton");
- WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
- WriteLabel(label);
- m_xmlfile.Write(" </radiobutton>\n");
- }
+ wxString token;
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ if (token.Find("BS_AUTOCHECKBOX")!=-1)
+ {
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<checkbox");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteLabel(label);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</checkbox>\n");
+ }
+ if (token.Find("BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON")!=-1)
+ {
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<radiobutton");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteLabel(label);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</radiobutton>\n");
+ }
-void wxRC2XML::WriteSize(int width, int height)
+void rc2xml::WriteSize(int width, int height)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <size>"<<width<<","<<height<<"d</size>";
+ wxString msg;
+ msg<<" <size>"<<width<<","<<height<<"d</size>";
+ m_xmlfile.Write(msg);
-void wxRC2XML::WritePosition(int x, int y)
+void rc2xml::WritePosition(int x, int y)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <pos>"<<x<<","<<y<<"d</pos>";
+ wxString msg;
+ msg<<" <pos>"<<x<<","<<y<<"d</pos>";
+ m_xmlfile.Write(msg);
-void wxRC2XML::WriteTitle(wxString title)
+void rc2xml::WriteTitle(wxString title)
-wxString msg;
-msg=_T(" <title>"+title+"</title>\n");
+ wxString msg;
+ msg=_T("\t\t<title>"+title+"</title>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write(msg);
-void wxRC2XML::WriteName(wxString name)
+void rc2xml::WriteName(wxString name)
+//Try to convert any number ids into names
//Replace common MS ids with wxWindows ids
//I didn't do everyone of them
-if (name=="IDOK")
- name="wxID_OK";
-else if (name=="IDCANCEL")
- name="wxID_CANCEL";
-else if (name=="IDAPPLY")
- name="wxID_APPLY";
-else if (name=="ID_FILE_OPEN")
- name="wxID_OPEN";
-else if (name=="ID_FILE_CLOSE")
- name="wxID_CLOSE";
-else if (name=="ID_FILE_SAVE")
- name="wxID_SAVE";
-else if (name=="ID_FILE_SAVE_AS")
- name="wxID_SAVEAS";
-else if (name=="ID_APP_EXIT")
- name="wxID_EXIT";
-else if (name=="ID_FILE_PRINT")
- name="wxID_PRINT";
-else if (name=="ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW")
- name="wxID_PREVIEW";
-else if (name=="ID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP")
- name="wxID_PRINT_SETUP";
-else if (name=="ID_APP_ABOUT")
- name="wxID_ABOUT";
-else if (name=="ID_EDIT_UNDO")
- name="wxID_UNDO";
-else if (name=="ID_EDIT_CUT")
- name="wxID_CUT";
-else if (name=="ID_EDIT_COPY")
- name="wxID_COPY";
-else if (name=="ID_EDIT_PASTE")
- name="wxID_PASTE";
-m_xmlfile.Write(" name= \""+name+"\"");
+ if (name=="IDOK")
+ name="wxID_OK";
+ else if (name=="IDCANCEL")
+ name="wxID_CANCEL";
+ else if (name=="IDAPPLY")
+ name="wxID_APPLY";
+ else if (name=="ID_FILE_OPEN")
+ name="wxID_OPEN";
+ else if (name=="ID_FILE_CLOSE")
+ name="wxID_CLOSE";
+ else if (name=="ID_FILE_SAVE")
+ name="wxID_SAVE";
+ else if (name=="ID_FILE_SAVE_AS")
+ name="wxID_SAVEAS";
+ else if (name=="ID_APP_EXIT")
+ name="wxID_EXIT";
+ else if (name=="ID_FILE_PRINT")
+ name="wxID_PRINT";
+ else if (name=="ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW")
+ name="wxID_PREVIEW";
+ else if (name=="ID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP")
+ name="wxID_PRINT_SETUP";
+ else if (name=="ID_APP_ABOUT")
+ name="wxID_ABOUT";
+ else if (name=="ID_EDIT_UNDO")
+ name="wxID_UNDO";
+ else if (name=="ID_EDIT_CUT")
+ name="wxID_CUT";
+ else if (name=="ID_EDIT_COPY")
+ name="wxID_COPY";
+ else if (name=="ID_EDIT_PASTE")
+ name="wxID_PASTE";
+ m_xmlfile.Write(" name= \""+name+"\"");
-void wxRC2XML::WriteLabel(wxString label)
+void rc2xml::WriteLabel(wxString label)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <label>"+label+"</label>\n");
+ label.Replace("&","$");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<label>"+label+"</label>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::WriteBasicInfo(int x, int y, int width, int height, wxString name)
+void rc2xml::WriteBasicInfo(int x, int y, int width, int height, wxString name)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" ");
+ WriteName(name);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t");
+ WritePosition(x,y);
+ WriteSize(width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n");
-void wxRC2XML::WriteStyle(wxString style)
+void rc2xml::WriteStyle(wxString style)
-if (style.Length()==0)
- return;
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n <style>"+style+"</style>\n");
+ if (style.Length()==0)
+ return;
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t<style>"+style+"</style>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParseListBox()
+void rc2xml::ParseListBox()
-wxString token;
-wxString varname;
-int x,y,width,height;
+ wxString token;
+ wxString varname;
+ varname=GetToken();
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <listbox");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </listbox>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<listbox");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t</listbox>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParseRichEdit(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseRichEdit(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while (ReadOrs(token));
-int x,y,width,height;
-wxString style;
+ wxString token;
+ //while (ReadOrs(token));
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ wxString style;
//Make it a rich text control
-style+="wxTE_MULTILINE ";
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <textctrl");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </textctrl>\n");
+ style+="wxTE_MULTILINE ";
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<textctrl");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteStyle(style);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</textctrl>\n");
CONTROL "Spin1",IDC_SPIN1,"msctls_updown32",UDS_ARROWKEYS,209,72,
-void wxRC2XML::ParseSpinCtrl(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseSpinCtrl(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while (ReadOrs(token));
-int x,y,width,height;
-wxString style;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <spinbutton");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </spinbutton>\n");
+ wxString token,style;
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ if (token.Find("UDS_HORZ")!=-1)
+ style="wxSP_HORIZONTAL";
+ //MFC default
+ else
+ style="wxSP_VERTICAL";
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<spinbutton");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteStyle(style);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t</spinbutton>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::FirstPass()
+void rc2xml::FirstPass()
-wxString token,prevtok;
-while (!m_done)
- {
- token=GetToken();
- if (token=="BITMAP")
- ParseBitmap(prevtok);
- else if (token=="STRINGTABLE")
- ParseStringTable(prevtok);
- else if (token=="ICON")
- ParseIcon(prevtok);
- prevtok=token;
- }
+ wxString token,prevtok;
+ while (!m_done)
+ {
+ token=GetToken();
+ if (token=="BITMAP")
+ ParseBitmap(prevtok);
+ else if (token=="STRINGTABLE")
+ ParseStringTable(prevtok);
+ else if (token=="ICON")
+ ParseIcon(prevtok);
+ prevtok=token;
+ }
-void wxRC2XML::ParseBitmap(wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseBitmap(wxString varname)
-wxString token,*bitmapfile;
-bitmapfile=new wxString;
-//Microsoft notation?
-if (token=="DISCARDABLE")
- {
- token=GetToken();
- token=PeekToken();
- }
+ wxString token,*bitmapfile;
+ token=PeekToken();
+ //Microsoft notation?
+ if (token=="DISCARDABLE")
+ {
+ token=GetToken();
+ token=PeekToken();
+ }
+ bitmapfile=new wxString;
+ *bitmapfile=GetQuoteField();
+ m_bitmaplist->Append(varname,bitmapfile);
-void wxRC2XML::SecondPass()
+void rc2xml::SecondPass()
-wxString token,prevtok;
-while (!m_done)
- {
- token=GetToken();
- if (token=="DIALOG")
- ParseDialog(prevtok);
- else if (token=="MENU")
- ParseMenu(prevtok);
- else if (token=="TOOLBAR")
- ParseToolBar(prevtok);
- prevtok=token;
- }
+ wxString token,prevtok;
+ while (!m_done)
+ {
+ token=GetToken();
+ if (token=="DIALOG")
+ ParseDialog(prevtok);
+ else if (token=="MENU")
+ ParseMenu(prevtok);
+ else if (token=="TOOLBAR")
+ ParseToolBar(prevtok);
+ prevtok=token;
+ }
-void wxRC2XML::ParseToolBar(wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseToolBar(wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-wxASSERT_MSG(token=="DISCARDABLE","Error in toolbar parsing");
+ wxString token;
+ token=GetToken();
+ wxASSERT_MSG(token=="DISCARDABLE","Error in toolbar parsing");
//Look up bitmap for toolbar and load
-wxNode *node=m_bitmaplist->Find(varname);
-wxString *bitmappath;
-bitmappath=(wxString *)node->Data();
-wxBitmap bitmap;
-if (!bitmap.LoadFile(*bitmappath,wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ))
- wxLogError("Unable to load bitmap:"+*bitmappath);
+ wxNode *node=m_bitmaplist->Find(LookUpId(varname));
+ wxString *bitmappath;
+ bitmappath=(wxString *)node->Data();
+ wxBitmap bitmap;
+ if (!bitmap.LoadFile(*bitmappath,wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ))
+ wxLogError("Unable to load bitmap:"+*bitmappath);
//Write toolbar to xml file
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <toolbar");
+ m_xmlfile.Write(" <toolbar");
//Avoid duplicate names this way
-wxString style;
+ varname.Replace("IDR_","TB_");
+ WriteName(varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ wxString style;
+ style+="wxTB_FLAT";
+ WriteStyle(style);
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<children>\n");
//Grab width and height
-int width,height;
-int c=0;
-wxString buttonname,msg,tip,longhelp;
-while ((token!="BEGIN"))
- token=GetToken();
-while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
- {
- if (token=="BUTTON")
- {
- buttonname=GetToken();
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <tool");
- WriteName(buttonname);
- m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
- //Write tool tip if any
- if (LookUpString(buttonname,msg))
- {
- SplitHelp(msg,tip,longhelp);
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <tooltip>"+tip+"</tooltip>\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <longhelp>"+longhelp+"</longhelp>\n");
- }
- //Make a bitmap file name
- buttonname=CleanName(buttonname);
- buttonname+=".bmp";
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <bitmap>"+buttonname+"</bitmap>\n");
- WriteToolButton(buttonname,c,width,height,bitmap);
- m_xmlfile.Write(" </tool>\n");
- c++;
- }
- else if (token=="SEPARATOR")
- {
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <separator/>\n");
- }
- token=GetToken();
- }
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </toolbar>\n");
+ int width,height;
+ width=atoi(GetToken());
+ height=atoi(GetToken());
+ int c=0;
+ wxString buttonname,msg,tip,longhelp;
+ token=GetToken();
+ while ((token!="BEGIN"))
+ token=GetToken();
+ while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
+ {
+ if (token=="BUTTON")
+ {
+ buttonname=GetToken();
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<tool");
+ WriteName(buttonname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ //Write tool tip if any
+ if (LookUpString(buttonname,msg))
+ {
+ SplitHelp(msg,tip,longhelp);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<tooltip>"+tip+"</tooltip>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write(" <longhelp>"+longhelp+"</longhelp>\n");
+ }
+ //Make a bitmap file name
+ buttonname=CleanName(buttonname);
+ buttonname+=".bmp";
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<bitmap>"+buttonname+"</bitmap>\n");
+ WriteToolButton(buttonname,c,width,height,bitmap);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</tool>\n");
+ c++;
+ }
+ else if (token=="SEPARATOR")
+ {
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<separator/>\n");
+ }
+ token=GetToken();
+ }
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</toolbar>\n");
//Extract bitmaps from larger toolbar bitmap
-void wxRC2XML::WriteToolButton(wxString name,int index, int width, int height, wxBitmap bitmap)
+void rc2xml::WriteToolButton(wxString name,int index, int width, int height, wxBitmap bitmap)
-int x;
-wxRect r(x,0,width,height);
-wxBitmap little;
+ int x;
+ x=index*width;
+ wxRect r(x,0,width,height);
+ wxBitmap little;
+ little=bitmap.GetSubBitmap(r);
+ little.SaveFile(name,wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
-void wxRC2XML::ParseStringTable(wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseStringTable(wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while ((token!="BEGIN"))
- token=GetToken();
-wxString *msg;
-while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
- {
- msg=new wxString;
- *msg=GetQuoteField();
- m_stringtable->Append(token,msg);
- token=GetToken();
- }
+ wxString token;
+ token=GetToken();
+ while ((token!="BEGIN"))
+ token=GetToken();
+ token=GetToken();
+ wxString *msg;
+ while ((token!="END")&(token!="}"))
+ {
+ msg=new wxString;
+ *msg=GetQuoteField();
+ m_stringtable->Append(token,msg);
+ token=GetToken();
+ }
-bool wxRC2XML::LookUpString(wxString strid,wxString & st)
+bool rc2xml::LookUpString(wxString strid,wxString & st)
-wxNode *node=m_stringtable->Find(strid);
-wxString *s;
-if (node==NULL)
- return FALSE;
+ wxNode *node=m_stringtable->Find(strid);
+ wxString *s;
+ if (node==NULL)
+ return FALSE;
-s=(wxString *)node->Data();
+ s=(wxString *)node->Data();
+ st=*s;
-return TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
-bool wxRC2XML::SplitHelp(wxString msg, wxString &shorthelp, wxString &longhelp)
+bool rc2xml::SplitHelp(wxString msg, wxString &shorthelp, wxString &longhelp)
-int spot;
-if (spot==-1)
- {
- shorthelp=msg;
- longhelp=msg;
- }
-return TRUE;
+ int spot;
+ spot=msg.Find("\\n");
+ if (spot==-1)
+ {
+ shorthelp=msg;
+ longhelp=msg;
+ }
+ longhelp=msg.Left(spot);
+ spot=msg.Length()-spot-2;
+ shorthelp=msg.Right(spot);
+ return TRUE;
-void wxRC2XML::ParseMenuItem()
+void rc2xml::ParseMenuItem()
-wxString token,name,msg,tip,longhelp;
-int spot;
-if (PeekToken()=="SEPARATOR")
- {
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <separator/>\n");
- return;
- }
-//Remove /t because it causes problems
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <menuitem");
+ wxString token,name,msg,tip,longhelp;
+//int spot;
+ if (PeekToken()=="SEPARATOR")
+ {
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<separator/>\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ token=GetQuoteField();
+ name=GetToken();
+//Remove \t because it causes problems
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<menuitem");
+ WriteName(name);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ WriteLabel(token);
//Look up help if any listed in stringtable
-if (LookUpString(name,msg))
- {
- SplitHelp(msg,tip,longhelp);
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <help>"
- +longhelp+"</help>\n");
- }
+ if (LookUpString(name,msg))
+ {
+ SplitHelp(msg,tip,longhelp);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<help>"
+ +longhelp+"</help>\n");
+ }
//look for extra attributes like checked and break
-wxString ptoken;
-while ((ptoken!="MENUITEM")&(ptoken!="POPUP")&(ptoken!="END"))
- {
- token=GetToken();
- if (token=="CHECKED")
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <checkable>1</checkable>\n");
- else if (token=="MENUBREAK");
- //m_xmlfile.Write(" </break>\n");
- else if (token=="GRAYED");
- else
- wxLogError("Unknown Menu Item token:"+token);
- ptoken=PeekToken();
- }
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </menuitem>\n");
+ wxString ptoken;
+ ptoken=PeekToken();
+ while ((ptoken!="MENUITEM")&(ptoken!="POPUP")&(ptoken!="END"))
+ {
+ token=GetToken();
+ if (token=="CHECKED")
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<checkable>1</checkable>\n");
+ else if (token=="MENUBREAK");
+ else if (token=="GRAYED");
+ else
+ wxLogError("Unknown Menu Item token:"+token);
+ ptoken=PeekToken();
+ }
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</menuitem>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParseIconStatic()
+void rc2xml::ParseIconStatic()
-wxString token;
-wxString varname,iconname;
+ wxString token;
+ wxString varname,iconname;
+ iconname=GetToken();
//Look up icon
-wxNode *node=m_iconlist->Find(iconname);
-wxString *iconpath;
-iconpath=(wxString *)node->Data();
-wxIcon icon;
-wxBitmap bitmap;
-if (!icon.LoadFile(*iconpath,wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO ))
- wxLogError("Unable to load icon:"+*iconpath);
+ varname=GetToken();
-int x,y,width,height;
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <staticbitmap");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<staticbitmap");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
//Save icon as a bitmap
-//Make a bitmap file name
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <bitmap>"+iconname+"</bitmap>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </staticbitmap>\n");
+ WriteIcon(iconname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</staticbitmap>\n");
//IDR_MAINFRAME ICON DISCARDABLE "res\\mfcexample.ico"
-void wxRC2XML::ParseIcon(wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseIcon(wxString varname)
-wxString token,*iconfile;
-iconfile=new wxString;
+ wxString token,*iconfile;
+ iconfile=new wxString;
+ token=PeekToken();
+ *iconfile=GetQuoteField();
+ m_iconlist->Append(varname,iconfile);
-wxString wxRC2XML::CleanName(wxString name)
+wxString rc2xml::CleanName(wxString name)
-return name;
+ name.MakeLower();
+ name.Replace("id_","");
+ name.Replace("idr_","");
+ name.Replace("idb_","");
+ name.Replace("idc_","");
+ return name;
// And the award for most messed up control goes to...
-void wxRC2XML::ParseStaticBitmap(wxString bitmapname, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseStaticBitmap(wxString bitmapname, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
+ wxString token;
+ //Grab SS_BITMAP
+ token=GetToken();
-//Look up bitmap
-wxNode *node=m_bitmaplist->Find(bitmapname);
-wxString *bitmappath;
-bitmappath=(wxString *)node->Data();
-wxBitmap bitmap;
-if (!bitmap.LoadFile(*bitmappath,wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ))
- wxLogError("Unable to load bitmap:"+*bitmappath);
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <staticbitmap");
-//Make a bitmap file name
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <bitmap>"+bitmapname+"</bitmap>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </staticbitmap>\n");
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<staticbitmap");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteBitmap(bitmapname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</staticbitmap>\n");
-void wxRC2XML::ParseNormalMSControl()
+void rc2xml::ParseNormalMSControl()
wxString label,varname,kindctrl;
-if (kindctrl=="MSCTLS_UPDOWN32")
- ParseSpinCtrl(label,varname);
-if (kindctrl=="MSCTLS_TRACKBAR32")
- ParseSlider(label,varname);
-if (kindctrl=="MSCTLS_PROGRESS32")
- ParseProgressBar(label,varname);
-if (kindctrl=="SYSTREEVIEW32")
- ParseTreeCtrl(label,varname);
-if (kindctrl=="SYSMONTHCAL32")
- ParseCalendar(label,varname);
-if (kindctrl=="SYSLISTVIEW32")
- ParseListCtrl(label,varname);
-if (kindctrl=="BUTTON")
- ParseCtrlButton(label,varname);
-if (kindctrl=="RICHEDIT")
- ParseRichEdit(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="MSCTLS_UPDOWN32")
+ ParseSpinCtrl(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="MSCTLS_TRACKBAR32")
+ ParseSlider(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="MSCTLS_PROGRESS32")
+ ParseProgressBar(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="SYSTREEVIEW32")
+ ParseTreeCtrl(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="SYSMONTHCAL32")
+ ParseCalendar(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="SYSLISTVIEW32")
+ ParseListCtrl(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="BUTTON")
+ ParseCtrlButton(label,varname);
+ if (kindctrl=="RICHEDIT")
+ ParseRichEdit(label,varname);
-void wxRC2XML::ParseWeirdMSControl()
+void rc2xml::ParseWeirdMSControl()
-wxString kindctrl;
-wxString varname;
-wxString id;
+ wxString kindctrl;
+ wxString varname;
+ wxString id;
+ id=GetToken();
+ varname=GetToken();
+ kindctrl=GetQuoteField();
+ kindctrl.MakeUpper();
-if (kindctrl=="STATIC")
- {
- if (PeekToken()=="SS_BITMAP")
- ParseStaticBitmap(id,varname);
- else
- wxLogError("Unknown MS Control Static token");
- }
+ if (kindctrl=="STATIC")
+ {
+ if (PeekToken()=="SS_BITMAP")
+ ParseStaticBitmap(id,varname);
+ else
+ wxLogError("Unknown MS Control Static token");
+ }
-void wxRC2XML::ParseScrollBar()
+void rc2xml::ParseScrollBar()
-wxString token;
-wxString varname;
-int x,y,width,height;
-wxString style;
+ wxString token;
+ wxString varname;
+ varname=GetToken();
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ wxString style;
+ ReadOrs(token);
+if (token.Find("SBS_VERT")!=-1)
+ style=_T("wxSB_VERTICAL");
//Default MFC style is horizontal
-while (ReadOrs(token))
-if (token=="SBS_VERT")
- style=_T("wxSB_VERTICAL");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <scrollbar");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </scrollbar>\n");
+ else
+ style=_T("wxSB_HORIZONTAL");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<scrollbar");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ WriteStyle(style);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t</scrollbar>\n");
// 7,7,66,61
-void wxRC2XML::ParseTreeCtrl(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseTreeCtrl(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while (ReadOrs(token));
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <treectrl");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </treectrl>\n");
+ wxString token;
+//while (ReadOrs(token));
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<treectrl");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</treectrl>\n");
// CONTROL "MonthCalendar1",IDC_MONTHCALENDAR1,"SysMonthCal32",
//MCS_NOTODAY | WS_TABSTOP,105,71,129,89
-void wxRC2XML::ParseCalendar(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseCalendar(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while (ReadOrs(token));
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <calendarctrl");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </calendarctrl>\n");
+ wxString token;
+//while (ReadOrs(token));
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<calendarctrl");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</calendarctrl>\n");
// 7,89,68,71
-void wxRC2XML::ParseListCtrl(wxString label, wxString varname)
+void rc2xml::ParseListCtrl(wxString label, wxString varname)
-wxString token;
-while (ReadOrs(token));
-int x,y,width,height;
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <listctrl");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </listctrl>\n");
+ wxString token;
+ //while (ReadOrs(token));
+ ReadOrs(token);
+ int x,y,width,height;
+ ReadRect(x,y,width,height);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<listctrl");
+ WriteBasicInfo(x,y,width,height,varname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</listctrl>\n");
+void rc2xml::WriteBitmap(wxString bitmapname)
+//Look up bitmap
+ wxNode *node=m_bitmaplist->Find(LookUpId(bitmapname));
+ if (node==NULL)
+ {
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<bitmap>missingfile</bitmap>\n");
+ wxLogError("Unable to find bitmap:"+bitmapname);
+ return;
+ }
+ wxString *bitmappath;
+ bitmappath=(wxString *)node->Data();
+ wxBitmap bitmap;
+ if (!bitmap.LoadFile(*bitmappath,wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ))
+ wxLogError("Unable to load bitmap:"+*bitmappath);
+ //Make a bitmap file name
+ bitmapname=CleanName(bitmapname);
+ bitmapname+=".bmp";
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<bitmap>"+bitmapname+"</bitmap>\n");
+ bitmap.SaveFile(bitmapname,wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+void rc2xml::WriteIcon(wxString iconname)
+wxNode *node=m_iconlist->Find(iconname);
+ if (node==NULL)
+ {
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<bitmap>missing_file</bitmap>\n");
+ wxLogError("Unable to find icon:"+iconname);
+ }
+ wxString *iconpath;
+ iconpath=(wxString *)node->Data();
+ wxIcon icon;
+ wxBitmap bitmap;
+ if (!icon.LoadFile(*iconpath,wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO ))
+ wxLogError("Unable to load icon:"+*iconpath);
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ bitmap.CopyFromIcon(icon);
+ bitmap = icon;
+ //Make a bitmap file name
+ iconname=CleanName(iconname);
+ iconname+=".bmp";
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<bitmap>"+iconname+"</bitmap>\n");
+ bitmap.SaveFile(iconname,wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+/*Unfortunately sometimes the great MSVC Resource editor decides
+to use numbers instead of the word id. I have no idea why they
+do this, but that is the way it is.
+/* this is a quick and dirty way to parse the resource.h file
+it will not recognize #ifdef so it can be easily fooled
+void rc2xml::ParseResourceHeader()
+wxTextFile r;
+//Attempt to load resource.h in current path
+ if (!r.Open("resource.h"))
+ {
+ wxLogError("Warining Unable to load resource.h file");
+ return;
+ }
+ wxString str;
+ wxString id,v;
+ wxStringTokenizer tok;
+ wxString *varname;
+ long n;
+//Read through entire file
+ for ( str = r.GetFirstLine(); !r.Eof(); str = r.GetNextLine() )
+ {
+ if (str.Find("#define")!=-1)
+ {
+ tok.SetString(str);
+ //Just ignore #define token
+ tok.GetNextToken();
+ v=tok.GetNextToken();
+ id=tok.GetNextToken();
+ if (id.IsNumber())
+ {
+ varname=new wxString;
+ id.ToLong(&n);
+ *varname=v;
+ m_resourcelist->Append(n,varname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+wxString rc2xml::LookUpId(wxString id)
+wxString st;
+if (!id.IsNumber())
+ return id;
+long n;
+wxNode *node=m_resourcelist->Find(n);
+ wxString *s;
+ if (node==NULL)
+ return id;
+ s=(wxString *)node->Data();
+ st=*s;
+return st;
#include <wx/list.h>
-class wxRC2XML : public wxObject
+class rc2xml : public wxObject
- void ParseNormalMSControl();
-bool Convert(wxString rcfile, wxString xmlfile);
+ void WriteIcon(wxString iconname);
+ void ParseNormalMSControl();
+ bool Convert(wxString rcfile, wxString xmlfile);
+ rc2xml();
+ ~rc2xml();
- void ParseListCtrl(wxString label,wxString varname);
- void ParseCalendar(wxString label,wxString varname);
- void ParseTreeCtrl(wxString label,wxString varname);
- void ParseScrollBar();
- void ParseWeirdMSControl();
- void ParseStaticBitmap(wxString label,wxString varname);
- wxString CleanName(wxString name);
- void ParseIcon(wxString varname);
- wxList * m_iconlist;
- void ParseIconStatic();
- void ParseMenuItem();
+ wxString LookUpId(wxString id);
+ void ParseResourceHeader();
+ void WriteBitmap(wxString bitmapname);
+ void ParseListCtrl(wxString label,wxString varname);
+ void ParseCalendar(wxString label,wxString varname);
+ void ParseTreeCtrl(wxString label,wxString varname);
+ void ParseScrollBar();
+ void ParseWeirdMSControl();
+ void ParseStaticBitmap(wxString label,wxString varname);
+ wxString CleanName(wxString name);
+ void ParseIcon(wxString varname);
+ wxList * m_iconlist;
+ void ParseIconStatic();
+ void ParseMenuItem();
-bool SplitHelp(wxString msg, wxString &shorthelp, wxString &longhelp);
-bool LookUpString(wxString strid,wxString & st);
-void ParseStringTable(wxString varname);
-void WriteToolButton(wxString name,int index,int width,int height,wxBitmap bitmap);
-wxString LookupString(wxString varname,wxStringList id,wxStringList msg);
-void ParseToolBar(wxString varname);
-void SecondPass();
-void FirstPass();
-void ParseBitmap(wxString varname);
-void ParseSpinCtrl(wxString label,wxString varname);
-void ParseRichEdit(wxString label, wxString varname);
-void ParseDialog(wxString dlgname);
-void ParseControls();
-void ParseListBox();
-void ParseStaticText();
-void ParseTextCtrl();
-void ParsePushButton();
-bool Seperator(int ch);
-void ParseGroupBox();
-void ReadRect(int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height);
-wxString GetToken();
-wxString GetQuoteField();
-void ReadChar(int &ch);
-void ParseComboBox();
-void ParseMenu(wxString varname);
-void ParsePopupMenu();
-wxString PeekToken();
-void ParseControlMS();
-void ParseSlider(wxString label, wxString varname);
-void ParseProgressBar(wxString label, wxString varname);
-bool ReadOrs(wxString & w);
-void ParseCtrlButton(wxString label, wxString varname);
-void WriteStyle(wxString style);
-void WriteBasicInfo(int x,int y,int width,int height,wxString name);
-void WriteName(wxString name);
-void WriteTitle(wxString title);
-void WritePosition(int x,int y);
-void WriteSize(int width,int height);
-void WriteLabel(wxString label);
+ bool SplitHelp(wxString msg, wxString &shorthelp, wxString &longhelp);
+ bool LookUpString(wxString strid,wxString & st);
+ void ParseStringTable(wxString varname);
+ void WriteToolButton(wxString name,int index,int width,int height,wxBitmap bitmap);
+ wxString LookupString(wxString varname,wxStringList id,wxStringList msg);
+ void ParseToolBar(wxString varname);
+ void SecondPass();
+ void FirstPass();
+ void ParseBitmap(wxString varname);
+ void ParseSpinCtrl(wxString label,wxString varname);
+ void ParseRichEdit(wxString label, wxString varname);
+ void ParseDialog(wxString dlgname);
+ void ParseControls();
+ void ParseListBox();
+ void ParseStaticText();
+ void ParseTextCtrl();
+ void ParsePushButton();
+ bool Seperator(int ch);
+ void ParseGroupBox();
+ void ReadRect(int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height);
+ wxString GetToken();
+ wxString GetQuoteField();
+ void ReadChar(int &ch);
+ void ParseComboBox();
+ void ParseMenu(wxString varname);
+ void ParsePopupMenu();
+ wxString PeekToken();
+ void ParseControlMS();
+ void ParseSlider(wxString label, wxString varname);
+ void ParseProgressBar(wxString label, wxString varname);
+ bool ReadOrs(wxString & w);
+ void ParseCtrlButton(wxString label, wxString varname);
+ void WriteStyle(wxString style);
+ void WriteBasicInfo(int x,int y,int width,int height,wxString name);
+ void WriteName(wxString name);
+ void WriteTitle(wxString title);
+ void WritePosition(int x,int y);
+ void WriteSize(int width,int height);
+ void WriteLabel(wxString label);
-wxList * m_stringtable;
-wxList *m_bitmaplist;
-wxFile m_rc;
-wxFFile m_xmlfile;
-int m_filesize;
-bool m_done;
+ wxList * m_stringtable;
+ wxList *m_bitmaplist;
+ wxList * m_resourcelist;
+ wxFile m_rc;
+ wxFFile m_xmlfile;
+ int m_filesize;
+ bool m_done;
--- /dev/null
+#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
-// wxr2xml.cpp: implementation of the wxWxr2Xml class.
-// 8/30/00 Brian Gavin
+// wxr2xml.cpp: implementation of the wxr2xml class.
+// 8/30/00 Brian Gavin
// only tested on wxMSW so far
-/* TODO
- port to wxGTK should be very easy
- support fonts
- add unsupported controls when XML format adds them
+//License: wxWindows Liscense
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+How to use class:
+#include "wxr2xml.h"
+wxr2xml trans;
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation "wxr2xml.h"
#include "wxr2xml.h"
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Construction/Destruction
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-bool wxWxr2Xml::Convert(wxString wxrfile, wxString xmlfile)
+bool wxr2xml::Convert(wxString wxrfile, wxString xmlfile)
-bool result;
-wxASSERT_MSG(result,"Couldn't create XML file");
-if (!result)
- return FALSE;
+ bool result;
+ result = m_xmlfile.Open(xmlfile.c_str(), "w+t");
+ wxASSERT_MSG(result, "Couldn't create XML file");
+ if (!result)
+ return FALSE;
-wxASSERT_MSG(result,"Couldn't Load WXR file");
-if (!result)
- return FALSE;
-//Write basic xml header
-m_xmlfile.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
+ result = m_table.ParseResourceFile(wxrfile);
+ wxASSERT_MSG(result, "Couldn't Load WXR file");
+ if (!result)
+ return FALSE;
+ // Write basic xml header
+ m_xmlfile.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("<resource>\n");
+ result = ParseResources();
+ m_xmlfile.Write("</resource>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Close();
-return result;
+ return result;
-bool wxWxr2Xml::ParseResources()
+bool wxr2xml::ParseResources()
-wxNode *node;
-while ((node = m_table.Next()))
- {
- wxItemResource *res = (wxItemResource *)node->Data();
+ m_table.BeginFind();
+ wxNode *node;
+ while ((node = m_table.Next()))
+ {
+ wxItemResource *res = (wxItemResource *) node->Data();
wxString resType(res->GetType());
- if (resType=="wxDialog")
- ParseDialog(res);
- else if (resType=="wxPanel")
- ParsePanel(res);
- else if (resType=="wxPanel")
- ParsePanel(res);
- else if (resType=="wxMenu")
- ParseMenuBar(res);
- else if (resType=="wxBitmap")
- ParseBitmap(res);
- else
- wxLogError("Found unsupported resource "+resType);
+ if (resType == "wxDialog")
+ ParseDialog(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxPanel")
+ ParsePanel(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxPanel")
+ ParsePanel(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxMenu")
+ ParseMenuBar(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxBitmap")
+ ParseBitmap(res);
+ else
+ wxLogError("Found unsupported resource " + resType);
-return TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParsePanel(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParsePanel(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <panel");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </panel>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t<panel");
+ PanelStuff(res);
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<children>\n");
+ ParseControls(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(" \t\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</panel>\n\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseDialog(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseDialog(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <dialog");
+ PanelStuff(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t<dialog");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetTitle(res));
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </dialog>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<children>\n");
+ ParseControls(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</dialog>\n\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseControls(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseControls(wxItemResource * res)
-wxNode *node = res->GetChildren().First();
-while (node)
+ wxNode *node = res->GetChildren().First();
+ while (node)
- wxItemResource *res = (wxItemResource *)node->Data();
- wxString resType(res->GetType());
- if (resType=="wxButton")
- ParseButton(res);
- else if ((resType=="wxTextCtrl")|(resType=="wxText")
- |(resType=="wxMultiText"))
- ParseTextCtrl(res);
- else if (resType=="wxCheckBox")
- ParseCheckBox(res);
- else if (resType=="wxRadioBox")
- ParseRadioBox(res);
- else if (resType=="wxListBox")
- ParseListBox(res);
- else if ((resType=="wxStaticText")|(resType=="wxMessage"))
- ParseStaticText(res);
- else if (resType=="wxChoice")
- ParseChoice(res);
- else if (resType=="wxGauge")
- ParseGauge(res);
- else if (resType=="wxSlider")
- ParseSlider(res);
- else if (resType=="wxComboBox")
- ParseComboBox(res);
- else if (resType=="wxRadioButton")
- ParseRadioButton(res);
- else if (resType=="wxStaticBitmap")
- ParseStaticBitmap(res);
- else if (resType=="wxScrollBar")
- wxLogError("wxScrollBar unsupported");
- else if ((resType=="wxStaticBox")|(resType=="wxGroupBox"))
- wxLogError("wxStaticBox unsupported");
- else if (resType=="wxBitmapButton")
- wxLogError("wxBitmapButton unsupported");
- else
- wxLogError("Found unsupported resource "+resType);
- node = node->Next();
+ wxItemResource *res = (wxItemResource *) node->Data();
+ wxString resType(res->GetType());
+ if (resType == "wxButton")
+ ParseButton(res);
+ else if ((resType == "wxTextCtrl") | (resType == "wxText")
+ | (resType == "wxMultiText"))
+ ParseTextCtrl(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxCheckBox")
+ ParseCheckBox(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxRadioBox")
+ ParseRadioBox(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxListBox")
+ ParseListBox(res);
+ else if ((resType == "wxStaticText") | (resType == "wxMessage"))
+ ParseStaticText(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxChoice")
+ ParseChoice(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxGauge")
+ ParseGauge(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxSlider")
+ ParseSlider(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxComboBox")
+ ParseComboBox(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxRadioButton")
+ ParseRadioButton(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxStaticBitmap")
+ ParseStaticBitmap(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxScrollBar")
+ ParseScrollBar(res);
+ else if ((resType == "wxStaticBox") | (resType == "wxGroupBox"))
+ ParseStaticBox(res);
+ else if (resType == "wxBitmapButton")
+ ParseBitmapButton(res);
+ else
+ wxLogError("Found unsupported resource " + resType);
+ node = node->Next();
-//Write out basic stuff every control has
+// Write out basic stuff every control has
// name,position,size,bg,fg
-void wxWxr2Xml::WriteControlInfo(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::WriteControlInfo(wxItemResource * res)
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GenerateName(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetPosition(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetSize(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetStyles(res));
+ WriteFontInfo(res);
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetSize(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetSize(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-if (m_dlgunits)
- msg<<" <size>"<<res->GetWidth()<<","<<res->GetHeight()<<"d</size>";
- msg<<" <size>"<<res->GetWidth()<<","<<res->GetHeight()<<"</size>";
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ if (m_dlgunits)
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<size>" << res->GetWidth() << "," << res->GetHeight() << "d</size>\n";
+ else
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<size>" << res->GetWidth() << "," << res->GetHeight() << "</size>\n";
+ return msg;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetPosition(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetPosition(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-if (m_dlgunits)
- msg<<" <pos>"<<res->GetX()<<","<<res->GetY()<<"d</pos>";
- msg<<" <pos>"<<res->GetX()<<","<<res->GetY()<<"</pos>";
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ if (m_dlgunits)
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<pos>" << res->GetX() << "," << res->GetY() << "d</pos>\n";
+ else
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<pos>" << res->GetX() << "," << res->GetY() << "</pos>\n";
+ return msg;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseButton(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseButton(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <button");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<button");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetLabel(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</button>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseTextCtrl(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseTextCtrl(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <textctrl");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<textctrl");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetValue4(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</textctrl>\n");
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetTitle(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetTitle(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-msg=_T(" <title>"+res->GetTitle()+"</title>");
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg = _T("\t\t\t\t<title>" + res->GetTitle() + "</title>");
+ return msg;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetValue4(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetValue4(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-msg=_T(" <value>"+res->GetValue4()+"</value>");
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg = _T("\t\t\t\t<value>" + res->GetValue4() + "</value>\n");
+ return msg;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseCheckBox(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseCheckBox(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <checkbox");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<checkbox");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetLabel(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetCheckStatus(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</checkbox>\n");
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetLabel(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetLabel(wxItemResource * res)
-return _T(" <label>"+res->GetTitle()+"</label>");
+ return _T("\t\t\t\t<label>" + res->GetTitle() + "</label>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseRadioBox(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseRadioBox(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <radiobox");
-//Add radio box items
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </radiobox>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<radiobox");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetLabel(res));
+ // Add radio box items
+ WriteStringList(res);
+ // Value1
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetDimension(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</radiobox>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseListBox(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseListBox(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <listbox");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<listbox");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ WriteStringList(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</listbox>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseStaticText(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseStaticText(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <statictext");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<statictext");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetLabel(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</statictext>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseStaticBox(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseStaticBox(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <staticbox");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<staticbox");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetLabel(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</staticbox>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::WriteStringList(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::WriteStringList(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n <content>");
-for ( wxStringListNode *node = res->GetStringValues().GetFirst(); node;
- node = node->GetNext() )
- {
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<content>\n");
+ for (wxStringListNode * node = res->GetStringValues().GetFirst();
+ node;node = node->GetNext()) {
const wxString s1 = node->GetData();
- m_xmlfile.Write("\n <item>"+s1+"</item>");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t\t<item>" + s1 + "</item>\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write("\n </content>");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t</content>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseChoice(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseChoice(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <choice");
-//Add choice items
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </choice>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<choice");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ // Add choice items
+ WriteStringList(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</choice>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseGauge(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseGauge(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <gauge");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </gauge>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<gauge");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetValue1(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetRange(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t\t</gauge>\n");
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetValue1(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetValue1(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <value>"<<res->GetValue1()<<"</value>";
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<value>" << res->GetValue1() << "</value>\n";
+ return msg;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetRange(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetRange(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <range>"<<res->GetValue2()<<"</range>";
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<range>" << res->GetValue2() << "</range>";
+ return msg;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseSlider(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseSlider(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <slider");
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </slider>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<slider");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetValue1(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetMax(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetMin(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t\t</slider>\n");
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetMax(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetMax(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <max>"<<res->GetValue3()<<"</max>";
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<max>" << res->GetValue3() << "</max>\n";
+ return msg;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetMin(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetMin(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <min>"<<res->GetValue2()<<"</min>";
-return msg;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<min>" << res->GetValue2() << "</min>";
+ return msg;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseComboBox(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseComboBox(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <combobox");
-//Add combo items
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </combobox>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<combobox");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ // Add combo items
+ WriteStringList(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t\t</combobox>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseRadioButton(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseRadioButton(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <radiobutton");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<radiobutton");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetLabel(res));
+ wxString msg;
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetValue1(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetCheckStatus(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</radiobutton>\n");
-wxString msg;
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </radiobutton>\n");
+void wxr2xml::ParseScrollBar(wxItemResource * res)
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<scrollbar");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GetValue1(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<thumbsize>"+GetValue2(res)+"</thumbsize>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<range>"+GetValue3(res)+"</range>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<pagesize>"+GetValue5(res)+"</pagesize>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</scrollbar>\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseScrollBar(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetCheckStatus(wxItemResource * res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <scrollbar");
-//TODO learn more about XML scrollbar format
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n </scrollbar>\n");
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<checked>" << res->GetValue1() << "</checked>\n";
+ return msg;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetCheckStatus(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetStyles(wxItemResource * res)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <checked>"<<res->GetValue1()<<"</checked>";
-return msg;
+ // Very crude way to get styles
+ long style;
+ wxString s, restype;
+ restype = res->GetType();
+ style = res->GetStyle();
+ s = "\t\t\t\t<style>";
+ // Common styles for all controls
+ if (style & wxSIMPLE_BORDER)
+ s += "wxSIMPLE_BORDER|";
+ if (style & wxSUNKEN_BORDER)
+ s += "wxSUNKEN_BORDER|";
+ if (style & wxSIMPLE_BORDER)
+ s += "wxSIMPLE_BORDER|";
+ if (style & wxDOUBLE_BORDER)
+ s += "wxDOUBLE_BORDER|";
+ if (style & wxRAISED_BORDER)
+ s += "wxRAISED_BORDER|";
+ if (style & wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW)
+ if (style & wxWANTS_CHARS)
+ s += "wxWANTS_CHARS|";
+ if (style & wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
+ if (restype == "wxDialog")
+ {
+ if (style & wxDIALOG_MODAL)
+ s += "wxDIALOG_MODAL|";
+ if (style & wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
+ if (style & wxDIALOG_MODELESS)
+ s += "wxDIALOG_MODELESS|";
+ if (style & wxNO_3D)
+ s += "wxNO_3D|";
+ if (style & wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
+ s += "wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|";
+ if (style & wxSTAY_ON_TOP)
+ s += "wxSTAY_ON_TOP|";
+ if (style & wxCAPTION)
+ s += "wxCAPTION|";
+ if (style & wxTHICK_FRAME)
+ s += "wxTHICK_FRAME|";
+ if (style & wxRESIZE_BOX)
+ s += "wxRESIZE_BOX|";
+ if (style & wxRESIZE_BORDER)
+ s += "wxRESIZE_BORDER|";
+ if (style & wxSYSTEM_MENU)
+ s += "wxSYSTEM_MENU|";
+ if (style & wxCLIP_CHILDREN)
+ s += "wxCLIP_CHILDREN|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxPanel")
+ {
+ if (style & wxCLIP_CHILDREN)
+ s += "wxCLIP_CHILDREN|";
+ if (style & wxNO_3D)
+ s += "wxNO_3D|";
+ if (style & wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
+ s += "wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxComboBox")
+ {
+ if (style & wxCB_SORT)
+ s += "wxCB_SORT|";
+ if (style & wxCB_SIMPLE)
+ s += "wxCB_SIMPLE|";
+ if (style & wxCB_READONLY)
+ s += "wxCB_READONLY|";
+ if (style & wxCB_DROPDOWN)
+ s += "wxCB_DROPDOWN|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxGauge")
+ {
+ if (style & wxGA_HORIZONTAL)
+ s += "wxGA_HORIZONTAL|";
+ if (style & wxGA_VERTICAL)
+ s += "wxGA_VERTICAL|";
+ if (style & wxGA_PROGRESSBAR)
+ s += "wxGA_PROGRESSBAR|";
+ // windows only
+ if (style & wxGA_SMOOTH)
+ s += "wxGA_SMOOTH|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxRadioButton")
+ {
+ if (style & wxRB_GROUP)
+ s += "wxRB_GROUP|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxStaticText")
+ {
+ if (style & wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE)
+ s += "wxST_NO_AUTORESIZEL|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxRadioBox")
+ {
+ if (style & wxRA_HORIZONTAL)
+ s += "wxRA_HORIZONTAL|";
+ if (style & wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS)
+ s += "wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS|";
+ if (style & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
+ s += "wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS|";
+ if (style & wxRA_VERTICAL)
+ s += "wxRA_VERTICAL|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxListBox")
+ {
+ if (style & wxLB_SINGLE)
+ s += "wxLB_SINGLE|";
+ if (style & wxLB_MULTIPLE)
+ s += "wxLB_MULTIPLE|";
+ if (style & wxLB_EXTENDED)
+ s += "wxLB_EXTENDED|";
+ if (style & wxLB_HSCROLL)
+ s += "wxLB_HSCROLL|";
+ if (style & wxLB_ALWAYS_SB)
+ s += "wxLB_ALWAYS_SB|";
+ if (style & wxLB_NEEDED_SB)
+ s += "wxLB_NEEDED_SB|";
+ if (style & wxLB_SORT)
+ s += "wxLB_SORT|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxTextCtrl")
+ {
+ if (style & wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+ s += "wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER|";
+ if (style & wxTE_PROCESS_TAB)
+ s += "wxTE_PROCESS_TAB|";
+ if (style & wxTE_MULTILINE)
+ s += "wxTE_MULTILINE|";
+ if (style & wxTE_PASSWORD)
+ s += "wxTE_PASSWORD|";
+ if (style & wxTE_READONLY)
+ s += "wxTE_READONLY|";
+ if (style & wxHSCROLL)
+ s += "wxHSCROLL|";
+ }
+ if (restype == "wxScrollBar")
+ {
+ if (style & wxSB_HORIZONTAL)
+ s += "wxSB_HORIZONTAL|";
+ if (style & wxSB_VERTICAL)
+ s += "wxSB_VERTICAL|";
+ }
+ int l;
+ l = s.Length();
+ // No styles defined
+ if (l == 11)
+ return _T("");
+ // Trim off last |
+ s = s.Truncate(l - 1);
+ s += "</style>\n";
+ return s;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetStyles(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetDimension(wxItemResource * res)
-//Very crude way to get styles
-long style;
-wxString s,restype;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << "\t\t\t\t<dimension>" << res->GetValue1() << "</dimension>\n";
+ return msg;
+wxString wxr2xml::GenerateName(wxItemResource * res)
+ wxString name;
+ name = _T(" name=\"");
+ switch (res->GetId()) {
+ case wxID_OK:
+ name += _T("wxID_OK");
+ break;
+ case wxID_CANCEL:
+ name += _T("wxID_CANCEL");
+ break;
+ default:
+ name += res->GetName();
+ }
-//Common styles for all controls
-if (style&wxSIMPLE_BORDER)
- s+="wxSIMPLE_BORDER|";
-if (style&wxSUNKEN_BORDER)
- s+="wxSUNKEN_BORDER|";
-if (style&wxSIMPLE_BORDER)
- s+="wxSIMPLE_BORDER|";
-if (style&wxDOUBLE_BORDER)
- s+="wxDOUBLE_BORDER|";
-if (style&wxRAISED_BORDER)
- s+="wxRAISED_BORDER|";
-if (style&wxWANTS_CHARS)
- s+="wxWANTS_CHARS|";
-if (restype=="wxDialog")
- if (style&wxDIALOG_MODAL)
- s+="wxDIALOG_MODAL|";
- if (style&wxDIALOG_MODELESS)
- if (style&wxNO_3D)
- s+="wxNO_3D|";
- if (style&wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
- s+="wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|";
- if (style&wxSTAY_ON_TOP)
- s+="wxSTAY_ON_TOP|";
- if (style&wxCAPTION)
- s+="wxCAPTION|";
- if (style&wxTHICK_FRAME)
- s+="wxTHICK_FRAME|";
- if (style&wxRESIZE_BOX)
- s+="wxRESIZE_BOX|";
- if (style&wxRESIZE_BORDER)
- s+="wxRESIZE_BORDER|";
- if (style&wxSYSTEM_MENU)
- s+="wxSYSTEM_MENU|";
- if (style&wxCLIP_CHILDREN)
- s+="wxCLIP_CHILDREN|";
+ name += "\"";
+ return name;
-if (restype=="wxPanel")
- if (style&wxCLIP_CHILDREN)
- s+="wxCLIP_CHILDREN|";
- if (style&wxNO_3D)
- s+="wxNO_3D|";
- if (style&wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
- s+="wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|";
-if (restype=="wxComboBox")
- if (style&wxCB_SORT)
- s+="wxCB_SORT|";
- if (style&wxCB_SIMPLE)
- s+="wxCB_SIMPLE|";
- if (style&wxCB_READONLY)
- s+="wxCB_READONLY|";
- if (style&wxCB_DROPDOWN)
- s+="wxCB_DROPDOWN|";
-if (restype=="wxGauge")
- if (style&wxGA_HORIZONTAL)
- s+="wxGA_HORIZONTAL|";
- if (style&wxGA_VERTICAL)
- s+="wxGA_VERTICAL|";
- if (style&wxGA_PROGRESSBAR)
- // windows only
- if (style&wxGA_SMOOTH)
- s+="wxGA_SMOOTH|";
-if (restype=="wxRadioButton")
- if (style&wxRB_GROUP)
- s+="wxRB_GROUP|";
-if (restype=="wxStaticText")
- if (style&wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE)
-if (restype=="wxRadioBox")
- {
- if (style&wxRA_HORIZONTAL)
- s+="wxRA_HORIZONTAL|";
- if (style&wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS)
- s+="wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS|";
- if (style&wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
- s+="wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS|";
- if (style&wxRA_VERTICAL)
- s+="wxRA_VERTICAL|";
- }
-if (restype=="wxListBox")
- if (style&wxLB_SINGLE)
- s+="wxLB_SINGLE|";
- if (style&wxLB_MULTIPLE)
- s+="wxLB_MULTIPLE|";
- if (style&wxLB_EXTENDED)
- s+="wxLB_EXTENDED|";
- if (style&wxLB_HSCROLL)
- s+="wxLB_HSCROLL|";
- if (style&wxLB_ALWAYS_SB)
- s+="wxLB_ALWAYS_SB|";
- if (style&wxLB_NEEDED_SB)
- s+="wxLB_NEEDED_SB|";
- if (style&wxLB_SORT)
- s+="wxLB_SORT|";
-if (restype=="wxTextCtrl")
- if (style&wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
- if (style&wxTE_PROCESS_TAB)
- s+="wxTE_PROCESS_TAB|";
- if (style&wxTE_MULTILINE)
- s+="wxTE_MULTILINE|";
- if (style&wxTE_PASSWORD)
- s+="wxTE_PASSWORD|";
- if (style&wxTE_READONLY)
- s+="wxTE_READONLY|";
- if (style&wxHSCROLL)
- s+="wxHSCROLL|";
-int l;
-//No styles defined
-if (l==7)
- return _T("");
-//Trim off last |
-return s;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GetDimension(wxItemResource *res)
-wxString msg;
-msg<<" <dimension>"<<res->GetValue1()<<"</dimension>";
-return msg;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::GenerateName(wxItemResource *res)
-wxString name;
-name=_T(" name=\"");
-switch (res->GetId())
- {
- case wxID_OK:
- name+=_T("wxID_OK");
- break;
- case wxID_CANCEL:
- name+=_T("wxID_CANCEL");
- break;
- default:
- name+=res->GetName();
- }
-return name;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseMenuBar(wxItemResource *res)
- wxItemResource *child;
- wxNode *node = res->GetChildren().First();
- //Get Menu Bar Name
- m_xmlfile.Write("<menubar ");
- m_xmlfile.Write(GenerateName(res));
- m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
- while (node)
- {
- child= (wxItemResource *)node->Data();
- ParseMenu(child);
+void wxr2xml::ParseMenuBar(wxItemResource * res)
+ wxItemResource *child;
+ wxNode *node = res->GetChildren().First();
+ // Get Menu Bar Name
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t<menubar ");
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GenerateName(res));
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t<children>\n");
+ while (node) {
+ child = (wxItemResource *) node->Data();
+ ParseMenu(child);
node = node->Next();
- }
- m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write("</menubar> \n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseMenu(wxItemResource *res)
- wxItemResource *child;
- wxNode *node = res->GetChildren().First();
- //Get Menu
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <menu ");
- wxString menuname;
- menuname<<"name = \"menu_"<<res->GetValue1()<<"\"";
- m_xmlfile.Write(menuname);
- m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <label>"
- +FixMenuString(res->GetTitle())+"</label>\n");
- if (res->GetValue4()!="")
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <help>"+res->GetValue4()+"</help>\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <children>\n");
- //Read in menu items and additional menus
- while (node)
- {
- child= (wxItemResource *)node->Data();
- if (!child->GetChildren().First())
- ParseMenuItem(child);
- else
- ParseMenu(child);
+ }
- node = node->Next();
- }
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </children>\n");
-m_xmlfile.Write(" </menu> \n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t</menubar> \n\n");
+void wxr2xml::ParseMenu(wxItemResource * res)
+ wxItemResource *child;
+ wxNode *node = res->GetChildren().First();
+ // Get Menu
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<menu ");
+ wxString menuname;
+ menuname << "name = \"menu_" << res->GetValue1() << "\"";
+ m_xmlfile.Write(menuname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<label>"
+ + FixMenuString(res->GetTitle()) + "</label>\n");
+ if (res->GetValue4() != "")
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<help>" + res->GetValue4() +
+ "</help>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<children>\n");
+ // Read in menu items and additional menus
+ while (node) {
+ child = (wxItemResource *) node->Data();
+ if (!child->GetChildren().First())
+ ParseMenuItem(child);
+ else
+ ParseMenu(child);
+ node = node->Next();
+ }
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</children>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</menu> \n");
+void wxr2xml::ParseMenuItem(wxItemResource * res)
+ // Get Menu Item or Separator
+ if (res->GetTitle() == "") {
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<separator/>\n");
+ } else {
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<menuitem ");
+ wxString menuname;
+ menuname << "name = \"menuitem_" << res->GetValue1() << "\"";
+ m_xmlfile.Write(menuname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write(" <label>"
+ + FixMenuString(res->GetTitle()) + "</label>\n");
+ if (res->GetValue4() != "")
+ m_xmlfile.Write(" <help>" +
+ res->GetValue4() + "</help>\n");
+ if (res->GetValue2())
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<checkable>1</checkable>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</menuitem> \n");
+ }
+wxString wxr2xml::FixMenuString(wxString phrase)
+ phrase.Replace("&", "$");
+ return phrase;
+void wxr2xml::ParseStaticBitmap(wxItemResource * res)
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<staticbitmap");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ // value4 holds bitmap name
+ wxString bitmapname;
+ bitmapname = res->GetValue4();
+ wxBitmap bitmap;
+ bitmap = wxResourceCreateBitmap(bitmapname, &m_table);
+ bitmapname += _T(".bmp");
+ bitmap.SaveFile(bitmapname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\n\t\t\t\t<bitmap>" + bitmapname + "</bitmap>");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</staticbitmap>\n");
+ // bitmap5
+//Parse a bitmap resource
+void wxr2xml::ParseBitmap(wxItemResource * res)
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t<bitmap ");
+ m_xmlfile.Write(GenerateName(res)+">");
+ wxString bitmapname;
+ bitmapname = res->GetName();
+ wxBitmap bitmap;
+ bitmap = wxResourceCreateBitmap(bitmapname, &m_table);
+ bitmapname += _T(".bmp");
+ bitmap.SaveFile(bitmapname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ m_xmlfile.Write(bitmapname);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("</bitmap>\n\n");
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseMenuItem(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::PanelStuff(wxItemResource * res)
- //Get Menu Item or Separator
-if (res->GetTitle()=="")
- {
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <separator/>\n");
- }
- {
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <menuitem ");
- wxString menuname;
- menuname<<"name = \"menuitem_"<<res->GetValue1()<<"\"";
- m_xmlfile.Write(menuname);
- m_xmlfile.Write(">\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <label>"
- +FixMenuString(res->GetTitle())+"</label>\n");
- if (res->GetValue4()!="")
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <help>"+res->GetValue4()+"</help>\n");
- if (res->GetValue2())
- m_xmlfile.Write(" <checkable>1</checkable>\n");
- m_xmlfile.Write(" </menuitem> \n");
- }
+ if ((res->GetResourceStyle() & wxRESOURCE_DIALOG_UNITS) != 0)
+ m_dlgunits = TRUE;
+ else
+ m_dlgunits = FALSE;
+ // If this is true ignore fonts, background color and use system
+ // defaults instead
+ if ((res->GetResourceStyle() & wxRESOURCE_USE_DEFAULTS) != 0)
+ m_systemdefaults = TRUE;
+ else
+ m_systemdefaults = FALSE;
+wxString wxr2xml::GetValue2(wxItemResource *res)
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << res->GetValue2();
+ return msg;
-wxString wxWxr2Xml::FixMenuString(wxString phrase)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetValue3(wxItemResource *res)
-return phrase;
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << res->GetValue3();
+ return msg;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseStaticBitmap(wxItemResource *res)
+wxString wxr2xml::GetValue5(wxItemResource *res)
-m_xmlfile.Write(" <staticbitmap");
-//value4 holds bitmap name
-wxString bitmapname;
-wxBitmap bitmap;
-bitmap= wxResourceCreateBitmap(bitmapname,&m_table);
-m_xmlfile.Write("\n <bitmap>"+bitmapname+"</bitmap>");
+ wxString msg;
+ msg << res->GetValue5();
+ return msg;
-void wxWxr2Xml::ParseBitmap(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::ParseBitmapButton(wxItemResource *res)
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<bitmapbutton");
+ WriteControlInfo(res);
+ // value4 holds bitmap name
+ wxString bitmapname;
+ bitmapname = res->GetValue4();
+ wxBitmap bitmap;
+ bitmap = wxResourceCreateBitmap(bitmapname, &m_table);
+ bitmapname += _T(".bmp");
+ bitmap.SaveFile(bitmapname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<bitmap>" + bitmapname + "</bitmap>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</bitmapbutton>\n");
+void wxr2xml::WriteFontInfo(wxItemResource *res)
+//if systems_defaults true just ignore the fonts
+ if (m_systemdefaults)
+ return;
+ wxFont font;
+ font=res->GetFont();
+ if (!font.GetRefData())
+ return;
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t<font>\n");
+ //Get font point size,font family,weight,font style,underline
+ int pt;
+ wxString msg;
+ pt=font.GetPointSize();
+ msg<<"\t\t\t\t<size>"<<pt<<"</size>\n";
+ m_xmlfile.Write(msg);
+ GetFontFace(font);
+ GetFontStyle(font);
+ GetFontWeight(font);
+ if (font.GetUnderlined())
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<underlined>1</underlined>\n");
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t</font>\n");
+//WARNING possible make here
+//I wasn't really sure the right way to do this.
+void wxr2xml::GetFontFace(wxFont font)
+ int family=font.GetFamily();
+ switch (family)
+ {
+ case wxDEFAULT:
+ break;
+ case wxDECORATIVE:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<face>Decorative</face>\n");
+ break;
+ case wxROMAN:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<face>Roman</face>\n");
+ break;
+ case wxSCRIPT:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<face>Script</face>\n");
+ break;
+ case wxSWISS:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<face>Swiss</face>\n");
+ break;
+ case wxMODERN:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<face>Modern</face>\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ wxLogError("Unknown font face");
+ }
-void wxWxr2Xml::PanelStuff(wxItemResource *res)
+void wxr2xml::GetFontStyle(wxFont font)
-if ((res->GetResourceStyle() & wxRESOURCE_DIALOG_UNITS) != 0)
- m_dlgunits=TRUE;
- m_dlgunits=FALSE;
-//If this is true ignore fonts, background color and use system
-//defaults instead
-if ((res->GetResourceStyle() & wxRESOURCE_USE_DEFAULTS) != 0)
- m_systemdefaults=TRUE;
- m_systemdefaults=FALSE;
+ int style=font.GetStyle();
+ switch (style)
+ {
+//since this is default no point in making file any larger
+ case wxNORMAL:
+ break;
+ case wxITALIC:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("<style>italic</style>\n");
+ break;
+ case wxSLANT:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("<style>slant</style>\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ wxLogError("Unknown font style");
+ }
+void wxr2xml::GetFontWeight(wxFont font)
+ int weight=font.GetWeight();
+ switch (weight)
+ {
+//since this is default no point in making file any larger
+ case wxNORMAL:
+ break;
+ case wxLIGHT:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<weight>light</weight>\n");
+ break;
+ case wxBOLD:
+ m_xmlfile.Write("\t\t\t\t<weight>bold</weight>\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ wxLogError("Unknown font weight");
+ }
#include "wx/resource.h"
-class wxWxr2Xml : public wxObject
+class wxr2xml : public wxObject
- bool Convert(wxString wxrfile,wxString xmlfile);
- wxWxr2Xml();
- virtual ~wxWxr2Xml();
+ bool Convert(wxString wxrfile,wxString xmlfile);
+ wxr2xml();
+ virtual ~wxr2xml();
- void PanelStuff(wxItemResource *res);
- bool m_systemdefaults;
- bool m_dlgunits;
- void ParseBitmap(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseStaticBitmap(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString FixMenuString(wxString phrase);
- void ParseMenuItem(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseMenu(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseMenuBar(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GenerateName(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetStyles(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetDimension(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParsePanel(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseRadioButton(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetMin(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetCheckStatus(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseScrollBar(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseComboBox(wxItemResource * res);
- wxString GetMax(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseSlider(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetValue1(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetRange(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseGauge(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseChoice(wxItemResource *res);
- void WriteStringList(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseStaticBox(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseRadioBox(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetLabel(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseCheckBox(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetValue4(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetTitle(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseTextCtrl(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseButton(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetPosition(wxItemResource *res);
- void WriteControlInfo(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseStaticText(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseListBox(wxItemResource *res);
- wxString GetSize(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseControls(wxItemResource *res);
- void ParseDialog(wxItemResource *res);
- bool ParseResources();
- //Variables
- wxResourceTable m_table;
- wxFFile m_xmlfile;
+ void GetFontWeight(wxFont font);
+ void GetFontStyle(wxFont font);
+ void ParseBitmapButton(wxItemResource *res);
+ void GetFontFace(wxFont font);
+ void WriteFontInfo(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetValue2(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetValue3(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetValue5(wxItemResource *res);
+ void PanelStuff(wxItemResource *res);
+ bool m_systemdefaults;
+ bool m_dlgunits;
+ void ParseBitmap(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseStaticBitmap(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString FixMenuString(wxString phrase);
+ void ParseMenuItem(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseMenu(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseMenuBar(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GenerateName(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetStyles(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetDimension(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParsePanel(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseRadioButton(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetMin(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetCheckStatus(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseScrollBar(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseComboBox(wxItemResource * res);
+ wxString GetMax(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseSlider(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetValue1(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetRange(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseGauge(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseChoice(wxItemResource *res);
+ void WriteStringList(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseStaticBox(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseRadioBox(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetLabel(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseCheckBox(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetValue4(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetTitle(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseTextCtrl(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseButton(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetPosition(wxItemResource *res);
+ void WriteControlInfo(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseStaticText(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseListBox(wxItemResource *res);
+ wxString GetSize(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseControls(wxItemResource *res);
+ void ParseDialog(wxItemResource *res);
+ bool ParseResources();
+ //Variables
+ wxResourceTable m_table;
+ wxFFile m_xmlfile;