#include "wx/richtext/richtextstyles.h"
#include "wx/richtext/richtextimagedlg.h"
#include "wx/richtext/richtextsizepage.h"
+#include "wx/richtext/richtextxml.h"
#include "wx/listimpl.cpp"
#include "wx/arrimpl.cpp"
// Helpers for efficiency
inline void wxCheckSetFont(wxDC& dc, const wxFont& font)
- // JACS: did I do this some time ago when testing? Should we re-enable it?
-#if 0
- const wxFont& font1 = dc.GetFont();
- if (font1.IsOk() && font.IsOk())
- {
- if (font1.GetPointSize() == font.GetPointSize() &&
- font1.GetFamily() == font.GetFamily() &&
- font1.GetStyle() == font.GetStyle() &&
- font1.GetWeight() == font.GetWeight() &&
- font1.GetUnderlined() == font.GetUnderlined() &&
- font1.GetFamily() == font.GetFamily() &&
- font1.GetFaceName() == font.GetFaceName())
- return;
- }
if (invalidRange != wxRICHTEXT_NONE)
- SetCachedSize(wxDefaultSize);
+ // If this is a floating object, size may not be recalculated
+ // after floats have been collected in an early stage of Layout.
+ // So avoid resetting the cache for floating objects during layout.
+ if (!IsFloating())
+ SetCachedSize(wxDefaultSize);
// Unscale
double scale = 1.0;
if (GetBuffer())
- scale = GetBuffer()->GetScale();
+ scale = GetBuffer()->GetScale() / GetBuffer()->GetDimensionScale();
int p = ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc.GetPPI().x, units, scale);
return p;
wxRichTextBuffer* wxRichTextObject::GetBuffer() const
const wxRichTextObject* obj = this;
- while (obj && !obj->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxRichTextBuffer)))
+ while (obj && !wxDynamicCast(obj, wxRichTextBuffer))
obj = obj->GetParent();
return wxDynamicCast(obj, wxRichTextBuffer);
else if (child->IsTopLevel())
- if (invalidRange == wxRICHTEXT_NONE)
- child->Invalidate(wxRICHTEXT_NONE);
+ if (child->IsFloating() && GetBuffer()->GetFloatCollector() && GetBuffer()->GetFloatCollector()->HasFloat(child))
+ {
+ // Don't invalidate subhierarchy if we've already been laid out
+ }
- child->Invalidate(wxRICHTEXT_ALL); // All children must be invalidated if within parent range
+ {
+ if (invalidRange == wxRICHTEXT_NONE)
+ child->Invalidate(wxRICHTEXT_NONE);
+ else
+ child->Invalidate(wxRICHTEXT_ALL); // All children must be invalidated if within parent range
+ }
m_invalidRange = wxRICHTEXT_ALL;
- SetMargins(4);
m_partialParagraph = false;
m_floatCollector = NULL;
availableSpace = GetAvailableContentArea(dc, context, rect);
+ // Fix the width if we're at the top level
+ if (!GetParent())
+ attr.GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().SetValue(rect.GetWidth(), wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS);
int leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin;
wxRichTextObject::GetTotalMargin(dc, GetBuffer(), attr, leftMargin, rightMargin,
topMargin, bottomMargin);
maxHeight = 0; // topMargin + bottomMargin;
+ // Check the bottom edge of any floating object
+ if (GetFloatCollector() && GetFloatCollector()->HasFloats())
+ {
+ int bottom = GetFloatCollector()->GetLastRectBottom();
+ if (bottom > maxHeight)
+ maxHeight = bottom;
+ }
if (attr.GetTextBoxAttr().GetSize().GetWidth().IsValid())
wxRect r = AdjustAvailableSpace(dc, GetBuffer(), wxRichTextAttr() /* not used */, attr, parentRect, parentRect);
maxWidth = wxMax(maxWidth, w);
maxMaxWidth = wxMax(maxMaxWidth, w);
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO: Make sure the layout box's position reflects
+ // the position of the children, but without
+ // breaking layout of a box within a paragraph.
+ }
// TODO: (also in para layout) should set the
// object's size to an absolute one if specified,
wxRichTextAttr* cStyle = & defaultCharStyle;
wxRichTextParagraph* para = new wxRichTextParagraph(text, this, pStyle, cStyle);
+ para->GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
size_t len = text.length();
wxString line;
wxRichTextParagraph* para = new wxRichTextParagraph(wxEmptyString, this, pStyle, cStyle);
+ para->GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
para = new wxRichTextParagraph(wxEmptyString, this, pStyle, cStyle);
+ para->GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
wxRichTextAttr* cStyle = & defaultCharStyle;
wxRichTextParagraph* para = new wxRichTextParagraph(this, pStyle);
+ para->GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
para->AppendChild(new wxRichTextImage(image, this, cStyle));
// Start with the base style
style = GetAttributes();
+ style.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
// Apply the paragraph style
wxRichTextApplyStyle(style, obj->GetAttributes());
style = wxRichTextAttr();
- wxRichTextAttr clashingAttr;
+ wxRichTextAttr clashingAttrPara, clashingAttrChar;
wxRichTextAttr absentAttrPara, absentAttrChar;
wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst();
wxRichTextAttr paraStyle = para->GetCombinedAttributes(true /* use box attributes */);
- CollectStyle(style, paraStyle, clashingAttr, absentAttrPara);
+ CollectStyle(style, paraStyle, clashingAttrPara, absentAttrPara);
// First collect paragraph attributes only
wxRichTextAttr paraStyle = para->GetCombinedAttributes();
paraStyle.SetFlags(paraStyle.GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_PARAGRAPH);
- CollectStyle(style, paraStyle, clashingAttr, absentAttrPara);
+ CollectStyle(style, paraStyle, clashingAttrPara, absentAttrPara);
wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator childNode = para->GetChildren().GetFirst();
// Now collect character attributes only
childStyle.SetFlags(childStyle.GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_CHARACTER);
- CollectStyle(style, childStyle, clashingAttr, absentAttrChar);
+ CollectStyle(style, childStyle, clashingAttrChar, absentAttrChar);
childNode = childNode->GetNext();
if (childRange.GetLength() == 0 && GetRange().GetLength() == 1)
- if (!childRange.IsOutside(range) && child->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxRichTextPlainText)))
+ if (!childRange.IsOutside(range) && wxDynamicCast(child, wxRichTextPlainText))
foundCount ++;
wxRichTextAttr textAttr = para->GetCombinedAttributes(child->GetAttributes());
- if (wxTextAttrEqPartial(textAttr, style))
+ if (textAttr.EqPartial(style, false /* strong test - attributes must be valid in both objects */))
matchingCount ++;
wxRichTextApplyStyle(textAttr, para->GetAttributes());
foundCount ++;
- if (wxTextAttrEqPartial(textAttr, style))
+ if (textAttr.EqPartial(style, false /* strong test */))
matchingCount ++;
/// Set character or paragraph properties
bool wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::SetProperties(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextProperties& properties, int flags)
wxRichTextApplyStyle(newPara->GetAttributes(), listStyle);
// Now we need to do numbering
- if (renumber)
+ // Preserve the existing list item continuation bullet style, if any
+ if (para->GetAttributes().HasBulletStyle() && (para->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle() & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_CONTINUATION))
+ newPara->GetAttributes().SetBulletStyle(newPara->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle()|wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_CONTINUATION);
+ else
- newPara->GetAttributes().SetBulletNumber(n);
- }
+ if (renumber)
+ {
+ newPara->GetAttributes().SetBulletNumber(n);
+ }
- n ++;
+ n ++;
+ }
else if (!newPara->GetAttributes().GetListStyleName().IsEmpty())
newPara->GetAttributes().SetLeftIndent(0, 0);
+ newPara->GetAttributes().SetBulletStyle(0);
// Eliminate the main list-related attributes
newPara->GetAttributes().SetFlags(newPara->GetAttributes().GetFlags() & ~wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT & ~wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE & ~wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NUMBER & ~wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_TEXT & wxTEXT_ATTR_LIST_STYLE_NAME);
wxRichTextAttr listStyle(defToUse->GetCombinedStyleForLevel(thisLevel, styleSheet));
wxRichTextApplyStyle(newPara->GetAttributes(), listStyle);
+ // Preserve the existing list item continuation bullet style, if any
+ if (para->GetAttributes().HasBulletStyle() && (para->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle() & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_CONTINUATION))
+ newPara->GetAttributes().SetBulletStyle(newPara->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle()|wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_CONTINUATION);
// OK, we've (re)applied the style, now let's get the numbering right.
if (currentLevel == -1)
- levels[currentLevel] ++;
+ if (!(para->GetAttributes().HasBulletStyle() && (para->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle() & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_CONTINUATION)))
+ levels[currentLevel] ++;
/// position of the paragraph that it had to start looking from.
bool wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::FindNextParagraphNumber(wxRichTextParagraph* previousParagraph, wxRichTextAttr& attr) const
- if (!previousParagraph->GetAttributes().HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE) || previousParagraph->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle() == wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_NONE)
+ // TODO: add GetNextChild/GetPreviousChild to composite
+ // Search for a paragraph that isn't a continuation paragraph (no bullet)
+ while (previousParagraph && previousParagraph->GetAttributes().HasBulletStyle() && previousParagraph->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle() & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_CONTINUATION)
+ {
+ wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = ((wxRichTextCompositeObject*) previousParagraph->GetParent())->GetChildren().Find(previousParagraph);
+ if (node)
+ {
+ node = node->GetPrevious();
+ if (node)
+ previousParagraph = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(), wxRichTextParagraph);
+ else
+ previousParagraph = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ previousParagraph = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!previousParagraph || !previousParagraph->GetAttributes().HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE) || previousParagraph->GetAttributes().GetBulletStyle() == wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_NONE)
return false;
wxRichTextBuffer* buffer = GetBuffer();
DrawBoxAttributes(dc, GetBuffer(), attr, paraRect);
// Draw the bullet, if any
- if (attr.GetBulletStyle() != wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_NONE)
+ if ((attr.GetBulletStyle() == wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_NONE) == 0 && (attr.GetBulletStyle() & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_CONTINUATION) == 0)
if (attr.GetLeftSubIndent() != 0)
wxRichTextFloatCollector* collector = GetContainer()->GetFloatCollector();
- LayoutFloat(dc, context, rect, style, collector);
+ LayoutFloat(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style, collector);
wxRichTextAttr attr = GetCombinedAttributes();
context.ApplyVirtualAttributes(attr, this);
node = node->GetNext();
// Split up lines
wxRect oldAvailableRect = availableRect;
// Available width depends on the floating objects and the line height.
- // Note: the floating objects may be placed vertically along the two side of
+ // Note: the floating objects may be placed vertically along the two sides of
// buffer, so we may have different available line widths with different
// [startY, endY]. So, we can't determine how wide the available
// space is until we know the exact line height.
- lineDescent = wxMax(childDescent, maxDescent);
- lineAscent = wxMax(childSize.y-childDescent, maxAscent);
- lineHeight = lineDescent + lineAscent;
+ if (childDescent == 0)
+ {
+ lineHeight = wxMax(lineHeight, childSize.y);
+ lineDescent = maxDescent;
+ lineAscent = maxAscent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lineDescent = wxMax(childDescent, maxDescent);
+ lineAscent = wxMax(childSize.y-childDescent, maxAscent);
+ }
+ lineHeight = wxMax(lineHeight, (lineDescent + lineAscent));
wxRect floatAvailableRect = collector->GetAvailableRect(rect.y + currentPosition.y, rect.y + currentPosition.y + lineHeight);
// Adjust availableRect to the space that is available when taking floating objects into account.
wxSize oldSize = child->GetCachedSize();
- //child->SetCachedSize(wxDefaultSize);
// Lays out the object first with a given amount of space, and then if no width was specified in attr,
// lays out the object again using the minimum size
attr, child->GetAttributes(), availableRect, parentRect, style);
childSize = child->GetCachedSize();
childDescent = child->GetDescent();
- //child->SetPosition(availableRect.GetPosition());
if (oldSize != child->GetCachedSize())
while (doLoop);
+ if (child->IsTopLevel())
+ {
+ // We can move it to the correct position at this point
+ // TODO: probably need to add margin
+ child->Move(GetPosition() + wxPoint(currentWidth + (wxMax(leftIndent, leftIndent + leftSubIndent)), currentPosition.y));
+ }
// Cases:
// 1) There was a line break BEFORE the natural break
// 2) There was a line break AFTER the natural break
- if (child->IsTopLevel())
- {
- // We can move it to the correct position at this point
- child->Move(GetPosition() + wxPoint(currentWidth, currentPosition.y));
- }
long wrapPosition = 0;
if ((childSize.x + currentWidth <= availableRect.width) && !node->GetNext() && !lineBreakInThisObject)
wrapPosition = child->GetRange().GetEnd();
// Line end position shouldn't be the same as the end, or greater.
if (wrapPosition >= GetRange().GetEnd())
- wrapPosition = GetRange().GetEnd()-1;
+ wrapPosition = wxMax(0, GetRange().GetEnd()-1);
// wxLogDebug(wxT("Split at %ld"), wrapPosition);
wxSize actualSize;
wxRichTextRange actualRange(lastCompletedEndPos+1, wrapPosition);
- /// Use previous descent, not the wrapping descent we just found, since this may be too big
- /// for the fragment we're about to add.
- childDescent = maxDescent;
+ childDescent = 0;
if (!child->IsEmpty())
GetRangeSize(actualRange, actualSize, childDescent, dc, context, wxRICHTEXT_UNFORMATTED);
currentWidth = actualSize.x;
- maxDescent = wxMax(childDescent, maxDescent);
- maxAscent = wxMax(actualSize.y-childDescent, maxAscent);
- lineHeight = maxDescent + maxAscent;
+ // The descent for the whole line at this point, is the correct max descent
+ maxDescent = childDescent;
+ // Maximum ascent
+ maxAscent = actualSize.y-childDescent;
+ // lineHeight is given by the height for the whole line, since it will
+ // take into account ascend/descend.
+ lineHeight = actualSize.y;
if (lineHeight == 0 && buffer)
lineCount ++;
- // TODO: account for zero-length objects, such as fields
+ // TODO: account for zero-length objects
// wxASSERT(wrapPosition > lastCompletedEndPos);
lastEndPos = wrapPosition;
// We still fit, so don't add a line, and keep going
currentWidth += childSize.x;
- maxDescent = wxMax(childDescent, maxDescent);
- maxAscent = wxMax(childSize.y-childDescent, maxAscent);
- lineHeight = maxDescent + maxAscent;
+ if (childDescent == 0)
+ {
+ // An object with a zero descend value wants to take up the whole
+ // height regardless of baseline
+ lineHeight = wxMax(lineHeight, childSize.y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxDescent = wxMax(childDescent, maxDescent);
+ maxAscent = wxMax(childSize.y-childDescent, maxAscent);
+ }
+ lineHeight = wxMax(lineHeight, (maxDescent + maxAscent));
maxWidth = wxMax(maxWidth, currentWidth+startOffset);
lastEndPos = child->GetRange().GetEnd();
// If floating, ignore. We already laid out floats.
// Also ignore if empty object, except if we haven't got any
// size yet.
- if (!child->IsFloating() && child->GetRange().GetLength() != 0 && !child->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxRichTextPlainText)))
+ if (!child->IsFloating() && child->GetRange().GetLength() != 0 && !wxDynamicCast(child, wxRichTextPlainText))
if (child->GetCachedSize().x > minWidth)
minWidth = child->GetMinSize().x;
// Use the text extents to calculate the size of each fragment in each line
wxPoint pos = line->GetPosition();
+ wxPoint originalPos = pos;
wxSize size = line->GetSize();
// centering, right-justification
pos.x = pos.x + rect.GetWidth() - size.x - rightIndent;
+ if (pos != originalPos)
+ {
+ wxPoint inc = pos - originalPos;
+ wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = m_children.GetFirst();
+ while (node)
+ {
+ wxRichTextObject* child = node->GetData();
+ if (child->IsTopLevel() && !child->GetRange().IsOutside(line->GetAbsoluteRange()))
+ child->Move(child->GetPosition() + inc);
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ }
+ }
/// Insert text at the given position
// Just use unformatted data, assume no line breaks
- // TODO: take into account line breaks
wxSize sz;
wxArrayInt childExtents;
p = NULL;
+ int maxDescent = 0;
+ int maxAscent = 0;
+ int maxLineHeight = 0;
wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = m_children.GetFirst();
while (node)
wxRichTextObject* child = node->GetData();
if (!child->GetRange().IsOutside(range))
wxRichTextRange rangeToUse = range;
-#if 0
- if (child->IsTopLevel())
- rangeToUse = child->GetOwnRange();
int childDescent = 0;
- // At present wxRICHTEXT_HEIGHT_ONLY is only fast if we're already cached the size,
+ // At present wxRICHTEXT_HEIGHT_ONLY is only fast if we've already cached the size,
// but it's only going to be used after caching has taken place.
if ((flags & wxRICHTEXT_HEIGHT_ONLY) && child->GetCachedSize().y != 0)
childDescent = child->GetDescent();
childSize = child->GetCachedSize();
- sz.y = wxMax(sz.y, childSize.y);
+ if (childDescent == 0)
+ {
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, childSize.y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxDescent = wxMax(maxDescent, childDescent);
+ maxAscent = wxMax(maxAscent, (childSize.y - childDescent));
+ }
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, (maxAscent + maxDescent));
+ sz.y = wxMax(sz.y, maxLineHeight);
sz.x += childSize.x;
- descent = wxMax(descent, childDescent);
+ descent = maxDescent;
else if (child->IsTopLevel())
childDescent = child->GetDescent();
childSize = child->GetCachedSize();
- sz.y = wxMax(sz.y, childSize.y);
+ if (childDescent == 0)
+ {
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, childSize.y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxDescent = wxMax(maxDescent, childDescent);
+ maxAscent = wxMax(maxAscent, (childSize.y - childDescent));
+ }
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, (maxAscent + maxDescent));
+ sz.y = wxMax(sz.y, maxLineHeight);
sz.x += childSize.x;
- descent = wxMax(descent, childDescent);
+ descent = maxDescent;
+ // FIXME: this won't change the original values.
+ // Should we be calling GetRangeSize above instead of using cached values?
+#if 0
if ((flags & wxRICHTEXT_CACHE_SIZE) && (rangeToUse == child->GetRange()))
if (partialExtents)
else if (child->GetRangeSize(rangeToUse, childSize, childDescent, dc, context, flags, wxPoint(position.x + sz.x, position.y), p))
- sz.y = wxMax(sz.y, childSize.y);
+ if (childDescent == 0)
+ {
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, childSize.y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxDescent = wxMax(maxDescent, childDescent);
+ maxAscent = wxMax(maxAscent, (childSize.y - childDescent));
+ }
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, (maxAscent + maxDescent));
+ sz.y = wxMax(sz.y, maxLineHeight);
sz.x += childSize.x;
- descent = wxMax(descent, childDescent);
+ descent = maxDescent;
if ((flags & wxRICHTEXT_CACHE_SIZE) && (rangeToUse == child->GetRange()))
wxRichTextRange lineRange = line->GetAbsoluteRange();
if (!lineRange.IsOutside(range))
- wxSize lineSize;
+ int maxDescent = 0;
+ int maxAscent = 0;
+ int maxLineHeight = 0;
+ int maxLineWidth = 0;
wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node2 = m_children.GetFirst();
while (node2)
int childDescent = 0;
if (child->GetRangeSize(rangeToUse, childSize, childDescent, dc, context, flags, wxPoint(position.x + sz.x, position.y)))
- lineSize.y = wxMax(lineSize.y, childSize.y);
- lineSize.x += childSize.x;
+ if (childDescent == 0)
+ {
+ // Assume that if descent is zero, this child can occupy the full line height
+ // and does not need space for the line's maximum descent. So we influence
+ // the overall max line height only.
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, childSize.y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxAscent = wxMax(maxAscent, (childSize.y - childDescent));
+ maxDescent = wxMax(maxAscent, childDescent);
+ }
+ maxLineHeight = wxMax(maxLineHeight, (maxAscent + maxDescent));
+ maxLineWidth += childSize.x;
- descent = wxMax(descent, childDescent);
node2 = node2->GetNext();
+ descent = wxMax(descent, maxDescent);
// Increase size by a line (TODO: paragraph spacing)
- sz.y += lineSize.y;
- sz.x = wxMax(sz.x, lineSize.x);
+ sz.y += maxLineHeight;
+ sz.x = wxMax(sz.x, maxLineWidth);
node = node->GetNext();
while (objNode)
wxRichTextObject* child = objNode->GetData();
- if (child->IsTopLevel() && ((flags & wxRICHTEXT_HITTEST_NO_NESTED_OBJECTS) == 0))
+ // Don't recurse if we have wxRICHTEXT_HITTEST_NO_NESTED_OBJECTS,
+ // and also, if this seems composite but actually is marked as atomic,
+ // don't recurse.
+ if (child->IsTopLevel() && ((flags & wxRICHTEXT_HITTEST_NO_NESTED_OBJECTS) == 0) &&
+ (! (((flags & wxRICHTEXT_HITTEST_HONOUR_ATOMIC) != 0) && child->IsAtomic())))
int hitTest = child->HitTest(dc, context, pt, textPosition, obj, contextObj);
-void wxRichTextParagraph::LayoutFloat(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRect& rect, int style, wxRichTextFloatCollector* floatCollector)
+void wxRichTextParagraph::LayoutFloat(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRect& rect, const wxRect& parentRect, int style, wxRichTextFloatCollector* floatCollector)
wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst();
while (node)
wxRichTextObject* anchored = node->GetData();
if (anchored && anchored->IsFloating() && !floatCollector->HasFloat(anchored))
+ int x = 0;
+ wxRichTextAttr parentAttr(GetAttributes());
+ context.ApplyVirtualAttributes(parentAttr, this);
+#if 1
+ // 27-09-2012
+ wxRect availableSpace = GetParent()->GetAvailableContentArea(dc, context, rect);
+ anchored->LayoutToBestSize(dc, context, GetBuffer(),
+ parentAttr, anchored->GetAttributes(),
+ parentRect, availableSpace,
+ style);
+ wxSize size = anchored->GetCachedSize();
wxSize size;
- int descent, x = 0;
+ int descent = 0;
anchored->GetRangeSize(anchored->GetRange(), size, descent, dc, context, style);
int offsetY = 0;
if (anchored->GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetTop().IsValid())
else if (anchored->GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetFloatMode() == wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_FLOAT_RIGHT)
x = rect.x + rect.width - size.x;
- anchored->SetPosition(wxPoint(x, pos));
+ //anchored->SetPosition(wxPoint(x, pos));
+ anchored->Move(wxPoint(x, pos)); // should move children
floatCollector->CollectFloat(this, anchored);
wxString str = m_text;
wxString toRemove = wxRichTextLineBreakChar;
str.Replace(toRemove, wxT(" "));
- if (textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_CAPITALS))
+ if (textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & (wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_CAPITALS|wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SMALL_CAPITALS)))
long len = range.GetLength();
int x, y;
if ( textFont.IsOk() )
+ if (textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SMALL_CAPITALS))
+ {
+ textFont.SetPointSize((int) (textFont.GetPointSize()*0.75));
+ wxCheckSetFont(dc, textFont);
+ charHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();
+ }
if ( textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SUPERSCRIPT) )
- double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPointSize()) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
- textFont.SetPointSize( static_cast<int>(size) );
- x = rect.x;
- y = rect.y;
+ if (textFont.IsUsingSizeInPixels())
+ {
+ double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPixelSize().y) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
+ textFont.SetPixelSize(wxSize(0, static_cast<int>(size)));
+ x = rect.x;
+ y = rect.y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPointSize()) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
+ textFont.SetPointSize(static_cast<int>(size));
+ x = rect.x;
+ y = rect.y;
+ }
wxCheckSetFont(dc, textFont);
else if ( textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SUBSCRIPT) )
- double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPointSize()) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
- textFont.SetPointSize( static_cast<int>(size) );
- x = rect.x;
- int sub_height = static_cast<int>( static_cast<double>(charHeight) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR);
- y = rect.y + (rect.height - sub_height + (descent - m_descent));
+ if (textFont.IsUsingSizeInPixels())
+ {
+ double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPixelSize().y) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
+ textFont.SetPixelSize(wxSize(0, static_cast<int>(size)));
+ x = rect.x;
+ int sub_height = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(charHeight) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR);
+ y = rect.y + (rect.height - sub_height + (descent - m_descent));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPointSize()) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
+ textFont.SetPointSize(static_cast<int>(size));
+ x = rect.x;
+ int sub_height = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(charHeight) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR);
+ y = rect.y + (rect.height - sub_height + (descent - m_descent));
+ }
wxCheckSetFont(dc, textFont);
x += w;
- return true;
+ return true;
/// Lay the item out
|| (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SUBSCRIPT) ) )
wxFont textFont = font;
- double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPointSize()) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
- textFont.SetPointSize( static_cast<int>(size) );
+ if (textFont.IsUsingSizeInPixels())
+ {
+ double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPixelSize().y) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
+ textFont.SetPixelSize(wxSize(0, static_cast<int>(size)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double size = static_cast<double>(textFont.GetPointSize()) / wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR;
+ textFont.SetPointSize(static_cast<int>(size));
+ }
+ wxCheckSetFont(dc, textFont);
+ bScript = true;
+ }
+ else if (textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SMALL_CAPITALS))
+ {
+ wxFont textFont = font;
+ textFont.SetPointSize((int) (textFont.GetPointSize()*0.75));
wxCheckSetFont(dc, textFont);
bScript = true;
wxString stringChunk = str.Mid(startPos, (size_t) len);
- if (textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_CAPITALS))
+ if (textAttr.HasTextEffects() && (textAttr.GetTextEffects() & (wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_CAPITALS|wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SMALL_CAPITALS)))
wxCoord w, h;
/// Returns true if this object can merge itself with the given one.
bool wxRichTextPlainText::CanMerge(wxRichTextObject* object) const
- return object->GetClassInfo() == CLASSINFO(wxRichTextPlainText) &&
+ return object->GetClassInfo() == wxCLASSINFO(wxRichTextPlainText) &&
(m_text.empty() || (wxTextAttrEq(GetAttributes(), object->GetAttributes()) && m_properties == object->GetProperties()));
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRichTextBuffer, wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox)
-wxList wxRichTextBuffer::sm_handlers;
-wxList wxRichTextBuffer::sm_drawingHandlers;
-wxRichTextRenderer* wxRichTextBuffer::sm_renderer = NULL;
-int wxRichTextBuffer::sm_bulletRightMargin = 20;
-float wxRichTextBuffer::sm_bulletProportion = (float) 0.3;
+wxList wxRichTextBuffer::sm_handlers;
+wxList wxRichTextBuffer::sm_drawingHandlers;
+wxRichTextFieldTypeHashMap wxRichTextBuffer::sm_fieldTypes;
+wxRichTextRenderer* wxRichTextBuffer::sm_renderer = NULL;
+int wxRichTextBuffer::sm_bulletRightMargin = 20;
+float wxRichTextBuffer::sm_bulletProportion = (float) 0.3;
/// Initialisation
void wxRichTextBuffer::Init()
m_suppressUndo = 0;
m_handlerFlags = 0;
m_scale = 1.0;
+ m_dimensionScale = 1.0;
+ m_fontScale = 1.0;
+ SetMargins(4);
/// Initialisation
m_batchedCommand = NULL;
m_suppressUndo = obj.m_suppressUndo;
m_invalidRange = obj.m_invalidRange;
+ m_dimensionScale = obj.m_dimensionScale;
+ m_fontScale = obj.m_fontScale;
/// Push style sheet to top of stack
wxRichTextAttr attr(buffer->GetDefaultStyle());
+ // Don't include box attributes such as margins
+ attr.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
wxRichTextParagraph* newPara = new wxRichTextParagraph(wxEmptyString, this, & attr);
- // Use the default character style
// Use the default character style
if (!buffer->GetDefaultStyle().IsDefault() && newPara->GetChildren().GetFirst())
// Check whether the default style merely reflects the paragraph/basic style,
// in which case don't apply it.
wxRichTextAttr defaultStyle(buffer->GetDefaultStyle());
+ defaultStyle.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
wxRichTextAttr toApply;
if (para)
wxRichTextAttr attr(buffer->GetDefaultStyle());
+ // Don't include box attributes such as margins
+ attr.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
wxRichTextParagraph* newPara = new wxRichTextParagraph(this, & attr);
if (p)
wxRichTextAttr attr(buffer->GetDefaultStyle());
+ // Don't include box attributes such as margins
+ attr.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
wxRichTextParagraph* newPara = new wxRichTextParagraph(this, & attr);
if (p)
return obj;
+wxRichTextField* wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::InsertFieldWithUndo(wxRichTextBuffer* buffer, long pos, const wxString& fieldType,
+ const wxRichTextProperties& properties,
+ wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, int flags,
+ const wxRichTextAttr& textAttr)
+ wxRichTextAction* action = new wxRichTextAction(NULL, _("Insert Field"), wxRICHTEXT_INSERT, buffer, this, ctrl, false);
+ wxRichTextAttr* p = NULL;
+ wxRichTextAttr paraAttr;
+ {
+ paraAttr = GetStyleForNewParagraph(buffer, pos);
+ if (!paraAttr.IsDefault())
+ p = & paraAttr;
+ }
+ wxRichTextAttr attr(buffer->GetDefaultStyle());
+ // Don't include box attributes such as margins
+ attr.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
+ wxRichTextParagraph* newPara = new wxRichTextParagraph(this, & attr);
+ if (p)
+ newPara->SetAttributes(*p);
+ wxRichTextField* fieldObject = new wxRichTextField();
+ fieldObject->wxRichTextObject::SetProperties(properties);
+ fieldObject->SetFieldType(fieldType);
+ fieldObject->SetAttributes(textAttr);
+ newPara->AppendChild(fieldObject);
+ action->GetNewParagraphs().AppendChild(newPara);
+ action->GetNewParagraphs().UpdateRanges();
+ action->GetNewParagraphs().SetPartialParagraph(true);
+ action->SetPosition(pos);
+ // Set the range we'll need to delete in Undo
+ action->SetRange(wxRichTextRange(pos, pos));
+ buffer->SubmitAction(action);
+ wxRichTextField* obj = wxDynamicCast(GetLeafObjectAtPosition(pos), wxRichTextField);
+ return obj;
/// Get the style that is appropriate for a new paragraph at this position.
/// If the previous paragraph has a paragraph style name, look up the next-paragraph
/// style.
bool wxRichTextBuffer::BeginStyle(const wxRichTextAttr& style)
wxRichTextAttr newStyle(GetDefaultStyle());
+ newStyle.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
// Save the old default style
- m_attributeStack.Append((wxObject*) new wxRichTextAttr(GetDefaultStyle()));
+ m_attributeStack.Append((wxObject*) new wxRichTextAttr(newStyle));
wxRichTextApplyStyle(newStyle, style);
+void wxRichTextBuffer::SetFontScale(double fontScale)
+ m_fontScale = fontScale;
+ m_fontTable.SetFontScale(fontScale);
+void wxRichTextBuffer::SetDimensionScale(double dimScale)
+ m_dimensionScale = dimScale;
bool wxRichTextStdRenderer::DrawStandardBullet(wxRichTextParagraph* paragraph, wxDC& dc, const wxRichTextAttr& bulletAttr, const wxRect& rect)
if (bulletAttr.GetTextColour().IsOk())
if ((attr.GetBulletStyle() & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL) && !attr.GetBulletFont().IsEmpty() && attr.HasFont())
wxRichTextAttr fontAttr;
- fontAttr.SetFontSize(attr.GetFontSize());
+ if (attr.HasFontPixelSize())
+ fontAttr.SetFontPixelSize(attr.GetFontSize());
+ else
+ fontAttr.SetFontPointSize(attr.GetFontSize());
return false;
-IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRichTextCell, wxRichTextBox)
+ * wxRichTextField
+ */
-wxRichTextCell::wxRichTextCell(wxRichTextObject* parent):
- wxRichTextBox(parent)
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRichTextField, wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox)
+wxRichTextField::wxRichTextField(const wxString& fieldType, wxRichTextObject* parent):
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox(parent)
+ SetFieldType(fieldType);
/// Draw the item
-bool wxRichTextCell::Draw(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int descent, int style)
+bool wxRichTextField::Draw(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int descent, int style)
- return wxRichTextBox::Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style);
+ if (!IsShown())
+ return true;
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType && fieldType->Draw(this, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style))
+ return true;
+ // Fallback; but don't draw guidelines.
+ return wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style);
+bool wxRichTextField::Layout(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRect& rect, const wxRect& parentRect, int style)
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType && fieldType->Layout(this, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style))
+ return true;
+ // Fallback
+ return wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style);
+bool wxRichTextField::GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, int flags, wxPoint position, wxArrayInt* partialExtents) const
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->GetRangeSize((wxRichTextField*) this, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position, partialExtents);
+ return wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position, partialExtents);
+/// Calculate range
+void wxRichTextField::CalculateRange(long start, long& end)
+ if (IsTopLevel())
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::CalculateRange(start, end);
+ else
+ wxRichTextObject::CalculateRange(start, end);
/// Copy
-void wxRichTextCell::Copy(const wxRichTextCell& obj)
+void wxRichTextField::Copy(const wxRichTextField& obj)
- wxRichTextBox::Copy(obj);
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::Copy(obj);
+ UpdateField(GetBuffer());
// Edit properties via a GUI
-bool wxRichTextCell::EditProperties(wxWindow* parent, wxRichTextBuffer* buffer)
+bool wxRichTextField::EditProperties(wxWindow* parent, wxRichTextBuffer* buffer)
- // We need to gather common attributes for all selected cells.
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->EditProperties(this, parent, buffer);
- wxRichTextTable* table = wxDynamicCast(GetParent(), wxRichTextTable);
- bool multipleCells = false;
- wxRichTextAttr attr;
+ return false;
- if (table && buffer && buffer->GetRichTextCtrl() && buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection().IsValid() &&
- buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection().GetContainer() == GetParent())
- {
- wxRichTextAttr clashingAttr, absentAttr;
- const wxRichTextSelection& sel = buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection();
- size_t i;
- int selectedCellCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < sel.GetCount(); i++)
- {
- const wxRichTextRange& range = sel[i];
- wxRichTextCell* cell = table->GetCell(range.GetStart());
- if (cell)
- {
- wxRichTextAttr cellStyle = cell->GetAttributes();
+bool wxRichTextField::CanEditProperties() const
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->CanEditProperties((wxRichTextField*) this);
- CollectStyle(attr, cellStyle, clashingAttr, absentAttr);
+ return false;
- selectedCellCount ++;
- }
- }
- multipleCells = selectedCellCount > 1;
- }
- else
- {
- attr = GetAttributes();
- }
+wxString wxRichTextField::GetPropertiesMenuLabel() const
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->GetPropertiesMenuLabel((wxRichTextField*) this);
+ return wxEmptyString;
+bool wxRichTextField::UpdateField(wxRichTextBuffer* buffer)
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->UpdateField(buffer, (wxRichTextField*) this);
+ return false;
+bool wxRichTextField::IsTopLevel() const
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(GetFieldType());
+ if (fieldType)
+ return fieldType->IsTopLevel((wxRichTextField*) this);
+ return true;
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxRichTextFieldType, wxObject)
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard, wxRichTextFieldType)
+wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(const wxString& name, const wxString& label, int displayStyle)
+ Init();
+ SetName(name);
+ SetLabel(label);
+ SetDisplayStyle(displayStyle);
+wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(const wxString& name, const wxBitmap& bitmap, int displayStyle)
+ Init();
+ SetName(name);
+ SetBitmap(bitmap);
+ SetDisplayStyle(displayStyle);
+void wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Init()
+ m_textColour = *wxWHITE;
+ m_borderColour = *wxBLACK;
+ m_backgroundColour = *wxBLACK;
+ m_verticalPadding = 1;
+ m_horizontalPadding = 3;
+ m_horizontalMargin = 2;
+ m_verticalMargin = 0;
+void wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Copy(const wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard& field)
+ wxRichTextFieldType::Copy(field);
+ m_label = field.m_label;
+ m_displayStyle = field.m_displayStyle;
+ m_font = field.m_font;
+ m_textColour = field.m_textColour;
+ m_borderColour = field.m_borderColour;
+ m_backgroundColour = field.m_backgroundColour;
+ m_verticalPadding = field.m_verticalPadding;
+ m_horizontalPadding = field.m_horizontalPadding;
+ m_horizontalMargin = field.m_horizontalMargin;
+ m_bitmap = field.m_bitmap;
+bool wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Draw(wxRichTextField* obj, wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& WXUNUSED(context), const wxRichTextRange& WXUNUSED(range), const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int descent, int WXUNUSED(style))
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_COMPOSITE)
+ return false; // USe default composite drawing
+ else // if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE || m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NOBORDER)
+ {
+ int borderSize = 1;
+ wxPen borderPen(m_borderColour, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxBrush backgroundBrush(m_backgroundColour);
+ wxColour textColour(m_textColour);
+ if (selection.WithinSelection(obj->GetRange().GetStart(), obj))
+ {
+ wxColour highlightColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT));
+ wxColour highlightTextColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
+ borderPen = wxPen(highlightTextColour, 1, wxSOLID);
+ backgroundBrush = wxBrush(highlightColour);
+ wxCheckSetBrush(dc, backgroundBrush);
+ wxCheckSetPen(dc, wxPen(highlightColour, 1, wxSOLID));
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect);
+ }
+ if (m_displayStyle != wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NO_BORDER)
+ borderSize = 0;
+ // objectRect is the area where the content is drawn, after margins around it have been taken into account
+ wxRect objectRect = wxRect(wxPoint(rect.x + m_horizontalMargin, rect.y + wxMax(0, rect.height - descent - obj->GetCachedSize().y)),
+ wxSize(obj->GetCachedSize().x - 2*m_horizontalMargin - borderSize, obj->GetCachedSize().y));
+ // clientArea is where the text is actually written
+ wxRect clientArea = objectRect;
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE)
+ {
+ dc.SetPen(borderPen);
+ dc.SetBrush(backgroundBrush);
+ dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(objectRect, 4.0);
+ }
+ else if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_START_TAG)
+ {
+ int arrowLength = objectRect.height/2;
+ clientArea.width -= (arrowLength - m_horizontalPadding);
+ wxPoint pts[5];
+ pts[0].x = objectRect.x; pts[0].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[1].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width - arrowLength; pts[1].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[2].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width; pts[2].y = objectRect.y + (objectRect.height/2);
+ pts[3].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width - arrowLength; pts[3].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ pts[4].x = objectRect.x; pts[4].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ dc.SetPen(borderPen);
+ dc.SetBrush(backgroundBrush);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(5, pts);
+ }
+ else if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_END_TAG)
+ {
+ int arrowLength = objectRect.height/2;
+ clientArea.width -= (arrowLength - m_horizontalPadding);
+ clientArea.x += (arrowLength - m_horizontalPadding);
+ wxPoint pts[5];
+ pts[0].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width; pts[0].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[1].x = objectRect.x + arrowLength; pts[1].y = objectRect.y;
+ pts[2].x = objectRect.x; pts[2].y = objectRect.y + (objectRect.height/2);
+ pts[3].x = objectRect.x + arrowLength; pts[3].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ pts[4].x = objectRect.x + objectRect.width; pts[4].y = objectRect.y + objectRect.height;
+ dc.SetPen(borderPen);
+ dc.SetBrush(backgroundBrush);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(5, pts);
+ }
+ if (m_bitmap.IsOk())
+ {
+ int x = clientArea.x + (clientArea.width - m_bitmap.GetWidth())/2;
+ int y = clientArea.y + m_verticalPadding;
+ dc.DrawBitmap(m_bitmap, x, y, true);
+ if (selection.WithinSelection(obj->GetRange().GetStart(), obj))
+ {
+ wxCheckSetBrush(dc, *wxBLACK_BRUSH);
+ wxCheckSetPen(dc, *wxBLACK_PEN);
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(wxRect(x, y, m_bitmap.GetWidth(), m_bitmap.GetHeight()));
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxCOPY);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxString label(m_label);
+ if (label.IsEmpty())
+ label = wxT("??");
+ int w, h, maxDescent;
+ dc.SetFont(m_font);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(m_label, & w, &h, & maxDescent);
+ dc.SetTextForeground(textColour);
+ int x = clientArea.x + (clientArea.width - w)/2;
+ int y = clientArea.y + (clientArea.height - (h - maxDescent))/2;
+ dc.DrawText(m_label, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::Layout(wxRichTextField* obj, wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRect& WXUNUSED(rect), const wxRect& WXUNUSED(parentRect), int style)
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_COMPOSITE)
+ return false; // USe default composite layout
+ wxSize size = GetSize(obj, dc, context, style);
+ obj->SetCachedSize(size);
+ obj->SetMinSize(size);
+ obj->SetMaxSize(size);
+ return true;
+bool wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::GetRangeSize(wxRichTextField* obj, const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, int flags, wxPoint position, wxArrayInt* partialExtents) const
+ if (IsTopLevel(obj))
+ return obj->wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position);
+ else
+ {
+ wxSize sz = GetSize(obj, dc, context, 0);
+ if (partialExtents)
+ {
+ int lastSize;
+ if (partialExtents->GetCount() > 0)
+ lastSize = (*partialExtents)[partialExtents->GetCount()-1];
+ else
+ lastSize = 0;
+ partialExtents->Add(lastSize + sz.x);
+ }
+ size = sz;
+ return true;
+ }
+wxSize wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::GetSize(wxRichTextField* WXUNUSED(obj), wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& WXUNUSED(context), int WXUNUSED(style)) const
+ int borderSize = 1;
+ int w = 0, h = 0, maxDescent = 0;
+ wxSize sz;
+ if (m_bitmap.IsOk())
+ {
+ w = m_bitmap.GetWidth();
+ h = m_bitmap.GetHeight();
+ sz = wxSize(w + m_horizontalMargin*2, h + m_verticalMargin*2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxString label(m_label);
+ if (label.IsEmpty())
+ label = wxT("??");
+ dc.SetFont(m_font);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(label, & w, &h, & maxDescent);
+ sz = wxSize(w + m_horizontalPadding*2 + m_horizontalMargin*2, h + m_verticalPadding *2 + m_verticalMargin*2);
+ }
+ if (m_displayStyle != wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NO_BORDER)
+ {
+ sz.x += borderSize*2;
+ sz.y += borderSize*2;
+ }
+ if (m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_START_TAG || m_displayStyle == wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_END_TAG)
+ {
+ // Add space for the arrow
+ sz.x += (sz.y/2 - m_horizontalPadding);
+ }
+ return sz;
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRichTextCell, wxRichTextBox)
+wxRichTextCell::wxRichTextCell(wxRichTextObject* parent):
+ wxRichTextBox(parent)
+/// Draw the item
+bool wxRichTextCell::Draw(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int descent, int style)
+ return wxRichTextBox::Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style);
+/// Copy
+void wxRichTextCell::Copy(const wxRichTextCell& obj)
+ wxRichTextBox::Copy(obj);
+// Edit properties via a GUI
+bool wxRichTextCell::EditProperties(wxWindow* parent, wxRichTextBuffer* buffer)
+ // We need to gather common attributes for all selected cells.
+ wxRichTextTable* table = wxDynamicCast(GetParent(), wxRichTextTable);
+ bool multipleCells = false;
+ wxRichTextAttr attr;
+ if (table && buffer && buffer->GetRichTextCtrl() && buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection().IsValid() &&
+ buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection().GetContainer() == GetParent())
+ {
+ wxRichTextAttr clashingAttr, absentAttr;
+ const wxRichTextSelection& sel = buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetSelection();
+ size_t i;
+ int selectedCellCount = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < sel.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ const wxRichTextRange& range = sel[i];
+ wxRichTextCell* cell = table->GetCell(range.GetStart());
+ if (cell)
+ {
+ wxRichTextAttr cellStyle = cell->GetAttributes();
+ CollectStyle(attr, cellStyle, clashingAttr, absentAttr);
+ selectedCellCount ++;
+ }
+ }
+ multipleCells = selectedCellCount > 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attr = GetAttributes();
+ }
wxString caption;
if (multipleCells)
wxRichTextObjectPropertiesDialog cellDlg(this, wxGetTopLevelParent(parent), wxID_ANY, caption);
- wxRichTextSizePage* sizePage = wxDynamicCast(cellDlg.FindPage(CLASSINFO(wxRichTextSizePage)), wxRichTextSizePage);
+ wxRichTextSizePage* sizePage = wxDynamicCast(cellDlg.FindPage(wxCLASSINFO(wxRichTextSizePage)), wxRichTextSizePage);
if (sizePage)
// We don't want position and floating controls for a cell.
wxArrayInt absoluteColWidths;
absoluteColWidths.Add(0, m_colCount);
- // wxArrayInt absoluteColWidthsSpanning(m_colCount);
wxArrayInt percentageColWidths;
percentageColWidths.Add(0, m_colCount);
// wxArrayInt percentageColWidthsSpanning(m_colCount);
wxRichTextBuffer::SetRenderer(new wxRichTextStdRenderer);
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("text"), wxT("wxRichTextPlainText"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("symbol"), wxT("wxRichTextPlainText"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("image"), wxT("wxRichTextImage"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("paragraph"), wxT("wxRichTextParagraph"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("paragraphlayout"), wxT("wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("textbox"), wxT("wxRichTextBox"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("cell"), wxT("wxRichTextCell"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("table"), wxT("wxRichTextTable"));
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName(wxT("field"), wxT("wxRichTextField"));
return true;
void OnExit()
+ wxRichTextBuffer::CleanUpFieldTypes();
+ wxRichTextXMLHandler::ClearNodeToClassMap();
// first, but of course this means we'll be doing it twice.
if (!m_buffer->IsDirty() && m_ctrl) // can only do optimisation if the buffer is already laid out correctly
- wxSize clientSize = m_ctrl->GetClientSize();
- wxPoint firstVisiblePt = m_ctrl->GetFirstVisiblePoint();
+ wxSize clientSize = m_ctrl->GetUnscaledSize(m_ctrl->GetClientSize());
+ wxPoint firstVisiblePt = m_ctrl->GetUnscaledPoint(m_ctrl->GetFirstVisiblePoint());
int lastY = firstVisiblePt.y + clientSize.y;
wxRichTextParagraph* para = container->GetParagraphAtPosition(GetRange().GetStart());
- // InvalidateHierarchy goes up the hierarchy as well as down, otherwise with a nested object,
- // Layout() would stop prematurely at the top level.
- container->InvalidateHierarchy(GetRange());
+ // Invalidate the whole buffer if there were floating objects
+ if (container->GetFloatingObjectCount() > 0)
+ m_buffer->InvalidateHierarchy(wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
+ else
+ {
+ // InvalidateHierarchy goes up the hierarchy as well as down, otherwise with a nested object,
+ // Layout() would stop prematurely at the top level.
+ container->InvalidateHierarchy(GetRange());
+ }
// InvalidateHierarchy goes up the hierarchy as well as down, otherwise with a nested object,
// Layout() would stop prematurely at the top level.
- container->InvalidateHierarchy(GetRange());
+ // Invalidate the whole buffer if there were floating objects
+ if (container->GetFloatingObjectCount() > 0)
+ m_buffer->InvalidateHierarchy(wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
+ else
+ container->InvalidateHierarchy(GetRange());
// InvalidateHierarchy goes up the hierarchy as well as down, otherwise with a nested object,
// Layout() would stop prematurely at the top level.
- container->InvalidateHierarchy(GetRange());
+ // Invalidate the whole buffer if there were floating objects
+ if (container->GetFloatingObjectCount() > 0)
+ m_buffer->InvalidateHierarchy(wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
+ else
+ container->InvalidateHierarchy(GetRange());
// InvalidateHierarchy goes up the hierarchy as well as down, otherwise with a nested object,
// Layout() would stop prematurely at the top level.
container->InvalidateHierarchy(wxRichTextRange(GetRange().GetStart(), GetRange().GetStart()));
container->InsertFragment(GetRange().GetStart(), m_oldParagraphs);
// InvalidateHierarchy goes up the hierarchy as well as down, otherwise with a nested object,
// Layout() would stop prematurely at the top level.
size_t i;
- wxSize clientSize = m_ctrl->GetClientSize();
- wxPoint firstVisiblePt = m_ctrl->GetFirstVisiblePoint();
+ wxSize clientSize = m_ctrl->GetUnscaledSize(m_ctrl->GetClientSize());
+ wxPoint firstVisiblePt = m_ctrl->GetUnscaledPoint(m_ctrl->GetFirstVisiblePoint());
// Start/end positions
int firstY = 0;
lastY = firstVisiblePt.y + clientSize.y;
// Convert to device coordinates
- wxRect rect(m_ctrl->GetPhysicalPoint(wxPoint(firstVisiblePt.x, firstY)), wxSize(clientSize.x, lastY - firstY));
+ wxRect rect(m_ctrl->GetPhysicalPoint(m_ctrl->GetScaledPoint(wxPoint(firstVisiblePt.x, firstY))), m_ctrl->GetScaledSize(wxSize(clientSize.x, lastY - firstY)));
wxRichTextImage::wxRichTextImage(const wxImage& image, wxRichTextObject* parent, wxRichTextAttr* charStyle):
+ Init();
m_imageBlock.MakeImageBlockDefaultQuality(image, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
if (charStyle)
wxRichTextImage::wxRichTextImage(const wxRichTextImageBlock& imageBlock, wxRichTextObject* parent, wxRichTextAttr* charStyle):
+ Init();
m_imageBlock = imageBlock;
if (charStyle)
+void wxRichTextImage::Init()
+ m_originalImageSize = wxSize(-1, -1);
/// Create a cached image at the required size
bool wxRichTextImage::LoadImageCache(wxDC& dc, bool resetCache)
- if (resetCache || !m_imageCache.IsOk() /* || m_imageCache.GetWidth() != size.x || m_imageCache.GetHeight() != size.y */)
+ if (!m_imageBlock.IsOk())
+ return false;
+ // If we have an original image size, use that to compute the cached bitmap size
+ // instead of loading the image each time. This way we can avoid loading
+ // the image so long as the new cached bitmap size hasn't changed.
+ wxImage image;
+ if (resetCache || m_originalImageSize == wxSize(-1, -1))
- if (!m_imageBlock.IsOk())
- return false;
+ m_imageCache = wxNullBitmap;
- wxImage image;
if (!image.IsOk())
return false;
- int width = image.GetWidth();
- int height = image.GetHeight();
+ m_originalImageSize = wxSize(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight());
+ }
+ int width = m_originalImageSize.GetWidth();
+ int height = m_originalImageSize.GetHeight();
+ int parentWidth = 0;
+ int parentHeight = 0;
+ int maxWidth = -1;
+ int maxHeight = -1;
- if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().IsValid() && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetValue() > 0)
+ wxRichTextBuffer* buffer = GetBuffer();
+ if (buffer)
+ {
+ wxSize sz;
+ if (buffer->GetRichTextCtrl())
- if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
- width = ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetValue());
- else
- width = GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetValue();
+ // Subtract borders
+ sz = buffer->GetRichTextCtrl()->GetClientSize();
+ wxRect marginRect, borderRect, contentRect, paddingRect, outlineRect;
+ marginRect = wxRect(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y);
+ buffer->GetBoxRects(dc, buffer, buffer->GetAttributes(), marginRect, borderRect, contentRect, paddingRect, outlineRect);
+ sz = contentRect.GetSize();
+ // Start with a maximum width of the control size, even if not specified by the content,
+ // to minimize the amount of picture overlapping the right-hand side
+ maxWidth = sz.x;
- if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().IsValid() && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetValue() > 0)
+ else
+ sz = buffer->GetCachedSize();
+ parentWidth = sz.GetWidth();
+ parentHeight = sz.GetHeight();
+ }
+ if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().IsValid() && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetValue() > 0)
+ {
+ if (parentWidth > 0 && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PERCENTAGE)
+ width = (int) ((GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetValue() * parentWidth)/100.0);
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
+ width = ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetValue());
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS)
+ width = GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().GetValue();
+ }
+ // Limit to max width
+ if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().IsValid() && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().GetValue() > 0)
+ {
+ int mw = -1;
+ if (parentWidth > 0 && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PERCENTAGE)
+ mw = (int) ((GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().GetValue() * parentWidth)/100.0);
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
+ mw = ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().GetValue());
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS)
+ mw = GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetWidth().GetValue();
+ // If we already have a smaller max width due to the constraints of the control size,
+ // don't use the larger max width.
+ if (mw != -1 && ((maxWidth == -1) || (mw < maxWidth)))
+ maxWidth = mw;
+ }
+ if (maxWidth > 0 && width > maxWidth)
+ width = maxWidth;
+ // Preserve the aspect ratio
+ if (width != m_originalImageSize.GetWidth())
+ height = (int) (float(m_originalImageSize.GetHeight()) * (float(width)/float(m_originalImageSize.GetWidth())));
+ if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().IsValid() && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetValue() > 0)
+ {
+ if (parentHeight > 0 && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PERCENTAGE)
+ height = (int) ((GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetValue() * parentHeight)/100.0);
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
+ height = ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetValue());
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS)
+ height = GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetValue();
+ // Preserve the aspect ratio
+ if (height != m_originalImageSize.GetHeight())
+ width = (int) (float(m_originalImageSize.GetWidth()) * (float(height)/float(m_originalImageSize.GetHeight())));
+ }
+ // Limit to max height
+ if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().IsValid() && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().GetValue() > 0)
+ {
+ if (parentHeight > 0 && GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PERCENTAGE)
+ maxHeight = (int) ((GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().GetValue() * parentHeight)/100.0);
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
+ maxHeight = ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().GetValue());
+ else if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS)
+ maxHeight = GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMaxSize().GetHeight().GetValue();
+ }
+ if (maxHeight > 0 && height > maxHeight)
+ {
+ height = maxHeight;
+ // Preserve the aspect ratio
+ if (height != m_originalImageSize.GetHeight())
+ width = (int) (float(m_originalImageSize.GetWidth()) * (float(height)/float(m_originalImageSize.GetHeight())));
+ }
+ if (m_imageCache.IsOk() && m_imageCache.GetWidth() == width && m_imageCache.GetHeight() == height)
+ {
+ // Do nothing, we didn't need to change the image cache
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!image.IsOk())
- if (GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetUnits() == wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
- height = ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetValue());
- else
- height = GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().GetValue();
+ m_imageBlock.Load(image);
+ if (!image.IsOk())
+ return false;
if (image.GetWidth() == width && image.GetHeight() == height)
/// Draw the item
-bool wxRichTextImage::Draw(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int WXUNUSED(descent), int WXUNUSED(style))
+bool wxRichTextImage::Draw(wxDC& dc, wxRichTextDrawingContext& context, const wxRichTextRange& WXUNUSED(range), const wxRichTextSelection& selection, const wxRect& rect, int WXUNUSED(descent), int WXUNUSED(style))
if (!IsShown())
return true;
DrawBoxAttributes(dc, GetBuffer(), attr, wxRect(rect.GetPosition(), GetCachedSize()));
-#if 0
- int y = rect.y + (rect.height - m_imageCache.GetHeight());
- dc.DrawBitmap(m_imageCache, rect.x, y, true);
wxSize imageSize(m_imageCache.GetWidth(), m_imageCache.GetHeight());
wxRect marginRect, borderRect, contentRect, paddingRect, outlineRect;
marginRect = rect; // outer rectangle, will calculate contentRect
dc.DrawBitmap(m_imageCache, contentRect.x, contentRect.y, true);
- if (selection.WithinSelection(range.GetStart(), this))
+ if (selection.WithinSelection(GetRange().GetStart(), this))
wxCheckSetBrush(dc, *wxBLACK_BRUSH);
wxCheckSetPen(dc, *wxBLACK_PEN);
m_imageBlock = obj.m_imageBlock;
+ m_originalImageSize = obj.m_originalImageSize;
/// Edit properties via a GUI
return (attr1 == attr2);
-// Partial equality test taking flags into account
-bool wxTextAttrEqPartial(const wxRichTextAttr& attr1, const wxRichTextAttr& attr2)
- return attr1.EqPartial(attr2);
/// Compare tabs
bool wxRichTextTabsEq(const wxArrayInt& tabs1, const wxArrayInt& tabs2)
wxRichTextFontTableData() {}
- wxFont FindFont(const wxRichTextAttr& fontSpec);
+ wxFont FindFont(const wxRichTextAttr& fontSpec, double fontScale);
wxRichTextFontTableHashMap m_hashMap;
-wxFont wxRichTextFontTableData::FindFont(const wxRichTextAttr& fontSpec)
+wxFont wxRichTextFontTableData::FindFont(const wxRichTextAttr& fontSpec, double fontScale)
wxString facename(fontSpec.GetFontFaceName());
- wxString spec(wxString::Format(wxT("%d-%d-%d-%d-%s-%d"), fontSpec.GetFontSize(), fontSpec.GetFontStyle(), fontSpec.GetFontWeight(), (int) fontSpec.GetFontUnderlined(), facename.c_str(), (int) fontSpec.GetFontEncoding()));
- wxRichTextFontTableHashMap::iterator entry = m_hashMap.find(spec);
+ int fontSize = fontSpec.GetFontSize();
+ if (fontScale != 1.0)
+ fontSize = (int) ((double(fontSize) * fontScale) + 0.5);
+ wxString units;
+ if (fontSpec.HasFontPixelSize() && !fontSpec.HasFontPointSize())
+ units = wxT("px");
+ else
+ units = wxT("pt");
+ wxString spec = wxString::Format(wxT("%d-%s-%d-%d-%d-%d-%s-%d"),
+ fontSize, units.c_str(), fontSpec.GetFontStyle(), fontSpec.GetFontWeight(), (int) fontSpec.GetFontUnderlined(), (int) fontSpec.GetFontStrikethrough(),
+ facename.c_str(), (int) fontSpec.GetFontEncoding());
+ wxRichTextFontTableHashMap::iterator entry = m_hashMap.find(spec);
if ( entry == m_hashMap.end() )
- wxFont font(fontSpec.GetFontSize(), wxDEFAULT, fontSpec.GetFontStyle(), fontSpec.GetFontWeight(), fontSpec.GetFontUnderlined(), facename.c_str());
- m_hashMap[spec] = font;
- return font;
+ if (fontSpec.HasFontPixelSize() && !fontSpec.HasFontPointSize())
+ {
+ wxFont font(wxSize(0, fontSize), wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, fontSpec.GetFontStyle(), fontSpec.GetFontWeight(), fontSpec.GetFontUnderlined(), facename);
+ if (fontSpec.HasFontStrikethrough() && fontSpec.GetFontStrikethrough())
+ font.SetStrikethrough(true);
+ m_hashMap[spec] = font;
+ return font;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxFont font(fontSize, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, fontSpec.GetFontStyle(), fontSpec.GetFontWeight(), fontSpec.GetFontUnderlined(), facename.c_str());
+ if (fontSpec.HasFontStrikethrough() && fontSpec.GetFontStrikethrough())
+ font.SetStrikethrough(true);
+ m_hashMap[spec] = font;
+ return font;
+ }
m_refData = new wxRichTextFontTableData;
+ m_fontScale = 1.0;
wxRichTextFontTable::wxRichTextFontTable(const wxRichTextFontTable& table)
void wxRichTextFontTable::operator= (const wxRichTextFontTable& table)
+ m_fontScale = table.m_fontScale;
wxFont wxRichTextFontTable::FindFont(const wxRichTextAttr& fontSpec)
wxRichTextFontTableData* data = (wxRichTextFontTableData*) m_refData;
if (data)
- return data->FindFont(fontSpec);
+ return data->FindFont(fontSpec, m_fontScale);
return wxFont();
-// wxTextBoxAttr
+void wxRichTextFontTable::SetFontScale(double fontScale)
+ if (fontScale != m_fontScale)
+ Clear();
+ m_fontScale = fontScale;
+// wxTextBoxAttr
void wxTextBoxAttr::Reset()
// Partial equality test
-bool wxTextBoxAttr::EqPartial(const wxTextBoxAttr& attr) const
+bool wxTextBoxAttr::EqPartial(const wxTextBoxAttr& attr, bool weakTest) const
+ if (!weakTest &&
+ ((!HasFloatMode() && attr.HasFloatMode()) ||
+ (!HasClearMode() && attr.HasClearMode()) ||
+ (!HasCollapseBorders() && attr.HasCollapseBorders()) ||
+ (!HasVerticalAlignment() && attr.HasVerticalAlignment()) ||
+ (!HasBoxStyleName() && attr.HasBoxStyleName())))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
if (attr.HasFloatMode() && HasFloatMode() && (GetFloatMode() != attr.GetFloatMode()))
return false;
// Position
- if (!m_position.EqPartial(attr.m_position))
+ if (!m_position.EqPartial(attr.m_position, weakTest))
return false;
// Size
- if (!m_size.EqPartial(attr.m_size))
+ if (!m_size.EqPartial(attr.m_size, weakTest))
return false;
- if (!m_minSize.EqPartial(attr.m_minSize))
+ if (!m_minSize.EqPartial(attr.m_minSize, weakTest))
return false;
- if (!m_maxSize.EqPartial(attr.m_maxSize))
+ if (!m_maxSize.EqPartial(attr.m_maxSize, weakTest))
return false;
// Margins
- if (!m_margins.EqPartial(attr.m_margins))
+ if (!m_margins.EqPartial(attr.m_margins, weakTest))
return false;
// Padding
- if (!m_padding.EqPartial(attr.m_padding))
+ if (!m_padding.EqPartial(attr.m_padding, weakTest))
return false;
// Border
- if (!GetBorder().EqPartial(attr.GetBorder()))
+ if (!GetBorder().EqPartial(attr.GetBorder(), weakTest))
return false;
// Outline
- if (!GetOutline().EqPartial(attr.GetOutline()))
+ if (!GetOutline().EqPartial(attr.GetOutline(), weakTest))
return false;
return true;
return (m_textBoxAttr == attr.m_textBoxAttr);
-// Partial equality test taking comparison object into account
-bool wxRichTextAttr::EqPartial(const wxRichTextAttr& attr) const
+// Partial equality test
+bool wxRichTextAttr::EqPartial(const wxRichTextAttr& attr, bool weakTest) const
- if (!(wxTextAttr::EqPartial(attr)))
+ if (!(wxTextAttr::EqPartial(attr, weakTest)))
return false;
- return m_textBoxAttr.EqPartial(attr.m_textBoxAttr);
+ return m_textBoxAttr.EqPartial(attr.m_textBoxAttr, weakTest);
// Merges the given attributes. If compareWith
// Partial equality test
-bool wxTextAttrBorder::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrBorder& border) const
+bool wxTextAttrBorder::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrBorder& border, bool weakTest) const
- if (border.HasStyle() && !HasStyle() && (border.GetStyle() != GetStyle()))
+ if (!weakTest &&
+ ((!HasStyle() && border.HasStyle()) ||
+ (!HasColour() && border.HasColour()) ||
+ (!HasWidth() && border.HasWidth())))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (border.HasStyle() && HasStyle() && (border.GetStyle() != GetStyle()))
return false;
- if (border.HasColour() && !HasColour() && (border.GetColourLong() != GetColourLong()))
+ if (border.HasColour() && HasColour() && (border.GetColourLong() != GetColourLong()))
return false;
- if (border.HasWidth() && !HasWidth() && !(border.GetWidth() == GetWidth()))
+ if (border.HasWidth() && HasWidth() && !(border.GetWidth() == GetWidth()))
return false;
return true;
// Partial equality test
-bool wxTextAttrBorders::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrBorders& borders) const
+bool wxTextAttrBorders::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrBorders& borders, bool weakTest) const
- return m_left.EqPartial(borders.m_left) && m_right.EqPartial(borders.m_right) &&
- m_top.EqPartial(borders.m_top) && m_bottom.EqPartial(borders.m_bottom);
+ return m_left.EqPartial(borders.m_left, weakTest) && m_right.EqPartial(borders.m_right, weakTest) &&
+ m_top.EqPartial(borders.m_top, weakTest) && m_bottom.EqPartial(borders.m_bottom, weakTest);
// Apply border to 'this', but not if the same as compareWith
// Partial equality test
-bool wxTextAttrDimension::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrDimension& dim) const
+bool wxTextAttrDimension::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrDimension& dim, bool weakTest) const
+ if (!weakTest && !IsValid() && dim.IsValid())
+ return false;
if (dim.IsValid() && IsValid() && !((*this) == dim))
return false;
// Partial equality test
-bool wxTextAttrDimensions::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrDimensions& dims) const
+bool wxTextAttrDimensions::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrDimensions& dims, bool weakTest) const
- if (!m_left.EqPartial(dims.m_left))
+ if (!m_left.EqPartial(dims.m_left, weakTest))
return false;
- if (!m_right.EqPartial(dims.m_right))
+ if (!m_right.EqPartial(dims.m_right, weakTest))
return false;
- if (!m_top.EqPartial(dims.m_top))
+ if (!m_top.EqPartial(dims.m_top, weakTest))
return false;
- if (!m_bottom.EqPartial(dims.m_bottom))
+ if (!m_bottom.EqPartial(dims.m_bottom, weakTest))
return false;
return true;
// Partial equality test
-bool wxTextAttrSize::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrSize& size) const
+bool wxTextAttrSize::EqPartial(const wxTextAttrSize& size, bool weakTest) const
- if (!m_width.EqPartial(size.m_width))
+ if (!m_width.EqPartial(size.m_width, weakTest))
return false;
- if (!m_height.EqPartial(size.m_height))
+ if (!m_height.EqPartial(size.m_height, weakTest))
return false;
return true;
long forbiddenFlags = clashingAttr.GetFlags()|absentAttr.GetFlags();
- if (attr.HasFont())
+ // If different font size units are being used, this is a clash.
+ if (((attr.GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE) | (currentStyle.GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE)) == wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE)
+ {
+ currentStyle.SetFontSize(0);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE);
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE);
+ }
+ else
- if (attr.HasFontSize() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE))
+ if (attr.HasFontPointSize() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_POINT_SIZE))
- if (currentStyle.HasFontSize())
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontPointSize())
if (currentStyle.GetFontSize() != attr.GetFontSize())
// Clash of attr - mark as such
- clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE);
- currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE);
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_POINT_SIZE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_POINT_SIZE);
+ else if (!attr.HasFontPointSize() && currentStyle.HasFontPointSize())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_POINT_SIZE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_POINT_SIZE);
+ }
- if (attr.HasFontItalic() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC))
+ if (attr.HasFontPixelSize() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_PIXEL_SIZE))
- if (currentStyle.HasFontItalic())
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontPixelSize())
- if (currentStyle.GetFontStyle() != attr.GetFontStyle())
+ if (currentStyle.GetFontSize() != attr.GetFontSize())
// Clash of attr - mark as such
- clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC);
- currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC);
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_PIXEL_SIZE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_PIXEL_SIZE);
- currentStyle.SetFontStyle(attr.GetFontStyle());
+ currentStyle.SetFontPixelSize(attr.GetFontSize());
+ else if (!attr.HasFontPixelSize() && currentStyle.HasFontPixelSize())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_PIXEL_SIZE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_PIXEL_SIZE);
+ }
+ }
- if (attr.HasFontFamily() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY))
+ if (attr.HasFontItalic() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC))
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontItalic())
- if (currentStyle.HasFontFamily())
+ if (currentStyle.GetFontStyle() != attr.GetFontStyle())
- if (currentStyle.GetFontFamily() != attr.GetFontFamily())
- {
- // Clash of attr - mark as such
- clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY);
- currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY);
- }
+ // Clash of attr - mark as such
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC);
- else
- currentStyle.SetFontFamily(attr.GetFontFamily());
+ else
+ currentStyle.SetFontStyle(attr.GetFontStyle());
+ }
+ else if (!attr.HasFontItalic() && currentStyle.HasFontItalic())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC);
+ }
- if (attr.HasFontWeight() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT))
+ if (attr.HasFontFamily() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY))
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontFamily())
- if (currentStyle.HasFontWeight())
+ if (currentStyle.GetFontFamily() != attr.GetFontFamily())
- if (currentStyle.GetFontWeight() != attr.GetFontWeight())
- {
- // Clash of attr - mark as such
- clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT);
- currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT);
- }
+ // Clash of attr - mark as such
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ currentStyle.SetFontFamily(attr.GetFontFamily());
+ }
+ else if (!attr.HasFontFamily() && currentStyle.HasFontFamily())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FAMILY);
+ }
+ if (attr.HasFontWeight() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT))
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontWeight())
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.GetFontWeight() != attr.GetFontWeight())
+ {
+ // Clash of attr - mark as such
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT);
- else
- currentStyle.SetFontWeight(attr.GetFontWeight());
+ else
+ currentStyle.SetFontWeight(attr.GetFontWeight());
+ }
+ else if (!attr.HasFontWeight() && currentStyle.HasFontWeight())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT);
+ }
- if (attr.HasFontFaceName() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE))
+ if (attr.HasFontFaceName() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE))
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontFaceName())
- if (currentStyle.HasFontFaceName())
+ wxString faceName1(currentStyle.GetFontFaceName());
+ wxString faceName2(attr.GetFontFaceName());
+ if (faceName1 != faceName2)
- wxString faceName1(currentStyle.GetFontFaceName());
- wxString faceName2(attr.GetFontFaceName());
+ // Clash of attr - mark as such
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ currentStyle.SetFontFaceName(attr.GetFontFaceName());
+ }
+ else if (!attr.HasFontFaceName() && currentStyle.HasFontFaceName())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE);
+ }
- if (faceName1 != faceName2)
- {
- // Clash of attr - mark as such
- clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE);
- currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE);
- }
+ if (attr.HasFontUnderlined() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE))
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontUnderlined())
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.GetFontUnderlined() != attr.GetFontUnderlined())
+ {
+ // Clash of attr - mark as such
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE);
- else
- currentStyle.SetFontFaceName(attr.GetFontFaceName());
+ else
+ currentStyle.SetFontUnderlined(attr.GetFontUnderlined());
+ }
+ else if (!attr.HasFontUnderlined() && currentStyle.HasFontUnderlined())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE);
+ }
- if (attr.HasFontUnderlined() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE))
+ if (attr.HasFontStrikethrough() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_STRIKETHROUGH))
+ {
+ if (currentStyle.HasFontStrikethrough())
- if (currentStyle.HasFontUnderlined())
+ if (currentStyle.GetFontStrikethrough() != attr.GetFontStrikethrough())
- if (currentStyle.GetFontUnderlined() != attr.GetFontUnderlined())
- {
- // Clash of attr - mark as such
- clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE);
- currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE);
- }
+ // Clash of attr - mark as such
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_STRIKETHROUGH);
- else
- currentStyle.SetFontUnderlined(attr.GetFontUnderlined());
+ else
+ currentStyle.SetFontStrikethrough(attr.GetFontStrikethrough());
+ }
+ else if (!attr.HasFontStrikethrough() && currentStyle.HasFontStrikethrough())
+ {
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_STRIKETHROUGH);
if (attr.HasTextColour() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR))
+ else if (!attr.HasTextColour() && currentStyle.HasTextColour())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR);
+ }
if (attr.HasBackgroundColour() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_BACKGROUND_COLOUR))
+ else if (!attr.HasBackgroundColour() && currentStyle.HasBackgroundColour())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BACKGROUND_COLOUR);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BACKGROUND_COLOUR);
+ }
if (attr.HasAlignment() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_ALIGNMENT))
+ else if (!attr.HasAlignment() && currentStyle.HasAlignment())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_ALIGNMENT);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_ALIGNMENT);
+ }
if (attr.HasTabs() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_TABS))
+ else if (!attr.HasTabs() && currentStyle.HasTabs())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_TABS);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_TABS);
+ }
if (attr.HasLeftIndent() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT))
currentStyle.SetLeftIndent(attr.GetLeftIndent(), attr.GetLeftSubIndent());
+ else if (!attr.HasLeftIndent() && currentStyle.HasLeftIndent())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT);
+ }
if (attr.HasRightIndent() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_RIGHT_INDENT))
+ else if (!attr.HasRightIndent() && currentStyle.HasRightIndent())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_RIGHT_INDENT);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_RIGHT_INDENT);
+ }
if (attr.HasParagraphSpacingAfter() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_AFTER))
+ else if (!attr.HasParagraphSpacingAfter() && currentStyle.HasParagraphSpacingAfter())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_AFTER);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_AFTER);
+ }
if (attr.HasParagraphSpacingBefore() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_BEFORE))
+ else if (!attr.HasParagraphSpacingBefore() && currentStyle.HasParagraphSpacingBefore())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_BEFORE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_BEFORE);
+ }
if (attr.HasLineSpacing() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_LINE_SPACING))
+ else if (!attr.HasLineSpacing() && currentStyle.HasLineSpacing())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_LINE_SPACING);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_LINE_SPACING);
+ }
if (attr.HasCharacterStyleName() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_CHARACTER_STYLE_NAME))
+ else if (!attr.HasCharacterStyleName() && currentStyle.HasCharacterStyleName())
+ {
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_CHARACTER_STYLE_NAME);
+ }
if (attr.HasParagraphStyleName() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_PARAGRAPH_STYLE_NAME))
+ else if (!attr.HasParagraphStyleName() && currentStyle.HasParagraphStyleName())
+ {
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARAGRAPH_STYLE_NAME);
+ }
if (attr.HasListStyleName() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_LIST_STYLE_NAME))
+ else if (!attr.HasListStyleName() && currentStyle.HasListStyleName())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_LIST_STYLE_NAME);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_LIST_STYLE_NAME);
+ }
if (attr.HasBulletStyle() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE))
+ else if (!attr.HasBulletStyle() && currentStyle.HasBulletStyle())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE);
+ }
if (attr.HasBulletNumber() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NUMBER))
+ else if (!attr.HasBulletNumber() && currentStyle.HasBulletNumber())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NUMBER);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NUMBER);
+ }
if (attr.HasBulletText() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_TEXT))
+ else if (!attr.HasBulletText() && currentStyle.HasBulletText())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_TEXT);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_TEXT);
+ }
if (attr.HasBulletName() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NAME))
+ else if (!attr.HasBulletName() && currentStyle.HasBulletName())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NAME);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NAME);
+ }
if (attr.HasURL() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_URL))
+ else if (!attr.HasURL() && currentStyle.HasURL())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_URL);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_URL);
+ }
if (attr.HasTextEffects() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECTS))
if (currentStyle.GetTextEffectFlags() == 0)
+ else if (!attr.HasTextEffects() && currentStyle.HasTextEffects())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECTS);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECTS);
+ }
if (attr.HasOutlineLevel() && !wxHasStyle(forbiddenFlags, wxTEXT_ATTR_OUTLINE_LEVEL))
+ else if (!attr.HasOutlineLevel() && currentStyle.HasOutlineLevel())
+ {
+ clashingAttr.AddFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_OUTLINE_LEVEL);
+ currentStyle.RemoveFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_OUTLINE_LEVEL);
+ }
bool success = handler->GetVirtualAttributes(attr, obj);
+ wxUnusedVar(success);
node = node->GetNext();
+void wxRichTextBuffer::AddFieldType(wxRichTextFieldType *fieldType)
+ sm_fieldTypes[fieldType->GetName()] = fieldType;
+bool wxRichTextBuffer::RemoveFieldType(const wxString& name)
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeHashMap::iterator it = sm_fieldTypes.find(name);
+ if (it == sm_fieldTypes.end())
+ return false;
+ else
+ {
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = it->second;
+ sm_fieldTypes.erase(it);
+ delete fieldType;
+ return true;
+ }
+wxRichTextFieldType *wxRichTextBuffer::FindFieldType(const wxString& name)
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeHashMap::iterator it = sm_fieldTypes.find(name);
+ if (it == sm_fieldTypes.end())
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return it->second;
+void wxRichTextBuffer::CleanUpFieldTypes()
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeHashMap::iterator it;
+ for( it = sm_fieldTypes.begin(); it != sm_fieldTypes.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ wxRichTextFieldType* fieldType = it->second;
+ delete fieldType;
+ }
+ sm_fieldTypes.clear();