-\func{bool}{Blit}{\param{long}{ xdest}, \param{long}{ ydest}, \param{long}{ width}, \param{long}{ height},
- \param{wxDC* }{source}, \param{long}{ xsrc}, \param{long}{ ysrc}, \param{int}{ logicalFunc = wxCOPY},
+\func{bool}{Blit}{\param{wxCoord}{ xdest}, \param{wxCoord}{ ydest}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height},
+ \param{wxDC* }{source}, \param{wxCoord}{ xsrc}, \param{wxCoord}{ ysrc}, \param{int}{ logicalFunc = wxCOPY},
\param{bool }{useMask = FALSE}}
Copy from a source DC to this DC, specifying the destination
-\func{void}{CrossHair}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}}
+\func{void}{CrossHair}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical
and horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred
-\func{long}{DeviceToLogicalX}{\param{long}{ x}}
+\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalX}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
Convert device X coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
-\func{long}{DeviceToLogicalXRel}{\param{long}{ x}}
+\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalXRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
Convert device X coordinate to relative logical coordinate, using the current
mapping mode. Use this function for converting a width, for example.
-\func{long}{DeviceToLogicalY}{\param{long}{ y}}
+\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalY}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Converts device Y coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
-\func{long}{DeviceToLogicalYRel}{\param{long}{ y}}
+\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalYRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Convert device Y coordinate to relative logical coordinate, using the current
mapping mode. Use this function for converting a height, for example.
-\func{void}{DrawArc}{\param{long}{ x1}, \param{long}{ y1}, \param{long}{ x2}, \param{long}{ y2}, \param{double}{ xc}, \param{double}{ yc}}
+\func{void}{DrawArc}{\param{wxCoord}{ x1}, \param{wxCoord}{ y1}, \param{wxCoord}{ x2}, \param{wxCoord}{ y2}, \param{double}{ xc}, \param{double}{ yc}}
Draws an arc of a circle, centred on ({\it xc, yc}), with starting point ({\it x1, y1})
and ending at ({\it x2, y2}). The current pen is used for the outline
-\func{void}{DrawBitmap}{\param{const wxBitmap\&}{ bitmap}, \param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{bool}{ transparent}}
+\func{void}{DrawBitmap}{\param{const wxBitmap\&}{ bitmap}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{bool}{ transparent}}
Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If {\it transparent} is TRUE and the bitmap has
a transparency mask, the bitmap will be drawn transparently.
-\func{void}{DrawEllipse}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{long}{ width}, \param{long}{ height}}
+\func{void}{DrawEllipse}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}}
Draws an ellipse contained in the rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the
given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for
-\func{void}{DrawEllipticArc}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{long}{ width}, \param{long}{ height},
+\func{void}{DrawEllipticArc}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height},
\param{double}{ start}, \param{double}{ end}}
Draws an arc of an ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and
-\func{void}{DrawIcon}{\param{const wxIcon\&}{ icon}, \param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}}
+\func{void}{DrawIcon}{\param{const wxIcon\&}{ icon}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is PostScript).
This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a window.
-\func{void}{DrawLine}{\param{long}{ x1}, \param{long}{ y1}, \param{long}{ x2}, \param{long}{ y2}}
+\func{void}{DrawLine}{\param{wxCoord}{ x1}, \param{wxCoord}{ y1}, \param{wxCoord}{ x2}, \param{wxCoord}{ y2}}
Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is used
for drawing the line.
-\func{void}{DrawLines}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint}{ points[]}, \param{long}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{long}{ yoffset = 0}}
+\func{void}{DrawLines}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint}{ points[]}, \param{wxCoord}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{wxCoord}{ yoffset = 0}}
-\func{void}{DrawLines}{\param{wxList *}{points}, \param{long}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{long}{ yoffset = 0}}
+\func{void}{DrawLines}{\param{wxList *}{points}, \param{wxCoord}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{wxCoord}{ yoffset = 0}}
Draws lines using an array of {\it points} of size {\it n}, or list of
pointers to points, adding the optional offset coordinate. The current
-\func{void}{DrawPolygon}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint}{ points[]}, \param{long}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{long}{ yoffset = 0},\\
+\func{void}{DrawPolygon}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint}{ points[]}, \param{wxCoord}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{wxCoord}{ yoffset = 0},\\
\param{int }{fill\_style = wxODDEVEN\_RULE}}
-\func{void}{DrawPolygon}{\param{wxList *}{points}, \param{long}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{long}{ yoffset = 0},\\
+\func{void}{DrawPolygon}{\param{wxList *}{points}, \param{wxCoord}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{wxCoord}{ yoffset = 0},\\
\param{int }{fill\_style = wxODDEVEN\_RULE}}
Draws a filled polygon using an array of {\it points} of size {\it n},
-\func{void}{DrawPoint}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}}
+\func{void}{DrawPoint}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Draws a point using the current pen.
-\func{void}{DrawRectangle}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{long}{ width}, \param{long}{ height}}
+\func{void}{DrawRectangle}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}}
Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush
for filling the shape.
+\func{void}{DrawRotatedText}{\param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{double}{ angle}}
+Draws the text rotated by {\it angle} degrees.
+\wxheading{See also}
-\func{void}{DrawRoundedRectangle}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{long}{ width}, \param{long}{ height}, \param{double}{ radius = 20}}
+\func{void}{DrawRoundedRectangle}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}, \param{double}{ radius = 20}}
Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The
using a series of lines, using an algorithm taken from the X drawing
program `XFIG'.
-\func{void}{DrawSpline}{\param{long}{ x1}, \param{long}{ y1}, \param{long}{ x2}, \param{long}{ y2}, \param{long}{ x3}, \param{long}{ y3}}
+\func{void}{DrawSpline}{\param{wxCoord}{ x1}, \param{wxCoord}{ y1}, \param{wxCoord}{ x2}, \param{wxCoord}{ y2}, \param{wxCoord}{ x3}, \param{wxCoord}{ y3}}
Draws a three-point spline using the current pen.
-\func{void}{DrawText}{\param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}}
+\func{void}{DrawText}{\param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text font,
and the current text foreground and background colours.
-\func{void}{FloodFill}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{wxColour *}{colour}, \param{int}{ style=wxFLOOD\_SURFACE}}
+\func{void}{FloodFill}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxColour *}{colour}, \param{int}{ style=wxFLOOD\_SURFACE}}
Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, in the given colour,
and using a style:
Gets the character height of the currently set font.
Gets the average character width of the currently set font.
-\func{void}{GetClippingBox}{\param{long}{ *x}, \param{long}{ *y}, \param{long}{ *width}, \param{long}{ *height}}
+\func{void}{GetClippingBox}{\param{wxCoord}{ *x}, \param{wxCoord}{ *y}, \param{wxCoord}{ *width}, \param{wxCoord}{ *height}}
Gets the rectangle surrounding the current clipping region.
-\func{bool}{GetPixel}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{wxColour *}{colour}}
+\func{bool}{GetPixel}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxColour *}{colour}}
Sets {\it colour} to the colour at the specified location. Windows only; an X implementation
is being worked on. Not available for wxPostScriptDC or wxMetafileDC.
-\func{void}{GetSize}{\param{long *}{width}, \param{long *}{height}}
+\func{void}{GetSize}{\param{wxCoord *}{width}, \param{wxCoord *}{height}}
For a PostScript device context, this gets the maximum size of graphics
drawn so far on the device context.
printer page:
- long w, h;
+ wxCoord w, h;
dc.GetSize(&w, &h);
double scaleX=(double)(maxX/w);
double scaleY=(double)(maxY/h);
-\func{void}{GetTextExtent}{\param{const wxString\& }{string}, \param{long *}{w}, \param{long *}{h},\\
- \param{long *}{descent = NULL}, \param{long *}{externalLeading = NULL}, \param{wxFont *}{font = NULL}}
+\func{void}{GetTextExtent}{\param{const wxString\& }{string}, \param{wxCoord *}{w}, \param{wxCoord *}{h},\\
+ \param{wxCoord *}{descent = NULL}, \param{wxCoord *}{externalLeading = NULL}, \param{wxFont *}{font = NULL}}
Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font.
\rtfsp{\it string} is the text string to measure, {\it w} and {\it h} are
-\func{long}{LogicalToDeviceX}{\param{long}{ x}}
+\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceX}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
Converts logical X coordinate to device coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
-\func{long}{LogicalToDeviceXRel}{\param{long}{ x}}
+\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceXRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
Converts logical X coordinate to relative device coordinate, using the current
mapping mode. Use this for converting a width, for example.
-\func{long}{LogicalToDeviceY}{\param{long}{ y}}
+\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceY}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Converts logical Y coordinate to device coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
-\func{long}{LogicalToDeviceYRel}{\param{long}{ y}}
+\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceYRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Converts logical Y coordinate to relative device coordinate, using the current
mapping mode. Use this for converting a height, for example.
Gets the maximum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far.
Gets the maximum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far.
Gets the minimum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far.
Gets the minimum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far.
-\func{void}{SetDeviceOrigin}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}}
+\func{void}{SetDeviceOrigin}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Sets the device origin (i.e., the origin in pixels after scaling has been
-\func{void}{SetClippingRegion}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{long}{ width}, \param{long}{ height}}
+\func{void}{SetClippingRegion}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}}
\func{void}{SetClippingRegion}{\param{const wxRegion\&}{ region}}