// wxMac Specific utility functions
-#if 0
-char StringMac[] = "\x0d\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f"
- "\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f"
- "\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xae\xaf"
- "\xb1\xb4\xb5\xb6\xbb\xbc\xbe\xbf"
- "\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc4\xc7\xc8\xc9\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf"
- "\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd8\xca\xdb" ;
-char StringANSI[] = "\x0a\xC4\xC5\xC7\xC9\xD1\xD6\xDC\xE1\xE0\xE2\xE4\xE3\xE5\xE7\xE9\xE8"
- "\xEA\xEB\xED\xEC\xEE\xEF\xF1\xF3\xF2\xF4\xF6\xF5\xFA\xF9\xFB\xFC"
- "\x86\xBA\xA2\xA3\xA7\x95\xB6\xDF\xAE\xA9\x99\xB4\xA8\xC6\xD8"
- "\xB1\xA5\xB5\xF0\xAA\xBA\xE6\xF8"
- "\xBF\xA1\xAC\x83\xAB\xBB\x85\xC0\xC3\xD5\x8C\x9C"
- "\x96\x97\x93\x94\x91\x92\xF7\xFF\xA0\x80" ;
-void wxMacConvertFromPC( const char *from , char *to , int len )
- char *c ;
- if ( from == to )
- {
- for( int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i )
- {
- c = strchr( StringANSI , *from ) ;
- if ( c != NULL )
- {
- *to = StringMac[ c - StringANSI] ;
- }
- ++to ;
- ++from ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for( int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i )
- {
- c = strchr( StringANSI , *from ) ;
- if ( c != NULL )
- {
- *to = StringMac[ c - StringANSI] ;
- }
- else
- {
- *to = *from ;
- }
- ++to ;
- ++from ;
- }
- }
-void wxMacConvertToPC( const char *from , char *to , int len )
- char *c ;
- if ( from == to )
- {
- for( int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i )
- {
- c = strchr( StringMac , *from ) ;
- if ( c != NULL )
- {
- *to = StringANSI[ c - StringMac] ;
- }
- ++to ;
- ++from ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for( int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i )
- {
- c = strchr( StringMac , *from ) ;
- if ( c != NULL )
- {
- *to = StringANSI[ c - StringMac] ;
- }
- else
- {
- *to = *from ;
- }
- ++to ;
- ++from ;
- }
- }
-TECObjectRef s_TECNativeCToUnicode = NULL ;
-TECObjectRef s_TECUnicodeToNativeC = NULL ;
-void wxMacSetupConverters()
- // if we assume errors are happening here we need low level debugging
- // since the high level assert will use the encoders that are not yet
- // setup...
- const TextEncodingBase kEncoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding();
- const TextEncodingBase kEncoding = kTextEncodingMacRoman;
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- status = TECCreateConverter(&s_TECNativeCToUnicode,
- kEncoding,
- kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault);
- status = TECCreateConverter(&s_TECUnicodeToNativeC,
- kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault,
- kEncoding);
-#if (wxUSE_UNICODE == 1) && (SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4)
- TextEncoding kUnicode32 = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault,0,kUnicode32BitFormat) ;
- status = TECCreateConverter(&s_TECUnicode16To32,
- kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault,
- kUnicode32);
- status = TECCreateConverter(&s_TECUnicode32To16,
- kUnicode32,
- kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault);
-void wxMacCleanupConverters()
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- status = TECDisposeConverter(s_TECNativeCToUnicode);
- status = TECDisposeConverter(s_TECUnicodeToNativeC);
-wxWCharBuffer wxMacStringToWString( const wxString &from )
- wxWCharBuffer result( from.wc_str() ) ;
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- ByteCount byteOutLen ;
- ByteCount byteInLen = from.Length() ;
- ByteCount byteBufferLen = byteInLen * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T ;
- wxWCharBuffer result( from.Length() ) ;
- status = TECConvertText(s_TECNativeCToUnicode, (ConstTextPtr)from.c_str() , byteInLen, &byteInLen,
- (TextPtr)result.data(), byteBufferLen, &byteOutLen);
- result.data()[byteOutLen/SIZEOF_WCHAR_T] = 0 ;
- return result ;
-wxString wxMacMakeStringFromCString( const char * from , int len )
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- wxString result ;
- wxChar* buf = result.GetWriteBuf( len ) ;
- ByteCount byteOutLen ;
- ByteCount byteInLen = len ;
- ByteCount byteBufferLen = len * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
- status = TECConvertText(s_TECNativeCToUnicode, (ConstTextPtr)from , byteInLen, &byteInLen,
- (TextPtr)buf, byteBufferLen, &byteOutLen);
- memcpy( buf , from , len ) ;
- buf[len] = 0 ;
- result.UngetWriteBuf() ;
- return result ;
-wxString wxMacMakeStringFromCString( const char * from )
- return wxMacMakeStringFromCString( from , strlen(from) ) ;
-wxCharBuffer wxMacStringToCString( const wxString &from )
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- ByteCount byteOutLen ;
- ByteCount byteInLen = from.Length() * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T ;
- ByteCount byteBufferLen = from.Length() ;
- wxCharBuffer result( from.Length() ) ;
- status = TECConvertText(s_TECUnicodeToNativeC , (ConstTextPtr)from.wc_str() , byteInLen, &byteInLen,
- (TextPtr)result.data(), byteBufferLen, &byteOutLen);
- return result ;
- return wxCharBuffer( from.c_str() ) ;
void wxMacStringToPascal( const wxString&from , StringPtr to )
wxCharBuffer buf = from.mb_str( wxConvLocal ) ;
break ;
enc = kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs ;
- break ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ // to make gcc happy
+ break ;
} ;
return enc ;
-#if (wxUSE_UNICODE == 1) && (SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4)
-TECObjectRef s_TECUnicode32To16 = NULL ;
-TECObjectRef s_TECUnicode16To32 = NULL ;
-class wxMacUnicodeConverters
-public :
- wxMacUnicodeConverters() ;
- ~wxMacUnicodeConverters() ;
-} ;
-wxMacUnicodeConverters guard ;
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- TextEncoding kUnicode32 = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault,kTextEncodingDefaultVariant,kUnicode32BitFormat) ;
- TextEncoding kUnicode16 = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault,kTextEncodingDefaultVariant,kUnicode16BitFormat) ;
- status = TECCreateConverter(&s_TECUnicode16To32,
- kUnicode16,
- kUnicode32);
- status = TECCreateConverter(&s_TECUnicode32To16,
- kUnicode32,
- kUnicode16);
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- status = TECDisposeConverter(s_TECUnicode32To16);
- status = TECDisposeConverter(s_TECUnicode16To32);
// converts this string into a carbon foundation string with optional pc 2 mac encoding
void wxMacCFStringHolder::Assign( const wxString &st , wxFontEncoding encoding )
Release() ;
wxString str = st ;
wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &str ) ;
- size_t len = str.Len() ;
- UniChar *unibuf ;
- unibuf = (UniChar*)str.wc_str() ;
- OSStatus status = noErr ;
- ByteCount byteOutLen ;
- ByteCount byteInLen = len * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T ;
- ByteCount byteBufferLen = len * sizeof( UniChar ) ;
- unibuf = (UniChar*) malloc(byteBufferLen) ;
- for( int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i )
- unibuf[i] = (UniChar) str[i] ;
- /*
- status = TECConvertText( s_TECUnicode32To16 , (ConstTextPtr)str.wc_str() , byteInLen, &byteInLen,
- (TextPtr)unibuf, byteBufferLen, &byteOutLen);
- */
m_cfs = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( kCFAllocatorDefault,
- unibuf , len );
-#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2
- // as long as UniChar is the same as wchar_t nothing to do here
+ (UniChar*)str.wc_str() , str.Len() );
- free( unibuf ) ;
+ wxMBConvUTF16BE converter ;
+ size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , str.wc_str() , 0 ) ;
+ UniChar *unibuf = new UniChar[ unicharlen / sizeof(UniChar) + 1 ] ;
+ converter.WC2MB( (char*)unibuf , str.wc_str() , unicharlen ) ;
+ m_cfs = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( kCFAllocatorDefault ,
+ unibuf , unicharlen / sizeof(UniChar) ) ;
+ delete[] unibuf ;
#else // not wxUSE_UNICODE
m_cfs = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorSystemDefault , str.c_str() ,
wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ) ;
wxString wxMacCFStringHolder::AsString(wxFontEncoding encoding)
- wxString result ;
- Size len = CFStringGetLength( m_cfs ) ;
- wxChar* buf = result.GetWriteBuf( len ) ;
+ Size cflen = CFStringGetLength( m_cfs ) ;
+ size_t noChars ;
+ wxChar* buf = NULL ;
- UniChar *unibuf ;
- unibuf = (UniChar*) buf ;
+ buf = new wxChar[ cflen + 1 ] ;
+ CFStringGetCharacters( m_cfs , CFRangeMake( 0 , cflen ) , (UniChar*) buf ) ;
+ noChars = cflen ;
- unibuf = malloc( len * sizeof( UniChar ) ) ;
+ UniChar* unibuf = new UniChar[ cflen + 1 ] ;
+ CFStringGetCharacters( m_cfs , CFRangeMake( 0 , cflen ) , (UniChar*) unibuf ) ;
+ unibuf[cflen] = 0 ;
+ wxMBConvUTF16BE converter ;
+ noChars = converter.MB2WC( NULL , (const char*)unibuf , 0 ) ;
+ buf = new wxChar[ noChars + 1 ] ;
+ converter.MB2WC( buf , (const char*)unibuf , noChars ) ;
+ delete[] unibuf ;
- CFStringGetCharacters( m_cfs , CFRangeMake( 0 , len ) , (UniChar*) unibuf ) ;
-#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2
- // as long as UniChar is the same as wchar_t nothing to do here
- for( int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i )
- buf[i] = (wchar_t) unibuf[i] ;
- free( unibuf ) ;
- CFStringGetCString( m_cfs , buf , len+1 , wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ) ;
+ CFIndex cStrLen ;
+ CFStringGetBytes( m_cfs , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ,
+ '?' , false , NULL , 0 , &cStrLen ) ;
+ buf = new wxChar[ cStrLen + 1 ] ;
+ CFStringGetBytes( m_cfs , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ,
+ '?' , false , (unsigned char*) buf , cStrLen , &cStrLen) ;
+ noChars = cStrLen ;
- buf[len] = 0 ;
+ buf[noChars] = 0 ;
wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( buf ) ;
- result.UngetWriteBuf() ;
+ wxString result(buf) ;
+ delete[] buf ;
return result ;