+wxString wxRichTextField::GetPropertiesMenuLabel() const
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->GetPropertiesMenuLabel((wxRichTextField*) this);
+ return wxEmptyString;
+bool wxRichTextField::UpdateField(wxRichTextBuffer* buffer)
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->UpdateField(buffer, (wxRichTextField*) this);
+ return false;
+bool wxRichTextField::IsTopLevel() const
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->IsTopLevel((wxRichTextField*) this);
+ return true;
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxRichTextFieldType, wxObject)
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard, wxRichTextFieldType)
+wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(const wxString& name, const wxString& label, int displayStyle)
+ Init();
+ SetName(name);
+ SetLabel(label);
+ SetDisplayStyle(displayStyle);
+wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(const wxString& name, const wxBitmap& bitmap, int displayStyle)
+ Init();
+ SetName(name);
+ SetBitmap(bitmap);
+ SetDisplayStyle(displayStyle);
+void wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Init()
+ m_textColour = *wxWHITE;
+ m_borderColour = *wxBLACK;
+ m_backgroundColour = *wxBLACK;
+ m_verticalPadding = 1;
+ m_horizontalPadding = 3;
+ m_horizontalMargin = 2;
+ m_verticalMargin = 0;
+void wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Copy(const wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard& field)
+ wxRichTextFieldType::Copy(field);
+ m_label = field.m_label;
+ m_displayStyle = field.m_displayStyle;
+ m_font = field.m_font;
+ m_textColour = field.m_textColour;
+ m_borderColour = field.m_borderColour;
+ m_backgroundColour = field.m_backgroundColour;
+ m_verticalPadding = field.m_verticalPadding;
+ m_horizontalPadding = field.m_horizontalPadding;
+ m_horizontalMargin = field.m_horizontalMargin;
+ m_bitmap = field.m_bitmap;
+bool wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Draw(wxRichTextField* obj, wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& WXUNUSED(context), const wxRichTextRange& WXUNUSED(range), const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int descent, int WXUNUSED(style))
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_COMPOSITE)
+ return false; // USe default composite drawing
+ else // if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE || m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NOBORDER)
+ {
+ int borderSize = 1;
+ wxPen borderPen(m_borderColour, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxBrush backgroundBrush(m_backgroundColour);
+ wxColour textColour(m_textColour);
+ if (selection.WithinSelection(obj->GetRange().GetStart(), obj))
+ {
+ wxColour highlightColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT));
+ wxColour highlightTextColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
+ borderPen = wxPen(highlightTextColour, 1, wxSOLID);
+ backgroundBrush = wxBrush(highlightColour);
+ wxCheckSetBrush(dc, backgroundBrush);
+ wxCheckSetPen(dc, wxPen(highlightColour, 1, wxSOLID));
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect);
+ }
+ if (m_displayStyle != wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NO_BORDER)
+ borderSize = 0;
+ // objectRect is the area where the content is drawn, after margins around it have been taken into account
+ wxRect objectRect = wxRect(wxPoint(rect.x + m_horizontalMargin, rect.y + wxMax(0, rect.height - descent - obj->GetCachedSize().y)),
+ wxSize(obj->GetCachedSize().x - 2*m_horizontalMargin - borderSize, obj->GetCachedSize().y));
+ // clientArea is where the text is actually written
+ wxRect clientArea = objectRect;
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE)
+ {
+ dc.SetPen(borderPen);
+ dc.SetBrush(backgroundBrush);
+ dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(objectRect, 4.0);
+ }
+ else if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_START_TAG)
+ {
+ int arrowLength = objectRect.height/2;
+ clientArea.width -= (arrowLength - m_horizontalPadding);
+ wxPoint pts[5];
+ pts[0].x = objectRect.x; pts[0].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[1].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width - arrowLength; pts[1].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[2].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width; pts[2].y = objectRect.y + (objectRect.height/2);
+ pts[3].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width - arrowLength; pts[3].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ pts[4].x = objectRect.x; pts[4].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ dc.SetPen(borderPen);
+ dc.SetBrush(backgroundBrush);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(5, pts);
+ }
+ else if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_END_TAG)
+ {
+ int arrowLength = objectRect.height/2;
+ clientArea.width -= (arrowLength - m_horizontalPadding);
+ clientArea.x += (arrowLength - m_horizontalPadding);
+ wxPoint pts[5];
+ pts[0].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width; pts[0].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[1].x = objectRect.x + arrowLength; pts[1].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[2].x = objectRect.x; pts[2].y = objectRect.y + (objectRect.height/2);
+ pts[3].x = objectRect.x + arrowLength; pts[3].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ pts[4].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width; pts[4].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ dc.SetPen(borderPen);
+ dc.SetBrush(backgroundBrush);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(5, pts);
+ }
+ if (m_bitmap.IsOk())
+ {
+ int x = clientArea.x + (clientArea.width - m_bitmap.GetWidth())/2;
+ int y = clientArea.y + m_verticalPadding;
+ dc.DrawBitmap(m_bitmap, x, y, true);
+ if (selection.WithinSelection(obj->GetRange().GetStart(), obj))
+ {
+ wxCheckSetBrush(dc, *wxBLACK_BRUSH);
+ wxCheckSetPen(dc, *wxBLACK_PEN);
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(wxRect(x, y, m_bitmap.GetWidth(), m_bitmap.GetHeight()));
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxCOPY);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxString label(m_label);
+ if (label.IsEmpty())
+ label = wxT("??");
+ int w, h, maxDescent;
+ dc.SetFont(m_font);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(m_label, & w, &h, & maxDescent);
+ dc.SetTextForeground(textColour);
+ int x = clientArea.x + (clientArea.width - w)/2;
+ int y = clientArea.y + (clientArea.height - (h - maxDescent))/2;
+ dc.DrawText(m_label, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Layout(wxRichTextField* obj, wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRect& WXUNUSED(rect), const wxRect& WXUNUSED(parentRect), int style)
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_COMPOSITE)
+ return false; // USe default composite layout
+ wxSize size = GetSize(obj, dc, context, style);
+ obj->SetCachedSize(size);
+ obj->SetMinSize(size);
+ obj->SetMaxSize(size);
+ return true;
+bool wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::GetRangeSize(wxRichTextField* obj, const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, int flags, wxPoint position, wxArrayInt* partialExtents) const
+ if (IsTopLevel(obj))
+ return obj->wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position);
+ else
+ {
+ wxSize sz = GetSize(obj, dc, context, 0);
+ if (partialExtents)
+ {
+ int lastSize;
+ if (partialExtents->GetCount() > 0)
+ lastSize = (*partialExtents)[partialExtents->GetCount()-1];
+ else
+ lastSize = 0;
+ partialExtents->Add(lastSize + sz.x);
+ }
+ size = sz;
+ return true;
+ }
+wxSize wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::GetSize(wxRichTextField* WXUNUSED(obj), wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& WXUNUSED(context), int WXUNUSED(style)) const
+ int borderSize = 1;
+ int w = 0, h = 0, maxDescent = 0;
+ wxSize sz;
+ if (m_bitmap.IsOk())
+ {
+ w = m_bitmap.GetWidth();
+ h = m_bitmap.GetHeight();
+ sz = wxSize(w + m_horizontalMargin*2, h + m_verticalMargin*2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxString label(m_label);
+ if (label.IsEmpty())
+ label = wxT("??");
+ dc.SetFont(m_font);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(label, & w, &h, & maxDescent);
+ sz = wxSize(w + m_horizontalPadding*2 + m_horizontalMargin*2, h + m_verticalPadding *2 + m_verticalMargin*2);
+ }
+ if (m_displayStyle != wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NO_BORDER)
+ {
+ sz.x += borderSize*2;
+ sz.y += borderSize*2;
+ }
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_START_TAG || m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_END_TAG)
+ {
+ // Add space for the arrow
+ sz.x += (sz.y/2 - m_horizontalPadding);
+ }
+ return sz;
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRichTextCell, wxRichTextBox)
+wxRichTextCell::wxRichTextCell(wxRichTextObject* parent):
+ wxRichTextBox(parent)
+/// Draw the item
+bool wxRichTextCell::Draw(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int descent, int style)
+ return wxRichTextBox::Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style);
+/// Copy
+void wxRichTextCell::Copy(const wxRichTextCell& obj)
+ wxRichTextBox::Copy(obj);
+// Edit properties via a GUI
+bool wxRichTextCell::EditProperties(wxWindow* parent, wxRichTextBuffer* buffer)
+ // We need to gather common attributes for all selected cells.
+ wxRichTextTable* table = wxDynamicCast(GetParent(), wxRichTextTable);
+ bool multipleCells = false;
+ wxRichTextAttr attr;
+ if (table && buffer && buffer->GetRichTextCtrl() && buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection().IsValid() &&
+ buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection().GetContainer() == GetParent())
+ {
+ wxRichTextAttr clashingAttr, absentAttr;
+ const wxRichTextSelection& sel = buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection();
+ size_t i;
+ int selectedCellCount = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < sel.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ const wxRichTextRange& range = sel[i];
+ wxRichTextCell* cell = table->GetCell(range.GetStart());
+ if (cell)
+ {
+ wxRichTextAttr cellStyle = cell->GetAttributes();
+ CollectStyle(attr, cellStyle, clashingAttr, absentAttr);
+ selectedCellCount ++;
+ }
+ }
+ multipleCells = selectedCellCount > 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attr = GetAttributes();
+ }