void SetSplitterLeft( bool subProps = false, bool allPages = true );
+ /** Moves splitter as left as possible on an individual page, while still allowing all
+ labels to be shown in full.
+ */
+ void SetPageSplitterLeft(int page, bool subProps = false);
Sets splitter position on individual page.
void SetSplitterLeft( bool subProps = false, bool allPages = true );
+ /** Moves splitter as left as possible on an individual page, while still allowing all
+ labels to be shown in full.
+ */
+ void SetPageSplitterLeft(int page, bool subProps = false);
Sets splitter position on individual page.
+void wxPropertyGridManager::SetPageSplitterLeft(int page, bool subProps)
+ wxASSERT_MSG( (page < (int) GetPageCount()),
+ wxT("SetPageSplitterLeft() has no effect until pages have been added") );
+ if (page < (int) GetPageCount())
+ {
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ dc.SetFont(m_pPropGrid->GetFont());
+ int maxW = m_pState->GetColumnFitWidth(dc, m_arrPages[page]->m_properties, 0, subProps );
+ maxW += m_pPropGrid->m_marginWidth;
+ SetPageSplitterPosition( page, maxW );
+ if ( m_showHeader )
+ m_pHeaderCtrl->OnColumWidthsChanged();
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void wxPropertyGridManager::OnPropertyGridSelect( wxPropertyGridEvent& event )