Source: "samples\doodle\sample.ddl"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\doodle";
Source: "samples\doodle\superdoodle.iss"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\doodle";
-Source: "samples\docview\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\docview";
-Source: "samples\docview\activegrid\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\docview\activegrid";
-Source: "samples\docview\activegrid\tool\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\docview\activegrid\tool";
-Source: "samples\docview\activegrid\tool\data\*.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\docview\activegrid\tool\data";
-Source: "samples\docview\activegrid\tool\images\*.jpg"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\docview\activegrid\tool\images";
+Source: "samples\docview\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\docview";
+Source: "samples\pydocview\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\pydocview";
+Source: "samples\pydocview\*.jpg"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\pydocview";
+Source: "samples\pydocview\*.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\pydocview";
+Source: "samples\ide\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\ide";
+Source: "samples\ide\activegrid\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\ide\activegrid";
+Source: "samples\ide\activegrid\tool\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\ide\activegrid\tool";
+Source: "samples\ide\activegrid\tool\data\*.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\ide\activegrid\tool\data";
+Source: "samples\ide\activegrid\util\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\ide\activegrid\util";
Source: "samples\embedded\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\embedded";
Source: "samples\embedded\*.cpp"; DestDir: "{app}\samples\embedded";
Updated docview library modules and sample apps from the ActiveGrid
+Added the ActiveGrid IDE as a sample application.
--- /dev/null
+# Name: ActiveGridIDE.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: Lawrence Bruhmuller
+# Created: 3/30/05
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import activegrid.tool.IDE
+import os
+import sys
+sys.stdout = sys.stderr
+# This is here as the base IDE entry point. Only difference is that -baseide is passed.
+# Put activegrid dir in path so python files can be found from py2exe
+# This code should never do anything when run from the python interpreter
+execDir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
+ sys.path.index(execDir)
+except ValueError:
+ sys.path.append(execDir)
+app = activegrid.tool.IDE.IDEApplication(redirect = False)
+app.GetTopWindow().Raise() # sometimes it shows up beneath other windows. e.g. running self in debugger
--- /dev/null
+# Name: AboutDialog.py
+# Purpose: AboutBox which has copyright notice, license information, and credits
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 3/22/05
+# Copyright: (c) 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+from IDE import ACTIVEGRID_BASE_IDE, getSplashBitmap
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# Package License Data for AboutDialog
+# Package, License, URL
+# If no information is available, put a None as a place holder.
+licenseData = [
+ ("ActiveGrid", "ASL 2.0", "http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"),
+ ("Python 2.3", "Python Software Foundation License", "http://www.python.org/2.3/license.html"),
+ ("wxPython 2.5", "wxWidgets 2 - LGPL", "http://wxwidgets.org/newlicen.htm"),
+ ("wxWidgets", "wxWindows Library License 3", "http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/2.5.4/wx_wxlicense.html"),
+ ("pychecker", "MetaSlash - BSD", "http://pychecker.sourceforge.net/COPYRIGHT"),
+ ("process.py", "See file", "http://starship.python.net/~tmick/"),
+if not ACTIVEGRID_BASE_IDE: # add licenses for database connections only if not the base IDE
+ licenseData += [
+ ("pydb2", "LGPL", "http://sourceforge.net/projects/pydb2"),
+ ("pysqlite", "Python License (CNRI)", "http://sourceforge.net/projects/pysqlite"),
+ ("mysql-python", "GPL, Python License (CNRI), Zope Public License", "http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python"),
+ ("cx_Oracle", "Computronix", "http://http://www.computronix.com/download/License(cxOracle).txt"),
+ ("SQLite", "Public Domain", "http://www.sqlite.org/copyright.html"),
+ ("PyGreSQL", "BSD", "http://www.pygresql.org"),
+ ]
+if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ licenseData += [("pywin32", "Python Software Foundation License", "http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/")]
+class AboutDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ """
+ Initializes the about dialog.
+ """
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, _("About ") + wx.GetApp().GetAppName(), style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
+ nb = wx.Notebook(self, -1)
+ aboutPage = wx.Panel(nb, -1)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ splash_bmp = getSplashBitmap()
+ image = wx.StaticBitmap(aboutPage, -1, splash_bmp, (0,0), (splash_bmp.GetWidth(), splash_bmp.GetHeight()))
+ sizer.Add(image, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 0)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(aboutPage, -1, wx.GetApp().GetAppName() + _("\nVersion 0.6 Early Access\n\nCopyright (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid Incorporated and Contributors. All rights reserved.")), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 10)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(aboutPage, -1, _("http://www.activegrid.com")), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 10)
+ aboutPage.SetSizer(sizer)
+ nb.AddPage(aboutPage, _("Copyright"))
+ licensePage = wx.Panel(nb, -1)
+ grid = wx.grid.Grid(licensePage, -1)
+ grid.CreateGrid(len(licenseData), 2)
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(grid)
+ dc.SetFont(grid.GetLabelFont())
+ grid.SetColLabelValue(0, _("License"))
+ grid.SetColLabelValue(1, _("URL"))
+ w, maxHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(_("License"))
+ w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(_("URL"))
+ if h > maxHeight:
+ maxHeight = h
+ grid.SetColLabelSize(maxHeight + 6) # add a 6 pixel margin
+ for row, data in enumerate(licenseData):
+ package = data[0]
+ license = data[1]
+ url = data[2]
+ if package:
+ grid.SetRowLabelValue(row, package)
+ if license:
+ grid.SetCellValue(row, 0, license)
+ if url:
+ grid.SetCellValue(row, 1, url)
+ grid.EnableEditing(False)
+ grid.EnableDragGridSize(False)
+ grid.EnableDragColSize(False)
+ grid.EnableDragRowSize(False)
+ grid.SetRowLabelAlignment(wx.ALIGN_LEFT, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)
+ grid.SetLabelBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE)
+ grid.AutoSizeColumn(0, 100)
+ grid.AutoSizeColumn(1, 100)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(grid, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10)
+ licensePage.SetSizer(sizer)
+ nb.AddPage(licensePage, _("Licenses"))
+ creditsPage = wx.Panel(nb, -1)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(creditsPage, -1, _("ActiveGrid Development Team:\n\nLawrence Bruhmuller\nEric Chu\nMatt Fryer\nJoel Hare\nMorgan Hua\nAlan Mullendore\nJeff Norton\nKevin Wang\nPeter Yared")), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 10)
+ creditsPage.SetSizer(sizer)
+ nb.AddPage(creditsPage, _("Credits"))
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(nb, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5)
+ btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK)
+ sizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ self.SetAutoLayout(True)
+ sizer.Fit(self)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: AbstractEditor.py
+# Purpose: Non-text editor for DataModel and Process
+# Author: Peter Yared, Morgan Hua
+# Created: 7/28/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.ogl as ogl
+import PropertyService
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+SELECT_BRUSH = wx.Brush("BLUE", wx.SOLID)
+SHAPE_BRUSH = wx.Brush("WHEAT", wx.SOLID)
+def GetRawModel(model):
+ if hasattr(model, "GetRawModel"):
+ rawModel = model.GetRawModel()
+ else:
+ rawModel = model
+ return rawModel
+class CanvasView(wx.lib.docview.View):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, brush = SHAPE_BRUSH):
+ wx.lib.docview.View.__init__(self)
+ self._brush = brush
+ self._canvas = None
+ self._pt1 = None
+ self._pt2 = None
+ self._needEraseLasso = False
+ self._propShape = None
+ def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
+ frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags)
+ frame.Show()
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer()
+ self._CreateCanvas(frame)
+ sizer.Add(self._canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ frame.SetSizer(sizer)
+ frame.Layout()
+ self.Activate()
+ return True
+ def OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView):
+ if activate and self._canvas:
+ # In MDI mode just calling set focus doesn't work and in SDI mode using CallAfter causes an endless loop
+ if self.GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ self._canvas.SetFocus()
+ else:
+ wx.CallAfter(self._canvas.SetFocus)
+ def OnClose(self, deleteWindow = True):
+ statusC = wx.GetApp().CloseChildDocuments(self.GetDocument())
+ statusP = wx.lib.docview.View.OnClose(self, deleteWindow = deleteWindow)
+ if hasattr(self, "ClearOutline"):
+ wx.CallAfter(self.ClearOutline) # need CallAfter because when closing the document, it is Activated and then Close, so need to match OnActivateView's CallAfter
+ if not (statusC and statusP):
+ return False
+ self.Activate(False)
+ if deleteWindow and self.GetFrame():
+ self.GetFrame().Destroy()
+ return True
+ def _CreateCanvas(self, parent):
+ self._canvas = ogl.ShapeCanvas(parent)
+ wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self._canvas, self.OnLeftClick)
+ wx.EVT_LEFT_UP(self._canvas, self.OnLeftUp)
+ wx.EVT_MOTION(self._canvas, self.OnLeftDrag)
+ wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self._canvas, self.OnLeftDoubleClick)
+ wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self._canvas, self.OnKeyPressed)
+ maxWidth = 2000
+ maxHeight = 16000
+ self._canvas.SetScrollbars(20, 20, maxWidth / 20, maxHeight / 20)
+ self._canvas.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE)
+ self._diagram = ogl.Diagram()
+ self._canvas.SetDiagram(self._diagram)
+ self._diagram.SetCanvas(self._canvas)
+ def OnKeyPressed(self, event):
+ key = event.KeyCode()
+ if key == wx.WXK_DELETE:
+ self.OnClear(event)
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnLeftClick(self, event):
+ self.EraseRubberBand()
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ # keep track of mouse down for group select
+ self._pt1 = event.GetLogicalPosition(dc) # this takes into account scrollbar offset
+ self._pt2 = None
+ shape = self._canvas.FindShape(self._pt1[0], self._pt1[1])[0]
+ if shape:
+ self.BringToFront(shape)
+ self._pt1 = None
+ event.Skip() # pass on event to shape handler to take care of selection
+ return
+ elif event.ControlDown() or event.ShiftDown(): # extend select, don't deselect
+ pass
+ else:
+ # click on empty part of canvas, deselect everything
+ needRefresh = False
+ for shape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetModel"):
+ if shape.Selected():
+ needRefresh = True
+ shape.Select(False, dc)
+ if needRefresh:
+ self._canvas.Redraw(dc)
+ self.SetPropertyModel(None)
+ if len(self.GetSelection()) == 0:
+ self.SetPropertyShape(None)
+ def OnLeftDoubleClick(self, event):
+ propertyService = wx.GetApp().GetService(PropertyService.PropertyService)
+ if propertyService:
+ propertyService.ShowWindow()
+ def OnLeftDrag(self, event):
+ # draw lasso for group select
+ if self._pt1 and event.LeftIsDown(): # we are in middle of lasso selection
+ self.EraseRubberBand()
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ self._pt2 = event.GetLogicalPosition(dc) # this takes into account scrollbar offset
+ self.DrawRubberBand()
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnLeftUp(self, event):
+ # do group select
+ if self._needEraseLasso:
+ self.EraseRubberBand()
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ x1, y1 = self._pt1
+ x2, y2 = event.GetLogicalPosition(dc) # this takes into account scrollbar offset
+ tol = self._diagram.GetMouseTolerance()
+ if abs(x1 - x2) > tol or abs(y1 - y2) > tol:
+ # make sure x1 < x2 and y1 < y2 to make comparison test easier
+ if x1 > x2:
+ temp = x1
+ x1 = x2
+ x2 = temp
+ if y1 > y2:
+ temp = y1
+ y1 = y2
+ y2 = temp
+ for shape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ if not shape.GetParent() and hasattr(shape, "GetModel"): # if part of a composite, don't select it
+ x, y = shape.GetX(), shape.GetY()
+ width, height = shape.GetBoundingBoxMax()
+ selected = x1 < x - width/2 and x2 > x + width/2 and y1 < y - height/2 and y2 > y + height/2
+ if event.ControlDown() or event.ShiftDown(): # extend select, don't deselect
+ if selected:
+ shape.Select(selected, dc)
+ else: # select items in lasso and deselect items out of lasso
+ shape.Select(selected, dc)
+ self._canvas.Redraw(dc)
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ def EraseRubberBand(self):
+ if self._needEraseLasso:
+ self._needEraseLasso = False
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.XOR)
+ pen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(200, 200, 200), 1, wx.SHORT_DASH)
+ dc.SetPen(pen)
+ brush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255), wx.TRANSPARENT)
+ dc.SetBrush(brush)
+ dc.ResetBoundingBox()
+ dc.BeginDrawing()
+ x1, y1 = self._pt1
+ x2, y2 = self._pt2
+ # make sure x1 < x2 and y1 < y2
+ # this will make (x1, y1) = upper left corner
+ if x1 > x2:
+ temp = x1
+ x1 = x2
+ x2 = temp
+ if y1 > y2:
+ temp = y1
+ y1 = y2
+ y2 = temp
+ # erase previous outline
+ dc.SetClippingRegion(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
+ dc.EndDrawing()
+ def DrawRubberBand(self):
+ self._needEraseLasso = True
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.XOR)
+ pen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(200, 200, 200), 1, wx.SHORT_DASH)
+ dc.SetPen(pen)
+ brush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255), wx.TRANSPARENT)
+ dc.SetBrush(brush)
+ dc.ResetBoundingBox()
+ dc.BeginDrawing()
+ x1, y1 = self._pt1
+ x2, y2 = self._pt2
+ # make sure x1 < x2 and y1 < y2
+ # this will make (x1, y1) = upper left corner
+ if x1 > x2:
+ temp = x1
+ x1 = x2
+ x2 = temp
+ if y1 > y2:
+ temp = y1
+ y1 = y2
+ y2 = temp
+ # draw outline
+ dc.SetClippingRegion(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
+ dc.EndDrawing()
+ def FindParkingSpot(self, width, height):
+ """ given a width and height, find a upper left corner where shape can be parked without overlapping other shape """
+ offset = 30 # space between shapes
+ x = offset
+ y = offset
+ maxX = 700 # max distance to the right where we'll place tables
+ noParkingSpot = True
+ while noParkingSpot:
+ point = self.isSpotOccupied(x, y, width, height)
+ if point:
+ x = point[0] + offset
+ if x > maxX:
+ x = offset
+ y = point[1] + offset
+ else:
+ noParkingSpot = False
+ return x, y
+ def isSpotOccupied(self, x, y, width, height):
+ """ returns None if at x,y,width,height no object occupies that rectangle,
+ otherwise returns lower right corner of object that occupies given x,y position
+ """
+ x2 = x + width
+ y2 = y + height
+ for shape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ if isinstance(shape, ogl.RectangleShape) or isinstance(shape, ogl.EllipseShape):
+ if shape.GetParent() and isinstance(shape.GetParent(), ogl.CompositeShape):
+ # skip, part of a composite shape
+ continue
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetModel"):
+ other_x, other_y, other_width, other_height = shape.GetModel().getEditorBounds()
+ other_x2 = other_x + other_width
+ other_y2 = other_y + other_height
+ else:
+ # shapes x,y are at the center of the shape, need to transform to upper left coordinate
+ other_width, other_height = shape.GetBoundingBoxMax()
+ other_x = shape.GetX() - other_width/2
+ other_y = shape.GetY() - other_height/2
+ other_x2 = other_x + other_width
+ other_y2 = other_y + other_height
+ # intersection check
+ if ((other_x2 < other_x or other_x2 > x) and
+ (other_y2 < other_y or other_y2 > y) and
+ (x2 < x or x2 > other_x) and
+ (y2 < y or y2 > other_y)):
+ return (other_x2, other_y2)
+ return None
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Canvas methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def AddShape(self, shape, x = None, y = None, pen = None, brush = None, text = None, eventHandler = None):
+ if isinstance(shape, ogl.CompositeShape):
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ shape.Move(dc, x, y)
+ else:
+ shape.SetDraggable(True, True)
+ shape.SetCanvas(self._canvas)
+ if x:
+ shape.SetX(x)
+ if y:
+ shape.SetY(y)
+ shape.SetCentreResize(False)
+ if pen:
+ shape.SetPen(pen)
+ if brush:
+ shape.SetBrush(brush)
+ if text:
+ shape.AddText(text)
+ shape.SetShadowMode(ogl.SHADOW_RIGHT)
+ self._diagram.AddShape(shape)
+ shape.Show(True)
+ if not eventHandler:
+ eventHandler = EditorCanvasShapeEvtHandler(self)
+ eventHandler.SetShape(shape)
+ eventHandler.SetPreviousHandler(shape.GetEventHandler())
+ shape.SetEventHandler(eventHandler)
+ return shape
+ def RemoveShape(self, model = None, shape = None):
+ if not model and not shape:
+ return
+ if not shape:
+ shape = self.GetShape(model)
+ if shape:
+ shape.Select(False)
+ self._diagram.RemoveShape(shape)
+ if isinstance(shape, ogl.CompositeShape):
+ shape.RemoveFromCanvas(self._canvas)
+ def UpdateShape(self, model):
+ for shape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetModel") and shape.GetModel() == model:
+ x, y, w, h = model.getEditorBounds()
+ newX = x + w / 2
+ newY = y + h / 2
+ changed = False
+ if isinstance(shape, ogl.CompositeShape):
+ if shape.GetX() != newX or shape.GetY() != newY:
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ shape.SetSize(w, h, True) # wxBug: SetSize must be before Move because links won't go to the right place
+ shape.Move(dc, newX, newY) # wxBug: Move must be before SetSize because links won't go to the right place
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ oldw, oldh = shape.GetBoundingBoxMax()
+ oldx = shape.GetX()
+ oldy = shape.GetY()
+ if oldw != w or oldh != h or oldx != newX or oldy != newY:
+ shape.SetSize(w, h)
+ shape.SetX(newX)
+ shape.SetY(newY)
+ changed = True
+ if changed:
+ shape.ResetControlPoints()
+ self._canvas.Refresh()
+ break
+ def GetShape(self, model):
+ for shape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetModel") and shape.GetModel() == model:
+ return shape
+ return None
+ def GetSelection(self):
+ return filter(lambda shape: shape.Selected(), self._diagram.GetShapeList())
+ def SetSelection(self, models, extendSelect = False):
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ update = False
+ if not isinstance(models, type([])) and not isinstance(models, type(())):
+ models = [models]
+ for shape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetModel"):
+ if shape.Selected() and not shape.GetModel() in models: # was selected, but not in new list, so deselect, unless extend select
+ if not extendSelect:
+ shape.Select(False, dc)
+ update = True
+ elif not shape.Selected() and shape.GetModel() in models: # was not selected and in new list, so select
+ shape.Select(True, dc)
+ update = True
+ elif extendSelect and shape.Selected() and shape.GetModel() in models: # was selected, but extend select means to deselect
+ shape.Select(False, dc)
+ update = True
+ if update:
+ self._canvas.Redraw(dc)
+ def BringToFront(self, shape):
+ if shape.GetParent() and isinstance(shape.GetParent(), ogl.CompositeShape):
+ self._diagram.RemoveShape(shape.GetParent())
+ self._diagram.AddShape(shape.GetParent())
+ else:
+ self._diagram.RemoveShape(shape)
+ self._diagram.AddShape(shape)
+ def SendToBack(self, shape):
+ if shape.GetParent() and isinstance(shape.GetParent(), ogl.CompositeShape):
+ self._diagram.RemoveShape(shape.GetParent())
+ self._diagram.InsertShape(shape.GetParent())
+ else:
+ self._diagram.RemoveShape(shape)
+ self._diagram.InsertShape(shape)
+ def ScrollVisible(self, shape):
+ xUnit, yUnit = shape._canvas.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
+ scrollX, scrollY = self._canvas.GetViewStart() # in scroll units
+ scrollW, scrollH = self._canvas.GetSize() # in pixels
+ w, h = shape.GetBoundingBoxMax() # in pixels
+ x = shape.GetX() - w/2 # convert to upper left coordinate from center
+ y = shape.GetY() - h/2 # convert to upper left coordinate from center
+ if x >= scrollX*xUnit and x <= scrollX*xUnit + scrollW: # don't scroll if already visible
+ x = -1
+ else:
+ x = x/xUnit
+ if y >= scrollY*yUnit and y <= scrollY*yUnit + scrollH: # don't scroll if already visible
+ y = -1
+ else:
+ y = y/yUnit
+ self._canvas.Scroll(x, y) # in scroll units
+ def SetPropertyShape(self, shape):
+ # no need to highlight if no PropertyService is running
+ propertyService = wx.GetApp().GetService(PropertyService.PropertyService)
+ if not propertyService:
+ return
+ if shape == self._propShape:
+ return
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetPropertyShape"):
+ shape = shape.GetPropertyShape()
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self._canvas)
+ self._canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+ dc.BeginDrawing()
+ # erase old selection if it still exists
+ if self._propShape and self._propShape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ self._propShape.SetBrush(self._brush)
+ if (self._propShape._textColourName in ["BLACK", "WHITE"]): # Would use GetTextColour() but it is broken
+ self._propShape.SetTextColour("BLACK", 0)
+ self._propShape.Draw(dc)
+ # set new selection
+ self._propShape = shape
+ # draw new selection
+ if self._propShape and self._propShape in self._diagram.GetShapeList():
+ self._propShape.SetBrush(SELECT_BRUSH)
+ if (self._propShape._textColourName in ["BLACK", "WHITE"]): # Would use GetTextColour() but it is broken
+ self._propShape.SetTextColour("WHITE", 0)
+ self._propShape.Draw(dc)
+ dc.EndDrawing()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Property Service methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def GetPropertyModel(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "_propModel"):
+ return self._propModel
+ return None
+ def SetPropertyModel(self, model):
+ # no need to set the model if no PropertyService is running
+ propertyService = wx.GetApp().GetService(PropertyService.PropertyService)
+ if not propertyService:
+ return
+ if hasattr(self, "_propModel") and model == self._propModel:
+ return
+ self._propModel = model
+ propertyService.LoadProperties(self._propModel, self.GetDocument())
+class EditorCanvasShapeMixin:
+ def GetModel(self):
+ return self._model
+ def SetModel(self, model):
+ self._model = model
+class EditorCanvasShapeEvtHandler(ogl.ShapeEvtHandler):
+ """ wxBug: Bug in OLG package. With wxShape.SetShadowMode() turned on, when we set the size,
+ the width/height is larger by 6 pixels. Need to subtract this value from width and height when we
+ resize the object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, view):
+ ogl.ShapeEvtHandler.__init__(self)
+ self._view = view
+ def OnLeftClick(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0):
+ shape = self.GetShape()
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetModel"): # Workaround, on drag, we should deselect all other objects and select the clicked on object
+ model = shape.GetModel()
+ else:
+ shape = shape.GetParent()
+ if shape:
+ model = shape.GetModel()
+ self._view.SetSelection(model, keys == self.SHIFT_KEY or keys == self.CONTROL_KEY)
+ self._view.SetPropertyShape(shape)
+ self._view.SetPropertyModel(model)
+ def OnEndDragLeft(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0):
+ ogl.ShapeEvtHandler.OnEndDragLeft(self, x, y, keys, attachment)
+ shape = self.GetShape()
+ if hasattr(shape, "GetModel"): # Workaround, on drag, we should deselect all other objects and select the clicked on object
+ model = shape.GetModel()
+ else:
+ parentShape = shape.GetParent()
+ if parentShape:
+ model = parentShape.GetModel()
+ self._view.SetSelection(model, keys == self.SHIFT_KEY or keys == self.CONTROL_KEY)
+ def OnMovePost(self, dc, x, y, oldX, oldY, display):
+ if x == oldX and y == oldY:
+ return
+ if not self._view.GetDocument():
+ return
+ shape = self.GetShape()
+ if isinstance(shape, EditorCanvasShapeMixin) and shape.Draggable():
+ model = shape.GetModel()
+ if hasattr(model, "getEditorBounds") and model.getEditorBounds():
+ x, y, w, h = model.getEditorBounds()
+ newX = shape.GetX() - shape.GetBoundingBoxMax()[0] / 2
+ newY = shape.GetY() - shape.GetBoundingBoxMax()[1] / 2
+ newWidth = shape.GetBoundingBoxMax()[0]
+ newHeight = shape.GetBoundingBoxMax()[1]
+ if shape._shadowMode != ogl.SHADOW_NONE:
+ newWidth -= shape._shadowOffsetX
+ newHeight -= shape._shadowOffsetY
+ newbounds = (newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight)
+ if x != newX or y != newY or w != newWidth or h != newHeight:
+ self._view.GetDocument().GetCommandProcessor().Submit(EditorCanvasUpdateShapeBoundariesCommand(self._view.GetDocument(), model, newbounds))
+ def Draw(self, dc):
+ pass
+class EditorCanvasUpdateShapeBoundariesCommand(wx.lib.docview.Command):
+ def __init__(self, canvasDocument, model, newbounds):
+ wx.lib.docview.Command.__init__(self, canUndo = True)
+ self._canvasDocument = canvasDocument
+ self._model = model
+ self._oldbounds = model.getEditorBounds()
+ self._newbounds = newbounds
+ def GetName(self):
+ name = self._canvasDocument.GetNameForObject(self._model)
+ if not name:
+ name = ""
+ print "ERROR: AbstractEditor.EditorCanvasUpdateShapeBoundariesCommand.GetName: unable to get name for ", self._model
+ return _("Move/Resize %s") % name
+ def Do(self):
+ return self._canvasDocument.UpdateEditorBoundaries(self._model, self._newbounds)
+ def Undo(self):
+ return self._canvasDocument.UpdateEditorBoundaries(self._model, self._oldbounds)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: CodeEditor.py
+# Purpose: Abstract Code Editor for pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 8/10/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import STCTextEditor
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import OutlineService
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+import DebuggerService
+import MarkerService
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ _WINDOWS = True
+ _WINDOWS = False
+EXPAND_TEXT_ID = wx.NewId()
+EXPAND_TOP_ID = wx.NewId()
+EXPAND_ALL_ID = wx.NewId()
+CHECK_CODE_ID = wx.NewId()
+USE_TABS_ID = wx.NewId()
+FOLDING_ID = wx.NewId()
+class CodeDocument(STCTextEditor.TextDocument):
+ pass
+class CodeView(STCTextEditor.TextView):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return CodeCtrl
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == EXPAND_TEXT_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().ToggleFold(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine())
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().ToggleFold(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine())
+ return True
+ elif id == EXPAND_TOP_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = True, topLevelOnly = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_TOP_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = False, topLevelOnly = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == EXPAND_ALL_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_ALL_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = False)
+ return True
+ elif id == CHECK_CODE_ID:
+ self.OnCheckCode()
+ return True
+ elif id == AUTO_COMPLETE_ID:
+ self.OnAutoComplete()
+ return True
+ elif id == CLEAN_WHITESPACE:
+ self.OnCleanWhiteSpace()
+ return True
+ elif id == SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID:
+ self.OnSetIndentWidth()
+ return True
+ elif id == USE_TABS_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetUseTabs(not self.GetCtrl().GetUseTabs())
+ return True
+ elif id == INDENT_LINES_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().CmdKeyExecute(wx.stc.STC_CMD_TAB)
+ return True
+ elif id == DEDENT_LINES_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().CmdKeyExecute(wx.stc.STC_CMD_BACKTAB)
+ return True
+ elif id == COMMENT_LINES_ID:
+ self.OnCommentLines()
+ return True
+ elif id == UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID:
+ self.OnUncommentLines()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return STCTextEditor.TextView.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ if not self.GetCtrl():
+ return False
+ hasText = self.GetCtrl().GetTextLength() > 0
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == EXPAND_TEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanLineExpand(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()))
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanLineCollapse(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()))
+ return True
+ elif id == EXPAND_TOP_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_TOP_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == EXPAND_ALL_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_ALL_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == CHECK_CODE_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == AUTO_COMPLETE_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == CLEAN_WHITESPACE:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ elif id == USE_TABS_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ event.Check(self.GetCtrl().GetUseTabs())
+ return True
+ elif id == INDENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == DEDENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == COMMENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == FOLDING_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return STCTextEditor.TextView.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Methods for OutlineService
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnChangeFilename(self):
+ wx.lib.docview.View.OnChangeFilename(self)
+ self.LoadOutline(force=True)
+ def ClearOutline(self):
+ outlineService = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService)
+ if not outlineService:
+ return
+ outlineView = outlineService.GetView()
+ if not outlineView:
+ return
+ outlineView.ClearTreeCtrl()
+ def LoadOutline(self, force=False):
+ outlineService = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService)
+ if not outlineService:
+ return
+ outlineService.LoadOutline(self, force=force)
+ def DoLoadOutlineCallback(self, force=False):
+ outlineService = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService)
+ if not outlineService:
+ return False
+ outlineView = outlineService.GetView()
+ if not outlineView:
+ return False
+ treeCtrl = outlineView.GetTreeCtrl()
+ if not treeCtrl:
+ return False
+ view = treeCtrl.GetCallbackView()
+ newCheckSum = self.GenCheckSum()
+ if not force:
+ if view and view is self:
+ if self._checkSum == newCheckSum:
+ return False
+ self._checkSum = newCheckSum
+ treeCtrl.DeleteAllItems()
+ document = self.GetDocument()
+ if not document:
+ return True
+ filename = document.GetFilename()
+ if filename:
+ rootItem = treeCtrl.AddRoot(os.path.basename(filename))
+ treeCtrl.SetDoSelectCallback(rootItem, self, None)
+ else:
+ return True
+ text = self.GetValue()
+ if not text:
+ return True
+ CLASS_PATTERN = 'class[ \t]+\w+.*?:'
+ DEF_PATTERN = 'def[ \t]+\w+\(.*?\)'
+ classPat = re.compile(CLASS_PATTERN, re.M|re.S)
+ defPat= re.compile(DEF_PATTERN, re.M|re.S)
+ pattern = re.compile('^[ \t]*((' + CLASS_PATTERN + ')|('+ DEF_PATTERN +'.*?:)).*?$', re.M|re.S)
+ iter = pattern.finditer(text)
+ indentStack = [(0, rootItem)]
+ for pattern in iter:
+ line = pattern.string[pattern.start(0):pattern.end(0)]
+ classLine = classPat.search(line)
+ if classLine:
+ indent = classLine.start(0)
+ itemStr = classLine.string[classLine.start(0):classLine.end(0)-1] # don't take the closing ':'
+ else:
+ defLine = defPat.search(line)
+ if defLine:
+ indent = defLine.start(0)
+ itemStr = defLine.string[defLine.start(0):defLine.end(0)]
+ if indent == 0:
+ parentItem = rootItem
+ else:
+ lastItem = indentStack.pop()
+ while lastItem[0] >= indent:
+ lastItem = indentStack.pop()
+ indentStack.append(lastItem)
+ parentItem = lastItem[1]
+ item = treeCtrl.AppendItem(parentItem, itemStr)
+ treeCtrl.SetDoSelectCallback(item, self, (pattern.end(0), pattern.start(0) + indent)) # select in reverse order because we want the cursor to be at the start of the line so it wouldn't scroll to the right
+ indentStack.append((indent, item))
+ treeCtrl.Expand(rootItem)
+ return True
+ def DoSelectCallback(self, data):
+ if data:
+ self.EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(self.LineFromPosition(data[0]))
+ # wxBug: need to select in reverse order (end, start) to place cursor at begining of line,
+ # otherwise, display is scrolled over to the right hard and is hard to view
+ self.SetSelection(data[1], data[0])
+## def checksum(self, bytes):
+## def rotate_right(c):
+## if c&1:
+## return (c>>1)|0x8000
+## else:
+## return c>>1
+## result = 0
+## for ch in bytes:
+## ch = ord(ch) & 0xFF
+## result = (rotate_right(result)+ch) & 0xFFFF
+## return result
+ def GenCheckSum(self):
+ """ Poor man's checksum. We'll assume most changes will change the length of the file.
+ """
+ text = self.GetValue()
+ if text:
+ return len(text)
+ else:
+ return 0
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Format methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnCheckCode(self):
+ """ Need to overshadow this for each specific subclass """
+ if 0:
+ try:
+ code = self.GetCtrl().GetText()
+ codeObj = compile(code, self.GetDocument().GetFilename(), 'exec')
+ self._GetParentFrame().SetStatusText(_("The file successfully compiled"))
+ except SyntaxError, (message, (fileName, line, col, text)):
+ pos = self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(line - 1) + col - 1
+ self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(pos, pos)
+ self._GetParentFrame().SetStatusText(_("Syntax Error: %s") % message)
+ except:
+ self._GetParentFrame().SetStatusText(sys.exc_info()[0])
+ def OnAutoComplete(self):
+ self.GetCtrl().AutoCompCancel()
+ self.GetCtrl().AutoCompSetAutoHide(0)
+ self.GetCtrl().AutoCompSetChooseSingle(True)
+ self.GetCtrl().AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(True)
+ context, hint = self.GetAutoCompleteHint()
+ replaceList, replaceLen = self.GetAutoCompleteKeywordList(context, hint)
+ if replaceList and len(replaceList) != 0:
+ self.GetCtrl().AutoCompShow(replaceLen, replaceList)
+ def GetAutoCompleteHint(self):
+ """ Replace this method with Editor specific method """
+ pos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos()
+ if pos == 0:
+ return None, None
+ if chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos - 1)) == '.':
+ pos = pos - 1
+ hint = None
+ else:
+ hint = ''
+ validLetters = string.letters + string.digits + '_.'
+ word = ''
+ while (True):
+ pos = pos - 1
+ if pos < 0:
+ break
+ char = chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos))
+ if char not in validLetters:
+ break
+ word = char + word
+ context = word
+ if hint is not None:
+ lastDot = word.rfind('.')
+ if lastDot != -1:
+ context = word[0:lastDot]
+ hint = word[lastDot+1:]
+ return context, hint
+ def GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords(self):
+ """ Replace this method with Editor specific keywords """
+ return ['Put', 'Editor Specific', 'Keywords', 'Here']
+ def CaseInsensitiveCompare(self, s1, s2):
+ """ GetAutoCompleteKeywordList() method used to show keywords in case insensitive order """
+ s1L = s1.lower()
+ s2L = s2.lower()
+ if s1L == s2L:
+ return 0
+ elif s1L < s2L:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def GetAutoCompleteKeywordList(self, context, hint):
+ """ Replace this method with Editor specific keywords """
+ kw = self.GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords()
+ if hint and len(hint):
+ lowerHint = hint.lower()
+ filterkw = filter(lambda item: item.lower().startswith(lowerHint), kw) # remove variables and methods that don't match hint
+ kw = filterkw
+ if hint:
+ replaceLen = len(hint)
+ else:
+ replaceLen = 0
+ kw.sort(self.CaseInsensitiveCompare)
+ return " ".join(kw), replaceLen
+ def OnCleanWhiteSpace(self):
+ newText = ""
+ for lineNo in self._GetSelectedLineNumbers():
+ lineText = string.rstrip(self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNo))
+ indent = 0
+ lstrip = 0
+ for char in lineText:
+ if char == '\t':
+ indent = indent + self.GetCtrl().GetIndent()
+ lstrip = lstrip + 1
+ elif char in string.whitespace:
+ indent = indent + 1
+ lstrip = lstrip + 1
+ else:
+ break
+ if self.GetCtrl().GetUseTabs():
+ indentText = (indent / self.GetCtrl().GetIndent()) * '\t' + (indent % self.GetCtrl().GetIndent()) * ' '
+ else:
+ indentText = indent * ' '
+ lineText = indentText + lineText[lstrip:] + '\n'
+ newText = newText + lineText
+ self._ReplaceSelectedLines(newText)
+ def OnSetIndentWidth(self):
+ dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(self._GetParentFrame(), _("Enter new indent width (2-10):"), _("Set Indent Width"), "%i" % self.GetCtrl().GetIndent())
+ if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ try:
+ indent = int(dialog.GetValue())
+ if indent >= 2 and indent <= 10:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetIndent(indent)
+ self.GetCtrl().SetTabWidth(indent)
+ except:
+ pass
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ def GetIndentWidth(self):
+ return self.GetCtrl().GetIndent()
+ def OnCommentLines(self):
+ newText = ""
+ for lineNo in self._GetSelectedLineNumbers():
+ lineText = self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNo)
+ if (len(lineText) > 1 and lineText[0] == '#') or (len(lineText) > 2 and lineText[:2] == '##'):
+ newText = newText + lineText
+ else:
+ newText = newText + "##" + lineText
+ self._ReplaceSelectedLines(newText)
+ def OnUncommentLines(self):
+ newText = ""
+ for lineNo in self._GetSelectedLineNumbers():
+ lineText = self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNo)
+ if len(lineText) >= 2 and lineText[:2] == "##":
+ lineText = lineText[2:]
+ elif len(lineText) >= 1 and lineText[:1] == "#":
+ lineText = lineText[1:]
+ newText = newText + lineText
+ self._ReplaceSelectedLines(newText)
+ def _GetSelectedLineNumbers(self):
+ selStart, selEnd = self._GetPositionsBoundingSelectedLines()
+ return range(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(selStart), self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(selEnd))
+ def _GetPositionsBoundingSelectedLines(self):
+ startPos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos()
+ endPos = self.GetCtrl().GetAnchor()
+ if startPos > endPos:
+ temp = endPos
+ endPos = startPos
+ startPos = temp
+ if endPos == self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(endPos)):
+ endPos = endPos - 1 # If it's at the very beginning of a line, use the line above it as the ending line
+ selStart = self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(startPos))
+ selEnd = self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(endPos) + 1)
+ return selStart, selEnd
+ def _ReplaceSelectedLines(self, text):
+ if len(text) == 0:
+ return
+ selStart, selEnd = self._GetPositionsBoundingSelectedLines()
+ self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(selStart, selEnd)
+ self.GetCtrl().ReplaceSelection(text)
+ self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(selStart + len(text), selStart)
+ def OnUpdate(self, sender = None, hint = None):
+ if hint == "ViewStuff":
+ self.GetCtrl().SetViewDefaults()
+ elif hint == "Font":
+ font, color = self.GetFontAndColorFromConfig()
+ self.GetCtrl().SetFont(font)
+ self.GetCtrl().SetFontColor(color)
+ else:
+ dbg_service = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService.DebuggerService)
+ if dbg_service:
+ dbg_service.SetCurrentBreakpointMarkers(self)
+class CodeService(STCTextEditor.TextService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ STCTextEditor.TextService.__init__(self)
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ #if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != TextDocument:
+ # return
+ if not document and wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ return
+ viewMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View")))
+ isWindows = (wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__')
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(EXPAND_TEXT_ID): # check if below menu items have been already been installed
+ foldingMenu = wx.Menu()
+ if isWindows:
+ foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TEXT_ID, _("&Expand\tNumpad-Plus"), _("Expands a collapsed block of text"))
+ else:
+ foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TEXT_ID, _("&Expand"), _("Expands a collapsed block of text"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, EXPAND_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, EXPAND_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if isWindows:
+ foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, _("&Collapse\tNumpad+Minus"), _("Collapse a block of text"))
+ else:
+ foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, _("&Collapse"), _("Collapse a block of text"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if isWindows:
+ foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TOP_ID, _("Expand &Top Level\tCtrl+Numpad+Plus"), _("Expands the top fold levels in the document"))
+ else:
+ foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TOP_ID, _("Expand &Top Level"), _("Expands the top fold levels in the document"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, EXPAND_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, EXPAND_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if isWindows:
+ foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, _("Collapse Top &Level\tCtrl+Numpad+Minus"), _("Collapses the top fold levels in the document"))
+ else:
+ foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, _("Collapse Top &Level"), _("Collapses the top fold levels in the document"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if isWindows:
+ foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_ALL_ID, _("Expand &All\tShift+Numpad+Plus"), _("Expands all of the fold levels in the document"))
+ else:
+ foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_ALL_ID, _("Expand &All"), _("Expands all of the fold levels in the document"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, EXPAND_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, EXPAND_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if isWindows:
+ foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, _("Colla&pse All\tShift+Numpad+Minus"), _("Collapses all of the fold levels in the document"))
+ else:
+ foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, _("Colla&pse All"), _("Collapses all of the fold levels in the document"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ viewMenu.AppendMenu(FOLDING_ID, _("&Folding"), foldingMenu)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FOLDING_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Format"))
+ if formatMenuIndex > -1:
+ formatMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(formatMenuIndex)
+ else:
+ formatMenu = wx.Menu()
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(CHECK_CODE_ID): # check if below menu items have been already been installed
+ formatMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ formatMenu.Append(CHECK_CODE_ID, _("&Check Code"), _("Checks the document for syntax and indentation errors"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, CHECK_CODE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, CHECK_CODE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.Append(AUTO_COMPLETE_ID, _("&Auto Complete\tCtrl+Space"), _("Provides suggestions on how to complete the current statement"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, AUTO_COMPLETE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, AUTO_COMPLETE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.Append(CLEAN_WHITESPACE, _("Clean &Whitespace"), _("Converts leading spaces to tabs or vice versa per 'use tabs' and clears trailing spaces"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, CLEAN_WHITESPACE, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, CLEAN_WHITESPACE, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ formatMenu.Append(INDENT_LINES_ID, _("&Indent Lines\tTab"), _("Indents the selected lines one indent width"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, INDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, INDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.Append(DEDENT_LINES_ID, _("&Dedent Lines\tShift+Tab"), _("Dedents the selected lines one indent width"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DEDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DEDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.Append(COMMENT_LINES_ID, _("Comment &Lines\tCtrl+Q"), _("Comments out the selected lines be prefixing each one with a comment indicator"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.Append(UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID, _("&Uncomment Lines\tCtrl+Shift+Q"), _("Removes comment prefixes from each of the selected lines"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ formatMenu.AppendCheckItem(USE_TABS_ID, _("Use &Tabs"), _("Toggles use of tabs or whitespaces for indents"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, USE_TABS_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, USE_TABS_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenu.Append(SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID, _("&Set Indent Width..."), _("Sets the indent width"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if formatMenuIndex == -1:
+ viewMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View"))
+ menuBar.Insert(viewMenuIndex + 1, formatMenu, _("&Format"))
+## accelTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([
+## eval(_("wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('Q'), COMMENT_LINES_ID")),
+## eval(_("wx.ACCEL_CTRL | wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, ord('Q'), UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID"))
+## ])
+## frame.SetAcceleratorTable(accelTable)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == EXPAND_TEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == EXPAND_TOP_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_TOP_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == EXPAND_ALL_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == COLLAPSE_ALL_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == CHECK_CODE_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == AUTO_COMPLETE_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == CLEAN_WHITESPACE:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == USE_TABS_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == INDENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == DEDENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == COMMENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == FOLDING_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return STCTextEditor.TextService.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+class CodeCtrl(STCTextEditor.TextCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ if ID == -1:
+ ID = wx.NewId()
+ STCTextEditor.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ self.UsePopUp(False)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp)
+ self.SetProperty("fold", "1")
+ # Setup a margin to hold fold markers
+ self.SetMarginType(2, wx.stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
+ self.SetMarginMask(2, wx.stc.STC_MASK_FOLDERS)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(2, True)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(2, 12)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(1, False)
+ self.SetMarginMask(1, 0x4)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(0, True)
+ self.SetMarginType(0, wx.stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
+ self.SetMarginMask(0, 0x3)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(0, 12)
+ self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, wx.stc.STC_MARK_TCORNER, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, wx.stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, wx.stc.STC_MARK_VLINE, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUS, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUS, "white", "black")
+ # Define the current line marker
+ self.MarkerDefine(CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM, wx.stc.STC_MARK_SHORTARROW, wx.BLACK, (255,255,128))
+ # Define the breakpoint marker
+ self.MarkerDefine(CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM, wx.stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLE, wx.BLACK, (255,0,0))
+ if _WINDOWS: # should test to see if menu item exists, if it does, add this workaround
+ self.CmdKeyClear(wx.stc.STC_KEY_TAB, 0) # menu item "Indent Lines" from CodeService.InstallControls() generates another INDENT_LINES_ID event, so we'll explicitly disable the tab processing in the editor
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_MARGINCLICK(self, ID, self.OnMarginClick)
+ wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self, self.OnKeyPressed)
+ if self.GetMatchingBraces():
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(self, ID, self.OnUpdateUI)
+ self.StyleClearAll()
+ self.UpdateStyles()
+ def OnRightUp(self, event):
+ #Hold onto the current line number, no way to get it later.
+ self._rightClickPosition = self.PositionFromPoint(event.GetPosition())
+ self._rightClickLine = self.LineFromPosition(self._rightClickPosition)
+ self.PopupMenu(self.CreatePopupMenu(), event.GetPosition())
+ self._rightClickLine = -1
+ self._rightClickPosition = -1
+ def CreatePopupMenu(self):
+ SYNCTREE_ID = wx.NewId()
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopSyncOutline, id=SYNCTREE_ID)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, SYNCTREE_ID, _("Find in Outline View"))
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopToggleBP, id=TOGGLEBREAKPOINT_ID)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, TOGGLEBREAKPOINT_ID, _("Toggle Breakpoint"))
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopToggleMarker, id=TOGGLEMARKER_ID)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, TOGGLEMARKER_ID, _("Toggle Marker"))
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ itemIDs = [wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, None,
+ menuBar = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetMenuBar()
+ for itemID in itemIDs:
+ if not itemID:
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ else:
+ item = menuBar.FindItemById(itemID)
+ if item:
+ menu.Append(itemID, item.GetLabel())
+ return menu
+ def OnPopToggleBP(self, event):
+ """ Toggle break point on right click line, not current line """
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService.DebuggerService).OnToggleBreakpoint(event, line=self._rightClickLine)
+ def OnPopToggleMarker(self, event):
+ """ Toggle marker on right click line, not current line """
+ wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView().MarkerToggle(lineNum = self._rightClickLine)
+ def OnPopSyncOutline(self, event):
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView(), position=self._rightClickPosition)
+ def HasSelection(self):
+ return self.GetSelectionStart() - self.GetSelectionEnd() != 0
+ def ClearCurrentLineMarkers(self):
+ self.MarkerDeleteAll(CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM)
+ def ClearCurrentBreakpoinMarkers(self):
+ self.MarkerDeleteAll(CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+ def GetDefaultFont(self):
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ font = "Courier New"
+ else:
+ font = "Courier"
+ return wx.Font(10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font)
+ def GetMatchingBraces(self):
+ """ Overwrite this method for language specific braces """
+ return "[]{}()"
+ def CanWordWrap(self):
+ return False
+ def SetFont(self, font):
+ self._font = font
+ def SetFontColor(self, fontColor):
+ self._fontColor = fontColor
+ def UpdateStyles(self):
+ if not self.GetFont():
+ return
+ faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(),
+ 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
+ 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2,
+ 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue())
+ }
+ # Global default styles for all languages
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#FFFFFF,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, "face:%(font)s,back:#C0C0C0,face:%(font)s,size:%(size2)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_CONTROLCHAR, "face:%(font)s" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,back:#70FFFF,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACEBAD, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,back:#FF0000,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ def OnKeyPressed(self, event):
+ if self.CallTipActive():
+ self.CallTipCancel()
+ key = event.KeyCode()
+ if False: # key == wx.WXK_SPACE and event.ControlDown():
+ pos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ # Tips
+ if event.ShiftDown():
+ self.CallTipSetBackground("yellow")
+ self.CallTipShow(pos, 'param1, param2')
+ # Code completion
+ else:
+ #lst = []
+ #for x in range(50000):
+ # lst.append('%05d' % x)
+ #st = string.join(lst)
+ #print len(st)
+ #self.AutoCompShow(0, st)
+ kw = keyword.kwlist[:]
+ kw.append("zzzzzz")
+ kw.append("aaaaa")
+ kw.append("__init__")
+ kw.append("zzaaaaa")
+ kw.append("zzbaaaa")
+ kw.append("this_is_a_longer_value")
+ kw.append("this_is_a_much_much_much_much_much_much_much_longer_value")
+ kw.sort() # Python sorts are case sensitive
+ self.AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(False) # so this needs to match
+ self.AutoCompShow(0, string.join(kw))
+ elif key == wx.WXK_RETURN:
+ self.DoIndent()
+ else:
+ STCTextEditor.TextCtrl.OnKeyPressed(self, event)
+ def DoIndent(self):
+ self.AddText('\n')
+ # Need to do a default one for all languges
+ def OnMarginClick(self, evt):
+ # fold and unfold as needed
+ if evt.GetMargin() == 2:
+ if evt.GetShift() and evt.GetControl():
+ lineCount = self.GetLineCount()
+ expanding = True
+ # find out if we are folding or unfolding
+ for lineNum in range(lineCount):
+ if self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG:
+ expanding = not self.GetFoldExpanded(lineNum)
+ break;
+ self.ToggleFoldAll(expanding)
+ else:
+ lineClicked = self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition())
+ if self.GetFoldLevel(lineClicked) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG:
+ if evt.GetShift():
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 1)
+ elif evt.GetControl():
+ if self.GetFoldExpanded(lineClicked):
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, False)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, False, True, 0)
+ else:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 100)
+ else:
+ self.ToggleFold(lineClicked)
+ elif evt.GetMargin() == 0:
+ #This is used to toggle breakpoints via the debugger service.
+ db_service = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService.DebuggerService)
+ if db_service:
+ db_service.OnToggleBreakpoint(evt, line=self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition()))
+ def OnUpdateUI(self, evt):
+ braces = self.GetMatchingBraces()
+ # check for matching braces
+ braceAtCaret = -1
+ braceOpposite = -1
+ charBefore = None
+ caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ if caretPos > 0:
+ charBefore = self.GetCharAt(caretPos - 1)
+ styleBefore = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos - 1)
+ # check before
+ if charBefore and chr(charBefore) in braces:
+ braceAtCaret = caretPos - 1
+ # check after
+ if braceAtCaret < 0:
+ charAfter = self.GetCharAt(caretPos)
+ styleAfter = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos)
+ if charAfter and chr(charAfter) in braces:
+ braceAtCaret = caretPos
+ if braceAtCaret >= 0:
+ braceOpposite = self.BraceMatch(braceAtCaret)
+ if braceAtCaret != -1 and braceOpposite == -1:
+ self.BraceBadLight(braceAtCaret)
+ else:
+ self.BraceHighlight(braceAtCaret, braceOpposite)
+ evt.Skip()
+ def ToggleFoldAll(self, expand = True, topLevelOnly = False):
+ i = 0
+ lineCount = self.GetLineCount()
+ while i < lineCount:
+ if not topLevelOnly or (topLevelOnly and self.GetFoldLevel(i) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK == wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELBASE):
+ if (expand and self.CanLineExpand(i)) or (not expand and self.CanLineCollapse(i)):
+ self.ToggleFold(i)
+ i = i + 1
+ def CanLineExpand(self, line):
+ return not self.GetFoldExpanded(line)
+ def CanLineCollapse(self, line):
+ return self.GetFoldExpanded(line) and self.GetFoldLevel(line) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG
+ def Expand(self, line, doExpand, force=False, visLevels=0, level=-1):
+ lastChild = self.GetLastChild(line, level)
+ line = line + 1
+ while line <= lastChild:
+ if force:
+ if visLevels > 0:
+ self.ShowLines(line, line)
+ else:
+ self.HideLines(line, line)
+ else:
+ if doExpand:
+ self.ShowLines(line, line)
+ if level == -1:
+ level = self.GetFoldLevel(line)
+ if level & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG:
+ if force:
+ if visLevels > 1:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(line, True)
+ else:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(line, False)
+ line = self.Expand(line, doExpand, force, visLevels-1)
+ else:
+ if doExpand and self.GetFoldExpanded(line):
+ line = self.Expand(line, True, force, visLevels-1)
+ else:
+ line = self.Expand(line, False, force, visLevels-1)
+ else:
+ line = line + 1;
+ return line
--- /dev/null
+# Name: DebuggerHarness.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: Matt Fryer
+# Created: 7/28/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import bdb
+import sys
+import SimpleXMLRPCServer
+import threading
+import xmlrpclib
+import os
+import types
+import Queue
+import traceback
+import inspect
+from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation
+import atexit
+import pickle
+if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ import win32api
+ _WINDOWS = True
+ _WINDOWS = False
+_VERBOSE = False
+class Adb(bdb.Bdb):
+ def __init__(self, harness, queue):
+ bdb.Bdb.__init__(self)
+ self._harness = harness
+ self._userBreak = False
+ self._queue = queue
+ self._knownCantExpandFiles = {}
+ self._knownExpandedFiles = {}
+ def getLongName(self, filename):
+ if not _WINDOWS:
+ return filename
+ if self._knownCantExpandFiles.get(filename):
+ return filename
+ if self._knownExpandedFiles.get(filename):
+ return self._knownExpandedFiles.get(filename)
+ try:
+ newname = win32api.GetLongPathName(filename)
+ self._knownExpandedFiles[filename] = newname
+ return newname
+ except:
+ self._knownCantExpandFiles[filename] = filename
+ return filename
+ def canonic(self, orig_filename):
+ if orig_filename == "<" + orig_filename[1:-1] + ">":
+ return orig_filename
+ filename = self.getLongName(orig_filename)
+ canonic = self.fncache.get(filename)
+ if not canonic:
+ canonic = os.path.abspath(filename)
+ canonic = os.path.normcase(canonic)
+ self.fncache[filename] = canonic
+ return canonic
+ # Overriding this so that we continue to trace even if no breakpoints are set.
+ def set_continue(self):
+ self.stopframe = self.botframe
+ self.returnframe = None
+ self.quitting = 0
+ def do_clear(self, arg):
+ bdb.Breakpoint.bpbynumber[int(arg)].deleteMe()
+ def user_line(self, frame):
+ if self.in_debugger_code(frame):
+ self.set_step()
+ return
+ message = self.__frame2message(frame)
+ self._harness.interaction(message, frame, "")
+ def user_call(self, frame, argument_list):
+ if self.in_debugger_code(frame):
+ self.set_step()
+ return
+ if self.stop_here(frame):
+ message = self.__frame2message(frame)
+ self._harness.interaction(message, frame, "")
+ def user_return(self, frame, return_value):
+ if self.in_debugger_code(frame):
+ self.set_step()
+ return
+ message = self.__frame2message(frame)
+ self._harness.interaction(message, frame, "")
+ def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)):
+ frame.f_locals['__exception__'] = exc_type, exc_value
+ if type(exc_type) == type(''):
+ exc_type_name = exc_type
+ else:
+ exc_type_name = exc_type.__name__
+ message = "Exception occured: " + repr(exc_type_name) + " See locals.__exception__ for details."
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
+ self._harness.interaction(message, frame, message)
+ def in_debugger_code(self, frame):
+ if _DEBUG_DEBUGGER: return False
+ message = self.__frame2message(frame)
+ return message.count('DebuggerHarness') > 0
+ def frame2message(self, frame):
+ return self.__frame2message(frame)
+ def __frame2message(self, frame):
+ code = frame.f_code
+ filename = code.co_filename
+ lineno = frame.f_lineno
+ basename = os.path.basename(filename)
+ message = "%s:%s" % (basename, lineno)
+ if code.co_name != "?":
+ message = "%s: %s()" % (message, code.co_name)
+ return message
+ def runFile(self, fileName):
+ self.reset()
+ #global_dict = {}
+ #global_dict['__name__'] = '__main__'
+ try:
+ fileToRun = open(fileName, mode='r')
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Running file ", fileName
+ sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch)
+ import __main__
+ exec fileToRun in __main__.__dict__,__main__.__dict__
+ except SystemExit:
+ pass
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ sys.settrace(None)
+ self.quitting = 1
+ #global_dict.clear()
+ def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
+ if self.quitting:
+ return # None
+ # Check for ui events
+ self.readQueue()
+ if event == 'line':
+ return self.dispatch_line(frame)
+ if event == 'call':
+ return self.dispatch_call(frame, arg)
+ if event == 'return':
+ return self.dispatch_return(frame, arg)
+ if event == 'exception':
+ return self.dispatch_exception(frame, arg)
+ print 'Adb.dispatch: unknown debugging event:', `event`
+ return self.trace_dispatch
+ def readQueue(self):
+ while self._queue.qsize():
+ try:
+ item = self._queue.get_nowait()
+ if item.kill():
+ self._harness.do_exit(kill=True)
+ elif item.breakHere():
+ self._userBreak = True
+ elif item.hasBreakpoints():
+ self.set_all_breakpoints(item.getBreakpoints())
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ pass
+ def set_all_breakpoints(self, dict):
+ self.clear_all_breaks()
+ for fileName in dict.keys():
+ lineList = dict[fileName]
+ for lineNumber in lineList:
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Setting break at line ", str(lineNumber), " in file ", self.canonic(fileName)
+ self.set_break(fileName, int(lineNumber))
+ return ""
+ def stop_here(self, frame):
+ if( self._userBreak ):
+ return True
+ # (CT) stopframe may now also be None, see dispatch_call.
+ # (CT) the former test for None is therefore removed from here.
+ if frame is self.stopframe:
+ return True
+ while frame is not None and frame is not self.stopframe:
+ if frame is self.botframe:
+ return True
+ frame = frame.f_back
+ return False
+class BreakNotify(object):
+ def __init__(self, bps=None, break_here=False, kill=False):
+ self._bps = bps
+ self._break_here = break_here
+ self._kill = kill
+ def breakHere(self):
+ return self._break_here
+ def kill(self):
+ return self._kill
+ def getBreakpoints(self):
+ return self._bps
+ def hasBreakpoints(self):
+ return (self._bps != None)
+class AGXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer):
+ def __init__(self, address, logRequests=0):
+ SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, address, logRequests=logRequests)
+class BreakListenerThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, host, port, queue):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self._host = host
+ self._port = int(port)
+ self._keepGoing = True
+ self._queue = queue
+ self._server = AGXMLRPCServer((self._host, self._port), logRequests=0)
+ self._server.register_function(self.update_breakpoints)
+ self._server.register_function(self.break_requested)
+ self._server.register_function(self.die)
+ def break_requested(self):
+ bn = BreakNotify(break_here=True)
+ self._queue.put(bn)
+ return ""
+ def update_breakpoints(self, pickled_Binary_bpts):
+ dict = pickle.loads(pickled_Binary_bpts.data)
+ bn = BreakNotify(bps=dict)
+ self._queue.put(bn)
+ return ""
+ def die(self):
+ bn = BreakNotify(kill=True)
+ self._queue.put(bn)
+ return ""
+ def run(self):
+ while self._keepGoing:
+ try:
+ self._server.handle_request()
+ except:
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ print "Exception in BreakListenerThread.run():", str(tp), str(val)
+ self._keepGoing = False
+ def AskToStop(self):
+ self._keepGoing = False
+ if type(self._server) is not types.NoneType:
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Before calling server close on breakpoint server"
+ self._server.server_close()
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Calling server close on breakpoint server"
+class DebuggerHarness(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Host and port for debugger-side RPC server
+ self._hostname = sys.argv[1]
+ self._portNumber = int(sys.argv[2])
+ # Name the gui proxy object is registered under
+ self._breakPortNumber = int(sys.argv[3])
+ # Host and port where the gui proxy can be found.
+ self._guiHost = sys.argv[4]
+ self._guiPort = int(sys.argv[5])
+ # Command to debug.
+ self._command = sys.argv[6]
+ # Strip out the harness' arguments so that the process we run will see argv as if
+ # it was called directly.
+ sys.argv = sys.argv[6:]
+ self._currentFrame = None
+ self._wait = False
+ # Connect to the gui-side RPC server.
+ self._guiServerUrl = 'http://' + self._guiHost + ':' + str(self._guiPort) + '/'
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Connecting to gui server at ", self._guiServerUrl
+ self._guiServer = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self._guiServerUrl,allow_none=1)
+ # Start the break listener
+ self._breakQueue = Queue.Queue(50)
+ self._breakListener = BreakListenerThread(self._hostname, self._breakPortNumber, self._breakQueue)
+ self._breakListener.start()
+ # Create the debugger.
+ self._adb = Adb(self, self._breakQueue)
+ # Create the debugger-side RPC Server and register functions for remote calls.
+ self._server = AGXMLRPCServer((self._hostname, self._portNumber), logRequests=0)
+ self._server.register_function(self.set_step)
+ self._server.register_function(self.set_continue)
+ self._server.register_function(self.set_next)
+ self._server.register_function(self.set_return)
+ self._server.register_function(self.set_breakpoint)
+ self._server.register_function(self.clear_breakpoint)
+ self._server.register_function(self.set_all_breakpoints)
+ self._server.register_function(self.attempt_introspection)
+ self._server.register_function(self.add_watch)
+ self.message_frame_dict = {}
+ self.introspection_list = []
+ atexit.register(self.do_exit)
+ def run(self):
+ self._adb.runFile(self._command)
+ self.do_exit(kill=True)
+ def do_exit(self, kill=False):
+ self._adb.set_quit()
+ self._breakListener.AskToStop()
+ self._server.server_close()
+ try:
+ self._guiServer.quit()
+ except:
+ pass
+ if kill:
+ try:
+ sys.exit()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def set_breakpoint(self, fileName, lineNo):
+ self._adb.set_break(fileName, lineNo)
+ return ""
+ def set_all_breakpoints(self, dict):
+ self._adb.clear_all_breaks()
+ for fileName in dict.keys():
+ lineList = dict[fileName]
+ for lineNumber in lineList:
+ self._adb.set_break(fileName, int(lineNumber))
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Setting break at ", str(lineNumber), " in file ", fileName
+ return ""
+ def clear_breakpoint(self, fileName, lineNo):
+ self._adb.clear_break(fileName, lineNo)
+ return ""
+ def add_watch(self, name, text, frame_message, run_once):
+ if len(frame_message) > 0:
+ frame = self.message_frame_dict[frame_message]
+ try:
+ item = eval(text, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
+ return self.get_watch_document(item, name)
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ return self.get_exception_document(tp, val, tb)
+ return ""
+ def attempt_introspection(self, frame_message, chain):
+ try:
+ frame = self.message_frame_dict[frame_message]
+ if frame:
+ name = chain.pop(0)
+ if name == 'globals':
+ item = frame.f_globals
+ elif name == 'locals':
+ item = frame.f_locals
+ for name in chain:
+ item = self.getNextItem(item, name)
+ return self.get_introspection_document(item, name)
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ return self.get_empty_introspection_document()
+ def getNextItem(self, link, identifier):
+ tp = type(link)
+ if self.isTupleized(identifier):
+ return self.deTupleize(link, identifier)
+ else:
+ if tp == types.DictType or tp == types.DictProxyType:
+ return link[identifier]
+ else:
+ if hasattr(link, identifier):
+ return getattr(link, identifier)
+ if _VERBOSE or True: print "Failed to find link ", identifier, " on thing: ", self.saferepr(link), " of type ", repr(type(link))
+ return None
+ def isPrimitive(self, item):
+ tp = type(item)
+ return tp is types.IntType or tp is types.LongType or tp is types.FloatType \
+ or tp is types.BooleanType or tp is types.ComplexType \
+ or tp is types.StringType
+ def isTupleized(self, value):
+ return value.count('[')
+ def deTupleize(self, link, string1):
+ try:
+ start = string1.find('[')
+ end = string1.find(']')
+ num = int(string1[start+1:end])
+ return link[num]
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Got exception in deTupleize: ", val
+ return None
+ def wrapAndCompress(self, stringDoc):
+ import bz2
+ return xmlrpclib.Binary(bz2.compress(stringDoc))
+ def get_empty_introspection_document(self):
+ doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "replacement", None)
+ return self.wrapAndCompress(doc.toxml())
+ def get_watch_document(self, item, identifier):
+ doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "watch", None)
+ top_element = doc.documentElement
+ self.addAny(top_element, identifier, item, doc, 2)
+ return self.wrapAndCompress(doc.toxml())
+ def get_introspection_document(self, item, identifier):
+ doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "replacement", None)
+ top_element = doc.documentElement
+ self.addAny(top_element, identifier, item, doc, 2)
+ return self.wrapAndCompress(doc.toxml())
+ def get_exception_document(self, name, tp, val, tb):
+ stack = traceback.format_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ wholeStack = ""
+ for line in stack:
+ wholeStack += line
+ doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "watch", None)
+ top_element = doc.documentElement
+ item_node = doc.createElement("dict_nv_element")
+ item_node.setAttribute('value', wholeStack)
+ item_node.setAttribute('name', str(name))
+ top_element.appendChild(item_node)
+ def addAny(self, top_element, name, item, doc, ply):
+ tp = type(item)
+ if ply < 1:
+ self.addNode(top_element,name, self.saferepr(item), doc)
+ elif tp is types.TupleType or tp is types.ListType:
+ self.addTupleOrList(top_element, name, item, doc, ply - 1)
+ elif tp is types.DictType or tp is types.DictProxyType:
+ self.addDict(top_element, name, item, doc, ply -1)
+ elif inspect.ismodule(item):
+ self.addModule(top_element, name, item, doc, ply -1)
+ elif inspect.isclass(item) or tp is types.InstanceType:
+ self.addClass(top_element, name, item, doc, ply -1)
+ #elif hasattr(item, '__dict__'):
+ # self.addDictAttr(top_element, name, item, doc, ply -1)
+ elif hasattr(item, '__dict__'):
+ self.addDict(top_element, name, item.__dict__, doc, ply -1)
+ else:
+ self.addNode(top_element,name, self.saferepr(item), doc)
+ def addTupleOrList(self, top_node, name, tupple, doc, ply):
+ tupleNode = doc.createElement('tuple')
+ tupleNode.setAttribute('name', str(name))
+ tupleNode.setAttribute('value', str(type(tupple)))
+ top_node.appendChild(tupleNode)
+ count = 0
+ for item in tupple:
+ self.addAny(tupleNode, name +'[' + str(count) + ']',item, doc, ply -1)
+ count += 1
+ def getFrameXML(self, base_frame):
+ doc = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "stack", None)
+ top_element = doc.documentElement
+ stack = []
+ frame = base_frame
+ while frame is not None:
+ if((frame.f_code.co_filename.count('DebuggerHarness.py') == 0) or _DEBUG_DEBUGGER):
+ stack.append(frame)
+ frame = frame.f_back
+ stack.reverse()
+ self.message_frame_dict = {}
+ for f in stack:
+ self.addFrame(f,top_element, doc)
+ return doc.toxml()
+ def addFrame(self, frame, root_element, document):
+ frameNode = document.createElement('frame')
+ root_element.appendChild(frameNode)
+ code = frame.f_code
+ filename = code.co_filename
+ frameNode.setAttribute('file', str(filename))
+ frameNode.setAttribute('line', str(frame.f_lineno))
+ message = self._adb.frame2message(frame)
+ frameNode.setAttribute('message', message)
+ #print "Frame: %s %s %s" %(message, frame.f_lineno, filename)
+ self.message_frame_dict[message] = frame
+ self.addDict(frameNode, "locals", frame.f_locals, document, 2)
+ self.addNode(frameNode, "globals", "", document)
+ def getRepr(self, varName, globals, locals):
+ try:
+ return repr(eval(varName, globals, locals))
+ except:
+ return 'Error: Could not recover value.'
+ def addNode(self, parent_node, name, value, document):
+ item_node = document.createElement("dict_nv_element")
+ item_node.setAttribute('value', self.saferepr(value))
+ item_node.setAttribute('name', str(name))
+ parent_node.appendChild(item_node)
+ def addDictAttr(self, root_node, name, thing, document, ply):
+ dict_node = document.createElement('thing')
+ root_node.setAttribute('name', name)
+ root_node.setAttribute('value', str(type(dict)) + " add attr")
+ self.addDict(root_node, name, thing.__dict__, document, ply) # Not decreminting ply
+ def saferepr(self, thing):
+ try:
+ return repr(thing)
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ return repr(val)
+ def addDict(self, root_node, name, dict, document, ply):
+ dict_node = document.createElement('dict')
+ dict_node.setAttribute('name', name)
+ dict_node.setAttribute('value', str(type(dict)) + " add dict")
+ root_node.appendChild(dict_node)
+ for key in dict.keys():
+ strkey = str(key)
+ try:
+ self.addAny(dict_node, strkey, dict[key], document, ply-1)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "Error recovering key: ", str(key), " from node ", str(name), " Val = ", str(val)
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self.addAny(dict_node, strkey, "Exception getting " + str(name) + "[" + strkey + "]: " + str(val), document, ply -1)
+ def addClass(self, root_node, name, class_item, document, ply):
+ item_node = document.createElement('class')
+ item_node.setAttribute('name', str(name))
+ root_node.appendChild(item_node)
+ try:
+ if hasattr(class_item, '__dict__'):
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__dict__', class_item.__dict__, document, ply -1)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__dict__', "Exception getting __dict__: " + str(val), document, ply -1)
+ try:
+ if hasattr(class_item, '__name__'):
+ self.addAny(item_node,'__name__',class_item.__name__, document, ply -1)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self.addAny(item_node,'__name__',"Exception getting class.__name__: " + val, document, ply -1)
+ try:
+ if hasattr(class_item, '__module__'):
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__module__', class_item.__module__, document, ply -1)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__module__', "Exception getting class.__module__: " + val, document, ply -1)
+ try:
+ if hasattr(class_item, '__doc__'):
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__doc__', class_item.__doc__, document, ply -1)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__doc__', "Exception getting class.__doc__: " + val, document, ply -1)
+ try:
+ if hasattr(class_item, '__bases__'):
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__bases__', class_item.__bases__, document, ply -1)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__bases__', "Exception getting class.__bases__: " + val, document, ply -1)
+ def addModule(self, root_node, name, module_item, document, ply):
+ item_node = document.createElement('module')
+ item_node.setAttribute('name', str(name))
+ root_node.appendChild(item_node)
+ try:
+ if hasattr(module_item, '__file__'):
+ self.addAny(item_node, '__file__', module_item.__file__, document, ply -1)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if hasattr(module_item, '__doc__'):
+ self.addAny(item_node,'__doc__', module_item.__doc__, document, ply -1)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # The debugger calls this method when it reaches a breakpoint.
+ def interaction(self, message, frame, info):
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print 'hit debug side interaction'
+ self._userBreak = False
+ self._currentFrame = frame
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ import bz2
+ xml = self.getFrameXML(frame)
+ arg = xmlrpclib.Binary(bz2.compress(xml))
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print '============== calling gui side interaction============'
+ self._guiServer.interaction(xmlrpclib.Binary(message), arg, info)
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print 'after interaction'
+ done = True
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ if True or _VERBOSE:
+ print 'Error contacting GUI server!: '
+ try:
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ except:
+ print "Exception printing traceback",
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ done = False
+ # Block while waiting to be called back from the GUI. Eventually, self._wait will
+ # be set false by a function on this side. Seems pretty lame--I'm surprised it works.
+ self.waitForRPC()
+ def waitForRPC(self):
+ self._wait = True
+ while self._wait :
+ try:
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "+++ in harness wait for rpc, before handle_request"
+ self._server.handle_request()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "+++ in harness wait for rpc, after handle_request"
+ except:
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ print "Got waitForRpc exception : ", repr(tp), ": ", val
+ #time.sleep(0.1)
+ def set_step(self):
+ self._adb.set_step()
+ self._wait = False
+ return ""
+ def set_continue(self):
+ self._adb.set_continue()
+ self._wait = False
+ return ""
+ def set_next(self):
+ self._adb.set_next(self._currentFrame)
+ self._wait = False
+ return ""
+ def set_return(self):
+ self._adb.set_return(self._currentFrame)
+ self._wait = False
+ return ""
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ harness = DebuggerHarness()
+ harness.run()
+ except SystemExit:
+ print "Exiting..."
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: DebuggerService.py
+# Purpose: Debugger Service for Python.
+# Author: Matt Fryer
+# Created: 12/9/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.intctrl
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.dialogs
+import wx.gizmos
+import wx._core
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import Service
+import STCTextEditor
+import CodeEditor
+import PythonEditor
+ import ProcessModelEditor
+import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as scrolled
+import sys
+import time
+import SimpleXMLRPCServer
+import xmlrpclib
+import os
+import threading
+import process
+import Queue
+import SocketServer
+import ProjectEditor
+import types
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
+import bz2
+import pickle
+import DebuggerHarness
+import traceback
+import StringIO
+if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ import win32api
+ _WINDOWS = True
+ _WINDOWS = False
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+_VERBOSE = False
+_WATCHES_ON = False
+# Class to read from stdout or stderr and write the result to a text control.
+# Args: file=file-like object
+# callback_function= function that takes a single argument, the line of text
+# read.
+class OutputReaderThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, file, callback_function, callbackOnExit=None, accumulate=True):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self._file = file
+ self._callback_function = callback_function
+ self._keepGoing = True
+ self._lineCount = 0
+ self._accumulate = accumulate
+ self._callbackOnExit = callbackOnExit
+ def run(self):
+ file = self._file
+ start = time.time()
+ output = ""
+ while self._keepGoing:
+ try:
+ # This could block--how to handle that?
+ text = file.readline()
+ if text == '' or text == None:
+ self._keepGoing = False
+ elif not self._accumulate:
+ self._callback_function(text)
+ else:
+ # Should use a buffer? StringIO?
+ output += text
+ # Seems as though the read blocks if we got an error, so, to be
+ # sure that at least some of the exception gets printed, always
+ # send the first hundred lines back as they come in.
+ if self._lineCount < 100:
+ self._callback_function(output)
+ self._lineCount += 1
+ output = ""
+ elif time.time() - start > 0.25:
+ try:
+ self._callback_function(output)
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ # GUI was killed while we were blocked.
+ self._keepGoing = False
+ start = time.time()
+ output = ""
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ print "Exception in OutputReaderThread.run():", tp, val
+ self._keepGoing = False
+ if self._callbackOnExit:
+ try:
+ self._callbackOnExit()
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Exiting OutputReaderThread"
+ def AskToStop(self):
+ self._keepGoing = False
+import wx.lib.newevent
+(UpdateTextEvent, EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
+(UpdateErrorEvent, EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
+class Executor:
+ def GetPythonExecutablePath():
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ path = config.Read("ActiveGridPythonLocation")
+ if path:
+ return path
+ wx.MessageBox(_("To proceed I need to know the location of the python.exe you would like to use.\nTo set this, go to Tools-->Options and use the 'Python' tab to enter a value.\n"), _("Python Executable Location Unknown"))
+ return None
+ GetPythonExecutablePath = staticmethod(GetPythonExecutablePath)
+ def __init__(self, fileName, wxComponent, arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3=None, arg4=None, arg5=None, arg6=None, arg7=None, arg8=None, arg9=None, callbackOnExit=None):
+ self._fileName = fileName
+ self._stdOutCallback = self.OutCall
+ self._stdErrCallback = self.ErrCall
+ self._callbackOnExit = callbackOnExit
+ self._wxComponent = wxComponent
+ path = Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath()
+ self._cmd = '"' + path + '" -u \"' + fileName + '\"'
+ #Better way to do this? Quotes needed for windows file paths.
+ if(arg1 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg1 + '\"'
+ if(arg2 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg2 + '\"'
+ if(arg3 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg3 + '\"'
+ if(arg4 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg4 + '\"'
+ if(arg5 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg5 + '\"'
+ if(arg6 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg6 + '\"'
+ if(arg7 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg7 + '\"'
+ if(arg8 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg8 + '\"'
+ if(arg9 != None):
+ self._cmd += ' \"' + arg9 + '\"'
+ self._stdOutReader = None
+ self._stdErrReader = None
+ self._process = None
+ def OutCall(self, text):
+ evt = UpdateTextEvent(value = text)
+ wx.PostEvent(self._wxComponent, evt)
+ def ErrCall(self, text):
+ evt = UpdateErrorEvent(value = text)
+ wx.PostEvent(self._wxComponent, evt)
+ def Execute(self, arguments, startIn=None, environment=None):
+ if not startIn:
+ startIn = str(os.getcwd())
+ startIn = os.path.abspath(startIn)
+ command = self._cmd + ' ' + arguments
+ #stdinput = process.IOBuffer()
+ #self._process = process.ProcessProxy(command, mode='b', cwd=startIn, stdin=stdinput)
+ self._process = process.ProcessOpen(command, mode='b', cwd=startIn, env=environment)
+ # Kick off threads to read stdout and stderr and write them
+ # to our text control.
+ self._stdOutReader = OutputReaderThread(self._process.stdout, self._stdOutCallback, callbackOnExit=self._callbackOnExit)
+ self._stdOutReader.start()
+ self._stdErrReader = OutputReaderThread(self._process.stderr, self._stdErrCallback, accumulate=False)
+ self._stdErrReader.start()
+ def DoStopExecution(self):
+ if(self._process != None):
+ self._process.kill()
+ self._process.close()
+ self._process = None
+ if(self._stdOutReader != None):
+ self._stdOutReader.AskToStop()
+ if(self._stdErrReader != None):
+ self._stdErrReader.AskToStop()
+class RunCommandUI(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, fileName):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ self._noteBook = parent
+ self.KILL_PROCESS_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.CLOSE_TAB_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_END_PROCESS, self.OnProcessEnded)
+ # GUI Initialization follows
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ self._tb = tb = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, (30,1000), wx.TB_VERTICAL| wx.TB_FLAT, "Runner" )
+ tb.SetToolBitmapSize((16,16))
+ sizer.Add(tb, 0, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
+ close_bmp = getCloseBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool( self.CLOSE_TAB_ID, close_bmp, _('Close Window'))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CLOSE_TAB_ID, self.OnToolClicked)
+ stop_bmp = getStopBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, stop_bmp, _("Stop the Run."))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, self.OnToolClicked)
+ tb.Realize()
+ self._textCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(self, wx.NewId()) #id)
+ sizer.Add(self._textCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ self._textCtrl.SetViewLineNumbers(False)
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ font = "Courier New"
+ else:
+ font = "Courier"
+ self._textCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font))
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ #Disabling for now...may interfere with file open. wx.stc.EVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK(self._textCtrl, self._textCtrl.GetId(), self.OnDoubleClick)
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ sizer.Fit(self)
+ # Executor initialization
+ self._executor = Executor(fileName, self, callbackOnExit=self.ExecutorFinished)
+ self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT, self.AppendText)
+ self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT, self.AppendErrorText)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment):
+ self._executor.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
+ def ExecutorFinished(self):
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, False)
+ nb = self.GetParent()
+ for i in range(0,nb.GetPageCount()):
+ if self == nb.GetPage(i):
+ text = nb.GetPageText(i)
+ newText = text.replace("Running", "Finished")
+ nb.SetPageText(i, newText)
+ break
+ def StopExecution(self):
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ def AppendText(self, event):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.AddText(event.value)
+ self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def AppendErrorText(self, event):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.RED)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.AddText(event.value)
+ self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Event handling
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnToolClicked(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == self.KILL_PROCESS_ID:
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ elif id == self.CLOSE_TAB_ID:
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ index = self._noteBook.GetSelection()
+ self._noteBook.GetPage(index).Show(False)
+ self._noteBook.RemovePage(index)
+ def OnDoubleClick(self, event):
+ # Looking for a stack trace line.
+ lineText, pos = self._textCtrl.GetCurLine()
+ fileBegin = lineText.find("File \"")
+ fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
+ if lineText == "\n" or fileBegin == -1 or fileEnd == -1 or lineEnd == -1:
+ # Check the line before the one that was clicked on
+ lineNumber = self._textCtrl.GetCurrentLine()
+ if(lineNumber == 0):
+ return
+ lineText = self._textCtrl.GetLine(lineNumber - 1)
+ fileBegin = lineText.find("File \"")
+ fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
+ if lineText == "\n" or fileBegin == -1 or fileEnd == -1 or lineEnd == -1:
+ return
+ filename = lineText[fileBegin + 6:fileEnd]
+ lineNum = int(lineText[fileEnd + 8:lineEnd])
+ foundView = None
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if openDoc.GetFilename() == filename:
+ foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ break
+ if not foundView:
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ foundView = doc.GetFirstView()
+ if foundView:
+ foundView.GetFrame().SetFocus()
+ foundView.Activate()
+ foundView.GotoLine(lineNum)
+ startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
+ openDoc.GetFirstView().GetCtrl().ClearCurrentLineMarkers()
+ foundView.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum -1, CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM)
+ def OnProcessEnded(self, evt):
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost'
+class DebugCommandUI(wx.Panel):
+ debuggerPortList = None
+ debuggers = []
+ def NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange():
+ for debugger in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
+ debugger.BreakPointChange()
+ NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange = staticmethod(NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange)
+ def DebuggerRunning():
+ for debugger in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
+ if debugger._executor:
+ return True
+ return False
+ DebuggerRunning = staticmethod(DebuggerRunning)
+ def ShutdownAllDebuggers():
+ for debugger in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
+ debugger.StopExecution()
+ ShutdownAllDebuggers = staticmethod(ShutdownAllDebuggers)
+ def GetAvailablePort():
+ for index in range( 0, len(DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList)):
+ port = DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList[index]
+ if DebugCommandUI.PortAvailable(port):
+ DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList.pop(index)
+ return port
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Out of ports for debugging! Please restart the application builder.\nIf that does not work, check for and remove running instances of python."), _("Out of Ports"))
+ assert False, "Out of ports for debugger."
+ GetAvailablePort = staticmethod(GetAvailablePort)
+ def ReturnPortToPool(port):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ startingPort = config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
+ if port in range(startingPort, startingPort + PORT_COUNT):
+ DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList.append(port)
+ ReturnPortToPool = staticmethod(ReturnPortToPool)
+ def PortAvailable(port):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ hostname = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
+ try:
+ server = AGXMLRPCServer((hostname, port))
+ server.server_close()
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Port ", str(port), " available."
+ return True
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE: traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Port ", str(port), " unavailable."
+ return False
+ PortAvailable = staticmethod(PortAvailable)
+ def NewPortRange():
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ startingPort = config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
+ DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList = range(startingPort, startingPort + PORT_COUNT)
+ NewPortRange = staticmethod(NewPortRange)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, command, service):
+ # Check for ports before creating the panel.
+ if not DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList:
+ DebugCommandUI.NewPortRange()
+ self._debuggerPort = str(DebugCommandUI.GetAvailablePort())
+ self._guiPort = str(DebugCommandUI.GetAvailablePort())
+ self._debuggerBreakPort = str(DebugCommandUI.GetAvailablePort())
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ self._parentNoteBook = parent
+ self._command = command
+ self._textCtrl = None
+ self._service = service
+ self._executor = None
+ self.STEP_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.CONTINUE_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.STEP_OUT_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.NEXT_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.KILL_PROCESS_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.CLOSE_WINDOW_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.CLEAR_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self.ADD_WATCH_ID = wx.NewId()
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self._tb = tb = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, (1000,30), wx.TB_HORIZONTAL| wx.NO_BORDER| wx.TB_FLAT| wx.TB_TEXT, "Debugger" )
+ sizer.Add(tb, 0, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
+ tb.SetToolBitmapSize((16,16))
+ close_bmp = getCloseBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool( self.CLOSE_WINDOW_ID, close_bmp, _('Close Window'))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CLOSE_WINDOW_ID, self.StopAndRemoveUI)
+ stop_bmp = getStopBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool( self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, stop_bmp, _("Stop Debugging"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, self.StopExecution)
+ tb.AddSeparator()
+ break_bmp = getBreakBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool( self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, break_bmp, _("Break into Debugger"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, self.BreakExecution)
+ tb.AddSeparator()
+ continue_bmp = getContinueBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool( self.CONTINUE_ID, continue_bmp, _("Continue Execution"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CONTINUE_ID, self.OnContinue)
+ tb.AddSeparator()
+ next_bmp = getNextBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool( self.NEXT_ID, next_bmp, _("Step to next line"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.NEXT_ID, self.OnNext)
+ step_bmp = getStepInBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool( self.STEP_ID, step_bmp, _("Step in"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.STEP_ID, self.OnSingleStep)
+ stepOut_bmp = getStepReturnBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(self.STEP_OUT_ID, stepOut_bmp, _("Stop at function return"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.STEP_OUT_ID, self.OnStepOut)
+ tb.AddSeparator()
+ watch_bmp = getAddWatchBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(self.ADD_WATCH_ID, watch_bmp, _("Add a watch"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.ADD_WATCH_ID, self.OnAddWatch)
+ tb.AddSeparator()
+ clear_bmp = getClearOutputBitmap()
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(self.CLEAR_ID, clear_bmp, _("Clear output pane"))
+ wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CLEAR_ID, self.OnClearOutput)
+ tb.Realize()
+ self.framesTab = None
+ self.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
+ self._notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.LB_DEFAULT, "Debugger")
+ sizer.Add(self._notebook, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ self.consoleTab = self.MakeConsoleTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId(), None)
+ self.framesTab = self.MakeFramesTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId(), None)
+ self.breakPointsTab = self.MakeBreakPointsTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId(), None)
+ self._notebook.AddPage(self.consoleTab, "Output")
+ self._notebook.AddPage(self.framesTab, "Frames")
+ self._notebook.AddPage(self.breakPointsTab, "Break Points")
+ self._statusBar = wx.StatusBar( self, -1)
+ self._statusBar.SetFieldsCount(1)
+ sizer.Add(self._statusBar, 0, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
+ self.SetStatusText("Starting debug...")
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ sizer.Fit(self)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ self._debuggerHost = self._guiHost = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
+ url = 'http://' + self._debuggerHost + ':' + self._debuggerPort + '/'
+ self._breakURL = 'http://' + self._debuggerHost + ':' + self._debuggerBreakPort + '/'
+ self._callback = DebuggerCallback(self._guiHost, self._guiPort, url, self._breakURL, self)
+ if DebuggerHarness.__file__.find('library.zip') > 0:
+ try:
+ fname = DebuggerHarness.__file__
+ parts = fname.split('library.zip')
+ path = os.path.join(parts[0],'activegrid', 'tool', 'DebuggerHarness.py')
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ else:
+ print "Starting debugger on these ports: %s, %s, %s" % (str(self._debuggerPort) , str(self._guiPort) , str(self._debuggerBreakPort))
+ path = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(DebuggerHarness.__file__)
+ self._executor = Executor(path, self, self._debuggerHost, \
+ self._debuggerPort, self._debuggerBreakPort, self._guiHost, self._guiPort, self._command, callbackOnExit=self.ExecutorFinished)
+ self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT, self.AppendText)
+ self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT, self.AppendErrorText)
+ DebugCommandUI.debuggers.append(self)
+ self._stopped = False
+ def OnSingleStep(self, event):
+ self._callback.SingleStep()
+ def OnContinue(self, event):
+ self._callback.Continue()
+ def OnStepOut(self, event):
+ self._callback.Return()
+ def OnNext(self, event):
+ self._callback.Next()
+ def BreakPointChange(self):
+ if not self._stopped:
+ self._callback.pushBreakpoints()
+ self.breakPointsTab.PopulateBPList()
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
+ DebugCommandUI.debuggers.remove(self)
+ def SwitchToOutputTab(self):
+ self._notebook.SetSelection(0)
+ def DisableWhileDebuggerRunning(self):
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.CONTINUE_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_OUT_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.NEXT_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.ADD_WATCH_ID, False)
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
+ openDoc.GetFirstView().GetCtrl().ClearCurrentLineMarkers()
+ if self.framesTab:
+ self.framesTab.ClearWhileRunning()
+ #wx.GetApp().ProcessPendingEvents() #Yield(True)
+ def EnableWhileDebuggerStopped(self):
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.CONTINUE_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_OUT_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.NEXT_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.ADD_WATCH_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, False)
+ #if _WINDOWS:
+ # wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().RequestUserAttention()
+ def ExecutorFinished(self):
+ if _VERBOSE: print "In ExectorFinished"
+ try:
+ self.DisableAfterStop()
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ nb = self.GetParent()
+ for i in range(0, nb.GetPageCount()):
+ if self == nb.GetPage(i):
+ text = nb.GetPageText(i)
+ newText = text.replace("Debugging", "Finished")
+ nb.SetPageText(i, newText)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "In ExectorFinished, changed tab title."
+ break
+ except:
+ if _VERBOSE: print "In ExectorFinished, got exception"
+ def DisableAfterStop(self):
+ self.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, False)
+ def SynchCurrentLine(self, filename, lineNum):
+ self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
+ # Filename will be <string> if we're in a bit of code that was executed from
+ # a string (rather than a file). I haven't been able to get the original string
+ # for display.
+ if filename == '<string>':
+ return
+ foundView = None
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ # This ugliness to prevent comparison failing because the drive letter
+ # gets lowercased occasionally. Don't know why that happens or why it
+ # only happens occasionally.
+ if DebuggerService.ComparePaths(openDoc.GetFilename(),filename):
+ foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ break
+ if not foundView:
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "filename=", filename
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(DebuggerService.ExpandPath(filename), wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ foundView = doc.GetFirstView()
+ if foundView:
+ foundView.GetFrame().SetFocus()
+ foundView.Activate()
+ foundView.GotoLine(lineNum)
+ startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
+ foundView.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum -1, CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM)
+ def DeleteCurrentLineMarkers(self):
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
+ openDoc.GetFirstView().GetCtrl().ClearCurrentLineMarkers()
+ def LoadFramesListXML(self, framesXML):
+ self.framesTab.LoadFramesListXML(framesXML)
+ def SetStatusText(self, text):
+ self._statusBar.SetStatusText(text,0)
+ def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment):
+ self._callback.start()
+ self._executor.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
+ self._callback.waitForRPC()
+ def BreakExecution(self, event):
+ self._callback.BreakExecution()
+ def StopExecution(self, event):
+ self._stopped = True
+ self.DisableAfterStop()
+ try:
+ self._callback.ServerClose()
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if self._executor:
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ self._executor = None
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
+ DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerPort)
+ DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._guiPort)
+ DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerBreakPort)
+ def StopAndRemoveUI(self, event):
+ self.StopExecution(None)
+ if self in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
+ DebugCommandUI.debuggers.remove(self)
+ index = self._parentNoteBook.GetSelection()
+ self._parentNoteBook.GetPage(index).Show(False)
+ self._parentNoteBook.RemovePage(index)
+ def GetConsoleTextControl(self):
+ return self._textCtrl
+ def OnClearOutput(self, event):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.ClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def OnAddWatch(self, event):
+ if self.framesTab:
+ self.framesTab.OnWatch(event)
+ def MakeConsoleTab(self, parent, id, debugger):
+ panel = wx.Panel(parent, id)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ self._textCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(panel, wx.NewId())
+ sizer.Add(self._textCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ self._textCtrl.SetViewLineNumbers(False)
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ font = "Courier New"
+ else:
+ font = "Courier"
+ self._textCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font))
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ panel.SetSizer(sizer)
+ sizer.Fit(panel)
+ return panel
+ def MakeFramesTab(self, parent, id, debugger):
+ panel = FramesUI(parent, id, self)
+ return panel
+ def MakeBreakPointsTab(self, parent, id, debugger):
+ panel = BreakpointsUI(parent, id, self)
+ return panel
+ def AppendText(self, event):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.AddText(event.value)
+ self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def AppendErrorText(self, event):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.RED)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.AddText(event.value)
+ self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+class BreakpointsUI(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, ui):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ self._ui = ui
+ self.currentItem = None
+ self.clearBPID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ClearBreakPoint, id=self.clearBPID)
+ self.syncLineID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.SyncBPLine, id=self.syncLineID)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ p1 = self
+ self._bpListCtrl = wx.ListCtrl(p1, -1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(1000,1000), style=wx.LC_REPORT)
+ sizer.Add(self._bpListCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, "File")
+ self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(1, "Line")
+ self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(2, "Path")
+ self._bpListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, 150)
+ self._bpListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(1, 50)
+ self._bpListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(2, 450)
+ self._bpListCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnListRightClick)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.ListItemSelected, self._bpListCtrl)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED, self.ListItemDeselected, self._bpListCtrl)
+ self.PopulateBPList()
+ p1.SetSizer(sizer)
+ sizer.Fit(p1)
+ p1.Layout()
+ def PopulateBPList(self):
+ list = self._bpListCtrl
+ list.DeleteAllItems()
+ bps = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService).GetMasterBreakpointDict()
+ index = 0
+ for fileName in bps.keys():
+ shortFile = os.path.basename(fileName)
+ lines = bps[fileName]
+ if lines:
+ for line in lines:
+ list.InsertStringItem(index, shortFile)
+ list.SetStringItem(index, 1, str(line))
+ list.SetStringItem(index, 2, fileName)
+ def OnListRightClick(self, event):
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.clearBPID, "Clear Breakpoint")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.syncLineID, "Goto Source Line")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ self.PopupMenu(menu, event.GetPosition())
+ menu.Destroy()
+ def SyncBPLine(self, event):
+ if self.currentItem != -1:
+ list = self._bpListCtrl
+ fileName = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 2).GetText()
+ lineNumber = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 1).GetText()
+ self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( fileName, int(lineNumber) )
+ def ClearBreakPoint(self, event):
+ if self.currentItem >= 0:
+ list = self._bpListCtrl
+ fileName = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 2).GetText()
+ lineNumber = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 1).GetText()
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService).OnToggleBreakpoint(None, line=int(lineNumber) -1, fileName=fileName )
+ def ListItemSelected(self, event):
+ self.currentItem = event.m_itemIndex
+ def ListItemDeselected(self, event):
+ self.currentItem = -1
+class Watch:
+ def __init__(self, name, command, show_code=CODE_ALL_FRAMES):
+ self._name = name
+ self._command = command
+ self._show_code = show_code
+class WatchDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ WATCH_ALL_FRAMES = "Watch in all frames"
+ WATCH_THIS_FRAME = "Watch in this frame only"
+ WATCH_ONCE = "Watch once and delete"
+ def __init__(self, parent, title, chain):
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
+ self._chain = chain
+ self.label_2 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Watch Name:")
+ self._watchNameTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "")
+ self.label_3 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "eval(", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
+ self._watchValueTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "")
+ self.label_4 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, ",frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)")
+ self.radio_box_1 = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, "Watch Information", choices=[WatchDialog.WATCH_ALL_FRAMES, WatchDialog.WATCH_THIS_FRAME, WatchDialog.WATCH_ONCE], majorDimension=0, style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
+ self._okButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "OK", size=(75,-1))
+ self._okButton.SetDefault()
+ self._okButton.SetHelpText(_("The OK button completes the dialog"))
+ def OnOkClick(event):
+ if self._watchNameTextCtrl.GetValue() == "":
+ wx.MessageBox(_("You must enter a name for the watch."), _("Add Watch"))
+ return
+ if self._watchValueTextCtrl.GetValue() == "":
+ wx.MessageBox(_("You must enter some code to run for the watch."), _("Add Watch"))
+ return
+ self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnOkClick, self._okButton)
+ self._cancelButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), size=(75,-1))
+ self._cancelButton.SetHelpText(_("The Cancel button cancels the dialog."))
+ self.__set_properties()
+ self.__do_layout()
+ def GetSettings(self):
+ return self._watchNameTextCtrl.GetValue(), self._watchValueTextCtrl.GetValue(), self.GetSendFrame(), self.GetRunOnce()
+ def GetSendFrame(self):
+ return (WatchDialog.WATCH_ALL_FRAMES != self.radio_box_1.GetStringSelection())
+ def GetRunOnce(self):
+ return (WatchDialog.WATCH_ONCE == self.radio_box_1.GetStringSelection())
+ def __set_properties(self):
+ self.SetTitle("Add a Watch")
+ #self.SetSize((400, 250))
+ self.radio_box_1.SetSelection(0)
+ def __do_layout(self):
+ sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ grid_sizer_4 = wx.FlexGridSizer(1, 3, 5, 5)
+ grid_sizer_2 = wx.FlexGridSizer(1, 2, 5, 5)
+ grid_sizer_2.Add(self.label_2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.FIXED_MINSIZE, 0)
+ grid_sizer_2.Add(self._watchNameTextCtrl, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ grid_sizer_2.AddGrowableCol(1)
+ sizer_1.Add(grid_sizer_2, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ grid_sizer_4.Add(self.label_3, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.FIXED_MINSIZE, 0)
+ grid_sizer_4.Add(self._watchValueTextCtrl, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ grid_sizer_4.AddGrowableCol(1)
+ grid_sizer_4.Add(self.label_4, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.FIXED_MINSIZE, 0)
+ sizer_1.Add(grid_sizer_4, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ sizer_1.Add(self.radio_box_1, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ box.Add(self._okButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
+ box.Add(self._cancelButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
+ sizer_1.Add(box, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ self.SetAutoLayout(True)
+ self.SetSizer(sizer_1)
+ self.Layout()
+class FramesUI(wx.SplitterWindow):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, ui):
+ wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, style = wx.SP_3D)
+ self._ui = ui
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self._p1 = p1 = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, -1)
+ p1.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self._framesListCtrl = wx.ListCtrl(p1, -1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(250,150), style=wx.LC_REPORT)
+ sizer.Add(self._framesListCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ self._framesListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, "Frame")
+ self._framesListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, 250)
+ self._framesListCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnListRightClick)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.ListItemSelected, self._framesListCtrl)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED, self.ListItemDeselected, self._framesListCtrl)
+ sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self._p2 = p2 = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, -1)
+ p2.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self._treeCtrl = wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl(p2, -1, size=(530,250), style=wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE| wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT)
+ self._treeCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnRightClick)
+ sizer2.Add(self._framesListCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ tree.AddColumn("Thing")
+ tree.AddColumn("Value")
+ tree.SetMainColumn(0) # the one with the tree in it...
+ tree.SetColumnWidth(0, 175)
+ tree.SetColumnWidth(1, 355)
+ self._root = tree.AddRoot("Frame")
+ tree.SetItemText(self._root, "", 1)
+ self.SetMinimumPaneSize(20)
+ self.SplitVertically(p1, p2, 250)
+ self.currentItem = None
+ self.Layout()
+ def OnRightClick(self, event):
+ #Refactor this...
+ self._introspectItem = event.GetItem()
+ self._parentChain = self.GetItemChain(event.GetItem())
+ watchOnly = len(self._parentChain) < 1
+ if not _WATCHES_ON and watchOnly:
+ return
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ if not watchOnly:
+ if not hasattr(self, "introspectID"):
+ self.introspectID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnIntrospect, id=self.introspectID)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.introspectID, "Attempt Introspection")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ if not hasattr(self, "watchID"):
+ self.watchID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnWatch, id=self.watchID)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.watchID, "Create a Watch")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ if not watchOnly:
+ if not hasattr(self, "viewID"):
+ self.viewID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnView, id=self.viewID)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.viewID, "View in Dialog")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ offset = wx.Point(x=0, y=20)
+ menuSpot = event.GetPoint() + offset
+ self._treeCtrl.PopupMenu(menu, menuSpot)
+ menu.Destroy()
+ self._parentChain = None
+ self._introspectItem = None
+ def GetItemChain(self, item):
+ parentChain = []
+ if item:
+ if _VERBOSE: print 'Exploding: %s' % self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(item, 0)
+ while item != self._root:
+ text = self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(item, 0)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Appending ", text
+ parentChain.append(text)
+ item = self._treeCtrl.GetItemParent(item)
+ parentChain.reverse()
+ return parentChain
+ def OnView(self, event):
+ title = self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(self._introspectItem,0)
+ value = self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(self._introspectItem,1)
+ dlg = wx.lib.dialogs.ScrolledMessageDialog(self, value, title, style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
+ dlg.Show()
+ def OnWatch(self, event):
+ try:
+ if hasattr(self, '_parentChain'):
+ wd = WatchDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), "Add a Watch", self._parentChain)
+ else:
+ wd = WatchDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), "Add a Watch", None)
+ if wd.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ name, text, send_frame, run_once = wd.GetSettings()
+ if send_frame:
+ frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
+ message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
+ else:
+ message = ""
+ binType = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.add_watch(name, text, message, run_once)
+ xmldoc = bz2.decompress(binType.data)
+ domDoc = parseString(xmldoc)
+ nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('watch')
+ if len(nodeList) == 1:
+ watchValue = nodeList.item(0).getAttribute("message")
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ def OnIntrospect(self, event):
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ try:
+ list = self._framesListCtrl
+ frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
+ message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
+ binType = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.attempt_introspection(message, self._parentChain)
+ xmldoc = bz2.decompress(binType.data)
+ domDoc = parseString(xmldoc)
+ nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('replacement')
+ replacementNode = nodeList.item(0)
+ if len(replacementNode.childNodes):
+ thingToWalk = replacementNode.childNodes.item(0)
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ parent = tree.GetItemParent(self._introspectItem)
+ treeNode = self.AppendSubTreeFromNode(thingToWalk, thingToWalk.getAttribute('name'), parent, insertBefore=self._introspectItem)
+ tree.Delete(self._introspectItem)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ self._treeCtrl.SetSize(self._p2.GetSize())
+ w,h = self._p1.GetClientSizeTuple()
+ self._framesListCtrl.SetDimensions(0, 0, w, h)
+ def ClearWhileRunning(self):
+ list = self._framesListCtrl
+ list.DeleteAllItems()
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ tree.Hide()
+ def OnListRightClick(self, event):
+ if not hasattr(self, "syncFrameID"):
+ self.syncFrameID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSyncFrame, id=self.syncFrameID)
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.syncFrameID, "Goto Source Line")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ self.PopupMenu(menu, event.GetPosition())
+ menu.Destroy()
+ def OnSyncFrame(self, event):
+ list = self._framesListCtrl
+ frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
+ file = frameNode.getAttribute("file")
+ line = frameNode.getAttribute("line")
+ self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( file, int(line) )
+ def LoadFramesListXML(self, framesXML):
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ try:
+ domDoc = parseString(framesXML)
+ list = self._framesListCtrl
+ list.DeleteAllItems()
+ self._stack = []
+ nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('frame')
+ frame_count = -1
+ for index in range(0, nodeList.length):
+ frameNode = nodeList.item(index)
+ message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
+ list.InsertStringItem(index, message)
+ self._stack.append(frameNode)
+ frame_count += 1
+ list.Select(frame_count)
+ self._p1.FitInside()
+ frameNode = nodeList.item(index)
+ file = frameNode.getAttribute("file")
+ line = frameNode.getAttribute("line")
+ self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( file, int(line) )
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ def ListItemDeselected(self, event):
+ pass
+ def ListItemSelected(self, event):
+ self.currentItem = event.m_itemIndex
+ frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(frameNode)
+ # Temporarily doing this to test out automatically swicting to source line.
+ self.OnSyncFrame(None)
+ def PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(self, frameNode):
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ tree.Show(True)
+ root = self._root
+ tree.DeleteChildren(root)
+ children = frameNode.childNodes
+ firstChild = None
+ for index in range(0, children.length):
+ subNode = children.item(index)
+ treeNode = self.AppendSubTreeFromNode(subNode, subNode.getAttribute('name'), root)
+ if not firstChild:
+ firstChild = treeNode
+ tree.Expand(root)
+ tree.Expand(firstChild)
+ self._p2.FitInside()
+ def AppendSubTreeFromNode(self, node, name, parent, insertBefore=None):
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ if insertBefore != None:
+ treeNode = tree.InsertItem(parent, insertBefore, name)
+ else:
+ treeNode = tree.AppendItem(parent, name)
+ children = node.childNodes
+ if children.length == 0:
+ tree.SetItemText(treeNode, self.StripOuterSingleQuotes(node.getAttribute("value")), 1)
+ for index in range(0, children.length):
+ subNode = children.item(index)
+ if self.HasChildren(subNode):
+ self.AppendSubTreeFromNode(subNode, subNode.getAttribute("name"), treeNode)
+ else:
+ name = subNode.getAttribute("name")
+ value = self.StripOuterSingleQuotes(subNode.getAttribute("value"))
+ n = tree.AppendItem(treeNode, name)
+ tree.SetItemText(n, value, 1)
+ return treeNode
+ def StripOuterSingleQuotes(self, string):
+ if string.startswith("'") and string.endswith("'"):
+ return string[1:-1]
+ elif type(string) == types.UnicodeType:
+ return string[1:-1]
+ else:
+ return string
+ def HasChildren(self, node):
+ try:
+ return node.childNodes.length > 0
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ return False
+class DebuggerView(Service.ServiceView):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, service):
+ Service.ServiceView.__init__(self, service)
+ def _CreateControl(self, parent, id):
+ return None
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Event handling
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnToolClicked(self, event):
+ self.GetFrame().ProcessEvent(event)
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class methods
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Interaction:
+ def __init__(self, message, framesXML, info=None, quit=False):
+ self._framesXML = framesXML
+ self._message = message
+ self._info = info
+ self._quit = quit
+ def getFramesXML(self):
+ return self._framesXML
+ def getMessage(self):
+ return self._message
+ def getInfo(self):
+ return self._info
+ def getQuit(self):
+ return self._quit
+class AGXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer):
+ def __init__(self, address, logRequests=0):
+ SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, address, logRequests=logRequests)
+class RequestHandlerThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, queue, address):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self._keepGoing = True
+ self._queue = queue
+ self._address = address
+ self._server = AGXMLRPCServer(self._address,logRequests=0)
+ self._server.register_function(self.interaction)
+ self._server.register_function(self.quit)
+ self._server.register_function(self.dummyOperation)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "RequestHandlerThread on fileno %s" % str(self._server.fileno())
+ def run(self):
+ while self._keepGoing:
+ try:
+ self._server.handle_request()
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self._keepGoing = False
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Exiting Request Handler Thread."
+ def interaction(self, message, frameXML, info):
+ if _VERBOSE: print "In RequestHandlerThread.interaction -- adding to queue"
+ interaction = Interaction(message, frameXML, info)
+ self._queue.put(interaction)
+ return ""
+ def quit(self):
+ interaction = Interaction(None, None, info=None, quit=True)
+ self._queue.put(interaction)
+ return ""
+ def dummyOperation(self):
+ return ""
+ def AskToStop(self):
+ self._keepGoing = False
+ if type(self._server) is not types.NoneType:
+ try:
+ # This is a really ugly way to make sure this thread isn't blocked in
+ # handle_request.
+ url = 'http://' + self._address[0] + ':' + str(self._address[1]) + '/'
+ tempServer = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url, allow_none=1)
+ tempServer.dummyOperation()
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ self._server.server_close()
+class RequestBreakThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, server, interrupt=False, pushBreakpoints=False, breakDict=None, kill=False):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self._server = server
+ self._interrupt = interrupt
+ self._pushBreakpoints = pushBreakpoints
+ self._breakDict = breakDict
+ self._kill = kill
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ if _VERBOSE: print "RequestBreakThread, before call"
+ if self._interrupt:
+ self._server.break_requested()
+ if self._pushBreakpoints:
+ self._server.update_breakpoints(xmlrpclib.Binary(pickle.dumps(self._breakDict)))
+ if self._kill:
+ try:
+ self._server.die()
+ except:
+ pass
+ if _VERBOSE: print "RequestBreakThread, after call"
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+class DebuggerOperationThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, function):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self._function = function
+ def run(self):
+ if _VERBOSE: print "In DOT, before call"
+ try:
+ self._function()
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "In DOT, after call"
+class DebuggerCallback:
+ def __init__(self, host, port, debugger_url, break_url, debuggerUI):
+ if _VERBOSE: print "+++++++ Creating server on port, ", str(port)
+ self._queue = Queue.Queue(50)
+ self._host = host
+ self._port = int(port)
+ threading._VERBOSE = _VERBOSE
+ self._serverHandlerThread = RequestHandlerThread(self._queue, (self._host, self._port))
+ self._debugger_url = debugger_url
+ self._debuggerServer = None
+ self._waiting = False
+ self._service = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService)
+ self._debuggerUI = debuggerUI
+ self._break_url = break_url
+ self._breakServer = None
+ self._firstInteraction = True
+ self._pendingBreak = False
+ def start(self):
+ self._serverHandlerThread.start()
+ def ServerClose(self):
+ rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, kill=True)
+ rbt.start()
+ self.setWaiting(False)
+ if self._serverHandlerThread:
+ self._serverHandlerThread.AskToStop()
+ self._serverHandlerThread = None
+ def BreakExecution(self):
+ rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, interrupt=True)
+ rbt.start()
+ def SingleStep(self):
+ self._debuggerUI.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
+ #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_step)
+ #dot.start()
+ self._debuggerServer.set_step() # Figure out where to set allowNone
+ self.waitForRPC()
+ def Next(self):
+ self._debuggerUI.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
+ #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_next)
+ #dot.start()
+ self._debuggerServer.set_next()
+ self.waitForRPC()
+ def Continue(self):
+ self._debuggerUI.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
+ #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_continue)
+ #dot.start()
+ self._debuggerServer.set_continue()
+ self.waitForRPC()
+ def Return(self):
+ self._debuggerUI.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
+ #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_return)
+ #dot.start()
+ self._debuggerServer.set_return()
+ self.waitForRPC()
+ def setWaiting(self, value):
+ self._waiting = value
+ def getWaiting(self):
+ return self._waiting
+ def readQueue(self):
+ if self._queue.qsize():
+ try:
+ item = self._queue.get_nowait()
+ if item.getQuit():
+ self.interaction(None, None, None, True)
+ else:
+ data = bz2.decompress(item.getFramesXML().data)
+ self.interaction(item.getMessage().data, data, item.getInfo(), False)
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ pass
+ def pushBreakpoints(self):
+ rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, pushBreakpoints=True, breakDict=self._service.GetMasterBreakpointDict())
+ rbt.start()
+ def waitForRPC(self):
+ self.setWaiting(True)
+ while self.getWaiting():
+ try:
+ self.readQueue()
+ import time
+ time.sleep(0.02)
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Exiting waitForRPC."
+ def interaction(self, message, frameXML, info, quit):
+ #This method should be hit as the debugger starts.
+ if self._firstInteraction:
+ self._firstInteraction = False
+ self._debuggerServer = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self._debugger_url, allow_none=1)
+ self._breakServer = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self._break_url, allow_none=1)
+ self.pushBreakpoints()
+ self.setWaiting(False)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "+"*40
+ if(quit):
+ self._debuggerUI.StopExecution(None)
+ return ""
+ if(info != ""):
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Hit interaction with exception"
+ #self._debuggerUI.StopExecution(None)
+ #self._debuggerUI.SetStatusText("Got exception: " + str(info))
+ self._debuggerUI.SwitchToOutputTab()
+ else:
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Hit interaction no exception"
+ self._debuggerUI.SetStatusText(message)
+ self._debuggerUI.LoadFramesListXML(frameXML)
+ self._debuggerUI.EnableWhileDebuggerStopped()
+ if _VERBOSE: print "+"*40
+class DebuggerService(Service.Service):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RUN_ID = wx.NewId()
+ DEBUG_ID = wx.NewId()
+ def ComparePaths(first, second):
+ one = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(first)
+ two = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(second)
+ if _WINDOWS:
+ return one.lower() == two.lower()
+ else:
+ return one == two
+ ComparePaths = staticmethod(ComparePaths)
+ # Make sure we're using an expanded path on windows.
+ def ExpandPath(path):
+ if _WINDOWS:
+ try:
+ return win32api.GetLongPathName(path)
+ except:
+ print "Cannot get long path for %s" % path
+ return path
+ ExpandPath = staticmethod(ExpandPath)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, serviceName, embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_LEFT):
+ Service.Service.__init__(self, serviceName, embeddedWindowLocation)
+ self.BREAKPOINT_DICT_STRING = "MasterBreakpointDict"
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ pickledbps = config.Read(self.BREAKPOINT_DICT_STRING)
+ if pickledbps:
+ try:
+ self._masterBPDict = pickle.loads(pickledbps.encode('ascii'))
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp,val,tb)
+ self._masterBPDict = {}
+ else:
+ self._masterBPDict = {}
+ def OnCloseFrame(self, event):
+ try:
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write(self.BREAKPOINT_DICT_STRING, pickle.dumps(self._masterBPDict))
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ return True
+ def _CreateView(self):
+ return DebuggerView(self)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Service specific methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ #Service.Service.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ debuggerMenu = wx.Menu()
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS):
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.RUN_ID, _("&Run...\tCtrl+R"), _("Runs a file"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID, _("&Debug...\tCtrl+D"), _("Debugs a file"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ debuggerMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID, _("&Toggle Breakpoint...\tCtrl+B"), _("Toggle a breakpoint"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, _("&Clear All Breakpoints"), _("Clear All Breakpoints"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ viewMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Project"))
+ menuBar.Insert(viewMenuIndex + 1, debuggerMenu, _("&Run"))
+ return True
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Event Processing Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ProcessEventBeforeWindows(self, event):
+ return False
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ if Service.Service.ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ return True
+ an_id = event.GetId()
+ if an_id == DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID:
+ self.OnToggleBreakpoint(event)
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS:
+ self.ClearAllBreakpoints()
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.RUN_ID:
+ self.OnRunProject(event)
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID:
+ self.OnDebugProject(event)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ if Service.Service.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ return True
+ an_id = event.GetId()
+ if an_id == DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID:
+ currentView = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView()
+ event.Enable(isinstance(currentView, PythonEditor.PythonView))
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS:
+ event.Enable(self.HasBreakpointsSet())
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.RUN_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.HasAnyFiles())
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.HasAnyFiles())
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnDebugProject(self, event):
+ if not Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath():
+ return
+ if DebugCommandUI.DebuggerRunning():
+ wx.MessageBox(_("A debugger is already running. Please shut down the other debugger first."), _("Debugger Running"))
+ return
+ self.ShowWindow(True)
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ project = projectService.GetView().GetDocument()
+ dlg = CommandPropertiesDialog(self.GetView().GetFrame(), 'Debug Python File', projectService, None, pythonOnly=True, okButtonName="Debug", debugging=True)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ fileToDebug, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ else:
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return
+ self.PromptToSaveFiles()
+ shortFile = os.path.basename(fileToDebug)
+ fileToDebug = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileToDebug)
+ try:
+ page = DebugCommandUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, str(fileToDebug), self)
+ count = Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount()
+ Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.AddPage(page, "Debugging: " + shortFile)
+ Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.SetSelection(count)
+ page.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def HasAnyFiles(self):
+ docs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ return len(docs) > 0
+ def PromptToSaveFiles(self, running=True):
+ filesModified = False
+ docs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for doc in docs:
+ if doc.IsModified():
+ filesModified = True
+ break
+ if filesModified:
+ frame = self.GetView().GetFrame()
+ if running:
+ yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
+ _("Files have been modified.\nWould you like to save all files before running?"),
+ _("Run"),
+ wx.YES_NO
+ )
+ else:
+ yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
+ _("Files have been modified.\nWould you like to save all files before debugging?"),
+ _("Debug"),
+ wx.YES_NO
+ )
+ if yesNoMsg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
+ docs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for doc in docs:
+ doc.Save()
+ def OnExit(self):
+ DebugCommandUI.ShutdownAllDebuggers()
+ def OnRunProject(self, event):
+ if not Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath():
+ return
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ project = projectService.GetView().GetDocument()
+ dlg = CommandPropertiesDialog(self.GetView().GetFrame(), 'Run', projectService, None)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ fileToRun, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ else:
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return
+ self.PromptToSaveFiles()
+ # This will need to change when we can run more than .py and .bpel files.
+ if not isPython:
+ projectService.RunProcessModel(fileToRun)
+ return
+ self.ShowWindow(True)
+ shortFile = os.path.basename(fileToRun)
+ page = RunCommandUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, str(fileToRun))
+ count = Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount()
+ Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.AddPage(page, "Running: " + shortFile)
+ Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.SetSelection(count)
+ page.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
+ def OnToggleBreakpoint(self, event, line=-1, fileName=None):
+ if not fileName:
+ view = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView()
+ # Test to make sure we aren't the project view.
+ if not hasattr(view, 'MarkerExists'):
+ return
+ fileName = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument().GetFilename()
+ if line < 0:
+ line = view.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()
+ if self.BreakpointSet(fileName, line + 1):
+ self.ClearBreak(fileName, line + 1)
+ else:
+ self.SetBreak(fileName, line + 1)
+ # Now refresh all the markers icons in all the open views.
+ self.ClearAllBreakpointMarkers()
+ self.SetAllBreakpointMarkers()
+ def SilentToggleBreakpoint(self, fileName, line):
+ found = False
+ for lineNumber in self.GetBreakpointList(fileName):
+ if int(lineNumber) == int(line):
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found:
+ self.SetBreak(fileName, line)
+ else:
+ self.ClearBreak(fileName, line)
+ def SetBreak(self, fileName, line):
+ expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
+ if not self._masterBPDict.has_key(expandedName):
+ self._masterBPDict[expandedName] = [line]
+ else:
+ self._masterBPDict[expandedName] += [line]
+ # If we're already debugging, pass this bp off to the DebuggerCallback
+ self.NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange()
+ def NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange(self):
+ DebugCommandUI.NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange()
+ def GetBreakpointList(self, fileName):
+ expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
+ if not self._masterBPDict.has_key(expandedName):
+ return []
+ else:
+ return self._masterBPDict[expandedName]
+ def BreakpointSet(self, fileName, line):
+ expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
+ if not self._masterBPDict.has_key(expandedName):
+ return False
+ else:
+ newList = []
+ for number in self._masterBPDict[expandedName]:
+ if(int(number) == int(line)):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def ClearBreak(self, fileName, line):
+ expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
+ if not self._masterBPDict.has_key(expandedName):
+ print "In ClearBreak: no key"
+ return
+ else:
+ newList = []
+ for number in self._masterBPDict[expandedName]:
+ if(int(number) != int(line)):
+ newList.append(number)
+ self._masterBPDict[expandedName] = newList
+ self.NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange()
+ def HasBreakpointsSet(self):
+ for key, value in self._masterBPDict.items():
+ if len(value) > 0:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def ClearAllBreakpoints(self):
+ self._masterBPDict = {}
+ self.NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange()
+ self.ClearAllBreakpointMarkers()
+ def ClearAllBreakpointMarkers(self):
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
+ openDoc.GetFirstView().MarkerDeleteAll(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+ def GetMasterBreakpointDict(self):
+ return self._masterBPDict
+ def SetAllBreakpointMarkers(self):
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
+ self.SetCurrentBreakpointMarkers(openDoc.GetFirstView())
+ def SetCurrentBreakpointMarkers(self, view):
+ if isinstance(view, CodeEditor.CodeView) and hasattr(view, 'GetDocument'):
+ view.MarkerDeleteAll(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+ for linenum in self.GetBreakpointList(view.GetDocument().GetFilename()):
+ view.MarkerAdd(lineNum=int(linenum) - 1, marker_index=CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+class DebuggerOptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ SPACE = 10
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ localHostStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Local Host Name:"))
+ self._LocalHostTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST), size = (150, -1))
+ portNumberStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Port Range:"))
+ dashStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("through to"))
+ startingPort=config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
+ self._PortNumberTextCtrl = wx.lib.intctrl.IntCtrl(self, -1, startingPort, size = (50, -1))
+ self._PortNumberTextCtrl.SetMin(1)#What are real values?
+ self._PortNumberTextCtrl.SetMax(65514) #What are real values?
+ self.Bind(wx.lib.intctrl.EVT_INT, self.MinPortChange, self._PortNumberTextCtrl)
+ self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl = wx.lib.intctrl.IntCtrl(self, -1, startingPort + PORT_COUNT, size = (50, -1))
+ self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.SetMin(22)#What are real values?
+ self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.SetMax(65535)#What are real values?
+ self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.Enable( False )
+ debuggerPanelBorderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ debuggerPanelSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap = 5, vgap = 5)
+ debuggerPanelSizer.Add( localHostStaticText, (0,0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ debuggerPanelSizer.Add( self._LocalHostTextCtrl, (0,1), (1,3), flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ debuggerPanelSizer.Add( portNumberStaticText, (1,0), flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ debuggerPanelSizer.Add( self._PortNumberTextCtrl, (1,1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ debuggerPanelSizer.Add( dashStaticText, (1,2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ debuggerPanelSizer.Add( self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl, (1,3), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ FLUSH_PORTS_ID = wx.NewId()
+ self._flushPortsButton = wx.Button(self, FLUSH_PORTS_ID, "Reset Port List")
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(parent, FLUSH_PORTS_ID, self.FlushPorts)
+ debuggerPanelSizer.Add(self._flushPortsButton, (2,2), (1,2), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
+ debuggerPanelBorderSizer.Add(debuggerPanelSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ self.SetSizer(debuggerPanelBorderSizer)
+ self.Layout()
+ parent.AddPage(self, _("Debugger"))
+ def FlushPorts(self, event):
+ if self._PortNumberTextCtrl.IsInBounds():
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.WriteInt("DebuggerStartingPort", self._PortNumberTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ DebugCommandUI.NewPortRange()
+ else:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("The starting port is not valid. Please change the value and try again.", "Invalid Starting Port Number"))
+ def MinPortChange(self, event):
+ self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.Enable( True )
+ self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.SetValue( self._PortNumberTextCtrl.GetValue() + PORT_COUNT)
+ self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.Enable( False )
+ def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write("DebuggerHostName", self._LocalHostTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ if self._PortNumberTextCtrl.IsInBounds():
+ config.WriteInt("DebuggerStartingPort", self._PortNumberTextCtrl.GetValue())
+class CommandPropertiesDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent, title, projectService, currentProjectDocument, pythonOnly=False, okButtonName="Run", debugging=False):
+ if _WINDOWS:
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title)
+ else:
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, size=(390,270))
+ self._projService = projectService
+ self._pmext = None
+ self._pyext = None
+ for template in self._projService.GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates():
+ if not ACTIVEGRID_BASE_IDE and template.GetDocumentType() == ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument:
+ self._pmext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
+ if template.GetDocumentType() == PythonEditor.PythonDocument:
+ self._pyext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
+ self._pythonOnly = pythonOnly
+ self._currentProj = currentProjectDocument
+ projStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Project:"))
+ fileStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("File:"))
+ argsStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Arguments:"))
+ startInStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Start in:"))
+ pythonPathStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("PYTHONPATH:"))
+ postpendStaticText = _("Postpend win32api path")
+ cpPanelBorderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self._projectNameList, self._projectDocumentList, selectedIndex = self.GetProjectList()
+ self._projList = wx.Choice(self, -1, (200,-1), choices=self._projectNameList)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EvtListBox, self._projList)
+ flexGridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 3, vgap = 10, hgap = 10)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(projStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._projList, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(fileStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ self._fileList = wx.Choice(self, -1, (200,-1))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnFileSelected, self._fileList)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._fileList, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ self._lastArguments = config.Read("LastRunArguments")
+ self._argsEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, str(self._lastArguments))
+ self._argsEntry.SetToolTipString(str(self._lastArguments))
+ def TextChanged(event):
+ self._argsEntry.SetToolTipString(event.GetString())
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, TextChanged, self._argsEntry)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(argsStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._argsEntry, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(startInStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ self._lastStartIn = config.Read("LastRunStartIn")
+ if not self._lastStartIn:
+ self._lastStartIn = str(os.getcwd())
+ self._startEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self._lastStartIn)
+ self._startEntry.SetToolTipString(self._lastStartIn)
+ def TextChanged2(event):
+ self._startEntry.SetToolTipString(event.GetString())
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, TextChanged2, self._startEntry)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._startEntry, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ self._findDir = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Browse..."), size=(60,-1))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnFindDirClick, self._findDir)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._findDir, 0, wx.RIGHT, 10)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(pythonPathStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ if os.environ.has_key('PYTHONPATH'):
+ startval = os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
+ else:
+ startval = ""
+ self._lastPythonPath = config.Read("LastPythonPath", startval)
+ self._pythonPathEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self._lastPythonPath)
+ self._pythonPathEntry.SetToolTipString(self._lastPythonPath)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._pythonPathEntry, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ if debugging:
+ self._postpendCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, postpendStaticText)
+ checked = bool(config.ReadInt("PythonPathPostpend", 1))
+ self._postpendCheckBox.SetValue(checked)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._postpendCheckBox, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ cpPanelBorderSizer.Add(flexGridSizer, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
+ box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ self._okButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, okButtonName, size=(75,-1))
+ self._okButton.SetDefault()
+ self._okButton.SetHelpText(_("The ") + okButtonName + _(" button completes the dialog"))
+ box.Add(self._okButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOKClick, self._okButton)
+ btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), size=(75,-1))
+ btn.SetHelpText(_("The Cancel button cancels the dialog."))
+ box.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
+ cpPanelBorderSizer.Add(box, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM, 5)
+ self.SetSizer(cpPanelBorderSizer)
+ if _WINDOWS:
+ self.GetSizer().Fit(self)
+ self.Layout()
+ # Set up selections based on last values used.
+ self._fileNameList = None
+ self._selectedFileIndex = 0
+ lastProject = config.Read("LastRunProject")
+ lastFile = config.Read("LastRunFile")
+ if lastProject in self._projectNameList:
+ selectedIndex = self._projectNameList.index(lastProject)
+ elif selectedIndex < 0:
+ selectedIndex = 0
+ self._projList.Select(selectedIndex)
+ self._selectedProjectIndex = selectedIndex
+ self._selectedProjectDocument = self._projectDocumentList[selectedIndex]
+ self.PopulateFileList(self._selectedProjectDocument, lastFile)
+ def OnOKClick(self, event):
+ startIn = self._startEntry.GetValue()
+ fileToRun = self._fileList.GetStringSelection()
+ if not fileToRun:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("You must select a file to proceed. Note that not all projects have files that can be run or debugged."))
+ return
+ isPython = fileToRun.endswith(self._pyext)
+ if isPython and not os.path.exists(startIn):
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Starting directory does not exist. Please change this value."))
+ return
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write("LastRunProject", self._projectNameList[self._selectedProjectIndex])
+ config.Write("LastRunFile", fileToRun)
+ # Don't update the arguments or starting directory unless we're runing python.
+ if isPython:
+ config.Write("LastRunArguments", self._argsEntry.GetValue())
+ config.Write("LastRunStartIn", self._startEntry.GetValue())
+ config.Write("LastPythonPath",self._pythonPathEntry.GetValue())
+ if hasattr(self, "_postpendCheckBox"):
+ config.WriteInt("PythonPathPostpend", int(self._postpendCheckBox.GetValue()))
+ self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
+ def GetSettings(self):
+ filename = self._fileNameList[self._selectedFileIndex]
+ args = self._argsEntry.GetValue()
+ startIn = self._startEntry.GetValue()
+ isPython = filename.endswith(self._pyext)
+ env = os.environ
+ if hasattr(self, "_postpendCheckBox"):
+ postpend = self._postpendCheckBox.GetValue()
+ else:
+ postpend = False
+ if postpend:
+ env['PYTHONPATH'] = self._pythonPathEntry.GetValue() + os.pathsep + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "3rdparty", "pywin32")
+ else:
+ env['PYTHONPATH'] = self._pythonPathEntry.GetValue()
+ return filename, args, startIn, isPython, env
+ def OnFileSelected(self, event):
+ self._selectedFileIndex = self._fileList.GetSelection()
+ self.EnableForFileType(event.GetString())
+ def EnableForFileType(self, fileName):
+ show = fileName.endswith(self._pyext)
+ self._startEntry.Enable(show)
+ self._findDir.Enable(show)
+ self._argsEntry.Enable(show)
+ if not show:
+ self._lastStartIn = self._startEntry.GetValue()
+ self._startEntry.SetValue("")
+ self._lastArguments = self._argsEntry.GetValue()
+ self._argsEntry.SetValue("")
+ else:
+ self._startEntry.SetValue(self._lastStartIn)
+ self._argsEntry.SetValue(self._lastArguments)
+ def OnFindDirClick(self, event):
+ dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose a starting directory:", self._startEntry.GetValue(),
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ self._startEntry.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ def EvtListBox(self, event):
+ if event.GetString():
+ index = self._projectNameList.index(event.GetString())
+ self._selectedProjectDocument = self._projectDocumentList[index]
+ self._selectedProjectIndex = index
+ self.PopulateFileList(self._selectedProjectDocument)
+ def FilterFileList(self, list):
+ if self._pythonOnly:
+ files = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(self._pyext), list)
+ else:
+ files = filter(lambda f: (self._pmext and f.endswith(self._pmext)) or f.endswith(self._pyext), list)
+ return files
+ def PopulateFileList(self, project, shortNameToSelect=None):
+ self._fileNameList = self.FilterFileList(project.GetFiles()[:])
+ self._fileList.Clear()
+ if not self._fileNameList:
+ return
+ self._fileNameList.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(os.path.basename(a).lower(), os.path.basename(b).lower()))
+ strings = map(lambda file: os.path.basename(file), self._fileNameList)
+ for index in range(0, len(strings)):
+ if shortNameToSelect == strings[index]:
+ self._selectedFileIndex = index
+ break
+ self._fileList.Hide()
+ self._fileList.AppendItems(strings)
+ self._fileList.Show()
+ if self._selectedFileIndex not in range(0, len(strings)) : self._selectedFileIndex = 0
+ self._fileList.SetSelection(self._selectedFileIndex)
+ self.EnableForFileType(strings[self._selectedFileIndex])
+ def GetProjectList(self):
+ docList = []
+ nameList = []
+ found = False
+ index = -1
+ count = 0
+ for document in self._projService.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectEditor.ProjectDocument and len(document.GetFiles()):
+ docList.append(document)
+ nameList.append(os.path.basename(document.GetFilename()))
+ if document == self._currentProj:
+ found = True
+ index = count
+ count += 1
+ return nameList, docList, index
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getBreakData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\x97IDAT8\x8d\xbdSA\x0e\xc3 \x0c\x8b\x13\xfe=\x1e^\xe2\x1dF\xbb\x8c\
+\xa4\xa4\xd6_\x9b\x19\xbb\x03\xd8c|\x8f\x00\xe0\x93\xa8g>\x15 C\xee:\xe7\x8f\
+def getBreakBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getBreakImage())
+def getBreakImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getBreakData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getBreakIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getBreakBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getClearOutputData():
+ return \
+\xbaS\xbb\x12\xee\x03?\xe5\x08\xe5N\xba\xbc Db\xec\xd8p\xb1l\xb8\xa7\x83\xfe\
+def getClearOutputBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getClearOutputImage())
+def getClearOutputImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getClearOutputData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getClearOutputIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getClearOutputBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getCloseData():
+ return \
+\x00\x86IDAT8\x8d\xed\x90\xb1\r\x80 \x10E_"c\xd80\x02-\x138\x87;8\x8f\x8d\
+\x8b\xb0\x02\xa5\xad\rS\x88\xcd\x11) \x82\xb6\xbe\xea\xf2\xc9\xbd\xfc\x03~\
+def getCloseBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getCloseImage())
+def getCloseImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getCloseData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getCloseIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getCloseBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getContinueData():
+ return \
+\x83\xfc\x1c$\x1e)7\xdf<Y0\xaf\x0b\xe6\xf5\x1d\xa1\xb5\x13C\x03 !\xaa\xfd\
+\xd3,\x17\x8b\xc7\x9d\xbb>\x8a \xec5\x94\tc\xc4\x12\xab\x94\xeb\x7fkWr\xc9B%\
+def getContinueBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getContinueImage())
+def getContinueImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getContinueData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getContinueIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getContinueBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getNextData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\x8eIDAT8\x8d\xa5SA\x12\xc4 \x08K\xb0\xff\xde\xe9\xbf\xb7\xa6\x87\
+gK\x06\x00 \xa5=k\x00\x00\xb0\xb2]\xd4?5f\xb1\xdb\xaf\xc6\xa2\xcb\xa8\xf0?\
+def getNextBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getNextImage())
+def getNextImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getNextData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getNextIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getNextBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getStepInData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\x87IDAT8\x8d\xadSA\x12\x84 \x0ck\x8a\xffv\xfc\xb74{X\xeb0P@\x07s\
+\x94\x9d|9\x99^k\x13\xa1 \xb3\x16\x0f#\xd4\x88N~\x14\xe1-\x96\x7f\xe3\x0f\
+def getStepInBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getStepInImage())
+def getStepInImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getStepInData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getStepInIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getStepInBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getStopData():
+ return \
+N\t\xf4Wr\xa0\x8f\xb1\x0f\x81\xe1\x97\xe4-\xb6}_V%\xc8\xc2, \t\x92\xe6]\xfbZ\
+def getStopBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getStopImage())
+def getStopImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getStopData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getStopIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getStopBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getStepReturnData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\x8dIDAT8\x8d\xa5S\xd1\x0e\xc4 \x08\xa3\xb0\xff\xbe\xdc\x7fO\xba'6\
+\x99\xfa_=p+\xe8\x91ED\xbc<\xa4 \xb4\x0b\x01\xb5{\x01\xf9\xbbG-\x13\x87\x16f\
+def getStepReturnBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getStepReturnImage())
+def getStepReturnImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getStepReturnData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getStepReturnIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getStepReturnBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getAddWatchData():
+ return \
+\xeb,!w\x100 \x1dK\xac\x10\r\x08\x05".yFL\x85\x8c\x18b\xa8|Ty\xa2\x13\x92\'\
+def getAddWatchBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getAddWatchImage())
+def getAddWatchImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getAddWatchData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getAddWatchIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getAddWatchBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: IDEFindService.py
+# Purpose: Find Service for pydocview
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 8/15/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import os
+from os.path import join
+import re
+import ProjectEditor
+import MessageService
+import FindService
+import OutlineService
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# Constants
+FILENAME_MARKER = _("Found in file: ")
+PROJECT_MARKER = _("Searching project: ")
+FIND_MATCHDIR = "FindMatchDir"
+SPACE = 10
+class FindInDirService(FindService.FindService):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FINDALL_ID = wx.NewId() # for bringing up Find All dialog box
+ FINDDIR_ID = wx.NewId() # for bringing up Find Dir dialog box
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ FindService.FindService.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document)
+ editMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Edit")))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, FindInDirService.FINDALL_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FindInDirService.FINDALL_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(FindInDirService.FINDALL_ID, _("Find in Project...\tCtrl+Shift+F"), _("Searches for the specified text in all the files in the project"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, FindInDirService.FINDDIR_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FindInDirService.FINDDIR_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(FindInDirService.FINDDIR_ID, _("Find in Directory..."), _("Searches for the specified text in all the files in the directory"))
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == FindInDirService.FINDALL_ID:
+ self.ShowFindAllDialog()
+ return True
+ elif id == FindInDirService.FINDDIR_ID:
+ self.ShowFindDirDialog()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return FindService.FindService.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == FindInDirService.FINDALL_ID:
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ view = projectService.GetView()
+ if view and view.GetDocument() and view.GetDocument().GetFiles():
+ event.Enable(True)
+ else:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindInDirService.FINDDIR_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ else:
+ return FindService.FindService.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ def ShowFindDirDialog(self):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ frame = wx.Dialog(None, -1, _("Find in Directory"), size= (320,200))
+ borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ contentSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Directory:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ dirCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, config.Read(FIND_MATCHDIR, ""), size=(200,-1))
+ dirCtrl.SetToolTipString(dirCtrl.GetValue())
+ lineSizer.Add(dirCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ findDirButton = wx.Button(frame, -1, "Browse...")
+ lineSizer.Add(findDirButton, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ def OnBrowseButton(event):
+ dlg = wx.DirDialog(frame, _("Choose a directory:"), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE)
+ dir = dirCtrl.GetValue()
+ if len(dir):
+ dlg.SetPath(dir)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ dirCtrl.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
+ dirCtrl.SetToolTipString(dirCtrl.GetValue())
+ dirCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(findDirButton, -1, OnBrowseButton)
+ subfolderCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Search in subfolders"))
+ subfolderCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHDIRSUBFOLDERS, True))
+ contentSizer.Add(subfolderCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # let the line expand horizontally without vertical expansion
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(frame, -1, size = (10,-1)), 0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.BOTTOM, border=HALF_SPACE)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Find what:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ findCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, config.Read(FindService.FIND_MATCHPATTERN, ""), size=(200,-1))
+ lineSizer.Add(findCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ wholeWordCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match whole word only"))
+ wholeWordCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, False))
+ matchCaseCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match case"))
+ matchCaseCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHCASE, False))
+ regExprCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Regular expression"))
+ regExprCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, False))
+ contentSizer.Add(wholeWordCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(matchCaseCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(regExprCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ borderSizer.Add(contentSizer, 0, wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.LEFT, SPACE)
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ findBtn = wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_OK, _("Find"))
+ findBtn.SetDefault()
+ buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel")), 0)
+ borderSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ frame.SetSizer(borderSizer)
+ frame.Fit()
+ status = frame.ShowModal()
+ passedCheck = False
+ while status == wx.ID_OK and not passedCheck:
+ if not os.path.exists(dirCtrl.GetValue()):
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
+ _("'%s' does not exist.") % dirCtrl.GetValue(),
+ _("Find in Directory"),
+ )
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ status = frame.ShowModal()
+ elif len(findCtrl.GetValue()) == 0:
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
+ _("'Find what:' cannot be empty."),
+ _("Find in Directory"),
+ )
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ status = frame.ShowModal()
+ else:
+ passedCheck = True
+ # save user choice state for this and other Find Dialog Boxes
+ dirString = dirCtrl.GetValue()
+ searchSubfolders = subfolderCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindDirConfig(dirString, searchSubfolders)
+ findString = findCtrl.GetValue()
+ matchCase = matchCaseCtrl.IsChecked()
+ wholeWord = wholeWordCtrl.IsChecked()
+ regExpr = regExprCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindConfig(findString, wholeWord, matchCase, regExpr)
+ if status == wx.ID_OK:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ view = messageService.GetView()
+ if view:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ view.ClearLines()
+ view.SetCallback(self.OnJumpToFoundLine)
+ view.AddLines(_("Searching for '%s' in '%s'\n\n") % (findString, dirString))
+ if os.path.isfile(dirString):
+ try:
+ docFile = file(dirString, 'r')
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ while line:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, line, 0, 0, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + dirString + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + line
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ lineNum += 1
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ except IOError, (code, message):
+ print _("Warning, unable to read file: '%s'. %s") % (dirString, message)
+ else:
+ # do search in files on disk
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirString):
+ if not searchSubfolders and root != dirString:
+ break
+ for name in files:
+ filename = os.path.join(root, name)
+ try:
+ docFile = file(filename, 'r')
+ except IOError, (code, message):
+ print _("Warning, unable to read file: '%s'. %s") % (filename, message)
+ continue
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ while line:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, line, 0, 0, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + filename + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + line
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ lineNum += 1
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ view.AddLines(_("Search completed."))
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ return True
+ else:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ return False
+ def SaveFindDirConfig(self, dirString, searchSubfolders):
+ """ Save search dir patterns and flags to registry.
+ dirString = search directory
+ searchSubfolders = Search subfolders
+ """
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write(FIND_MATCHDIR, dirString)
+ config.WriteInt(FIND_MATCHDIRSUBFOLDERS, searchSubfolders)
+ def ShowFindAllDialog(self):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ frame = wx.Dialog(None, -1, _("Find in Project"), size= (320,200))
+ borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ contentSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Find what:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ findCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, config.Read(FindService.FIND_MATCHPATTERN, ""), size=(200,-1))
+ lineSizer.Add(findCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ wholeWordCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match whole word only"))
+ wholeWordCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, False))
+ matchCaseCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match case"))
+ matchCaseCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHCASE, False))
+ regExprCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Regular expression"))
+ regExprCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, False))
+ contentSizer.Add(wholeWordCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(matchCaseCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(regExprCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ borderSizer.Add(contentSizer, 0, wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.LEFT, SPACE)
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ findBtn = wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_OK, _("Find"))
+ findBtn.SetDefault()
+ buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel")), 0)
+ borderSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ frame.SetSizer(borderSizer)
+ frame.Fit()
+ status = frame.ShowModal()
+ # save user choice state for this and other Find Dialog Boxes
+ findString = findCtrl.GetValue()
+ matchCase = matchCaseCtrl.IsChecked()
+ wholeWord = wholeWordCtrl.IsChecked()
+ regExpr = regExprCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindConfig(findString, wholeWord, matchCase, regExpr)
+ if status == wx.ID_OK:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ view = messageService.GetView()
+ if view:
+ view.ClearLines()
+ view.SetCallback(self.OnJumpToFoundLine)
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ projectFilenames = projectService.GetFilesFromCurrentProject()
+ projView = projectService.GetView()
+ if projView:
+ projName = wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(projView.GetDocument().GetFilename())
+ view.AddLines(PROJECT_MARKER + projName + "\n\n")
+ # do search in open files first, open files may have been modified and different from disk because it hasn't been saved
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ openDocsInProject = filter(lambda openDoc: openDoc.GetFilename() in projectFilenames, openDocs)
+ for openDoc in openDocsInProject:
+ if isinstance(openDoc, ProjectEditor.ProjectDocument): # don't search project model
+ continue
+ openDocView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ # some views don't have a in memory text object to search through such as the PM and the DM
+ # even if they do have a non-text searchable object, how do we display it in the message window?
+ if not hasattr(openDocView, "GetValue"):
+ continue
+ text = openDocView.GetValue()
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ count = 0
+ while count != -1:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, text, start, end, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + openDoc.GetFilename() + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ lineNum = openDocView.LineFromPosition(foundStart)
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + openDocView.GetLine(lineNum)
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ start = text.find("\n", foundStart)
+ if start == -1:
+ break
+ end = start
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ openDocNames = map(lambda openDoc: openDoc.GetFilename(), openDocs)
+ # do search in closed files, skipping the open ones we already searched
+ filenames = filter(lambda filename: filename not in openDocNames, projectFilenames)
+ for filename in filenames:
+ try:
+ docFile = file(filename, 'r')
+ except IOError, (code, message):
+ print _("Warning, unable to read file: '%s'. %s") % (filename, message)
+ continue
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ while line:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, line, 0, 0, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + filename + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + line
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ lineNum += 1
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ view.AddLines(_("Search for '%s' completed.") % findString)
+ return True
+ else:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ return False
+ def OnJumpToFoundLine(self, event):
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ lineText, pos = messageService.GetView().GetCurrLine()
+ if lineText == "\n" or lineText.find(FILENAME_MARKER) != -1 or lineText.find(PROJECT_MARKER) != -1:
+ return
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(":")
+ if lineEnd == -1:
+ return
+ else:
+ lineNum = int(lineText[0:lineEnd])
+ text = messageService.GetView().GetText()
+ curPos = messageService.GetView().GetCurrentPos()
+ startPos = text.rfind(FILENAME_MARKER, 0, curPos)
+ endPos = text.find("\n", startPos)
+ filename = text[startPos + len(FILENAME_MARKER):endPos]
+ foundView = None
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if openDoc.GetFilename() == filename:
+ foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ break
+ if not foundView:
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ foundView = doc.GetFirstView()
+ if foundView:
+ foundView.GetFrame().SetFocus()
+ foundView.Activate()
+ if hasattr(foundView, "GotoLine"):
+ foundView.GotoLine(lineNum)
+ startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
+ # wxBug: Need to select in reverse order, (end, start) to put cursor at head of line so positioning is correct
+ # Also, if we use the correct positioning order (start, end), somehow, when we open a edit window for the first
+ # time, we don't see the selection, it is scrolled off screen
+ foundView.SetSelection(startPos - 1 + len(lineText[lineEnd:].rstrip("\n")), startPos)
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(foundView, position=startPos)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: FindService.py
+# Purpose: Find Service for pydocview
+# Author: Peter Yared, Morgan Hua
+# Created: 8/15/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import re
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# Constants
+FIND_MATCHPATTERN = "FindMatchPattern"
+FIND_MATCHREPLACE = "FindMatchReplace"
+FIND_MATCHCASE = "FindMatchCase"
+FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD = "FindMatchWholeWordOnly"
+FIND_MATCHREGEXPR = "FindMatchRegularExpr"
+FIND_MATCHWRAP = "FindMatchWrap"
+SPACE = 10
+# Classes
+class FindService(wx.lib.pydocview.DocService):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FIND_ID = wx.NewId() # for bringing up Find dialog box
+ FINDONE_ID = wx.NewId() # for doing Find
+ FIND_PREVIOUS_ID = wx.NewId() # for doing Find Next
+ FIND_NEXT_ID = wx.NewId() # for doing Find Prev
+ REPLACE_ID = wx.NewId() # for bringing up Replace dialog box
+ REPLACEONE_ID = wx.NewId() # for doing a Replace
+ REPLACEALL_ID = wx.NewId() # for doing Replace All
+ GOTO_LINE_ID = wx.NewId() # for bringing up Goto dialog box
+ # Extending bitmasks: wx.FR_WHOLEWORD, wx.FR_MATCHCASE, and wx.FR_DOWN
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._replaceDialog = None
+ self._findDialog = None
+ self._findReplaceData = wx.FindReplaceData()
+ self._findReplaceData.SetFlags(wx.FR_DOWN)
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ """ Install Find Service Menu Items """
+ editMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Edit")))
+ editMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ editMenu.Append(FindService.FIND_ID, _("&Find...\tCtrl+F"), _("Finds the specified text"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, FindService.FIND_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FindService.FIND_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(FindService.FIND_PREVIOUS_ID, _("Find &Previous\tShift+F3"), _("Finds the specified text"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, FindService.FIND_PREVIOUS_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FindService.FIND_PREVIOUS_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(FindService.FIND_NEXT_ID, _("Find &Next\tF3"), _("Finds the specified text"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, FindService.FIND_NEXT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FindService.FIND_NEXT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(FindService.REPLACE_ID, _("R&eplace...\tCtrl+H"), _("Replaces specific text with different text"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, FindService.REPLACE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FindService.REPLACE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(FindService.GOTO_LINE_ID, _("&Go to Line...\tCtrl+G"), _("Goes to a certain line in the file"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, FindService.GOTO_LINE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FindService.GOTO_LINE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ # wxBug: wxToolBar::GetToolPos doesn't exist, need it to find cut tool and then insert find in front of it.
+ toolBar.InsertTool(6, FindService.FIND_ID, getFindBitmap(), shortHelpString = _("Find"), longHelpString = _("Finds the specified text"))
+ toolBar.InsertSeparator(6)
+ toolBar.Realize()
+ frame.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ frame.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_NEXT, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ frame.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ frame.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE_ALL, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == FindService.FIND_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FIND_PREVIOUS_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FIND_NEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.REPLACE_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.GOTO_LINE_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def ShowFindReplaceDialog(self, findString="", replace = False):
+ """ Display find/replace dialog box.
+ Parameters: findString is the default value shown in the find/replace dialog input field.
+ If replace is True, the replace dialog box is shown, otherwise only the find dialog box is shown.
+ """
+ if replace:
+ if self._findDialog != None:
+ # No reason to have both find and replace dialogs up at the same time
+ self._findDialog.DoClose()
+ self._findDialog = None
+ self._replaceDialog = FindReplaceDialog(self.GetDocumentManager().FindSuitableParent(), -1, _("Replace"), size=(320,200), findString=findString)
+ self._replaceDialog.Show(True)
+ else:
+ if self._replaceDialog != None:
+ # No reason to have both find and replace dialogs up at the same time
+ self._replaceDialog.DoClose()
+ self._replaceDialog = None
+ self._findDialog = FindDialog(self.GetDocumentManager().FindSuitableParent(), -1, _("Find"), size=(320,200), findString=findString)
+ self._findDialog.Show(True)
+ def OnFindClose(self, event):
+ """ Cleanup handles when find/replace dialog is closed """
+ if self._findDialog != None:
+ self._findDialog = None
+ elif self._replaceDialog != None:
+ self._replaceDialog = None
+ def GetCurrentDialog(self):
+ """ return handle to either the find or replace dialog """
+ if self._findDialog != None:
+ return self._findDialog
+ return self._replaceDialog
+ def GetLineNumber(self, parent):
+ """ Display Goto Line Number dialog box """
+ line = -1
+ dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(parent, _("Enter line number to go to:"), _("Go to Line"))
+ if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ try:
+ line = int(dialog.GetValue())
+ if line > 65535:
+ line = 65535
+ except:
+ pass
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ # This one is ugly: wx.GetNumberFromUser("", _("Enter line number to go to:"), _("Go to Line"), 1, min = 1, max = 65535, parent = parent)
+ return line
+ def DoFind(self, findString, replaceString, text, startLoc, endLoc, down, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr = False, replace = False, replaceAll = False, wrap = False):
+ """ Do the actual work of the find/replace.
+ Returns the tuple (count, start, end, newText).
+ count = number of string replacements
+ start = start position of found string
+ end = end position of found string
+ newText = new replaced text
+ """
+ flags = 0
+ if regExpr:
+ pattern = findString
+ else:
+ pattern = re.escape(findString) # Treat the strings as a literal string
+ if not matchCase:
+ flags = re.IGNORECASE
+ if wholeWord:
+ pattern = r"\b%s\b" % pattern
+ try:
+ reg = re.compile(pattern, flags)
+ except:
+ # syntax error of some sort
+ import sys
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("Regular Expression Search")
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Invalid regular expression \"%s\". %s") % (pattern, sys.exc_value),
+ msgTitle,
+ self.GetView())
+ return FIND_SYNTAXERROR, None, None, None
+ if replaceAll:
+ newText, count = reg.subn(replaceString, text)
+ if count == 0:
+ return -1, None, None, None
+ else:
+ return count, None, None, newText
+ start = -1
+ if down:
+ match = reg.search(text, endLoc)
+ if match == None:
+ if wrap: # try again, but this time from top of file
+ match = reg.search(text, 0)
+ if match == None:
+ return -1, None, None, None
+ else:
+ return -1, None, None, None
+ start = match.start()
+ end = match.end()
+ else:
+ match = reg.search(text)
+ if match == None:
+ return -1, None, None, None
+ found = None
+ i, j = match.span()
+ while i < startLoc and j <= startLoc:
+ found = match
+ if i == j:
+ j = j + 1
+ match = reg.search(text, j)
+ if match == None:
+ break
+ i, j = match.span()
+ if found == None:
+ if wrap: # try again, but this time from bottom of file
+ match = reg.search(text, startLoc)
+ if match == None:
+ return -1, None, None, None
+ found = None
+ i, j = match.span()
+ end = len(text)
+ while i < end and j <= end:
+ found = match
+ if i == j:
+ j = j + 1
+ match = reg.search(text, j)
+ if match == None:
+ break
+ i, j = match.span()
+ if found == None:
+ return -1, None, None, None
+ else:
+ return -1, None, None, None
+ start = found.start()
+ end = found.end()
+ if replace and start != -1:
+ newText, count = reg.subn(replaceString, text, 1)
+ return count, start, end, newText
+ return 0, start, end, None
+ def SaveFindConfig(self, findString, wholeWord, matchCase, regExpr = None, wrap = None, upDown = None, replaceString = None):
+ """ Save find/replace patterns and search flags to registry.
+ findString = search pattern
+ wholeWord = match whole word only
+ matchCase = match case
+ regExpr = use regular expressions in search pattern
+ wrap = return to top/bottom of file on search
+ upDown = search up or down from current cursor position
+ replaceString = replace string
+ """
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write(FIND_MATCHPATTERN, findString)
+ config.WriteInt(FIND_MATCHCASE, matchCase)
+ config.WriteInt(FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, wholeWord)
+ if replaceString != None:
+ config.Write(FIND_MATCHREPLACE, replaceString)
+ if regExpr != None:
+ config.WriteInt(FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, regExpr)
+ if wrap != None:
+ config.WriteInt(FIND_MATCHWRAP, wrap)
+ if upDown != None:
+ config.WriteInt(FIND_MATCHUPDOWN, upDown)
+ def GetFindString(self):
+ """ Load the search pattern from registry """
+ return wx.ConfigBase_Get().Read(FIND_MATCHPATTERN, "")
+ def GetReplaceString(self):
+ """ Load the replace pattern from registry """
+ return wx.ConfigBase_Get().Read(FIND_MATCHREPLACE, "")
+ def GetFlags(self):
+ """ Load search parameters from registry """
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ flags = 0
+ if config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, False):
+ flags = flags | wx.FR_WHOLEWORD
+ if config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHCASE, False):
+ flags = flags | wx.FR_MATCHCASE
+ if config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHUPDOWN, False):
+ flags = flags | wx.FR_DOWN
+ if config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, False):
+ flags = flags | FindService.FR_REGEXP
+ if config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHWRAP, False):
+ flags = flags | FindService.FR_WRAP
+ return flags
+class FindDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ """ Find Dialog with regular expression matching and wrap to top/bottom of file. """
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, title, size, findString=None):
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=size)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ gridSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(SPACE, SPACE)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Find what:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, SPACE)
+ if not findString:
+ findString = config.Read(FIND_MATCHPATTERN, "")
+ self._findCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, findString, size=(200,-1))
+ lineSizer.Add(self._findCtrl, 0)
+ gridSizer.Add(lineSizer, pos=(0,0), span=(1,2))
+ choiceSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self._wholeWordCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Match whole word only"))
+ self._wholeWordCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, False))
+ self._matchCaseCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Match case"))
+ self._matchCaseCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHCASE, False))
+ self._regExprCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Regular expression"))
+ self._regExprCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, False))
+ self._wrapCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Wrap"))
+ self._wrapCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHWRAP, False))
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._wholeWordCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._matchCaseCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._regExprCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._wrapCtrl, 0)
+ gridSizer.Add(choiceSizer, pos=(1,0), span=(2,1))
+ self._radioBox = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _("Direction"), choices = ["Up", "Down"])
+ self._radioBox.SetSelection(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHUPDOWN, 1))
+ gridSizer.Add(self._radioBox, pos=(1,1), span=(2,1))
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ findBtn = wx.Button(self, FindService.FINDONE_ID, _("Find Next"))
+ findBtn.SetDefault()
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, FindService.FINDONE_ID, self.OnActionEvent)
+ cancelBtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"))
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, self.OnClose)
+ buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(cancelBtn, 0)
+ gridSizer.Add(buttonSizer, pos=(0,2), span=(3,1))
+ borderSizer.Add(gridSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
+ self.SetSizer(borderSizer)
+ self.Fit()
+ self._findCtrl.SetFocus()
+ def SaveConfig(self):
+ """ Save find patterns and search flags to registry. """
+ findService = wx.GetApp().GetService(FindService)
+ if findService:
+ findService.SaveFindConfig(self._findCtrl.GetValue(),
+ self._wholeWordCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._matchCaseCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._regExprCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._wrapCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._radioBox.GetSelection(),
+ )
+ def DoClose(self):
+ self.SaveConfig()
+ self.Destroy()
+ def OnClose(self, event):
+ findService = wx.GetApp().GetService(FindService)
+ if findService:
+ findService.OnFindClose(event)
+ self.DoClose()
+ def OnActionEvent(self, event):
+ self.SaveConfig()
+ if wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_MDI:
+ if wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().ProcessEvent(event):
+ return True
+ else:
+ view = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetLastActiveView()
+ if view and view.ProcessEvent(event):
+ return True
+ return False
+class FindReplaceDialog(FindDialog):
+ """ Find/Replace Dialog with regular expression matching and wrap to top/bottom of file. """
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, title, size, findString=None):
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=size)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ gridSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(SPACE, SPACE)
+ gridSizer2 = wx.GridBagSizer(SPACE, SPACE)
+ gridSizer2.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Find what:")), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, pos=(0,0))
+ if not findString:
+ findString = config.Read(FIND_MATCHPATTERN, "")
+ self._findCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, findString, size=(200,-1))
+ gridSizer2.Add(self._findCtrl, pos=(0,1))
+ gridSizer2.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Replace with:")), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, pos=(1,0))
+ self._replaceCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, config.Read(FIND_MATCHREPLACE, ""), size=(200,-1))
+ gridSizer2.Add(self._replaceCtrl, pos=(1,1))
+ gridSizer.Add(gridSizer2, pos=(0,0), span=(1,2))
+ choiceSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self._wholeWordCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Match whole word only"))
+ self._wholeWordCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, False))
+ self._matchCaseCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Match case"))
+ self._matchCaseCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHCASE, False))
+ self._regExprCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Regular expression"))
+ self._regExprCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, False))
+ self._wrapCtrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Wrap"))
+ self._wrapCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHWRAP, False))
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._wholeWordCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._matchCaseCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._regExprCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ choiceSizer.Add(self._wrapCtrl, 0)
+ gridSizer.Add(choiceSizer, pos=(1,0), span=(2,1))
+ self._radioBox = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _("Direction"), choices = ["Up", "Down"])
+ self._radioBox.SetSelection(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHUPDOWN, 1))
+ gridSizer.Add(self._radioBox, pos=(1,1), span=(2,1))
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ findBtn = wx.Button(self, FindService.FINDONE_ID, _("Find Next"))
+ findBtn.SetDefault()
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, FindService.FINDONE_ID, self.OnActionEvent)
+ cancelBtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"))
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, self.OnClose)
+ replaceBtn = wx.Button(self, FindService.REPLACEONE_ID, _("Replace"))
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, FindService.REPLACEONE_ID, self.OnActionEvent)
+ replaceAllBtn = wx.Button(self, FindService.REPLACEALL_ID, _("Replace All"))
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, FindService.REPLACEALL_ID, self.OnActionEvent)
+ buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(replaceBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(replaceAllBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(cancelBtn, 0)
+ gridSizer.Add(buttonSizer, pos=(0,2), span=(3,1))
+ borderSizer.Add(gridSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
+ self.SetSizer(borderSizer)
+ self.Fit()
+ self._findCtrl.SetFocus()
+ def SaveConfig(self):
+ """ Save find/replace patterns and search flags to registry. """
+ findService = wx.GetApp().GetService(FindService)
+ if findService:
+ findService.SaveFindConfig(self._findCtrl.GetValue(),
+ self._wholeWordCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._matchCaseCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._regExprCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._wrapCtrl.IsChecked(),
+ self._radioBox.GetSelection(),
+ self._replaceCtrl.GetValue()
+ )
+# Menu Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+import cStringIO
+def getFindData():
+ return \
+@/S\xaaUwJ3\x85\xc0\x81\xee\xeb.q\x17C\x81\xd5XU \x1a\x93\xc6\x18\x8d\x90\
+def getFindBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getFindImage())
+def getFindImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getFindData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: HtmlEditor.py
+# Purpose: Abstract Code Editor for pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 8/15/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import os.path
+import string
+import STCTextEditor
+import CodeEditor
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+class HtmlDocument(CodeEditor.CodeDocument):
+ pass
+class HtmlView(CodeEditor.CodeView):
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return HtmlCtrl
+ def GetAutoCompleteHint(self):
+ pos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos()
+ if pos == 0:
+ return None, None
+ validLetters = string.letters + string.digits + '_!-'
+ word = ''
+ while (True):
+ pos = pos - 1
+ if pos < 0:
+ break
+ char = chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos))
+ if char not in validLetters:
+ break
+ word = char + word
+ return None, word
+ def GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords(self):
+## def _CreateControl(self, parent, id):
+## import wx # wxBug: When inlining the import of the appropriate html control below, have to specifically import wx for some reason
+## self._notebook = wx.Notebook(parent, wx.NewId(), style = wx.NB_BOTTOM)
+## self._textEditor = HtmlCtrl(self._notebook, id)
+## if wx.Platform =='__WXMSW__':
+## import wxPython.iewin
+## self._browserCtrl = wxPython.iewin.wxIEHtmlWin(self._notebook, -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
+## else:
+## import wx.html
+## self._browserCtrl = wx.html.HtmlWindow(self._notebook, -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
+## self._notebook.AddPage(self._textEditor, _("Edit"))
+## self._notebook.AddPage(self._browserCtrl, _("View"))
+## self._insertMode = True
+## wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(self._notebook, self._notebook.GetId(), self.OnNotebookChanging)
+## return self._textEditor
+## def _CreateSizer(self, frame):
+## sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+## sizer.Add(self._notebook, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+## frame.SetSizer(sizer)
+## frame.SetAutoLayout(True)
+## def OnNotebookChanging(self, event):
+## if event.GetSelection() == 0: # Going to the edit page
+## pass # self._textEditor.Refresh()
+## elif event.GetSelection() == 1: # Going to the browser page
+## text = self._textEditor.GetText()
+## if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+## path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "temp.html")
+## file = open(path, 'w')
+## file.write(text)
+## file.close()
+## self._browserCtrl.Navigate("file://" + path)
+## else:
+## self._browserCtrl.SetPage(text)
+## event.Skip()
+class HtmlService(CodeEditor.CodeService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeService.__init__(self)
+class HtmlCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ self.SetLexer(wx.stc.STC_LEX_HTML)
+ self.SetProperty("fold.html", "1")
+ def GetMatchingBraces(self):
+ return "<>[]{}()"
+ def CanWordWrap(self):
+ return True
+ def SetViewDefaults(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Html", hasWordWrap = False, hasTabs = True)
+ def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self):
+ return CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self, configPrefix = "Html")
+ def UpdateStyles(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.UpdateStyles(self)
+ if not self.GetFont():
+ return
+ faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(),
+ 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
+ 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2,
+ 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue())
+ }
+ # White space
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Comment
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_COMMENT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Number
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_NUMBER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # String
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_SINGLESTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_DOUBLESTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Tag
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_TAG, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Attributes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_ATTRIBUTE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+class HtmlOptionsPanel(STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
+ STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, configPrefix = "Html", label = "HTML", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
+ "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "FIELDSET", "FONT", "FORM", "FRAME", "FRAMESET", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6",
+ "HEAD", "HR", "HTML", "I", "IFRAME", "IMG", "INPUT", "INS", "ISINDEX", "KBD", "LABEL", "LEGEND", "LI", "LINK",
+ "PRE", "Q", "S", "SAMP", "SCRIPT", "SELECT", "SMALL", "SPAN", "STRIKE", "STRONG", "STYLE", "SUB", "SUP",
+ "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TITLE", "TR", "TT", "U", "UL", "VAR", "XML",
+ ]
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getHTMLData():
+ return \
+def getHTMLBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getHTMLImage())
+def getHTMLImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getHTMLData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getHTMLIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getHTMLBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: IDE.py
+# Purpose: IDE using Python extensions to the wxWindows docview framework
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 5/15/03
+# Copyright: (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import sys
+import wx.grid
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# Classes
+class IDEApplication(wx.lib.pydocview.DocApp):
+ def __init__(self, redirect=False):
+ wx.lib.pydocview.DocApp.__init__(self, redirect=redirect)
+ def OnInit(self):
+ args = sys.argv
+ if "-h" in args or "-help" in args or "/help" in args:
+ print "Usage: ActiveGridAppBuilder.py [options] [filenames]\n"
+ print " option '-multiple' or '/multiple' to allow multiple instances of application."
+ print " option '-debug' or '/debug' for debug mode."
+ print " option '-h' or '-help' or '/help' to show usage information for command."
+ print " option '-baseide' or '/baseide' for base IDE mode."
+ print " [filenames] is an optional list of files you want to open when application starts."
+ return False
+ elif "-dev" in args or "/dev" in args:
+ self.SetAppName(_("ActiveGrid Application Builder Dev"))
+ self.SetDebug(False)
+ elif "-debug" in args or "/debug" in args:
+ self.SetAppName(_("ActiveGrid Application Builder Debug"))
+ self.SetDebug(True)
+ self.SetSingleInstance(False)
+ elif "-baseide" in args or "/baseide" in args:
+ self.SetAppName(_("ActiveGrid IDE"))
+ else:
+ self.SetAppName(_("ActiveGrid Application Builder"))
+ self.SetDebug(False)
+ if "-multiple" in args or "/multiple" in args:
+ self.SetSingleInstance(False)
+ if not wx.lib.pydocview.DocApp.OnInit(self):
+ return False
+ self.ShowSplash(getSplashBitmap())
+ import STCTextEditor
+ import FindInDirService
+ import MarkerService
+ import ProjectEditor
+ import PythonEditor
+ import OutlineService
+ import XmlEditor
+ import HtmlEditor
+ import TabbedView
+ import MessageService
+ import Service
+ import ImageEditor
+ import PerlEditor
+ import PHPEditor
+ import wx.lib.ogl as ogl
+ import DebuggerService
+ import AboutDialog
+ import DataModelEditor
+ import ProcessModelEditor
+ import DeploymentService
+ import WebServerService
+ import WebBrowserService
+ import WelcomeService
+ import ViewEditor
+ import PropertyService
+ # This creates some pens and brushes that the OGL library uses.
+ # It should be called after the app object has been created, but
+ # before OGL is used.
+ ogl.OGLInitialize()
+ config = wx.Config(self.GetAppName(), style = wx.CONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE)
+ if not config.Exists("MDIFrameMaximized"): # Make the initial MDI frame maximize as default
+ config.WriteInt("MDIFrameMaximized", True)
+ if not config.Exists("MDIEmbedRightVisible"): # Make the properties embedded window hidden as default
+ config.WriteInt("MDIEmbedRightVisible", False)
+ docManager = wx.lib.docview.DocManager(flags = self.GetDefaultDocManagerFlags())
+ self.SetDocumentManager(docManager)
+ dplTemplate = DeploymentService.DeploymentTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Deployment"),
+ "*.dpl",
+ _("Deployment"),
+ _(".dpl"),
+ _("Deployment Document"),
+ _("Deployment View"),
+ XmlEditor.XmlDocument,
+ XmlEditor.XmlView,
+ icon = getDPLIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(dplTemplate)
+ htmlTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("HTML"),
+ "*.html;*.htm",
+ _("HTML"),
+ _(".html"),
+ _("HTML Document"),
+ _("HTML View"),
+ HtmlEditor.HtmlDocument,
+ HtmlEditor.HtmlView,
+ icon = HtmlEditor.getHTMLIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(htmlTemplate)
+ imageTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Image"),
+ "*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg",
+ _("Image"),
+ _(".gif"),
+ _("Image Document"),
+ _("Image View"),
+ ImageEditor.ImageDocument,
+ ImageEditor.ImageView,
+ icon = ImageEditor.getImageIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(imageTemplate)
+ perlTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Perl"),
+ "*.pl",
+ _("Perl"),
+ _(".pl"),
+ _("Perl Document"),
+ _("Perl View"),
+ PerlEditor.PerlDocument,
+ PerlEditor.PerlView,
+ icon = PerlEditor.getPerlIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(perlTemplate)
+ phpTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("PHP"),
+ "*.php",
+ _("PHP"),
+ _(".php"),
+ _("PHP Document"),
+ _("PHP View"),
+ PHPEditor.PHPDocument,
+ PHPEditor.PHPView,
+ icon = PHPEditor.getPHPIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(phpTemplate)
+ processModelTemplate = ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Process"),
+ "*.bpel",
+ _("Process"),
+ _(".bpel"),
+ _("Process Document"),
+ _("Process View"),
+ ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument,
+ ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelView,
+ icon = ProcessModelEditor.getProcessModelIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(processModelTemplate)
+ projectTemplate = ProjectEditor.ProjectTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Project"),
+ "*.agp",
+ _("Project"),
+ _(".agp"),
+ _("Project Document"),
+ _("Project View"),
+ ProjectEditor.ProjectDocument,
+ ProjectEditor.ProjectView,
+ icon = ProjectEditor.getProjectIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(projectTemplate)
+ pythonTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Python"),
+ "*.py",
+ _("Python"),
+ _(".py"),
+ _("Python Document"),
+ _("Python View"),
+ PythonEditor.PythonDocument,
+ PythonEditor.PythonView,
+ icon = PythonEditor.getPythonIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(pythonTemplate)
+ dataModelTemplate = DataModelEditor.DataModelTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Schema"),
+ "*.xsd",
+ _("Schema"),
+ _(".xsd"),
+ _("Schema Document"),
+ _("Schema View"),
+ DataModelEditor.DataModelDocument,
+ DataModelEditor.DataModelView,
+ icon = DataModelEditor.getDataModelIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(dataModelTemplate)
+ textTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Text"),
+ "*.text;*.txt",
+ _("Text"),
+ _(".txt"),
+ _("Text Document"),
+ _("Text View"),
+ STCTextEditor.TextDocument,
+ STCTextEditor.TextView,
+ icon = STCTextEditor.getTextIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(textTemplate)
+ xmlTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("XML"),
+ "*.xml",
+ _("XML"),
+ _(".xml"),
+ _("XML Document"),
+ _("XML View"),
+ XmlEditor.XmlDocument,
+ XmlEditor.XmlView,
+ icon = XmlEditor.getXMLIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(xmlTemplate)
+ viewTemplate = wx.lib.pydocview.ChildDocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("View"),
+ "*.none",
+ _("View"),
+ _(".bpel"),
+ _("ViewEditor Document"),
+ _("ViewEditor View"),
+ ViewEditor.ViewEditorDocument,
+ ViewEditor.ViewEditorView,
+ icon = ProcessModelEditor.getProcessModelIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(viewTemplate)
+ dataModelChildTemplate = wx.lib.pydocview.ChildDocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Schema"),
+ "*.none",
+ _("Schema"),
+ _(".xsd"),
+ _("Schema Document"),
+ _("Schema View"),
+ DataModelEditor.DataModelChildDocument,
+ DataModelEditor.DataModelView,
+ icon = DataModelEditor.getDataModelIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(dataModelChildTemplate)
+ textService = self.InstallService(STCTextEditor.TextService())
+ pythonService = self.InstallService(PythonEditor.PythonService())
+ perlService = self.InstallService(PerlEditor.PerlService())
+ phpService = self.InstallService(PHPEditor.PHPService())
+ propertyService = self.InstallService(PropertyService.PropertyService("Property", embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_RIGHT))
+ projectService = self.InstallService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService("Project", embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_TOPLEFT))
+ findService = self.InstallService(FindInDirService.FindInDirService())
+ webServerService = self.InstallService(WebServerService.WebServerService())
+ webBrowserService = self.InstallService(WebBrowserService.WebBrowserService())
+ outlineService = self.InstallService(OutlineService.OutlineService("Outline", embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOMLEFT))
+ filePropertiesService = self.InstallService(wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService())
+ markerService = self.InstallService(MarkerService.MarkerService())
+ messageService = self.InstallService(MessageService.MessageService("Message", embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOM))
+ debuggerService = self.InstallService(DebuggerService.DebuggerService("Debugger", embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOM))
+ processModelService = self.InstallService(ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelService())
+ viewEditorService = self.InstallService(ViewEditor.ViewEditorService())
+ deploymentService = self.InstallService(DeploymentService.DeploymentService())
+ dataModelService = self.InstallService(DataModelEditor.DataModelService())
+ welcomeService = self.InstallService(WelcomeService.WelcomeService())
+ optionsService = self.InstallService(wx.lib.pydocview.DocOptionsService(allowModeChanges=False))
+ aboutService = self.InstallService(wx.lib.pydocview.AboutService(AboutDialog.AboutDialog))
+ projectService.AddRunHandler(processModelService)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(ProjectEditor.ProjectOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(WebServerService.WebServerOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(DataModelEditor.SchemaOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(DataModelEditor.DataSourceOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(DebuggerService.DebuggerOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(WebBrowserService.WebBrowserOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(PythonEditor.PythonOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(XmlEditor.XmlOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(PerlEditor.PerlOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(PHPEditor.PHPOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel)
+ optionsService.AddOptionsPanel(HtmlEditor.HtmlOptionsPanel)
+ filePropertiesService.AddCustomEventHandler(projectService)
+ outlineService.AddTemplateForBackgroundHandler(pythonTemplate)
+ outlineService.AddTemplateForBackgroundHandler(phpTemplate)
+ outlineService.AddTemplateForBackgroundHandler(projectTemplate) # special case, don't clear outline if in project
+ outlineService.AddTemplateForBackgroundHandler(dataModelTemplate)
+ outlineService.AddTemplateForBackgroundHandler(processModelTemplate)
+ outlineService.StartBackgroundTimer()
+ propertyService.StartBackgroundTimer()
+ self.SetDefaultIcon(getActiveGridIcon())
+ self.SetUseTabbedMDI(True)
+ embeddedWindows = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_TOPLEFT | wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOMLEFT |wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOM | wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_RIGHT
+ else:
+ embeddedWindows = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_TOPLEFT | wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOMLEFT |wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOM
+ if self.GetUseTabbedMDI():
+ frame = IDEDocTabbedParentFrame(docManager, None, -1, wx.GetApp().GetAppName(), embeddedWindows=embeddedWindows)
+ else:
+ frame = IDEMDIParentFrame(docManager, None, -1, wx.GetApp().GetAppName(), embeddedWindows=embeddedWindows)
+ frame.Show(True)
+ wx.lib.pydocview.DocApp.CloseSplash(self)
+ self.OpenCommandLineArgs()
+ if not projectService.OpenSavedProjects() and not docManager.GetDocuments() and self.IsSDI(): # Have to open something if it's SDI and there are no projects...
+ projectTemplate.CreateDocument('', wx.lib.docview.DOC_NEW).OnNewDocument()
+ if not welcomeService.RunWelcomeIfFirstTime():
+ wx.CallAfter(self.ShowTip, docManager.FindSuitableParent(), wx.CreateFileTipProvider("activegrid/tool/data/tips.txt", 0))
+ return True
+class IDEDocTabbedParentFrame(wx.lib.pydocview.DocTabbedParentFrame):
+ # wxBug: Need this for linux. The status bar created in pydocview is
+ # replaced in IDE.py with the status bar for the code editor. On windows
+ # this works just fine, but on linux the pydocview status bar shows up near
+ # the top of the screen instead of disappearing.
+ def CreateDefaultStatusBar(self):
+ pass
+class IDEMDIParentFrame(wx.lib.pydocview.DocMDIParentFrame):
+ # wxBug: Need this for linux. The status bar created in pydocview is
+ # replaced in IDE.py with the status bar for the code editor. On windows
+ # this works just fine, but on linux the pydocview status bar shows up near
+ # the top of the screen instead of disappearing.
+ def CreateDefaultStatusBar(self):
+ pass
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getSplashData():
+ return \
+ \x00IDATx\x9c\xec\xbdy\xb8eU}\xf7\xf9Yk\xed\xf1\x0c\xf7\xd6\xbduk.f(\xa0\
+\x18c\x0c%%%%%%?"\xf2X_@IIII\xc9+\x93R@JJJJJ\x16E) %%%%%\x8b\xa2\x14\x90\x92\
+\xb2(J\x01)))))Y\x14\xa5\x80\x94\x94\x94\x94\x94,\x8aR@JJJJJ\x16E) %%%%%\x8b\
+\x16E) %%%%%\x8b\xa2\x14\x90\x92\x92\x92\x92\x92EQ\nHIIII\xc9\xa2(\x05\xa4\
+\x94,\x8aR@JJJJJ\x16E) %%%%%\x8b\xa2\x14\x90\x92\x92\x92\x92\x92EQ\nHIIII\
+\x94\x94\x94\x94\x94,\x8aR@JJJJJ\x16E) %%%%%\x8b\xa2\x14\x90\x92\x92\x92\x92\
+Y\x14\xa5\x80\x94\x94\x94\x94\x94,\x8aR@JJJJJ\x16E) %%%%%\x8b\xa2\x14\x90\
+\x06:A\x9b\x0c-\x15\xca\xf1\xd1\xa8\\Wr\x0b\xc4@\x92d\xc4Z`\xa4\x8b\x138 \
+X<\xe0\xa8\xa1\x86\xa1}\x06q\x8bb\xf6\xbf\xd0b(\xf6Q\xc3/.\x08,\x18 \x16\xf3\
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+L$\xff\xdbB\x91\xe8_\xd0 \xe8\xdd\xdfv\x90$6@$6\xce\x81\x83\xc1\xed\xe7\x84\
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+\xe2\x03K\xed\x89\xc5P\xea\xafP \xed1\xb2<n"\xc1\x9e\xddh\x8cpH\xb0\xc2\x11c\
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+def getSplashBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getSplashImage())
+def getSplashImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getSplashData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getActiveGridData():
+ return \
+'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\
+\x004\x89\xd4\x04\xb1$\x88%#\xa9(f,\xd6\xdb!\xab\x9b\x01\x9b\xbd\x98 \x96\
+\xde a\xa6\x98\xe2\xc3wf\xb8\xbcX\xa2\xe89(\xa5\x08\x82\xd1\x98\x00\x04qB/\
+H\x96 N\xa8\xe4m~\xb4X\xe47W\x8f\x92\xcf\xd8\xe8\xfd\xb9~\x05l\xdb\xde\x16\
+\xa4\xd1\x89\xf8\xc7\x9d6O\x9e\x05\xa8 \xc1\x16P\x9b\xcd\xf2\xd1{U\xfe\xb3\
+\x9dw\xb8rj\x92w\x16\nH\xa9h\xf9\x11\xe1H\x1e \xfb*[\x96\x94r\xe7\xe6\xb0\n\
+\xd6Z\xa3\x94b\xae\x94"\x97\x12<\xde2\x08\xa2\x98 2\xb0\r\xe7\xb5}AJ\xb9]5\
+def getActiveGridBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getActiveGridImage())
+def getActiveGridImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getActiveGridData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getActiveGridIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getActiveGridBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getDPLData():
+ return \
+\x83=\xc3\x81\x03\x07\xc97\x00\x9ff\xa2\x0c \x040\x0c \xe4d\xf4\x18a\x1c\xcd\
+def getDPLBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getDPLImage())
+def getDPLImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getDPLData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getDPLIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getDPLBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: IDEFindService.py
+# Purpose: Find Service for pydocview
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 8/15/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import os
+from os.path import join
+import re
+import ProjectEditor
+import MessageService
+import FindService
+import OutlineService
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# Constants
+FILENAME_MARKER = _("Found in file: ")
+PROJECT_MARKER = _("Searching project: ")
+FIND_MATCHDIR = "FindMatchDir"
+SPACE = 10
+class IDEFindService(FindService.FindService):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FINDALL_ID = wx.NewId() # for bringing up Find All dialog box
+ FINDDIR_ID = wx.NewId() # for bringing up Find Dir dialog box
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ FindService.FindService.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document)
+ editMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Edit")))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, IDEFindService.FINDALL_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, IDEFindService.FINDALL_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(IDEFindService.FINDALL_ID, _("Find in Project...\tCtrl+Shift+F"), _("Searches for the specified text in all the files in the project"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, IDEFindService.FINDDIR_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, IDEFindService.FINDDIR_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(IDEFindService.FINDDIR_ID, _("Find in Directory..."), _("Searches for the specified text in all the files in the directory"))
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == IDEFindService.FINDALL_ID:
+ self.ShowFindAllDialog()
+ return True
+ elif id == IDEFindService.FINDDIR_ID:
+ self.ShowFindDirDialog()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return FindService.FindService.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == IDEFindService.FINDALL_ID:
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ view = projectService.GetView()
+ if view and view.GetDocument() and view.GetDocument().GetFiles():
+ event.Enable(True)
+ else:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == IDEFindService.FINDDIR_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ else:
+ return FindService.FindService.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ def ShowFindDirDialog(self):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ frame = wx.Dialog(None, -1, _("Find in Directory"), size= (320,200))
+ borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ contentSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Directory:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ dirCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, config.Read(FIND_MATCHDIR, ""), size=(200,-1))
+ dirCtrl.SetToolTipString(dirCtrl.GetValue())
+ lineSizer.Add(dirCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ findDirButton = wx.Button(frame, -1, "Browse...")
+ lineSizer.Add(findDirButton, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ def OnBrowseButton(event):
+ dlg = wx.DirDialog(frame, _("Choose a directory:"), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE)
+ dir = dirCtrl.GetValue()
+ if len(dir):
+ dlg.SetPath(dir)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ dirCtrl.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
+ dirCtrl.SetToolTipString(dirCtrl.GetValue())
+ dirCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(findDirButton, -1, OnBrowseButton)
+ subfolderCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Search in subfolders"))
+ subfolderCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FIND_MATCHDIRSUBFOLDERS, True))
+ contentSizer.Add(subfolderCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # let the line expand horizontally without vertical expansion
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(frame, -1, size = (10,-1)), 0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.BOTTOM, border=HALF_SPACE)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Find what:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ findCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, config.Read(FindService.FIND_MATCHPATTERN, ""), size=(200,-1))
+ lineSizer.Add(findCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ wholeWordCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match whole word only"))
+ wholeWordCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, False))
+ matchCaseCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match case"))
+ matchCaseCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHCASE, False))
+ regExprCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Regular expression"))
+ regExprCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, False))
+ contentSizer.Add(wholeWordCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(matchCaseCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(regExprCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ borderSizer.Add(contentSizer, 0, wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.LEFT, SPACE)
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ findBtn = wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_OK, _("Find"))
+ findBtn.SetDefault()
+ buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel")), 0)
+ borderSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ frame.SetSizer(borderSizer)
+ frame.Fit()
+ status = frame.ShowModal()
+ # save user choice state for this and other Find Dialog Boxes
+ dirString = dirCtrl.GetValue()
+ searchSubfolders = subfolderCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindDirConfig(dirString, searchSubfolders)
+ findString = findCtrl.GetValue()
+ matchCase = matchCaseCtrl.IsChecked()
+ wholeWord = wholeWordCtrl.IsChecked()
+ regExpr = regExprCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindConfig(findString, wholeWord, matchCase, regExpr)
+ while not os.path.exists(dirString):
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
+ _("'%s' does not exist.") % dirString,
+ _("Find in Directory"),
+ )
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ status = frame.ShowModal()
+ # save user choice state for this and other Find Dialog Boxes
+ dirString = dirCtrl.GetValue()
+ searchSubfolders = subfolderCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindDirConfig(dirString, searchSubfolders)
+ findString = findCtrl.GetValue()
+ matchCase = matchCaseCtrl.IsChecked()
+ wholeWord = wholeWordCtrl.IsChecked()
+ regExpr = regExprCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindConfig(findString, wholeWord, matchCase, regExpr)
+ if status == wx.ID_CANCEL:
+ break
+ if status == wx.ID_OK:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ view = messageService.GetView()
+ if view:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ view.ClearLines()
+ view.SetCallback(self.OnJumpToFoundLine)
+ view.AddLines(_("Searching for '%s' in '%s'\n\n") % (findString, dirString))
+ if os.path.isfile(dirString):
+ try:
+ docFile = file(dirString, 'r')
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ while line:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, line, 0, 0, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + dirString + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + line
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ lineNum += 1
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ except IOError, (code, message):
+ print _("Warning, unable to read file: '%s'. %s") % (dirString, message)
+ else:
+ # do search in files on disk
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirString):
+ if not searchSubfolders and root != dirString:
+ break
+ for name in files:
+ filename = os.path.join(root, name)
+ try:
+ docFile = file(filename, 'r')
+ except IOError, (code, message):
+ print _("Warning, unable to read file: '%s'. %s") % (filename, message)
+ continue
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ while line:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, line, 0, 0, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + filename + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + line
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ lineNum += 1
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ view.AddLines(_("Search completed."))
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ return True
+ else:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ return False
+ def SaveFindDirConfig(self, dirString, searchSubfolders):
+ """ Save search dir patterns and flags to registry.
+ dirString = search directory
+ searchSubfolders = Search subfolders
+ """
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write(FIND_MATCHDIR, dirString)
+ config.WriteInt(FIND_MATCHDIRSUBFOLDERS, searchSubfolders)
+ def ShowFindAllDialog(self):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ frame = wx.Dialog(None, -1, _("Find in Project"), size= (320,200))
+ borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ contentSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Find what:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ findCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, config.Read(FindService.FIND_MATCHPATTERN, ""), size=(200,-1))
+ lineSizer.Add(findCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ wholeWordCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match whole word only"))
+ wholeWordCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHWHOLEWORD, False))
+ matchCaseCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Match case"))
+ matchCaseCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHCASE, False))
+ regExprCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Regular expression"))
+ regExprCtrl.SetValue(config.ReadInt(FindService.FIND_MATCHREGEXPR, False))
+ contentSizer.Add(wholeWordCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(matchCaseCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(regExprCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ borderSizer.Add(contentSizer, 0, wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.LEFT, SPACE)
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ findBtn = wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_OK, _("Find"))
+ findBtn.SetDefault()
+ buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel")), 0)
+ borderSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ frame.SetSizer(borderSizer)
+ frame.Fit()
+ status = frame.ShowModal()
+ # save user choice state for this and other Find Dialog Boxes
+ findString = findCtrl.GetValue()
+ matchCase = matchCaseCtrl.IsChecked()
+ wholeWord = wholeWordCtrl.IsChecked()
+ regExpr = regExprCtrl.IsChecked()
+ self.SaveFindConfig(findString, wholeWord, matchCase, regExpr)
+ if status == wx.ID_OK:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ view = messageService.GetView()
+ if view:
+ view.ClearLines()
+ view.SetCallback(self.OnJumpToFoundLine)
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ projectFilenames = projectService.GetFilesFromCurrentProject()
+ projView = projectService.GetView()
+ if projView:
+ projName = wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(projView.GetDocument().GetFilename())
+ view.AddLines(PROJECT_MARKER + projName + "\n\n")
+ # do search in open files first, open files may have been modified and different from disk because it hasn't been saved
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ openDocsInProject = filter(lambda openDoc: openDoc.GetFilename() in projectFilenames, openDocs)
+ for openDoc in openDocsInProject:
+ if isinstance(openDoc, ProjectEditor.ProjectDocument): # don't search project model
+ continue
+ openDocView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ # some views don't have a in memory text object to search through such as the PM and the DM
+ # even if they do have a non-text searchable object, how do we display it in the message window?
+ if not hasattr(openDocView, "GetValue"):
+ continue
+ text = openDocView.GetValue()
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ count = 0
+ while count != -1:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, text, start, end, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + openDoc.GetFilename() + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ lineNum = openDocView.LineFromPosition(foundStart)
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + openDocView.GetLine(lineNum)
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ start = text.find("\n", foundStart)
+ if start == -1:
+ break
+ end = start
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ openDocNames = map(lambda openDoc: openDoc.GetFilename(), openDocs)
+ # do search in closed files, skipping the open ones we already searched
+ filenames = filter(lambda filename: filename not in openDocNames, projectFilenames)
+ for filename in filenames:
+ try:
+ docFile = file(filename, 'r')
+ except IOError, (code, message):
+ print _("Warning, unable to read file: '%s'. %s") % (filename, message)
+ continue
+ lineNum = 1
+ needToDisplayFilename = True
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ while line:
+ count, foundStart, foundEnd, newText = self.DoFind(findString, None, line, 0, 0, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExpr)
+ if count != -1:
+ if needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines(FILENAME_MARKER + filename + "\n")
+ needToDisplayFilename = False
+ line = repr(lineNum).zfill(4) + ":" + line
+ view.AddLines(line)
+ line = docFile.readline()
+ lineNum += 1
+ if not needToDisplayFilename:
+ view.AddLines("\n")
+ view.AddLines(_("Search for '%s' completed.") % findString)
+ return True
+ else:
+ frame.Destroy()
+ return False
+ def OnJumpToFoundLine(self, event):
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ lineText, pos = messageService.GetView().GetCurrLine()
+ if lineText == "\n" or lineText.find(FILENAME_MARKER) != -1 or lineText.find(PROJECT_MARKER) != -1:
+ return
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(":")
+ if lineEnd == -1:
+ return
+ else:
+ lineNum = int(lineText[0:lineEnd])
+ text = messageService.GetView().GetText()
+ curPos = messageService.GetView().GetCurrentPos()
+ startPos = text.rfind(FILENAME_MARKER, 0, curPos)
+ endPos = text.find("\n", startPos)
+ filename = text[startPos + len(FILENAME_MARKER):endPos]
+ foundView = None
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if openDoc.GetFilename() == filename:
+ foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ break
+ if not foundView:
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ foundView = doc.GetFirstView()
+ if foundView:
+ foundView.GetFrame().SetFocus()
+ foundView.Activate()
+ if hasattr(foundView, "GotoLine"):
+ foundView.GotoLine(lineNum)
+ startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
+ # wxBug: Need to select in reverse order, (end, start) to put cursor at head of line so positioning is correct
+ # Also, if we use the correct positioning order (start, end), somehow, when we open a edit window for the first
+ # time, we don't see the selection, it is scrolled off screen
+ foundView.SetSelection(startPos - 1 + len(lineText[lineEnd:].rstrip("\n")), startPos)
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(foundView, position=startPos)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: ImageEditor.py
+# Purpose: Image Editor for pydocview
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 12/24/04
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+class ImageDocument(wx.lib.docview.Document):
+ pass
+class ImageView(wx.lib.docview.View):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self):
+ wx.lib.docview.View.__init__(self)
+ self._ctrl = None
+ def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
+ if len(doc.GetFilename()) == 0:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Cannot create a new image file.\n%s has no paint capability.") % wx.GetApp().GetAppName(),
+ _("New Image File"),
+ return False
+ frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags)
+ panel = wx.Panel(frame, -1)
+ bitmap = wx.Image(doc.GetFilename()).ConvertToBitmap()
+ self._ctrl = wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, bitmap, (0,0), (bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight()))
+ panel.SetClientSize(bitmap.GetSize())
+ frame.SetClientSize(panel.GetSize())
+ self.Activate()
+ return True
+ def OnClose(self, deleteWindow = True):
+ statusC = wx.GetApp().CloseChildDocuments(self.GetDocument())
+ statusP = wx.lib.docview.View.OnClose(self, deleteWindow = deleteWindow)
+ if not (statusC and statusP):
+ return False
+ self.Activate(False)
+ if deleteWindow:
+ self.GetFrame().Destroy()
+ return True
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getImageData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\x97IDAT(\x91\x9d\x93Q\n\xc4 \x0cD\'\xda\xd3\xa9\xe9ac\xdb\x8bx\xa0\
+def getImageBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getImageImage())
+def getImageImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getImageData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getImageIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getImageBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: MarkerService.py
+# Purpose: Adding and removing line markers in text for easy searching
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 10/6/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.stc
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import STCTextEditor
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+class MarkerService(wx.lib.pydocview.DocService):
+ MARKERNEXT_ID = wx.NewId()
+ MARKERPREV_ID = wx.NewId()
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != STCTextEditor.TextDocument:
+ return
+ if not document and wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ return
+ editMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Edit")))
+ editMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ editMenu.Append(MarkerService.MARKERTOGGLE_ID, _("Toggle &Marker\tCtrl+M"), _("Toggles a jump marker to text line"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, MarkerService.MARKERTOGGLE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, MarkerService.MARKERTOGGLE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(MarkerService.MARKERDELALL_ID, _("Clear Markers"), _("Removes all jump markers from selected file"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, MarkerService.MARKERDELALL_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, MarkerService.MARKERDELALL_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(MarkerService.MARKERNEXT_ID, _("Marker Next\tF4"), _("Moves to next marker in selected file"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, MarkerService.MARKERNEXT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, MarkerService.MARKERNEXT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ editMenu.Append(MarkerService.MARKERPREV_ID, _("Marker Previous\tShift+F4"), _("Moves to previous marker in selected file"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, MarkerService.MARKERPREV_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, MarkerService.MARKERPREV_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == MarkerService.MARKERTOGGLE_ID:
+ wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView().MarkerToggle()
+ return True
+ elif id == MarkerService.MARKERDELALL_ID:
+ wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView().MarkerDeleteAll()
+ return True
+ elif id == MarkerService.MARKERNEXT_ID:
+ wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView().MarkerNext()
+ return True
+ elif id == MarkerService.MARKERPREV_ID:
+ wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView().MarkerPrevious()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == MarkerService.MARKERTOGGLE_ID:
+ view = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView()
+ event.Enable(hasattr(view, "MarkerToggle"))
+ return True
+ elif id == MarkerService.MARKERDELALL_ID:
+ view = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView()
+ event.Enable(hasattr(view, "MarkerDeleteAll") and view.GetMarkerCount())
+ return True
+ elif id == MarkerService.MARKERNEXT_ID:
+ view = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView()
+ event.Enable(hasattr(view, "MarkerNext") and view.GetMarkerCount())
+ return True
+ elif id == MarkerService.MARKERPREV_ID:
+ view = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView()
+ event.Enable(hasattr(view, "MarkerPrevious") and view.GetMarkerCount())
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
--- /dev/null
+# Name: MessageService.py
+# Purpose: Message View Service for pydocview
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 9/2/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import Service
+import STCTextEditor
+class MessageView(Service.ServiceView):
+ """ Reusable Message View for any document.
+ When an item is selected, the document view is called back (with DoSelectCallback) to highlight and display the corresponding item in the document view.
+ """
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _CreateControl(self, parent, id):
+ txtCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(parent, id)
+ txtCtrl.SetMarginWidth(1, 0) # hide line numbers
+ txtCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ font = "Courier New"
+ else:
+ font = "Courier"
+ txtCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font))
+ txtCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ txtCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ txtCtrl.UpdateStyles()
+ return txtCtrl
+## def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+## stcControl = self.GetControl()
+## if not isinstance(stcControl, wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+## return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+## id = event.GetId()
+## if id == wx.ID_CUT:
+## stcControl.Cut()
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+## stcControl.Copy()
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+## stcControl.Paste()
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR:
+## stcControl.Clear()
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+## stcControl.SetSelection(0, -1)
+## return True
+## def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+## stcControl = self.GetControl()
+## if not isinstance(stcControl, wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+## return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+## id = event.GetId()
+## if id == wx.ID_CUT:
+## event.Enable(stcControl.CanCut())
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+## event.Enable(stcControl.CanCopy())
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+## event.Enable(stcControl.CanPaste())
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR:
+## event.Enable(True) # wxBug: should be stcControl.CanCut()) but disabling clear item means del key doesn't work in control as expected
+## return True
+## elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+## event.Enable(stcControl.GetTextLength() > 0)
+## return True
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Service specific methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ClearLines(self):
+ self.GetControl().SetReadOnly(False)
+ self.GetControl().ClearAll()
+ self.GetControl().SetReadOnly(True)
+ def AddLines(self, text):
+ self.GetControl().SetReadOnly(False)
+ self.GetControl().AddText(text)
+ self.GetControl().SetReadOnly(True)
+ def GetText(self):
+ return self.GetControl().GetText()
+ def GetCurrentPos(self):
+ return self.GetControl().GetCurrentPos()
+ def GetCurrLine(self):
+ return self.GetControl().GetCurLine()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Callback Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def SetCallback(self, callback):
+ """ Sets in the event table for a doubleclick to invoke the given callback.
+ Additional calls to this method overwrites the previous entry and only the last set callback will be invoked.
+ """
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK(self.GetControl(), self.GetControl().GetId(), callback)
+class MessageService(Service.Service):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SHOW_WINDOW = wx.NewId() # keep this line for each subclass, need unique ID for each Service
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _CreateView(self):
+ return MessageView(self)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: OutlineService.py
+# Purpose: Outline View Service for pydocview
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 8/3/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import Service
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# Constants
+class OutlineView(Service.ServiceView):
+ """ Reusable Outline View for any document.
+ As a default, it uses a modified tree control (OutlineTreeCtrl) that allows sorting.
+ Subclass OutlineTreeCtrl to customize the tree control and call SetTreeCtrl to install a customized tree control.
+ When an item is selected, the document view is called back (with DoSelectCallback) to highlight and display the corresponding item in the document view.
+ """
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, service):
+ Service.ServiceView.__init__(self, service)
+ self._actionOnSelect = True
+ def _CreateControl(self, parent, id):
+ treeCtrl = OutlineTreeCtrl(parent, id)
+ wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED(treeCtrl, treeCtrl.GetId(), self.DoSelection)
+ wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS(treeCtrl, self.DoSelection)
+ wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW(treeCtrl, treeCtrl.CallDoLoadOutlineCallback)
+ wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(treeCtrl, self.OnRightClick)
+ return treeCtrl
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Service specific methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnRightClick(self, event):
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ menu.AppendRadioItem(OutlineService.SORT_NONE, _("Unsorted"), _("Display items in original order"))
+ menu.AppendRadioItem(OutlineService.SORT_ASC, _("Sort A-Z"), _("Display items in ascending order"))
+ menu.AppendRadioItem(OutlineService.SORT_DESC, _("Sort Z-A"), _("Display items in descending order"))
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ sort = config.ReadInt("OutlineSort", SORT_NONE)
+ if sort == SORT_NONE:
+ menu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_NONE, True)
+ elif sort == SORT_ASC:
+ menu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_ASC, True)
+ elif sort == SORT_DESC:
+ menu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_DESC, True)
+ self.GetControl().PopupMenu(menu, event.GetPosition())
+ menu.Destroy()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Tree Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def DoSelection(self, event):
+ if not self._actionOnSelect:
+ return
+ item = self.GetControl().GetSelection()
+ if item:
+ self.GetControl().CallDoSelectCallback(item)
+ def ResumeActionOnSelect(self):
+ self._actionOnSelect = True
+ def StopActionOnSelect(self):
+ self._actionOnSelect = False
+ def SetTreeCtrl(self, tree):
+ self.SetControl(tree)
+ wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED(self.GetControl(), self.GetControl().GetId(), self.DoSelection)
+ wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW(self.GetControl(), treeCtrl.CallDoLoadOutlineCallback)
+ wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.GetControl(), self.OnRightClick)
+ def GetTreeCtrl(self):
+ return self.GetControl()
+ def OnSort(self, sortOrder):
+ treeCtrl = self.GetControl()
+ treeCtrl.SetSortOrder(sortOrder)
+ treeCtrl.SortAllChildren(treeCtrl.GetRootItem())
+ def ClearTreeCtrl(self):
+ if self.GetControl():
+ self.GetControl().DeleteAllItems()
+ def GetExpansionState(self):
+ expanded = []
+ treeCtrl = self.GetControl()
+ if not treeCtrl:
+ return expanded
+ parentItem = treeCtrl.GetRootItem()
+ if not parentItem:
+ return expanded
+ if not treeCtrl.IsExpanded(parentItem):
+ return expanded
+ expanded.append(treeCtrl.GetItemText(parentItem))
+ (child, cookie) = treeCtrl.GetFirstChild(parentItem)
+ while child.IsOk():
+ if treeCtrl.IsExpanded(child):
+ expanded.append(treeCtrl.GetItemText(child))
+ (child, cookie) = treeCtrl.GetNextChild(parentItem, cookie)
+ return expanded
+ def SetExpansionState(self, expanded):
+ if not expanded or len(expanded) == 0:
+ return
+ treeCtrl = self.GetControl()
+ parentItem = treeCtrl.GetRootItem()
+ if expanded[0] != treeCtrl.GetItemText(parentItem):
+ return
+ (child, cookie) = treeCtrl.GetFirstChild(parentItem)
+ while child.IsOk():
+ if treeCtrl.GetItemText(child) in expanded:
+ treeCtrl.Expand(child)
+ (child, cookie) = treeCtrl.GetNextChild(parentItem, cookie)
+ # wxBug: This causes a crash, tried using ScrollTo which crashed as well. Then tried calling it with wx.CallAfter and that crashed as well, with both EnsureVisible and ScrollTo
+ # self.GetControl().EnsureVisible(self.GetControl().GetRootItem())
+ # So doing the following massive hack which forces the treectrl to scroll up to the top item
+ treeCtrl.Collapse(parentItem)
+ treeCtrl.Expand(parentItem)
+class OutlineTreeCtrl(wx.TreeCtrl):
+ """ Default Tree Control Class for OutlineView.
+ This class has the added functionality of sorting by the labels
+ """
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VIEW = 1
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, style=wx.TR_HAS_BUTTONS|wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE):
+ wx.TreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style = style)
+ self._origOrderIndex = 0
+ self._sortOrder = SORT_NONE
+ def DeleteAllItems(self):
+ self._origOrderIndex = 0
+ wx.TreeCtrl.DeleteAllItems(self)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Sort Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def SetSortOrder(self, sortOrder = SORT_NONE):
+ """ Sort Order constants are defined at top of file """
+ self._sortOrder = sortOrder
+ def OnCompareItems(self, item1, item2):
+ if self._sortOrder == SORT_ASC:
+ return cmp(self.GetItemText(item1).lower(), self.GetItemText(item2).lower()) # sort A-Z
+ elif self._sortOrder == SORT_DESC:
+ return cmp(self.GetItemText(item2).lower(), self.GetItemText(item1).lower()) # sort Z-A
+ else:
+ return (self.GetPyData(item1)[self.ORIG_ORDER] > self.GetPyData(item2)[self.ORIG_ORDER]) # unsorted
+ def SortAllChildren(self, parentItem):
+ if parentItem and self.GetChildrenCount(parentItem, False):
+ self.SortChildren(parentItem)
+ (child, cookie) = self.GetFirstChild(parentItem)
+ while child.IsOk():
+ self.SortAllChildren(child)
+ (child, cookie) = self.GetNextChild(parentItem, cookie)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Select Callback Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def CallDoSelectCallback(self, item):
+ """ Invoke the DoSelectCallback of the given view to highlight text in the document view
+ """
+ data = self.GetPyData(item)
+ if not data:
+ return
+ view = data[self.VIEW]
+ cbdata = data[self.CALLBACKDATA]
+ if view:
+ view.DoSelectCallback(cbdata)
+ def SelectClosestItem(self, position):
+ tree = self
+ distances = []
+ items = []
+ self.FindDistanceToTreeItems(tree.GetRootItem(), position, distances, items)
+ mindist = 1000000
+ mindex = -1
+ for index in range(0, len(distances)):
+ if distances[index] <= mindist:
+ mindist = distances[index]
+ mindex = index
+ if mindex != -1:
+ item = items[mindex]
+ self.EnsureVisible(item)
+ os_view = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService).GetView()
+ if os_view:
+ os_view.StopActionOnSelect()
+ self.SelectItem(item)
+ if os_view:
+ os_view.ResumeActionOnSelect()
+ def FindDistanceToTreeItems(self, item, position, distances, items):
+ data = self.GetPyData(item)
+ this_dist = 1000000
+ if data and data[2]:
+ positionTuple = data[2]
+ if position >= positionTuple[1]:
+ items.append(item)
+ distances.append(position - positionTuple[1])
+ if self.ItemHasChildren(item):
+ child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
+ while child and child.IsOk():
+ self.FindDistanceToTreeItems(child, position, distances, items)
+ child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
+ return False
+ def SetDoSelectCallback(self, item, view, callbackdata):
+ """ When an item in the outline view is selected,
+ a method is called to select the respective text in the document view.
+ The view must define the method DoSelectCallback(self, data) in order for this to work
+ """
+ self.SetPyData(item, (self._origOrderIndex, view, callbackdata))
+ self._origOrderIndex = self._origOrderIndex + 1
+ def CallDoLoadOutlineCallback(self, event):
+ """ Invoke the DoLoadOutlineCallback
+ """
+ rootItem = self.GetRootItem()
+ if rootItem:
+ data = self.GetPyData(rootItem)
+ if data:
+ view = data[self.VIEW]
+ if view and view.DoLoadOutlineCallback():
+ self.SortAllChildren(self.GetRootItem())
+ def GetCallbackView(self):
+ rootItem = self.GetRootItem()
+ if rootItem:
+ return self.GetPyData(rootItem)[self.VIEW]
+ else:
+ return None
+class OutlineService(Service.Service):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SHOW_WINDOW = wx.NewId() # keep this line for each subclass, need unique ID for each Service
+ SORT = wx.NewId()
+ SORT_ASC = wx.NewId()
+ SORT_DESC = wx.NewId()
+ SORT_NONE = wx.NewId()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, serviceName, embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOM):
+ Service.Service.__init__(self, serviceName, embeddedWindowLocation)
+ self._validTemplates = []
+ def _CreateView(self):
+ return OutlineView(self)
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ Service.Service.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, OutlineService.SORT_ASC, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, OutlineService.SORT_ASC, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, OutlineService.SORT_DESC, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, OutlineService.SORT_DESC, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, OutlineService.SORT_NONE, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, OutlineService.SORT_NONE, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ return True
+ viewMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View")))
+ self._outlineSortMenu = wx.Menu()
+ self._outlineSortMenu.AppendRadioItem(OutlineService.SORT_NONE, _("Unsorted"), _("Display items in original order"))
+ self._outlineSortMenu.AppendRadioItem(OutlineService.SORT_ASC, _("Sort A-Z"), _("Display items in ascending order"))
+ self._outlineSortMenu.AppendRadioItem(OutlineService.SORT_DESC, _("Sort Z-A"), _("Display items in descending order"))
+ viewMenu.AppendMenu(wx.NewId(), _("Outline Sort"), self._outlineSortMenu)
+ return True
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Event Processing Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ if Service.Service.ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ return True
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == OutlineService.SORT_ASC:
+ self.OnSort(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == OutlineService.SORT_DESC:
+ self.OnSort(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == OutlineService.SORT_NONE:
+ self.OnSort(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ if Service.Service.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ return True
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == OutlineService.SORT_ASC:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ sort = config.ReadInt("OutlineSort", SORT_NONE)
+ if sort == SORT_ASC:
+ self._outlineSortMenu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_ASC, True)
+ else:
+ self._outlineSortMenu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_ASC, False)
+ return True
+ elif id == OutlineService.SORT_DESC:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ sort = config.ReadInt("OutlineSort", SORT_NONE)
+ if sort == SORT_DESC:
+ self._outlineSortMenu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_DESC, True)
+ else:
+ self._outlineSortMenu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_DESC, False)
+ return True
+ elif id == OutlineService.SORT_NONE:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ sort = config.ReadInt("OutlineSort", SORT_NONE)
+ if sort == SORT_NONE:
+ self._outlineSortMenu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_NONE, True)
+ else:
+ self._outlineSortMenu.Check(OutlineService.SORT_NONE, False)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def OnSort(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == OutlineService.SORT_ASC:
+ wx.ConfigBase_Get().WriteInt("OutlineSort", SORT_ASC)
+ self.GetView().OnSort(SORT_ASC)
+ return True
+ elif id == OutlineService.SORT_DESC:
+ wx.ConfigBase_Get().WriteInt("OutlineSort", SORT_DESC)
+ self.GetView().OnSort(SORT_DESC)
+ return True
+ elif id == OutlineService.SORT_NONE:
+ wx.ConfigBase_Get().WriteInt("OutlineSort", SORT_NONE)
+ self.GetView().OnSort(SORT_NONE)
+ return True
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Service specific methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def LoadOutline(self, view, position=-1, force=False):
+ if not self.GetView():
+ return
+ self.SaveExpansionState()
+ if view.DoLoadOutlineCallback(force=force):
+ self.GetView().OnSort(wx.ConfigBase_Get().ReadInt("OutlineSort", SORT_NONE))
+ self.LoadExpansionState()
+ if position >= 0:
+ self.SyncToPosition(position)
+ def SyncToPosition(self, position):
+ if not self.GetView():
+ return
+ self.GetView().GetTreeCtrl().SelectClosestItem(position)
+ def OnCloseFrame(self, event):
+ Service.Service.OnCloseFrame(self, event)
+ self.SaveExpansionState(clear = True)
+ return True
+ def SaveExpansionState(self, clear = False):
+ if clear:
+ expanded = []
+ elif self.GetView():
+ expanded = self.GetView().GetExpansionState()
+ wx.ConfigBase_Get().Write("OutlineLastExpanded", expanded.__repr__())
+ def LoadExpansionState(self):
+ expanded = wx.ConfigBase_Get().Read("OutlineLastExpanded")
+ if expanded:
+ self.GetView().SetExpansionState(eval(expanded))
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Timer Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def StartBackgroundTimer(self):
+ self._timer = wx.PyTimer(self.DoBackgroundRefresh)
+ self._timer.Start(250)
+ def DoBackgroundRefresh(self):
+ """ Refresh the outline view periodically """
+ self._timer.Stop()
+ foundRegisteredView = False
+ if self.GetView():
+ currView = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView()
+ if currView:
+ for template in self._validTemplates:
+ type = template.GetViewType()
+ if isinstance(currView, type):
+ self.LoadOutline(currView)
+ foundRegisteredView = True
+ break
+ if not foundRegisteredView:
+ self.GetView().ClearTreeCtrl()
+ self._timer.Start(1000) # 1 second interval
+ def AddTemplateForBackgroundHandler(self, template):
+ self._validTemplates.append(template)
+ def GetTemplatesForBackgroundHandler(self):
+ return self._validTemplates
+ def RemoveTemplateForBackgroundHandler(self, template):
+ self._validTemplates.remove(template)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: PHPEditor.py
+# Purpose: PHP Script Editor for pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 1/4/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import string
+import STCTextEditor
+import CodeEditor
+import OutlineService
+import os
+import re
+class PHPDocument(CodeEditor.CodeDocument):
+ pass
+class PHPView(CodeEditor.CodeView):
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return PHPCtrl
+ def GetAutoCompleteHint(self):
+ pos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos()
+ if pos == 0:
+ return None, None
+ validLetters = string.letters + string.digits + '_$'
+ word = ''
+ while (True):
+ pos = pos - 1
+ if pos < 0:
+ break
+ char = chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos))
+ if char not in validLetters:
+ break
+ word = char + word
+ return None, word
+ def GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords(self):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Methods for OutlineService
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def DoLoadOutlineCallback(self, force=False):
+ outlineService = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService)
+ if not outlineService:
+ return False
+ outlineView = outlineService.GetView()
+ if not outlineView:
+ return False
+ treeCtrl = outlineView.GetTreeCtrl()
+ if not treeCtrl:
+ return False
+ view = treeCtrl.GetCallbackView()
+ newCheckSum = self.GenCheckSum()
+ if not force:
+ if view and view is self:
+ if self._checkSum == newCheckSum:
+ return False
+ self._checkSum = newCheckSum
+ treeCtrl.DeleteAllItems()
+ document = self.GetDocument()
+ if not document:
+ return True
+ filename = document.GetFilename()
+ if filename:
+ rootItem = treeCtrl.AddRoot(os.path.basename(filename))
+ treeCtrl.SetDoSelectCallback(rootItem, self, None)
+ else:
+ return True
+ text = self.GetValue()
+ if not text:
+ return True
+ INTERFACE_PATTERN = 'interface[ \t]+\w+'
+ CLASS_PATTERN = '((final|abstract)[ \t]+)?((public|private|protected)[ \t]+)?(static[ \t]+)?class[ \t]+\w+((implements|extends)\w+)?'
+ FUNCTION_PATTERN = '(abstract[ \t]+)?((public|private|protected)[ \t]+)?(static[ \t]+)?function[ \t]+?\w+\(.*?\)'
+ interfacePat = re.compile(INTERFACE_PATTERN, re.M|re.S)
+ classPat = re.compile(CLASS_PATTERN, re.M|re.S)
+ funcPat= re.compile(FUNCTION_PATTERN, re.M|re.S)
+ pattern = re.compile('^[ \t]*('+ CLASS_PATTERN + '.*?{|' + FUNCTION_PATTERN + '|' + INTERFACE_PATTERN +'\s*?{).*?$', re.M|re.S)
+ iter = pattern.finditer(text)
+ indentStack = [(0, rootItem)]
+ for pattern in iter:
+ line = pattern.string[pattern.start(0):pattern.end(0)]
+ foundLine = classPat.search(line)
+ if foundLine:
+ indent = foundLine.start(0)
+ itemStr = foundLine.string[foundLine.start(0):foundLine.end(0)]
+ else:
+ foundLine = funcPat.search(line)
+ if foundLine:
+ indent = foundLine.start(0)
+ itemStr = foundLine.string[foundLine.start(0):foundLine.end(0)]
+ else:
+ foundLine = interfacePat.search(line)
+ if foundLine:
+ indent = foundLine.start(0)
+ itemStr = foundLine.string[foundLine.start(0):foundLine.end(0)]
+ if indent == 0:
+ parentItem = rootItem
+ else:
+ lastItem = indentStack.pop()
+ while lastItem[0] >= indent:
+ lastItem = indentStack.pop()
+ indentStack.append(lastItem)
+ parentItem = lastItem[1]
+ item = treeCtrl.AppendItem(parentItem, itemStr)
+ treeCtrl.SetDoSelectCallback(item, self, (pattern.end(0), pattern.start(0) + indent)) # select in reverse order because we want the cursor to be at the start of the line so it wouldn't scroll to the right
+ indentStack.append((indent, item))
+ treeCtrl.Expand(rootItem)
+ return True
+class PHPService(CodeEditor.CodeService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeService.__init__(self)
+class PHPCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ self.SetLexer(wx.stc.STC_LEX_HTML)
+ self.SetStyleBits(7)
+ self.SetKeyWords(4, string.join(PHPKEYWORDS))
+ self.SetProperty("fold.html", "1")
+ def CanWordWrap(self):
+ return True
+ def SetViewDefaults(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "PHP", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
+ def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self):
+ return CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self, configPrefix = "PHP")
+ def UpdateStyles(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.UpdateStyles(self)
+ if not self.GetFont():
+ return
+ faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(),
+ 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
+ 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2,
+ 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue())
+ }
+ # HTML Styles
+ # White space
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Comment
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_COMMENT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Number
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_NUMBER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # String
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_SINGLESTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_DOUBLESTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Tag
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_TAG, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Attributes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_ATTRIBUTE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # PHP Styles
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_COMMENT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_COMMENTLINE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_NUMBER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_SIMPLESTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_HSTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_HSTRING_VARIABLE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,italic,bold,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_VARIABLE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_OPERATOR, "face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_HPHP_WORD, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces) # keyword
+class PHPOptionsPanel(STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
+ STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, configPrefix = "PHP", label = "PHP", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
+ "and", "or", "xor", "__FILE__", "exception", "__LINE__", "array", "as", "break", "case",
+ "class", "const", "continue", "declare", "default", "die", "do", "echo", "else", "elseif",
+ "empty", "enddeclare", "endfor", "endforeach", "endif", "endswith", "endwhile", "eval",
+ "exit", "extends", "for", "foreach", "function", "global", "if", "include", "include_once",
+ "isset", "list", "new", "print", "require", "require_once", "return", "static", "switch",
+ "unset", "use", "var", "while", "__FUNCTION__", "__CLASS__", "__METHOD__", "final", "php_user_filter",
+ "interface", "implements", "extends", "public", "private", "protected", "abstract", "clone", "try", "catch",
+ "throw", "cfunction", "old_function",
+ "$_SERVER", "$_ENV", "$_COOKIE", "$_GET", "$_POST", "$_FILES", "$_REQUEST", "$_SESSION", "$GLOBALS", "$php_errormsg",
+ "M_E", "M_LOG2E", "M_LOG10E", "M_LN2", "M_LN10", "M_PI", "M_PI_2", "M_PI_4", "M_1_PI", "M_2_PI",
+ "ABDAY_3", "ABDAY_4", "ABDAY_5", "ABDAY_6", "ABDAY_7", "DAY_1", "DAY_2", "DAY_3", "DAY_4", "DAY_5",
+ "DAY_6", "DAY_7", "ABMON_1", "ABMON_2", "ABMON_3", "ABMON_4", "ABMON_5", "ABMON_6", "ABMON_7", "ABMON_8",
+ "ABMON_9", "ABMON_10", "ABMON_11", "ABMON_12", "MON_1", "MON_2", "MON_3", "MON_4", "MON_5", "MON_6", "MON_7",
+ "MON_8", "MON_9", "MON_10", "MON_11", "MON_12", "AM_STR", "PM_STR", "D_T_FMT", "D_FMT", "T_FMT", "T_FMT_AMPM",
+ ]
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getPHPData():
+ return \
+\x88\x90\xd8 \x8aF\x98\x93`~\xc3\x05\xd0\xd5\xc1\r\x80\t\xc0B\xf7\xfa\xf5\
+def getPHPBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getPHPImage())
+def getPHPImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getPHPData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getPHPIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getPHPBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: PerlEditor.py
+# Purpose: Perl Script Editor for pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 1/5/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import string
+import STCTextEditor
+import CodeEditor
+class PerlDocument(CodeEditor.CodeDocument):
+ pass
+class PerlView(CodeEditor.CodeView):
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return PerlCtrl
+ def GetAutoCompleteHint(self):
+ pos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos()
+ if pos == 0:
+ return None, None
+ validLetters = string.letters + string.digits + '_/'
+ word = ''
+ while (True):
+ pos = pos - 1
+ if pos < 0:
+ break
+ char = chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos))
+ if char not in validLetters:
+ break
+ word = char + word
+ return None, word
+ def GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords(self):
+class PerlService(CodeEditor.CodeService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeService.__init__(self)
+class PerlCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ self.SetLexer(wx.stc.STC_LEX_PERL)
+ self.SetKeyWords(0, string.join(PERLKEYWORDS))
+ def CanWordWrap(self):
+ return True
+ def SetViewDefaults(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Perl", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
+ def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self):
+ return CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self, configPrefix = "Perl")
+ def UpdateStyles(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.UpdateStyles(self)
+ if not self.GetFont():
+ return
+ faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(),
+ 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
+ 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2,
+ 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue())
+ }
+ # Perl Styles
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_COMMENTLINE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_NUMBER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_CHARACTER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_STRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_STRING_Q, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_STRING_QQ, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_STRING_QX, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_STRING_QR, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_STRING_QW, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_BACKTICKS, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_WORD, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces) # keyword
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_IDENTIFIER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#%(color)s,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Default
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_ARRAY, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_DATASECTION, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_ERROR, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_HASH, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_HERE_DELIM, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_HERE_Q, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_HERE_QQ, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_HERE_QX, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_LONGQUOTE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_OPERATOR, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_POD, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_PREPROCESSOR, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_PUNCTUATION, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_REGEX, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_REGSUBST, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_SCALAR, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_PL_SYMBOLTABLE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+class PerlOptionsPanel(STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
+ STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, configPrefix = "Perl", label = "Perl", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
+ "abs",
+ "accept",
+ "alarm",
+ "atan2",
+ "bind",
+ "binmode",
+ "bless",
+ "caller",
+ "chdir",
+ "chmod",
+ "chomp",
+ "chop",
+ "chown",
+ "chr",
+ "chroot",
+ "close",
+ "closedir",
+ "connect",
+ "continue",
+ "cos",
+ "crypt",
+ "dbmclose",
+ "dbmopen",
+ "defined",
+ "delete",
+ "die",
+ "do",
+ "dump",
+ "each",
+ "endgrent",
+ "endhostent",
+ "endnetent",
+ "endprotoent",
+ "endpwent",
+ "endservent",
+ "eof",
+ "eval",
+ "exec",
+ "exists",
+ "exit",
+ "exp",
+ "fcntl",
+ "fileno",
+ "flock",
+ "fork",
+ "format",
+ "formline",
+ "getc",
+ "getgrent",
+ "getgrgid",
+ "getgrnam",
+ "gethostbyaddr",
+ "gethostbyname",
+ "gethostent",
+ "getlogin",
+ "getnetbyaddr",
+ "getnetbyname",
+ "getnetent",
+ "getpeername",
+ "getpgrp",
+ "getppid",
+ "getpriority",
+ "getprotobyname",
+ "getprotobynumber",
+ "getprotoent",
+ "getpwent",
+ "getpwnam",
+ "getpwuid",
+ "getservbyname",
+ "getservbyport",
+ "getservent",
+ "getsockname",
+ "getsockopt",
+ "glob",
+ "gmtime",
+ "goto",
+ "grep",
+ "hex",
+ "import",
+ "index",
+ "int",
+ "ioctl",
+ "join",
+ "keys",
+ "kill",
+ "last",
+ "lc",
+ "lcfirst",
+ "length",
+ "link",
+ "listen",
+ "local",
+ "localtime",
+ "log",
+ "lstat",
+ "m//",
+ "map",
+ "mkdir",
+ "msgctl",
+ "msgget",
+ "msgrcv",
+ "msgsnd",
+ "my",
+ "next",
+ "no",
+ "oct",
+ "open",
+ "opendir",
+ "ord",
+ "pack",
+ "package",
+ "pipe",
+ "pop",
+ "pos",
+ "print",
+ "printf",
+ "prototype",
+ "push",
+ "q/STRING/",
+ "qq/STRING/",
+ "quotemeta",
+ "qw",
+ "qw/STRING/",
+ "qx",
+ "qx/STRING/",
+ "rand",
+ "read",
+ "readdir",
+ "readline",
+ "readlink",
+ "readpipe",
+ "recv",
+ "redo",
+ "ref",
+ "rename",
+ "require",
+ "reset",
+ "return",
+ "reverse",
+ "rewinddir",
+ "rindex",
+ "rmdir",
+ "s///",
+ "scalar",
+ "seek",
+ "seekdir",
+ "select",
+ "semctl",
+ "semget",
+ "semop",
+ "send",
+ "setgrent",
+ "sethostent",
+ "setnetent",
+ "setpgrp",
+ "setpriority",
+ "setprotoent",
+ "setpwent",
+ "setservent",
+ "setsockopt",
+ "shift",
+ "shmctl",
+ "shmget",
+ "shmread",
+ "shmwrite",
+ "shutdown",
+ "sin",
+ "sleep",
+ "socket",
+ "socketpair",
+ "sort",
+ "splice",
+ "split",
+ "sprintf",
+ "sqrt",
+ "srand",
+ "stat",
+ "study",
+ "sub",
+ "substr",
+ "symlink",
+ "syscall",
+ "sysopen",
+ "sysread",
+ "sysseek",
+ "system",
+ "syswrite",
+ "tell",
+ "telldir",
+ "tie",
+ "tied",
+ "times",
+ "tr///",
+ "truncate",
+ "uc",
+ "ucfirst",
+ "umask",
+ "undef",
+ "unlink",
+ "unpack",
+ "unshift",
+ "untie",
+ "use",
+ "utime",
+ "values",
+ "vec",
+ "wait",
+ "waitpid",
+ "wantarray",
+ "warn",
+ "write",
+ "y///",
+ "eq",
+ "ne",
+ "lt",
+ "le",
+ "gt",
+ "ge",
+ "cmp",
+ "if",
+ "else"
+ "not",
+ "and",
+ "xor",
+ "or",
+ "if",
+ "while",
+ "until",
+ "for",
+ "foreach",
+ "last",
+ "next",
+ "redo",
+ "goto",
+ "STDIN",
+ "WHEncE",
+ "BEGIN",
+ "END",
+ "require",
+ "integer",
+ "less",
+ "sigtrap",
+ "strict",
+ "subs"
+ ]
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getPerlData():
+ return \
+\x89\x04\x16\x94\x97\x045\xa8\xa0\xa44G\x08\xc9\x01\xa2\x80\x1e $ld\xc9\xa8w\
+\x87i\x9a\x000\xc6D\xb0\xeb:\x86a MS\xce\xe7\xf3\x968M\x13}\xdf\xe3\x9cCD\
+def getPerlBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getPerlImage())
+def getPerlImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getPerlData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getPerlIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getPerlBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: ProjectEditor.py
+# Purpose: IDE-style Project Editor for wx.lib.pydocview
+# Author: Peter Yared, Morgan Hua
+# Created: 8/15/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import types
+import os
+import os.path
+import wx
+from wxPython.lib.rcsizer import RowColSizer
+import time
+import Service
+import MessageService
+import DebuggerService
+import sys
+import activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller
+import UICommon
+ import ProcessModelEditor
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ _WINDOWS = True
+ _WINDOWS = False
+# XML Marshalling Methods
+def load(fileObject):
+ xml = fileObject.read()
+ projectModel = activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml)
+ return projectModel
+def save(fileObject, projectModel):
+ xml = activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller.marshal(projectModel, prettyPrint=True)
+ fileObject.write(xml)
+# Classes
+class ProjectModel:
+ __xmlname__ = "projectmodel"
+ __xmlrename__ = { "_files":"files", "_homepath":"homepath" }
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._homepath = None
+ self._files = []
+class ProjectDocument(wx.lib.docview.Document):
+ def __init__(self):
+ wx.lib.docview.Document.__init__(self)
+ self._projectModel = ProjectModel()
+ def GetModel(self):
+ return self._projectModel
+ def OnCreate(self, path, flags):
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectService)
+ if projectService.GetView():
+ view = projectService.GetView()
+ self.AddView(view)
+ else:
+ view = self.GetDocumentTemplate().CreateView(self, flags)
+ projectService.SetView(view)
+ return view
+ def LoadObject(self, fileObject):
+ self._projectModel = activegrid.tool.ProjectEditor.load(fileObject)
+ return True
+ def SaveObject(self, fileObject):
+ activegrid.tool.ProjectEditor.save(fileObject, self._projectModel)
+ return True
+ def OnSaveDocument(self, filename):
+ self._projectModel._homepath = wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(filename)
+ return wx.lib.docview.Document.OnSaveDocument(self, filename)
+ def OnOpenDocument(self, filename):
+ view = self.GetFirstView()
+ frame = view.GetFrame()
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ wx.GetApp().CloseSplash()
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("File Error")
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Could not find '%s'.") % filename,
+ msgTitle,
+ frame)
+ return True # if we return False, the Project View is destroyed, Service windows shouldn't be destroyed
+ fileObject = file(filename, 'r')
+ try:
+ self.LoadObject(fileObject)
+ except:
+ wx.GetApp().CloseSplash()
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("File Error")
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Could not open '%s'. %s") % (wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filename), sys.exc_value),
+ msgTitle,
+ frame)
+ return True # if we return False, the Project View is destroyed, Service windows shouldn't be destroyed
+ self.Modify(False)
+ # if the project file has moved, then ask the user if we should readjust the paths of all the files in the project
+ newHomepath = wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(filename)
+ if newHomepath != self._projectModel._homepath:
+ wx.GetApp().CloseSplash()
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("Project Moved")
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(activegrid.tool.ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
+ _("The project file '%s' was moved from:\n '%s'\nto:\n '%s'.\n\nWould you like to automatically adjust the project contents accordingly?") % (wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filename), self._projectModel._homepath, wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(filename)),
+ msgTitle,
+ wx.YES_NO | wx.STAY_ON_TOP
+ )
+ if projectService.GetSuppressOpenProjectMessages() or yesNoMsg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
+ if not projectService.GetSuppressOpenProjectMessages():
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ messageView = messageService.GetView()
+ messageView.ClearLines()
+ messageView.AddLines(_("The project file '%s' was moved from:\n '%s'\nto:\n '%s'\n") % (wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filename), self._projectModel._homepath, wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(filename)))
+ messageView.AddLines(_("Updating file references:\n"))
+ for index, filepath in enumerate(self._projectModel._files):
+ if filepath.startswith(self._projectModel._homepath + os.sep):
+ newfile = newHomepath + filepath[len(self._projectModel._homepath):len(filepath)]
+ if os.path.exists(newfile):
+ self._projectModel._files[index] = newfile
+ if not projectService.GetSuppressOpenProjectMessages():
+ messageView.AddLines(_(" Success: '%s' location changed from '%s' to '%s'\n") % (wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filepath), wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(filepath), newHomepath))
+ self.Modify(True)
+ else:
+ if not projectService.GetSuppressOpenProjectMessages():
+ messageView.AddLines(_(" Failure: Couldn't find '%s', file wasn't located at '%s'\n") % (wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filepath), newHomepath))
+ else:
+ if not projectService.GetSuppressOpenProjectMessages():
+ messageView.AddLines(_( " Unmodified: '%s' location wasn't relative to '%s'\n") % (filepath, self._projectModel._homepath))
+ self._projectModel._homepath = newHomepath
+ if not projectService.GetSuppressOpenProjectMessages():
+ messageView.AddLines(_("Project file updated."))
+ self.SetFilename(filename, True)
+ view.AddProjectToView(self)
+ self.UpdateAllViews()
+ self._savedYet = True
+ view.Activate(True)
+ return True
+ def AddFile(self, file):
+ return self.AddFiles([file])
+ def AddFiles(self, files):
+ notAlreadyThereFiles = filter(lambda x: x not in self._projectModel._files, files) # Filter to the files that are not already in the project
+ if len(notAlreadyThereFiles) == 0:
+ self.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("select", self, files))
+ return False
+ else:
+ self._projectModel._files = self._projectModel._files + notAlreadyThereFiles
+ self.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("add", self, notAlreadyThereFiles))
+ self.Modify(True)
+ return True
+ def RemoveFile(self, file):
+ return self.RemoveFiles([file])
+ def RemoveFiles(self, files):
+ for file in files:
+ self._projectModel._files.remove(file)
+ self.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("remove", self, files))
+ self.Modify(True)
+ return True
+ def RenameFile(self, oldFile, newFile, isProject = False):
+ try:
+ if oldFile == newFile:
+ return False
+ # projects don't have to exist yet, so not required to rename old file,
+ # but files must exist, so we'll try to rename and allow exceptions to occur if can't.
+ if not isProject or (isProject and os.path.exists(oldFile)):
+ os.rename(oldFile, newFile)
+ if isProject:
+ documents = self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for document in documents:
+ if document.GetFilename() == oldFile: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ document.SetFilename(newFile)
+ document.SetTitle(wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(newFile))
+ document.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("rename", document, newFile))
+ else:
+ self.RemoveFile(oldFile)
+ self.AddFile(newFile)
+ documents = self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for document in documents:
+ if document.GetFilename() == oldFile: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ document.SetFilename(newFile, notifyViews = True)
+ document.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("rename", document, newFile))
+ return True
+ except OSError, (code, message):
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("File Error")
+ wx.MessageBox("Could not rename '%s'. '%s'" % (wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(oldFile), message),
+ msgTitle,
+ self.GetFirstView().GetFrame())
+ return False
+ def GetFiles(self):
+ return self._projectModel._files
+ def IsFileInProject(self, filename):
+ return filename in self.GetFiles()
+import Wizard
+class NewProjectWizard(Wizard.BaseWizard):
+ WIZTITLE = _("New Project Wizard")
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ self._parent = parent
+ self._fullProjectPath = None
+ Wizard.BaseWizard.__init__(self, parent, self.WIZTITLE)
+ self._projectLocationPage = self.CreateProjectLocation(self)
+ wx.wizard.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING(self, self.GetId(), self.OnWizPageChanging)
+ def CreateProjectLocation(self,wizard):
+ page = Wizard.TitledWizardPage(wizard, _("Project File Location"))
+ page.GetSizer().Add(wx.StaticText(page, -1, _("\nSelect the directory and filename for the project.\n\n")))
+ self._projectName, self._dirCtrl, sizer, self._fileValidation = UICommon.CreateDirectoryControl(page, _("File Name:"), _("Directory:"), _("agp"), startingDirectory=os.getcwd())
+ page.GetSizer().Add(sizer, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ wizard.Layout()
+ wizard.FitToPage(page)
+ return page
+ def RunWizard(self, existingTables = None, existingRelationships = None):
+ status = wx.wizard.Wizard.RunWizard(self, self._projectLocationPage)
+ if status:
+ docManager = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetDocumentManager()
+ if os.path.exists(self._fullProjectPath):
+ # What if the document is already open and we're overwriting it?
+ documents = docManager.GetDocuments()
+ for document in documents:
+ if document.GetFilename() == self._fullProjectPath: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ document.DeleteAllViews()
+ break
+ os.remove(self._fullProjectPath)
+ for template in docManager.GetTemplates():
+ if template.GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ doc = template.CreateDocument(self._fullProjectPath, flags = wx.lib.docview.DOC_NEW)
+ doc.OnSaveDocument(self._fullProjectPath)
+ view = doc.GetFirstView()
+ view.AddProjectToView(doc)
+ break
+ self.Destroy()
+ return status
+ def OnWizPageChanging(self, event):
+ if event.GetDirection(): # It's going forwards
+ if event.GetPage() == self._projectLocationPage:
+ if not self._fileValidation():
+ event.Veto()
+ return
+ self._fullProjectPath = os.path.join(self._dirCtrl.GetValue(),UICommon.MakeNameEndInExtension(self._projectName.GetValue(),'.agp'))
+ def OnShowCreatePages(self):
+ self.Hide()
+ import DataModelEditor
+ requestedPos = self.GetPositionTuple()
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectService)
+ projectView = projectService.GetView()
+ wiz = DataModelEditor.ImportExportWizard(projectView.GetFrame(), pos=requestedPos)
+ if wiz.RunWizard(dontDestroy=True):
+ self._schemaName.SetValue(wiz.GetSchemaFileName())
+ wiz.Destroy()
+ self.Show(True)
+class ProjectTemplate(wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate):
+ def CreateDocument(self, path, flags):
+ if path:
+ return wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate.CreateDocument(self, path, flags)
+ else:
+ wiz = NewProjectWizard(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow())
+ wiz.RunWizard()
+ wiz.Destroy()
+ return None # never return the doc, otherwise docview will think it is a new file and rename it
+class ProjectAddFilesCommand(wx.lib.docview.Command):
+ def __init__(self, projectDoc, files):
+ wx.lib.docview.Command.__init__(self, canUndo = True)
+ self._projectDoc = projectDoc
+ self._files = files
+ def GetName(self):
+ if len(self._files) == 1:
+ return _("Add File")
+ else:
+ return _("Add Files")
+ def Do(self):
+ return self._projectDoc.AddFiles(self._files)
+ def Undo(self):
+ return self._projectDoc.RemoveFiles(self._files)
+class ProjectRemoveFilesCommand(wx.lib.docview.Command):
+ def __init__(self, projectDoc, files):
+ wx.lib.docview.Command.__init__(self, canUndo = True)
+ self._projectDoc = projectDoc
+ self._files = files
+ def GetName(self):
+ if len(self._files) == 1:
+ return _("Remove File")
+ else:
+ return _("Remove Files")
+ def Do(self):
+ return self._projectDoc.RemoveFiles(self._files)
+ def Undo(self):
+ return self._projectDoc.AddFiles(self._files)
+class ProjectRenameFileCommand(wx.lib.docview.Command):
+ def __init__(self, projectDoc, oldFile, newFile, isProject = False):
+ wx.lib.docview.Command.__init__(self, canUndo = True)
+ self._projectDoc = projectDoc
+ self._oldFile = oldFile
+ self._newFile = newFile
+ self._isProject = isProject
+ def GetName(self):
+ return _("Rename File")
+ def Do(self):
+ return self._projectDoc.RenameFile(self._oldFile, self._newFile, self._isProject)
+ def Undo(self):
+ return self._projectDoc.RenameFile(self._newFile, self._oldFile, self._isProject)
+class ProjectTreeCtrl(wx.TreeCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, style):
+ wx.TreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style = style)
+ templates = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates()
+ iconList = wx.ImageList(16, 16, initialCount = len(templates))
+ self._iconIndexLookup = []
+ for template in templates:
+ icon = template.GetIcon()
+ if icon:
+ if icon.GetHeight() != 16:
+ icon.SetHeight(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
+ if icon.GetWidth() != 16:
+ icon.SetWidth(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
+ iconIndex = iconList.AddIcon(icon)
+ self._iconIndexLookup.append((template, iconIndex))
+ icon = getBlankIcon()
+ if icon.GetHeight() != 16:
+ icon.SetHeight(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
+ if icon.GetWidth() != 16:
+ icon.SetWidth(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
+ self._blankIconIndex = iconList.AddIcon(icon)
+ self.AssignImageList(iconList)
+ def OnCompareItems(self, item1, item2):
+ return cmp(self.GetItemText(item1).lower(), self.GetItemText(item2).lower())
+ def AppendItem(self, parent, filepath):
+ item = wx.TreeCtrl.AppendItem(self, parent, filepath)
+ found = False
+ template = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().FindTemplateForPath(filepath)
+ if not template and parent == self.GetRootItem(): # If the parent is a root it's a new project
+ template = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().FindTemplateForPath('.agp')
+ if template:
+ for t, iconIndex in self._iconIndexLookup:
+ if t is template:
+ self.SetItemImage(item, iconIndex, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
+ self.SetItemImage(item, iconIndex, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
+ self.SetItemImage(item, iconIndex, wx.TreeItemIcon_Selected)
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ self.SetItemImage(item, self._blankIconIndex, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
+ self.SetItemImage(item, self._blankIconIndex, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
+ self.SetItemImage(item, self._blankIconIndex, wx.TreeItemIcon_Selected)
+ return item
+class ProjectView(wx.lib.docview.View):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, service = None):
+ wx.lib.docview.View.__init__(self)
+ self._service = service # not used, but kept to match other Services
+ self._lastDirectory = ""
+ self._treeCtrl = None
+ self._editingSoDontKillFocus = False
+ self._checkEditMenu = True
+ def Destroy(self):
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectService)
+ if projectService:
+ projectService.SetView(None)
+ wx.lib.docview.View.Destroy(self)
+ def GetDocument(self):
+ if not self._treeCtrl:
+ return None
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ if not items: # No selection, so just return first project
+ item = self._treeCtrl.GetFirstVisibleItem()
+ if item.IsOk():
+ return self._GetItemProject(item)
+ else:
+ return None
+ for item in items:
+ project = self._GetItemProject(item)
+ if project:
+ return project
+ return None
+ def GetDocumentManager(self): # Overshadow this since the superclass uses the view._viewDocument attribute directly, which the project editor doesn't use since it hosts multiple docs
+ return wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager()
+ def OnChangeFilename(self):
+ if self.GetFrame():
+ title = _("Projects")
+ if self.GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI and wx.GetApp().GetAppName():
+ title = title + " - " + wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ self.GetFrame().SetTitle(title)
+ project = self.GetDocument()
+ if project:
+ projectItem = self._GetProjectItem(project)
+ name = self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(self._GetProjectItem(project))
+ name2 = self._MakeProjectName(project)
+ if name != name2:
+ self._treeCtrl.SetItemText(projectItem, name2)
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem())
+ def Activate(self, activate = True):
+ if not wx.GetApp().IsMDI():
+ if activate and not self.IsShown():
+ self.Show()
+ if self.IsShown():
+ wx.lib.docview.View.Activate(self, activate = activate)
+ if activate and self._treeCtrl:
+ self._treeCtrl.SetFocus()
+ def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ if wx.GetApp().IsMDI():
+ self._embeddedWindow = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetEmbeddedWindow(wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_TOPLEFT)
+ self.SetFrame(self._embeddedWindow)
+ frame = self._embeddedWindow
+ else:
+ self._embeddedWindow = None
+ pos = config.ReadInt("ProjectFrameXLoc", -1), config.ReadInt("ProjectFrameYLoc", -1)
+ # make sure frame is visible
+ screenWidth = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_X)
+ screenHeight = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_Y)
+ if pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] >= screenWidth or pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] >= screenHeight:
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition
+ size = wx.Size(config.ReadInt("ProjectFrameXSize", -1), config.ReadInt("ProjectFrameYSize", -1))
+ title = _("Projects")
+ if self.GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI and wx.GetApp().GetAppName():
+ title = title + " - " + wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, 0, title = title, pos = pos, size = size)
+ if config.ReadInt("ProjectFrameMaximized", False):
+ frame.Maximize(True)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer()
+ self._treeCtrl = ProjectTreeCtrl(frame, -1, style = wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT | wx.TR_HAS_BUTTONS | wx.TR_EDIT_LABELS | wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.TR_MULTIPLE)
+ self._treeCtrl.AddRoot(_("Projects"))
+ if self._embeddedWindow:
+ sizer.Add(self._treeCtrl)
+ sizer.Fit(frame)
+ else:
+ sizer.Add(self._treeCtrl, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ frame.SetSizer(sizer)
+ frame.Layout()
+ self.Activate()
+ if wx.GetApp().IsMDI():
+ wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS(self._treeCtrl, self.OnFocus)
+ wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS(self._treeCtrl, self.OnKillFocus)
+ if self.GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED(self._treeCtrl, self._treeCtrl.GetId(), self.OnOpenSelectionSDI)
+ else:
+ wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED(self._treeCtrl, self._treeCtrl.GetId(), self.OnOpenSelection)
+ wx.EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT(self._treeCtrl, self._treeCtrl.GetId(), self.OnBeginLabelEdit)
+ wx.EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT(self._treeCtrl, self._treeCtrl.GetId(), self.OnEndLabelEdit)
+ wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self._treeCtrl, self.OnRightClick)
+ wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self._treeCtrl, self.OnKeyPressed)
+ # wx.EVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK(self._treeCtrl, self._treeCtrl.GetId(), self.OnRightClick) # wxBug: This isn't working for some reason
+ # drag-and-drop support
+ dt = ProjectFileDropTarget(self)
+ self._treeCtrl.SetDropTarget(dt)
+ return True
+ def WriteProjectConfig(self):
+ frame = self.GetFrame()
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ if frame and not self._embeddedWindow:
+ if not frame.IsMaximized():
+ config.WriteInt("ProjectFrameXLoc", frame.GetPositionTuple()[0])
+ config.WriteInt("ProjectFrameYLoc", frame.GetPositionTuple()[1])
+ config.WriteInt("ProjectFrameXSize", frame.GetSizeTuple()[0])
+ config.WriteInt("ProjectFrameYSize", frame.GetSizeTuple()[1])
+ config.WriteInt("ProjectFrameMaximized", frame.IsMaximized())
+ if config.ReadInt("ProjectSaveDocs", True):
+ projectFileNames = []
+ projectExpanded = []
+ if self._treeCtrl:
+ for projectItem in self._GetChildItems(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem()):
+ project = self._GetItemProject(projectItem)
+ if not project.OnSaveModified():
+ return
+ if project.GetDocumentSaved(): # Might be a new document and "No" selected to save it
+ projectFileNames.append(str(project.GetFilename()))
+ projectExpanded.append(self._treeCtrl.IsExpanded(projectItem))
+ config.Write("ProjectSavedDocs", projectFileNames.__repr__())
+ config.Write("ProjectExpandedSavedDocs", projectExpanded.__repr__())
+ def OnClose(self, deleteWindow = True):
+ if self.GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ self.WriteProjectConfig()
+ project = self.GetDocument()
+ if not project:
+ return True
+ if not self.GetDocument().Close():
+ return True
+ self.Activate(False)
+ if project:
+ projectItem = self._GetProjectItem(project)
+ if projectItem:
+ self._treeCtrl.Delete(projectItem)
+ # We don't need to delete the window since it is a floater/embedded
+ return True
+ def _GetParentFrame(self):
+ return wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.GetFrame())
+ def OnUpdate(self, sender = None, hint = None):
+ wx.lib.docview.View.OnUpdate(self, sender, hint)
+ if hint:
+ if hint[0] == "add":
+ projectItem = self._GetProjectItem(hint[1])
+ files = hint[2]
+ self._treeCtrl.UnselectAll()
+ self._treeCtrl.Expand(projectItem)
+ for file in files:
+ item = self._treeCtrl.AppendItem(projectItem, os.path.basename(file))
+ self._treeCtrl.SetPyData(item, file)
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(item)
+ self._treeCtrl.EnsureVisible(item) # wxBug: Doesn't work
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(projectItem)
+ elif hint[0] == "remove":
+ projectItem = self._GetProjectItem(hint[1])
+ files = hint[2]
+ children = self._GetChildItems(projectItem)
+ for child in children:
+ if self._GetItemFile(child) in files:
+ self._treeCtrl.Delete(child)
+ elif hint[0] == "select":
+ projectItem = self._GetProjectItem(hint[1])
+ files = hint[2]
+ self._treeCtrl.UnselectAll()
+ children = self._GetChildItems(projectItem)
+ for child in children:
+ if self._GetItemFile(child) in files:
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(child)
+ self._treeCtrl.EnsureVisible(child) # wxBug: Doesn't work
+ elif hint[0] == "rename":
+ projectItem = self._GetProjectItem(hint[1])
+ self._treeCtrl.SetItemText(projectItem, os.path.basename(hint[2]))
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID:
+ self.OnAddFileToProject(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID:
+ return False # Implement this one in the service
+ elif id == ProjectService.RENAME_ID:
+ self.OnRename(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CUT:
+ self.OnCut(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+ self.OnCopy(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+ self.OnPaste(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR or id == ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT:
+ self.OnClear(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ self.OnSelectAll(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID:
+ self.OnOpenSelection(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID:
+ self.OnProperties(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ # Hack: The edit menu is not being set for projects that are preloaded at startup, so make sure it is OK here
+ if self._checkEditMenu:
+ doc = self.GetDocument()
+ if doc and not doc.GetCommandProcessor().GetEditMenu():
+ doc.GetCommandProcessor().SetEditMenu(wx.GetApp().GetEditMenu(self._GetParentFrame()))
+ self._checkEditMenu = False
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID:
+ event.Enable(self._HasProjectsSelected() or self._HasFilesSelected())
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.RENAME_ID:
+ event.Enable(self._HasFilesSelected() or self._HasProjectsSelected())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CUT:
+ event.Enable(self._AreSelectedItemsFromSameProject())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+ event.Enable(self._HasFilesSelected())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+ event.Enable(self.CanPaste())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR or id == ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT:
+ event.Enable(self._AreSelectedItemsFromSameProject())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ event.Enable(self._HasFiles())
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID:
+ event.Enable(self._HasFilesSelected())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID:
+ event.Enable(self._HasProjectsSelected() or self._HasFilesSelected())
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Display Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def IsShown(self):
+ if not self.GetFrame():
+ return False
+ return self.GetFrame().IsShown()
+ def Hide(self):
+ self.Show(False)
+ def Show(self, show = True):
+ self.GetFrame().Show(show)
+ if wx.GetApp().IsMDI():
+ mdiParentFrame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
+ mdiParentFrame.ShowEmbeddedWindow(self.GetFrame(), show)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Methods for ProjectDocument and ProjectService to call
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def SetExpandedProjects(self, expandedProjects):
+ self._treeCtrl.UnselectAll()
+ firstItem = None
+ for i, item in enumerate(self._GetChildItems(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem())):
+ if i == 0:
+ firstItem = item
+ if expandedProjects[i]:
+ self._treeCtrl.Expand(item)
+ else:
+ self._treeCtrl.Collapse(item)
+ # wxBug: This causes a crash, tried using ScrollTo which crashed as well. Then tried calling it with wx.CallAfter and that crashed as well, with both EnsureVisible and ScrollTo
+ # self._treeCtrl.EnsureVisible(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem())
+ # So doing the following massive hack which forces the treectrl to scroll up to the top item
+ if firstItem:
+ if expandedProjects[i]:
+ self._treeCtrl.Collapse(firstItem)
+ self._treeCtrl.Expand(firstItem)
+ else:
+ self._treeCtrl.Expand(firstItem)
+ self._treeCtrl.Collapse(firstItem)
+ def GetSelectedFile(self):
+ for item in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ return self._GetItemFile(item)
+ def AddProjectToView(self, document):
+ rootItem = self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem()
+ projectItem = self._treeCtrl.AppendItem(rootItem, self._MakeProjectName(document))
+ self._treeCtrl.SetPyData(projectItem, document)
+ for file in document.GetFiles():
+ fileItem = self._treeCtrl.AppendItem(projectItem, os.path.basename(file))
+ self._treeCtrl.SetPyData(fileItem, file)
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(rootItem)
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(projectItem)
+ self._treeCtrl.UnselectAll()
+ self._treeCtrl.Expand(projectItem)
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(projectItem)
+ if self._embeddedWindow:
+ document.GetCommandProcessor().SetEditMenu(wx.GetApp().GetEditMenu(self._GetParentFrame()))
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Methods for OutlineService
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def DoLoadOutlineCallback(self, force=False):
+ """ Project Editor is a special case for the Outline Service.
+ You need to be able to be active in the Project Manager without clearing
+ the Outline View. So we make the Project Editor a client of the Outline
+ Service, but we don't load anything in the Outline View, leaving the
+ contents of the Outline View alone (e.g. last document's outline view).
+ """
+ pass
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Control events
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnProperties(self, event):
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ if not items:
+ return
+ item = items[0]
+ if self._IsItemProject(item):
+ projectPropertiesDialog = ProjectPropertiesDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), self._GetItemProject(item).GetFilename())
+ if projectPropertiesDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ pass # Handle OK
+ projectPropertiesDialog.Destroy()
+ elif self._IsItemFile(item):
+ filePropertiesService = wx.GetApp().GetService(wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService)
+ filePropertiesService.ShowPropertiesDialog(self._GetItemFile(item))
+ def OnAddFileToProject(self, event):
+ if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" or wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__" or wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+ allfilter = ''
+ descr = ''
+ for temp in self.GetDocumentManager()._templates:
+ if temp.IsVisible():
+ if len(descr) > 0:
+ descr = descr + _('|')
+ allfilter = allfilter + _(';')
+ descr = descr + temp.GetDescription() + _(" (") + temp.GetFileFilter() + _(") |") + temp.GetFileFilter() # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
+ allfilter = allfilter + temp.GetFileFilter()
+ descr = _("All") + _(" (") + allfilter + _(") |") + allfilter + _('|') + descr # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
+ descr = descr + _("|") + _("Any (*.*) | *.*")
+ else:
+ descr = _("*.*")
+ if True or _WINDOWS:
+ dialog = wx.FileDialog(self.GetFrame(), _("Add Files"), self._lastDirectory, "", descr, wx.OPEN | wx.HIDE_READONLY | wx.MULTIPLE)
+ if dialog.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:
+ return
+ paths = dialog.GetPaths()
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ else:
+ paths = wx.FileSelector(_("Add Files"), self._lastDirectory, "", wildcard = descr, flags = wx.OPEN | wx.HIDE_READONLY | wx.MULTIPLE, parent=self.GetFrame())
+ if type(paths) == types.StringType:
+ paths = [paths]
+ if len(paths):
+ self._lastDirectory = wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(paths[0])
+ self.GetDocument().GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectAddFilesCommand(self.GetDocument(), paths))
+ self.Activate(True) # after add, should put focus on project editor
+ def DoAddFilesToProject(self, filenames):
+ # method used by Drag-n-Drop to add files to current Project
+ self.GetDocument().GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectAddFilesCommand(self.GetDocument(), filenames))
+ def DoSelectFiles(self, filenames):
+ # method used by Drag-n-Drop to select files in current Project
+ for selection in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(selection, False)
+ for file in filenames:
+ item = self._GetFileItem(longFileName=file)
+ if item:
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(item, True)
+ self._treeCtrl.EnsureVisible(item)
+ def DoSelectProject(self, x, y):
+ # method used by Drag-n-Drop to set current Project based on cursor position
+ item, flag = self._treeCtrl.HitTest((x,y))
+ if not item:
+ return False
+ project = self._GetItemProject(item)
+ if not project:
+ return False
+ projectItem = self._GetProjectItem(project)
+ self._treeCtrl.UnselectAll()
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(projectItem)
+ return True
+ def OnFocus(self, event):
+ wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().ActivateView(self)
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnKillFocus(self, event):
+ # Get the top MDI window and "activate" it since it is already active from the perspective of the MDIParentFrame
+ # wxBug: Would be preferable to call OnActivate, but have casting problem, so added Activate method to docview.DocMDIChildFrame
+ if not self._editingSoDontKillFocus: # wxBug: This didn't used to happen, but now when you start to edit an item in a wxTreeCtrl it puts out a KILL_FOCUS event, so we need to detect it
+ childFrame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetActiveChild()
+ if childFrame:
+ childFrame.Activate()
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnRightClick(self, event):
+ self.Activate(True)
+ if not self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ return
+ if len(self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()) == 1 and self._IsItemRoot(self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()[0]):
+ return # Don't do a menu if it's just the root item selected
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ if self._HasFilesSelected(): # Files context
+ menu.Append(ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID, _("&Open"), _("Opens the selection"))
+ menu.Enable(ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID, True)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID, self.OnOpenSelection)
+ itemIDs = [None]
+ for item in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ if self._IsItemProcessModelFile(item):
+ itemIDs = [None, ProjectService.RUN_SELECTED_PM_ID, None]
+ break
+ else: # Project context
+ itemIDs = [wx.ID_CLOSE, wx.ID_SAVE, wx.ID_SAVEAS, None]
+ menuBar = self._GetParentFrame().GetMenuBar()
+ itemIDs = itemIDs + [wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID, None, ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, None, wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, None, wx.ID_CUT, wx.ID_COPY, wx.ID_PASTE, wx.ID_CLEAR, None, wx.ID_SELECTALL, None, ProjectService.RENAME_ID]
+ for itemID in itemIDs:
+ if not itemID:
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ else:
+ if itemID == ProjectService.RUN_SELECTED_PM_ID:
+ menu.Append(ProjectService.RUN_SELECTED_PM_ID, _("Run Process"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.RUN_SELECTED_PM_ID, self.OnRunSelectedPM)
+ elif itemID == ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT:
+ menu.Append(ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, _("Remove Selected Files from Project"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, self.OnClear)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, self._GetParentFrame().ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ else:
+ item = menuBar.FindItemById(itemID)
+ if item:
+ menu.Append(itemID, item.GetLabel())
+ self._treeCtrl.PopupMenu(menu, wx.Point(event.GetX(), event.GetY()))
+ menu.Destroy()
+ def OnRunSelectedPM(self, event):
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectService)
+ projectService.OnRunProcessModel(event, runSelected=True)
+ def OnRename(self, event):
+ if self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ self._treeCtrl.EditLabel(self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()[0])
+ def OnBeginLabelEdit(self, event):
+ self._editingSoDontKillFocus = True
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ if not self._IsItemFile(item) and not self._IsItemProject(item):
+ event.Veto()
+ def OnEndLabelEdit(self, event):
+ self._editingSoDontKillFocus = False
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ newName = event.GetLabel()
+ if not newName or (not self._IsItemFile(item) and not self._IsItemProject(item)):
+ event.Veto()
+ return
+ if self._IsItemFile(item):
+ oldFile = self._GetItemFile(item)
+ newFile = os.path.join(os.path.split(oldFile)[0], newName)
+ if not self._GetItemProject(item).GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectRenameFileCommand(self.GetDocument(), oldFile, newFile)):
+ event.Veto()
+ return
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(self._treeCtrl.GetItemParent(self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()[0]))
+ elif self._IsItemProject(item):
+ oldFile = self._GetItemProject(item).GetFilename()
+ newFile = os.path.join(os.path.split(oldFile)[0], newName)
+ if not self._GetItemProject(item).GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectRenameFileCommand(self.GetDocument(), oldFile, newFile, True)):
+ event.Veto()
+ return
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem())
+ def CanPaste(self):
+ # wxBug: Should be able to use IsSupported/IsSupportedFormat here
+ #fileDataObject = wx.FileDataObject()
+ #hasFilesInClipboard = wx.TheClipboard.IsSupportedFormat(wx.FileDataObject)
+ if not wx.TheClipboard.IsOpened():
+ if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
+ fileDataObject = wx.FileDataObject()
+ hasFilesInClipboard = wx.TheClipboard.GetData(fileDataObject)
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ else:
+ hasFilesInClipboard = False
+ return hasFilesInClipboard
+ def OnCut(self, event):
+ if self._AreSelectedItemsFromSameProject():
+ self.OnCopy(event)
+ self.OnClear(event)
+ def OnCopy(self, event):
+ fileDataObject = wx.FileDataObject()
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ for item in items:
+ if self._IsItemFile(item):
+ file = self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(item)
+ fileDataObject.AddFile(file)
+ if len(fileDataObject.GetFilenames()) > 0 and wx.TheClipboard.Open():
+ wx.TheClipboard.SetData(fileDataObject)
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ def OnPaste(self, event):
+ if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
+ fileDataObject = wx.FileDataObject()
+ if wx.TheClipboard.GetData(fileDataObject):
+ self.GetDocument().GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectAddFilesCommand(self.GetDocument(), fileDataObject.GetFilenames()))
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ def OnClear(self, event):
+ if self._AreSelectedItemsFromSameProject():
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ files = []
+ for item in items:
+ if self._IsItemFile(item):
+ files.append(self._GetItemFile(item))
+ self.GetDocument().GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectRemoveFilesCommand(self._GetItemProject(items[0]), files))
+ def OnKeyPressed(self, event):
+ key = event.KeyCode()
+ if key == wx.WXK_DELETE:
+ self.OnClear(event)
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnSelectAll(self, event):
+ project = self.GetDocument()
+ if project:
+ self._treeCtrl.UnselectAll()
+ for child in self._GetChildItems(self._GetProjectItem(project)):
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(child)
+ def OnOpenSelectionSDI(self, event):
+ # Do a call after so that the second mouseclick on a doubleclick doesn't reselect the project window
+ wx.CallAfter(self.OnOpenSelection, None)
+ def OnOpenSelection(self, event):
+ doc = None
+ try:
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ for item in items:
+ if self._IsItemFile(item):
+ filepath = self._GetItemFile(item)
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("File Not Found")
+ yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetFrame(),
+ _("The file '%s' was not found in '%s'.\n\nWould you like to browse for the file?") % (wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filepath), wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(filepath)),
+ msgTitle,
+ wx.YES_NO
+ )
+ if yesNoMsg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_NO:
+ continue
+ findFile = wx.FileDialog(self.GetFrame(),
+ _("Choose a file"),
+ wx.lib.docview.PathOnly(filepath),
+ wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filepath),
+ style = wx.OPEN
+ )
+ if findFile.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK and findFile.GetPath():
+ newpath = findFile.GetPath()
+ else:
+ newpath = None
+ findFile.Destroy()
+ if newpath:
+ # update Project Model with new location
+ self.GetDocument().RemoveFile(filepath)
+ self.GetDocument().AddFile(newpath)
+ filepath = newpath
+ doc = self.GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filepath, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ except IOError, (code, message):
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("File Error")
+ wx.MessageBox("Could not open '%s'." % wx.lib.docview.FileNameFromPath(filepath),
+ msgTitle,
+ self.GetFrame())
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Convenience methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _HasFiles(self):
+ if not self._treeCtrl:
+ return False
+ return self._treeCtrl.GetCount() > 1 # 1 item = root item, don't count as having files
+ def _HasProjectsSelected(self):
+ if not self._treeCtrl:
+ return False
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ if not items:
+ return False
+ for item in items:
+ if self._IsItemProject(item):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _HasFilesSelected(self):
+ if not self._treeCtrl:
+ return False
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ if not items:
+ return False
+ for item in items:
+ if not self._IsItemFile(item):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _MakeProjectName(self, project):
+ return project.GetPrintableName()
+ # Return the tree item for a project
+ def _GetProjectItem(self, project):
+ children = self._GetChildItems(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem())
+ for child in children:
+ if self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(child) == project:
+ return child
+ return None
+ # Returns the project for an item, either for a project item or a file that is part of a project
+ def _GetItemProject(self, item):
+ if self._IsItemRoot(item):
+ return None
+ if self._IsItemProject(item):
+ return self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(item)
+ if self._IsItemFile(item):
+ return self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(self._treeCtrl.GetItemParent(item))
+ return None
+ def _GetItemFile(self, item):
+ if self._IsItemFile(item):
+ return self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(item)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _GetFileItem(self, shortFileName = None, longFileName = None):
+ """ Returns the tree item for a file given the short (display) or long (fullpath) file name. """
+ if shortFileName:
+ project_children = self._GetChildItems(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem())
+ for child in project_children:
+ file_children = self._GetChildItems(child)
+ for file_child in file_children:
+ if self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(file_child) == shortFileName:
+ return file_child
+ return None
+ else:
+ project_children = self._GetChildItems(self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem())
+ for child in project_children:
+ file_children = self._GetChildItems(child)
+ for file_child in file_children:
+ if self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(file_child) == longFileName:
+ return file_child
+ return None
+ def GetFilePathFromTreeName(self, shortFileName):
+ """
+ Returns the data object given a short (display) file name for a file. The data
+ object should be the full path.
+ """
+ return self._GetItemFile(self._GetFileItem(shortFileName))
+ def SelectFileInTree(self, shortFileName):
+ item = self._GetFileItem(shortFileName)
+ if item:
+ for selection in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(selection, False)
+ self._treeCtrl.SelectItem(item, True)
+ self._treeCtrl.EnsureVisible(item)
+ def _IsItemRoot(self, item):
+ return item == self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem()
+ def _IsItemProject(self, item):
+ return isinstance(self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(item), ProjectDocument)
+ def _IsItemFile(self, item):
+ return isinstance(self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(item), types.StringTypes)
+ def _IsItemProcessModelFile(self, item):
+ return False
+ if isinstance(self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(item), types.StringTypes):
+ filename = self._treeCtrl.GetPyData(item)
+ ext = None
+ for template in self.GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates():
+ if template.GetDocumentType() == ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument:
+ ext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
+ break;
+ if not ext:
+ return False
+ if filename.endswith(ext):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _AreSelectedItemsFromSameProject(self):
+ if not self._treeCtrl:
+ return False
+ items = self._treeCtrl.GetSelections()
+ if not items:
+ return False
+ project = self._GetItemProject(items[0])
+ if project == None:
+ return False
+ for item in items:
+ if not self._IsItemFile(item):
+ return False
+ if self._GetItemProject(item) != project:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _GetChildItems(self, parentItem):
+ children = []
+ (child, cookie) = self._treeCtrl.GetFirstChild(parentItem)
+ while child.IsOk():
+ children.append(child)
+ (child, cookie) = self._treeCtrl.GetNextChild(parentItem, cookie)
+ return children
+class ProjectFileDropTarget(wx.FileDropTarget):
+ def __init__(self, view):
+ wx.FileDropTarget.__init__(self)
+ self._view = view
+ def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
+ if self._view.DoSelectProject(x, y):
+ self._view.DoAddFilesToProject(filenames)
+ self._view.DoSelectFiles(filenames)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def OnDragOver(self, x, y, default):
+ if self._view.DoSelectProject(x,y):
+ return wx.DragCopy
+ return wx.DragNone
+class ProjectPropertiesDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent, filename):
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, _("Project Properties"), size = (310, 330))
+ SPACE = 10
+ filePropertiesService = wx.GetApp().GetService(wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService)
+ notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1)
+ tab = wx.Panel(notebook, -1)
+ gridSizer = RowColSizer()
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, _("Filename:")), flag=wx.RIGHT, border=HALF_SPACE, row=0, col=0)
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, os.path.split(filename)[1]), row=0, col=1)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, _("Location:")), flag=wx.RIGHT, border=HALF_SPACE, row=1, col=0)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, filePropertiesService.chopPath(os.path.split(filename)[0])), flag=wx.BOTTOM, border=SPACE, row=1, col=1)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, _("Size:")), flag=wx.RIGHT, border=HALF_SPACE, row=2, col=0)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, str(os.path.getsize(filename)) + ' ' + _("bytes")), row=2, col=1)
+ lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # let the line expand horizontally without vertical expansion
+ lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(tab, -1, size = (10,-1)), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ gridSizer.Add(lineSizer, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.TOP, border=HALF_SPACE, row=3, col=0, colspan=2)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, _("Created:")), flag=wx.RIGHT, border=HALF_SPACE, row=4, col=0)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, time.ctime(os.path.getctime(filename))), row=4, col=1)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, _("Modified:")), flag=wx.RIGHT, border=HALF_SPACE, row=5, col=0)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(filename))), row=5, col=1)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, _("Accessed:")), flag=wx.RIGHT, border=HALF_SPACE, row=6, col=0)
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, time.ctime(os.path.getatime(filename))), row=6, col=1)
+ else:
+ gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(tab, -1, os.path.split(filename)[1] + ' ' + _("[new project]")), row=0, col=1)
+ # add a border around the inside of the tab
+ spacerGrid = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ spacerGrid.Add(gridSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE);
+ tab.SetSizer(spacerGrid)
+ notebook.AddPage(tab, _("General"))
+ if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+ notebook.SetPageSize((310,200))
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(notebook, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, SPACE)
+ sizer.Add(self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.OK), 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ sizer.Fit(self)
+ self.SetDimensions(-1, -1, 310, -1, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ self.Layout()
+class ProjectOptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ self._useSashMessageShown = False
+ SPACE = 10
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ self._projSaveDocsCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Remember open projects"))
+ self._projSaveDocsCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt("ProjectSaveDocs", True))
+ projectBorderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ projectSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ projectSizer.Add(self._projSaveDocsCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ self._projShowWelcomeCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Show Welcome Dialog"))
+ self._projShowWelcomeCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt("RunWelcomeDialog", True))
+ projectSizer.Add(self._projShowWelcomeCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ projectBorderSizer.Add(projectSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ self.SetSizer(projectBorderSizer)
+ self.Layout()
+ parent.AddPage(self, _("Project"))
+ def OnUseSashSelect(self, event):
+ if not self._useSashMessageShown:
+ msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ if not msgTitle:
+ msgTitle = _("Document Options")
+ wx.MessageBox("Project window embedded mode changes will not appear until the application is restarted.",
+ msgTitle,
+ self.GetParent())
+ self._useSashMessageShown = True
+ def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.WriteInt("ProjectSaveDocs", self._projSaveDocsCheckBox.GetValue())
+ config.WriteInt("RunWelcomeDialog", self._projShowWelcomeCheckBox.GetValue())
+class ProjectService(Service.Service):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SHOW_WINDOW = wx.NewId() # keep this line for each subclass, need unique ID for each Service
+ RUNPM_ID = wx.NewId()
+ RUN_CURRENT_PM_ID = wx.NewId()
+ RENAME_ID = wx.NewId()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, serviceName, embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_LEFT):
+ Service.Service.__init__(self, serviceName, embeddedWindowLocation)
+ self._runHandlers = []
+ self._suppressOpenProjectMessages = False
+ def _CreateView(self):
+ return ProjectView(self)
+ def ShowWindow(self, show = True):
+ """ Force showing of saved projects on opening, otherwise empty Project Window is disconcerting for user """
+ Service.Service.ShowWindow(self, show)
+ if show:
+ project = self.GetView().GetDocument()
+ if not project:
+ self.OpenSavedProjects()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Service specific methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def GetSuppressOpenProjectMessages(self):
+ return self._suppressOpenProjectMessages
+ def SetSuppressOpenProjectMessages(self, suppressOpenProjectMessages):
+ self._suppressOpenProjectMessages = suppressOpenProjectMessages
+ def GetRunHandlers(self):
+ return self._runHandlers
+ def AddRunHandler(self, runHandler):
+ self._runHandlers.append(runHandler)
+ def RemoveRunHandler(self, runHandler):
+ self._runHandlers.remove(runHandler)
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ Service.Service.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document)
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ projectMenu = wx.Menu()
+## accelTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([
+## eval(_("wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('R'), ProjectService.RUN_ID"))
+## ])
+## frame.SetAcceleratorTable(accelTable)
+ isProjectDocument = document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument
+ if wx.GetApp().IsMDI() or isProjectDocument:
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID):
+ projectMenu.Append(ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, _("&Add Files to Project..."), _("Adds a document to the current project"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID):
+ projectMenu.Append(ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID, _("&Add Active File to Project..."), _("Adds the active document to a project"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ viewMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View"))
+ menuBar.Insert(viewMenuIndex + 1, projectMenu, _("&Project"))
+ editMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Edit")))
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(ProjectService.RENAME_ID):
+ editMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ editMenu.Append(ProjectService.RENAME_ID, _("&Rename"), _("Renames the active item"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ProjectService.RENAME_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ProjectService.RENAME_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ return True
+ def OnCloseFrame(self, event):
+ if not self.GetView():
+ return True
+ if wx.GetApp().IsMDI():
+ # close all non-project documents first
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()[:]: # Cloning list to make sure we go through all docs even as they are deleted
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != ProjectDocument:
+ if not self.GetDocumentManager().CloseDocument(document, False):
+ return False
+ # write project config afterwards because user may change filenames on closing of new documents
+ self.GetView().WriteProjectConfig() # Called onCloseWindow in all of the other services but needed to be factored out for ProjectService since it is called elsewhere
+ # close all project documents after closing other documents
+ # because user may save a new document with a new name or cancel closing a document
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()[:]: # Cloning list to make sure we go through all docs even as they are deleted
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ if not document.OnSaveModified():
+ return False
+ # This is called when any SDI frame is closed, so need to check if message window is closing or some other window
+ elif self.GetView() == event.GetEventObject().GetView():
+ self.SetView(None)
+ return True
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Event Processing Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ProcessEventBeforeWindows(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == wx.ID_CLOSE_ALL:
+ self.OnFileCloseAll(event)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ if Service.Service.ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ return True
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == ProjectService.RUN_SELECTED_PM_ID:
+ self.OnRunProcessModel(event, runSelected=True)
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.RUN_CURRENT_PM_ID:
+ self.OnRunProcessModel(event, runCurrentFile=True)
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID:
+ self.OnAddCurrentFileToProject(event)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID:
+ if self.GetView():
+ return self.GetView().ProcessEvent(event)
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ if Service.Service.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ return True
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == ProjectService.RUNPM_ID or id == ProjectService.RUN_SELECTED_PM_ID or id == ProjectService.RUN_CURRENT_PM_ID:
+ event.Enable(self._HasOpenedProjects() and self._HasProcessModel())
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID:
+ event.Enable(self._CanAddCurrentFileToProject())
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.RENAME_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID:
+ if self.GetView():
+ return self.GetView().ProcessUpdateUIEvent(event)
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ def OnRunProcessModel(self, event, runSelected=False, runCurrentFile=False):
+ project = self.GetView().GetDocument()
+ if project:
+ ext = None
+ for template in self.GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates():
+ if template.GetDocumentType() == ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument:
+ ext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
+ break;
+ if not ext:
+ return
+ files = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(ext), project.GetFiles())
+ if not files:
+ return
+ docs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for doc in docs:
+ if doc.GetFilename() in files and doc.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument:
+ if not doc.GetProcessModel().beginProcess:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Cannot run process. No begin action found."), _("Run Process"))
+ return
+ filesModified = False
+ for doc in docs:
+ if doc.IsModified():
+ filesModified = True
+ break
+ if filesModified:
+ frame = self.GetView().GetFrame()
+ yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
+ _("Files have been modified. Process may not reflect your current changes.\n\nWould you like to save all files before running?"),
+ _("Run Process"),
+ wx.YES_NO
+ )
+ if yesNoMsg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
+ wx.GetTopLevelParent(frame).OnFileSaveAll(None)
+ if runCurrentFile:
+ fileToRun = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument().GetFilename()
+ elif runSelected:
+ fileToRun = self.GetView().GetSelectedFile()
+ elif len(files) > 1:
+ files.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(os.path.basename(a).lower(), os.path.basename(b).lower()))
+ strings = map(lambda file: os.path.basename(file), files)
+ res = wx.GetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Select a process to run:"),
+ _("Run"),
+ strings,
+ project.GetFirstView()._GetParentFrame())
+ if res == -1:
+ return
+ fileToRun = files[res]
+ else:
+ fileToRun = files[0]
+ self.RunProcessModel(fileToRun)
+ def RunProcessModel(self, fileToRun):
+ for runHandler in self.GetRunHandlers():
+ if runHandler.RunProjectFile(fileToRun):
+ return
+ os.system('"' + fileToRun + '"')
+ def _HasProcessModel(self):
+ project = self.GetView().GetDocument()
+ if project:
+ ext = None
+ for template in self.GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates():
+ if template.GetDocumentType() == ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument:
+ ext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
+ break;
+ if not ext:
+ return False
+ files = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(ext), project.GetFiles())
+ if not files:
+ return False
+ if len(files):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _HasOpenedProjects(self):
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _HasCurrentFile(self):
+ currentDoc = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument()
+ return currentDoc
+ def _CanAddCurrentFileToProject(self):
+ currentDoc = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument()
+ if not currentDoc:
+ return False
+ if currentDoc.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ return False
+ if not currentDoc._savedYet:
+ return False
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ return True
+ return False # There are no documents open
+ def GetFilesFromCurrentProject(self):
+ view = self.GetView()
+ if view:
+ project = view.GetDocument()
+ if project:
+ return project.GetFiles()
+ return None
+ def GetCurrentProject(self):
+ view = self.GetView()
+ if view:
+ return view.GetDocument()
+ return None
+ def FindProjectByFile(self, filename):
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ if document.GetFilename() == filename:
+ return document
+ elif document.IsFileInProject(filename):
+ return document
+ return None
+ def GetCurrentProjectNames(self):
+ projects = []
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ projects.append(document)
+ if not projects:
+ return
+ projects.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.GetPrintableName().lower(), b.GetPrintableName().lower()))
+ strings = map(lambda project: project.GetPrintableName(), projects)
+ return strings
+ def OnAddCurrentFileToProject(self, event):
+ if not self._CanAddCurrentFileToProject():
+ return
+ projects = []
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ projects.append(document)
+ if not projects:
+ return
+ projects.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.GetPrintableName().lower(), b.GetPrintableName().lower()))
+ strings = map(lambda project: project.GetPrintableName(), projects)
+ res = wx.GetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Select a project to add the file to:"),
+ _("Add to Project"),
+ strings,
+ self.GetDocumentManager().FindSuitableParent())
+ if res == -1:
+ return
+ file = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument().GetFilename()
+ projects[res].GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectAddFilesCommand(projects[res], [file]))
+ self.GetView().Activate(True) # after add, should put focus on project editor
+ def OnFileCloseAll(self, event):
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()[:]: # Cloning list to make sure we go through all docs even as they are deleted
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != ProjectDocument:
+ if not self.GetDocumentManager().CloseDocument(document, False):
+ return
+ # document.DeleteAllViews() # Implicitly delete the document when the last view is removed
+ def OpenSavedProjects(self):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ openedDocs = False
+ if config.ReadInt("ProjectSaveDocs", True):
+ docString = config.Read("ProjectSavedDocs")
+ if docString:
+ doc = None
+ for fileName in eval(docString):
+ if isinstance(fileName, types.StringTypes):
+ if os.path.exists(fileName):
+ doc = self.GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(fileName, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ if doc:
+ openedDocs = True
+ expandedString = config.Read("ProjectExpandedSavedDocs")
+ if expandedString:
+ view = doc.GetFirstView()
+ view.SetExpandedProjects(eval(expandedString))
+ return openedDocs
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getProjectData():
+ return \
+def getProjectBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getProjectImage())
+def getProjectImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getProjectData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getProjectIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getProjectBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getBlankData():
+ return \
+"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\
+\x85IDATX\x85\xed\x97\xc9\n\xc0 \x0cD3\xda\xff\xffcMo\x96Z\xc4\xa5\x91\x14:9\
+\x8a\xe8\xcb\xd3\xb8\x00!\x8ag\x04\xd7\xd9E\xe4\xa8\x1b4'}3 B\xc4L\x7fs\x03\
+\r\x10\x80\x00\x04 \x00\x01\x08@\x80\xe6{\xa0w\x8f[\x85\xbb\x01\xfc\xfeoH\
+def getBlankBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getBlankImage())
+def getBlankImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getBlankData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getBlankIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getBlankBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: PythonEditor.py
+# Purpose: PythonEditor for wx.lib.pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 8/15/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import CodeEditor
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import string
+import keyword # So it knows what to hilite
+import wx.py # For the Python interpreter
+import wx.stc # For the Python interpreter
+import cStringIO # For indent
+import OutlineService
+import STCTextEditor
+import keyword # for GetAutoCompleteKeywordList
+import sys # for GetAutoCompleteKeywordList
+import MessageService # for OnCheckCode
+import OutlineService
+ import checker # for pychecker
+except ImportError:
+import os.path # for pychecker
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ _WINDOWS = True
+ _WINDOWS = False
+class PythonDocument(CodeEditor.CodeDocument):
+ pass
+class PythonView(CodeEditor.CodeView):
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ if not self.GetCtrl():
+ return False
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == CodeEditor.CHECK_CODE_ID:
+ hasText = self.GetCtrl().GetTextLength() > 0
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ return CodeEditor.CodeView.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return PythonCtrl
+ def OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView):
+ STCTextEditor.TextView.OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView)
+ if activate:
+ wx.CallAfter(self.LoadOutline) # need CallAfter because document isn't loaded yet
+ def OnClose(self, deleteWindow = True):
+ status = STCTextEditor.TextView.OnClose(self, deleteWindow)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.ClearOutline) # need CallAfter because when closing the document, it is Activated and then Close, so need to match OnActivateView's CallAfter
+ return status
+ def GetAutoCompleteKeywordList(self, context, hint):
+ obj = None
+ try:
+ if context and len(context):
+ obj = eval(context, globals(), locals())
+ except:
+ if not hint or len(hint) == 0: # context isn't valid, maybe it was the hint
+ hint = context
+ if obj is None:
+ kw = keyword.kwlist[:]
+ else:
+ symTbl = dir(obj)
+ kw = filter(lambda item: item[0] != '_', symTbl) # remove local variables and methods
+ if hint and len(hint):
+ lowerHint = hint.lower()
+ filterkw = filter(lambda item: item.lower().startswith(lowerHint), kw) # remove variables and methods that don't match hint
+ kw = filterkw
+ kw.sort(self.CaseInsensitiveCompare)
+ if hint:
+ replaceLen = len(hint)
+ else:
+ replaceLen = 0
+ return " ".join(kw), replaceLen
+ def OnCheckCode(self):
+ wx.MessageBox(_("pychecker not found. Please install pychecker."), _("Check Code"))
+ return
+ filename = os.path.basename(self.GetDocument().GetFilename())
+ # pychecker only works on files, doesn't take a stream or string input
+ if self.GetDocument().IsModified():
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetFrame(), _("'%s' has been modfied and must be saved first. Save file and check code?") % filename, _("Check Code"))
+ val = dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ if val == wx.ID_OK:
+ self.GetDocument().Save()
+ else:
+ return
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ messageService.ShowWindow()
+ view = messageService.GetView()
+ if not view:
+ return
+ view.ClearLines()
+ view.SetCallback(self.OnJumpToFoundLine)
+ # Set cursor to Wait cursor
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ # This takes a while for involved code
+ checker.checkSyntax(self.GetDocument().GetFilename(), view)
+ # Set cursor to Default cursor
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ def OnJumpToFoundLine(self, event):
+ messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService)
+ lineText, pos = messageService.GetView().GetCurrLine()
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(".py:")
+ if lineEnd == -1:
+ return
+ lineStart = lineEnd + len(".py:")
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(":", lineStart)
+ lineNum = int(lineText[lineStart:lineEnd])
+ filename = lineText[0:lineStart - 1]
+ foundView = None
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if openDoc.GetFilename() == filename:
+ foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ break
+ if not foundView:
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ foundView = doc.GetFirstView()
+ if foundView:
+ foundView.GetFrame().SetFocus()
+ foundView.Activate()
+ foundView.GotoLine(lineNum)
+ startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
+ endPos = foundView.GetLineEndPosition(lineNum)
+ # wxBug: Need to select in reverse order, (end, start) to put cursor at head of line so positioning is correct
+ # Also, if we use the correct positioning order (start, end), somehow, when we open a edit window for the first
+ # time, we don't see the selection, it is scrolled off screen
+ foundView.SetSelection(endPos, startPos)
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(foundView, position=startPos)
+class PythonInterpreterView(wx.lib.docview.View):
+ def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
+ frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer()
+ self._pyCrust = wx.py.crust.Crust(frame)
+ sizer.Add(self._pyCrust, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ frame.SetSizer(sizer)
+ frame.Layout()
+ self.Activate()
+ frame.Show()
+ return True
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_pyCrust") or not self._pyCrust:
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ stcControl = wx.Window_FindFocus()
+ if not isinstance(stcControl, wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == wx.ID_UNDO:
+ stcControl.Undo()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_REDO:
+ stcControl.Redo()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CUT:
+ stcControl.Cut()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+ stcControl.Copy()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+ stcControl.Paste()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR:
+ stcControl.Clear()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ stcControl.SetSelection(0, -1)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_pyCrust") or not self._pyCrust:
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ stcControl = wx.Window_FindFocus()
+ if not isinstance(stcControl, wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == wx.ID_UNDO:
+ event.Enable(stcControl.CanUndo())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_REDO:
+ event.Enable(stcControl.CanRedo())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CUT:
+ event.Enable(stcControl.CanCut())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+ event.Enable(stcControl.CanCopy())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+ event.Enable(stcControl.CanPaste())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR:
+ event.Enable(True) # wxBug: should be stcControl.CanCut()) but disabling clear item means del key doesn't work in control as expected
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ event.Enable(stcControl.GetTextLength() > 0)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ def OnClose(self, deleteWindow=True):
+ if deleteWindow and self.GetFrame():
+ self.GetFrame().Destroy()
+ return True
+class PythonService(CodeEditor.CodeService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeService.__init__(self)
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ CodeEditor.CodeService.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document)
+ if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != PythonDocument:
+ return
+ if not document and wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ return
+ viewMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View")))
+ viewStatusBarItemPos = self.GetMenuItemPos(viewMenu, wx.lib.pydocview.VIEW_STATUSBAR_ID)
+ viewMenu.InsertCheckItem(viewStatusBarItemPos + 1, VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID, _("Python &Interpreter"), _("Shows or hides the Python interactive window"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ self.OnViewPythonInterpreter(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return CodeEditor.CodeService.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ event.Enable(True)
+ docManager = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager()
+ event.Check(False)
+ for doc in docManager.GetDocuments():
+ if isinstance(doc.GetFirstView(), PythonInterpreterView):
+ event.Check(True)
+ break
+ return True
+ else:
+ return CodeEditor.CodeService.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ def OnViewPythonInterpreter(self, event):
+ for doc in wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if isinstance(doc.GetFirstView(), PythonInterpreterView):
+ doc.GetFirstView().GetDocument().DeleteAllViews()
+ return
+ docManager = self.GetDocumentManager()
+ template = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Python Interpreter"),
+ "*.Foobar",
+ "Foobar",
+ ".Foobar",
+ _("Python Interpreter Document"),
+ _("Python Interpreter View"),
+ wx.lib.docview.Document,
+ PythonInterpreterView,
+ flags = wx.lib.docview.TEMPLATE_INVISIBLE)
+ newDoc = template.CreateDocument('', wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ if newDoc:
+ newDoc.SetDocumentName(template.GetDocumentName())
+ newDoc.SetDocumentTemplate(template)
+ newDoc.OnNewDocument()
+ newDoc.SetWriteable(False)
+ newDoc.GetFirstView().GetFrame().SetTitle(_("Python Interpreter"))
+class PythonCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ self.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "1")
+ self.SetProperty("fold.comment.python", "1")
+ self.SetProperty("fold.quotes.python", "1")
+ self.SetLexer(wx.stc.STC_LEX_PYTHON)
+ self.SetKeyWords(0, string.join(keyword.kwlist))
+ def SetViewDefaults(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Python", hasWordWrap = False, hasTabs = True)
+ def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self):
+ return CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self, configPrefix = "Python")
+ def UpdateStyles(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.UpdateStyles(self)
+ if not self.GetFont():
+ return
+ faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(),
+ 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
+ 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2,
+ 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue())
+ }
+ # Python styles
+ # White space
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Comment
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_COMMENTLINE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Number
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_NUMBER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # String
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_STRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Single quoted string
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_CHARACTER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Keyword
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_WORD, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Triple quotes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_TRIPLE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F0000,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Triple double quotes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_TRIPLEDOUBLE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F0000,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Class name definition
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_CLASSNAME, "face:%(font)s,fore:#0000FF,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Function or method name definition
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_DEFNAME, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Operators
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_OPERATOR, "face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Identifiers
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_IDENTIFIER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#%(color)s,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Comment-blocks
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_COMMENTBLOCK, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F7F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # End of line where string is not closed
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_STRINGEOL, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,back:#E0C0E0,eol,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ def OnUpdateUI(self, evt):
+ braces = self.GetMatchingBraces()
+ # check for matching braces
+ braceAtCaret = -1
+ braceOpposite = -1
+ charBefore = None
+ caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ if caretPos > 0:
+ charBefore = self.GetCharAt(caretPos - 1)
+ styleBefore = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos - 1)
+ # check before
+ if charBefore and chr(charBefore) in braces and styleBefore == wx.stc.STC_P_OPERATOR:
+ braceAtCaret = caretPos - 1
+ # check after
+ if braceAtCaret < 0:
+ charAfter = self.GetCharAt(caretPos)
+ styleAfter = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos)
+ if charAfter and chr(charAfter) in braces and styleAfter == wx.stc.STC_P_OPERATOR:
+ braceAtCaret = caretPos
+ if braceAtCaret >= 0:
+ braceOpposite = self.BraceMatch(braceAtCaret)
+ if braceAtCaret != -1 and braceOpposite == -1:
+ self.BraceBadLight(braceAtCaret)
+ else:
+ self.BraceHighlight(braceAtCaret, braceOpposite)
+ evt.Skip()
+ def DoIndent(self):
+ (text, caretPos) = self.GetCurLine()
+ self._tokenizerChars = {} # This is really too much, need to find something more like a C array
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ self._tokenizerChars[i] = 0
+ ctext = cStringIO.StringIO(text)
+ try:
+ tokenize.tokenize(ctext.readline, self)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Left in for debugging purposes:
+ #for i in range(len(text)):
+ # print i, text[i], self._tokenizerChars[i]
+ if caretPos == 0 or len(string.strip(text)) == 0: # At beginning of line or within an empty line
+ self.AddText('\n')
+ else:
+ doExtraIndent = False
+ brackets = False
+ commentStart = -1
+ if caretPos > 1:
+ startParenCount = 0
+ endParenCount = 0
+ startSquareBracketCount = 0
+ endSquareBracketCount = 0
+ startCurlyBracketCount = 0
+ endCurlyBracketCount = 0
+ startQuoteCount = 0
+ endQuoteCount = 0
+ for i in range(caretPos - 1, -1, -1): # Go through each character before the caret
+ if i >= len(text): # Sometimes the caret is at the end of the text if there is no LF
+ continue
+ if self._tokenizerChars[i] == 1:
+ continue
+ elif self._tokenizerChars[i] == 2:
+ startQuoteCount = startQuoteCount + 1
+ elif self._tokenizerChars[i] == 3:
+ endQuoteCount = endQuoteCount + 1
+ elif text[i] == '(': # Would be nice to use a dict for this, but the code is much more readable this way
+ startParenCount = startParenCount + 1
+ elif text[i] == ')':
+ endParenCount = endParenCount + 1
+ elif text[i] == "[":
+ startSquareBracketCount = startSquareBracketCount + 1
+ elif text[i] == "]":
+ endSquareBracketCount = endSquareBracketCount + 1
+ elif text[i] == "{":
+ startCurlyBracketCount = startCurlyBracketCount + 1
+ elif text[i] == "}":
+ endCurlyBracketCount = endCurlyBracketCount + 1
+ elif text[i] == "#":
+ commentStart = i
+ break
+ if startQuoteCount > endQuoteCount or startParenCount > endParenCount or startSquareBracketCount > endSquareBracketCount or startCurlyBracketCount > endCurlyBracketCount:
+ if i + 1 >= caretPos: # Caret is right at the open paren, so just do indent as if colon was there
+ doExtraIndent = True
+ break
+ else:
+ spaces = " " * (i + 1)
+ brackets = True
+ break
+ if not brackets:
+ spaces = text[0:len(text) - len(string.lstrip(text))]
+ if caretPos < len(spaces): # If within the opening spaces of a line
+ spaces = spaces[:caretPos]
+ # strip comment off
+ if commentStart != -1:
+ text = text[0:commentStart]
+ textNoTrailingSpaces = text[0:caretPos].rstrip()
+ if doExtraIndent or len(textNoTrailingSpaces) and textNoTrailingSpaces[-1] == ':':
+ spaces = spaces + ' ' * self.GetIndent()
+ self.AddText('\n' + spaces)
+ # Callback for tokenizer in self.DoIndent
+ def __call__(self, toktype, toktext, (srow,scol), (erow,ecol), line):
+ if toktype == tokenize.COMMENT:
+ for i in range(scol, ecol + 1):
+ self._validChars[i] = False
+ elif toktype == token.STRING:
+ self._tokenizerChars[scol] = 2 # Open quote
+ self._tokenizerChars[ecol - 1] = 3 # Close quote
+ for i in range(scol + 1, ecol - 2):
+ self._tokenizerChars[i] = 1 # Part of string, 1 == ignore the char
+class PythonOptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ pathLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("python.exe Path:"))
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ path = config.Read("ActiveGridPythonLocation")
+ self._pathTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, path, size = (150, -1))
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetToolTipString(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ choosePathButton = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Browse..."))
+ pathSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ pathSizer.Add(pathLabel, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
+ pathSizer.Add(self._pathTextCtrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ pathSizer.Add(choosePathButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, choosePathButton.GetId(), self.OnChoosePath)
+ mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ mainSizer.Add(pathSizer, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 10)
+ self._otherOptions = STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel(self, -1, configPrefix = "Python", label = "Python", hasWordWrap = False, hasTabs = True, addPage=False)
+ mainSizer.Add(self._otherOptions)
+ self.SetSizer(mainSizer)
+ parent.AddPage(self, _("Python"))
+ def OnChoosePath(self, event):
+ if _WINDOWS:
+ wildcard = _("*.exe")
+ else:
+ wildcard = _("*")
+ path = wx.FileSelector(_("Select a File"),
+ _(""),
+ _(""),
+ wildcard = wildcard ,
+ flags = wx.HIDE_READONLY,
+ parent = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow())
+ if path:
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetValue(path)
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetToolTipString(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
+ if len(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue()) > 0:
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write("ActiveGridPythonLocation", self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ self._otherOptions.OnOK(optionsDialog)
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getPythonData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\xd5IDAT8\x8d\x8d\x93Y\x0e\xc3 \x0cD\x9fM\xcf\xddNr2.\x96\xb8\x1f\
+def getPythonBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getPythonImage())
+def getPythonImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getPythonData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getPythonIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getPythonBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+# Name: STCTextEditor.py
+# Purpose: Text Editor for wx.lib.pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control
+# Author: Peter Yared, Morgan Hua
+# Created: 8/10/03
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.stc
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.multisash
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+import string
+import FindService
+import os
+import sys
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# Constants
+TEXT_ID = wx.NewId()
+VIEW_EOL_ID = wx.NewId()
+ZOOM_ID = wx.NewId()
+ZOOM_NORMAL_ID = wx.NewId()
+ZOOM_IN_ID = wx.NewId()
+ZOOM_OUT_ID = wx.NewId()
+CHOOSE_FONT_ID = wx.NewId()
+WORD_WRAP_ID = wx.NewId()
+# Classes
+class TextDocument(wx.lib.docview.Document):
+ def OnSaveDocument(self, filename):
+ view = self.GetFirstView()
+ docFile = file(self._documentFile, "w")
+ docFile.write(view.GetValue())
+ docFile.close()
+ self.Modify(False)
+ self.SetDocumentSaved(True)
+ return True
+ def OnOpenDocument(self, filename):
+ view = self.GetFirstView()
+ docFile = file(self._documentFile, 'r')
+ data = docFile.read()
+ view.SetValue(data)
+ self.SetFilename(filename, True)
+ self.Modify(False)
+ self.UpdateAllViews()
+ self._savedYet = True
+ return True
+ def IsModified(self):
+ view = self.GetFirstView()
+ if view:
+ return wx.lib.docview.Document.IsModified(self) or view.IsModified()
+ else:
+ return wx.lib.docview.Document.IsModified(self)
+ def Modify(self, mod):
+ view = self.GetFirstView()
+ wx.lib.docview.Document.Modify(self, mod)
+ if not mod and view:
+ view.SetModifyFalse()
+ def OnCreateCommandProcessor(self):
+ # Don't create a command processor, it has its own
+ pass
+# Use this to override MultiClient.Select to prevent yellow background.
+def MultiClientSelectBGNotYellow(a):
+ a.GetParent().multiView.UnSelect()
+ a.selected = True
+ #a.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255,255,0)) # Yellow
+ a.Refresh()
+class TextView(wx.lib.docview.View):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self):
+ wx.lib.docview.View.__init__(self)
+ self._textEditor = None
+ self._markerCount = 0
+ self._commandProcessor = None
+ self._multiSash = None
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ return TextCtrl
+ def GetCtrl(self):
+ # look for active one first
+ self._textEditor = self._GetActiveCtrl(self._multiSash)
+ if self._textEditor == None: # it is possible none are active
+ # look for any existing one
+ self._textEditor = self._FindCtrl(self._multiSash)
+ return self._textEditor
+## def GetCtrls(self, parent = None):
+## """ Walk through the MultiSash windows and find all Ctrls """
+## controls = []
+## if isinstance(parent, self.GetCtrlClass()):
+## return [parent]
+## if hasattr(parent, "GetChildren"):
+## for child in parent.GetChildren():
+## controls = controls + self.GetCtrls(child)
+## return controls
+ def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
+ frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
+ wx.lib.multisash.MultiClient.Select = MultiClientSelectBGNotYellow
+ self._multiSash = wx.lib.multisash.MultiSash(frame, -1)
+ self._multiSash.SetDefaultChildClass(self.GetCtrlClass()) # wxBug: MultiSash instantiates the first TextCtrl with this call
+ self._textEditor = self.GetCtrl() # wxBug: grab the TextCtrl from the MultiSash datastructure
+ self._CreateSizer(frame)
+ self.Activate()
+ frame.Show(True)
+ frame.Layout()
+ return True
+ def _GetActiveCtrl(self, parent):
+ """ Walk through the MultiSash windows and find the active Control """
+ if isinstance(parent, wx.lib.multisash.MultiClient) and parent.selected:
+ return parent.child
+ if hasattr(parent, "GetChildren"):
+ for child in parent.GetChildren():
+ found = self._GetActiveCtrl(child)
+ if found:
+ return found
+ return None
+ def _FindCtrl(self, parent):
+ """ Walk through the MultiSash windows and find the first TextCtrl """
+ if isinstance(parent, self.GetCtrlClass()):
+ return parent
+ if hasattr(parent, "GetChildren"):
+ for child in parent.GetChildren():
+ found = self._FindCtrl(child)
+ if found:
+ return found
+ return None
+ def _CreateSizer(self, frame):
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ sizer.Add(self._multiSash, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ frame.SetSizer(sizer)
+ frame.SetAutoLayout(True)
+ def OnUpdate(self, sender = None, hint = None):
+ if hint == "ViewStuff":
+ self.GetCtrl().SetViewDefaults()
+ elif hint == "Font":
+ font, color = self.GetFontAndColorFromConfig()
+ self.GetCtrl().SetFont(font)
+ self.GetCtrl().SetFontColor(color)
+ def OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView):
+ if activate and self.GetCtrl():
+ # In MDI mode just calling set focus doesn't work and in SDI mode using CallAfter causes an endless loop
+ if self.GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetFocus()
+ else:
+ wx.CallAfter(self.GetCtrl().SetFocus)
+ def OnClose(self, deleteWindow = True):
+ if not wx.lib.docview.View.OnClose(self, deleteWindow):
+ return False
+ self.Activate(False)
+ if deleteWindow and self.GetFrame():
+ self.GetFrame().Destroy()
+ return True
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == wx.ID_UNDO:
+ self.GetCtrl().Undo()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_REDO:
+ self.GetCtrl().Redo()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CUT:
+ self.GetCtrl().Cut()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+ self.GetCtrl().Copy()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+ self.GetCtrl().OnPaste()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR:
+ self.GetCtrl().OnClear()
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(0, -1)
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_WHITESPACE_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetViewWhiteSpace(not self.GetCtrl().GetViewWhiteSpace())
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_EOL_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetViewEOL(not self.GetCtrl().GetViewEOL())
+ return True
+ self.GetCtrl().SetViewIndentationGuides(not self.GetCtrl().GetViewIndentationGuides())
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_RIGHT_EDGE_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetViewRightEdge(not self.GetCtrl().GetViewRightEdge())
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_LINE_NUMBERS_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetViewLineNumbers(not self.GetCtrl().GetViewLineNumbers())
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_NORMAL_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetZoom(0)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_IN_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().CmdKeyExecute(wx.stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMIN)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_OUT_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().CmdKeyExecute(wx.stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMOUT)
+ return True
+ elif id == CHOOSE_FONT_ID:
+ self.OnChooseFont()
+ return True
+ elif id == WORD_WRAP_ID:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetWordWrap(not self.GetCtrl().GetWordWrap())
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.FIND_ID:
+ self.OnFind()
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.FIND_PREVIOUS_ID:
+ self.DoFind(forceFindPrevious = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.FIND_NEXT_ID:
+ self.DoFind(forceFindNext = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.REPLACE_ID:
+ self.OnFind(replace = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.FINDONE_ID:
+ self.DoFind()
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.REPLACEONE_ID:
+ self.DoFind(replace = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.REPLACEALL_ID:
+ self.DoFind(replaceAll = True)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.GOTO_LINE_ID:
+ self.OnGotoLine(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessEvent(self, event)
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ if not self.GetCtrl():
+ return False
+ hasSelection = self.GetCtrl().GetSelectionStart() != self.GetCtrl().GetSelectionEnd()
+ hasText = self.GetCtrl().GetTextLength() > 0
+ notOnLastChar = self.GetCtrl().GetSelectionStart() != self.GetCtrl().GetTextLength()
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == wx.ID_UNDO:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanUndo())
+ event.SetText(_("Undo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Z'))
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_REDO:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanRedo())
+ event.SetText(_("Redo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Y'))
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CUT:
+ event.Enable(hasSelection)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_COPY:
+ event.Enable(hasSelection)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_PASTE:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanPaste())
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR:
+ event.Enable(hasSelection)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == TEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_WHITESPACE_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ event.Check(self.GetCtrl().GetViewWhiteSpace())
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_EOL_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ event.Check(self.GetCtrl().GetViewEOL())
+ return True
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ event.Check(self.GetCtrl().GetIndentationGuides())
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_RIGHT_EDGE_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ event.Check(self.GetCtrl().GetViewRightEdge())
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_LINE_NUMBERS_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ event.Check(self.GetCtrl().GetViewLineNumbers())
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_NORMAL_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().GetZoom() != 0)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_IN_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().GetZoom() < 20)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_OUT_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().GetZoom() > -10)
+ return True
+ elif id == CHOOSE_FONT_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ elif id == WORD_WRAP_ID:
+ event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanWordWrap())
+ event.Check(self.GetCtrl().CanWordWrap() and self.GetCtrl().GetWordWrap())
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.FIND_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.FIND_PREVIOUS_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText and
+ self._FindServiceHasString() and
+ self.GetCtrl().GetSelection()[0] > 0)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.FIND_NEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText and
+ self._FindServiceHasString() and
+ self.GetCtrl().GetSelection()[0] < self.GetCtrl().GetLength())
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.REPLACE_ID:
+ event.Enable(hasText)
+ return True
+ elif id == FindService.FindService.GOTO_LINE_ID:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ elif id == TEXT_STATUS_BAR_ID:
+ self.OnUpdateStatusBar(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
+ def _GetParentFrame(self):
+ return wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.GetFrame())
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Methods for TextDocument to call
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def IsModified(self):
+ if not self.GetCtrl():
+ return False
+ return self.GetCtrl().GetModify()
+ def SetModifyFalse(self):
+ self.GetCtrl().SetSavePoint()
+ def GetValue(self):
+ if self.GetCtrl():
+ return self.GetCtrl().GetText()
+ else:
+ return None
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ self.GetCtrl().SetText(value)
+ self.GetCtrl().UpdateLineNumberMarginWidth()
+ self.GetCtrl().EmptyUndoBuffer()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # STC events
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnUpdateStatusBar(self, event):
+ statusBar = self._GetParentFrame().GetStatusBar()
+ statusBar.SetInsertMode(self.GetCtrl().GetOvertype() == 0)
+ statusBar.SetLineNumber(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine() + 1)
+ statusBar.SetColumnNumber(self.GetCtrl().GetColumn(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos()) + 1)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Format methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnChooseFont(self):
+ data = wx.FontData()
+ data.EnableEffects(True)
+ data.SetInitialFont(self.GetCtrl().GetFont())
+ data.SetColour(self.GetCtrl().GetFontColor())
+ fontDialog = wx.FontDialog(self.GetFrame(), data)
+ if fontDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ data = fontDialog.GetFontData()
+ self.GetCtrl().SetFont(data.GetChosenFont())
+ self.GetCtrl().SetFontColor(data.GetColour())
+ self.GetCtrl().UpdateStyles()
+ fontDialog.Destroy()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Find methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnFind(self, replace = False):
+ findService = wx.GetApp().GetService(FindService.FindService)
+ if findService:
+ findService.ShowFindReplaceDialog(findString = self.GetCtrl().GetSelectedText(), replace = replace)
+ def DoFind(self, forceFindNext = False, forceFindPrevious = False, replace = False, replaceAll = False):
+ findService = wx.GetApp().GetService(FindService.FindService)
+ if not findService:
+ return
+ findString = findService.GetFindString()
+ if len(findString) == 0:
+ return -1
+ replaceString = findService.GetReplaceString()
+ flags = findService.GetFlags()
+ startLoc, endLoc = self.GetCtrl().GetSelection()
+ wholeWord = flags & wx.FR_WHOLEWORD > 0
+ matchCase = flags & wx.FR_MATCHCASE > 0
+ regExp = flags & FindService.FindService.FR_REGEXP > 0
+ down = flags & wx.FR_DOWN > 0
+ wrap = flags & FindService.FindService.FR_WRAP > 0
+ if forceFindPrevious: # this is from function keys, not dialog box
+ down = False
+ wrap = False # user would want to know they're at the end of file
+ elif forceFindNext:
+ down = True
+ wrap = False # user would want to know they're at the end of file
+ badSyntax = False
+ # On replace dialog operations, user is allowed to replace the currently highlighted text to determine if it should be replaced or not.
+ # Typically, it is the text from a previous find operation, but we must check to see if it isn't, user may have moved the cursor or selected some other text accidentally.
+ # If the text is a match, then replace it.
+ if replace:
+ result, start, end, replText = findService.DoFind(findString, replaceString, self.GetCtrl().GetSelectedText(), 0, 0, True, matchCase, wholeWord, regExp, replace)
+ if result > 0:
+ self.GetCtrl().ReplaceSelection(replText)
+ self.GetDocument().Modify(True)
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("1 occurrence of \"%s\" replaced") % findString)
+ if down:
+ startLoc += len(replText) # advance start location past replacement string to new text
+ endLoc = startLoc
+ elif result == FindService.FIND_SYNTAXERROR:
+ badSyntax = True
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("Invalid regular expression \"%s\"") % findString)
+ if not badSyntax:
+ text = self.GetCtrl().GetText()
+ # Find the next matching text occurance or if it is a ReplaceAll, replace all occurances
+ # Even if the user is Replacing, we should replace here, but only select the text and let the user replace it with the next Replace operation
+ result, start, end, text = findService.DoFind(findString, replaceString, text, startLoc, endLoc, down, matchCase, wholeWord, regExp, False, replaceAll, wrap)
+ if result > 0:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetTargetStart(0)
+ self.GetCtrl().SetTargetEnd(self.GetCtrl().GetLength())
+ self.GetCtrl().ReplaceTarget(text) # Doing a SetText causes a clear document to be shown when undoing, so using replacetarget instead
+ self.GetDocument().Modify(True)
+ if result == 1:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("1 occurrence of \"%s\" replaced") % findString)
+ else:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("%i occurrences of \"%s\" replaced") % (result, findString))
+ elif result == 0:
+ self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(start, end)
+ self.GetCtrl().EnsureVisible(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(end)) # show bottom then scroll up to top
+ self.GetCtrl().EnsureVisible(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(start)) # do this after ensuring bottom is visible
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("Found \"%s\".") % findString)
+ elif result == FindService.FIND_SYNTAXERROR:
+ # Dialog for this case gets popped up by the FindService.
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("Invalid regular expression \"%s\"") % findString)
+ else:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Can't find \"%s\".") % findString, "Find",
+ def _FindServiceHasString(self):
+ findService = wx.GetApp().GetService(FindService.FindService)
+ if not findService or not findService.GetFindString():
+ return False
+ return True
+ def OnGotoLine(self, event):
+ findService = wx.GetApp().GetService(FindService.FindService)
+ if findService:
+ line = findService.GetLineNumber(self.GetDocumentManager().FindSuitableParent())
+ if line > -1:
+ line = line - 1
+ self.GetCtrl().EnsureVisible(line)
+ self.GetCtrl().GotoLine(line)
+ def GotoLine(self, lineNum):
+ if lineNum > -1:
+ lineNum = lineNum - 1 # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
+ self.GetCtrl().EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(lineNum)
+ self.GetCtrl().GotoLine(lineNum)
+ def SetSelection(self, start, end):
+ self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(start, end)
+ def EnsureVisible(self, line):
+ self.GetCtrl().EnsureVisible(line-1) # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
+ def EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(self, line):
+ self.GetCtrl().EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(line-1) # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
+ def LineFromPosition(self, pos):
+ return self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(pos)+1 # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
+ def PositionFromLine(self, line):
+ return self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(line-1) # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
+ def GetLineEndPosition(self, line):
+ return self.GetCtrl().GetLineEndPosition(line-1) # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
+ def GetLine(self, lineNum):
+ return self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNum-1) # line numbering for editor is 0 based, we are 1 based.
+ def MarkerDefine(self):
+ """ This must be called after the texteditor is instantiated """
+ self.GetCtrl().MarkerDefine(TextView.MARKER_NUM, wx.stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLE, wx.BLACK, wx.BLUE)
+ def MarkerToggle(self, lineNum = -1, marker_index=MARKER_NUM, mask=MARKER_MASK):
+ if lineNum == -1:
+ lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()
+ if self.GetCtrl().MarkerGet(lineNum) & mask:
+ self.GetCtrl().MarkerDelete(lineNum, marker_index)
+ self._markerCount -= 1
+ else:
+ self.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum, marker_index)
+ self._markerCount += 1
+ def MarkerAdd(self, lineNum = -1, marker_index=MARKER_NUM, mask=MARKER_MASK):
+ if lineNum == -1:
+ lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()
+ self.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum, marker_index)
+ self._markerCount += 1
+ def MarkerDelete(self, lineNum = -1, marker_index=MARKER_NUM, mask=MARKER_MASK):
+ if lineNum == -1:
+ lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()
+ if self.GetCtrl().MarkerGet(lineNum) & mask:
+ self.GetCtrl().MarkerDelete(lineNum, marker_index)
+ self._markerCount -= 1
+ def MarkerDeleteAll(self, marker_num=MARKER_NUM):
+ self.GetCtrl().MarkerDeleteAll(marker_num)
+ if marker_num == self.MARKER_NUM:
+ self._markerCount = 0
+ def MarkerNext(self, lineNum = -1):
+ if lineNum == -1:
+ lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine() + 1 # start search below current line
+ foundLine = self.GetCtrl().MarkerNext(lineNum, self.MARKER_MASK)
+ if foundLine == -1:
+ # wrap to top of file
+ foundLine = self.GetCtrl().MarkerNext(0, self.MARKER_MASK)
+ if foundLine == -1:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("No markers"))
+ return
+ self.GotoLine(foundLine + 1)
+ def MarkerPrevious(self, lineNum = -1):
+ if lineNum == -1:
+ lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine() - 1 # start search above current line
+ if lineNum == -1:
+ lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetLineCount()
+ foundLine = self.GetCtrl().MarkerPrevious(lineNum, self.MARKER_MASK)
+ if foundLine == -1:
+ # wrap to bottom of file
+ foundLine = self.GetCtrl().MarkerPrevious(self.GetCtrl().GetLineCount(), self.MARKER_MASK)
+ if foundLine == -1:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().PushStatusText(_("No markers"))
+ return
+ self.GotoLine(foundLine + 1)
+ def MarkerExists(self, lineNum = -1, mask=MARKER_MASK):
+ if lineNum == -1:
+ lineNum = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()
+ if self.GetCtrl().MarkerGet(lineNum) & mask:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def GetMarkerCount(self):
+ return self._markerCount
+class TextService(wx.lib.pydocview.DocService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ wx.lib.pydocview.DocService.__init__(self)
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != TextDocument:
+ return
+ if not document and wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ return
+ statusBar = TextStatusBar(frame, TEXT_STATUS_BAR_ID)
+ frame.SetStatusBar(statusBar)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, TEXT_STATUS_BAR_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ viewMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View")))
+ viewMenu.AppendSeparator()
+ textMenu = wx.Menu()
+ textMenu.AppendCheckItem(VIEW_WHITESPACE_ID, _("&Whitespace"), _("Shows or hides whitespace"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, VIEW_WHITESPACE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, VIEW_WHITESPACE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ textMenu.AppendCheckItem(VIEW_EOL_ID, _("&End of Line Markers"), _("Shows or hides indicators at the end of each line"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, VIEW_EOL_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, VIEW_EOL_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ textMenu.AppendCheckItem(VIEW_INDENTATION_GUIDES_ID, _("&Indentation Guides"), _("Shows or hides indentations"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, VIEW_INDENTATION_GUIDES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, VIEW_INDENTATION_GUIDES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ textMenu.AppendCheckItem(VIEW_RIGHT_EDGE_ID, _("&Right Edge"), _("Shows or hides the right edge marker"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, VIEW_RIGHT_EDGE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, VIEW_RIGHT_EDGE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ textMenu.AppendCheckItem(VIEW_LINE_NUMBERS_ID, _("&Line Numbers"), _("Shows or hides the line numbers"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, VIEW_LINE_NUMBERS_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, VIEW_LINE_NUMBERS_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ viewMenu.AppendMenu(TEXT_ID, _("&Text"), textMenu)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ isWindows = (wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__')
+ zoomMenu = wx.Menu()
+ zoomMenu.Append(ZOOM_NORMAL_ID, _("Normal Size"), _("Sets the document to its normal size"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ZOOM_NORMAL_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ZOOM_NORMAL_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if isWindows:
+ zoomMenu.Append(ZOOM_IN_ID, _("Zoom In\tCtrl+Page Up"), _("Zooms the document to a larger size"))
+ else:
+ zoomMenu.Append(ZOOM_IN_ID, _("Zoom In"), _("Zooms the document to a larger size"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ZOOM_IN_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ZOOM_IN_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if isWindows:
+ zoomMenu.Append(ZOOM_OUT_ID, _("Zoom Out\tCtrl+Page Down"), _("Zooms the document to a smaller size"))
+ else:
+ zoomMenu.Append(ZOOM_OUT_ID, _("Zoom Out"), _("Zooms the document to a smaller size"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ZOOM_OUT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ZOOM_OUT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ viewMenu.AppendMenu(ZOOM_ID, _("&Zoom"), zoomMenu)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ZOOM_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ formatMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Format"))
+ if formatMenuIndex > -1:
+ formatMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(formatMenuIndex)
+ else:
+ formatMenu = wx.Menu()
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(CHOOSE_FONT_ID):
+ formatMenu.Append(CHOOSE_FONT_ID, _("&Font..."), _("Sets the font to use"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, CHOOSE_FONT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, CHOOSE_FONT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if not menuBar.FindItemById(WORD_WRAP_ID):
+ formatMenu.AppendCheckItem(WORD_WRAP_ID, _("Word Wrap"), _("Wraps text horizontally when checked"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, WORD_WRAP_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, WORD_WRAP_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ if formatMenuIndex == -1:
+ viewMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View"))
+ menuBar.Insert(viewMenuIndex + 1, formatMenu, _("&Format"))
+ # wxBug: wxToolBar::GetToolPos doesn't exist, need it to find cut tool and then insert find in front of it.
+ toolBar.AddSeparator()
+ toolBar.AddTool(ZOOM_IN_ID, getZoomInBitmap(), shortHelpString = _("Zoom In"), longHelpString = _("Zooms the document to a larger size"))
+ toolBar.AddTool(ZOOM_OUT_ID, getZoomOutBitmap(), shortHelpString = _("Zoom Out"), longHelpString = _("Zooms the document to a smaller size"))
+ toolBar.Realize()
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == TEXT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_WHITESPACE_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_EOL_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_RIGHT_EDGE_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == VIEW_LINE_NUMBERS_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_NORMAL_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_IN_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == ZOOM_OUT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == CHOOSE_FONT_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == WORD_WRAP_ID:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+class TextStatusBar(wx.StatusBar):
+ # wxBug: Would be nice to show num key status in statusbar, but can't figure out how to detect if it is enabled or disabled
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, style = wx.ST_SIZEGRIP, name = "statusBar"):
+ wx.StatusBar.__init__(self, parent, id, style, name)
+ self.SetFieldsCount(4)
+ self.SetStatusWidths([-1, 50, 50, 55])
+ def SetInsertMode(self, insert = True):
+ if insert:
+ newText = _("Ins")
+ else:
+ newText = _("")
+ if self.GetStatusText(1) != newText: # wxBug: Need to check if the text has changed, otherwise it flickers under win32
+ self.SetStatusText(newText, 1)
+ def SetLineNumber(self, lineNumber):
+ newText = _("Ln %i") % lineNumber
+ if self.GetStatusText(2) != newText:
+ self.SetStatusText(newText, 2)
+ def SetColumnNumber(self, colNumber):
+ newText = _("Col %i") % colNumber
+ if self.GetStatusText(3) != newText:
+ self.SetStatusText(newText, 3)
+class TextOptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, configPrefix = "Text", label = "Text", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = False, addPage=True):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ self._configPrefix = configPrefix
+ self._hasWordWrap = hasWordWrap
+ self._hasTabs = hasTabs
+ SPACE = 10
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ self._textFont = wx.Font(10, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+ fontData = config.Read(self._configPrefix + "EditorFont", "")
+ if fontData:
+ nativeFont = wx.NativeFontInfo()
+ nativeFont.FromString(fontData)
+ self._textFont.SetNativeFontInfo(nativeFont)
+ self._originalTextFont = self._textFont
+ self._textColor = wx.BLACK
+ colorData = config.Read(self._configPrefix + "EditorColor", "")
+ if colorData:
+ red = int("0x" + colorData[0:2], 16)
+ green = int("0x" + colorData[2:4], 16)
+ blue = int("0x" + colorData[4:6], 16)
+ self._textColor = wx.Color(red, green, blue)
+ self._originalTextColor = self._textColor
+ fontLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Font:"))
+ self._sampleTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size = (125, 21))
+ self._sampleTextCtrl.SetEditable(False)
+ chooseFontButton = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Choose Font..."))
+ wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, chooseFontButton.GetId(), self.OnChooseFont)
+ if self._hasWordWrap:
+ self._wordWrapCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Wrap words inside text area"))
+ self._wordWrapCheckBox.SetValue(wx.ConfigBase_Get().ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorWordWrap", False))
+ self._viewWhitespaceCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Show whitespace"))
+ self._viewWhitespaceCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewWhitespace", False))
+ self._viewEOLCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Show end of line markers"))
+ self._viewEOLCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewEOL", False))
+ self._viewIndentationGuideCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Show indentation guides"))
+ self._viewIndentationGuideCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewIndentationGuides", False))
+ self._viewRightEdgeCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Show right edge"))
+ self._viewRightEdgeCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewRightEdge", False))
+ self._viewLineNumbersCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Show line numbers"))
+ self._viewLineNumbersCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewLineNumbers", True))
+ if self._hasTabs:
+ self._hasTabsCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Use spaces instead of tabs"))
+ self._hasTabsCheckBox.SetValue(not wx.ConfigBase_Get().ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorUseTabs", False))
+ indentWidthLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Indent Width:"))
+ self._indentWidthChoice = wx.Choice(self, -1, choices = ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10"])
+ self._indentWidthChoice.SetStringSelection(str(config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorIndentWidth", 4)))
+ textPanelBorderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ textPanelSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ textFontSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ textFontSizer.Add(fontLabel, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
+ textFontSizer.Add(self._sampleTextCtrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ textFontSizer.Add(chooseFontButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelSizer.Add(textFontSizer, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ if self._hasWordWrap:
+ textPanelSizer.Add(self._wordWrapCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelSizer.Add(self._viewWhitespaceCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelSizer.Add(self._viewEOLCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelSizer.Add(self._viewIndentationGuideCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelSizer.Add(self._viewRightEdgeCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelSizer.Add(self._viewLineNumbersCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ if self._hasTabs:
+ textPanelSizer.Add(self._hasTabsCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ textIndentWidthSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ textIndentWidthSizer.Add(indentWidthLabel, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
+ textIndentWidthSizer.Add(self._indentWidthChoice, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelSizer.Add(textIndentWidthSizer, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
+ textPanelBorderSizer.Add(textPanelSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+## styleButton = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Choose Style..."))
+## wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, styleButton.GetId(), self.OnChooseStyle)
+## textPanelBorderSizer.Add(styleButton, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ self.SetSizer(textPanelBorderSizer)
+ self.UpdateSampleFont()
+ if addPage:
+ parent.AddPage(self, _(label))
+ def UpdateSampleFont(self):
+ nativeFont = wx.NativeFontInfo()
+ nativeFont.FromString(self._textFont.GetNativeFontInfoDesc())
+ font = wx.NullFont
+ font.SetNativeFontInfo(nativeFont)
+ font.SetPointSize(self._sampleTextCtrl.GetFont().GetPointSize()) # Use the standard point size
+ self._sampleTextCtrl.SetFont(font)
+ self._sampleTextCtrl.SetForegroundColour(self._textColor)
+ self._sampleTextCtrl.SetValue(str(self._textFont.GetPointSize()) + _(" pt. ") + self._textFont.GetFaceName())
+ self._sampleTextCtrl.Refresh()
+ self.Layout()
+## def OnChooseStyle(self, event):
+## import STCStyleEditor
+## import os
+## base = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
+## config = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base, 'stc-styles.rc.cfg'))
+## dlg = STCStyleEditor.STCStyleEditDlg(None,
+## 'Python', 'python',
+## #'HTML', 'html',
+## #'XML', 'xml',
+## config)
+## try:
+## dlg.ShowModal()
+## finally:
+## dlg.Destroy()
+ def OnChooseFont(self, event):
+ data = wx.FontData()
+ data.EnableEffects(True)
+ data.SetInitialFont(self._textFont)
+ data.SetColour(self._textColor)
+ fontDialog = wx.FontDialog(self, data)
+ if fontDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ data = fontDialog.GetFontData()
+ self._textFont = data.GetChosenFont()
+ self._textColor = data.GetColour()
+ self.UpdateSampleFont()
+ fontDialog.Destroy()
+ def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ doViewStuffUpdate = config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewWhitespace", False) != self._viewWhitespaceCheckBox.GetValue()
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewWhitespace", self._viewWhitespaceCheckBox.GetValue())
+ doViewStuffUpdate = doViewStuffUpdate or config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewEOL", False) != self._viewEOLCheckBox.GetValue()
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewEOL", self._viewEOLCheckBox.GetValue())
+ doViewStuffUpdate = doViewStuffUpdate or config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewIndentationGuides", False) != self._viewIndentationGuideCheckBox.GetValue()
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewIndentationGuides", self._viewIndentationGuideCheckBox.GetValue())
+ doViewStuffUpdate = doViewStuffUpdate or config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewRightEdge", False) != self._viewRightEdgeCheckBox.GetValue()
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewRightEdge", self._viewRightEdgeCheckBox.GetValue())
+ doViewStuffUpdate = doViewStuffUpdate or config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewLineNumbers", True) != self._viewLineNumbersCheckBox.GetValue()
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorViewLineNumbers", self._viewLineNumbersCheckBox.GetValue())
+ if self._hasWordWrap:
+ doViewStuffUpdate = doViewStuffUpdate or config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorWordWrap", False) != self._wordWrapCheckBox.GetValue()
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorWordWrap", self._wordWrapCheckBox.GetValue())
+ if self._hasTabs:
+ doViewStuffUpdate = doViewStuffUpdate or not config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorUseTabs", True) != self._hasTabsCheckBox.GetValue()
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorUseTabs", not self._hasTabsCheckBox.GetValue())
+ newIndentWidth = int(self._indentWidthChoice.GetStringSelection())
+ oldIndentWidth = config.ReadInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorIndentWidth", 4)
+ if newIndentWidth != oldIndentWidth:
+ doViewStuffUpdate = True
+ config.WriteInt(self._configPrefix + "EditorIndentWidth", newIndentWidth)
+ doFontUpdate = self._originalTextFont != self._textFont or self._originalTextColor != self._textColor
+ config.Write(self._configPrefix + "EditorFont", self._textFont.GetNativeFontInfoDesc())
+ config.Write(self._configPrefix + "EditorColor", "%02x%02x%02x" % (self._textColor.Red(), self._textColor.Green(), self._textColor.Blue()))
+ if doViewStuffUpdate or doFontUpdate:
+ for document in optionsDialog.GetDocManager().GetDocuments():
+ if issubclass(document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType(), TextDocument):
+ if doViewStuffUpdate:
+ document.UpdateAllViews(hint = "ViewStuff")
+ if doFontUpdate:
+ document.UpdateAllViews(hint = "Font")
+class TextCtrl(wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ if ID == -1:
+ ID = wx.NewId()
+ wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style = style)
+ self._font = None
+ self._fontColor = None
+ self.SetVisiblePolicy(wx.stc.STC_VISIBLE_STRICT,0)
+ self.SetYCaretPolicy(0, 0)
+ self.CmdKeyClear(wx.stc.STC_KEY_ADD, wx.stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
+ self.CmdKeyClear(wx.stc.STC_KEY_SUBTRACT, wx.stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
+ self.CmdKeyAssign(wx.stc.STC_KEY_PRIOR, wx.stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, wx.stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMIN)
+ self.CmdKeyAssign(wx.stc.STC_KEY_NEXT, wx.stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, wx.stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMOUT)
+ self.Bind(wx.stc.EVT_STC_ZOOM, self.OnUpdateLineNumberMarginWidth) # auto update line num width on zoom
+ wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self, self.OnKeyPressed)
+ self.SetMargins(0,0)
+ self.SetUseTabs(0)
+ self.SetTabWidth(4)
+ self.SetIndent(4)
+ self.SetViewWhiteSpace(False)
+ self.SetEOLMode(wx.stc.STC_EOL_LF)
+ self.SetEdgeMode(wx.stc.STC_EDGE_NONE)
+ self.SetEdgeColumn(78)
+ self.SetMarginType(1, wx.stc.STC_MARGIN_NUMBER)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(1, self.EstimatedLineNumberMarginWidth())
+ self.UpdateStyles()
+ self.SetCaretForeground("BLACK")
+ self.SetViewDefaults()
+ font, color = self.GetFontAndColorFromConfig()
+ self.SetFont(font)
+ self.SetFontColor(color)
+ self.MarkerDefineDefault()
+ # for multisash initialization
+ if isinstance(parent, wx.lib.multisash.MultiClient):
+ while parent.GetParent():
+ parent = parent.GetParent()
+ if hasattr(parent, "GetView"):
+ break
+ if hasattr(parent, "GetView"):
+ textEditor = parent.GetView()._textEditor
+ if textEditor:
+ doc = textEditor.GetDocPointer()
+ if doc:
+ self.SetDocPointer(doc)
+ def SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Text", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = False):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ self.SetViewWhiteSpace(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorViewWhitespace", False))
+ self.SetViewEOL(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorViewEOL", False))
+ self.SetIndentationGuides(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorViewIndentationGuides", False))
+ self.SetViewRightEdge(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorViewRightEdge", False))
+ self.SetViewLineNumbers(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorViewLineNumbers", True))
+ if hasWordWrap:
+ self.SetWordWrap(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorWordWrap", False))
+ if hasTabs: # These methods do not exist in STCTextEditor and are meant for subclasses
+ self.SetUseTabs(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorUseTabs", False))
+ self.SetIndent(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorIndentWidth", 4))
+ self.SetTabWidth(config.ReadInt(configPrefix + "EditorIndentWidth", 4))
+ else:
+ self.SetUseTabs(True)
+ self.SetIndent(4)
+ self.SetTabWidth(4)
+ def GetDefaultFont(self):
+ """ Subclasses should override this """
+ return wx.Font(10, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+ def GetDefaultColor(self):
+ """ Subclasses should override this """
+ return wx.BLACK
+ def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self, configPrefix = "Text"):
+ font = self.GetDefaultFont()
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ fontData = config.Read(configPrefix + "EditorFont", "")
+ if fontData:
+ nativeFont = wx.NativeFontInfo()
+ nativeFont.FromString(fontData)
+ font.SetNativeFontInfo(nativeFont)
+ color = self.GetDefaultColor()
+ colorData = config.Read(configPrefix + "EditorColor", "")
+ if colorData:
+ red = int("0x" + colorData[0:2], 16)
+ green = int("0x" + colorData[2:4], 16)
+ blue = int("0x" + colorData[4:6], 16)
+ color = wx.Color(red, green, blue)
+ return font, color
+ def GetFont(self):
+ return self._font
+ def SetFont(self, font):
+ self._font = font
+ self.StyleSetFont(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, self._font)
+ def GetFontColor(self):
+ return self._fontColor
+ def SetFontColor(self, fontColor = wx.BLACK):
+ self._fontColor = fontColor
+ self.StyleSetForeground(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "#%02x%02x%02x" % (self._fontColor.Red(), self._fontColor.Green(), self._fontColor.Blue()))
+ def UpdateStyles(self):
+ self.StyleClearAll()
+ return
+ def EstimatedLineNumberMarginWidth(self):
+ MARGIN = 4
+ baseNumbers = "000"
+ lineNum = self.GetLineCount()
+ lineNum = lineNum/100
+ while lineNum >= 10:
+ lineNum = lineNum/10
+ baseNumbers = baseNumbers + "0"
+ return self.TextWidth(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, baseNumbers) + MARGIN
+ def OnUpdateLineNumberMarginWidth(self, event):
+ self.UpdateLineNumberMarginWidth()
+ def UpdateLineNumberMarginWidth(self):
+ if self.GetViewLineNumbers():
+ self.SetMarginWidth(1, self.EstimatedLineNumberMarginWidth())
+ def MarkerDefineDefault(self):
+ """ This must be called after the textcontrol is instantiated """
+ self.MarkerDefine(TextView.MARKER_NUM, wx.stc.STC_MARK_ROUNDRECT, wx.BLACK, wx.BLUE)
+ def OnClear(self):
+ # Used when Delete key is hit.
+ sel = self.GetSelection()
+ # Delete the selection or if no selection, the character after the caret.
+ if sel[0] == sel[1]:
+ self.SetSelection(sel[0], sel[0] + 1)
+ else:
+ # remove any folded lines also.
+ startLine = self.LineFromPosition(sel[0])
+ endLine = self.LineFromPosition(sel[1])
+ endLineStart = self.PositionFromLine(endLine)
+ if startLine != endLine and sel[1] - endLineStart == 0:
+ while not self.GetLineVisible(endLine):
+ endLine += 1
+ self.SetSelectionEnd(self.PositionFromLine(endLine))
+ self.Clear()
+ def OnPaste(self):
+ # replace any folded lines also.
+ sel = self.GetSelection()
+ startLine = self.LineFromPosition(sel[0])
+ endLine = self.LineFromPosition(sel[1])
+ endLineStart = self.PositionFromLine(endLine)
+ if startLine != endLine and sel[1] - endLineStart == 0:
+ while not self.GetLineVisible(endLine):
+ endLine += 1
+ self.SetSelectionEnd(self.PositionFromLine(endLine))
+ self.Paste()
+ def OnKeyPressed(self, event):
+ key = event.GetKeyCode()
+ if key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ADD: #wxBug: For whatever reason, the key accelerators for numpad add and subtract with modifiers are not working so have to trap them here
+ if event.ControlDown():
+ self.ToggleFoldAll(expand = True, topLevelOnly = True)
+ elif event.ShiftDown():
+ self.ToggleFoldAll(expand = True)
+ else:
+ self.ToggleFold(self.GetCurrentLine())
+ elif key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT:
+ if event.ControlDown():
+ self.ToggleFoldAll(expand = False, topLevelOnly = True)
+ elif event.ShiftDown():
+ self.ToggleFoldAll(expand = False)
+ else:
+ self.ToggleFold(self.GetCurrentLine())
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # View Text methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def GetViewRightEdge(self):
+ return self.GetEdgeMode() != wx.stc.STC_EDGE_NONE
+ def SetViewRightEdge(self, viewRightEdge):
+ if viewRightEdge:
+ self.SetEdgeMode(wx.stc.STC_EDGE_LINE)
+ else:
+ self.SetEdgeMode(wx.stc.STC_EDGE_NONE)
+ def GetViewLineNumbers(self):
+ return self.GetMarginWidth(1) > 0
+ def SetViewLineNumbers(self, viewLineNumbers = True):
+ if viewLineNumbers:
+ self.SetMarginWidth(1, self.EstimatedLineNumberMarginWidth())
+ else:
+ self.SetMarginWidth(1, 0)
+ def CanWordWrap(self):
+ return True
+ def GetWordWrap(self):
+ return self.GetWrapMode() == wx.stc.STC_WRAP_WORD
+ def SetWordWrap(self, wordWrap):
+ if wordWrap:
+ self.SetWrapMode(wx.stc.STC_WRAP_WORD)
+ else:
+ self.SetWrapMode(wx.stc.STC_WRAP_NONE)
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getTextData():
+ return \
+\xeb\t\t8n\x81\xb4\x86J\xfa]h\x0ee\x83\xb4\xc6\x14\x00\x00R\xcc \t\xcd\xa1\
+def getTextBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getTextImage())
+def getTextImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getTextData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getTextIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getTextBitmap())
+ return icon
+# Menu Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+def getZoomInData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00wIDAT8\x8d\xa5\x93Q\x12\x80 \x08D\xb5\xe9X\xee\xe9\xb7{\xd5Gc\xa9\
+def getZoomInBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getZoomInImage())
+def getZoomInImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getZoomInData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getZoomOutData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00qIDAT8\x8d\xa5\x92Q\x0e\xc0 \x08C-z\xff\x13O\xd9\xd7\x16"\x05\x8d\
+\xac\xf6Iv.B*fW\x0e\x90u\xc9 d\x84\x87v\x82\xb4\xf5\x08\'r\x0e\xa2N\x91~\x07\
+\xd9G\x95\xe2W\xeb\x00\x19\xc4\xd6\\FX\x12\xa3 \xb1:\x05\xacdAG[\xb0y9r`u\
+def getZoomOutBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getZoomOutImage())
+def getZoomOutImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getZoomOutData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: Service.py
+# Purpose: Basic Reusable Service View for wx.lib.pydocview
+# Author: Morgan Hua
+# Created: 11/4/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+import wx.lib.pydocview
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+class ServiceView(wx.EvtHandler):
+ """ Basic Service View.
+ """
+ bottomTab = None
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, service):
+ wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self)
+ self._viewFrame = None
+ self._service = service
+ self._control = None
+ self._embeddedWindow = None
+ def Destroy(self):
+ wx.EvtHandler.Destroy(self)
+ def GetFrame(self):
+ return self._viewFrame
+ def SetFrame(self, frame):
+ self._viewFrame = frame
+ def _CreateControl(self, parent, id):
+ return None
+ def GetControl(self):
+ return self._control
+ def SetControl(self, control):
+ self._control = control
+ def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ windowLoc = self._service.GetEmbeddedWindowLocation()
+ if windowLoc == FLOATING_MINIFRAME:
+ pos = config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameXLoc", -1), config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameYLoc", -1)
+ # make sure frame is visible
+ screenWidth = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_X)
+ screenHeight = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_Y)
+ if pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] >= screenWidth or pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] >= screenHeight:
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition
+ size = wx.Size(config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameXSize", -1), config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameYSize", -1))
+ title = _(self._service.GetServiceName())
+ if wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI and wx.GetApp().GetAppName():
+ title = title + " - " + wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ frame = wx.MiniFrame(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), -1, title, pos = pos, size = size, style = wx.CLOSE_BOX|wx.CAPTION|wx.SYSTEM_MENU)
+ wx.EVT_CLOSE(frame, self.OnCloseWindow)
+ elif wx.GetApp().IsMDI():
+ self._embeddedWindow = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetEmbeddedWindow(windowLoc)
+ frame = self._embeddedWindow
+ else:
+ pos = config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameXLoc", -1), config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameYLoc", -1)
+ # make sure frame is visible
+ screenWidth = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_X)
+ screenHeight = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_Y)
+ if pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] >= screenWidth or pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] >= screenHeight:
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition
+ size = wx.Size(config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameXSize", -1), config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameYSize", -1))
+ title = _(self._service.GetServiceName())
+ if wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI and wx.GetApp().GetAppName():
+ title = title + " - " + wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
+ frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags, pos = pos, size = size)
+ frame.SetTitle(title)
+ if config.ReadInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameMaximized", False):
+ frame.Maximize(True)
+ wx.EVT_CLOSE(frame, self.OnCloseWindow)
+ self.SetFrame(frame)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ windowLoc = self._service.GetEmbeddedWindowLocation()
+ if self._embeddedWindow or windowLoc == FLOATING_MINIFRAME:
+ if (self._service.GetEmbeddedWindowLocation() == wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOM):
+ if ServiceView.bottomTab == None:
+ ServiceView.bottomTab = wx.Notebook(frame, wx.NewId(), (0,0), (100,100), wx.LB_DEFAULT, "Bottom Tab")
+ sizer.Add(ServiceView.bottomTab, 1, wx.TOP|wx.EXPAND, 4)
+ def OnFrameResize(event):
+ ServiceView.bottomTab.SetSize(ServiceView.bottomTab.GetParent().GetSize())
+ frame.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, OnFrameResize)
+ # Factor this out.
+ self._control = self._CreateControl(ServiceView.bottomTab, wx.NewId())
+ if self._control != None:
+ ServiceView.bottomTab.AddPage(self._control, self._service.GetServiceName())
+ ServiceView.bottomTab.Layout()
+ else:
+ # Factor this out.
+ self._control = self._CreateControl(frame, wx.NewId())
+ sizer.Add(self._control)
+ else:
+ # Factor this out.
+ self._control = self._CreateControl(frame, wx.NewId())
+ sizer.Add(self._control, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ frame.SetSizer(sizer)
+ frame.Layout()
+ return True
+ def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
+ frame = self.GetFrame()
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ if frame and not self._embeddedWindow:
+ if not frame.IsMaximized():
+ config.WriteInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameXLoc", frame.GetPositionTuple()[0])
+ config.WriteInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameYLoc", frame.GetPositionTuple()[1])
+ config.WriteInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameXSize", frame.GetSizeTuple()[0])
+ config.WriteInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameYSize", frame.GetSizeTuple()[1])
+ config.WriteInt(self._service.GetServiceName() + "FrameMaximized", frame.IsMaximized())
+ if not self._embeddedWindow:
+ windowLoc = self._service.GetEmbeddedWindowLocation()
+ if windowLoc == FLOATING_MINIFRAME:
+ # don't destroy it, just hide it
+ frame.Hide()
+ else:
+ # Call the original OnCloseWindow, could have subclassed SDIDocFrame and MDIDocFrame but this is easier since it will work for both SDI and MDI frames without subclassing both
+ frame.OnCloseWindow(event)
+ def Activate(self, activate = True):
+ """ Dummy function for SDI mode """
+ pass
+ def Close(self, deleteWindow = True):
+ """
+ Closes the view by calling OnClose. If deleteWindow is true, this
+ function should delete the window associated with the view.
+ """
+ if deleteWindow:
+ self.Destroy()
+ return True
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Callback Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def SetCallback(self, callback):
+ """ Sets in the event table for a doubleclick to invoke the given callback.
+ Additional calls to this method overwrites the previous entry and only the last set callback will be invoked.
+ """
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK(self.GetControl(), self.GetControl().GetId(), callback)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Display Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def IsShown(self):
+ if not self.GetFrame():
+ return False
+ return self.GetFrame().IsShown()
+ def Hide(self):
+ self.Show(False)
+ def Show(self, show = True):
+ self.GetFrame().Show(show)
+ if self._embeddedWindow:
+ mdiParentFrame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
+ mdiParentFrame.ShowEmbeddedWindow(self.GetFrame(), show)
+class Service(wx.lib.pydocview.DocService):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SHOW_WINDOW = wx.NewId() # keep this line for each subclass, need unique ID for each Service
+ def __init__(self, serviceName, embeddedWindowLocation = wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_LEFT):
+ self._serviceName = serviceName
+ self._embeddedWindowLocation = embeddedWindowLocation
+ self._view = None
+ def GetEmbeddedWindowLocation(self):
+ return self._embeddedWindowLocation
+ def SetEmbeddedWindowLocation(self, embeddedWindowLocation):
+ self._embeddedWindowLocation = embeddedWindowLocation
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ viewMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View")))
+ menuItemPos = self.GetMenuItemPos(viewMenu, viewMenu.FindItem(_("&Status Bar"))) + 1
+ viewMenu.InsertCheckItem(menuItemPos, self.SHOW_WINDOW, self.GetMenuString(), self.GetMenuDescr())
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, self.SHOW_WINDOW, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, self.SHOW_WINDOW, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ return True
+ def GetServiceName(self):
+ """ String used to save out Service View configuration information """
+ return self._serviceName
+ def GetMenuString(self):
+ """ Need to override this method to provide menu item for showing Service View """
+ return _(self.GetServiceName())
+ def GetMenuDescr(self):
+ """ Need to override this method to provide menu item for showing Service View """
+ return _("Show or hides the %s window") % self.GetMenuString()
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Event Processing Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ProcessEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == self.SHOW_WINDOW:
+ self.ToggleWindow(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == self.SHOW_WINDOW:
+ event.Check(self._view != None and self._view.IsShown())
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # View Methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _CreateView(self):
+ """ This method needs to be overridden with corresponding ServiceView """
+ return ServiceView(self)
+ def GetView(self):
+ # Window Menu Service Method
+ return self._view
+ def SetView(self, view):
+ self._view = view
+ def ShowWindow(self, show = True):
+ if show:
+ if self._view:
+ if not self._view.IsShown():
+ self._view.Show()
+ else:
+ view = self._CreateView()
+ view.OnCreate(None, flags = 0)
+ self.SetView(view)
+ else:
+ if self._view:
+ if self._view.IsShown():
+ self._view.Hide()
+ def HideWindow(self):
+ self.ShowWindow(False)
+ def ToggleWindow(self, event):
+ show = event.IsChecked()
+ wx.ConfigBase_Get().WriteInt(self.GetServiceName()+"Shown", show)
+ self.ShowWindow(show)
+ def OnCloseFrame(self, event):
+ if not self._view:
+ return True
+ if wx.GetApp().IsMDI():
+ self._view.OnCloseWindow(event)
+ # This is called when any SDI frame is closed, so need to check if message window is closing or some other window
+ elif self._view == event.GetEventObject().GetView():
+ self.SetView(None)
+ return True
--- /dev/null
+# Name: TabbedView.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 8/17/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.lib.docview
+class TabbedView(dict, wx.lib.docview.View):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Overridden methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self):
+ wx.lib.docview.View.__init__(self)
+ self._views = {}
+ self._currentView = None
+ def OnCreate(self, doc, flags):
+ frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer()
+ self._notebook = wx.Notebook(frame, -1, style = wx.NB_BOTTOM)
+ self.Activate()
+ return True
+ def AddView(self, viewName, view):
+ self._notebook.AddPage(wx.Panel(self._notebook, -1), viewName)
+ self._currentView = view
+ self._views[viewName] = view
+ def __getattr__(self, attrname):
+ return getattr(self._currentView, attrname)
+ def SetView(self, viewName):
+ self._currentview = self._views[viewName]
--- /dev/null
+# Name: UICommon.py
+# Purpose: Shared UI stuff
+# Author: Matt Fryer
+# Created: 3/10/05
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import os
+import os.path
+import wx
+import ProjectEditor
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+def CreateDirectoryControl( parent, fileLabel, dirLabel, fileExtension, startingName="", startingDirectory=""):
+ nameControl = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, startingName, size=(-1,-1))
+ nameLabelText = wx.StaticText(parent, -1, fileLabel)
+ dirLabelText = wx.StaticText(parent, -1, dirLabel)
+ dirControl = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, startingDirectory, size=(-1,-1))
+ dirControl.SetToolTipString(startingDirectory)
+ button = wx.Button(parent, -1, _("Browse..."), size=(60,-1))
+ def OnFindDirClick(event):
+ name = ""
+ nameCtrlValue = nameControl.GetValue()
+ if nameCtrlValue:
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext( nameCtrlValue )
+ if ext == '.' + fileExtension:
+ name = nameCtrlValue
+ else:
+ name = _("%s.%s") % (nameCtrlValue, fileExtension)
+ path = wx.FileSelector(_("Choose a filename and directory"),
+ "",
+ "%s" % name,
+ wildcard=_("*.%s") % fileExtension ,
+ flags=wx.SAVE,
+ parent=parent)
+ if path:
+ dir, filename = os.path.split(path)
+ dirControl.SetValue(dir)
+ dirControl.SetToolTipString(dir)
+ nameControl.SetValue(filename)
+ parent.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnFindDirClick, button)
+ def Validate(allowOverwriteOnPrompt=False):
+ if nameControl.GetValue() == "":
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Please provide a filename."), _("Provide a Filename"))
+ return False
+ if nameControl.GetValue().find(' ') != -1:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Please provide a filename that does not contains spaces."), _("Spaces in Filename"))
+ return False
+ filePath = os.path.join(dirControl.GetValue(), MakeNameEndInExtension(nameControl.GetValue(), "." + fileExtension))
+ if os.path.exists(filePath):
+ if allowOverwriteOnPrompt:
+ res = wx.MessageBox(_("That file already exists. Would you like to overwrite it."), "File Exists", style=wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT)
+ return (res == wx.YES)
+ else:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("That file already exists. Please choose a different name."), "File Exists")
+ return False
+ return True
+ flexGridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 3, vgap = HALF_SPACE, hgap = HALF_SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.AddGrowableCol(1,1)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(nameLabelText, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(nameControl, 2, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(button, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.LEFT, border=HALF_SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(dirLabelText, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.RIGHT, border=HALF_SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(dirControl, 2, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND, border=HALF_SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ return nameControl, dirControl, flexGridSizer, Validate
+def AddFilesToCurrentProject(paths, save=False):
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ if projectService:
+ projectDocument = projectService.GetCurrentProject()
+ if projectDocument:
+ files = projectDocument.GetFiles()
+ for path in paths:
+ if path in files:
+ paths.remove(path)
+ if paths:
+ projectDocument.GetCommandProcessor().Submit(ProjectEditor.ProjectAddFilesCommand(projectDocument, paths))
+ if save:
+ projectDocument.OnSaveDocument(projectDocument.GetFilename())
+def MakeNameEndInExtension(name, extension):
+ if not name:
+ return name
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
+ if ext == extension:
+ return name
+ else:
+ return name + extension
+# Lame
+def PluralName(name):
+ if not name:
+ return name
+ if name.endswith('us'):
+ return name[0:-2] + 'ii'
+ elif name.endswith('s'):
+ return name
+ elif name.endswith('y'):
+ return name[0:-1] + 'ies'
+ else:
+ return name + 's'
--- /dev/null
+# Name: Wizard.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 10/28/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import wx.xrc as xrc
+import wx.wizard
+# Classes
+class BaseWizard(wx.wizard.Wizard):
+ def __init__(self, parent, title, pos=(-1,-1)):
+ wizardBitMap = getWizardBitmap()
+ wx.wizard.Wizard.__init__(self, parent, wx.NewId(), title, wizardBitMap, pos=pos)
+ def GetDocument(self):
+ if self.GetParent() and hasattr(self.GetParent(), 'GetDocument'):
+ return self.GetParent().GetDocument()
+ else:
+ return None
+ def SetPrevNext(self, prev, next):
+ prev.SetNext(next)
+ next.SetPrev(prev)
+class TitledWizardPage(wx.wizard.PyWizardPage):
+ def __init__(self, parent, title):
+ self._prev = None
+ self._prevFunc = None
+ self._next = None
+ self._nextFunc = None
+ wx.wizard.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.SetSizer(wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL))
+ self.MakePageTitle(title)
+ def MakePageTitle(self, title):
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ title = wx.StaticText(self, -1, title)
+ title.SetFont(wx.Font(18, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD))
+ sizer.Add(title, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+ sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self, -1), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.GetSizer().Add(sizer)
+ def GetPrev(self):
+ if self._prevFunc:
+ self._prev = self._prevFunc()
+ return self._prev
+ def SetPrev(self, prev):
+ self._prev = prev
+ self._prevFunc = None
+ def GetPrevFunc(self):
+ return self._prevFunc
+ def SetPrevFunc(self, prevFunc):
+ self._prevFunc = prevFunc
+ self._prev = None
+ def GetNext(self):
+ if self._nextFunc:
+ self._next = self._nextFunc()
+ return self._next
+ def SetNext(self, next):
+ self._next = next
+ self._nextFunc = None
+ def GetNextFunc(self):
+ return self._nextFunc
+ def SetNextFunc(self, nextFunc):
+ self._nextFunc = nextFunc
+ self._next = None
+ def SetPrevNext(self, prev, next):
+ self._prev = prev
+ self._next = next
+ self._nextFunc = None
+ self._prevFunc = None
+# Menu Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+import cStringIO
+def getWizardData():
+ return \
+\x00\x00\x00\x8c5HE\x00\x00\x00\x04sBIT\x08\x08\x08\x08|\x08d\x88\x00\x00 \
+\xa5Ss\xfeD\x83\x10 ]\xb4\xcc\xae:\xdb\x14\x85u\xa4N\xf0<\x07t\x0c\xa20\xe9\
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+\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x96\xee@\xb4t\x07\xa2\xa5;\x10-\xdd\x81h\
+\xe9\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x96\xee@\xb4t\x07\xa2\xa5;\x10-\xdd\
+\x81h\xe9\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x96\xee@\xb4t\x07\xa2\xa5;\x10-\
+\xdd\x81h\xe9\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x96\xee@\xb4t\x07\xa2\xa5;\
+\x10-\xdd\x81h\xe9\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x96\xee@\xb4t\x07\xa2\
+\xa5;\x10-\xdd\x81h\xe9\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x96\xee@\xb4t\x07\
+\xa2\xa5;\x10-\xdd\x81h\xe9\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x96\xee@\xb4t\
+\x07\xa2\xa5;\x10-\xdd\x81h\xe9\x0eDKw Z\xba\x03\xd1\xd2\x1d\x88\x0b`\xe3\
+def getWizardDataOld():
+ return \
+ \t\xf8\xb5,\xcb\xbf\xc7c\x06\xc3\x05L\x00\xf0\xfa\xd9~\xbf\xcf\xbf\x81p\r\
+\xbb\xaf\xf0\xdao\xb1\x97\xfa6L\xdb\xff_?\x00/\xb8\xd6@\xdc\x0f q\xed?\x89w\
+?\xe8_\'\x00\x80\xe9\r\xcb\xf3y8\x87\xd6,\x03\x81"_ #\xa7\x01~\xdd+\xeb/1\
+\xe2\x0f\x80\xe6S\x0f\x90\xc4\x8d\xd2Y\xfad, \xc1\xe9\xe37\x00\xfeUb\xce\x87\
+\xeciKK\x10\x06 \x91\n<\xec\x1d\xac\r\xe8\xde\xb7Fjf\xf4\xf1\xd9i@\xb6y\xb9\
+\xeboY\xfe\x02@\xbc\xc2J\xaf\xa1\xfaR\xc2`Xx\x0e\xe2\x8dG\xd6k \xd7aU\x86\
+\x86\xa1\'O\x910C\xb3\xbe\xdf\xacW\xcc\x18\xcaFM\x1b\x1a+\x0b`\xbc y\xa7Q.\
+\x01\x1b\xda\xf0T\x88:\xe9\x1f;\x02\xe6 \xe7\x9c\x9dYuf\x84\x9f\xec\x15\xed1\
+\xbc\xac\x84u\x03\xc9K\xaa\x1fr%z\xafv\r\xda!\xfd\x03 \x11d\xc6\xc2{\xae\xdf\
+\x86\x92!0\x85!\xdb\xcc|E\xf9K\xf2]\xf4;\x8c>\x8e>G6WH \xdbSE\xd8\xd3\x08,x\
+\xcdA<\x01RI\xd8\xd0$\x1d$\xd0\x05c\xc7\xc9\xcfK\xac\xa3b\xdd-\xc0]\x1fN |\
+\xfdm\x8e\x05e8;\x16Ze\x7fK-\x1b 1\xe0bY~\xb9{y"\xac\x8a\xe9\\~\xcd\x18\xaa\
+\x0c+C\'\xfa(\xaa*\xd8l*`\x87T"\xb4 \xab$\xd9n\x0cU\x86\xb1\x18\x8a\x813m\
+\x82\xd9\xbf\xe7\x85\xfc\x8d\xf2\x1c\x05W\xd28\xf6\x7f\xc7\xae\x1d\x0c \x04\
+\xca\xac)wP\x18C\x95a\x1c\x86b\xf2F\x97; \x8c\xa1\xca0\x16C1\x995\xe5J\xc9\
+\xbc$;\x9b3\x93z \xec\xfb\xfc\xcc\xe9\x1a\xac\xd7\x83\xe3)\x1d\xf9\xe0\\\xc3\
+\xc0\x9e\xf7\xf42\x86*\x03\x9d\xa1\x943O\xb0\xd1\x18\x17\xa5g\xabH2\x13 2\
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+def getWizardBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getWizardImage())
+def getWizardImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getWizardDataOld()) # NOTE: This reverts us to the bitmap Peter likes.
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: XmlEditor.py
+# Purpose: Abstract Code Editor for pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 8/15/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import wx
+import string
+import STCTextEditor
+import CodeEditor
+class XmlDocument(CodeEditor.CodeDocument):
+ pass
+class XmlView(CodeEditor.CodeView):
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return XmlCtrl
+ def GetAutoCompleteHint(self):
+ pos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos()
+ if pos == 0:
+ return None, None
+ validLetters = string.letters + string.digits + '_:'
+ word = ''
+ while (True):
+ pos = pos - 1
+ if pos < 0:
+ break
+ char = chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos))
+ if char not in validLetters:
+ break
+ word = char + word
+ return None, word
+ def GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords(self):
+class XmlService(CodeEditor.CodeService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeService.__init__(self)
+class XmlCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ self.SetLexer(wx.stc.STC_LEX_XML)
+ self.SetProperty("fold.html", "1")
+ def GetMatchingBraces(self):
+ return "<>[]{}()"
+ def CanWordWrap(self):
+ return True
+ def SetViewDefaults(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Xml", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
+ def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self):
+ return CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self, configPrefix = "Xml")
+ def UpdateStyles(self):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.UpdateStyles(self)
+ if not self.GetFont():
+ return
+ faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(),
+ 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
+ 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2,
+ 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue())
+ }
+ # White space
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Comment
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_COMMENT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Number
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_NUMBER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # String
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_SINGLESTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_DOUBLESTRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Tag
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_TAG, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Attributes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_H_ATTRIBUTE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+class XmlOptionsPanel(STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
+ STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, configPrefix = "Xml", label = "XML", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
+ "ag:connectionstring", "ag:datasource", "ag:editorBounds", "ag:label", "ag:name", "ag:shortLabel", "ag:type",
+ "element", "fractionDigits", "length", "minOccurs", "name", "objtype", "refer", "schema", "type", "xpath", "xmlns",
+ "xs:complexType", "xs:element", "xs:enumeration", "xs:field", "xs:key", "xs:keyref", "xs:schema", "xs:selector"
+ ]
+# Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+from wx import EmptyIcon
+import cStringIO
+def getXMLData():
+ return \
+def getXMLBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getXMLImage())
+def getXMLImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getXMLData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getXMLIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getXMLBitmap())
+ return icon
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2004, MetaSlash Inc. All rights reserved.
+Copyright notice from pychecker:
+Copyright (c) 2000-2001, MetaSlash Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+ - Neither name of MetaSlash Inc. nor the names of contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
+Check python source code files for possible errors and print warnings
+Contact Info:
+ http://pychecker.sourceforge.net/
+ pychecker-list@lists.sourceforge.net
+import string
+import types
+import sys
+import imp
+import os
+import glob
+import traceback
+import re
+import wx
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+# see __init__.py for meaning, this must match the version there
+def setupNamespace(path) :
+ # remove pychecker if it's the first component, it needs to be last
+ if sys.path[0][-9:] == 'pychecker' :
+ del sys.path[0]
+ # make sure pychecker is last in path, so we can import
+ checker_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path))
+ if checker_path not in sys.path :
+ sys.path.append(checker_path)
+if __name__ == '__main__' :
+ setupNamespace(sys.argv[0])
+from pychecker import utils
+from pychecker import printer
+from pychecker import warn
+from pychecker import OP
+from pychecker import Config
+from pychecker import function
+from pychecker.Warning import Warning
+# Globals for storing a dictionary of info about modules and classes
+_allModules = {}
+_cfg = None
+# Constants
+_DEFAULT_MODULE_TOKENS = ('__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__',
+ '__path__')
+_DEFAULT_CLASS_TOKENS = ('__doc__', '__name__', '__module__')
+There seem to be two versions of PyChecker being used.
+One is probably in python/site-packages, the other in a local directory.
+If you want to run the local version, you must remove the version
+from site-packages. Or you can install the current version
+by doing python setup.py install.
+def cfg() :
+ return utils.cfg()
+def _flattenList(list) :
+ "Returns a list which contains no lists"
+ new_list = []
+ for element in list :
+ if type(element) == types.ListType :
+ new_list.extend(_flattenList(element))
+ else :
+ new_list.append(element)
+ return new_list
+def getModules(arg_list) :
+ "Returns a list of module names that can be imported"
+ global _output
+ new_arguments = []
+ for arg in arg_list :
+ # is this a wildcard filespec? (necessary for windows)
+ if '*' in arg or '?' in arg or '[' in arg :
+ arg = glob.glob(arg)
+ new_arguments.append(arg)
+ PY_SUFFIXES = ['.py']
+ if _cfg.quixote:
+ PY_SUFFIXES.append('.ptl')
+ PY_SUFFIX_LENS.append(4)
+ modules = []
+ for arg in _flattenList(new_arguments) :
+ fullpath = arg
+ # is it a .py file?
+ for suf, suflen in zip(PY_SUFFIXES, PY_SUFFIX_LENS):
+ if len(arg) > suflen and arg[-suflen:] == suf:
+ arg_dir = os.path.dirname(arg)
+ if arg_dir and not os.path.exists(arg) :
+ txt = _('File or pathname element does not exist: "%s"') % arg
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ continue
+ module_name = os.path.basename(arg)[:-suflen]
+ if arg_dir not in sys.path :
+ sys.path.insert(0, arg_dir)
+ arg = module_name
+ modules.append((arg, fullpath))
+ return modules
+def _q_file(f):
+ # crude hack!!!
+ # imp.load_module requires a real file object, so we can't just
+ # fiddle def lines and yield them
+ import tempfile
+ fd, newfname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".py", text=True)
+ newf = os.fdopen(fd, 'r+')
+ os.unlink(newfname)
+ for line in f:
+ mat = re.match(r'(\s*def\s+\w+\s*)\[(html|plain)\](.*)', line)
+ if mat is None:
+ newf.write(line)
+ else:
+ newf.write(mat.group(1)+mat.group(3)+'\n')
+ newf.seek(0)
+ return newf
+def _q_find_module(p, path):
+ if not _cfg.quixote:
+ return imp.find_module(p, path)
+ else:
+ for direc in path:
+ try:
+ return imp.find_module(p, [direc])
+ except ImportError:
+ f = os.path.join(direc, p+".ptl")
+ if os.path.exists(f):
+ return _q_file(file(f)), f, ('.ptl', 'U', 1)
+def _findModule(name) :
+ """Returns the result of an imp.find_module(), ie, (file, filename, smt)
+ name can be a module or a package name. It is *not* a filename."""
+ path = sys.path[:]
+ packages = string.split(name, '.')
+ for p in packages :
+ # smt = (suffix, mode, type)
+ file, filename, smt = _q_find_module(p, path)
+ if smt[-1] == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY :
+ try :
+ # package found - read path info from init file
+ m = imp.load_module(p, file, filename, smt)
+ finally :
+ if file is not None :
+ file.close()
+ # importing xml plays a trick, which replaces itself with _xmlplus
+ # both have subdirs w/same name, but different modules in them
+ # we need to choose the real (replaced) version
+ if m.__name__ != p :
+ try :
+ file, filename, smt = _q_find_module(m.__name__, path)
+ m = imp.load_module(p, file, filename, smt)
+ finally :
+ if file is not None :
+ file.close()
+ new_path = m.__path__
+ if type(new_path) == types.ListType :
+ new_path = filename
+ if new_path not in path :
+ path.insert(1, new_path)
+ elif smt[-1] != imp.PY_COMPILED:
+ if p is not packages[-1] :
+ if file is not None :
+ file.close()
+ raise ImportError, "No module named %s" % packages[-1]
+ return file, filename, smt
+ # in case we have been given a package to check
+ return file, filename, smt
+class Variable :
+ "Class to hold all information about a variable"
+ def __init__(self, name, type):
+ self.name = name
+ self.type = type
+ self.value = None
+ def __str__(self) :
+ return self.name
+ __repr__ = utils.std_repr
+def _filterDir(object, ignoreList) :
+ "Return a list of tokens (attributes) in a class, except for ignoreList"
+ tokens = dir(object)
+ for token in ignoreList :
+ if token in tokens :
+ tokens.remove(token)
+ return tokens
+def _getClassTokens(c) :
+ return _filterDir(c, _DEFAULT_CLASS_TOKENS)
+class Class :
+ "Class to hold all information about a class"
+ def __init__(self, name, module) :
+ self.name = name
+ self.classObject = getattr(module, name)
+ modname = getattr(self.classObject, '__module__', None)
+ if modname is None:
+ # hm, some ExtensionClasses don't have a __module__ attribute
+ # so try parsing the type output
+ typerepr = repr(type(self.classObject))
+ mo = re.match("^<type ['\"](.+)['\"]>$", typerepr)
+ if mo:
+ modname = ".".join(mo.group(1).split(".")[:-1])
+ self.module = sys.modules.get(modname)
+ if not self.module:
+ self.module = module
+ global _output
+ txt = _("warning: couldn't find real module for class %s (module name: %s)\n") % (self.classObject, modname)
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ self.ignoreAttrs = 0
+ self.methods = {}
+ self.members = { '__class__': types.ClassType,
+ '__doc__': types.StringType,
+ '__dict__': types.DictType, }
+ self.memberRefs = {}
+ self.statics = {}
+ self.lineNums = {}
+ def __str__(self) :
+ return self.name
+ __repr__ = utils.std_repr
+ def getFirstLine(self) :
+ "Return first line we can find in THIS class, not any base classes"
+ lineNums = []
+ classDir = dir(self.classObject)
+ for m in self.methods.values() :
+ if m != None and m.function.func_code.co_name in classDir:
+ lineNums.append(m.function.func_code.co_firstlineno)
+ if lineNums :
+ return min(lineNums)
+ return 0
+ def allBaseClasses(self, c = None) :
+ "Return a list of all base classes for this class and it's subclasses"
+ baseClasses = []
+ if c == None :
+ c = self.classObject
+ for base in c.__bases__ :
+ baseClasses = baseClasses + [ base ] + self.allBaseClasses(base)
+ return baseClasses
+ def __getMethodName(self, func_name, className = None) :
+ if func_name[0:2] == '__' and func_name[-2:] != '__' :
+ if className == None :
+ className = self.name
+ if className[0] != '_' :
+ className = '_' + className
+ func_name = className + func_name
+ return func_name
+ def addMethod(self, method, methodName = None) :
+ if type(method) == types.StringType :
+ self.methods[method] = None
+ else :
+ assert methodName is not None, "must supply methodName"
+ self.methods[methodName] = function.Function(method, 1)
+ def addMethods(self, classObject) :
+ for classToken in _getClassTokens(classObject) :
+ token = getattr(classObject, classToken, None)
+ if token is None:
+ continue
+ # Looks like a method. Need to code it this way to
+ # accommodate ExtensionClass and Python 2.2. Yecchh.
+ if (hasattr(token, "func_code") and
+ hasattr(token.func_code, "co_argcount")):
+ self.addMethod(token, token.__name__)
+ elif hasattr(token, '__get__') and \
+ not hasattr(token, '__set__') and \
+ type(token) is not types.ClassType :
+ self.addMethod(getattr(token, '__name__', classToken))
+ else :
+ self.members[classToken] = type(token)
+ self.memberRefs[classToken] = None
+ self.cleanupMemberRefs()
+ # add standard methods
+ for methodName in ('__class__',) :
+ self.addMethod(methodName, classObject.__name__)
+ def addMembers(self, classObject) :
+ if not cfg().onlyCheckInitForMembers :
+ for classToken in _getClassTokens(classObject) :
+ method = getattr(classObject, classToken, None)
+ if type(method) == types.MethodType :
+ self.addMembersFromMethod(method.im_func)
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.addMembersFromMethod(classObject.__init__.im_func)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def addMembersFromMethod(self, method) :
+ if not hasattr(method, 'func_code') :
+ return
+ func_code, code, i, maxCode, extended_arg = OP.initFuncCode(method)
+ stack = []
+ while i < maxCode :
+ op, oparg, i, extended_arg = OP.getInfo(code, i, extended_arg)
+ if op >= OP.HAVE_ARGUMENT :
+ operand = OP.getOperand(op, func_code, oparg)
+ if OP.LOAD_CONST(op) or OP.LOAD_FAST(op) :
+ stack.append(operand)
+ elif OP.STORE_ATTR(op) :
+ if len(stack) > 0 :
+ if stack[-1] == cfg().methodArgName:
+ value = None
+ if len(stack) > 1 :
+ value = type(stack[-2])
+ self.members[operand] = value
+ self.memberRefs[operand] = None
+ stack = []
+ self.cleanupMemberRefs()
+ def cleanupMemberRefs(self) :
+ try :
+ del self.memberRefs[Config.CHECKER_VAR]
+ except KeyError :
+ pass
+ def abstractMethod(self, m):
+ """Return 1 if method is abstract, None if not
+ An abstract method always raises an exception.
+ """
+ if not self.methods.get(m, None):
+ return None
+ func_code, bytes, i, maxCode, extended_arg = \
+ OP.initFuncCode(self.methods[m].function)
+ # abstract if the first conditional is RAISE_VARARGS
+ while i < maxCode:
+ op, oparg, i, extended_arg = OP.getInfo(bytes, i, extended_arg)
+ return 1
+ if OP.conditional(op):
+ break
+ return None
+ def isAbstract(self):
+ """Return the method names that make a class abstract.
+ An abstract class has at least one abstract method."""
+ result = []
+ for m in self.methods.keys():
+ if self.abstractMethod(m):
+ result.append(m)
+ return result
+def _getLineInFile(moduleName, linenum):
+ line = ''
+ file, filename, smt = _findModule(moduleName)
+ try:
+ lines = file.readlines()
+ line = string.rstrip(lines[linenum - 1])
+ except (IOError, IndexError):
+ pass
+ file.close()
+ return line
+def importError(moduleName):
+ exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ # First, try to get a nice-looking name for this exception type.
+ exc_name = getattr(exc_type, '__name__', None)
+ if not exc_name:
+ # either it's a string exception or a user-defined exception class
+ # show string or fully-qualified class name
+ exc_name = str(exc_type)
+ # Print a traceback, unless this is an ImportError. ImportError is
+ # presumably the most common import-time exception, so this saves
+ # the clutter of a traceback most of the time. Also, the locus of
+ # the error is usually irrelevant for ImportError, so the lack of
+ # traceback shouldn't be a problem.
+ if exc_type is SyntaxError:
+ # SyntaxErrors are special, we want to control how we format
+ # the output and make it consistent for all versions of Python
+ e = exc_value
+ msg = '%s (%s, line %d)' % (e.msg, e.filename, e.lineno)
+ line = _getLineInFile(moduleName, e.lineno)
+ offset = e.offset
+ if type(offset) is not types.IntType:
+ offset = 0
+ exc_value = '%s\n %s\n %s^' % (msg, line, ' ' * offset)
+ elif exc_type is not ImportError:
+ global _output
+ txt = _(" Caught exception importing module %s:\n") % moduleName
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ try:
+ tbinfo = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
+ except:
+ tbinfo = []
+ txt = _(" Unable to format traceback\n")
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ for filename, line, func, text in tbinfo[1:]:
+ txt = _(" File \"%s\", line %d") % (filename, line)
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ if func != "?":
+ txt = _(", in %s()") % func
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ _output.AddLines("\n")
+ if text:
+ txt = _(" %s\n") % text
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ # And finally print the exception type and value.
+ # Careful formatting exc_value -- can fail for some user exceptions
+ txt = " %s: " % exc_name
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ try:
+ txt = str(exc_value) + '\n'
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ except:
+ txt = _('**error formatting exception value**\n')
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+def _getPyFile(filename):
+ """Return the file and '.py' filename from a filename which could
+ end with .py, .pyc, or .pyo"""
+ if filename[-1] in 'oc' and filename[-4:-1] == '.py':
+ return filename[:-1]
+ return filename
+class Module :
+ "Class to hold all information for a module"
+ def __init__(self, moduleName, check = 1, fullpath = None) :
+ self.moduleName = moduleName
+ self.variables = {}
+ self.functions = {}
+ self.classes = {}
+ self.modules = {}
+ self.moduleLineNums = {}
+ self.attributes = [ '__dict__' ]
+ self.main_code = None
+ self.module = None
+ self.check = check
+ self.fullpath = fullpath
+ _allModules[moduleName] = self
+ def __str__(self) :
+ return self.moduleName
+ __repr__ = utils.std_repr
+ def addVariable(self, var, varType) :
+ self.variables[var] = Variable(var, varType)
+ def addFunction(self, func) :
+ self.functions[func.__name__] = function.Function(func)
+ def __addAttributes(self, c, classObject) :
+ for base in classObject.__bases__ :
+ self.__addAttributes(c, base)
+ c.addMethods(classObject)
+ c.addMembers(classObject)
+ def addClass(self, name) :
+ self.classes[name] = c = Class(name, self.module)
+ try:
+ objName = str(c.classObject)
+ except TypeError:
+ # this can happen if there is a goofy __getattr__
+ c.ignoreAttrs = 1
+ else:
+ packages = string.split(objName, '.')
+ c.ignoreAttrs = packages[0] in cfg().blacklist
+ if not c.ignoreAttrs :
+ self.__addAttributes(c, c.classObject)
+ def addModule(self, name) :
+ module = _allModules.get(name, None)
+ if module is None :
+ self.modules[name] = module = Module(name, 0)
+ if imp.is_builtin(name) == 0 :
+ module.load()
+ else :
+ globalModule = globals().get(name)
+ if globalModule :
+ module.attributes.extend(dir(globalModule))
+ else :
+ self.modules[name] = module
+ def filename(self) :
+ try :
+ filename = self.module.__file__
+ except AttributeError :
+ filename = self.moduleName
+ return _getPyFile(filename)
+ def load(self, warnings = None):
+ try :
+ # there's no need to reload modules we already have
+ global _output, _statusDlg, _count
+ txt = _("Loading Module %s\n") % self.moduleName
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ _count += 1
+ if _count == 100:
+ _count = 95
+ _statusDlg.Update(_count, txt)
+ module = sys.modules.get(self.moduleName)
+ if module :
+ if not _allModules[self.moduleName].module :
+ return self._initModule(module)
+ return 1
+ return self._initModule(self.setupMainCode())
+ except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt) :
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ raise exc_type, exc_value
+ except SyntaxError, (message, (fileName, line, col, text)):
+ # ActiveGrid: added this for better feedback when module couldn't be loaded.
+ w = Warning(self.fullpath, line, _("Syntax Error: %s\n%s\n%s^error near here") % (message, text, ' '*(col-1)))
+ warnings.append(w)
+ return 0
+ except:
+ w = Warning(self.moduleName, 1, sys.exc_info()[0] + " NOT PROCESSED UNABLE TO IMPORT")
+ warnings.append(w)
+ importError(self.moduleName)
+ return 0
+ def initModule(self, module) :
+ if not self.module:
+ filename = _getPyFile(module.__file__)
+ if string.lower(filename[-3:]) == '.py':
+ try:
+ file = open(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._setupMainCode(file, filename, module)
+ return self._initModule(module)
+ return 1
+ def _initModule(self, module):
+ self.module = module
+ self.attributes = dir(self.module)
+ pychecker_attr = getattr(module, Config.CHECKER_VAR, None)
+ if pychecker_attr is not None :
+ utils.pushConfig()
+ utils.updateCheckerArgs(pychecker_attr, 'suppressions', 0, [])
+ for tokenName in _filterDir(self.module, _DEFAULT_MODULE_TOKENS) :
+ token = getattr(self.module, tokenName)
+ if isinstance(token, types.ModuleType) :
+ # get the real module name, tokenName could be an alias
+ self.addModule(token.__name__)
+ elif isinstance(token, types.FunctionType) :
+ self.addFunction(token)
+ elif isinstance(token, types.ClassType) or \
+ hasattr(token, '__bases__') :
+ self.addClass(tokenName)
+ else :
+ self.addVariable(tokenName, type(token))
+ if pychecker_attr is not None :
+ utils.popConfig()
+ return 1
+ def setupMainCode(self) :
+ file, filename, smt = _findModule(self.moduleName)
+ # FIXME: if the smt[-1] == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY : load __all__
+ module = imp.load_module(self.moduleName, file, filename, smt)
+ self._setupMainCode(file, filename, module)
+ return module
+ def _setupMainCode(self, file, filename, module):
+ try :
+ self.main_code = function.create_from_file(file, filename, module)
+ finally :
+ if file != None :
+ file.close()
+def getAllModules() :
+ "Returns a list of all modules that should be checked."
+ modules = []
+ for module in _allModules.values() :
+ if module.check :
+ modules.append(module)
+ return modules
+_BUILTIN_MODULE_ATTRS = { 'sys': [ 'ps1', 'ps2', 'tracebacklimit',
+ 'exc_type', 'exc_value', 'exc_traceback',
+ 'last_type', 'last_value', 'last_traceback',
+ ],
+ }
+def fixupBuiltinModules(needs_init=0):
+ for moduleName in sys.builtin_module_names :
+ if needs_init:
+ _ = Module(moduleName, 0)
+ module = _allModules.get(moduleName, None)
+ if module is not None :
+ try :
+ m = imp.init_builtin(moduleName)
+ except ImportError :
+ pass
+ else :
+ extra_attrs = _BUILTIN_MODULE_ATTRS.get(moduleName, [])
+ module.attributes = [ '__dict__' ] + dir(m) + extra_attrs
+def _printWarnings(warnings, stream=None):
+ if stream is None:
+ stream = sys.stdout
+ warnings.sort()
+ lastWarning = None
+ for warning in warnings :
+ if lastWarning != None :
+ # ignore duplicate warnings
+ if cmp(lastWarning, warning) == 0 :
+ continue
+ # print blank line between files
+ if lastWarning.file != warning.file :
+ global _output
+ _output.AddLines("\n")
+ lastWarning = warning
+ _output.AddLines(warning.format() + "\n")
+def processFiles(files, cfg = None, pre_process_cb = None) :
+ # insert this here, so we find files in the local dir before std library
+ if sys.path[0] != '' :
+ sys.path.insert(0, '')
+ # ensure we have a config object, it's necessary
+ global _cfg
+ if cfg is not None :
+ _cfg = cfg
+ elif _cfg is None :
+ _cfg = Config.Config()
+ warnings = []
+ utils.initConfig(_cfg)
+ for moduleName, filename in getModules(files) :
+ if callable(pre_process_cb) :
+ pre_process_cb(moduleName)
+ module = Module(moduleName, fullpath = filename)
+ module.load(warnings)
+ utils.popConfig()
+ return warnings
+def getWarnings(files, cfg = None, suppressions = None):
+ warnings = processFiles(files, cfg)
+ fixupBuiltinModules()
+ return warnings + warn.find(getAllModules(), _cfg, suppressions)
+def _print_processing(name) :
+ if not _cfg.quiet :
+ global _output, _statusDlg, _count
+ txt = _("Processing %s...\n") % name
+ _output.AddLines(txt)
+ _count += 1
+ _statusDlg.Update(_count, txt)
+def checkSyntax(filename, messageView):
+ """ Massively hacked version of main for ActiveGrid IDE integration """
+ global _cfg
+ _cfg, files, suppressions = Config.setupFromArgs([filename])
+ if not files :
+ return 0
+ global _output, _statusDlg, _count
+ _output = messageView
+ # wxBug: Need to show progress dialog box, or message window never gets updated until the method returns
+ _statusDlg = wx.ProgressDialog(_("Check Code"), _("Checking %s") % filename, maximum = 100, style = wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME)
+ _count = 0
+ # insert this here, so we find files in the local dir before std library
+ sys.path.insert(0, '')
+ importWarnings = processFiles(files, _cfg, _print_processing)
+ fixupBuiltinModules()
+ if _cfg.printParse :
+ for module in getAllModules() :
+ printer.module(module)
+ warnings = warn.find(getAllModules(), _cfg, suppressions)
+ _statusDlg.Update(100, _("Done"))
+ _statusDlg.Destroy()
+ if not _cfg.quiet :
+ _output.AddLines(_("\nWarnings and Errors...\n"))
+ if warnings or importWarnings :
+ _printWarnings(importWarnings + warnings)
+ return 1
+ if not _cfg.quiet :
+ _output.AddLines(_("No Syntax Errors"))
+ return 0
+##def main(argv) :
+## __pychecker__ = 'no-miximport'
+## import pychecker
+## sys.stderr.write(_VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR)
+## sys.exit(100)
+## # remove empty arguments
+## argv = filter(None, argv)
+## # if the first arg starts with an @, read options from the file
+## # after the @ (this is mostly for windows)
+## if len(argv) >= 2 and argv[1][0] == '@':
+## # read data from the file
+## command_file = argv[1][1:]
+## try:
+## f = open(command_file, 'r')
+## command_line = f.read()
+## f.close()
+## except IOError, err:
+## sys.stderr.write("Unable to read commands from file: %s\n %s\n" % \
+## (command_file, err))
+## sys.exit(101)
+## # convert to an argv list, keeping argv[0] and the files to process
+## argv = argv[:1] + string.split(command_line) + argv[2:]
+## global _cfg
+## _cfg, files, suppressions = Config.setupFromArgs(argv[1:])
+## if not files :
+## return 0
+## # insert this here, so we find files in the local dir before std library
+## sys.path.insert(0, '')
+## importWarnings = processFiles(files, _cfg, _print_processing)
+## fixupBuiltinModules()
+## if _cfg.printParse :
+## for module in getAllModules() :
+## printer.module(module)
+## warnings = warn.find(getAllModules(), _cfg, suppressions)
+## if not _cfg.quiet :
+## print "\nWarnings...\n"
+## if warnings or importWarnings :
+## _printWarnings(importWarnings + warnings)
+## return 1
+## if not _cfg.quiet :
+## print "None"
+## return 0
+##if __name__ == '__main__' :
+## try :
+## sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+## except Config.UsageError :
+## sys.exit(127)
+##else :
+## _orig__import__ = None
+## _suppressions = None
+## _warnings_cache = {}
+## def _get_unique_warnings(warnings):
+## for i in range(len(warnings)-1, -1, -1):
+## w = warnings[i].format()
+## if _warnings_cache.has_key(w):
+## del warnings[i]
+## else:
+## _warnings_cache[w] = 1
+## return warnings
+## def __import__(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
+## if globals is None:
+## globals = {}
+## if locals is None:
+## locals = {}
+## if fromlist is None:
+## fromlist = []
+## check = not sys.modules.has_key(name) and name[:10] != 'pychecker.'
+## pymodule = _orig__import__(name, globals, locals, fromlist)
+## if check :
+## try :
+## module = Module(pymodule.__name__)
+## if module.initModule(pymodule):
+## warnings = warn.find([module], _cfg, _suppressions)
+## _printWarnings(_get_unique_warnings(warnings))
+## else :
+## print 'Unable to load module', pymodule.__name__
+## except Exception:
+## name = getattr(pymodule, '__name__', str(pymodule))
+## importError(name)
+## return pymodule
+## def _init() :
+## global _cfg, _suppressions, _orig__import__
+## args = string.split(os.environ.get('PYCHECKER', ''))
+## _cfg, files, _suppressions = Config.setupFromArgs(args)
+## utils.initConfig(_cfg)
+## fixupBuiltinModules(1)
+## # keep the orig __import__ around so we can call it
+## import __builtin__
+## _orig__import__ = __builtin__.__import__
+## __builtin__.__import__ = __import__
+## if not os.environ.get('PYCHECKER_DISABLED') :
+## _init()
--- /dev/null
+Ctrl-Space in any editor does code completion.
+Right-clicking on something in the 'Thing' column of the debugger's frame tab may allow you to introspect it for more information.
+Right-Mouse-Click in Outline window allows you to change display sorting.
+In an editor, you can add line markers via Ctrl-M and jump to the next marker with F4 or previous marker with Shift-F4.
+In an editor. you can use the numpad + and - keys to toggle folding.
+In 'Find in Directory', if you specify a file, it will display all matches in the Message Window.
+Breakpoints for the debugger can be set while the process is running
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2003 ActiveState
+# See LICENSE.txt for license details.
+""" Contents of LICENSE.txt:
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ Python interface for process control.
+ This module defines three Process classes for spawning,
+ communicating and control processes. They are: Process, ProcessOpen,
+ ProcessProxy. All of the classes allow one to specify the command (cmd),
+ starting working directory (cwd), and environment to create for the
+ new process (env) and to "wait" for termination of the child and
+ "kill" the child.
+ Process:
+ Use this class to simply launch a process (either a GUI app or a
+ console app in a new console) with which you do not intend to
+ communicate via it std handles.
+ ProcessOpen:
+ Think of this as a super version of Python's os.popen3() method.
+ This spawns the given command and sets up pipes for
+ stdin/stdout/stderr which can then be used to communicate with
+ the child.
+ ProcessProxy:
+ This is a heavy-weight class that, similar to ProcessOpen,
+ spawns the given commands and sets up pipes to the child's
+ stdin/stdout/stderr. However, it also starts three threads to
+ proxy communication between each of the child's and parent's std
+ handles. At the parent end of this communication are, by
+ default, IOBuffer objects. You may specify your own objects here
+ (usually sub-classing from IOBuffer, which handles some
+ synchronization issues for you). The result is that it is
+ possible to have your own IOBuffer instance that gets, say, a
+ .write() "event" for every write that the child does on its
+ stdout.
+ Understanding ProcessProxy is pretty complex. Some examples
+ below attempt to help show some uses. Here is a diagram of the
+ comminucation:
+ <parent process>
+ ,---->->->------' ^ `------>->->----,
+ | | v
+ IOBuffer IOBuffer IOBuffer
+ (p.stdout) (p.stderr) (p.stdin)
+ | | |
+ _OutFileProxy _OutFileProxy _InFileProxy
+ thread thread thread
+ | ^ |
+ `----<-<-<------, | ,------<-<-<----'
+ <child process>
+ Usage:
+ import process
+ p = process.<Process class>(cmd='echo hi', ...)
+ #... use the various methods and attributes
+ Examples:
+ A simple 'hello world':
+ >>> import process
+ >>> p = process.ProcessOpen(['echo', 'hello'])
+ >>> p.stdout.read()
+ 'hello\r\n'
+ >>> p.wait() # .wait() returns the child's exit status
+ 0
+ Redirecting the stdout handler:
+ >>> import sys
+ >>> p = process.ProcessProxy(['echo', 'hello'], stdout=sys.stdout)
+ hello
+ Using stdin (need to use ProcessProxy here because it defaults to
+ text-mode translation on Windows, ProcessOpen does not support
+ this):
+ >>> p = process.ProcessProxy(['sort'])
+ >>> p.stdin.write('5\n')
+ >>> p.stdin.write('2\n')
+ >>> p.stdin.write('7\n')
+ >>> p.stdin.close()
+ >>> p.stdout.read()
+ '2\n5\n7\n'
+ Specifying environment variables:
+ >>> p = process.ProcessOpen(['perl', '-e', 'print $ENV{FOO}'])
+ >>> p.stdout.read()
+ ''
+ >>> p = process.ProcessOpen(['perl', '-e', 'print $ENV{FOO}'],
+ ... env={'FOO':'bar'})
+ >>> p.stdout.read()
+ 'bar'
+ Killing a long running process (On Linux, to poll you must use
+ p.wait(os.WNOHANG)):
+ >>> p = ProcessOpen(['perl', '-e', 'while (1) {}'])
+ >>> try:
+ ... p.wait(os.WNOHANG) # poll to see if is process still running
+ ... except ProcessError, ex:
+ ... if ex.errno == ProcessProxy.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
+ ... print "process is still running"
+ ...
+ process is still running
+ >>> p.kill(42)
+ >>> p.wait()
+ 42
+ Providing objects for stdin/stdout/stderr:
+ XXX write this, mention IOBuffer subclassing.
+# - Discuss the decision to NOT have the stdout/stderr _OutFileProxy's
+# wait for process termination before closing stdin. It will just
+# close stdin when stdout is seen to have been closed. That is
+# considered Good Enough (tm). Theoretically it would be nice to
+# only abort the stdin proxying when the process terminates, but
+# watching for process termination in any of the parent's thread
+# adds the undesired condition that the parent cannot exit with the
+# child still running. That sucks.
+# XXX Note that I don't even know if the current stdout proxy even
+# closes the stdin proxy at all.
+# - DavidA: if I specify "unbuffered" for my stdin handler (in the
+# ProcessProxy constructor) then the stdin IOBuffer should do a
+# fparent.read() rather than a fparent.readline(). TrentM: can I do
+# that? What happens?
+import os
+import sys
+import threading
+import types
+import pprint
+if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ import msvcrt
+ import win32api
+ import win32file
+ import win32pipe
+ import pywintypes
+ import win32process
+ import win32event
+ # constants pulled from win32con to save memory
+ WM_CLOSE = 0x10
+ import signal
+#---- exceptions
+class ProcessError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg, errno=-1):
+ Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.errno = errno
+#---- internal logging facility
+class Logger:
+ def __init__(self, name, level=None, streamOrFileName=sys.stderr):
+ self.name = name
+ if level is None:
+ self.level = self.WARN
+ else:
+ self.level = level
+ if type(streamOrFileName) == types.StringType:
+ self.stream = open(streamOrFileName, 'w')
+ self._opennedStream = 1
+ else:
+ self.stream = streamOrFileName
+ self._opennedStream = 0
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self._opennedStream:
+ self.stream.close()
+ def _getLevelName(self, level):
+ levelNameMap = {
+ self.DEBUG: "DEBUG",
+ self.INFO: "INFO",
+ self.WARN: "WARN",
+ self.ERROR: "ERROR",
+ self.FATAL: "FATAL",
+ }
+ return levelNameMap[level]
+ def log(self, level, msg, *args):
+ if level < self.level:
+ return
+ message = "%s: %s:" % (self.name, self._getLevelName(level).lower())
+ message = message + (msg % args) + "\n"
+ self.stream.write(message)
+ self.stream.flush()
+ def debug(self, msg, *args):
+ self.log(self.DEBUG, msg, *args)
+ def info(self, msg, *args):
+ self.log(self.INFO, msg, *args)
+ def warn(self, msg, *args):
+ self.log(self.WARN, msg, *args)
+ def error(self, msg, *args):
+ self.log(self.ERROR, msg, *args)
+ def fatal(self, msg, *args):
+ self.log(self.FATAL, msg, *args)
+# Loggers:
+# - 'log' to log normal process handling
+# - 'logres' to track system resource life
+# - 'logfix' to track wait/kill proxying in _ThreadFixer
+if 1: # normal/production usage
+ log = Logger("process", Logger.WARN)
+else: # development/debugging usage
+ log = Logger("process", Logger.DEBUG, sys.stdout)
+if 1: # normal/production usage
+ logres = Logger("process.res", Logger.WARN)
+else: # development/debugging usage
+ logres = Logger("process.res", Logger.DEBUG, sys.stdout)
+if 1: # normal/production usage
+ logfix = Logger("process.waitfix", Logger.WARN)
+else: # development/debugging usage
+ logfix = Logger("process.waitfix", Logger.DEBUG, sys.stdout)
+#---- globals
+_version_ = (0, 5, 0)
+# List of registered processes (see _(un)registerProcess).
+_processes = []
+#---- internal support routines
+def _escapeArg(arg):
+ """Escape the given command line argument for the shell."""
+ #XXX There is a probably more that we should escape here.
+ return arg.replace('"', r'\"')
+def _joinArgv(argv):
+ r"""Join an arglist to a string appropriate for running.
+ >>> import os
+ >>> _joinArgv(['foo', 'bar "baz'])
+ 'foo "bar \\"baz"'
+ """
+ cmdstr = ""
+ for arg in argv:
+ if ' ' in arg or ';' in arg:
+ cmdstr += '"%s"' % _escapeArg(arg)
+ else:
+ cmdstr += _escapeArg(arg)
+ cmdstr += ' '
+ if cmdstr.endswith(' '): cmdstr = cmdstr[:-1] # strip trailing space
+ return cmdstr
+def _getPathFromEnv(env):
+ """Return the PATH environment variable or None.
+ Do the right thing for case sensitivity per platform.
+ XXX Icky. This guarantee of proper case sensitivity of environment
+ variables should be done more fundamentally in this module.
+ """
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ for key in env.keys():
+ if key.upper() == "PATH":
+ return env[key]
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ if env.has_key("PATH"):
+ return env["PATH"]
+ else:
+ return None
+def _whichFirstArg(cmd, env=None):
+ """Return the given command ensuring that the first arg (the command to
+ launch) is a full path to an existing file.
+ Raise a ProcessError if no such executable could be found.
+ """
+ # Parse out the first arg.
+ if cmd.startswith('"'):
+ # The .replace() is to ensure it does not mistakenly find the
+ # second '"' in, say (escaped quote):
+ # "C:\foo\"bar" arg1 arg2
+ idx = cmd.replace('\\"', 'XX').find('"', 1)
+ if idx == -1:
+ raise ProcessError("Malformed command: %r" % cmd)
+ first, rest = cmd[1:idx], cmd[idx+1:]
+ rest = rest.lstrip()
+ else:
+ if ' ' in cmd:
+ first, rest = cmd.split(' ', 1)
+ else:
+ first, rest = cmd, ""
+ # Ensure the first arg is a valid path to the appropriate file.
+ import which
+ if os.sep in first:
+ altpath = [os.path.dirname(first)]
+ firstbase = os.path.basename(first)
+ candidates = list(which.which(firstbase, path=altpath))
+ elif env:
+ altpath = _getPathFromEnv(env)
+ if altpath:
+ candidates = list(which.which(first, altpath.split(os.pathsep)))
+ else:
+ candidates = list(which.which(first))
+ else:
+ candidates = list(which.which(first))
+ if candidates:
+ return _joinArgv( [candidates[0]] ) + ' ' + rest
+ else:
+ raise ProcessError("Could not find an appropriate leading command "\
+ "for: %r" % cmd)
+if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ def _SaferCreateProcess(appName, # app name
+ cmd, # command line
+ processSA, # process security attributes
+ threadSA, # thread security attributes
+ inheritHandles, # are handles are inherited
+ creationFlags, # creation flags
+ env, # environment
+ cwd, # current working directory
+ si): # STARTUPINFO pointer
+ """If CreateProcess fails from environment type inconsistency then
+ fix that and try again.
+ win32process.CreateProcess requires that all environment keys and
+ values either be all ASCII or all unicode. Try to remove this burden
+ from the user of process.py.
+ """
+ isWin9x = win32api.GetVersionEx()[3] == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
+ # On Win9x all keys and values of 'env' must be ASCII (XXX
+ # Actually this is probably only true if the Unicode support
+ # libraries, which are not installed by default, are not
+ # installed). On other Windows flavours all keys and values of
+ # 'env' must all be ASCII *or* all Unicode. We will try to
+ # automatically convert to the appropriate type, issuing a
+ # warning if such an automatic conversion is necessary.
+ #XXX Komodo 2.0 Beta 1 hack. This requirement should be
+ # pushed out to Komodo code using process.py. Or should it?
+ if isWin9x and env:
+ aenv = {}
+ for key, value in env.items():
+ aenv[str(key)] = str(value)
+ env = aenv
+ log.debug("""\
+ cmd=%r,
+ env=%r,
+ cwd=%r)
+ os.getcwd(): %r
+""", appName, cmd, env, cwd, os.getcwd())
+ try:
+ hProcess, hThread, processId, threadId\
+ = win32process.CreateProcess(appName, cmd, processSA,
+ threadSA, inheritHandles,
+ creationFlags, env, cwd, si)
+ except TypeError, ex:
+ if ex.args == ('All dictionary items must be strings, or all must be unicode',):
+ # Try again with an all unicode environment.
+ #XXX Would be nice if didn't have to depend on the error
+ # string to catch this.
+ #XXX Removing this warning for 2.3 release. See bug
+ # 23215. The right fix is to correct the PHPAppInfo
+ # stuff to heed the warning.
+ #import warnings
+ #warnings.warn('env: ' + str(ex), stacklevel=4)
+ if isWin9x and env:
+ aenv = {}
+ try:
+ for key, value in env.items():
+ aenv[str(key)] = str(value)
+ except UnicodeError, ex:
+ raise ProcessError(str(ex))
+ env = aenv
+ elif env:
+ uenv = {}
+ for key, val in env.items():
+ uenv[unicode(key)] = unicode(val)
+ env = uenv
+ hProcess, hThread, processId, threadId\
+ = win32process.CreateProcess(appName, cmd, processSA,
+ threadSA, inheritHandles,
+ creationFlags, env, cwd,
+ si)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return hProcess, hThread, processId, threadId
+# Maintain references to all spawned ProcessProxy objects to avoid hangs.
+# Otherwise, if the user lets the a ProcessProxy object go out of
+# scope before the process has terminated, it is possible to get a
+# hang (at least it *used* to be so when we had the
+# win32api.CloseHandle(<stdin handle>) call in the __del__() method).
+# XXX Is this hang possible on Linux as well?
+# A reference is removed from this list when the process's .wait or
+# .kill method is called.
+# XXX Should an atexit() handler be registered to kill all curently
+# running processes? Else *could* get hangs, n'est ce pas?
+def _registerProcess(process):
+ global _processes
+ log.info("_registerprocess(process=%r)", process)
+ # Clean up zombie processes.
+ # If the user does not call .wait() or .kill() on processes then
+ # the ProcessProxy object will not get cleaned up until Python
+ # exits and _processes goes out of scope. Under heavy usage that
+ # is a big memory waste. Cleaning up here alleviates that.
+ for p in _processes[:]: # use copy of _process, because we may modifiy it
+ try:
+ # poll to see if is process still running
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ timeout = 0
+ else:
+ timeout = os.WNOHANG
+ p.wait(timeout)
+ _unregisterProcess(p)
+ except ProcessError, ex:
+ if ex.errno == ProcessProxy.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+ _processes.append(process)
+def _unregisterProcess(process):
+ global _processes
+ log.info("_unregisterProcess(process=%r)", process)
+ try:
+ _processes.remove(process)
+ del process
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def _fixupCommand(cmd, env=None):
+ """Fixup the command string so it is launchable via CreateProcess.
+ One cannot just launch, say "python", via CreateProcess. A full path
+ to an executable is required. In general there are two choices:
+ 1. Launch the command string via the shell. The shell will find
+ the fullpath to the appropriate executable. This shell will
+ also be able to execute special shell commands, like "dir",
+ which don't map to an actual executable.
+ 2. Find the fullpath to the appropriate executable manually and
+ launch that exe.
+ Option (1) is preferred because you don't have to worry about not
+ exactly duplicating shell behaviour and you get the added bonus of
+ being able to launch "dir" and friends.
+ However, (1) is not always an option. Doing so when the shell is
+ command.com (as on all Win9x boxes) or when using WinNT's cmd.exe,
+ problems are created with .kill() because these shells seem to eat
+ up Ctrl-C's and Ctrl-Break's sent via
+ win32api.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(). Strangely this only happens
+ when spawn via this Python interface. For example, Ctrl-C get
+ through to hang.exe here:
+ C:\> ...\w9xpopen.exe "C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM /c hang.exe"
+ ^C
+ but not here:
+ >>> p = ProcessOpen('hang.exe')
+ # This results in the same command to CreateProcess as
+ # above.
+ >>> p.kill()
+ Hence, for these platforms we fallback to option (2). Cons:
+ - cannot spawn shell commands like 'dir' directly
+ - cannot spawn batch files
+ """
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ # Fixup the command string to spawn. (Lifted from
+ # posixmodule.c::_PyPopenCreateProcess() with some modifications)
+ comspec = os.environ.get("COMSPEC", None)
+ win32Version = win32api.GetVersion()
+ if comspec is None:
+ raise ProcessError("Cannot locate a COMSPEC environment "\
+ "variable to use as the shell")
+ # Explicitly check if we are using COMMAND.COM. If we
+ # are then use the w9xpopen hack.
+ elif (win32Version & 0x80000000L == 0) and\
+ (win32Version & 0x5L >= 5) and\
+ os.path.basename(comspec).lower() != "command.com":
+ # 2000/XP and not using command.com.
+ if '"' in cmd or "'" in cmd:
+ cmd = comspec + ' /c "%s"' % cmd
+ else:
+ cmd = comspec + ' /c ' + cmd
+ elif (win32Version & 0x80000000L == 0) and\
+ (win32Version & 0x5L < 5) and\
+ os.path.basename(comspec).lower() != "command.com":
+ # NT and not using command.com.
+ try:
+ cmd = _whichFirstArg(cmd, env)
+ except ProcessError:
+ raise ProcessError("Could not find a suitable executable "\
+ "to launch for '%s'. On WinNT you must manually prefix "\
+ "shell commands and batch files with 'cmd.exe /c' to "\
+ "have the shell run them." % cmd)
+ else:
+ # Oh gag, we're on Win9x and/or using COMMAND.COM. Use the
+ # workaround listed in KB: Q150956
+ w9xpopen = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(win32api.GetModuleFileName(0)),
+ 'w9xpopen.exe')
+ if not os.path.exists(w9xpopen):
+ # Eeek - file-not-found - possibly an embedding
+ # situation - see if we can locate it in sys.exec_prefix
+ w9xpopen = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.exec_prefix),
+ 'w9xpopen.exe')
+ if not os.path.exists(w9xpopen):
+ raise ProcessError(\
+ "Can not locate 'w9xpopen.exe' which is needed "\
+ "for ProcessOpen to work with your shell or "\
+ "platform.")
+ ## This would be option (1):
+ #cmd = '%s "%s /c %s"'\
+ # % (w9xpopen, comspec, cmd.replace('"', '\\"'))
+ try:
+ cmd = _whichFirstArg(cmd, env)
+ except ProcessError:
+ raise ProcessError("Could not find a suitable executable "\
+ "to launch for '%s'. On Win9x you must manually prefix "\
+ "shell commands and batch files with 'command.com /c' "\
+ "to have the shell run them." % cmd)
+ cmd = '%s "%s"' % (w9xpopen, cmd.replace('"', '\\"'))
+ return cmd
+class _FileWrapper:
+ """Wrap a system file object, hiding some nitpicky details.
+ This class provides a Python file-like interface to either a Python
+ file object (pretty easy job), a file descriptor, or an OS-specific
+ file handle (e.g. Win32 handles to file objects on Windows). Any or
+ all of these object types may be passed to this wrapper. If more
+ than one is specified this wrapper prefers to work with certain one
+ in this order:
+ - file descriptor (because usually this allows for
+ return-immediately-on-read-if-anything-available semantics and
+ also provides text mode translation on Windows)
+ - OS-specific handle (allows for the above read semantics)
+ - file object (buffering can cause difficulty for interacting
+ with spawned programs)
+ It also provides a place where related such objects can be kept
+ alive together to prevent premature ref-counted collection. (E.g. on
+ Windows a Python file object may be associated with a Win32 file
+ handle. If the file handle is not kept alive the Python file object
+ will cease to function.)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, file=None, descriptor=None, handle=None):
+ self._file = file
+ self._descriptor = descriptor
+ self._handle = handle
+ self._closed = 0
+ if self._descriptor is not None or self._handle is not None:
+ self._lineBuf = "" # to support .readline()
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.close()
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ """Forward to the underlying file object."""
+ if self._file is not None:
+ return getattr(self._file, name)
+ else:
+ raise ProcessError("no file object to pass '%s' attribute to"
+ % name)
+ def _win32Read(self, nBytes):
+ try:
+ log.info("[%s] _FileWrapper.read: waiting for read on pipe",
+ id(self))
+ errCode, text = win32file.ReadFile(self._handle, nBytes)
+ except pywintypes.error, ex:
+ # Ignore errors for now, like "The pipe is being closed.",
+ # etc. XXX There *may* be errors we don't want to avoid.
+ log.info("[%s] _FileWrapper.read: error reading from pipe: %s",
+ id(self), ex)
+ return ""
+ assert errCode == 0,\
+ "Why is 'errCode' from ReadFile non-zero? %r" % errCode
+ if not text:
+ # Empty text signifies that the pipe has been closed on
+ # the parent's end.
+ log.info("[%s] _FileWrapper.read: observed close of parent",
+ id(self))
+ # Signal the child so it knows to stop listening.
+ self.close()
+ return ""
+ else:
+ log.info("[%s] _FileWrapper.read: read %d bytes from pipe: %r",
+ id(self), len(text), text)
+ return text
+ def read(self, nBytes=-1):
+ # nBytes <= 0 means "read everything"
+ # Note that we are changing the "read everything" cue to
+ # include 0, because actually doing
+ # win32file.ReadFile(<handle>, 0) results in every subsequent
+ # read returning 0, i.e. it shuts down the pipe.
+ if self._descriptor is not None:
+ if nBytes <= 0:
+ text, self._lineBuf = self._lineBuf, ""
+ while 1:
+ t = os.read(self._descriptor, 4092)
+ if not t:
+ break
+ else:
+ text += t
+ else:
+ if len(self._lineBuf) >= nBytes:
+ text, self._lineBuf =\
+ self._lineBuf[:nBytes], self._lineBuf[nBytes:]
+ else:
+ nBytesToGo = nBytes - len(self._lineBuf)
+ text = self._lineBuf + os.read(self._descriptor,
+ nBytesToGo)
+ self._lineBuf = ""
+ return text
+ elif self._handle is not None:
+ if nBytes <= 0:
+ text, self._lineBuf = self._lineBuf, ""
+ while 1:
+ t = self._win32Read(4092)
+ if not t:
+ break
+ else:
+ text += t
+ else:
+ if len(self._lineBuf) >= nBytes:
+ text, self._lineBuf =\
+ self._lineBuf[:nBytes], self._lineBuf[nBytes:]
+ else:
+ nBytesToGo = nBytes - len(self._lineBuf)
+ text, self._lineBuf =\
+ self._lineBuf + self._win32Read(nBytesToGo), ""
+ return text
+ elif self._file is not None:
+ return self._file.read(nBytes)
+ else:
+ raise "FileHandle.read: no handle to read with"
+ def readline(self):
+ if self._descriptor is not None or self._handle is not None:
+ while 1:
+ #XXX This is not portable to the Mac.
+ idx = self._lineBuf.find('\n')
+ if idx != -1:
+ line, self._lineBuf =\
+ self._lineBuf[:idx+1], self._lineBuf[idx+1:]
+ break
+ else:
+ lengthBefore = len(self._lineBuf)
+ t = self.read(4092)
+ if len(t) <= lengthBefore: # no new data was read
+ line, self._lineBuf = self._lineBuf, ""
+ break
+ else:
+ self._lineBuf += t
+ return line
+ elif self._file is not None:
+ return self._file.readline()
+ else:
+ raise "FileHandle.readline: no handle to read with"
+ def readlines(self):
+ if self._descriptor is not None or self._handle is not None:
+ lines = []
+ while 1:
+ line = self.readline()
+ if line:
+ lines.append(line)
+ else:
+ break
+ return lines
+ elif self._file is not None:
+ return self._file.readlines()
+ else:
+ raise "FileHandle.readline: no handle to read with"
+ def write(self, text):
+ if self._descriptor is not None:
+ os.write(self._descriptor, text)
+ elif self._handle is not None:
+ try:
+ errCode, nBytesWritten = win32file.WriteFile(self._handle, text)
+ except pywintypes.error, ex:
+ # Ingore errors like "The pipe is being closed.", for
+ # now.
+ log.info("[%s] _FileWrapper.write: error writing to pipe, "\
+ "ignored", id(self))
+ return
+ assert errCode == 0,\
+ "Why is 'errCode' from WriteFile non-zero? %r" % errCode
+ if not nBytesWritten:
+ # No bytes written signifies that the pipe has been
+ # closed on the child's end.
+ log.info("[%s] _FileWrapper.write: observed close of pipe",
+ id(self))
+ return
+ else:
+ log.info("[%s] _FileWrapper.write: wrote %d bytes to pipe: %r",
+ id(self), len(text), text)
+ elif self._file is not None:
+ self._file.write(text)
+ else:
+ raise "FileHandle.write: nothing to write with"
+ def close(self):
+ """Close all associated file objects and handles."""
+ log.debug("[%s] _FileWrapper.close()", id(self))
+ if not self._closed:
+ self._closed = 1
+ if self._file is not None:
+ log.debug("[%s] _FileWrapper.close: close file", id(self))
+ self._file.close()
+ log.debug("[%s] _FileWrapper.close: done file close", id(self))
+ if self._descriptor is not None:
+ try:
+ os.close(self._descriptor)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ if ex.errno == 9:
+ # Ignore: OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
+ # XXX *Should* we be ignoring this? It appears very
+ # *in*frequently in test_wait.py.
+ log.debug("[%s] _FileWrapper.close: closing "\
+ "descriptor raised OSError", id(self))
+ else:
+ raise
+ if self._handle is not None:
+ log.debug("[%s] _FileWrapper.close: close handle", id(self))
+ try:
+ win32api.CloseHandle(self._handle)
+ except win32api.error:
+ log.debug("[%s] _FileWrapper.close: closing handle raised",
+ id(self))
+ pass
+ log.debug("[%s] _FileWrapper.close: done closing handle",
+ id(self))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<_FileWrapper: file:%r fd:%r os_handle:%r>"\
+ % (self._file, self._descriptor, self._handle)
+class _CountingCloser:
+ """Call .close() on the given object after own .close() is called
+ the precribed number of times.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, objectsToClose, count):
+ """
+ "objectsToClose" is a list of object on which to call .close().
+ "count" is the number of times this object's .close() method
+ must be called before .close() is called on the given objects.
+ """
+ self.objectsToClose = objectsToClose
+ self.count = count
+ if self.count <= 0:
+ raise ProcessError("illegal 'count' value: %s" % self.count)
+ def close(self):
+ self.count -= 1
+ log.debug("[%d] _CountingCloser.close(): count=%d", id(self),
+ self.count)
+ if self.count == 0:
+ for objectToClose in self.objectsToClose:
+ objectToClose.close()
+#---- public interface
+class Process:
+ """Create a process.
+ One can optionally specify the starting working directory, the
+ process environment, and std handles to have the child process
+ inherit (all defaults are the parent's current settings). 'wait' and
+ 'kill' method allow for control of the child's termination.
+ """
+ # TODO:
+ # - Rename this or merge it with ProcessOpen somehow.
+ #
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ # .wait() argument constants
+ INFINITE = win32event.INFINITE
+ # .wait() return error codes
+ # creation "flags" constants
+ # XXX Should drop these and just document usage of
+ # win32process.CREATE_* constants on windows.
+ else:
+ # .wait() argument constants
+ # .wait() return error codes
+ # creation "flags" constants
+ CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x10 # same as win32process.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
+ def __init__(self, cmd, cwd=None, env=None, flags=0):
+ """Create a child process.
+ "cmd" is a command string or argument vector to spawn.
+ "cwd" is a working directory in which to start the child process.
+ "env" is an environment dictionary for the child.
+ "flags" are system-specific process creation flags. On Windows
+ this can be a bitwise-OR of any of the win32process.CREATE_*
+ constants (Note: win32process.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP is always
+ OR'd in). On Unix, this is currently ignored.
+ """
+ log.info("Process.__init__(cmd=%r, cwd=%r, env=%r, flags=%r)",
+ cmd, cwd, env, flags)
+ self._cmd = cmd
+ if not self._cmd:
+ raise ProcessError("You must specify a command.")
+ self._cwd = cwd
+ self._env = env
+ self._flags = flags
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ self._flags |= win32process.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ self._startOnWindows()
+ else:
+ self.__retvalCache = None
+ self._startOnUnix()
+ def _runChildOnUnix(self):
+ #XXX Errors running the child do *not* get communicated back.
+ #XXX Perhaps we should *always* prefix with '/bin/sh -c'? There is a
+ # disparity btwn how this works on Linux and Windows.
+ if isinstance(self._cmd, types.StringTypes):
+ # This is easier than trying to reproduce shell interpretation to
+ # separate the arguments.
+ cmd = ['/bin/sh', '-c', self._cmd]
+ else:
+ cmd = self._cmd
+ # Close all file descriptors (except std*) inherited from the parent.
+ MAXFD = 256 # Max number of file descriptors (os.getdtablesize()???)
+ for i in range(3, MAXFD):
+ try:
+ os.close(i)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if self._env:
+ os.execvpe(cmd[0], cmd, self._env)
+ else:
+ os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd)
+ finally:
+ os._exit(1) # Should never get here.
+ def _forkAndExecChildOnUnix(self):
+ """Fork and start the child process.
+ Sets self._pid as a side effect.
+ """
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid == 0: # child
+ self._runChildOnUnix()
+ # parent
+ self._pid = pid
+ def _startOnUnix(self):
+ if self._cwd:
+ oldDir = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(self._cwd)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ raise ProcessError(msg=str(ex), errno=ex.errno)
+ self._forkAndExecChildOnUnix()
+ # parent
+ if self._cwd:
+ os.chdir(oldDir)
+ def _startOnWindows(self):
+ if type(self._cmd) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
+ # And arg vector was passed in.
+ cmd = _joinArgv(self._cmd)
+ else:
+ cmd = self._cmd
+ si = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
+ si.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
+ si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT
+ if not (self._flags & self.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE):
+ #XXX This is hacky.
+ # We cannot then use _fixupCommand because this will cause a
+ # shell to be openned as the command is launched. Therefore need
+ # to ensure be have the full path to the executable to launch.
+ try:
+ cmd = _whichFirstArg(cmd, self._env)
+ except ProcessError:
+ # Could not find the command, perhaps it is an internal
+ # shell command -- fallback to _fixupCommand
+ cmd = _fixupCommand(cmd, self._env)
+ else:
+ cmd = _fixupCommand(cmd, self._env)
+ log.debug("cmd = %r", cmd)
+ # Start the child process.
+ try:
+ self._hProcess, self._hThread, self._processId, self._threadId\
+ = _SaferCreateProcess(
+ None, # app name
+ cmd, # command line
+ None, # process security attributes
+ None, # primary thread security attributes
+ 0, # handles are inherited
+ self._flags, # creation flags
+ self._env, # environment
+ self._cwd, # current working directory
+ si) # STARTUPINFO pointer
+ win32api.CloseHandle(self._hThread)
+ except win32api.error, ex:
+ raise ProcessError(msg="Error creating process for '%s': %s"\
+ % (cmd, ex.args[2]),
+ errno=ex.args[0])
+ def wait(self, timeout=None):
+ """Wait for the started process to complete.
+ "timeout" (on Windows) is a floating point number of seconds after
+ which to timeout. Default is win32event.INFINITE.
+ "timeout" (on Unix) is akin to the os.waitpid() "options" argument
+ (os.WNOHANG may be used to return immediately if the process has
+ not exited). Default is 0, i.e. wait forever.
+ If the wait time's out it will raise a ProcessError. Otherwise it
+ will return the child's exit value (on Windows) or the child's exit
+ status excoded as per os.waitpid() (on Linux):
+ "a 16-bit number, whose low byte is the signal number that killed
+ the process, and whose high byte is the exit status (if the
+ signal number is zero); the high bit of the low byte is set if a
+ core file was produced."
+ In the latter case, use the os.W*() methods to interpret the return
+ value.
+ """
+ # XXX Or should returning the exit value be move out to another
+ # function as on Win32 process control? If so, then should
+ # perhaps not make WaitForSingleObject semantic transformation.
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = win32event.INFINITE
+ else:
+ timeout = timeout * 1000.0 # Win32 API's timeout is in millisecs
+ rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self._hProcess, timeout)
+ if rc == win32event.WAIT_FAILED:
+ raise ProcessError("'WAIT_FAILED' when waiting for process to "\
+ "terminate: %r" % self._cmd, rc)
+ elif rc == win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
+ raise ProcessError("'WAIT_TIMEOUT' when waiting for process to "\
+ "terminate: %r" % self._cmd, rc)
+ retval = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(self._hProcess)
+ else:
+ # os.waitpid() will raise:
+ # OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes
+ # on subsequent .wait() calls. Change these semantics to have
+ # subsequent .wait() calls return the exit status and return
+ # immediately without raising an exception.
+ # (XXX It would require synchronization code to handle the case
+ # of multiple simultaneous .wait() requests, however we can punt
+ # on that because it is moot while Linux still has the problem
+ # for which _ThreadFixer() exists.)
+ if self.__retvalCache is not None:
+ retval = self.__retvalCache
+ else:
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = 0
+ pid, sts = os.waitpid(self._pid, timeout)
+ if pid == self._pid:
+ self.__retvalCache = retval = sts
+ else:
+ raise ProcessError("Wait for process timed out.",
+ return retval
+ def kill(self, exitCode=0, gracePeriod=1.0, sig=None):
+ """Kill process.
+ "exitCode" [deprecated, not supported] (Windows only) is the
+ code the terminated process should exit with.
+ "gracePeriod" (Windows only) is a number of seconds the process is
+ allowed to shutdown with a WM_CLOSE signal before a hard
+ terminate is called.
+ "sig" (Unix only) is the signal to use to kill the process. Defaults
+ to signal.SIGKILL. See os.kill() for more information.
+ Windows:
+ Try for an orderly shutdown via WM_CLOSE. If still running
+ after gracePeriod (1 sec. default), terminate.
+ """
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ import win32gui
+ # Send WM_CLOSE to windows in this process group.
+ win32gui.EnumWindows(self._close_, 0)
+ # Send Ctrl-Break signal to all processes attached to this
+ # console. This is supposed to trigger shutdown handlers in
+ # each of the processes.
+ try:
+ win32api.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_BREAK_EVENT,
+ self._processId)
+ except AttributeError:
+ log.warn("The win32api module does not have "\
+ "GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(). This may mean that "\
+ "parts of this process group have NOT been killed.")
+ except win32api.error, ex:
+ if ex.args[0] not in (6, 87):
+ # Ignore the following:
+ # api_error: (87, 'GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent', 'The parameter is incorrect.')
+ # api_error: (6, 'GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent', 'The handle is invalid.')
+ # Get error 6 if there is no console.
+ raise
+ # Last resort: call TerminateProcess if it has not yet.
+ retval = 0
+ try:
+ self.wait(gracePeriod)
+ except ProcessError, ex:
+ log.info("[%s] Process.kill: calling TerminateProcess", id(self))
+ win32process.TerminateProcess(self._hProcess, -1)
+ win32api.Sleep(100) # wait for resources to be released
+ else:
+ if sig is None:
+ sig = signal.SIGKILL
+ try:
+ os.kill(self._pid, sig)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ if ex.errno != 3:
+ # Ignore: OSError: [Errno 3] No such process
+ raise
+ def _close_(self, hwnd, dummy):
+ """Callback used by .kill() on Windows.
+ EnumWindows callback - sends WM_CLOSE to any window owned by this
+ process.
+ """
+ threadId, processId = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
+ if processId == self._processId:
+ import win32gui
+ win32gui.PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
+class ProcessOpen(Process):
+ """Create a process and setup pipes to it standard handles.
+ This is a super popen3.
+ """
+ # TODO:
+ # - Share some implementation with Process and ProcessProxy.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, cmd, mode='t', cwd=None, env=None):
+ """Create a Process with proxy threads for each std handle.
+ "cmd" is the command string or argument vector to run.
+ "mode" (Windows only) specifies whether the pipes used to communicate
+ with the child are openned in text, 't', or binary, 'b', mode.
+ This is ignored on platforms other than Windows. Default is 't'.
+ "cwd" optionally specifies the directory in which the child process
+ should be started. Default is None, a.k.a. inherits the cwd from
+ the parent.
+ "env" is optionally a mapping specifying the environment in which to
+ start the child. Default is None, a.k.a. inherits the environment
+ of the parent.
+ """
+ # Keep a reference to ensure it is around for this object's destruction.
+ self.__log = log
+ log.info("ProcessOpen.__init__(cmd=%r, mode=%r, cwd=%r, env=%r)",
+ cmd, mode, cwd, env)
+ self._cmd = cmd
+ if not self._cmd:
+ raise ProcessError("You must specify a command.")
+ self._cwd = cwd
+ self._env = env
+ self._mode = mode
+ if self._mode not in ('t', 'b'):
+ raise ProcessError("'mode' must be 't' or 'b'.")
+ self._closed = 0
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ self._startOnWindows()
+ else:
+ self.__retvalCache = None
+ self._startOnUnix()
+ _registerProcess(self)
+ def __del__(self):
+ #XXX Should probably not rely upon this.
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessOpen.__del__()", id(self))
+ self.close()
+ del self.__log # drop reference
+ def close(self):
+ if not self._closed:
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessOpen.close()" % id(self))
+ # Ensure that all IOBuffer's are closed. If they are not, these
+ # can cause hangs.
+ try:
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessOpen: closing stdin (%r)."\
+ % (id(self), self.stdin))
+ self.stdin.close()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # May not have gotten far enough in the __init__ to set
+ # self.stdin, etc.
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessOpen: closing stdout (%r)."\
+ % (id(self), self.stdout))
+ self.stdout.close()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # May not have gotten far enough in the __init__ to set
+ # self.stdout, etc.
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessOpen: closing stderr (%r)."\
+ % (id(self), self.stderr))
+ self.stderr.close()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # May not have gotten far enough in the __init__ to set
+ # self.stderr, etc.
+ pass
+ self._closed = 1
+ def _forkAndExecChildOnUnix(self, fdChildStdinRd, fdChildStdoutWr,
+ fdChildStderrWr):
+ """Fork and start the child process.
+ Sets self._pid as a side effect.
+ """
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid == 0: # child
+ os.dup2(fdChildStdinRd, 0)
+ os.dup2(fdChildStdoutWr, 1)
+ os.dup2(fdChildStderrWr, 2)
+ self._runChildOnUnix()
+ # parent
+ self._pid = pid
+ def _startOnUnix(self):
+ # Create pipes for std handles.
+ fdChildStdinRd, fdChildStdinWr = os.pipe()
+ fdChildStdoutRd, fdChildStdoutWr = os.pipe()
+ fdChildStderrRd, fdChildStderrWr = os.pipe()
+ if self._cwd:
+ oldDir = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(self._cwd)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ raise ProcessError(msg=str(ex), errno=ex.errno)
+ self._forkAndExecChildOnUnix(fdChildStdinRd, fdChildStdoutWr,
+ fdChildStderrWr)
+ if self._cwd:
+ os.chdir(oldDir)
+ os.close(fdChildStdinRd)
+ os.close(fdChildStdoutWr)
+ os.close(fdChildStderrWr)
+ self.stdin = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdinWr)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessOpen._start(): create child stdin: %r",
+ id(self), self.stdin)
+ self.stdout = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdoutRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessOpen._start(): create child stdout: %r",
+ id(self), self.stdout)
+ self.stderr = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStderrRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessOpen._start(): create child stderr: %r",
+ id(self), self.stderr)
+ def _startOnWindows(self):
+ if type(self._cmd) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
+ # An arg vector was passed in.
+ cmd = _joinArgv(self._cmd)
+ else:
+ cmd = self._cmd
+ # Create pipes for std handles.
+ # (Set the bInheritHandle flag so pipe handles are inherited.)
+ saAttr = pywintypes.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
+ saAttr.bInheritHandle = 1
+ #XXX Should maybe try with os.pipe. Dunno what that does for
+ # inheritability though.
+ hChildStdinRd, hChildStdinWr = win32pipe.CreatePipe(saAttr, 0)
+ hChildStdoutRd, hChildStdoutWr = win32pipe.CreatePipe(saAttr, 0)
+ hChildStderrRd, hChildStderrWr = win32pipe.CreatePipe(saAttr, 0)
+ try:
+ # Duplicate the parent ends of the pipes so they are not
+ # inherited.
+ hChildStdinWrDup = win32api.DuplicateHandle(
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ hChildStdinWr,
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ 0,
+ 0, # not inherited
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hChildStdinWr)
+ self._hChildStdinWr = hChildStdinWrDup
+ hChildStdoutRdDup = win32api.DuplicateHandle(
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ hChildStdoutRd,
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ 0,
+ 0, # not inherited
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hChildStdoutRd)
+ self._hChildStdoutRd = hChildStdoutRdDup
+ hChildStderrRdDup = win32api.DuplicateHandle(
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ hChildStderrRd,
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ 0,
+ 0, # not inherited
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hChildStderrRd)
+ self._hChildStderrRd = hChildStderrRdDup
+ # Set the translation mode and buffering.
+ if self._mode == 't':
+ flags = os.O_TEXT
+ else:
+ flags = 0
+ fdChildStdinWr = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(self._hChildStdinWr, flags)
+ fdChildStdoutRd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(self._hChildStdoutRd, flags)
+ fdChildStderrRd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(self._hChildStderrRd, flags)
+ self.stdin = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdinWr,
+ handle=self._hChildStdinWr)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessOpen._start(): create child stdin: %r",
+ id(self), self.stdin)
+ self.stdout = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdoutRd,
+ handle=self._hChildStdoutRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessOpen._start(): create child stdout: %r",
+ id(self), self.stdout)
+ self.stderr = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStderrRd,
+ handle=self._hChildStderrRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessOpen._start(): create child stderr: %r",
+ id(self), self.stderr)
+ # Start the child process.
+ si = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
+ si.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
+ si.wShowWindow = 0 # SW_HIDE
+ si.hStdInput = hChildStdinRd
+ si.hStdOutput = hChildStdoutWr
+ si.hStdError = hChildStderrWr
+ si.dwFlags |= win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
+ cmd = _fixupCommand(cmd, self._env)
+ creationFlags = win32process.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
+ try:
+ self._hProcess, hThread, self._processId, threadId\
+ = _SaferCreateProcess(
+ None, # app name
+ cmd, # command line
+ None, # process security attributes
+ None, # primary thread security attributes
+ 1, # handles are inherited
+ creationFlags, # creation flags
+ self._env, # environment
+ self._cwd, # current working directory
+ si) # STARTUPINFO pointer
+ except win32api.error, ex:
+ raise ProcessError(msg=ex.args[2], errno=ex.args[0])
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hThread)
+ finally:
+ # Close child ends of pipes on the parent's side (the
+ # parent's ends of the pipe are closed in the _FileWrappers.)
+ win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStdinRd)
+ win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStdoutWr)
+ win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStderrWr)
+ def wait(self, timeout=None):
+ """Wait for the started process to complete.
+ "timeout" (on Windows) is a floating point number of seconds after
+ which to timeout. Default is win32event.INFINITE.
+ "timeout" (on Unix) is akin to the os.waitpid() "options" argument
+ (os.WNOHANG may be used to return immediately if the process has
+ not exited). Default is 0, i.e. wait forever.
+ If the wait time's out it will raise a ProcessError. Otherwise it
+ will return the child's exit value (on Windows) or the child's exit
+ status excoded as per os.waitpid() (on Linux):
+ "a 16-bit number, whose low byte is the signal number that killed
+ the process, and whose high byte is the exit status (if the
+ signal number is zero); the high bit of the low byte is set if a
+ core file was produced."
+ In the latter case, use the os.W*() methods to interpret the return
+ value.
+ """
+ # XXX Or should returning the exit value be move out to another
+ # function as on Win32 process control? If so, then should
+ # perhaps not make WaitForSingleObject semantic
+ # transformation.
+ # TODO:
+ # - Need to rationalize the .wait() API for Windows vs. Unix.
+ # It is a real pain in the current situation.
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = win32event.INFINITE
+ else:
+ timeout = timeout * 1000.0 # Win32 API's timeout is in millisecs
+ #rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self._hProcess, timeout)
+ rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self._hProcess, int(timeout)) # MATT -- Making timeout an integer
+ if rc == win32event.WAIT_FAILED:
+ raise ProcessError("'WAIT_FAILED' when waiting for process to "\
+ "terminate: %r" % self._cmd, rc)
+ elif rc == win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
+ raise ProcessError("'WAIT_TIMEOUT' when waiting for process to "\
+ "terminate: %r" % self._cmd, rc)
+ retval = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(self._hProcess)
+ else:
+ # os.waitpid() will raise:
+ # OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes
+ # on subsequent .wait() calls. Change these semantics to have
+ # subsequent .wait() calls return the exit status and return
+ # immediately without raising an exception.
+ # (XXX It would require synchronization code to handle the case
+ # of multiple simultaneous .wait() requests, however we can punt
+ # on that because it is moot while Linux still has the problem
+ # for which _ThreadFixer() exists.)
+ if self.__retvalCache is not None:
+ retval = self.__retvalCache
+ else:
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = 0
+ pid, sts = os.waitpid(self._pid, timeout)
+ if pid == self._pid:
+ self.__retvalCache = retval = sts
+ else:
+ raise ProcessError("Wait for process timed out.",
+ _unregisterProcess(self)
+ return retval
+ def kill(self, exitCode=0, gracePeriod=1.0, sig=None):
+ """Kill process.
+ "exitCode" [deprecated, not supported] (Windows only) is the
+ code the terminated process should exit with.
+ "gracePeriod" (Windows only) is a number of seconds the process is
+ allowed to shutdown with a WM_CLOSE signal before a hard
+ terminate is called.
+ "sig" (Unix only) is the signal to use to kill the process. Defaults
+ to signal.SIGKILL. See os.kill() for more information.
+ Windows:
+ Try for an orderly shutdown via WM_CLOSE. If still running
+ after gracePeriod (1 sec. default), terminate.
+ """
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ import win32gui
+ # Send WM_CLOSE to windows in this process group.
+ win32gui.EnumWindows(self._close_, 0)
+ # Send Ctrl-Break signal to all processes attached to this
+ # console. This is supposed to trigger shutdown handlers in
+ # each of the processes.
+ try:
+ win32api.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_BREAK_EVENT,
+ self._processId)
+ except AttributeError:
+ log.warn("The win32api module does not have "\
+ "GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(). This may mean that "\
+ "parts of this process group have NOT been killed.")
+ except win32api.error, ex:
+ if ex.args[0] not in (6, 87):
+ # Ignore the following:
+ # api_error: (87, 'GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent', 'The parameter is incorrect.')
+ # api_error: (6, 'GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent', 'The handle is invalid.')
+ # Get error 6 if there is no console.
+ raise
+ # Last resort: call TerminateProcess if it has not yet.
+ retval = 0
+ try:
+ self.wait(gracePeriod)
+ except ProcessError, ex:
+ log.info("[%s] Process.kill: calling TerminateProcess", id(self))
+ win32process.TerminateProcess(self._hProcess, -1)
+ win32api.Sleep(100) # wait for resources to be released
+ else:
+ if sig is None:
+ sig = signal.SIGKILL
+ try:
+ os.kill(self._pid, sig)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ if ex.errno != 3:
+ # Ignore: OSError: [Errno 3] No such process
+ raise
+ _unregisterProcess(self)
+ def _close_(self, hwnd, dummy):
+ """Callback used by .kill() on Windows.
+ EnumWindows callback - sends WM_CLOSE to any window owned by this
+ process.
+ """
+ threadId, processId = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
+ if processId == self._processId:
+ import win32gui
+ win32gui.PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
+class ProcessProxy(Process):
+ """Create a process and proxy communication via the standard handles.
+ """
+ #XXX To add to docstring:
+ # - stdout/stderr proxy handling
+ # - stdin proxy handling
+ # - termination
+ # - how to .start(), i.e. basic usage rules
+ # - mention that pased in stdin/stdout/stderr objects have to
+ # implement at least .write (is .write correct for stdin)?
+ # - if you pass in stdin, stdout, and/or stderr streams it is the
+ # user's responsibility to close them afterwards.
+ # - 'cmd' arg can be a command string or an arg vector
+ # - etc.
+ #TODO:
+ # - .suspend() and .resume()? See Win32::Process Perl module.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, cmd, mode='t', cwd=None, env=None,
+ stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
+ """Create a Process with proxy threads for each std handle.
+ "cmd" is the command string or argument vector to run.
+ "mode" (Windows only) specifies whether the pipes used to communicate
+ with the child are openned in text, 't', or binary, 'b', mode.
+ This is ignored on platforms other than Windows. Default is 't'.
+ "cwd" optionally specifies the directory in which the child process
+ should be started. Default is None, a.k.a. inherits the cwd from
+ the parent.
+ "env" is optionally a mapping specifying the environment in which to
+ start the child. Default is None, a.k.a. inherits the environment
+ of the parent.
+ "stdin", "stdout", "stderr" can be used to specify objects with
+ file-like interfaces to handle read (stdout/stderr) and write
+ (stdin) events from the child. By default a process.IOBuffer
+ instance is assigned to each handler. IOBuffer may be
+ sub-classed. See the IOBuffer doc string for more information.
+ """
+ # Keep a reference to ensure it is around for this object's destruction.
+ self.__log = log
+ log.info("ProcessProxy.__init__(cmd=%r, mode=%r, cwd=%r, env=%r, "\
+ "stdin=%r, stdout=%r, stderr=%r)",
+ cmd, mode, cwd, env, stdin, stdout, stderr)
+ self._cmd = cmd
+ if not self._cmd:
+ raise ProcessError("You must specify a command.")
+ self._mode = mode
+ if self._mode not in ('t', 'b'):
+ raise ProcessError("'mode' must be 't' or 'b'.")
+ self._cwd = cwd
+ self._env = env
+ if stdin is None:
+ self.stdin = IOBuffer(name='<stdin>')
+ else:
+ self.stdin = stdin
+ if stdout is None:
+ self.stdout = IOBuffer(name='<stdout>')
+ else:
+ self.stdout = stdout
+ if stderr is None:
+ self.stderr = IOBuffer(name='<stderr>')
+ else:
+ self.stderr = stderr
+ self._closed = 0
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ self._startOnWindows()
+ else:
+ self.__retvalCache = None
+ self._startOnUnix()
+ _registerProcess(self)
+ def __del__(self):
+ #XXX Should probably not rely upon this.
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessProxy.__del__()", id(self))
+ self.close()
+ del self.__log # drop reference
+ def close(self):
+ if not self._closed:
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessProxy.close()" % id(self))
+ # Ensure that all IOBuffer's are closed. If they are not, these
+ # can cause hangs.
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessProxy: closing stdin (%r)."\
+ % (id(self), self.stdin))
+ try:
+ self.stdin.close()
+ self._stdinProxy.join()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # May not have gotten far enough in the __init__ to set
+ # self.stdin, etc.
+ pass
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessProxy: closing stdout (%r)."\
+ % (id(self), self.stdout))
+ try:
+ self.stdout.close()
+ if self._stdoutProxy is not threading.currentThread():
+ self._stdoutProxy.join()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # May not have gotten far enough in the __init__ to set
+ # self.stdout, etc.
+ pass
+ self.__log.info("[%s] ProcessProxy: closing stderr (%r)."\
+ % (id(self), self.stderr))
+ try:
+ self.stderr.close()
+ if self._stderrProxy is not threading.currentThread():
+ self._stderrProxy.join()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # May not have gotten far enough in the __init__ to set
+ # self.stderr, etc.
+ pass
+ self._closed = 1
+ def _forkAndExecChildOnUnix(self, fdChildStdinRd, fdChildStdoutWr,
+ fdChildStderrWr):
+ """Fork and start the child process.
+ Sets self._pid as a side effect.
+ """
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid == 0: # child
+ os.dup2(fdChildStdinRd, 0)
+ os.dup2(fdChildStdoutWr, 1)
+ os.dup2(fdChildStderrWr, 2)
+ self._runChildOnUnix()
+ # parent
+ self._pid = pid
+ def _startOnUnix(self):
+ # Create pipes for std handles.
+ fdChildStdinRd, fdChildStdinWr = os.pipe()
+ fdChildStdoutRd, fdChildStdoutWr = os.pipe()
+ fdChildStderrRd, fdChildStderrWr = os.pipe()
+ if self._cwd:
+ oldDir = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(self._cwd)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ raise ProcessError(msg=str(ex), errno=ex.errno)
+ self._forkAndExecChildOnUnix(fdChildStdinRd, fdChildStdoutWr,
+ fdChildStderrWr)
+ if self._cwd:
+ os.chdir(oldDir)
+ os.close(fdChildStdinRd)
+ os.close(fdChildStdoutWr)
+ os.close(fdChildStderrWr)
+ childStdin = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdinWr)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessProxy._start(): create child stdin: %r",
+ id(self), childStdin)
+ childStdout = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdoutRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessProxy._start(): create child stdout: %r",
+ id(self), childStdout)
+ childStderr = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStderrRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessProxy._start(): create child stderr: %r",
+ id(self), childStderr)
+ # Create proxy threads for the out pipes.
+ self._stdinProxy = _InFileProxy(self.stdin, childStdin, name='<stdin>')
+ self._stdinProxy.start()
+ # Clean up the parent's side of <stdin> when it is observed that
+ # the child has closed its side of <stdout> and <stderr>. (This
+ # is one way of determining when it is appropriate to clean up
+ # this pipe, with compromises. See the discussion at the top of
+ # this module.)
+ closer = _CountingCloser([self.stdin, childStdin, self], 2)
+ self._stdoutProxy = _OutFileProxy(childStdout, self.stdout,
+ [closer],
+ name='<stdout>')
+ self._stdoutProxy.start()
+ self._stderrProxy = _OutFileProxy(childStderr, self.stderr,
+ [closer],
+ name='<stderr>')
+ self._stderrProxy.start()
+ def _startOnWindows(self):
+ if type(self._cmd) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
+ # An arg vector was passed in.
+ cmd = _joinArgv(self._cmd)
+ else:
+ cmd = self._cmd
+ # Create pipes for std handles.
+ # (Set the bInheritHandle flag so pipe handles are inherited.)
+ saAttr = pywintypes.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
+ saAttr.bInheritHandle = 1
+ #XXX Should maybe try with os.pipe. Dunno what that does for
+ # inheritability though.
+ hChildStdinRd, hChildStdinWr = win32pipe.CreatePipe(saAttr, 0)
+ hChildStdoutRd, hChildStdoutWr = win32pipe.CreatePipe(saAttr, 0)
+ hChildStderrRd, hChildStderrWr = win32pipe.CreatePipe(saAttr, 0)
+ try:
+ # Duplicate the parent ends of the pipes so they are not
+ # inherited.
+ hChildStdinWrDup = win32api.DuplicateHandle(
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ hChildStdinWr,
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ 0,
+ 0, # not inherited
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hChildStdinWr)
+ self._hChildStdinWr = hChildStdinWrDup
+ hChildStdoutRdDup = win32api.DuplicateHandle(
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ hChildStdoutRd,
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ 0,
+ 0, # not inherited
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hChildStdoutRd)
+ self._hChildStdoutRd = hChildStdoutRdDup
+ hChildStderrRdDup = win32api.DuplicateHandle(
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ hChildStderrRd,
+ win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
+ 0,
+ 0, # not inherited
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hChildStderrRd)
+ self._hChildStderrRd = hChildStderrRdDup
+ # Set the translation mode.
+ if self._mode == 't':
+ flags = os.O_TEXT
+ mode = ''
+ else:
+ flags = 0
+ mode = 'b'
+ fdChildStdinWr = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(self._hChildStdinWr, flags)
+ fdChildStdoutRd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(self._hChildStdoutRd, flags)
+ fdChildStderrRd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(self._hChildStderrRd, flags)
+ childStdin = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdinWr,
+ handle=self._hChildStdinWr)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessProxy._start(): create child stdin: %r",
+ id(self), childStdin)
+ childStdout = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStdoutRd,
+ handle=self._hChildStdoutRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessProxy._start(): create child stdout: %r",
+ id(self), childStdout)
+ childStderr = _FileWrapper(descriptor=fdChildStderrRd,
+ handle=self._hChildStderrRd)
+ logres.info("[%s] ProcessProxy._start(): create child stderr: %r",
+ id(self), childStderr)
+ # Start the child process.
+ si = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
+ si.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
+ si.wShowWindow = 0 # SW_HIDE
+ si.hStdInput = hChildStdinRd
+ si.hStdOutput = hChildStdoutWr
+ si.hStdError = hChildStderrWr
+ si.dwFlags |= win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
+ cmd = _fixupCommand(cmd, self._env)
+ log.debug("cmd = %r", cmd)
+ creationFlags = win32process.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
+ try:
+ self._hProcess, hThread, self._processId, threadId\
+ = _SaferCreateProcess(
+ None, # app name
+ cmd, # command line
+ None, # process security attributes
+ None, # primary thread security attributes
+ 1, # handles are inherited
+ creationFlags, # creation flags
+ self._env, # environment
+ self._cwd, # current working directory
+ si) # STARTUPINFO pointer
+ except win32api.error, ex:
+ raise ProcessError(msg=ex.args[2], errno=ex.args[0])
+ win32api.CloseHandle(hThread)
+ finally:
+ # Close child ends of pipes on the parent's side (the
+ # parent's ends of the pipe are closed in the _FileWrappers.)
+ win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStdinRd)
+ win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStdoutWr)
+ win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStderrWr)
+ # Create proxy threads for the pipes.
+ self._stdinProxy = _InFileProxy(self.stdin, childStdin, name='<stdin>')
+ self._stdinProxy.start()
+ # Clean up the parent's side of <stdin> when it is observed that
+ # the child has closed its side of <stdout>. (This is one way of
+ # determining when it is appropriate to clean up this pipe, with
+ # compromises. See the discussion at the top of this module.)
+ self._stdoutProxy = _OutFileProxy(childStdout, self.stdout,
+ [self.stdin, childStdin, self],
+ name='<stdout>')
+ self._stdoutProxy.start()
+ self._stderrProxy = _OutFileProxy(childStderr, self.stderr,
+ name='<stderr>')
+ self._stderrProxy.start()
+ def wait(self, timeout=None):
+ """Wait for the started process to complete.
+ "timeout" (on Windows) is a floating point number of seconds after
+ which to timeout. Default is win32event.INFINITE.
+ "timeout" (on Unix) is akin to the os.waitpid() "options" argument
+ (os.WNOHANG may be used to return immediately if the process has
+ not exited). Default is 0, i.e. wait forever.
+ If the wait time's out it will raise a ProcessError. Otherwise it
+ will return the child's exit value (on Windows) or the child's exit
+ status excoded as per os.waitpid() (on Linux):
+ "a 16-bit number, whose low byte is the signal number that killed
+ the process, and whose high byte is the exit status (if the
+ signal number is zero); the high bit of the low byte is set if a
+ core file was produced."
+ In the latter case, use the os.W*() methods to interpret the return
+ value.
+ """
+ # XXX Or should returning the exit value be move out to another
+ # function as on Win32 process control? If so, then should
+ # perhaps not make WaitForSingleObject semantic transformation.
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = win32event.INFINITE
+ else:
+ timeout = timeout * 1000.0 # Win32 API's timeout is in millisecs
+ rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self._hProcess, timeout)
+ if rc == win32event.WAIT_FAILED:
+ raise ProcessError("'WAIT_FAILED' when waiting for process to "\
+ "terminate: %r" % self._cmd, rc)
+ elif rc == win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
+ raise ProcessError("'WAIT_TIMEOUT' when waiting for process to "\
+ "terminate: %r" % self._cmd, rc)
+ retval = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(self._hProcess)
+ else:
+ # os.waitpid() will raise:
+ # OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes
+ # on subsequent .wait() calls. Change these semantics to have
+ # subsequent .wait() calls return the exit status and return
+ # immediately without raising an exception.
+ # (XXX It would require synchronization code to handle the case
+ # of multiple simultaneous .wait() requests, however we can punt
+ # on that because it is moot while Linux still has the problem
+ # for which _ThreadFixer() exists.)
+ if self.__retvalCache is not None:
+ retval = self.__retvalCache
+ else:
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = 0
+ pid, sts = os.waitpid(self._pid, timeout)
+ if pid == self._pid:
+ self.__retvalCache = retval = sts
+ else:
+ raise ProcessError("Wait for process timed out.",
+ _unregisterProcess(self)
+ return retval
+ def kill(self, exitCode=0, gracePeriod=1.0, sig=None):
+ """Kill process.
+ "exitCode" [deprecated, not supported] (Windows only) is the
+ code the terminated process should exit with.
+ "gracePeriod" (Windows only) is a number of seconds the process is
+ allowed to shutdown with a WM_CLOSE signal before a hard
+ terminate is called.
+ "sig" (Unix only) is the signal to use to kill the process. Defaults
+ to signal.SIGKILL. See os.kill() for more information.
+ Windows:
+ Try for an orderly shutdown via WM_CLOSE. If still running
+ after gracePeriod (1 sec. default), terminate.
+ """
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ import win32gui
+ # Send WM_CLOSE to windows in this process group.
+ win32gui.EnumWindows(self._close_, 0)
+ # Send Ctrl-Break signal to all processes attached to this
+ # console. This is supposed to trigger shutdown handlers in
+ # each of the processes.
+ try:
+ win32api.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_BREAK_EVENT,
+ self._processId)
+ except AttributeError:
+ log.warn("The win32api module does not have "\
+ "GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(). This may mean that "\
+ "parts of this process group have NOT been killed.")
+ except win32api.error, ex:
+ if ex.args[0] not in (6, 87):
+ # Ignore the following:
+ # api_error: (87, 'GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent', 'The parameter is incorrect.')
+ # api_error: (6, 'GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent', 'The handle is invalid.')
+ # Get error 6 if there is no console.
+ raise
+ # Last resort: call TerminateProcess if it has not yet.
+ retval = 0
+ try:
+ self.wait(gracePeriod)
+ except ProcessError, ex:
+ log.info("[%s] Process.kill: calling TerminateProcess", id(self))
+ win32process.TerminateProcess(self._hProcess, -1)
+ win32api.Sleep(100) # wait for resources to be released
+ else:
+ if sig is None:
+ sig = signal.SIGKILL
+ try:
+ os.kill(self._pid, sig)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ if ex.errno != 3:
+ # Ignore: OSError: [Errno 3] No such process
+ raise
+ _unregisterProcess(self)
+ def _close_(self, hwnd, dummy):
+ """Callback used by .kill() on Windows.
+ EnumWindows callback - sends WM_CLOSE to any window owned by this
+ process.
+ """
+ threadId, processId = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
+ if processId == self._processId:
+ import win32gui
+ win32gui.PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
+class IOBuffer:
+ """Want to be able to both read and write to this buffer from
+ difference threads and have the same read/write semantics as for a
+ std handler.
+ This class is subclass-able. _doRead(), _doWrite(), _doReadline(),
+ _doClose(), _haveLine(), and _haveNumBytes() can be overridden for
+ specific functionality. The synchronization issues (block on read
+ until write provides the needed data, termination) are handled for
+ free.
+ Cannot support:
+ .seek() # Because we are managing *two* positions (one each
+ .tell() # for reading and writing), these do not make
+ # sense.
+ """
+ #TODO:
+ # - Is performance a problem? This will likely be slower that
+ # StringIO.StringIO().
+ #
+ def __init__(self, mutex=None, stateChange=None, name=None):
+ """'name' can be set for debugging, it will be used in log messages."""
+ if name is not None:
+ self._name = name
+ else:
+ self._name = id(self)
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.__init__()" % self._name)
+ self.__buf = ''
+ # A state change is defined as the buffer being closed or a
+ # write occuring.
+ if mutex is not None:
+ self._mutex = mutex
+ else:
+ self._mutex = threading.Lock()
+ if stateChange is not None:
+ self._stateChange = stateChange
+ else:
+ self._stateChange = threading.Condition()
+ self._closed = 0
+ def _doWrite(self, s):
+ self.__buf += s # Append to buffer.
+ def write(self, s):
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.write(s=%r)", self._name, s)
+ # Silently drop writes after the buffer has been close()'d.
+ if self._closed:
+ return
+ # If empty write, close buffer (mimicking behaviour from
+ # koprocess.cpp.)
+ if not s:
+ self.close()
+ return
+ self._mutex.acquire()
+ self._doWrite(s)
+ self._stateChange.acquire()
+ self._stateChange.notifyAll() # Notify of the write().
+ self._stateChange.release()
+ self._mutex.release()
+ def writelines(self, list):
+ self.write(''.join(list))
+ def _doRead(self, n):
+ """Pop 'n' bytes from the internal buffer and return them."""
+ if n < 0:
+ idx = len(self.__buf)
+ else:
+ idx = min(n, len(self.__buf))
+ retval, self.__buf = self.__buf[:idx], self.__buf[idx:]
+ return retval
+ def read(self, n=-1):
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.read(n=%r)" % (self._name, n))
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.read(): wait for data" % self._name)
+ if n < 0:
+ # Wait until the buffer is closed, i.e. no more writes will
+ # come.
+ while 1:
+ if self._closed: break
+ #log.debug("[%s] <<< IOBuffer.read: state change .wait()"\
+ # % self._name)
+ self._stateChange.acquire()
+ self._stateChange.wait()
+ self._stateChange.release()
+ #log.debug("[%s] >>> IOBuffer.read: done change .wait()"\
+ # % self._name)
+ else:
+ # Wait until there are the requested number of bytes to read
+ # (or until the buffer is closed, i.e. no more writes will
+ # come).
+ # XXX WARNING: I *think* there is a race condition around
+ # here whereby self.fparent.read() in _InFileProxy can
+ # hang. *Sometime* test_stdin::test_stdin_buffer() will
+ # hang. This was *before* I moved the
+ # _stateChange.acquire() and .release() calls out side
+ # of the 'while 1:' here. ...and now they are back
+ # inside.
+ while 1:
+ if self._closed: break
+ if self._haveNumBytes(n): break
+ #log.debug("[%s] <<< IOBuffer.read: state change .wait()"\
+ # % self._name)
+ self._stateChange.acquire()
+ self._stateChange.wait()
+ self._stateChange.release()
+ #log.debug("[%s] >>> IOBuffer.read: done change .wait()"\
+ # % self._name)
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.read(): done waiting for data" % self._name)
+ self._mutex.acquire()
+ retval = self._doRead(n)
+ self._mutex.release()
+ return retval
+ def _doReadline(self, n):
+ """Pop the front line (or n bytes of it, whichever is less) from
+ the internal buffer and return it.
+ """
+ idx = self.__buf.find('\n')
+ if idx == -1:
+ idx = len(self.__buf)
+ else:
+ idx += 1 # include the '\n'
+ if n is not None:
+ idx = min(idx, n)
+ retval, self.__buf = self.__buf[:idx], self.__buf[idx:]
+ return retval
+ def _haveLine(self):
+ return self.__buf.find('\n') != -1
+ def _haveNumBytes(self, n=None):
+ return len(self.__buf) >= n
+ def readline(self, n=None):
+ # Wait until there is a full line (or at least 'n' bytes)
+ # in the buffer or until the buffer is closed, i.e. no more
+ # writes will come.
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.readline(n=%r)" % (self._name, n))
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.readline(): wait for data" % self._name)
+ while 1:
+ if self._closed: break
+ if self._haveLine(): break
+ if n is not None and self._haveNumBytes(n): break
+ self._stateChange.acquire()
+ self._stateChange.wait()
+ self._stateChange.release()
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.readline(): done waiting for data"\
+ % self._name)
+ self._mutex.acquire()
+ retval = self._doReadline(n)
+ self._mutex.release()
+ return retval
+ def readlines(self):
+ lines = []
+ while 1:
+ line = self.readline()
+ if line:
+ lines.append(line)
+ else:
+ break
+ return lines
+ def _doClose(self):
+ pass
+ def close(self):
+ if not self._closed:
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.close()" % self._name)
+ self._doClose()
+ self._closed = 1
+ self._stateChange.acquire()
+ self._stateChange.notifyAll() # Notify of the close().
+ self._stateChange.release()
+ def flush(self):
+ log.info("[%s] IOBuffer.flush()" % self._name)
+ #XXX Perhaps flush() should unwedged possible waiting .read()
+ # and .readline() calls that are waiting for more data???
+class _InFileProxy(threading.Thread):
+ """A thread to proxy stdin.write()'s from the parent to the child."""
+ def __init__(self, fParent, fChild, name=None):
+ """
+ "fParent" is a Python file-like object setup for writing.
+ "fChild" is a Win32 handle to the a child process' output pipe.
+ "name" can be set for debugging, it will be used in log messages.
+ """
+ log.info("[%s, %s] _InFileProxy.__init__(fChild=%r, fParent=%r)",
+ name, id(self), fChild, fParent)
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name)
+ self.fChild = fChild
+ self.fParent = fParent
+ def run(self):
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: start" % self.getName())
+ try:
+ self._proxyFromParentToChild()
+ finally:
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: closing parent (%r)"\
+ % (self.getName(), self.fParent))
+ try:
+ self.fParent.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass # Ignore: IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: done" % self.getName())
+ def _proxyFromParentToChild(self):
+ CHUNKSIZE = 4096
+ # Read output from the child process, and (for now) just write
+ # it out.
+ while 1:
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: waiting for read on parent (%r)"\
+ % (self.getName(), self.fParent))
+ # XXX Get hangs here (!) even with
+ # self.stdin.close() in ProcessProxy' __del__() under this
+ # cond:
+ # p = ProcessProxy([...], stdin=sys.stdin)
+ # The user must manually send '\n' via <Enter> or EOF
+ # via <Ctrl-Z> to unlock this. How to get around that?
+ # See cleanOnTermination note in _OutFileProxy.run()
+ # below.
+ #log.debug("XXX -> start read on %r" % self.fParent)
+ try:
+ text = self.fParent.read(CHUNKSIZE)
+ except ValueError, ex:
+ # ValueError is raised with trying to write to a closed
+ # file/pipe.
+ text = None
+ #log.debug("XXX <- done read on %r" % self.fParent)
+ if not text:
+ # Empty text signifies that the pipe has been closed on
+ # the parent's end.
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: observed close of parent (%r)"\
+ % (self.getName(), self.fParent))
+ # Signal the child so it knows to stop listening.
+ try:
+ logres.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: closing child after "\
+ "observing parent's close: %r", self.getName(),
+ self.fChild)
+ try:
+ self.fChild.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass # Ignore: IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call
+ except IOError, ex:
+ # Ignore: IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
+ # XXX Do we *know* we want to do that?
+ pass
+ break
+ else:
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: read %d bytes from parent: %r"\
+ % (self.getName(), len(text), text))
+ log.info("[%s, %s] _InFileProxy: writing %r to child (%r)",
+ self.getName(), id(self), text, self.fChild)
+ try:
+ self.fChild.write(text)
+ except (OSError, IOError), ex:
+ # Ignore errors for now. For example:
+ # - Get this on Win9x when writing multiple lines to "dir":
+ # OSError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
+ #XXX There *may* be errors we don't want to avoid.
+ #XXX Should maybe just ignore EnvironmentError (base class).
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: error writing to child (%r), "\
+ "closing: %s" % (self.getName(), self.fParent, ex))
+ break
+ log.info("[%s] _InFileProxy: wrote %d bytes to child: %r"\
+ % (self.getName(), len(text), text))
+class _OutFileProxy(threading.Thread):
+ """A thread to watch an "out" file from the spawned child process
+ and pass on write's to the parent.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fChild, fParent, toClose=[], name=None):
+ """
+ "fChild" is a Win32 handle to the a child process' output pipe.
+ "fParent" is a Python file-like object setup for writing.
+ "toClose" is a list of objects on which to call .close when this
+ proxy is terminating.
+ "name" can be set for debugging, it will be used in log messages.
+ """
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy.__init__(fChild=%r, fParent=%r, "\
+ "toClose=%r)", name, fChild, fParent, toClose)
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name)
+ self.fChild = fChild
+ self.fParent = fParent
+ self.toClose = toClose
+ def run(self):
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: start" % self.getName())
+ try:
+ self._proxyFromChildToParent()
+ finally:
+ logres.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: terminating, close child (%r)",
+ self.getName(), self.fChild)
+ try:
+ self.fChild.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass # Ignore: IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: closing parent (%r)",
+ self.getName(), self.fParent)
+ try:
+ self.fParent.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass # Ignore: IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call
+ while self.toClose:
+ logres.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: closing %r after "\
+ "closing parent", self.getName(), self.toClose[0])
+ try:
+ self.toClose[0].close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass # Ignore: IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call
+ del self.toClose[0]
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: done" % self.getName())
+ def _proxyFromChildToParent(self):
+ CHUNKSIZE = 4096
+ # Read output from the child process, and (for now) just write
+ # it out.
+ while 1:
+ text = None
+ try:
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: waiting for read on child (%r)"\
+ % (self.getName(), self.fChild))
+ text = self.fChild.read(CHUNKSIZE)
+ except IOError, ex:
+ # Ignore: IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
+ # XXX Do we *know* we want to do that?
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: error reading from child (%r), "\
+ "shutting down: %s", self.getName(), self.fChild, ex)
+ break
+ if not text:
+ # Empty text signifies that the pipe has been closed on
+ # the child's end.
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: observed close of child (%r)"\
+ % (self.getName(), self.fChild))
+ break
+ log.info("[%s] _OutFileProxy: text(len=%d): %r",
+ self.getName(), len(text), text)
+ self.fParent.write(text)
+if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
+ class _ThreadFixer:
+ """Mixin class for various classes in the Process hierarchy to
+ work around the known LinuxThreads bug where one cannot .wait()
+ on a created process from a subthread of the thread that created
+ the process.
+ Usage:
+ class ProcessXXX(_ThreadFixer, BrokenProcessXXX):
+ _pclass = BrokenProcessXXX
+ Details:
+ Because we must do all real os.wait() calls on the child
+ process from the thread that spawned it, we use a proxy
+ thread whose only responsibility is just that. The proxy
+ thread just starts the child and then immediately wait's for
+ the child to terminate. On termination is stores the exit
+ status (for use by the main thread) and notifies any thread
+ waiting for this termination (possibly the main thread). The
+ overriden .wait() uses this stored exit status and the
+ termination notification to simulate the .wait().
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Keep a reference to 'log' ensure it is around for this object's
+ # destruction.
+ self.__log = log
+ self.__waiter = None
+ self.__hasTerminated = threading.Condition()
+ self.__terminationResult = None
+ self.__childStarted = threading.Condition()
+ self._pclass.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def _forkAndExecChildOnUnix(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Fork and start the child process do it in a special subthread
+ that will negotiate subsequent .wait()'s.
+ Sets self._pid as a side effect.
+ """
+ self.__waiter = threading.Thread(
+ target=self.__launchAndWait, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
+ # Start subthread that will launch child and wait until it
+ # *has* started.
+ self.__childStarted.acquire()
+ self.__waiter.start()
+ self.__childStarted.wait()
+ self.__childStarted.release()
+ def __launchAndWait(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Launch the given command and wait for it to terminate.
+ When the process has terminated then store its exit value
+ and finish.
+ """
+ logfix.info("start child in thread %s",
+ threading.currentThread().getName())
+ # Spawn the child process and notify the main thread of
+ # this.
+ self.__childStarted.acquire()
+ self._pclass._forkAndExecChildOnUnix(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.__childStarted.notifyAll()
+ self.__childStarted.release()
+ # Wait on the thread and store appropriate results when
+ # finished.
+ try:
+ waitResult = self._pclass.wait(self)
+ except ProcessError, ex:
+ waitResult = ex
+ self.__hasTerminated.acquire()
+ self.__terminationResult = waitResult
+ self.__hasTerminated.notifyAll()
+ self.__hasTerminated.release()
+ self.__waiter = None # drop ref that would keep instance alive
+ def wait(self, timeout=None):
+ # If the process __hasTerminated then return the exit
+ # status. Otherwise simulate the wait as appropriate.
+ # Note:
+ # - This class is only used on linux so 'timeout' has the
+ # Unix 'timeout' semantics.
+ self.__hasTerminated.acquire()
+ if self.__terminationResult is None:
+ if timeout == os.WNOHANG: # Poll.
+ self.__hasTerminated.wait(0)
+ else: # Block until process finishes.
+ self.__hasTerminated.wait()
+ terminationResult = self.__terminationResult
+ self.__hasTerminated.release()
+ if terminationResult is None:
+ # process has not finished yet
+ raise ProcessError("Wait for process timed out.",
+ elif isinstance(terminationResult, Exception):
+ # some error waiting for process termination
+ raise terminationResult
+ else:
+ # the process terminated
+ return terminationResult
+ _ThreadBrokenProcess = Process
+ class Process(_ThreadFixer, _ThreadBrokenProcess):
+ _pclass = _ThreadBrokenProcess
+ _ThreadBrokenProcessOpen = ProcessOpen
+ class ProcessOpen(_ThreadFixer, _ThreadBrokenProcessOpen):
+ _pclass = _ThreadBrokenProcessOpen
+ _ThreadBrokenProcessProxy = ProcessProxy
+ class ProcessProxy(_ThreadFixer, _ThreadBrokenProcessProxy):
+ _pclass = _ThreadBrokenProcessProxy
--- /dev/null
+import logging
+import cStringIO
+import traceback
+import sys
+import string
+import os
+def classForName(className):
+ pathList = className.split('.')
+ moduleName = string.join(pathList[:-1], '.')
+ code = __import__(moduleName)
+ for name in pathList[1:]:
+ code = code.__dict__[name]
+ return code
+def hasattrignorecase(object, name):
+ for attr in dir(object):
+ if attr.lower() == name.lower():
+ return True
+ for attr in dir(object):
+ if attr.lower() == '_' + name.lower():
+ return True
+ return False
+def setattrignorecase(object, name, value):
+ for attr in object.__dict__:
+ if attr.lower() == name.lower():
+ object.__dict__[attr] = value
+ return
+## for attr in dir(object):
+## if attr.lower() == '_' + name.lower():
+## object.__dict__[attr] = value
+## return
+ object.__dict__[name] = value
+def getattrignorecase(object, name):
+ for attr in object.__dict__:
+ if attr.lower() == name.lower():
+ return object.__dict__[attr]
+## for attr in dir(object):
+## if attr.lower() == '_' + name.lower():
+## return object.__dict__[attr]
+ return object.__dict__[name]
+def defaultLoad(fileObject):
+ xml = fileObject.read()
+ loadedObject = xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml)
+ if hasattr(fileObject, 'name'):
+ loadedObject.fileName = os.path.abspath(fileObject.name)
+ loadedObject.initialize()
+ return loadedObject
+def defaultSave(fileObject, objectToSave):
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(objectToSave, prettyPrint=True)
+ fileObject.write(xml)
+def clone(objectToClone):
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(objectToClone, prettyPrint=True)
+ clonedObject = xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml)
+ if hasattr(objectToClone, 'fileName'):
+ clonedObject.fileName = objectToClone.fileName
+ clonedObject.initialize()
+ return clonedObject
+def exceptionToString(e):
+ sio = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ traceback.print_exception(e.__class__, e, sys.exc_traceback, file=sio)
+ return sio.getvalue()
--- /dev/null
+# Name: aglogging.py
+# Purpose: Utilities to help with logging
+# Author: Jeff Norton
+# Created: 01/04/05
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import traceback
+global agTestMode
+agTestMode = False
+def setTestMode(mode):
+ global agTestMode
+ if (mode):
+ agTestMode = True
+ else:
+ agTestMode = False
+def getTestMode():
+ global agTestMode
+ return agTestMode
+def testMode(normalObj, testObj=None):
+ if getTestMode():
+ return testObj
+ return normalObj
+def toDiffableString(value):
+ s = repr(value)
+ ds = ""
+ i = s.find(" at 0x")
+ start = 0
+ while (i >= 0):
+ j = s.find(">", i)
+ if (j < i):
+ break
+ ds += s[start:i]
+ start = j
+ i = s.find(" at 0x", start)
+ return ds + s[start:]
+def removeFileRefs(str):
+ str = re.sub(r'(?<=File ")[^"]*(\\[^\\]*")(, line )[0-9]*', _fileNameReplacement, str)
+ return str
+def _fileNameReplacement(match):
+ return "...%s" % match.group(1)
+def getTraceback():
+ extype, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ tbs = "\n"
+ for s in traceback.format_tb(tb):
+ tbs += s
+ return tbs
+def reportException(out=None, stacktrace=False, diffable=False):
+ extype, val, t = sys.exc_info()
+ if (diffable):
+ exstr = removeFileRefs(str(val))
+ else:
+ exstr = str(val)
+ if (out == None):
+ print "Got Exception = %s: %s" % (extype, exstr)
+ else:
+ print >> out, "Got Exception = %s: %s" % (extype, exstr)
+ if (stacktrace):
+ fmt = traceback.format_exception(extype, val, t)
+ for s in fmt:
+ if (diffable):
+ s = removeFileRefs(s)
+ if (out == None):
+ print s
+ else:
+ print >> out, s
--- /dev/null
+# Name: cachedloader.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: Joel Hare
+# Created: 8/31/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import copy
+import os.path
+import string
+import cStringIO
+import time
+# TODO: Instantiate the database and create a pool
+class CachedLoader(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.cache = {}
+ self.baseLoadDir = None
+ def fullPath(self, fileName):
+ if os.path.isabs(fileName):
+ absPath = fileName
+ elif self.baseLoadDir:
+ absPath = os.path.join(self.baseLoadDir, fileName)
+ else:
+ absPath = os.path.abspath(fileName)
+ return absPath
+ def setPrototype(self, fileName, loadedFile):
+ absPath = self.fullPath(fileName)
+ mtime = time.time() + 31536000.0 # Make sure prototypes aren't replaced by files on disk
+ self.cache[absPath] = (mtime, loadedFile)
+ def update(self, loader):
+ self.cache.update(loader.cache)
+ def clear(self):
+ self.cache.clear()
+ def delete(self, fileName):
+ absPath = self.fullPath(fileName)
+ del self.cache[absPath]
+ def needsLoad(self, fileName):
+ absPath = self.fullPath(fileName)
+ try:
+ cached = self.cache[absPath]
+ cachedTime = cached[0]
+ if cachedTime >= os.path.getmtime(absPath):
+ return False
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return True
+ def load(self, fileName, loader):
+ absPath = self.fullPath(fileName)
+ loadedFile = None
+ try:
+ cached = self.cache[absPath]
+ except KeyError:
+ cached = None
+ if cached:
+ cachedTime = cached[0]
+ # ToDO We might need smarter logic for checking if a file needs to be reloaded
+ # ToDo We need a way to disable checking if this is a production server
+ if cachedTime >= os.path.getmtime(absPath):
+ loadedFile = cached[1]
+ if not loadedFile:
+ targetFile = file(absPath)
+ try:
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(absPath)
+ loadedFile = loader(targetFile)
+ self.cache[absPath] = (mtime, loadedFile)
+ finally:
+ targetFile.close()
+ return loadedFile
--- /dev/null
+# Name: dependencymgr.py
+# Purpose: Dependency Manager
+# Author: Jeff Norton
+# Created: 01/28/05
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+DM_NO_ID = 0
+DM_ID_ATTR = "_DependencyMgr__ID"
+##class ManageableObject(object):
+## def __init__(self):
+## self.__id = DM_NO_ID
+## def __repr__(self):
+## return "<ManageableObject id = %s>" % self.__id
+## def __getID(self):
+## return self.__id
+## def __setID(self, value):
+## if (self.__id != DM_NO_ID):
+## raise DependencyMgrException("Cannot set the dependency ID on object %s to \"%s\" because it already has one (\"%s\")." % (repr(self), value, self.__id))
+## self.__id = value
+## _DependencyMgr__ID = property(__getID, __setID)
+class DependencyMgr(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.clear()
+ def clear(self):
+ self.__dependencies = {}
+ self.__lastID = DM_NO_ID
+ def addDependency(self, parent, child):
+ pid = self._initObjectID(parent)
+ try:
+ parentCollection = self.__dependencies[pid]
+ except KeyError:
+ parentCollection = self._newDependencyCollection()
+ self.__dependencies[pid] = parentCollection
+ if (child not in parentCollection):
+ parentCollection.append(child)
+ def removeDependency(self, parent, child):
+ pid = self._getObjectID(parent)
+ if (pid != DM_NO_ID):
+ try:
+ parentCollection = self.__dependencies[pid]
+ parentCollection.remove(child)
+ if (len(parentCollection) == 0):
+ del self.__dependencies[pid]
+ except KeyError, ValueError:
+ pass
+ def clearDependencies(self, parent):
+ "Returns a list of objects or an empty list if no dependencies exist as for getDependencies, and then removes the dependency list."
+ pid = self._getObjectID(parent)
+ try:
+ deps = self.__dependencies[pid]
+ del self.__dependencies[pid]
+ return deps
+ except KeyError:
+ return []
+ def hasDependency(self, parent):
+ "Returns a boolean"
+ return (self._getObjectID(parent) in self.__dependencies)
+ def getDependencies(self, parent):
+ "Returns a list of objects or an empty list if no dependencies exist."
+ try:
+ return self.__dependencies[self._getObjectID(parent)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return []
+ def dumpState(self, out):
+ "Writes the state of the dependency manager (as reported by getState) to out"
+ for line in self.getState():
+ print >> out, line
+ def getState(self):
+ "Returns the state of the dependency manager including all managed objects as a list of strings"
+ out = []
+ out.append("DependencyMgr %s has %i parent objects, last id assigned is %i" % (repr(self), len(self.__dependencies), self.__lastID))
+ for key, val in self.__dependencies.iteritems():
+ out.append("Object %s has dependents: %s " % (repr(key), ", ".join([repr(d) for d in val])))
+ return out
+ def _initObjectID(self, obj):
+ try:
+ id = getattr(obj, DM_ID_ATTR)
+ except AttributeError:
+ id = DM_NO_ID
+ if (id == DM_NO_ID):
+ id = self._newID()
+ setattr(obj, DM_ID_ATTR, id)
+ return id
+ def _getObjectID(self, obj):
+ try:
+ id = getattr(obj, DM_ID_ATTR)
+ except AttributeError:
+ id = DM_NO_ID
+ return id
+ def _newID(self):
+ self.__lastID += 1
+ return self.__lastID
+ def _newDependencyCollection(self):
+ return []
+globalDM = DependencyMgr()
+def addDependency(parent, child):
+ getGlobalDM().addDependency(parent, child)
+def removeDependency(parent, child):
+ getGlobalDM().removeDependency(parent, child)
+def clearDependencies(parent):
+ return getGlobalDM().clearDependencies(parent)
+def hasDependency(parent):
+ return getGlobalDM().hasDependency(parent)
+def getDependencies(parent):
+ return getGlobalDM().getDependencies(parent)
+def getState():
+ return getGlobalDM().getState()
+def dumpState(out):
+ getGlobalDM().dumpState(out)
+def getGlobalDM():
+ return globalDM
--- /dev/null
+# Name: fileutils.py
+# Purpose: Active grid miscellaneous utilities
+# Author: Jeff Norton
+# Created: 12/10/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import os
+def createFile(filename, mode='w'):
+ f = None
+ try:
+ f = file(filename, mode)
+ except:
+ os.makedirs(filename[:filename.rindex(os.sep)])
+ f = file(filename, mode)
+ return f
+def compareFiles(file1, file2):
+ file1.seek(0)
+ file2.seek(0)
+ while True:
+ line1 = file1.readline()
+ line2 = file2.readline()
+ if (len(line1) == 0):
+ if (len(line2) == 0):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return -1
+ elif (len(line2) == 0):
+ return -1
+ elif (line1 != line2):
+ return -1
--- /dev/null
+# Name: gettersetter.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: Peter Yared
+# Created: 7/28/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+def gettersetter(list):
+ for attr in list:
+ lowercase = attr[0].lower() + attr[1:]
+ uppercase = attr[0].upper() + attr[1:]
+ print " def get%s(self):" % uppercase
+ print " return self._%s" % lowercase
+ print
+ print " def set%s(self, %s):" % (uppercase, lowercase)
+ print " self._%s = %s" % (lowercase, lowercase)
+ print
+def listgettersetter(list):
+ for attr in list:
+ lowercase = attr[0].lower() + attr[1:]
+ uppercase = attr[0].upper() + attr[1:]
+ print " def get%s(self):" % uppercase
+ print " return self._%s" % lowercase
+ print
+ print " def add%s(self, %s):" % (uppercase[:-1], lowercase[:-1])
+ print " self._%s.append(%s)" % (lowercase, lowercase[:-1])
+ print
+ print " def remove%s(self, %s):" % (uppercase[:-1], lowercase[:-1])
+ print " self._%s.remove(%s)" % (lowercase, lowercase[:-1])
+ print
--- /dev/null
+# Name: xmlmarshaller.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: John Spurling
+# Created: 7/28/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+from activegrid import util
+import inspect
+from types import *
+import xml.sax
+import xml.sax.handler
+import __builtin__
+from xml.sax import saxutils
+### ToDO remove maxOccurs "unbounded" resolves to -1 hacks after bug 177 is fixed
+More documentation later, but here are some special Python attributes
+that McLane recognizes:
+name: __xmlname__
+type: string
+description: the name of the xml element for the marshalled object
+name: __xmlattributes__
+type: tuple or list
+description: the name(s) of the Python string attribute(s) to be
+marshalled as xml attributes instead of nested xml elements. currently
+these can only be strings since there's not a way to get the type
+information back when unmarshalling.
+name: __xmlexclude__
+type: tuple or list
+description: the name(s) of the python attribute(s) to skip when
+name: __xmlrename__
+type: dict
+description: describes an alternate Python <-> XML name mapping.
+Normally the name mapping is the identity function. __xmlrename__
+overrides that. The keys are the Python names, the values are their
+associated XML names.
+name: __xmlflattensequence__
+type: dict, tuple, or list
+description: the name(s) of the Python sequence attribute(s) whose
+items are to be marshalled as a series of xml elements (with an
+optional keyword argument that specifies the element name to use) as
+opposed to containing them in a separate sequence element, e.g.:
+myseq = (1, 2)
+<!-- normal way of marshalling -->
+ <item objtype='int'>1</item>
+ <item objtype='int'>2</item>
+<!-- with __xmlflattensequence__ set to {'myseq': 'squish'} -->
+<squish objtype='int'>1</squish>
+<squish objtype='int'>2</squish>
+name: __xmlnamespaces__
+type: dict
+description: a dict of the namespaces that the object uses. Each item
+in the dict should consist of a prefix,url combination where the key is
+the prefix and url is the value, e.g.:
+__xmlnamespaces__ = { "xsd":"http://www.w3c.org/foo.xsd" }
+name: __xmldefaultnamespace__
+type: String
+description: the prefix of a namespace defined in __xmlnamespaces__ that
+should be used as the default namespace for the object.
+name: __xmlattrnamespaces__
+type: dict
+description: a dict assigning the Python object's attributes to the namespaces
+defined in __xmlnamespaces__. Each item in the dict should consist of a
+prefix,attributeList combination where the key is the prefix and the value is
+a list of the Python attribute names. e.g.:
+__xmlattrnamespaces__ = { "ag":["firstName", "lastName", "addressLine1", "city"] }
+# module exceptions
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base class for errors in this module."""
+ pass
+class UnhandledTypeException(Error):
+ """Exception raised when attempting to marshal an unsupported
+ type.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, typename):
+ self.typename = typename
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s is not supported for marshalling." % str(self.typename)
+class XMLAttributeIsNotStringType(Error):
+ """Exception raised when an object's attribute is specified to be
+ marshalled as an XML attribute of the enclosing object instead of
+ a nested element.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, attrname, typename):
+ self.attrname = attrname
+ self.typename = typename
+ def __str__(self):
+ return """%s was set to be marshalled as an XML attribute
+ instead of a nested element, but the object's type is %s, not
+ string.""" % (self.attrname, self.typename)
+# constants and such
+XMLNS = 'xmlns'
+MEMBERS_TO_SKIP = ('__module__', '__doc__', '__xmlname__', '__xmlattributes__',
+ '__xmlexclude__', '__xmlflattensequence__', '__xmlnamespaces__',
+ '__xmldefaultnamespace__', '__xmlattrnamespaces__')
+WELL_KNOWN_OBJECTS = { "xs:element" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdElement",
+ "xs:complexType" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdComplexType",
+ "xs:complexType" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdComplexType",
+ "xs:element" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdElement",
+ "xs:key" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKey",
+ "xs:field" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKeyField",
+ "xs:keyref" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKeyRef",
+ "xs:selector" : "activegrid.model.schema.XsdKeySelector",
+ "xs:schema" : "activegrid.model.schema.Schema",
+ "ag:schemaOptions":"activegrid.model.schema.SchemaOptions",
+ "ag:debug" : "activegrid.model.processmodel.DebugOperation",
+ }
+# classes and functions
+def _objectfactory(objname, objargs=None, xsname=None):
+ try:
+ '''dynamically create an object based on the objname and return
+ it. look it up in the BASETYPE_ELEMENT_MAP first.
+ '''
+## print "_objectfactory creating an object of type %s and value %s, xsname=%s" % (objname, objargs, xsname)
+ # split the objname into the typename and module path,
+ # importing the module if need be.
+ if not isinstance(objargs, list):
+ objargs = [objargs]
+ if (xsname):
+ try:
+ objname = WELL_KNOWN_OBJECTS[xsname]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ objtype = objname.split('.')[-1]
+ pathlist = objname.split('.')
+ modulename = '.'.join(pathlist[0:-1])
+## print "[objectfactory] objtype is %s" % objtype
+## print "[objectfactory] objargs is %s" % `objargs`
+ ## since the bool constructor will turn a string of non-zero
+ ## length into True, we call it with no argument (yielding a
+ ## False) if the string contains 'false'
+ if objtype == 'bool' and objargs[0].lower() == 'false':
+ objargs = None
+## if objtype == 'str':
+## print type(objargs)
+## print "string we're unescaping: '%s'" % objargs[0]
+## objargs = saxutils.unescape(objargs[0])
+ if objtype in ('float', 'int', 'str', 'long'):
+ objargs = [x.strip() for x in objargs]
+ if objtype == 'str':
+ objargs = [saxutils.unescape(x) for x in objargs]
+ if __builtin__.__dict__.has_key(objname):
+ module = __builtin__
+ else:
+ if modulename:
+ module = __import__(modulename)
+ for name in pathlist[1:-1]:
+ module = module.__dict__[name]
+ if objargs:
+ return module.__dict__[objtype](*objargs)
+ else:
+ if objtype == 'None':
+ return None
+ return module.__dict__[objtype]()
+ except KeyError:
+ raise KeyError("Could not find class %s" % objname)
+class Element:
+ def __init__(self, name, attrs=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.attrs = attrs
+ self.content = ''
+ self.children = []
+ def getobjtype(self):
+ if self.attrs.has_key('objtype'):
+ return self.attrs.getValue('objtype')
+ else:
+ return 'str'
+class XMLObjectFactory(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.rootelement = None
+ self.elementstack = []
+ xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self)
+ ## ContentHandler methods
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name.find(':') > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
+ name = name[name.index(':') + 1:]
+## for attrname in attrs.getNames():
+## print "%s: %s" % (attrname, attrs.getValue(attrname))
+ element = Element(name, attrs.copy())
+ self.elementstack.append(element)
+## print self.elementstack
+ def characters(self, content):
+## print "got content: %s" % content
+ if content:
+ self.elementstack[-1].content += content
+ def endElement(self, name):
+## print "[endElement] name of element we're at the end of: %s" % name
+ xsname = name
+ if name.find(':') > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
+ name = name[name.index(':') + 1:]
+ element = self.elementstack.pop()
+ objtype = element.getobjtype()
+ constructorarglist = []
+ if element.content:
+ strippedElementContent = element.content.strip()
+ if strippedElementContent:
+ constructorarglist.append(element.content)
+ obj = _objectfactory(objtype, constructorarglist, xsname)
+ complexType = None
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__'):
+ complexType = getattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__')
+ if len(self.elementstack) > 0:
+ self.elementstack[-1].children.append((name, obj))
+ else:
+ self.rootelement = obj
+ if element.attrs and not isinstance(obj, list):
+ for attrname, attr in element.attrs.items():
+ if attrname == XMLNS or attrname.startswith(XMLNS_PREFIX):
+ if attrname.startswith(XMLNS_PREFIX):
+ ns = attrname[XMLNS_PREFIX_LENGTH:]
+ else:
+ ns = ""
+ if not hasattr(obj, '__xmlnamespaces__'):
+ obj.__xmlnamespaces__ = {ns:attr}
+ elif ns not in obj.__xmlnamespaces__:
+ if (hasattr(obj.__class__, '__xmlnamespaces__')
+ and obj.__xmlnamespaces__ is obj.__class__.__xmlnamespaces__):
+ obj.__xmlnamespaces__ = dict(obj.__xmlnamespaces__)
+ obj.__xmlnamespaces__[ns] = attr
+ elif not attrname == 'objtype':
+ if attrname.find(':') > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
+ attrname = attrname[attrname.index(':') + 1:]
+ if complexType:
+ xsdElement = complexType.findElement(attrname)
+ if xsdElement:
+ type = xsdElement.type
+ if type:
+ type = xsdToPythonType(type)
+ ### ToDO remove maxOccurs hack after bug 177 is fixed
+ if attrname == "maxOccurs" and attr == "unbounded":
+ attr = "-1"
+ attr = _objectfactory(type, attr)
+ util.setattrignorecase(obj, _toAttrName(obj, attrname), attr)
+## obj.__dict__[_toAttrName(obj, attrname)] = attr
+ # stuff any child attributes meant to be in a sequence via the __xmlflattensequence__
+ flattenDict = {}
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlflattensequence__'):
+ for sequencename, xmlnametuple in obj.__xmlflattensequence__.items():
+ for xmlname in xmlnametuple:
+ flattenDict[xmlname] = sequencename
+ # reattach an object's attributes to it
+ for childname, child in element.children:
+ if flattenDict.has_key(childname):
+ sequencename = _toAttrName(obj, flattenDict[childname])
+ try:
+ sequencevalue = obj.__dict__[sequencename]
+ except AttributeError:
+ sequencevalue = None
+ if sequencevalue == None:
+ sequencevalue = []
+ obj.__dict__[sequencename] = sequencevalue
+ sequencevalue.append(child)
+ elif isinstance(obj, list):
+ obj.append(child)
+ else:
+## print "childname = %s, obj = %s, child = %s" % (childname, repr(obj), repr(child))
+ util.setattrignorecase(obj, _toAttrName(obj, childname), child)
+## obj.__dict__[_toAttrName(obj, childname)] = child
+ if complexType:
+ for element in complexType.elements:
+ if element.default:
+ elementName = _toAttrName(obj, element.name)
+ if ((elementName not in obj.__dict__) or (obj.__dict__[elementName] == None)):
+ pythonType = xsdToPythonType(element.type)
+ defaultValue = _objectfactory(pythonType, element.default)
+ obj.__dict__[elementName] = defaultValue
+ def getRootObject(self):
+ return self.rootelement
+def _toAttrName(obj, name):
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlrename__")):
+ for key, val in obj.__xmlrename__.iteritems():
+ if (name == val):
+ name = key
+ break
+## if (name.startswith("__") and not name.endswith("__")):
+## name = "_%s%s" % (obj.__class__.__name__, name)
+ return name
+__typeMappingXsdToPython = {
+ "string": "str",
+ "char": "str",
+ "varchar": "str",
+ "date": "str", # ToDO Need to work out how to create python date types
+ "boolean": "bool",
+ "decimal": "float", # ToDO Does python have a better fixed point type?
+ "int": "int",
+ "long": "long",
+ "float": "float",
+ "bool": "bool",
+ "str": "str",
+ "unicode": "unicode",
+ }
+def xsdToPythonType(xsdType):
+ try:
+ return __typeMappingXsdToPython[xsdType]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Exception("Unknown xsd type %s" % xsdType)
+def _getXmlValue(pythonValue):
+ if (isinstance(pythonValue, bool)):
+ return str(pythonValue).lower()
+ else:
+ return str(pythonValue)
+def unmarshal(xmlstr):
+ objectfactory = XMLObjectFactory()
+ xml.sax.parseString(xmlstr, objectfactory)
+ return objectfactory.getRootObject()
+def marshal(obj, elementName=None, nameSpacePrefix='', nameSpaces=None, prettyPrint=False, indent=0):
+ if prettyPrint or indent:
+ prefix = ' '*indent
+ newline = '\n'
+ increment = 4
+ else:
+ prefix = ''
+ newline = ''
+ increment = 0
+ ## Determine the XML element name. If it isn't specified in the
+ ## parameter list, look for it in the __xmlname__ Python
+ ## attribute, else use the default generic BASETYPE_ELEMENT_NAME.
+ if not nameSpaces: nameSpaces = {} # Need to do this since if the {} is a default parameter it gets shared by all calls into the function
+ nameSpaceAttrs = ''
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlnamespaces__'):
+ for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceUrl in getattr(obj, '__xmlnamespaces__').items():
+ if nameSpaceUrl in nameSpaces:
+ nameSpaceKey = nameSpaces[nameSpaceUrl]
+ else:
+## # TODO: Wait to do this until there is shared state for use when going through the object graph
+## origNameSpaceKey = nameSpaceKey # Make sure there is no key collision, ie: same key referencing two different URL's
+## i = 1
+## while nameSpaceKey in nameSpaces.values():
+## nameSpaceKey = origNameSpaceKey + str(i)
+## i += 1
+ nameSpaces[nameSpaceUrl] = nameSpaceKey
+ if nameSpaceKey == '':
+ nameSpaceAttrs += ' xmlns="%s" ' % (nameSpaceUrl)
+ else:
+ nameSpaceAttrs += ' xmlns:%s="%s" ' % (nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceUrl)
+ nameSpaceAttrs = nameSpaceAttrs.rstrip()
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmldefaultnamespace__'):
+ nameSpacePrefix = getattr(obj, '__xmldefaultnamespace__') + ':'
+ if not elementName:
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlname__'):
+ elementName = nameSpacePrefix + obj.__xmlname__
+ else:
+ elementName = nameSpacePrefix + BASETYPE_ELEMENT_NAME
+ else:
+ elementName = nameSpacePrefix + elementName
+ members_to_skip = []
+ ## Add more members_to_skip based on ones the user has selected
+ ## via the __xmlexclude__ attribute.
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlexclude__'):
+ members_to_skip += list(obj.__xmlexclude__)
+ # Marshal the attributes that are selected to be XML attributes.
+ objattrs = ''
+ className = obj.__class__.__name__
+ classNamePrefix = "_" + className
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlattributes__'):
+ xmlattributes = obj.__xmlattributes__
+ members_to_skip += xmlattributes
+ for attr in xmlattributes:
+ internalAttrName = attr
+ if (attr.startswith("__") and not attr.endswith("__")):
+ internalAttrName = classNamePrefix + attr
+ # Fail silently if a python attribute is specified to be
+ # an XML attribute but is missing.
+ try:
+ value = obj.__dict__[internalAttrName]
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+## # But, check and see if it is a property first:
+## if (hasPropertyValue(obj, attr)):
+## value = getattr(obj, attr)
+## else:
+## continue
+ xsdElement = None
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__'):
+ complexType = getattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__')
+ xsdElement = complexType.findElement(attr)
+ if xsdElement:
+ default = xsdElement.default
+ if default == value or default == _getXmlValue(value):
+ continue
+ elif value == None:
+ continue
+ # ToDO remove maxOccurs hack after bug 177 is fixed
+ if attr == "maxOccurs" and value == -1:
+ value = "unbounded"
+ if isinstance(value, bool):
+ if value == True:
+ value = "true"
+ else:
+ value = "false"
+ attrNameSpacePrefix = ''
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__'):
+ for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceAttributes in getattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__').items():
+ if nameSpaceKey == nameSpacePrefix[:-1]: # Don't need to specify attribute namespace if it is the same as it selement
+ continue
+ if attr in nameSpaceAttributes:
+ attrNameSpacePrefix = nameSpaceKey + ':'
+ break
+## if attr.startswith('_'):
+## attr = attr[1:]
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlrename__") and attr in obj.__xmlrename__):
+ attr = obj.__xmlrename__[attr]
+ objattrs += ' %s%s="%s"' % (attrNameSpacePrefix, attr, value)
+ objtype = type(obj)
+ if isinstance(obj, NoneType):
+ return ''
+# return '%s<%s objtype="None"/>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ elif isinstance(obj, bool):
+ return '%s<%s objtype="bool">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, obj, elementName, newline)
+ elif isinstance(obj, int):
+ return '''%s<%s objtype="int">%s</%s>%s''' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)
+ elif isinstance(obj, long):
+ return '%s<%s objtype="long">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)
+ elif isinstance(obj, float):
+ return '%s<%s objtype="float">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)
+ elif isinstance(obj, basestring):
+ return '''%s<%s>%s</%s>%s''' % (prefix, elementName, saxutils.escape(obj), elementName, newline)
+## elif isinstance(obj, unicode):
+## return '''%s<%s>%s</%s>%s''' % (prefix, elementName, obj, elementName, newline)
+ elif isinstance(obj, list):
+ if len(obj) < 1:
+ return ''
+ xmlString = '%s<%s objtype="list">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ for item in obj:
+ xmlString += marshal(item, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment)
+ xmlString += '%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ return xmlString
+ elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
+ if len(obj) < 1:
+ return ''
+ xmlString = '%s<%s objtype="list" mutable="false">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ for item in obj:
+ xmlString += marshal(item, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment)
+ xmlString += '%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ return xmlString
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ xmlString = '%s<%s objtype="dict">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ subprefix = prefix + ' '*increment
+ subindent = indent + 2*increment
+ for key, val in obj.iteritems():
+ xmlString += "%s<key>%s%s%s</key>%s%s<value>%s%s%s</value>%s" \
+ % (subprefix, newline, marshal(key, indent=subindent), subprefix, newline, subprefix, newline, marshal(val, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=subindent), subprefix, newline)
+ xmlString += '%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ return xmlString
+ else:
+ moduleName = obj.__class__.__module__
+ if (moduleName == "activegrid.model.schema"):
+ xmlString = '%s<%s%s%s' % (prefix, elementName, nameSpaceAttrs, objattrs)
+ else:
+ xmlString = '%s<%s%s%s objtype="%s.%s"' % (prefix, elementName, nameSpaceAttrs, objattrs, moduleName, className)
+ # get the member, value pairs for the object, filtering out
+ # the types we don't support.
+ xmlMemberString = ''
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlbody__'):
+ xmlMemberString = getattr(obj, obj.__xmlbody__)
+ else:
+ entryList = obj.__dict__.items()
+## # Add in properties
+## for key in obj.__class__.__dict__.iterkeys():
+## if (key not in members_to_skip and key not in obj.__dict__
+## and hasPropertyValue(obj, key)):
+## value = getattr(obj, key)
+## entryList.append((key, value))
+ entryList.sort()
+ for name, value in entryList:
+## # special name handling for private "__*" attributes:
+## # remove the _<class-name> added by Python
+## if name.startswith(classNamePrefix): name = name[len(classNamePrefix):]
+ if name in members_to_skip: continue
+ if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'): continue
+## idx = name.find('__')
+## if idx > 0:
+## newName = name[idx+2:]
+## if newName:
+## name = newName
+ subElementNameSpacePrefix = nameSpacePrefix
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__'):
+ for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceValues in getattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__').items():
+ if name in nameSpaceValues:
+ subElementNameSpacePrefix = nameSpaceKey + ':'
+ break
+ # handle sequences listed in __xmlflattensequence__
+ # specially: instead of listing the contained items inside
+ # of a separate list, as god intended, list them inside
+ # the object containing the sequence.
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlflattensequence__') and name in obj.__xmlflattensequence__ and value:
+ try:
+ xmlnametuple = obj.__xmlflattensequence__[name]
+ xmlname = None
+ if len(xmlnametuple) == 1:
+ xmlname = xmlnametuple[0]
+ except:
+ xmlname = name
+## xmlname = name.lower()
+ for seqitem in value:
+ xmlMemberString += marshal(seqitem, xmlname, subElementNameSpacePrefix, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment)
+ else:
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlrename__") and name in obj.__xmlrename__):
+ xmlname = obj.__xmlrename__[name]
+ else:
+ xmlname = name
+## xmlname = name.lower()
+## # skip
+## if xmlname.startswith('_') and not xmlname.startswith('__'):
+## xmlname = xmlname[1:]
+## if (indent > 30):
+## print "getting pretty deep, xmlname = ", xmlname
+ xmlMemberString += marshal(value, xmlname, subElementNameSpacePrefix, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment)
+ # if we have nested elements, add them here, otherwise close the element tag immediately.
+ if xmlMemberString:
+ xmlString += '>'
+ if hasattr(obj, '__xmlbody__'):
+ xmlString += xmlMemberString
+ xmlString += '</%s>%s' % (elementName, newline)
+ else:
+ xmlString += newline
+ xmlString += xmlMemberString
+ xmlString += '%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)
+ else:
+ xmlString = xmlString + '/>%s' % newline
+ return xmlString
+# We don't use this anymore but in case we want to get properties this is how
+# you do it
+def hasPropertyValue(obj, attr):
+ hasProp = False
+ try:
+ prop = obj.__class__.__dict__[attr]
+ if (isinstance(prop, property)):
+ hasProp = hasattr(obj, attr)
+ if (hasProp):
+ # It's a property and it has a value but sometimes we don't want it.
+ # If there is a _hasattr method execute it and the
+ # result will tell us whether to include this value
+ try:
+ hasProp = obj._hasattr(attr)
+ except:
+ pass
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return hasProp
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from xmlmarshallertests import Person, marshalledint, marshalledlist
+ l = [1, 2, 3]
+ d = {'1': 1, '2': 2}
+ outerlist = [l]
+ xmlstr = marshal(d, "d", prettyPrint=True)
+ print xmlstr
+ person = Person()
+ person.firstName = "Albert"
+ person.lastName = "Camus"
+ person.addressLine1 = "23 Absurd St."
+ person.city = "Ennui"
+ person.state = "MO"
+ person.zip = "54321"
+ person._phoneNumber = "808-303-2323"
+ person.favoriteWords = ['angst', 'ennui', 'existence']
+ person.weight = 150
+ xmlstring = marshal(person, 'person', prettyPrint=True)
+ print xmlstring
+ obj = unmarshal(marshalledlist)
+ print "obj has type %s and value %s" % (type(obj), str(obj))
+ for item in obj:
+ print "item: %s" % str(item)
--- /dev/null
+# Name: xmlmarshallertests.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: John Spurling
+# Created: 8/16/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import unittest
+import xmlmarshaller
+from xmlprettyprinter import xmlprettyprint
+marshalledPersonObject = """
+<person objtype="Person">
+ <firstName>Albert</firstName>
+ <lastName>Camus</lastName>
+ <address>23 Absurd St.</address>
+ <city>Ennui</city>
+ <state>MO</state>
+ <zip>54321</zip>
+ <_phoneNumber>808-303-2323</_phoneNumber>
+ <favoriteWords objtype="list">
+ <item>angst</item>
+ <item>ennui</item>
+ <item>existence</item>
+ </favoriteWords>
+ <weight objtype="float">150</weight>
+marshalledint = '''
+<item objtype="int">23</item>
+marshalledlist = '''
+<mylist objtype="list">
+ <item>foo</item>
+ <item>bar</item>
+## a dummy class taken from the old XmlMarshaller module.
+## class Person:
+## def __init__(self):
+## # These are not necessary but are nice if you want to tailor
+## # the Python object <-> XML binding
+## # The xml element name to use for this object, otherwise it
+## # will use a fully qualified Python name like __main__.Person
+## # which can be ugly.
+## self.__xmlname__ = "person"
+## self.firstName = None
+## self.lastName = None
+## self.addressLine1 = None
+## self.addressLine2 = None
+## self.city = None
+## self.state = None
+## self.zip = None
+## self._phoneNumber = None
+## self.favoriteWords = None
+## self.weight = None
+class Person:
+ __xmlflattensequence__ = {'asequence': ('the_earth_is_flat',)}
+class XmlMarshallerTestFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ '''common setup code goes here.'''
+ pass
+ def testInt(self):
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(1)
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testString test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ print "marshalled int object:\n"
+ print xmlprettyprint(xml)
+ def testDict(self):
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal({'one': 1,
+ 'two': 2,
+ 'three': 3})
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testString test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ print "marshalled dict object:\n"
+ print xmlprettyprint(xml)
+ def testBool(self):
+ xmltrue = xmlmarshaller.marshal(True)
+ xmlfalse = xmlmarshaller.marshal(False)
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testBool test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ print "marshalled boolean true object:\n"
+ print xmlprettyprint(xmltrue)
+ print "\nmarshalled boolean false object:\n"
+ print xmlprettyprint(xmlfalse)
+ pytrue = xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xmltrue)
+ assert pytrue is True
+ pyfalse = xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xmlfalse)
+ assert pyfalse is False
+ def testString(self):
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(
+ "all your marshalled objects are belong to us")
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testString test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ print xmlprettyprint(xml)
+ def testEmptyElement(self):
+ person = Person()
+ person.firstName = "Albert"
+ person.__xmlattributes__ = ('firstName',)
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(person, 'person')
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testEmptyElement test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ print xml
+ assert (xml == """<person objtype="__main__.Person" firstName="Albert"/>""")
+ def testXMLFlattenSequence(self):
+ person = Person()
+ person.asequence = ('one', 'two')
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(person, 'person')
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testXMLFlattenSequence test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ print xml
+ assert (xml == """<person objtype="__main__.Person"><the_earth_is_flat>one</the_earth_is_flat><the_earth_is_flat>two</the_earth_is_flat></person>""")
+ unmarshalledperson = xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml)
+ assert(hasattr(unmarshalledperson, 'asequence'))
+ assert(len(unmarshalledperson.asequence) == 2)
+ def testInstance(self):
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testInstance test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ class Foo:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.alist = [1,2]
+ self.astring = 'f00'
+ f = Foo()
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(f, 'foo')
+ print xml
+ def testPerson(self):
+ person = Person()
+ person.firstName = "Albert"
+ person.lastName = "Camus"
+ person.addressLine1 = "23 Absurd St."
+ person.city = "Ennui"
+ person.state = "MO"
+ person.zip = "54321"
+ person._phoneNumber = "808-303-2323"
+ person.favoriteWords = ['angst', 'ennui', 'existence']
+ person.weight = 150
+# __xmlattributes__ = ('fabulousness',)
+ person.fabulousness = "tres tres"
+ xml = xmlmarshaller.marshal(person)
+ print "\n#########################################"
+ print "# testPerson test case #"
+ print "#########################################"
+ print "Person object marshalled into XML:\n"
+ print xml
+ # When encountering a "person" element, use the Person class
+## elementMappings = { "person" : Person }
+## obj = unmarshal(xml, elementMappings = elementMappings)
+## print "Person object recreated from XML with attribute types indicated:"
+## print obj.person.__class__
+## for (attr, value) in obj.person.__dict__.items():
+## if not attr.startswith("__"):
+## print attr, "=", value, type(value)
+## print
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+# Name: xmlprettyprinter.py
+# Purpose:
+# Author: John Spurling
+# Created: 9/21/04
+# CVS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
+# License: wxWindows License
+import xml.sax
+import xml.sax.handler
+class XMLPrettyPrinter(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self, indentationChar=' ', newlineChar='\n'):
+ self.xmlOutput = ''
+ self.indentationLevel = 0
+ self.indentationChar = indentationChar
+ self.elementStack = []
+ self.newlineChar = newlineChar
+ self.hitCharData = False
+ ## ContentHandler methods
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ indentation = self.newlineChar + (self.indentationLevel * self.indentationChar)
+ # build attribute string
+ attrstring = ''
+ for attr in attrs.getNames():
+ value = attrs[attr]
+ attrstring += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, value)
+ self.xmlOutput += '%s<%s%s>' % (indentation, name, attrstring)
+ self.indentationLevel += 1
+ self.elementStack.append(name)
+ self.hitCharData = False
+ def characters(self, content):
+ self.xmlOutput += content
+ self.hitCharData = True
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ self.indentationLevel -= 1
+ indentation = ''
+ if not self.hitCharData:
+## indentation += self.newlineChar + (self.indentationLevel * self.indentationChar)
+ indentation += self.indentationLevel * self.indentationChar
+ else:
+ self.hitCharData = False
+ self.xmlOutput += '%s</%s>%s' % (indentation, self.elementStack.pop(), self.newlineChar)
+ def getXMLString(self):
+ return self.xmlOutput[1:]
+def xmlprettyprint(xmlstr, spaces=4):
+ xpp = XMLPrettyPrinter(indentationChar=' ' * spaces)
+ xml.sax.parseString(xmlstr, xpp)
+ return xpp.getXMLString()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ simpleTestString = """<one>some text<two anattr="booga">two's data</two></one>"""
+ print prettyprint(simpleTestString)