--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+# makedist.sh
+# Build wxWindows 2 for Windows distribution.
+# This builds all required binaries and documents before calling
+# zipdist.sh to make the archives.
+# To use this script, you need:
+# - CygWin installation, for bash etc.
+# - VC++ 6 or higher, to compile the binaries
+# - WinHelp compiler, HTML Help compiler, Tex2RTF on your path
+# - WISE Install 5
+# Julian Smart, October 2000
+SRC=`cygpath -u $WXWIN`
+TMPDIR=`cygpath -u $TEMP`
+# For some reason, if we pipe output to egrep, we see output, but not otherwise.
+WARNINGS=": decorated name|: see reference|: see declaration|C4786|VC98\\\\INCLUDE|template<>"
+setup_vars() {
+ VCPATH="/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/common/msdev98/bin:/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/bin:DevStudio/VC/bin:/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/common/tools:/c/Program Files/HTML Help Workshop"
+ INCLUDE="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Tcl\include;C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\include"
+ LIB="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\lib;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\lib;C:\Program Files\Tcl\lib;C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\lib"
+ export INCLUDE LIB
+check_compile() {
+ egrep ": error C|fatal error" $TMPDIR/buildlog.txt > $TMPDIR/errorlog.txt
+ if [ -s $TMPDIR/errorlog.txt ]; then
+ echo Did not build $0 successfully.
+ OK=0
+ fi
+check_files() {
+ if [ ! -d "$SRC" ]; then
+ echo "$SRC" does not exist.
+ OK=0
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "$SRC/deliver" ]; then
+ mkdir "$SRC/deliver"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $SRC/include/wx/msw/setup.h ]; then
+ cp "$SRC/include/wx/msw/setup0.h" "$SRC/include/wx/msw/setup.h"
+ echo setup0.h has been copied to setup.h.
+ echo You must now edit this file to restore release settings,
+ echo then run this script again.
+ OK=0
+ notepad.exe "$SRC/include/wx/msw/setup.h"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "$SRC/bin" ]; then
+ mkdir "$SRC/bin"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "$SRC/bin/DBVIEW.EXE" ]; then
+ echo Please put DBGVIEW.EXE, DBGVIEW.CNT, DBGVIEW.HLP into $SRC/bin
+ echo and run the script again.
+ OK=0
+ fi
+build_docs() {
+ cd "$SRC/src/msw"
+ echo "---------------------------------"
+ echo "Building wxWindows documents"
+ nmake -f makefile.vc cleandocs docs
+ cd "$SRC/utils/dialoged/src"
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html htmlhelp htb hlp pdfrtf
+ cd "$SRC/utils/tex2rtf/src"
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html htmlhelp htb hlp pdfrtf
+ cd "$SRC/contrib/src/ogl"
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html htmlhelp htb hlp pdfrtf
+ cd "$SRC/contrib/src/mmedia"
+ # NB: add htb target
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html htmlhelp hlp pdfrtf
+# Build wxWindows
+build_wxwin_vc() {
+ echo "---------------------------------"
+ echo "Building wxWindows using VC++"
+ cd "$SRC/src"
+ echo Building wxWindows Release library in `pwd`
+ echo Command: msdev wxvc.dsw /useenv /make "wxvc - Win32 Release" /rebuild
+ msdev wxvc.dsw /useenv /make "wxvc - Win32 Release" /rebuild | egrep -v "$WARNINGS"
+build_dialog_editor() {
+ echo "---------------------------------"
+ echo "Building Dialog Editor using VC++"
+ cd "$SRC/utils/dialoged/src"
+ msdev DialogEdVC.dsw /useenv /make "DialogEdVC - Win32 Release" /rebuild | egrep -v "$WARNINGS" | tee $TMPDIR/buildlog.txt
+ check_compile "Dialog Editor"
+build_tex2rtf() {
+ echo "---------------------------------"
+ echo "Building Tex2RTF using VC++"
+ cd "$SRC/utils/tex2rtf/src"
+ msdev Tex2RTFVC.dsw /useenv /make "Tex2RTFVC - Win32 Release" /rebuild | egrep -v "$WARNINGS" | tee $TMPDIR/buildlog.txt
+ check_compile "Tex2RTF"
+build_life() {
+ echo "---------------------------------"
+ echo "Building Life! using VC++"
+ cd "$SRC/demos/life"
+ msdev LifeVC.dsw /useenv /make "LifeVC - Win32 Release" /rebuild | egrep -v "$WARNINGS" | tee $TMPDIR/buildlog.txt
+ check_compile "Life! Demo"
+build_executables() {
+ build_dialog_editor
+ build_tex2rtf
+ build_life
+copy_files() {
+ cp "$SRC/utils/dialoged/src/Release/dialoged.exe" "$SRC/bin"
+ cp "$SRC/docs/winhelp/dialoged.*" "$SRC/bin"
+ cp "$SRC/utils/tex2rtf/src/Release/tex2rtf.exe" "$SRC/bin"
+ cp "$SRC/docs/winhelp/tex2rtf.*" "$SRC/bin"
+ cp "$SRC/demos/life/life.exe" "$SRC/demos/life/breeder.lif" "$SRC/bin"
+# Process command line options.
+for i in "$@"; do
+ case "$i" in
+ --wise) DOWISE=1 ;;
+ *)
+ echo Usage: $0 "[ options ]"
+ echo Generates documentation and binaries for creating a distribution,
+ echo and optionally generates the zip/setup.exe distribution by
+ echo calling zipdist.sh.
+ echo
+ echo Options:
+ echo " --help Display this help message"
+ echo " --wise Build zips and setup.exe after creating docs and binaries"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+mkdir -p $SRC/docs/pdf
+mkdir -p $SRC/docs/html
+mkdir -p $SRC/docs/htmlhelp
+mkdir -p $SRC/docs/htb
+if [ "$OK" = "1" ]; then
+ build_docs
+if [ "$OK" = "1" ]; then
+ build_wxwin_vc
+if [ "$OK" = "1" ]; then
+ build_executables
+if [ "$OK" = "1" ]; then
+ copy_files
+if [ "$OK" = "1" && "$DOWISE" = "1" ]; then
+ $SRC/distrib/msw/zipdist.sh --wise
+if [ "$OK" = "1" ]; then
+ echo Finished successfully.
+ echo Finished unsuccessfully. There were errors.
+echo Press return to continue.
+read dummy
- # Make dialoged-win32.zip and tex2rtf-win32.zip
- cd $src/bin
- zip $dest/dialoged-win32.zip dialoged.*
- zip $dest/tex2rtf-win32.zip tex2rtf.*
cd $dest
# Unzip the Windows files into 'wx'
rm -f contrib/docs/htmlhelp/mmedia.*
rm -f contrib/docs/htmlhelp/stc.*
rm -f contrib/docs/pdf/*.*
- rmdir /S contrib/docs/latex/ogl
+ rm -f -r contrib/docs/latex/ogl
rm -f src/mingegcs.bat
rm -f distrib
# Now invoke WISE install on the new wxwin2.wse
echo Invoking WISE...
- /c/progra~1/wise/wise32.exe /C $WXWIN\distrib\msw\wxwin2.wse
+ /c/progra~1/wise/wise32.exe /C $WXWIN\\distrib\\msw\\wxwin2.wse
echo Press return to continue with the wxWindows distribution...
read dummy
mv setup.w08 s
mv s setup.w08
+ mv setup.w09 s
+ mv s setup.w09
# Put all the setup files into a single zip archive.
zip wxMSW-$version-setup.zip readme.txt setup.*
rm -f temp.txt
+# Make dialoged-win32.zip and tex2rtf-win32.zip
+cd $src/bin
+zip $dest/dialoged-win32.zip dialoged.*
+zip $dest/tex2rtf-win32.zip tex2rtf.*
cp $src/docs/changes.txt $dest
cp $src/docs/msw/install.txt $dest/install_msw.txt
cp $src/docs/motif/install.txt $dest/install_motif.txt