+# Default binary subdirectory to copy sample executable from
# Suffix to append to each demo tarball, e.g. SuSE92 for widgets-SuSE92
if [ ! -d "$WXSRCDIR" ] ; then
echo Cannot find wxWidgets source directory. Use --wxdir option.
+ if [ ! -d "$WXSRCDIR" ] ; then
+ echo Cannot find wxWidgets source directory. Use --wxdir option.
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "$WXDESTDIR" ] ; then
+ echo Cannot find wxWidgets destination directory. Use --deliver option.
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d samples ] ; then
+ echo Cannot find samples directory. Invoke this script from the root of the build folder.
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo wxWidgets build directory is `pwd`
+ echo wxWidgets source directory is $WXSRCDIR
+ echo wxWidgets deliver directory is $WXDESTDIR
+ echo Suffix is $SUFFIX
+ rm -f $WXDESTDIR/*.zip
+ # Dialogs
+ pushd samples/dialogs
+ if [ -f $WINBINDIR/dialogs.exe ] ; then
+ cp $WINBINDIR/dialogs.exe .
+ zip $WXDESTDIR/wxWidgets-DialogsDemo-$SUFFIX.zip dialogs.exe *.cpp *.h
+ rm -f dialogs.exe
+ else
+ echo "*** Warning: dialogs sample did not build"
+ fi
+ popd
+ # HTML
+ pushd samples/html/test
+ if [ -f $WINBINDIR/test.exe ] ; then
+ cp $WINBINDIR/test.exe htmldemo.exe
+ zip $WXDESTDIR/wxWidgets-HtmlDemo-$SUFFIX.zip htmldemo.exe *.cpp *.png *.gif *.htm*
+ rm -f htmldemo.exe
+ else
+ echo "*** Warning: HTML sample did not build"
+ fi
+ popd
+ # Widgets
+ pushd samples/widgets
+ if [ -f $WINBINDIR/widgets.exe ] ; then
+ cp $WINBINDIR/widgets.exe .
+ zip $WXDESTDIR/wxWidgets-WidgetsDemo-$SUFFIX.zip widgets.exe *.cpp *.h
+ else
+ echo "*** Warning: widgets sample did not build"
+ fi
+ popd
+ # Life
+ pushd demos/life
+ if [ -f $WINBINDIR/life.exe ] ; then
+ cp $WINBINDIR/life.exe .
+ zip $WXDESTDIR/wxWidgets-LifeDemo-$SUFFIX.zip life.exe *.cpp *.h *.xpm *.inc *.lif bitmaps/*.*
+ else
+ echo "*** Warning: life demo did not build"
+ fi
+ popd
echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [ options ]" 1>&2
+if [ $OS == "Windows_NT" ] ; then
+ dobuilddemos_windows
+ dobuilddemos_linux