- public:
- wxHtmlParser() : wxObject(), m_HandlersHash(wxKEY_STRING) {m_FS = NULL; m_Cache = NULL; m_HandlersStack = NULL;}
- virtual ~wxHtmlParser();
- void SetFS(wxFileSystem *fs) {m_FS = fs;}
- // Sets the class which will be used for opening files
- wxFileSystem* GetFS() const {return m_FS;}
- wxObject* Parse(const wxString& source);
- // You can simply call this method when you need parsed output.
- // This method does these things:
- // 1. call InitParser(source);
- // 2. call DoParsing();
- // 3. call GetProduct(); (it's return value is then returned)
- // 4. call DoneParser();
- virtual void InitParser(const wxString& source);
- // Sets the source. This must be called before running Parse() method.
- virtual void DoneParser();
- // This must be called after Parse().
- void DoParsing(int begin_pos, int end_pos);
- inline void DoParsing() {DoParsing(0, m_Source.Length());};
- // Parses the m_Source from begin_pos to end_pos-1.
- // (in noparams version it parses whole m_Source)
- virtual wxObject* GetProduct() = 0;
- // Returns product of parsing
- // Returned value is result of parsing of the part. The type of this result
- // depends on internal representation in derived parser
- // (see wxHtmlWinParser for details).
- virtual void AddTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler *handler);
- // adds handler to the list & hash table of handlers.
- void PushTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler *handler, wxString tags);
- // Forces the handler to handle additional tags (not returned by GetSupportedTags).
- // The handler should already be in use by this parser.
- // Example: you want to parse following pseudo-html structure:
- // <myitems>
- // <it name="one" value="1">
- // <it name="two" value="2">
- // </myitems>
- // <it> This last it has different meaning, we don't want it to be parsed by myitems handler!
- // handler can handle only 'myitems' (e.g. it's GetSupportedTags returns "MYITEMS")
- // you can call PushTagHandler(handler, "IT") when you find <myitems>
- // and call PopTagHandler() when you find </myitems>
- void PopTagHandler();
- // Restores state before last call to PushTagHandler
- wxString* GetSource() {return &m_Source;}
- protected:
- virtual void AddText(const char* txt) = 0;
- // Adds text to the output.
- // This is called from Parse() and must be overriden in derived classes.
- // txt is not guaranteed to be only one word. It is largest continuous part of text
- // (= not broken by tags)
- // NOTE : using char* because of speed improvements
- virtual void AddTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag);
- // Adds tag and proceeds it. Parse() may (and usually is) called from this method.
- // This is called from Parse() and may be overriden.
- // Default behavior is that it looks for proper handler in m_Handlers. The tag is
- // ignored if no hander is found.
- // Derived class is *responsible* for filling in m_Handlers table.
- protected:
- wxString m_Source;
- // source being parsed
- wxHtmlTagsCache *m_Cache;
- // tags cache, used during parsing.
- wxHashTable m_HandlersHash;
- wxList m_HandlersList;
- // handlers that handle particular tags. The table is accessed by
- // key = tag's name.
- // This attribute MUST be filled by derived class otherwise it would
- // be empty and no tags would be recognized
- // (see wxHtmlWinParser for details about filling it)
- // m_HandlersHash is for random access based on knowledge of tag name (BR, P, etc.)
- // it may (and often does) contain more references to one object
- // m_HandlersList is list of all handlers and it is guaranteed to contain
- // only one reference to each handler instance.
- wxFileSystem *m_FS;
- // class for opening files (file system)
- wxList *m_HandlersStack;
- // handlers stack used by PushTagHandler and PopTagHandler
+ wxHtmlParser() : wxObject(), m_HandlersHash(wxKEY_STRING)
+ { m_FS = NULL; m_Cache = NULL; m_HandlersStack = NULL; }
+ virtual ~wxHtmlParser();
+ // Sets the class which will be used for opening files
+ void SetFS(wxFileSystem *fs) { m_FS = fs; }
+ wxFileSystem* GetFS() const { return m_FS; }
+ // You can simply call this method when you need parsed output.
+ // This method does these things:
+ // 1. call InitParser(source);
+ // 2. call DoParsing();
+ // 3. call GetProduct(); (it's return value is then returned)
+ // 4. call DoneParser();
+ wxObject* Parse(const wxString& source);
+ // Sets the source. This must be called before running Parse() method.
+ virtual void InitParser(const wxString& source);
+ // This must be called after Parse().
+ virtual void DoneParser();
+ // Parses the m_Source from begin_pos to end_pos-1.
+ // (in noparams version it parses whole m_Source)
+ void DoParsing(int begin_pos, int end_pos);
+ inline void DoParsing() {DoParsing(0, m_Source.Length());};
+ // Returns product of parsing
+ // Returned value is result of parsing of the part. The type of this result
+ // depends on internal representation in derived parser
+ // (see wxHtmlWinParser for details).
+ virtual wxObject* GetProduct() = 0;
+ // adds handler to the list & hash table of handlers.
+ virtual void AddTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler *handler);
+ // Forces the handler to handle additional tags (not returned by GetSupportedTags).
+ // The handler should already be in use by this parser.
+ // Example: you want to parse following pseudo-html structure:
+ // <myitems>
+ // <it name="one" value="1">
+ // <it name="two" value="2">
+ // </myitems>
+ // <it> This last it has different meaning, we don't want it to be parsed by myitems handler!
+ // handler can handle only 'myitems' (e.g. it's GetSupportedTags returns "MYITEMS")
+ // you can call PushTagHandler(handler, "IT") when you find <myitems>
+ // and call PopTagHandler() when you find </myitems>
+ void PushTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler *handler, wxString tags);
+ // Restores state before last call to PushTagHandler
+ void PopTagHandler();
+ wxString* GetSource() {return &m_Source;}
+ void SetSource(const wxString& src);
+ // Adds text to the output.
+ // This is called from Parse() and must be overriden in derived classes.
+ // txt is not guaranteed to be only one word. It is largest continuous part of text
+ // (= not broken by tags)
+ // NOTE : using char* because of speed improvements
+ virtual void AddText(const char* txt) = 0;
+ // Adds tag and proceeds it. Parse() may (and usually is) called from this method.
+ // This is called from Parse() and may be overriden.
+ // Default behavior is that it looks for proper handler in m_Handlers. The tag is
+ // ignored if no hander is found.
+ // Derived class is *responsible* for filling in m_Handlers table.
+ virtual void AddTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag);
+ // source being parsed
+ wxString m_Source;
+ // tags cache, used during parsing.
+ wxHtmlTagsCache *m_Cache;
+ wxHashTable m_HandlersHash;
+ // handlers that handle particular tags. The table is accessed by
+ // key = tag's name.
+ // This attribute MUST be filled by derived class otherwise it would
+ // be empty and no tags would be recognized
+ // (see wxHtmlWinParser for details about filling it)
+ // m_HandlersHash is for random access based on knowledge of tag name (BR, P, etc.)
+ // it may (and often does) contain more references to one object
+ // m_HandlersList is list of all handlers and it is guaranteed to contain
+ // only one reference to each handler instance.
+ wxList m_HandlersList;
+ // class for opening files (file system)
+ wxFileSystem *m_FS;
+ // handlers stack used by PushTagHandler and PopTagHandler
+ wxList *m_HandlersStack;
- protected:
- wxHtmlParser *m_Parser;
- public:
- wxHtmlTagHandler() : wxObject () {m_Parser = NULL;};
- virtual void SetParser(wxHtmlParser *parser) {m_Parser = parser;}
- // Sets the parser.
- // NOTE : each _instance_ of handler is guaranteed to be called
- // only by one parser. This means you don't have to care about
- // reentrancy.
- virtual wxString GetSupportedTags() = 0;
- // Returns list of supported tags. The list is in uppercase and
- // tags are delimited by ','.
- // Example : "I,B,FONT,P"
- // is capable of handling italic, bold, font and paragraph tags
- virtual bool HandleTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag) = 0;
- // This is hadling core method. It does all the Steps 1-3.
- // To process step 2, you can call ParseInner()
- // returned value : TRUE if it called ParseInner(),
- // FALSE etherwise
- protected:
- void ParseInner(const wxHtmlTag& tag) {m_Parser->DoParsing(tag.GetBeginPos(), tag.GetEndPos1());}
- // parses input between beginning and ending tag.
- // m_Parser must be set.
+ wxHtmlTagHandler() : wxObject () { m_Parser = NULL; }
+ // Sets the parser.
+ // NOTE : each _instance_ of handler is guaranteed to be called
+ // only by one parser. This means you don't have to care about
+ // reentrancy.
+ virtual void SetParser(wxHtmlParser *parser)
+ { m_Parser = parser; }
+ // Returns list of supported tags. The list is in uppercase and
+ // tags are delimited by ','.
+ // Example : "I,B,FONT,P"
+ // is capable of handling italic, bold, font and paragraph tags
+ virtual wxString GetSupportedTags() = 0;
+ // This is hadling core method. It does all the Steps 1-3.
+ // To process step 2, you can call ParseInner()
+ // returned value : TRUE if it called ParseInner(),
+ // FALSE etherwise
+ virtual bool HandleTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag) = 0;
+ // parses input between beginning and ending tag.
+ // m_Parser must be set.
+ void ParseInner(const wxHtmlTag& tag)
+ { m_Parser->DoParsing(tag.GetBeginPos(), tag.GetEndPos1()); }
+ wxHtmlParser *m_Parser;
-// wxHtmlCodeCell
-class wxHtmlPRECell : public wxHtmlCell
- private:
- wxString** m_Text;
- // list of wxString objects.
- int m_LinesCnt;
- // number of lines
- int m_LineHeight;
- // height of single line of text
- public:
- wxHtmlPRECell(const wxString& s, wxDC& dc);
- ~wxHtmlPRECell();
- void Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2);
-wxHtmlPRECell::wxHtmlPRECell(const wxString& s, wxDC& dc) : wxHtmlCell()
- wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(s, "\n");
- wxString tmp;
- long int x, z;
- int i;
- m_LineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();
- m_LinesCnt = 0;
- m_Text = NULL;
- m_Width = m_Height = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens())
- {
- if (i % 10 == 0) m_Text = (wxString**) realloc(m_Text, sizeof(wxString*) * (i + 10));
- tmp = tokenizer.NextToken();
- tmp.Replace(wxT("©"), wxT("(c)"), TRUE);
- tmp.Replace(wxT(" "), wxT(" "), TRUE);
- tmp.Replace(wxT("""), wxT("\""), TRUE);
- tmp.Replace(wxT("<"), wxT("<"), TRUE);
- tmp.Replace(wxT(">"), wxT(">"), TRUE);
- tmp.Replace(wxT("&"), wxT("&"), TRUE);
- tmp.Replace(wxT("\t"), wxT(" "), TRUE);
- tmp.Replace(wxT("\r"), wxT(""), TRUE);
- m_Text[i++] = new wxString(tmp);
- dc.GetTextExtent(tmp, &x, &z, &z);
- if (x > m_Width) m_Width = x;
- m_Height += m_LineHeight;
- m_LinesCnt++;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < m_LinesCnt; i++) delete m_Text[i];
- free(m_Text);
-void wxHtmlPRECell::Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2)
- for (int i = 0; i < m_LinesCnt; i++)
- dc.DrawText(*(m_Text[i]), x + m_PosX, y + m_PosY + m_LineHeight * i);
- wxHtmlCell::Draw(dc, x, y, view_y1, view_y2);
// The list handler:
bold = m_WParser->GetFontBold(),
fsize = m_WParser->GetFontSize();
- m_WParser->CloseContainer();
- c = m_WParser->OpenContainer();
- c->SetAlignHor(wxHTML_ALIGN_LEFT);
- c->SetIndent(m_WParser->GetCharHeight(), wxHTML_INDENT_VERTICAL);
+ c = m_WParser->GetContainer();
c->InsertCell(new wxHtmlFontCell(m_WParser->CreateCurrentFont()));
- {
- wxString cit;
- wxEncodingConverter *encconv = m_WParser->GetEncodingConverter();
- cit = m_WParser->GetSource()->Mid(tag.GetBeginPos(),
- tag.GetEndPos1() - tag.GetBeginPos());
- if (encconv)
- c->InsertCell(new wxHtmlPRECell(encconv->Convert(cit),
- *(m_WParser->GetDC())));
- else
- c->InsertCell(new wxHtmlPRECell(cit,
- *(m_WParser->GetDC())));
- }
+ m_WParser->CloseContainer();
+ c = m_WParser->OpenContainer();
+ c->SetAlignHor(wxHTML_ALIGN_LEFT);
+ wxString src, srcMid;
+ src = *m_WParser->GetSource();
+ srcMid = src.Mid(tag.GetBeginPos(),
+ tag.GetEndPos1() - tag.GetBeginPos());
+ srcMid.Replace(wxT("\t"), wxT(" "));
+ srcMid.Replace(wxT(" "), wxT(" "));
+ srcMid.Replace(wxT("\n"), wxT("<br>"));
+ // It is safe to temporarily change the source being parsed,
+ // provided we restore the state back after parsing
+ m_Parser->SetSource(srcMid);
+ m_Parser->DoParsing();
+ m_Parser->SetSource(src);
+ m_WParser->CloseContainer();
+ c = m_WParser->OpenContainer();
c->InsertCell(new wxHtmlFontCell(m_WParser->CreateCurrentFont()));
- m_WParser->CloseContainer();
- m_WParser->OpenContainer();
return TRUE;