#define TEST_WCHAR
#define TEST_ZIP
#define TEST_ZLIB
+ #define TEST_GZIP
#undef TEST_ALL
static const bool TEST_ALL = true;
#endif // TEST_ZLIB
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gzip streams
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef TEST_GZIP
+#include "wx/wfstream.h"
+#include "wx/gzstream.h"
+#include "wx/filename.h"
+#include "wx/txtstrm.h"
+// Reads two input streams and verifies that they are the same (and non-emtpy)
+void GzipVerify(wxInputStream &in1, wxInputStream &in2)
+ if (!in1 || !in2) {
+ wxPuts(_T(" Can't verify"));
+ return;
+ }
+ const int BUFSIZE = 8192;
+ wxCharBuffer buf1(BUFSIZE);
+ wxCharBuffer buf2(BUFSIZE);
+ bool none = true;
+ for (;;) {
+ int n1 = in1.Read(buf1.data(), BUFSIZE).LastRead();
+ int n2 = in2.Read(buf2.data(), BUFSIZE).LastRead();
+ if (n1 != n2 || (n1 && memcmp(buf1, buf2, n1) != 0) || (!n1 && none)) {
+ wxPuts(_T(" Failure"));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!n1) {
+ wxPuts(_T(" Success"));
+ break;
+ }
+ none = false;
+ }
+ while (in1.IsOk())
+ in1.Read(buf1.data(), BUFSIZE);
+ while (in2.IsOk())
+ in2.Read(buf2.data(), BUFSIZE);
+// Write a gzip file and read it back.
+void TestGzip()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing gzip streams ***\n"));
+ const wxString testname = _T("gziptest");
+ const wxString gzipname = testname + _T(".gz");
+ // write some random test data to a testfile
+ wxPuts(_T("Writing random test data to ") + testname + _T("..."));
+ {
+ wxFFileOutputStream outstream(testname);
+ wxTextOutputStream textout(outstream);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000 && outstream.Ok(); i++)
+ textout << rand() << rand() << rand() << rand() << endl;
+ wxPuts(_T(" Done"));
+ }
+ wxFileName fn(testname);
+ wxDateTime dt = fn.GetModificationTime();
+ wxFFileInputStream instream(testname);
+ // try writing a gzip file
+ wxPuts(_T("Writing ") + gzipname + _T(" using wxGzipOutputStream..."));
+ {
+ wxFFileOutputStream outstream(gzipname);
+ wxGzipOutputStream gzip(outstream, testname, dt);
+ if (!gzip.Write(instream))
+ wxPuts(_T(" Failure"));
+ else
+ wxPuts(_T(" Success"));
+ }
+ // try reading the gzip file
+ wxPuts(_T("Reading ") + gzipname + _T(" using wxGzipInputStream..."));
+ {
+ instream.SeekI(0);
+ wxFFileInputStream instream2(gzipname);
+ wxGzipInputStream gzip(instream2);
+ GzipVerify(instream, gzip);
+ if (gzip.GetName() != fn.GetFullName())
+ wxPuts(gzipname + _T(" contains incorrect filename: ")
+ + gzip.GetName());
+ if (dt.IsValid() && gzip.GetDateTime() != dt)
+ wxPuts(gzipname + _T(" contains incorrect timestamp: ")
+ + gzip.GetDateTime().Format());
+ }
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+ // then verify it using gzip program if it is in the path
+ wxPuts(_T("Reading ") + gzipname + _T(" using gzip program..."));
+ wxFFile file(popen((_T("gzip -d -c ") + gzipname).mb_str(), "r"));
+ if (file.fp()) {
+ wxFFileInputStream instream2(file);
+ instream.SeekI(0);
+ GzipVerify(instream, instream2);
+ pclose(file.fp());
+ file.Detach();
+ }
+ // try reading a gzip created by gzip program
+ wxPuts(_T("Reading output of gzip program using wxGzipInputStream..."));
+ file.Attach(popen((_T("gzip -c ") + testname).mb_str(), "r"));
+ if (file.fp()) {
+ wxFFileInputStream instream2(file);
+ wxGzipInputStream gzip(instream2);
+ instream.SeekI(0);
+ GzipVerify(instream, gzip);
+ pclose(file.fp());
+ file.Detach();
+ }
+ wxPuts(_T("\n--- Done gzip streams ---"));
+#endif // TEST_GZIP
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// date time
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // TEST_ZLIB
+#ifdef TEST_GZIP
+ TestGzip();
return 0;