nb = XRCCTRL(*this, "objref_notebook", wxNotebook);
wxCHECK_RET(nb, "failed to find objref_notebook");
- nb->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, &ObjrefDialog::OnNotebookPageChanged, this);
- iconspage_bound = false;
- calcpage_bound = false;
+ // Connect different event handlers.
+ wxNotebookEventHandler(ObjrefDialog::OnNotebookPageChanged),
+ NULL, this);
+ // We want to direct UpdateUI events for the ID range 'first_row' to
+ // OnUpdateUIFirst(). We could achieve this using first_row[0] and
+ // first_row[2], but what if a fourth column were added? It's safer to use
+ // the 'typedefs' for the two ends of the range:
+ wxNotebookPage *page = nb->GetPage(icons_page);
+ page->Connect(XRCID("first_row[start]"), XRCID("first_row[end]"),
+ wxUpdateUIEventHandler(ObjrefDialog::OnUpdateUIFirst),
+ NULL, this);
+ page->Connect(XRCID("second_row[start]"), XRCID("second_row[end]"),
+ wxUpdateUIEventHandler(ObjrefDialog::OnUpdateUISecond),
+ NULL, this);
+ page->Connect(XRCID("third_row[start]"), XRCID("third_row[end]"),
+ wxUpdateUIEventHandler(ObjrefDialog::OnUpdateUIThird),
+ NULL, this);
+ // Connect the id ranges, using the [start] and [end] 'typedefs'
+ page = nb->GetPage(calc_page);
+ page->Connect(XRCID("digits[start]"), XRCID("digits[end]"),
+ wxCommandEventHandler(ObjrefDialog::OnNumeralClick),
+ NULL, this);
+ page->Connect(XRCID("operators[start]"), XRCID("operators[end]"),
+ wxCommandEventHandler(ObjrefDialog::OnOperatorClick),
+ NULL, this);
case icons_page:
wxNotebookPage *page = nb->GetPage(icons_page);
- if (!iconspage_bound)
- {
- iconspage_bound = true;
- // We want to direct UpdateUI events for the ID range 'first_row' to OnUpdateUIFirst().
- // We could achieve this using first_row[0] and first_row[2], but what if a fourth
- // column were added? It's safer to use the 'typedefs' for the two ends of the range:
- page->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, &ObjrefDialog::OnUpdateUIFirst,
- this, XRCID("first_row[start]"), XRCID("first_row[end]"));
- // Similarly for the other two rows
- page->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, &ObjrefDialog::OnUpdateUISecond,
- this, XRCID("second_row[start]"), XRCID("second_row[end]"));
- page->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, &ObjrefDialog::OnUpdateUIThird,
- this, XRCID("third_row[start]"), XRCID("third_row[end]"));
- }
text = XRCCTRL(*page, "log_text", wxTextCtrl);
if (text)
delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogTextCtrl(text));
case calc_page:
wxNotebookPage *page = nb->GetPage(calc_page);
- if (!calcpage_bound)
- {
- calcpage_bound = true;
- // Bind the id ranges, using the [start] and [end] 'typedefs'
- page->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, &ObjrefDialog::OnNumeralClick,
- this, XRCID("digits[start]"), XRCID("digits[end]"));
- page->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, &ObjrefDialog::OnOperatorClick,
- this, XRCID("operators[start]"), XRCID("operators[end]"));
- }
result_txt = XRCCTRL(*page, "result", wxTextCtrl);
text = XRCCTRL(*page, "log_text", wxTextCtrl);
if (text)