m_releaseContext = true;
if ( !HIShapeIsEmpty(m_clipRgn) )
- HIShapeReplacePathInCGContext( m_clipRgn, m_cgContext );
+ // the clip region is in device coordinates, so we convert this again to user coordinates
+ wxMacCFRefHolder<HIMutableShapeRef> hishape ;
+ hishape.Set( HIShapeCreateMutableCopy( m_clipRgn ) );
+ CGPoint transformedOrigin = CGPointApplyAffineTransform( CGPointZero,m_windowTransform);
+ HIShapeOffset( hishape, -transformedOrigin.x, -transformedOrigin.y );
+ HIShapeReplacePathInCGContext( hishape, m_cgContext );
CGContextClip( m_cgContext );
CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext );
- m_clipRgn.Set(HIShapeCreateWithQDRgn( (RgnHandle) region.GetWXHRGN() ));
+ // this offsetting to device coords is not really correct, but since we cannot apply affine transforms
+ // to regions we try at least to have correct translations
+ wxMacCFRefHolder<HIShapeRef> hishape ;
+ hishape.Set( HIShapeCreateWithQDRgn( (RgnHandle) region.GetWXHRGN() ));
+ HIMutableShapeRef mutableShape = HIShapeCreateMutableCopy( hishape );
+ CGPoint transformedOrigin = CGPointApplyAffineTransform( CGPointZero, m_windowTransform );
+ HIShapeOffset( mutableShape, transformedOrigin.x, transformedOrigin.y );
+ m_clipRgn.Set(mutableShape);
+ // the clipping itself must be stored as device coordinates, otherwise
+ // we cannot apply it back correctly
+ r.origin= CGPointApplyAffineTransform( r.origin, m_windowTransform );