+ // retrieve the pointer to the frame
+ wxFrame *GetFrame() const;
+ // accessors
+ // the previous log target (may be NULL)
+ wxLog *GetOldLog() const { return m_pOldLog; }
+ // are we passing the messages to the previous log target?
+ bool IsPassingMessages() const { return m_bPassMessages; }
+ // we can pass the messages to the previous log target (we're in this mode by
+ // default: we collect all messages in the window, but also let the default
+ // processing take place)
+ void PassMessages(bool bDoPass) { m_bPassMessages = bDoPass; }
+ // base class virtuals
+ // we don't need it ourselves, but we pass it to the previous logger
+ virtual void Flush();
+ // overridables
+ // called immediately after the log frame creation allowing for
+ // any extra initializations
+ virtual void OnFrameCreate(wxFrame *frame);
+ // called right before the log frame is going to be deleted
+ virtual void OnFrameDelete(wxFrame *frame);