]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/commitdiff
New wxHashMap class.
authorMattia Barbon <mbarbon@cpan.org>
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 21:26:57 +0000 (21:26 +0000)
committerMattia Barbon <mbarbon@cpan.org>
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 21:26:57 +0000 (21:26 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@13910 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775

include/wx/hashmap.h [new file with mode: 0644]
src/common/hashmap.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/include/wx/hashmap.h b/include/wx/hashmap.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5bc36a2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+// Name:        hashmap.cpp
+// Purpose:     wxHashMap class
+// Author:      Mattia Barbon
+// Modified by: 
+// Created:     29/01/2002
+// RCS-ID:      $Id$
+// Copyright:   (c) Mattia Barbon
+// Licence:     wxWindows licence
+#ifndef _WX_HASHMAP_H_
+#define _WX_HASHMAP_H_
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma interface "hashmap.h"
+#include <wx/string.h>
+// private
+struct _wxHashTable_NodeBase
+    _wxHashTable_NodeBase() : m_nxt(0) {}
+    _wxHashTable_NodeBase* m_nxt;
+// private
+class _wxHashTableBase2
+    typedef void (*NodeDtor)(_wxHashTable_NodeBase*);
+    typedef unsigned long (*BucketFromNode)(_wxHashTableBase2*,_wxHashTable_NodeBase*); 
+    typedef _wxHashTable_NodeBase* (*ProcessNode)(_wxHashTable_NodeBase*);
+    static _wxHashTable_NodeBase* DummyProcessNode(_wxHashTable_NodeBase* node);
+    static void DeleteNodes( size_t buckets, _wxHashTable_NodeBase** table,
+                             NodeDtor dtor );
+    static _wxHashTable_NodeBase* GetFirstNode( size_t buckets,
+                                                _wxHashTable_NodeBase** table )
+    {
+        for( size_t i = 0; i < buckets; ++i )
+            if( table[i] )
+                return table[i];
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /* static const unsigned prime_count = 31; */
+    enum { prime_count = 31 };
+    static const unsigned long s_primes[prime_count];
+    /* returns the first prime in s_primes greater than n */
+    static unsigned long GetNextPrime( unsigned long n );
+    /* returns the first prime in s_primes smaller than n */
+    /* ( or s_primes[0] if n is very small ) */
+    static unsigned long GetPreviousPrime( unsigned long n );
+    static void CopyHashTable( _wxHashTable_NodeBase** srcTable,
+                               size_t srcBuckets, _wxHashTableBase2* dst,
+                               _wxHashTable_NodeBase** dstTable,
+                               BucketFromNode func, ProcessNode proc );
+    /* maybe just use calloc */
+    static void** AllocTable( size_t size )
+    {
+        void** table = new void*[size];
+        memset( table, 0, size * sizeof(void*) );
+        return table;
+    }
+CLASSEXP CLASSNAME:protected _wxHashTableBase2 \
+{ \
+public: \
+    typedef KEY_T key_type; \
+    typedef VALUE_T value_type; \
+    typedef HASH_T hasher; \
+    typedef KEY_EQ_T key_equal; \
+ \
+    typedef size_t size_type; \
+    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; \
+    typedef value_type* pointer; \
+    typedef const value_type* const_pointer; \
+    typedef value_type& reference; \
+    typedef const value_type& const_reference; \
+    /* should these be protected? */ \
+    typedef const KEY_T const_key_type; \
+    typedef const VALUE_T const_mapped_type; \
+protected: \
+    struct Node; \
+    typedef KEY_EX_T key_extractor; \
+    typedef CLASSNAME Self; \
+ \
+    Node** m_table; \
+    size_t m_tableBuckets; \
+    size_t m_items; \
+    hasher m_hasher; \
+    key_equal m_equals; \
+    key_extractor m_getKey; \
+ \
+    struct Node:public _wxHashTable_NodeBase \
+    { \
+    public: \
+        Node( const value_type& value ) \
+            : m_value( value ) {} \
+        Node* m_next() { return (Node*)this->m_nxt; } \
+ \
+        value_type m_value; \
+    }; \
+ \
+    struct Iterator; \
+    friend struct CLASSNAME::Iterator; \
+ \
+    static void DeleteNode( _wxHashTable_NodeBase* node ) \
+    { \
+        delete (Node*)node; \
+    } \
+ \
+    /*                  */ \
+    /* forward iterator */ \
+    /*                  */ \
+    struct Iterator \
+    { \
+        Node* m_node; \
+        Self* m_ht; \
+ \
+        Iterator() : m_node(0), m_ht(0) {} \
+        Iterator( Node* node, const Self* ht ) \
+            : m_node(node), m_ht((Self*)ht) {} \
+        bool operator ==( const Iterator& it ) const \
+            { return m_node == it.m_node; } \
+        bool operator !=( const Iterator& it ) const \
+            { return m_node != it.m_node; } \
+    protected: \
+        Node* GetNextNode() \
+        { \
+           size_type bucket = GetBucketForNode(m_ht,m_node); \
+            for( size_type i = bucket + 1; i < m_ht->m_tableBuckets; ++i ) \
+            { \
+                if( m_ht->m_table[i] ) \
+                    return m_ht->m_table[i]; \
+            } \
+            return 0; \
+        } \
+ \
+        void PlusPlus() \
+        { \
+            Node* next = m_node->m_next(); \
+           m_node = next ? next : GetNextNode(); \
+        } \
+    }; \
+ \
+public: \
+    struct iterator:public Iterator \
+    { \
+        iterator() : Iterator() {} \
+        iterator( Node* node, Self* ht ) : Iterator( node, ht ) {} \
+        iterator& operator++() { PlusPlus(); return *this; } \
+        iterator operator++(int) { iterator it=*this;PlusPlus();return it; } \
+        reference operator *() const { return m_node->m_value; } \
+        pointer operator ->() const { return &(m_node->m_value); } \
+    }; \
+ \
+    struct const_iterator:public Iterator \
+    { \
+        const_iterator() : Iterator() {} \
+        const_iterator( Node* node, const Self* ht ) \
+            : Iterator( node, (Self*)ht ) {} \
+        const_iterator& operator++() { PlusPlus();return *this; } \
+        const_iterator operator++(int) { const_iterator it=*this;PlusPlus();return it; } \
+        const_reference operator *() const { return m_node->m_value; } \
+        const_pointer operator ->() const { return &(m_node->m_value); } \
+    }; \
+ \
+    CLASSNAME( size_type size = 10, const hasher& hfun = hasher(), \
+               const key_equal& k_eq = key_equal(), \
+               const key_extractor& k_ex = key_extractor() ) \
+        : m_tableBuckets( GetNextPrime( size ) ), \
+          m_items( 0 ), \
+          m_hasher( hfun ), \
+          m_equals( k_eq ), \
+          m_getKey( k_ex ) \
+    { \
+        m_table = (Node**)AllocTable( m_tableBuckets ); \
+    } \
+ \
+    CLASSNAME( const Self& ht ) \
+        : m_table( 0 ), \
+          m_tableBuckets( 0 ), \
+          m_items( ht.m_items ), \
+          m_hasher( ht.m_hasher ), \
+          m_equals( ht.m_equals ), \
+          m_getKey( ht.m_getKey ) \
+    { \
+        HashCopy( ht ); \
+    } \
+ \
+    const Self& operator=( const Self& ht ) \
+    { \
+         clear(); \
+         m_hasher = ht.m_hasher; \
+         m_equals = ht.m_equals; \
+         m_getKey = ht.m_getKey; \
+         m_items = ht.m_items; \
+         HashCopy( ht ); \
+        return *this; \
+    } \
+ \
+    ~CLASSNAME() \
+    { \
+        clear(); \
+ \
+        delete[] m_table; \
+    } \
+ \
+    hasher hash_funct() { return m_hasher; } \
+    key_equal key_eq() { return m_equals; } \
+ \
+    /* removes all elements from the hash table, but does not */ \
+    /* shrink it ( perhaps it should ) */ \
+    void clear() { DeleteNodes( m_tableBuckets, (_wxHashTable_NodeBase**)m_table, DeleteNode ); } \
+ \
+    size_type size() const { return m_items; } \
+    size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); } \
+    bool empty() const { return size() == 0; } \
+ \
+    const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator( 0, this ); } \
+    iterator end() { return iterator( 0, this ); } \
+    const_iterator begin() const \
+        { return const_iterator( (Node*)GetFirstNode( m_tableBuckets, (_wxHashTable_NodeBase**)m_table ), this ); }; \
+    iterator begin() \
+        { return iterator( (Node*)GetFirstNode( m_tableBuckets, (_wxHashTable_NodeBase**)m_table ), this ); }; \
+ \
+    size_type erase( const const_key_type& key ) \
+    { \
+        Node** node = GetNodePtr( key ); \
+ \
+        if( !node ) \
+            return 0; \
+ \
+        --m_items; \
+        Node* temp = (*node)->m_next(); \
+        delete *node; \
+        (*node) = temp; \
+        if( SHOULD_SHRINK( m_tableBuckets, m_items ) ) \
+            ResizeTable( GetPreviousPrime( m_tableBuckets ) - 1 ); \
+        return 1; \
+    } \
+ \
+protected: \
+    static size_type GetBucketForNode( Self* ht, Node* node ) \
+    { \
+        return ht->m_hasher( ht->m_getKey( node->m_value ) ) \
+            % ht->m_tableBuckets; \
+    } \
+    static Node* CopyNode( Node* node ) { return new Node( *node ); } \
+ \
+    Node* GetOrCreateNode( const value_type& value ) \
+    { \
+        const const_key_type& key = m_getKey( value ); \
+        size_t bucket = m_hasher( key ) % m_tableBuckets; \
+        Node* node = m_table[bucket]; \
+ \
+        while( node ) \
+        { \
+            if( m_equals( m_getKey( node->m_value ), key ) ) \
+                return node; \
+            node = node->m_next(); \
+        } \
+ \
+        node = new Node( value ); \
+        node->m_nxt = m_table[bucket]; \
+        m_table[bucket] = node; \
+ \
+        /* must be after the node is inserted */ \
+        ++m_items; \
+        if( SHOULD_GROW( m_tableBuckets, m_items ) ) \
+            ResizeTable( m_tableBuckets ); \
+ \
+        return node; \
+    } \
+ \
+    /* returns NULL if not found */ \
+    Node** GetNodePtr( const const_key_type& key ) const \
+    { \
+        unsigned long hash = m_hasher( key ); \
+        Node** node = &m_table[hash % m_tableBuckets]; \
+ \
+        while( *node ) \
+        { \
+            if( m_equals( m_getKey( (*node)->m_value ), key ) ) \
+                return node; \
+            node = (Node**)&(*node)->m_nxt; \
+        } \
+ \
+        return 0; \
+    } \
+ \
+    /* returns NULL if not found */ \
+    /* expressing it in terms of GetNodePtr is 5-8% slower :-( */ \
+    Node* GetNode( const const_key_type& key ) const \
+    { \
+        unsigned long hash = m_hasher( key ); \
+        Node* node = m_table[hash % m_tableBuckets]; \
+ \
+        while( node ) \
+        { \
+            if( m_equals( m_getKey( node->m_value ), key ) ) \
+                return node; \
+            node = node->m_next(); \
+        } \
+ \
+        return 0; \
+    } \
+ \
+    void ResizeTable( size_t newSize ) \
+    { \
+        newSize = GetNextPrime( newSize ); \
+        Node** srcTable = m_table; \
+        size_t srcBuckets = m_tableBuckets; \
+        m_table = (Node**)AllocTable( newSize ); \
+        m_tableBuckets = newSize; \
+ \
+        CopyHashTable( (_wxHashTable_NodeBase**)srcTable, srcBuckets, \
+                       this, (_wxHashTable_NodeBase**)m_table, \
+                       (BucketFromNode)&GetBucketForNode,\
+                       (ProcessNode)&DummyProcessNode ); \
+        delete[] srcTable; \
+    } \
+ \
+    /* this must be called _after_ m_table has been cleaned */ \
+    void HashCopy( const Self& ht ) \
+    { \
+        ResizeTable( ht.size() ); \
+        CopyHashTable( (_wxHashTable_NodeBase**)ht.m_table, ht.m_tableBuckets,\
+                       (_wxHashTableBase2*)this, \
+                       (_wxHashTable_NodeBase**)m_table, \
+                       (BucketFromNode)&GetBucketForNode, \
+                       (ProcessNode)&CopyNode ); \
+    } \
+{ \
+public: \
+    typedef KEY_T t1; \
+    typedef VALUE_T t2; \
+    typedef const KEY_T const_t1; \
+    typedef const VALUE_T const_t2; \
+ \
+    CLASSNAME( const const_t1& f, const const_t2& s ):first(t1(f)),second(t2(s)) {} \
+    CLASSNAME( const const_t1& f ):first(t1(f)),second(t2()) {} \
+ \
+    t1 first; \
+    t2 second; \
+{ \
+public: \
+    CLASSNAME() {}; \
+    KEY_T operator()( PAIR_T pair ) const { return pair.first; } \
+// grow/shrink predicates
+inline bool never_grow( size_t, size_t ) { return FALSE; }
+inline bool never_shrink( size_t, size_t ) { return FALSE; }
+inline bool grow_lf70( size_t buckets, size_t items )
+    return float(items)/float(buckets) >= 0.85;
+// integer types
+class wxIntegerHash
+    wxIntegerHash() {};
+    unsigned long operator()( long x ) const { return (unsigned long)x; }
+    unsigned long operator()( unsigned long x ) const { return x; }
+    unsigned long operator()( int x ) const { return (unsigned long)x; }
+    unsigned long operator()( unsigned int x ) const { return x; }
+class wxIntegerEqual
+    wxIntegerEqual() {};
+    bool operator()( long a, long b ) const { return a == b; }
+    bool operator()( unsigned long a, unsigned long b ) const
+        { return a == b; }
+    bool operator()( int a, int b ) const { return a == b; }
+    bool operator()( unsigned int a, unsigned int b ) const
+        { return a == b; }
+// pointers
+class wxPointerHash
+    wxPointerHash() {};
+    unsigned long operator()( const void* k ) const
+        { return (unsigned long)k; }
+class wxPointerEqual
+    wxPointerEqual() {};
+    bool operator()( const void* a, const void* b ) const
+        { return a == b; }
+// wxString, char*, wxChar*
+class wxStringHash
+    wxStringHash() {};
+    unsigned long operator()( const wxString& x ) const
+        { return wxCharStringHash( x.c_str() ); }
+    unsigned long operator()( const wxChar* x ) const
+        { return wxCharStringHash( x ); }
+    static unsigned long wxCharStringHash( const wxChar* );
+    unsigned long operator()( const char* x ) const
+        { return charStringHash( x ); }
+    static unsigned long charStringHash( const char* );
+class wxStringEqual
+    wxStringEqual() {};
+    bool operator()( const wxString& a, const wxString& b ) const
+        { return a == b; }
+    bool operator()( const wxChar* a, const wxChar* b ) const
+        { return wxStrcmp( a, b ) == 0; }
+    bool operator()( const char* a, const char* b ) const
+        { return strcmp( a, b ) == 0; }
+_WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_KEY_EX( KEY_T, CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_Pair, CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_KeyEx, CLASSEXP ) \
+_WX_DECLARE_HASHTABLE( CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_Pair, KEY_T, HASH_T, CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_KeyEx, KEY_EQ_T, CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_HashTable, CLASSEXP, grow_lf70, never_shrink ) \
+CLASSEXP CLASSNAME:public CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_HashTable \
+{ \
+public: \
+    typedef VALUE_T mapped_type; \
+ \
+    CLASSNAME( size_type hint = 100, hasher hf = hasher(), key_equal eq = key_equal() ) \
+        : CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_HashTable( hint, hf, eq, CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_KeyEx() ) {} \
+ \
+    mapped_type& operator[]( const const_key_type& key ) \
+    { \
+        return GetOrCreateNode( CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_Pair( key ) )->m_value.second; \
+    } \
+ \
+    const_iterator find( const const_key_type& key ) const \
+    { \
+        return const_iterator( GetNode( key ), this ); \
+    } \
+ \
+    iterator find( const const_key_type& key ) \
+    { \
+        return iterator( GetNode( key ), this ); \
+    } \
+ \
+    void insert( const value_type& v ) { (*this)[v.first] = v.second; } \
+ \
+    size_type erase( const key_type& k ) \
+        { return CLASSNAME##_wxImplementation_HashTable::erase( k ); } \
+    void erase( const iterator& it ) { erase( it->first ); } \
+    void erase( const const_iterator& it ) { erase( it->first ); } \
+ \
+    /* count() == 0 | 1 */ \
+    size_type count( const const_key_type& key ) \
+        { return GetNode( key ) ? 1 : 0; } \
+// these macros are to be used in the user code
+    _WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( wxString, VALUE_T, wxStringHash, wxStringEqual, \
+                          CLASSNAME, class );
+    _WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( void*, VALUE_T, wxPointerHash, wxPointerEqual, \
+                          CLASSNAME, class );
+// and these do exactly the same thing but should be used inside the
+// library
+    _WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( wxString, VALUE_T, wxStringHash, wxStringEqual, \
+                          CLASSNAME, class WXDLLEXPORT );
+    _WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( void*, VALUE_T, wxPointerHash, wxPointerEqual, \
+                          CLASSNAME, class WXDLLEXPORT );
+// Local variables:
+// mode: c++
+// End:
index 052ab5a0ee135081fd995c5cbdf5489fb7b43e98..a5f734923127ebeda8ea91216b9e462a75a41616 100644 (file)
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
     #define TEST_FILETIME
     #define TEST_FTP
     #define TEST_HASH
+    #define TEST_HASHMAP
     #define TEST_LIST
     #define TEST_LOCALE
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@
     #undef TEST_ALL
     static const bool TEST_ALL = TRUE;
+    #define TEST_HASHMAP
     #define TEST_FILENAME
     static const bool TEST_ALL = FALSE;
@@ -1094,6 +1096,149 @@ static void TestHash()
 #endif // TEST_HASH
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxHashMap
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "wx/hashmap.h"
+// test compilation of basic map types
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( int*, int*, wxPointerHash, wxPointerEqual, myPtrHashMap );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( long, long, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, myLongHashMap );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( unsigned long, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+                     myUnsignedHashMap );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( unsigned int, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+                     myTestHashMap1 );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( int, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+                     myTestHashMap2 );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( short, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+                     myTestHashMap3 );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( unsigned short, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+                     myTestHashMap4 );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( wxString, wxString, wxStringHash, wxStringEqual,
+                     myStringHashMap );
+typedef myStringHashMap::iterator Itor;
+static void TestHashMap()
+    puts("*** Testing wxHashMap ***\n");
+    myStringHashMap sh(0); // as small as possible
+    wxString buf;
+    size_t i;
+    const size_t count = 10000;
+    // init with some data
+    for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+    {
+        buf.Printf(wxT("%d"), i );
+        sh[buf] = wxT("A") + buf + wxT("C");
+    }
+    // test that insertion worked
+    if( sh.size() != count )
+    {
+        printf("*** ERROR: %u ELEMENTS, SHOULD BE %u ***\n", sh.size(), count);
+    }
+    for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+    {
+        buf.Printf(wxT("%d"), i );
+        if( sh[buf] != wxT("A") + buf + wxT("C") )
+        {
+            printf("*** ERROR INSERTION BROKEN! STOPPING NOW! ***\n");
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    // check that iterators work
+    Itor it;
+    for( i = 0, it = sh.begin(); it != sh.end(); ++it, ++i )
+    {
+        if( i == count )
+        {
+            printf("*** ERROR ITERATORS DO NOT TERMINATE! STOPPING NOW! ***\n");
+            return;
+        }
+        if( it->second != sh[it->first] )
+        {
+            printf("*** ERROR ITERATORS BROKEN! STOPPING NOW! ***\n");
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if( sh.size() != i )
+    {
+        printf("*** ERROR: %u ELEMENTS ITERATED, SHOULD BE %u ***\n", i, count);
+    }
+    // test copy ctor, assignment operator
+    myStringHashMap h1( sh ), h2( 0 );
+    h2 = sh;
+    for( i = 0, it = sh.begin(); it != sh.end(); ++it, ++i )
+    {
+        if( h1[it->first] != it->second )
+        {
+            printf("*** ERROR: COPY CTOR BROKEN %s ***\n", it->first.c_str());
+        }
+        if( h2[it->first] != it->second )
+        {
+            printf("*** ERROR: OPERATOR= BROKEN %s ***\n", it->first.c_str());
+        }
+    }
+    // other tests
+    for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+    {
+        buf.Printf(wxT("%d"), i );
+        size_t sz = sh.size();
+        // test find() and erase(it)
+        if( i < 100 )
+        {
+            it = sh.find( buf );
+            if( it != sh.end() )
+            {
+                sh.erase( it );
+                if( sh.find( buf ) != sh.end() )
+                {
+                    printf("*** ERROR: FOUND DELETED ELEMENT %u ***\n", i);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                printf("*** ERROR: CANT FIND ELEMENT %u ***\n", i);
+        }
+        else
+        // test erase(key)
+        {
+            size_t c = sh.erase( buf );
+            if( c != 1 )
+                printf("*** ERROR: SHOULD RETURN 1 ***\n");
+            if( sh.find( buf ) != sh.end() )
+            {
+                printf("*** ERROR: FOUND DELETED ELEMENT %u ***\n", i);
+            }
+        }
+        // count should decrease
+        if( sh.size() != sz - 1 )
+        {
+            printf("*** ERROR: COUNT DID NOT DECREASE ***\n");
+        }
+    }
+    printf("*** Finished testing wxHashMap ***\n");
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // wxList
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -5396,6 +5541,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 #endif // TEST_HASH
+    TestHashMap();
+#endif // TEST_HASHMAP
 #ifdef TEST_MIME
     if ( 1 )
diff --git a/src/common/hashmap.cpp b/src/common/hashmap.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fe3628c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Name:        hashmap.cpp
+// Purpose:     wxHashMap implementation
+// Author:      Mattia Barbon
+// Modified by: 
+// Created:     29/01/2002
+// RCS-ID:      $Id$
+// Copyright:   (c) Mattia Barbon
+// Licence:     wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation "hashmap.h"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "wx/hashmap.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+/* FYI: This is the "One-at-a-Time" algorithm by Bob Jenkins */
+/* from requirements by Colin Plumb. */
+/* (http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html) */
+/* adapted from Perl sources ( hv.h ) */
+unsigned long wxStringHash::wxCharStringHash( const wxChar* k )
+    unsigned long hash = 0;
+    while( *k )
+    {
+        hash += *k++;
+        hash += (hash << 10);
+        hash ^= (hash >> 6);
+    }
+    hash += (hash << 3);
+    hash ^= (hash >> 11);
+    return hash + (hash << 15);
+unsigned long wxStringHash::charStringHash( const char* k )
+    unsigned long hash = 0;
+    while( *k )
+    {
+        hash += *k++;
+        hash += (hash << 10);
+        hash ^= (hash >> 6);
+    }
+    hash += (hash << 3);
+    hash ^= (hash >> 11);
+    return hash + (hash << 15);
+/* from SGI STL */
+const unsigned long _wxHashTableBase2::s_primes[prime_count] =
+    7ul,          13ul,         29ul,
+    53ul,         97ul,         193ul,       389ul,       769ul,
+    1543ul,       3079ul,       6151ul,      12289ul,     24593ul,
+    49157ul,      98317ul,      196613ul,    393241ul,    786433ul,
+    1572869ul,    3145739ul,    6291469ul,   12582917ul,  25165843ul,
+    50331653ul,   100663319ul,  201326611ul, 402653189ul, 805306457ul, 
+    1610612741ul, 3221225473ul, 4294967291ul
+unsigned long _wxHashTableBase2::GetNextPrime( unsigned long n )
+    const unsigned long* ptr = &s_primes[0];
+    for( size_t i = 0; i < prime_count; ++i, ++ptr )
+    {
+        if( n < *ptr )
+            return *ptr;
+    }
+    /* someone might try to alloc a 2^32-element hash table */
+    assert(0);
+    /* quiet warning */
+    return 0;
+unsigned long _wxHashTableBase2::GetPreviousPrime( unsigned long n )
+    const unsigned long* ptr = &s_primes[prime_count - 1];
+    for( size_t i = 0; i < prime_count; ++i, --ptr )
+    {
+        if( n > *ptr )
+            return *ptr;
+    }
+    /* quiet warning */
+    return 1;
+void _wxHashTableBase2::DeleteNodes( size_t buckets,
+                                     _wxHashTable_NodeBase** table,
+                                     NodeDtor dtor )
+    size_t i;
+    for( i = 0; i < buckets; ++i )
+    {
+        _wxHashTable_NodeBase* node = table[i];
+        _wxHashTable_NodeBase* tmp;
+        while( node )
+        {
+            tmp = node->m_nxt;
+            dtor( node );
+            node = tmp;
+        }
+    }
+    memset( table, 0, buckets * sizeof(void*) );
+void _wxHashTableBase2::CopyHashTable( _wxHashTable_NodeBase** srcTable,
+                                       size_t srcBuckets,
+                                       _wxHashTableBase2* dst,
+                                       _wxHashTable_NodeBase** dstTable,
+                                       BucketFromNode func, ProcessNode proc )
+    for( size_t i = 0; i < srcBuckets; ++i )
+    {
+        _wxHashTable_NodeBase* nextnode;
+        for( _wxHashTable_NodeBase* node = srcTable[i]; node; node = nextnode )
+        {
+            size_t bucket = func( dst, node );
+            nextnode = node->m_nxt;
+            _wxHashTable_NodeBase* newnode = proc( node );
+            newnode->m_nxt = dstTable[bucket];
+            dstTable[bucket] = newnode;
+        }
+    }
+_wxHashTable_NodeBase* _wxHashTableBase2::DummyProcessNode(_wxHashTable_NodeBase* node)
+    return node;