import inspect
import string
+import types
def getAutoCompleteList(command='', locals=None, includeMagic=1, \
includeSingle=1, includeDouble=1):
for item in getAllAttributeNames(object):
dict[item] = None
attributes += dict.keys()
- attributes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
+ attributes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.upper(), y.upper()))
if not includeSingle:
attributes = filter(lambda item: item[0]!='_' or item[1]=='_', attributes)
if not includeDouble:
attributes = filter(lambda item: item[:2]!='__', attributes)
+ # Make sure we haven't picked up any bogus attributes somehow.
+ attributes = [attribute for attribute in attributes if hasattr(object, attribute)]
return attributes
def getAllAttributeNames(object):
Recursively walk through a class and all base classes.
+ # !!!
+ # !!! Do Not use hasattr() as a test anywhere in this function,
+ # !!! because it is unreliable with remote objects - xmlrpc, soap, etc.
+ # !!!
attributes = []
# Wake up sleepy objects - a hack for ZODB objects in "ghost" state.
wakeupcall = dir(object)
del wakeupcall
# Get attributes available through the normal convention.
attributes += dir(object)
+ try:
+ keys = object.__dict__.keys()
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ attributes += keys
# For a class instance, get the attributes for the class.
if hasattr(object, '__class__'):
# Break a circular reference. This happens with extension classes.
attributes += getAllAttributeNames(object.__class__)
# Also get attributes from any and all parent classes.
- if hasattr(object, '__bases__'):
- for base in object.__bases__:
- attributes += getAllAttributeNames(base)
+ try:
+ bases = object.__bases__
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if isinstance(bases, type(())):
+ for base in bases:
+ if type(base) is types.TypeType:
+ # Break a circular reference. Happens in Python 2.2.
+ pass
+ else:
+ attributes += getAllAttributeNames(base)
return attributes
def getCallTip(command='', locals=None):
# Versions of wxPython prior to 2.3.2 had a sizing bug on Win platform.
# The font was 2 points too large. So we need to reduce the font size.
- if ((wxMAJOR_VERSION, wxMINOR_VERSION) == (2, 3) and wxRELEASE_NUMBER < 2) \
- or (wxMAJOR_VERSION <= 2 and wxMINOR_VERSION <= 2):
faces['size'] -= 2
faces['lnsize'] -= 2
else: # GTK
self.__dict__[method] = getattr(other, method)
d = self.__dict__
d['other'] = other
- d['help'] = 'There is no help available, yet.'
+ d['helpText'] = \
+* Key bindings:
+Home Go to the beginning of the command or line.
+Shift+Home Select to the beginning of the command or line.
+Shift+End Select to the end of the line.
+End Go to the end of the line.
+Ctrl+C Copy selected text, removing prompts.
+Ctrl+Shift+C Copy selected text, retaining prompts.
+Ctrl+X Cut selected text.
+Ctrl+V Paste from clipboard.
+Ctrl+Up Arrow Retrieve Previous History item.
+Alt+P Retrieve Previous History item.
+Ctrl+Down Arrow Retrieve Next History item.
+Alt+N Retrieve Next History item.
+F8 Command-completion of History item.
+ (Type a few characters of a previous command and then press F8.)
+ def help(self):
+ """Display some useful information about how to use the shell."""
+ self.write(self.helpText)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if hasattr(self.other, name):
stdout=PseudoFileOut(self.writeOut), \
stderr=PseudoFileErr(self.writeErr), \
*args, **kwds)
- # Keep track of the most recent prompt starting and ending positions.
- self.promptPos = [0, 0]
- # Keep track of the most recent non-continuation prompt.
- self.prompt1Pos = [0, 0]
+ # Keep track of the last non-continuation prompt positions.
+ self.promptPosStart = 0
+ self.promptPosEnd = 0
# Keep track of multi-line commands.
self.more = 0
# Create the command history. Commands are added into the front of
"""Configure font size, typeface and color for lexer."""
# Default style
- self.StyleSetSpec(wxSTC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "face:%(mono)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wxSTC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "face:%(mono)s,size:%(size)d,back:%(backcol)s" % faces)
key = event.KeyCode()
currpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
- stoppos = self.promptPos[1]
+ stoppos = self.promptPosEnd
if key == ord('.'):
# The dot or period key activates auto completion.
# Get the command between the prompt and the cursor.
altDown = event.AltDown()
shiftDown = event.ShiftDown()
currpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
- stoppos = self.promptPos[1]
# Return is used to submit a command to the interpreter.
if key == WXK_RETURN:
if self.AutoCompActive(): self.AutoCompCancel()
elif controlDown and altDown:
# Cut to the clipboard.
- elif controlDown and key in (ord('X'), ord('x')):
+ elif (controlDown and key in (ord('X'), ord('x'))) \
+ or (shiftDown and key == WXK_DELETE):
# Copy to the clipboard.
- elif controlDown and not shiftDown and key in (ord('C'), ord('c')):
+ elif controlDown and not shiftDown \
+ and key in (ord('C'), ord('c'), WXK_INSERT):
# Copy to the clipboard, including prompts.
- elif controlDown and shiftDown and key in (ord('C'), ord('c')):
+ elif controlDown and shiftDown \
+ and key in (ord('C'), ord('c'), WXK_INSERT):
# Paste from the clipboard.
- elif controlDown and key in (ord('V'), ord('v')):
+ elif (controlDown and key in (ord('V'), ord('v'), WXK_INSERT)) \
+ or (shiftDown and key == WXK_INSERT):
# Retrieve the previous command from the history buffer.
elif (controlDown and key == WXK_UP) \
# Home needs to be aware of the prompt.
elif key == WXK_HOME:
- if currpos >= stoppos:
+ home = self.promptPosEnd
+ if currpos >= home:
if event.ShiftDown():
# Select text from current position to end of prompt.
- self.SetSelection(self.GetCurrentPos(), stoppos)
+ self.SetSelection(self.GetCurrentPos(), home)
- self.SetCurrentPos(stoppos)
- self.SetAnchor(stoppos)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(home)
+ self.SetAnchor(home)
# Basic navigation keys should work anywhere.
- # Don't backspace over the latest prompt.
+ # Don't backspace over the latest non-continuation prompt.
elif key == WXK_BACK:
- if currpos > self.prompt1Pos[1]:
+ if currpos > self.promptPosEnd:
# Only allow these keys after the latest prompt.
elif key in (WXK_TAB, WXK_DELETE):
if thepos == endpos:
self.interp.more = 0
if self.getCommand():
- command = self.GetTextRange(self.prompt1Pos[1], endpos)
+ command = self.GetTextRange(self.promptPosEnd, endpos)
# This is a hack, now that we allow editing of previous
# lines, which throws off our promptPos values.
newend = endpos - len(self.getCommand(rstrip=0))
- command = self.GetTextRange(self.prompt1Pos[1], newend)
+ command = self.GetTextRange(self.promptPosEnd, newend)
command = command.replace(os.linesep + sys.ps2, '\n')
# Or replace the current command with the other command.
- elif thepos < self.prompt1Pos[0]:
+ elif thepos < self.promptPosStart:
theline = self.GetCurrentLine()
command = self.getCommand(rstrip=0)
# If the new line contains a command (even an invalid one).
if command:
command = self.getMultilineCommand()
- startpos = self.prompt1Pos[1]
+ startpos = self.promptPosEnd
self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
# Or add a new line to the current single or multi-line command.
- elif thepos > self.prompt1Pos[1]:
+ elif thepos > self.promptPosEnd:
self.more = 1
prompt = str(sys.ps1)
pos = self.GetCurLine()[1]
if pos > 0: self.write(os.linesep)
- self.promptPos[0] = self.GetCurrentPos()
- if not self.more: self.prompt1Pos[0] = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ if not self.more:
+ self.promptPosStart = self.GetCurrentPos()
- self.promptPos[1] = self.GetCurrentPos()
if not self.more:
- self.prompt1Pos[1] = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.promptPosEnd = self.GetCurrentPos()
# Keep the undo feature from undoing previous responses.
# XXX Add some autoindent magic here if more.
def CanCut(self):
"""Return true if text is selected and can be cut."""
if self.GetSelectionStart() != self.GetSelectionEnd() \
- and self.GetSelectionStart() >= self.prompt1Pos[1] \
- and self.GetSelectionEnd() >= self.prompt1Pos[1]:
+ and self.GetSelectionStart() >= self.promptPosEnd \
+ and self.GetSelectionEnd() >= self.promptPosEnd:
return 1
return 0
def CanEdit(self):
"""Return true if editing should succeed."""
- return self.GetCurrentPos() >= self.prompt1Pos[1]
+ return self.GetCurrentPos() >= self.promptPosEnd
def Cut(self):
"""Remove selection and place it on the clipboard."""