dc.FloodFill(0, 0, wxColour(255, 0, 0));
#endif //
- dc.DrawIcon( wxICON(mondrian), 410, 40 );
+ dc.DrawIcon( wxICON(mondrian), 40, 40 );
+ // this is the test for "blitting bitmap into DC damages selected brush"
+ // bug
+ dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxGREEN_BRUSH );
+ dc.DrawRectangle(100, 10, 40, 40);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(wxTheApp->GetStdIcon(wxICON_INFORMATION), 102, 12, TRUE);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(150, 10, 40, 40);
+ dc.DrawIcon(wxTheApp->GetStdIcon(wxICON_INFORMATION), 152, 12);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(200, 10, 40, 40);
+ // test for "transparent" bitmap drawing (it intersects with the last
+ // rectangle above)
+ //dc.SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH );
+ #include "../image/smile.xpm"
+ wxBitmap bmp(smile_xpm);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 210, 30, TRUE);
dc.SetBrush( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );
- dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
dc.DrawRectangle( 0, 160, 1000, 300 );
// draw lines
// reuse the text colour here
dc.SetPen(wxPen(m_owner->m_colourForeground, 1, wxSOLID));
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(rasterOperations); n++ )
dc.DrawText(rasterOperations[n].name, x, y - 20);
- //dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);
dc.DrawLine(x, y, x + w, y + h);
dc.DrawLine(x + w, y, x, y + h);
#include "wx/listctrl.h"
#include "wx/timer.h" // for wxStopWatch
+#include "wx/colordlg.h" // for wxGetColourFromUser
#include "listtest.h"
+ EVT_MENU(LIST_SET_FG_COL, MyFrame::OnSetFgColour)
+ EVT_MENU(LIST_SET_BG_COL, MyFrame::OnSetBgColour)
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyListCtrl, wxListCtrl)
// `Main program' equivalent, creating windows and returning main app frame
-bool MyApp::OnInit(void)
+bool MyApp::OnInit()
// Create the main frame window
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, "wxListCtrl Test", 50, 50, 450, 340);
- // This reduces flicker effects - even better would be to define OnEraseBackground
- // to do nothing. When the list control's scrollbars are show or hidden, the
- // frame is sent a background erase event.
- frame->SetBackgroundColour( *wxWHITE );
// Give it an icon
frame->SetIcon( wxICON(mondrian) );
// Make a menubar
- wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
- file_menu->Append(LIST_LIST_VIEW, "&List view\tF1");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_REPORT_VIEW, "&Report view\tF2");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_ICON_VIEW, "&Icon view\tF3");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_ICON_TEXT_VIEW, "Icon view with &text\tF4");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_SMALL_ICON_VIEW, "&Small icon view\tF5");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_SMALL_ICON_TEXT_VIEW, "Small icon &view with text\tF6");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_DESELECT_ALL, "&Deselect All");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_SELECT_ALL, "S&elect All");
- file_menu->AppendSeparator();
- file_menu->Append(LIST_SORT, "&Sort\tCtrl-S");
- file_menu->AppendSeparator();
- file_menu->Append(LIST_DELETE_ALL, "Delete &all items");
- file_menu->AppendSeparator();
- file_menu->Append(BUSY_ON, "&Busy cursor on");
- file_menu->Append(BUSY_OFF, "&Busy cursor off");
- file_menu->AppendSeparator();
- file_menu->Append(LIST_ABOUT, "&About");
- file_menu->Append(LIST_QUIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X");
- wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar;
- menu_bar->Append(file_menu, "&File");
- frame->SetMenuBar(menu_bar);
+ wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
+ menuFile->Append(LIST_ABOUT, "&About");
+ menuFile->AppendSeparator();
+#if 0 // what is this for? (VZ)
+ menuFile->Append(BUSY_ON, "&Busy cursor on");
+ menuFile->Append(BUSY_OFF, "&Busy cursor off");
+ menuFile->AppendSeparator();
+ menuFile->Append(LIST_QUIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X");
+ wxMenu *menuView = new wxMenu;
+ menuView->Append(LIST_LIST_VIEW, "&List view\tF1");
+ menuView->Append(LIST_REPORT_VIEW, "&Report view\tF2");
+ menuView->Append(LIST_ICON_VIEW, "&Icon view\tF3");
+ menuView->Append(LIST_ICON_TEXT_VIEW, "Icon view with &text\tF4");
+ menuView->Append(LIST_SMALL_ICON_VIEW, "&Small icon view\tF5");
+ menuView->Append(LIST_SMALL_ICON_TEXT_VIEW, "Small icon &view with text\tF6");
+ wxMenu *menuList = new wxMenu;
+ menuList->Append(LIST_DESELECT_ALL, "&Deselect All\tCtrl-D");
+ menuList->Append(LIST_SELECT_ALL, "S&elect All\tCtrl-A");
+ menuList->AppendSeparator();
+ menuList->Append(LIST_SORT, "&Sort\tCtrl-S");
+ menuList->AppendSeparator();
+ menuList->Append(LIST_DELETE_ALL, "Delete &all items");
+ wxMenu *menuCol = new wxMenu;
+ menuCol->Append(LIST_SET_FG_COL, "&Foreground colour...");
+ menuCol->Append(LIST_SET_BG_COL, "&Background colour...");
+ wxMenuBar *menubar = new wxMenuBar;
+ menubar->Append(menuFile, "&File");
+ menubar->Append(menuView, "&View");
+ menubar->Append(menuList, "&List");
+ menubar->Append(menuCol, "&Colour");
+ frame->SetMenuBar(menubar);
// Make a panel with a message
frame->m_listCtrl = new MyListCtrl(frame, LIST_CTRL, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(400, 200),
+ wxString buf;
for ( int i=0; i < 30; i++)
- {
- wxChar buf[20];
- wxSprintf(buf, _T("Item %d"), i);
- frame->m_listCtrl->InsertItem(i, buf);
- }
+ {
+ buf.Printf(_T("Item %d"), i);
+ frame->m_listCtrl->InsertItem(i, buf);
+ }
- frame->SetStatusText("", 0);
// Show the frame
// My frame constructor
-MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame *frame, char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h):
- wxFrame(frame, -1, title, wxPoint(x, y), wxSize(w, h))
+MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame *frame, char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ : wxFrame(frame, -1, title, wxPoint(x, y), wxSize(w, h))
m_listCtrl = (MyListCtrl *) NULL;
m_logWindow = (wxTextCtrl *) NULL;
delete wxGetApp().m_imageListNormal;
delete wxGetApp().m_imageListSmall;
+void MyFrame::OnSetFgColour(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ m_listCtrl->SetForegroundColour(wxGetColourFromUser(this));
+ m_listCtrl->Refresh();
+void MyFrame::OnSetBgColour(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ m_listCtrl->SetBackgroundColour(wxGetColourFromUser(this));
+ m_listCtrl->Refresh();
void MyFrame::OnDeleteAll(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxStopWatch sw;