you can't find the sample you showing the control you are interested in by
name. Most of wxWindows classes, occur in at least one of the samples.
\subsection{Minimal sample}\label{sampleminimal}
The minimal sample is what most people will know under the term Hello World,
needed to write a program that will display a "hello" dialog. This is usually
a good starting point for learning how to use wxWindows.
\subsection{Art provider sample}\label{sampleartprovider}
The {\tt artprov} sample shows how you can customize the look of standard
wxWindows dialogs by replacing default bitmaps/icons with your own versions.
-It also shows how you can use \helpref{wxArtProvider}{wxartprovider} to
+It also shows how you can use wxArtProvider to
get stock bitmaps for use in your application.
\subsection{Calendar sample}\label{samplecalendar}
This font shows the \helpref{calendar control}{wxcalendarctrl} in action. It
shows how to configure the control (see the different options in the calendar
menu) and also how to process the notifications from it.
\subsection{Checklist sample}\label{samplechecklist}
This sample demonstrates the use of the \helpref{wxCheckListBox}{wxchecklistbox}
as well). The layout of the dialog is created using a \helpref{wxBoxSizer}{wxboxsizer}
demonstrating a simple dynamic layout.
\subsection{Config sample}\label{sampleconfig}
This sample demonstrates the \helpref{wxConfig}{wxconfigbase} classes in a platform
-indenpedent way, i.e. it uses text based files to store a given configuration under
+independent way, i.e. it uses text based files to store a given configuration under
Unix and uses the Registry under Windows.
See \helpref{wxConfig overview}{wxconfigoverview} for the descriptions of all
features of this class.
\subsection{Controls sample}\label{samplecontrols}
The controls sample is the main test program for most simple controls used in
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxSlider}{wxslider}}{A slider that can be dragged by the user}
\subsection{Database sample}\label{sampledb}
The database sample is a small test program showing how to use the ODBC
classes written by Remstar Intl. Obviously, this sample requires a
database with ODBC support to be correctly installed on your system.
\subsection{Dialogs sample}\label{sampledialogs}
This sample shows how to use the common dialogs available from wxWindows. These
dialogs are described in details in the \helpref{Common dialogs overview}{commondialogsoverview}.
\subsection{Dialup sample}\label{sampledialup}
This sample shows \helpref{wxDialUpManager}{wxdialupmanager}
-class. It displays in the status bar the information gathered through itsi
-nterface: in particular, the current connection status (online or offline) and
+class. It displays in the status bar the information gathered through its
+interface: in particular, the current connection status (online or offline) and
whether the connection is permanent (in which case a string `LAN' appears in
-the thrid status bar field - but note that you may have be on a LAN not
+the third status bar field - but note that you may have be on a LAN not
connected to the Internet, in which case you will not see this) or not.
Using the menu entries, you may also dial or hang up the line if you have a
modem attached and (this only makes sense for Windows) list the available
\subsection{DnD sample}\label{samplednd}
This sample shows both clipboard and drag and drop in action. It is quite non
Take a look at DnDShapeDataObject class to see how you may use
\helpref{wxDataObject}{wxdataobject} to achieve this.
\subsection{Dynamic sample}\label{sampledynamic}
This sample is a very small sample that demonstrates the use of the
See also the \helpref{event sample}{sampleevent}
\subsection{Event sample}\label{sampleevent}
The event sample demonstrates various features of the wxWindows events. It
It replaces the old dynamic sample.
+\subsection{Except(ions) sample}\label{sampleexcept}
+This very simple sample shows how to use C++ exceptions in wxWindows programs,
+i.e. where to catch the exception which may be thrown by the program code. It
+doesn't do anything very exciting by itself, you need to study its code to
+understand what goes on.
+You need to build the library with \texttt{wxUSE\_EXCEPTIONS} being set to $1$
+and compile your code with the C++ exceptions support to be able to build this
\subsection{Exec sample}\label{sampleexec}
The exec sample demonstrates the \helpref{wxExecute}{wxexecute} and
\helpref{wxProcess::Kill}{wxprocesskill} and test for their existence with
\subsection{Font sample}\label{samplefont}
The font sample demonstrates \helpref{wxFont}{wxfont},
available (to wxWindows) on the computer and shows all characters of the
chosen font as well.
\subsection{Grid sample}\label{samplegrid}
\subsection{HTML samples}\label{samplehtml}
Eight HTML samples (you can find them in directory {\tt samples/html})
while {\it Helpview} is simple tool that only pops up help window and
displays help books given at command line.
\subsection{Image sample}\label{sampleimage}
The image sample demonstrates the use of the \helpref{wxImage}{wximage} class
bitmap is then converted to a wxImage and the foreground colour (black) is
replaced with red using \helpref{wxImage::Replace}{wximagereplace}.
+\subsection{Internat(ionalization) sample}\label{sampleinternat}
+The not very clearly named internat sample demonstrates the wxWindows
+internatationalization (i18n for short from now on) features. To be more
+precise, it only shows localization support, i.e. support for translating the
+program messages in another language while true i18n would also involve
+changing the other aspects of the programs behaviour.
+More information about this sample can be found in the {\tt readme.txt} file in
+its directory. Please see also \helpref{i18n overview}{internationalization}.
\subsection{Layout sample}\label{samplelayout}
The layout sample demonstrates the two different layout systems offered
class. See also \helpref{wxNotebookSizer}{wxnotebooksizer} and
\subsection{Listctrl sample}\label{samplelistctrl}
This sample shows \helpref{wxListCtrl}{wxlistctrl} control. Different modes
the menu.
The sample also provides some timings for adding/deleting/sorting a lot of
-(several thousands) controls into the control.
+(several thousands) items into the control.
+\subsection{Notebook sample}\label{samplenotebook}
+This samples shows two controls at once: although initially it was written to
+demonstrate \helpref{wxNotebook}{wxnotebook} only, it can now be also used
+to see \helpref{wxListbook}{wxlistbook} in action. To switch between the two
+controls you need to manually change \texttt{TEST\_LISTBOOK} definition in the
+file \texttt{notebook.h} and rebuild the sample.
+\subsection{Render sample}\label{samplerender}
+This sample shows how to replace the default wxWindows
+\helpref{renderer}{wxrenderernative} and also how to write a shared library
+(DLL) implementing a renderer and load and unload it during the run-time.
\subsection{Rotate sample}\label{samplerotate}
or with interpolation (right mouse button) which is slower but gives
better results.
\subsection{Scroll subwindow sample}\label{samplescrollsub}
This sample demonstrates the use of the \helpref{wxScrolledWindow}{wxscrolledwindow}
the aim to prevent unnecessary drawing in the window and thus reducing or removing
flicker on screen.
\subsection{Sockets sample}\label{samplesockets}
The sockets sample demonstrates how to use the communication facilities
\item New samples which actually do something useful (suggestions accepted).
+\subsection{Sound sample}\label{samplesound}
+The {\tt sound} sample shows how to use \helpref{wxSound}{wxsound} for simple
+audio output (e.g. notifications).
\subsection{Statbar sample}\label{samplestatbar}
This sample shows how to create and use wxStatusBar. Although most of the
of fields) and how to use it to show icons/bitmaps and/or put arbitrary
controls into it.
\subsection{Text sample}\label{sampletext}
This sample demonstrates four features: firstly the use and many variants of
higher level from using the {\tt EVT\_CHAR} macro. All characters will be logged
in a log window at the bottom of the main window. By pressing some of the function
keys, you can test some actions in the text ctrl as well as get statistics on the
-text ctrls, which is useful for testing if these stastitics actually are correct.
+text ctrls, which is useful for testing if these statistics actually are correct.
Thirdly, on platforms which support it, the sample will offer to copy text to the
\helpref{wxClipboard}{wxclipboard} and to paste text from it. The GTK version will
Last not least: some of the text controls have tooltips and the sample also shows
how tooltips can be centrally disabled and their latency controlled.
\subsection{Thread sample}\label{samplethread}
This sample demonstrates the use of threads in connection with GUI programs.
See also \helpref{Multithreading overview}{wxthreadoverview} and \helpref{wxThread}{wxthread}.
\subsection{Toolbar sample}\label{sampletoolbar}
The toolbar sample shows the \helpref{wxToolBar}{wxtoolbar} class in action.
group, that is checking any of them automatically unchecks the previously
checked one.
\subsection{Treectrl sample}\label{sampletreectrl}
This sample demonstrates using \helpref{wxTreeCtrl}{wxtreectrl} class. Here
sorting (in default alphabetical order as well as in custom one) is
demonstrated here as well - try the corresponding menu entries.
\subsection{Wizard sample}\label{samplewizard}
This sample shows so-called wizard dialog (implemented using