-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "main.ih"
-char *progname;
-int debug = 0;
-int line = 0;
-int status = 0;
-int copts = REG_EXTENDED;
-int eopts = 0;
-regoff_t startoff = 0;
-regoff_t endoff = 0;
-extern int split();
-extern void regprint();
- - main - do the simple case, hand off to regress() for regression
- */
-main(argc, argv)
-int argc;
-char *argv[];
- regex_t re;
-# define NS 10
- regmatch_t subs[NS];
- char erbuf[100];
- int err;
- size_t len;
- int c;
- int errflg = 0;
- register int i;
- extern int optind;
- extern char *optarg;
- progname = argv[0];
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:e:S:E:x")) != EOF)
- switch (c) {
- case 'c': /* compile options */
- copts = options('c', optarg);
- break;
- case 'e': /* execute options */
- eopts = options('e', optarg);
- break;
- case 'S': /* start offset */
- startoff = (regoff_t)atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'E': /* end offset */
- endoff = (regoff_t)atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'x': /* Debugging. */
- debug++;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
- errflg++;
- break;
- }
- if (errflg) {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s ", progname);
- fprintf(stderr, "[-c copt][-C][-d] [re]\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- if (optind >= argc) {
- regress(stdin);
- exit(status);
- }
- err = regcomp(&re, argv[optind++], copts);
- if (err) {
- len = regerror(err, &re, erbuf, sizeof(erbuf));
- fprintf(stderr, "error %s, %d/%d `%s'\n",
- eprint(err), len, sizeof(erbuf), erbuf);
- exit(status);
- }
- regprint(&re, stdout);
- if (optind >= argc) {
- regfree(&re);
- exit(status);
- }
- if (eopts®_STARTEND) {
- subs[0].rm_so = startoff;
- subs[0].rm_eo = strlen(argv[optind]) - endoff;
- }
- err = regexec(&re, argv[optind], (size_t)NS, subs, eopts);
- if (err) {
- len = regerror(err, &re, erbuf, sizeof(erbuf));
- fprintf(stderr, "error %s, %d/%d `%s'\n",
- eprint(err), len, sizeof(erbuf), erbuf);
- exit(status);
- }
- if (!(copts®_NOSUB)) {
- len = (int)(subs[0].rm_eo - subs[0].rm_so);
- if (subs[0].rm_so != -1) {
- if (len != 0)
- printf("match `%.*s'\n", len,
- argv[optind] + subs[0].rm_so);
- else
- printf("match `'@%.1s\n",
- argv[optind] + subs[0].rm_so);
- }
- for (i = 1; i < NS; i++)
- if (subs[i].rm_so != -1)
- printf("(%d) `%.*s'\n", i,
- (int)(subs[i].rm_eo - subs[i].rm_so),
- argv[optind] + subs[i].rm_so);
- }
- exit(status);
- - regress - main loop of regression test
- == void regress(FILE *in);
- */
-FILE *in;
- char inbuf[1000];
-# define MAXF 10
- char *f[MAXF];
- int nf;
- int i;
- char erbuf[100];
- size_t ne;
- char *badpat = "invalid regular expression";
-# define SHORT 10
- char *bpname = "REG_BADPAT";
- regex_t re;
- while (fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), in) != NULL) {
- line++;
- if (inbuf[0] == '#' || inbuf[0] == '\n')
- continue; /* NOTE CONTINUE */
- inbuf[strlen(inbuf)-1] = '\0'; /* get rid of stupid \n */
- if (debug)
- fprintf(stdout, "%d:\n", line);
- nf = split(inbuf, f, MAXF, "\t\t");
- if (nf < 3) {
- fprintf(stderr, "bad input, line %d\n", line);
- exit(1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nf; i++)
- if (strcmp(f[i], "\"\"") == 0)
- f[i] = "";
- if (nf <= 3)
- f[3] = NULL;
- if (nf <= 4)
- f[4] = NULL;
- try(f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], options('c', f[1]));
- if (opt('&', f[1])) /* try with either type of RE */
- try(f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4],
- options('c', f[1]) &~ REG_EXTENDED);
- }
- ne = regerror(REG_BADPAT, (regex_t *)NULL, erbuf, sizeof(erbuf));
- if (strcmp(erbuf, badpat) != 0 || ne != strlen(badpat)+1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "end: regerror() test gave `%s' not `%s'\n",
- erbuf, badpat);
- status = 1;
- }
- ne = regerror(REG_BADPAT, (regex_t *)NULL, erbuf, (size_t)SHORT);
- if (strncmp(erbuf, badpat, SHORT-1) != 0 || erbuf[SHORT-1] != '\0' ||
- ne != strlen(badpat)+1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "end: regerror() short test gave `%s' not `%.*s'\n",
- erbuf, SHORT-1, badpat);
- status = 1;
- }
- ne = regerror(REG_ITOA|REG_BADPAT, (regex_t *)NULL, erbuf, sizeof(erbuf));
- if (strcmp(erbuf, bpname) != 0 || ne != strlen(bpname)+1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "end: regerror() ITOA test gave `%s' not `%s'\n",
- erbuf, bpname);
- status = 1;
- }
- re.re_endp = bpname;
- ne = regerror(REG_ATOI, &re, erbuf, sizeof(erbuf));
- if (atoi(erbuf) != (int)REG_BADPAT) {
- fprintf(stderr, "end: regerror() ATOI test gave `%s' not `%ld'\n",
- erbuf, (long)REG_BADPAT);
- status = 1;
- } else if (ne != strlen(erbuf)+1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "end: regerror() ATOI test len(`%s') = %ld\n",
- erbuf, (long)REG_BADPAT);
- status = 1;
- }
- - try - try it, and report on problems
- == void try(char *f0, char *f1, char *f2, char *f3, char *f4, int opts);
- */
-try(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, opts)
-char *f0;
-char *f1;
-char *f2;
-char *f3;
-char *f4;
-int opts; /* may not match f1 */
- regex_t re;
-# define NSUBS 10
- regmatch_t subs[NSUBS];
-# define NSHOULD 15
- char *should[NSHOULD];
- int nshould;
- char erbuf[100];
- int err;
- int len;
- char *type = (opts & REG_EXTENDED) ? "ERE" : "BRE";
- register int i;
- char *grump;
- char f0copy[1000];
- char f2copy[1000];
- strcpy(f0copy, f0);
- re.re_endp = (opts®_PEND) ? f0copy + strlen(f0copy) : NULL;
- fixstr(f0copy);
- err = regcomp(&re, f0copy, opts);
- if (err != 0 && (!opt('C', f1) || err != efind(f2))) {
- /* unexpected error or wrong error */
- len = regerror(err, &re, erbuf, sizeof(erbuf));
- fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s error %s, %d/%d `%s'\n",
- line, type, eprint(err), len,
- sizeof(erbuf), erbuf);
- status = 1;
- } else if (err == 0 && opt('C', f1)) {
- /* unexpected success */
- fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s should have given REG_%s\n",
- line, type, f2);
- status = 1;
- err = 1; /* so we won't try regexec */
- }
- if (err != 0) {
- regfree(&re);
- return;
- }
- strcpy(f2copy, f2);
- fixstr(f2copy);
- if (options('e', f1)®_STARTEND) {
- if (strchr(f2, '(') == NULL || strchr(f2, ')') == NULL)
- fprintf(stderr, "%d: bad STARTEND syntax\n", line);
- subs[0].rm_so = strchr(f2, '(') - f2 + 1;
- subs[0].rm_eo = strchr(f2, ')') - f2;
- }
- err = regexec(&re, f2copy, NSUBS, subs, options('e', f1));
- if (err != 0 && (f3 != NULL || err != REG_NOMATCH)) {
- /* unexpected error or wrong error */
- len = regerror(err, &re, erbuf, sizeof(erbuf));
- fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s exec error %s, %d/%d `%s'\n",
- line, type, eprint(err), len,
- sizeof(erbuf), erbuf);
- status = 1;
- } else if (err != 0) {
- /* nothing more to check */
- } else if (f3 == NULL) {
- /* unexpected success */
- fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s exec should have failed\n",
- line, type);
- status = 1;
- err = 1; /* just on principle */
- } else if (opts®_NOSUB) {
- /* nothing more to check */
- } else if ((grump = check(f2, subs[0], f3)) != NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s %s\n", line, type, grump);
- status = 1;
- err = 1;
- }
- if (err != 0 || f4 == NULL) {
- regfree(&re);
- return;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < NSHOULD; i++)
- should[i] = NULL;
- nshould = split(f4, should+1, NSHOULD-1, ",");
- if (nshould == 0) {
- nshould = 1;
- should[1] = "";
- }
- for (i = 1; i < NSUBS; i++) {
- grump = check(f2, subs[i], should[i]);
- if (grump != NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s $%d %s\n", line,
- type, i, grump);
- status = 1;
- err = 1;
- }
- }
- regfree(&re);
- - options - pick options out of a regression-test string
- == int options(int type, char *s);
- */
-options(type, s)
-int type; /* 'c' compile, 'e' exec */
-char *s;
- register char *p;
- register int o = (type == 'c') ? copts : eopts;
- register char *legal = (type == 'c') ? "bisnmp" : "^$#tl";
- for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
- if (strchr(legal, *p) != NULL)
- switch (*p) {
- case 'b':
- break;
- case 'i':
- o |= REG_ICASE;
- break;
- case 's':
- o |= REG_NOSUB;
- break;
- case 'n':
- break;
- case 'm':
- o |= REG_NOSPEC;
- break;
- case 'p':
- o |= REG_PEND;
- break;
- case '^':
- o |= REG_NOTBOL;
- break;
- case '$':
- o |= REG_NOTEOL;
- break;
- case '#':
- break;
- case 't': /* trace */
- o |= REG_TRACE;
- break;
- case 'l': /* force long representation */
- o |= REG_LARGE;
- break;
- case 'r': /* force backref use */
- o |= REG_BACKR;
- break;
- }
- return(o);
- - opt - is a particular option in a regression string?
- == int opt(int c, char *s);
- */
-int /* predicate */
-opt(c, s)
-int c;
-char *s;
- return(strchr(s, c) != NULL);
- - fixstr - transform magic characters in strings
- == void fixstr(register char *p);
- */
-register char *p;
- if (p == NULL)
- return;
- for (; *p != '\0'; p++)
- if (*p == 'N')
- *p = '\n';
- else if (*p == 'T')
- *p = '\t';
- else if (*p == 'S')
- *p = ' ';
- else if (*p == 'Z')
- *p = '\0';
- - check - check a substring match
- == char *check(char *str, regmatch_t sub, char *should);
- */
-char * /* NULL or complaint */
-check(str, sub, should)
-char *str;
-regmatch_t sub;
-char *should;
- register int len;
- register int shlen;
- register char *p;
- static char grump[500];
- register char *at = NULL;
- if (should != NULL && strcmp(should, "-") == 0)
- should = NULL;
- if (should != NULL && should[0] == '@') {
- at = should + 1;
- should = "";
- }
- /* check rm_so and rm_eo for consistency */
- if (sub.rm_so > sub.rm_eo || (sub.rm_so == -1 && sub.rm_eo != -1) ||
- (sub.rm_so != -1 && sub.rm_eo == -1) ||
- (sub.rm_so != -1 && sub.rm_so < 0) ||
- (sub.rm_eo != -1 && sub.rm_eo < 0) ) {
- sprintf(grump, "start %ld end %ld", (long)sub.rm_so,
- (long)sub.rm_eo);
- return(grump);
- }
- /* check for no match */
- if (sub.rm_so == -1 && should == NULL)
- return(NULL);
- if (sub.rm_so == -1)
- return("did not match");
- /* check for in range */
- if (sub.rm_eo > strlen(str)) {
- sprintf(grump, "start %ld end %ld, past end of string",
- (long)sub.rm_so, (long)sub.rm_eo);
- return(grump);
- }
- len = (int)(sub.rm_eo - sub.rm_so);
- shlen = (int)strlen(should);
- p = str + sub.rm_so;
- /* check for not supposed to match */
- if (should == NULL) {
- sprintf(grump, "matched `%.*s'", len, p);
- return(grump);
- }
- /* check for wrong match */
- if (len != shlen || strncmp(p, should, (size_t)shlen) != 0) {
- sprintf(grump, "matched `%.*s' instead", len, p);
- return(grump);
- }
- if (shlen > 0)
- return(NULL);
- /* check null match in right place */
- if (at == NULL)
- return(NULL);
- shlen = strlen(at);
- if (shlen == 0)
- shlen = 1; /* force check for end-of-string */
- if (strncmp(p, at, shlen) != 0) {
- sprintf(grump, "matched null at `%.20s'", p);
- return(grump);
- }
- return(NULL);
- - eprint - convert error number to name
- == static char *eprint(int err);
- */
-static char *
-int err;
- static char epbuf[100];
- size_t len;
- len = regerror(REG_ITOA|err, (regex_t *)NULL, epbuf, sizeof(epbuf));
- assert(len <= sizeof(epbuf));
- return(epbuf);
- - efind - convert error name to number
- == static int efind(char *name);
- */
-static int
-char *name;
- static char efbuf[100];
- size_t n;
- regex_t re;
- sprintf(efbuf, "REG_%s", name);
- assert(strlen(efbuf) < sizeof(efbuf));
- re.re_endp = efbuf;
- (void) regerror(REG_ATOI, &re, efbuf, sizeof(efbuf));
- return(atoi(efbuf));