Member() should be available in all list classes, not just specially crafted
list of wxObjects (wxList).
See #3616.
virtual nodetype *Find(const wxListKey& key) const \
{ return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Find(key); } \
virtual nodetype *Find(const wxListKey& key) const \
{ return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Find(key); } \
+ bool Member(const Tbase *object) const \
+ { return Find(object) != NULL; } \
+ \
int IndexOf(Tbase *object) const \
{ return wxListBase::IndexOf(object); } \
int IndexOf(Tbase *object) const \
{ return wxListBase::IndexOf(object); } \
// compatibility methods
void Sort(wxSortCompareFunction compfunc) { wxListBase::Sort(compfunc); }
// compatibility methods
void Sort(wxSortCompareFunction compfunc) { wxListBase::Sort(compfunc); }
- bool Member(wxObject *object) const { return Find(object) != NULL; }
if ( currentMouseWindow->HandleWindowEvent(wxevent) )
if ( currentMouseWindow->HandleWindowEvent(wxevent) )
- if ((currentMouseWindowParent != NULL) &&
- (currentMouseWindowParent->GetChildren().Find(currentMouseWindow) == NULL))
+ if ( currentMouseWindowParent &&
+ !currentMouseWindowParent->GetChildren().Member(currentMouseWindow) )
currentMouseWindow = NULL;
result = noErr;
currentMouseWindow = NULL;
result = noErr;