#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os, string, glob
-from distutils.core import setup, Extension
-from distutils.file_util import copy_file
-from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
-from distutils.dep_util import newer
-from my_distutils import run_swig, contrib_copy_tree
-# flags and values that affect this script
+# Name: setup.py
+# Purpose: Distutils script for building wxPython
+# Author: Robin Dunn
+# Created: 12-Oct-2000
+# RCS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2000 by Total Control Software
+# Licence: wxWindows license
-VERSION = "2.3.3pre4"
-DESCRIPTION = "Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python"
-AUTHOR = "Robin Dunn"
-AUTHOR_EMAIL = "Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com>"
-URL = "http://wxPython.org/"
-LICENCE = "wxWindows (LGPL derivative)"
-wxPython is a GUI toolkit for Python that is a wrapper around the
-wxWindows C++ GUI library. wxPython provides a large variety of
-window types and controls, all implemented with a native look and
-feel (and native runtime speed) on the platforms it is supported
-BUILD_GLCANVAS = 1 # If true, build the contrib/glcanvas extension module
-BUILD_OGL = 1 # If true, build the contrib/ogl extension module
-BUILD_STC = 1 # If true, build the contrib/stc extension module
-BUILD_XRC = 1 # XML based resource system
-BUILD_GIZMOS = 1 # Build a module for the gizmos contrib library
-BUILD_DLLWIDGET = 1# Build a module that enables unknown wx widgets
- # to be loaded from a DLL and to be used from Python.
-BUILD_IEWIN = 0 # Internet Explorer wrapper (experimental)
-CORE_ONLY = 0 # if true, don't build any of the above
-GL_ONLY = 0 # Only used when making the -gl RPM. See the "b" script
- # for the ugly details
-USE_SWIG = 0 # Should we actually execute SWIG, or just use the
- # files already in the distribution?
-UNICODE = 0 # This will pass the 'wxUSE_UNICODE' flag to SWIG and
- # will ensure that the right headers are found and the
- # right libs are linked.
-IN_CVS_TREE = 0 # Set to true if building in a full wxWindows CVS
- # tree, otherwise will assume all needed files are
- # available in the wxPython source distribution
-UNDEF_NDEBUG = 1 # Python 2.2 on Unix/Linux by default defines NDEBUG,
- # and distutils will pick this up and use it on the
- # compile command-line for the extensions. This could
- # conflict with how wxWindows was built. If NDEBUG is
- # set then wxWindows' __WXDEBUG__ setting will be turned
- # off. If wxWindows was actually built with it turned
- # on then you end up with mismatched class structures,
- # and wxPython will crash.
+import sys, os
-WX_CONFIG = "wx-config" # Usually you shouldn't need to touch this,
- # but you can set it to pass an alternate
- # version of wx-config or alternate flags,
- # eg. as required by the .deb in-tree build.
-BUILD_BASE = "build"
+# The full contents of the wx.build.config module used to be located
+# here in setup.py. They were split into a separate module so it will
+# be installed with wxPython and can then be used by the build scripts
+# of other extension modules that wish to be wxPython compatible.
+# The split is still fairly new and hasn't been tested by building
+# third-party extensions yet, so expect some things to still shift
+# back and forth, and also more stuff in config.py will get converted
+# to functions, etc.
-# Some MSW build settings
+# This script imports it as just "config" because if wxPython doesn't
+# exist yet, then it can't be imported from wx.build.config (since
+# wx._core doesn't exist yet.) So instead we keep the main copy of
+# config .py in the same place as setup.py, and then copy it to
+# wx/build as needed below.
-FINAL = 1 # Mirrors use of same flag in wx makefiles,
- # (0 or 1 only) should probably find a way to
- # autodetect this...
+# To fully support external builds, we need to have a build options
+# file that is created whenever a new wxPython build is performed.
+# We happen to be doing that here in this script, so make sure to
+# remove the build_options.py file, so that config.py will recreate it.
-HYBRID = 0 # If set and not debug or FINAL, then build a
- # hybrid extension that can be used by the
- # non-debug version of python, but contains
- # debugging symbols for wxWindows and wxPython.
- # wxWindows must have been built with /MD, not /MDd
- # (using FINAL=hybrid will do it.)
+for bo_name in ["build_options.py", "build_options.pyc"]:
+ if os.path.exists(bo_name):
+ os.remove(bo_name)
-WXDLLVER = '233' # Version part of wxWindows DLL name
+sys.setup_is_main = __name__ == "__main__" # an icky hack!
+from config import *
-def msg(text):
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print text
-def opj(*args):
- path = apply(os.path.join, args)
- return os.path.normpath(path)
-def libFlag():
- if FINAL:
- rv = ''
- elif HYBRID:
- rv = 'h'
- else:
- rv = 'd'
- rv = 'u' + rv
- return rv
-# Some other globals
+# Update the packaged config file.
-PKGDIR = 'wxPython'
-wxpExtensions = []
-force = '--force' in sys.argv or '-f' in sys.argv
-debug = '--debug' in sys.argv or '-g' in sys.argv
-bcpp_compiling = '-c' in sys.argv and 'my_bcpp' in sys.argv # Bad heuristic
-if bcpp_compiling:
- msg("Compiling wxPython by Borland C/C++ Compiler")
- WXBCPPLIBVER = string.replace(WXDLLVER,"_","")
- # Version part of BCPP build LIBRARY name
- WXDLLVER="" # no dll ver path avaible
+copy_file('config.py', 'wx/build', update=1, verbose=1)
+copy_file('build_options.py', 'wx/build', update=1, verbose=1)
-# Check for build flags on the command line
+# Update the version file
-# Boolean (int) flags
- 'FINAL', 'HYBRID', ]:
- for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
- if string.find(sys.argv[x], flag) == 0:
- pos = string.find(sys.argv[x], '=') + 1
- if pos > 0:
- vars()[flag] = eval(sys.argv[x][pos:])
- sys.argv[x] = ''
+# The version file is unconditionally updated every time setup.py is
+# run since the version string can change based on the UNICODE flag
-# String options
-for option in ['WX_CONFIG', 'WXDLLVER', 'BUILD_BASE']:
- for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
- if string.find(sys.argv[x], option) == 0:
- pos = string.find(sys.argv[x], '=') + 1
- if pos > 0:
- vars()[option] = sys.argv[x][pos:]
- sys.argv[x] = ''
+open('wx/__version__.py', 'w').write("""\
+# This file was generated by setup.py...
-sys.argv = filter(None, sys.argv)
+""" % globals())
-# sanity checks
-if UNICODE and os.name != 'nt':
- print "UNICODE is currently only supported on Win32"
- sys.exit()
- BUILD_BASE = BUILD_BASE + '.unicode'
-# Setup some platform specific stuff
+# Write the SWIG version to a header file
-if os.name == 'nt':
- # Set compile flags and such for MSVC. These values are derived
- # from the wxWindows makefiles for MSVC, other compilers settings
- # will probably vary...
- if os.environ.has_key('WXWIN'):
- WXDIR = os.environ['WXWIN']
- else:
- msg("WARNING: WXWIN not set in environment.")
- WXDIR = '..' # assumes in CVS tree
- WXPLAT = '__WXMSW__'
- GENDIR = 'msw'
- if debug:
- FINAL = 0
- HYBRID = 0
- if HYBRID:
- FINAL = 0
- includes = ['src',
- opj(WXDIR, 'lib', 'mswdll' + libFlag()),
- opj(WXDIR, 'include'),
- ]
- defines = [ ('WIN32', None), # Some of these are no longer
- ('__WIN32__', None), # necessary. Anybody know which?
- ('_WINDOWS', None),
- ('__WINDOWS__', None),
- ('WINVER', '0x0400'),
- ('__WIN95__', None),
- ('STRICT', None),
- (WXPLAT, None),
- ('WXUSINGDLL', '1'),
- ('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
- ('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
- ('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
- ]
- if bcpp_compiling: # overwrite it
- defines = [
- ('_WINDOWS', None),
- ('WINVER', '0x0400'),
- ('STRICT', None),
- ('WXUSINGDLL', '1'),
- ('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
- ('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
- ('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
- ('WXUSE_DEFINE','1'),
- ('_RTLDLL',None),
- ]
- if not FINAL or HYBRID:
- defines.append( ('__WXDEBUG__', None) )
- libdirs = [opj(WXDIR, 'lib'), 'build\\ilib']
- wxdll = 'wxmsw' + WXDLLVER + libFlag()
- libs = [wxdll]
- if bcpp_compiling:
- libs = ['wx'+WXBCPPLIBVER]
- libs = libs + ['kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32', 'comdlg32',
- 'winspool', 'winmm', 'shell32', 'oldnames', 'comctl32',
- 'ctl3d32', 'odbc32', 'ole32', 'oleaut32', 'uuid', 'rpcrt4',
- 'advapi32', 'wsock32']
- cflags = [
- # '/GX-' # workaround for internal compiler error in MSVC on some machines
- ]
- lflags = None
- if bcpp_compiling: # overwrite it
- cflags = ['-5', '-VF', ### To support MSVC spurious semicolons in the class scope
- ### else, all semicolons at the end of all DECLARE_...CALLBACK... macros must be eliminated
- '-Hc', '-H=' + opj(WXDIR, '\src\msw\wx32.csm'),
- '@' + opj(WXDIR, '\src\msw\wxwin32.cfg')
- ]
- if not FINAL and HYBRID and not bcpp_compiling:
- cflags = cflags + ['/Od', '/Z7']
- lflags = ['/DEBUG', ]
- elif bcpp_compiling and not FINAL:
- cflags = cflags + ['/Od', '/v', '/y']
- lflags = lflags + ['/v', ]
-elif os.name == 'posix' and sys.platform[:6] == "darwin":
- # Flags and such for a Darwin (Max OS X) build of Python
- WXDIR = '..' # assumes IN_CVS_TREE
- WXPLAT = '__WXMAC__'
- GENDIR = 'mac'
- includes = ['src']
- defines = [('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
- ('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
- ('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
- ]
- libdirs = []
- libs = []
- cflags = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --cxxflags', 'r').read()[:-1]
- cflags = string.split(cflags)
- cflags.append('-UNDEBUG')
- lflags = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --libs', 'r').read()[:-1]
- lflags = string.split(lflags)
-elif os.name == 'posix':
- # Set flags for Unix type platforms
- WXDIR = '..' # assumes IN_CVS_TREE
- WXPLAT = '__WXGTK__' # and assumes GTK...
- GENDIR = 'gtk' # Need to allow for Motif eventually too
- includes = ['src']
- defines = [('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
- ('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
- ('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
- ]
- libdirs = []
- libs = []
- cflags = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --cxxflags', 'r').read()[:-1] + ' ' + \
- os.popen('gtk-config --cflags', 'r').read()[:-1]
- cflags = string.split(cflags)
- cflags.append('-UNDEBUG')
- lflags = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --libs', 'r').read()[:-1]
- lflags = string.split(lflags)
- raise 'Sorry Charlie...'
-# Check if the version file needs updated
-#if IN_CVS_TREE and newer('setup.py', 'src/__version__.py'):
-open('src/__version__.py', 'w').write("ver = '%s'\n" % VERSION)
+ try:
+ SVER = swig_version()
+ open('include/wx/wxPython/swigver.h', 'w').write('''\
+// This file was generated by setup.py
+#define wxPy_SWIG_VERSION "SWIG-%s"
+''' % SVER)
+ msg('Using SWIG-' + SVER)
+ except:
+ msg('\nUnable to get SWIG version number\n')
-# SWIG defaults
+# patch distutils if it can't cope with the "classifiers" or
+# "download_url" keywords
-swig_force = force
-swig_args = ['-c++', '-shadow', '-python', '-keyword',
- '-dnone',
- #'-dascii',
- #'-docstring', '-Sbefore',
- '-I./src', '-D'+WXPLAT,
- ]
- swig_args.append('-DwxUSE_UNICODE')
-swig_deps = ['src/my_typemaps.i']
+if sys.version < '2.2.3':
+ from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata
+ DistributionMetadata.classifiers = None
+ DistributionMetadata.download_url = None
+ depends = {}
+ depends = {'depends' : depends}
# Define the CORE extension module
-if not GL_ONLY:
- msg('Preparing CORE...')
- swig_files = [ 'wx.i', 'windows.i', 'windows2.i', 'windows3.i', 'events.i',
- 'misc.i', 'misc2.i', 'gdi.i', 'mdi.i', 'controls.i',
- 'controls2.i', 'cmndlgs.i', 'stattool.i', 'frames.i', 'image.i',
- 'printfw.i', 'sizers.i', 'clip_dnd.i',
- 'filesys.i', 'streams.i', 'utils.i', 'fonts.i'
- ]
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+msg('Preparing CORE...')
+swig_sources = run_swig(['core.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ 'src/_accel.i',
+ 'src/_app.i',
+ 'src/_app_ex.py',
+ 'src/_constraints.i',
+ 'src/_core_api.i',
+ 'src/_core_ex.py',
+ 'src/__core_rename.i',
+ 'src/__core_reverse.txt',
+ 'src/_defs.i',
+ 'src/_event.i',
+ 'src/_event_ex.py',
+ 'src/_evtloop.i',
+ 'src/_evthandler.i',
+ 'src/_filesys.i',
+ 'src/_gdicmn.i',
+ 'src/_image.i',
+ 'src/_menu.i',
+ 'src/_obj.i',
+ 'src/_sizers.i',
+ 'src/_gbsizer.i',
+ 'src/_streams.i',
+ 'src/_validator.i',
+ 'src/_window.i',
+ 'src/_control.i',
+ 'src/_swigtype.i',
+ ],
+ True)
- copy_file('src/__init__.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
- copy_file('src/__version__.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
- copy_file('src/wxc.pyd.manifest', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
+copy_file('src/__init__.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
+CLEANUP.append(opj(PKGDIR, '__init__.py'))
- if IN_CVS_TREE: # update the licence files
- mkpath('licence')
- for file in ['preamble.txt', 'licence.txt', 'licendoc.txt', 'lgpl.txt']:
- copy_file(opj(WXDIR, 'docs', file), opj('licence',file), update=1, verbose=0)
+# update the license files
+for file in ['preamble.txt', 'licence.txt', 'licendoc.txt', 'lgpl.txt']:
+ copy_file(opj(WXDIR, 'docs', file), opj('licence',file), update=1, verbose=0)
+ CLEANUP.append(opj('licence',file))
- if os.name == 'nt':
- rc_file = ['src/wxc.rc']
- else:
- rc_file = []
+if os.name == 'nt':
+ build_locale_dir(opj(PKGDIR, 'locale'))
+ DATA_FILES += build_locale_list(opj(PKGDIR, 'locale'))
- ext = Extension('wxc', ['src/helpers.cpp',
- 'src/libpy.c',
- ] + rc_file + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
- define_macros = defines,
+if os.name == 'nt':
+ rc_file = ['src/wxc.rc']
+ rc_file = []
+ext = Extension('_core_', ['src/helpers.cpp',
+ ] + rc_file + swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+# Extension for the GDI module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['gdi.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ ['src/__gdi_rename.i',
+ 'src/_bitmap.i',
+ 'src/_colour.i',
+ 'src/_dc.i',
+ 'src/_graphics.i',
+ 'src/_overlay.i',
+ 'src/_gdiobj.i',
+ 'src/_imaglist.i',
+ 'src/_region.i',
+ 'src/_stockobjs.i',
+ 'src/_effects.i',
+ 'src/_intl.i',
+ 'src/_intl_ex.py',
+ 'src/_brush.i',
+ 'src/_cursor.i',
+ 'src/_font.i',
+ 'src/_icon.i',
+ 'src/_pen.i',
+ 'src/_palette.i',
+ 'src/_renderer.i',
+ 'src/_pseudodc.i',
+ ],
+ True)
+ext = Extension('_gdi_', ['src/drawlist.cpp',
+ 'src/pseudodc.cpp'
+ ] + swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+# Extension for the windows module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['windows.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ ['src/__windows_rename.i',
+ 'src/__windows_reverse.txt',
+ 'src/_panel.i',
+ 'src/_toplvl.i',
+ 'src/_statusbar.i',
+ 'src/_splitter.i',
+ 'src/_sashwin.i',
+ 'src/_popupwin.i',
+ 'src/_tipwin.i',
+ 'src/_vscroll.i',
+ 'src/_taskbar.i',
+ 'src/_cmndlgs.i',
+ 'src/_mdi.i',
+ 'src/_pywindows.i',
+ 'src/_printfw.i',
+ ],
+ True)
+ext = Extension('_windows_', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+# Extension for the controls module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['controls.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ 'src/__controls_rename.i',
+ 'src/__controls_reverse.txt',
+ 'src/_toolbar.i',
+ 'src/_button.i',
+ 'src/_checkbox.i',
+ 'src/_choice.i',
+ 'src/_combobox.i',
+ 'src/_gauge.i',
+ 'src/_statctrls.i',
+ 'src/_listbox.i',
+ 'src/_textctrl.i',
+ 'src/_scrolbar.i',
+ 'src/_spin.i',
+ 'src/_radio.i',
+ 'src/_slider.i',
+ 'src/_tglbtn.i',
+ 'src/_notebook.i',
+ 'src/_listctrl.i',
+ 'src/_treectrl.i',
+ 'src/_dirctrl.i',
+ 'src/_pycontrol.i',
+ 'src/_cshelp.i',
+ 'src/_dragimg.i',
+ 'src/_datectrl.i',
+ 'src/_hyperlink.i',
+ 'src/_picker.i',
+ ],
+ True)
+ext = Extension('_controls_', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+# Extension for the misc module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['misc.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ 'src/__misc_rename.i',
+ 'src/__misc_reverse.txt',
+ 'src/_settings.i',
+ 'src/_functions.i',
+ 'src/_misc.i',
+ 'src/_tipdlg.i',
+ 'src/_timer.i',
+ 'src/_log.i',
+ 'src/_process.i',
+ 'src/_joystick.i',
+ 'src/_sound.i',
+ 'src/_mimetype.i',
+ 'src/_artprov.i',
+ 'src/_config.i',
+ 'src/_datetime.i',
+ 'src/_dataobj.i',
+ 'src/_dnd.i',
+ 'src/_display.i',
+ 'src/_clipbrd.i',
+ 'src/_stdpaths.i',
+ 'src/_power.i',
+ 'src/_about.i',
+ ],
+ True)
+ext = Extension('_misc_', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+## Core modules that are not in the "core" namespace start here
+swig_sources = run_swig(['calendar.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ext = Extension('_calendar', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+swig_sources = run_swig(['grid.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ext = Extension('_grid', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+swig_sources = run_swig(['html.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ext = Extension('_html', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+mediaLibs = libs[:]
+ mediaLibs += makeLibName('media')
+swig_sources = run_swig(['media.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ext = Extension('_media', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = mediaLibs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+swig_sources = run_swig(['webkit.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ext = Extension('_webkit', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+swig_sources = run_swig(['wizard.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ext = Extension('_wizard', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+swig_sources = run_swig(['xrc.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ 'src/_xrc_rename.i',
+ 'src/_xrc_ex.py',
+ 'src/_xmlres.i',
+ 'src/_xmlsub.i',
+ 'src/_xml.i',
+ 'src/_xmlhandler.i',
+ ])
+ xrcLib = makeLibName('xrc')
+ xrcLib = []
+ext = Extension('_xrc',
+ swig_sources,
- library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
+ define_macros = defines,
- extra_compile_args = cflags,
- extra_link_args = lflags,
- )
- wxpExtensions.append(ext)
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs + xrcLib,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ )
- # Extension for the grid module
- swig_sources = run_swig(['grid.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('gridc', swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
- define_macros = defines,
- library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
- extra_compile_args = cflags,
- extra_link_args = lflags,
- )
- wxpExtensions.append(ext)
- # Extension for the html modules
- swig_sources = run_swig(['html.i', 'htmlhelp.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+swig_sources = run_swig(['richtext.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ richLib = makeLibName('richtext')
+ richLib = []
+ext = Extension('_richtext', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs + richLib,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+swig_sources = run_swig(['aui.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force,
+ swig_args + ['-I'+opj(WXDIR, 'include/wx/aui')],
+ swig_deps + ['src/_aui_docstrings.i',
+ opj(WXDIR, 'include/wx/aui/framemanager.h'),
+ opj(WXDIR, 'include/wx/aui/floatpane.h'),
+ opj(WXDIR, 'include/wx/aui/dockart.h'),
+ opj(WXDIR, 'include/wx/aui/auibook.h'),
+ ])
+ auiLib = makeLibName('aui')
+ auiLib = []
+ext = Extension('_aui', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs + auiLib,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ **depends
+ )
+swig_sources = run_swig(['animate.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('htmlc', swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
- define_macros = defines,
- library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
- extra_compile_args = cflags,
- extra_link_args = lflags,
- )
- wxpExtensions.append(ext)
+ext = Extension('_animate',
+ swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ )
- # Extension for the calendar module
- swig_sources = run_swig(['calendar.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('calendarc', swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
- define_macros = defines,
- library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
- extra_compile_args = cflags,
- extra_link_args = lflags,
- )
- wxpExtensions.append(ext)
- # Extension for the help module
- swig_sources = run_swig(['help.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('helpc', swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
- define_macros = defines,
- library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
- extra_compile_args = cflags,
- extra_link_args = lflags,
- )
- wxpExtensions.append(ext)
# Define the GLCanvas extension module
-CTRB_SRC = opj(WXDIR, 'contrib/src')
-CTRB_INC = opj(WXDIR, 'contrib/include/wx')
msg('Preparing GLCANVAS...')
location = 'contrib/glcanvas'
- swig_files = ['glcanvas.i']
- other_sources = []
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['glcanvas.i'], location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
gl_libs = []
+ gl_libdirs = libdirs[:]
if os.name == 'posix':
- gl_config = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --gl-libs', 'r').read()[:-1]
- gl_lflags = string.split(gl_config) + lflags
- gl_libs = libs
+ gl_config = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --libs gl', 'r').read()[:-1]
+ gl_lflags = gl_config.split()
+ gl_lflags = adjustLFLAGS(gl_lflags, gl_libdirs, gl_libs)
- other_sources = [opj(location, 'msw/myglcanvas.cpp')]
- gl_libs = libs + ['opengl32', 'glu32']
+ gl_libs = libs + ['opengl32', 'glu32'] + makeLibName('gl')
gl_lflags = lflags
- ext = Extension('glcanvasc',
- swig_sources + other_sources,
+ ext = Extension('_glcanvas',
+ swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
- library_dirs = libdirs,
+ library_dirs = gl_libdirs,
libraries = gl_libs,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
# Define the OGL extension module
-if not GL_ONLY and BUILD_OGL:
msg('Preparing OGL...')
location = 'contrib/ogl'
- OGLLOC = opj(location, 'contrib/src/ogl')
- OGLINC = opj(location, 'contrib/include')
- swig_files = ['ogl.i', 'oglbasic.i', 'oglshapes.i', 'oglshapes2.i',
- 'oglcanvas.i']
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['ogl.i'], location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ '%s/_oglbasic.i' % location,
+ '%s/_oglshapes.i' % location,
+ '%s/_oglshapes2.i' % location,
+ '%s/_oglcanvas.i' % location,
+ '%s/_ogldefs.i' % location,
+ ])
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ ext = Extension('_ogl',
+ swig_sources,
- # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_INC, 'ogl'), opj(OGLINC, 'wx/ogl'))
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'ogl'), OGLLOC)
- ext = Extension('oglc', ['%s/basic.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/bmpshape.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/composit.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/divided.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/lines.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/misc.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/basic2.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/canvas.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/constrnt.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/drawn.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/mfutils.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- '%s/ogldiag.cpp' % OGLLOC,
- ] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = [OGLINC] + includes,
- define_macros = defines,
+ include_dirs = includes + [ location ] + CONTRIBS_INC,
+ define_macros = defines + [('wxUSE_DEPRECATED', '0')],
library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
+ libraries = libs + makeLibName('ogl'),
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
# Define the STC extension module
-if not GL_ONLY and BUILD_STC:
msg('Preparing STC...')
location = 'contrib/stc'
- STCLOC = opj(location, 'contrib/src/stc')
- STCINC = opj(location, 'contrib/include')
- STC_H = opj(location, 'contrib/include/wx/stc')
- # Check if gen_iface needs to be run for the wxSTC sources
- if (newer(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.h.in'), opj(CTRB_INC, 'stc/stc.h' )) or
- newer(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.cpp.in'), opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.cpp')) or
- newer(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/gen_iface.py'), opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.cpp'))):
- msg('Running gen_iface.py, regenerating stc.h and stc.cpp...')
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc'))
- import gen_iface
- gen_iface.main([])
- os.chdir(cwd)
+ #if os.name == 'nt':
+ STC_H = opj(WXDIR, 'contrib', 'include/wx/stc')
+ #else:
+ # STC_H = opj(WXPREFIX, 'include/wx-%d.%d/wx/stc' % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR))
+## NOTE: need to add something like this to the stc.bkl...
- # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_INC, 'stc'), opj(STCINC, 'wx/stc'))
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc'), STCLOC)
+## # Check if gen_iface needs to be run for the wxSTC sources
+## if (newer(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.h.in'), opj(CTRB_INC, 'stc/stc.h' )) or
+## newer(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.cpp.in'), opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.cpp')) or
+## newer(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/gen_iface.py'), opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.cpp'))):
+## msg('Running gen_iface.py, regenerating stc.h and stc.cpp...')
+## cwd = os.getcwd()
+## os.chdir(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc'))
+## sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir)
+## import gen_iface
+## gen_iface.main([])
+## os.chdir(cwd)
- swig_files = ['stc_.i']
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['stc.i'], location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force,
swig_args + ['-I'+STC_H, '-I'+location],
- [opj(STC_H, 'stc.h')] + swig_deps)
+ [opj(STC_H, 'stc.h'),
+ opj(location, "_stc_utf8_methods.py"),
+ opj(location, "_stc_docstrings.i"),
+ opj(location, "_stc_gendocs.i"),
+ ] + swig_deps)
- # copy a contrib project specific py module to the main package dir
- copy_file(opj(location, 'stc.py'), PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
- # add some include dirs to the standard set
- stc_includes = includes[:]
- stc_includes.append('%s/scintilla/include' % STCLOC)
- stc_includes.append('%s/scintilla/src' % STCLOC)
- stc_includes.append(STCINC)
- # and some macro definitions
- stc_defines = defines[:]
- stc_defines.append( ('__WX__', None) )
- stc_defines.append( ('SCI_LEXER', None) )
- stc_defines.append( ('LINK_LEXERS', None) )
- ext = Extension('stc_c',
- ['%s/scintilla/src/AutoComplete.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/CallTip.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/CellBuffer.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/ContractionState.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/Document.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/DocumentAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/Editor.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/KeyMap.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/KeyWords.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LineMarker.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/PropSet.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/RESearch.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/ScintillaBase.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/Style.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/StyleContext.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/UniConversion.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/ViewStyle.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/WindowAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexAda.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexAVE.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexBaan.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexBullant.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexCPP.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexConf.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexCrontab.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexEiffel.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexHTML.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexLisp.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexLua.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexMatlab.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexOthers.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexPascal.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexPerl.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexPython.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexRuby.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexSQL.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/scintilla/src/LexVB.cxx' % STCLOC,
- '%s/PlatWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
- '%s/ScintillaWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
- '%s/stc.cpp' % STCLOC,
- ] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = stc_includes,
- define_macros = stc_defines,
- library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
+ ext = Extension('_stc',
+ swig_sources,
- extra_compile_args = cflags,
- extra_link_args = lflags,
- )
- wxpExtensions.append(ext)
-# Define the IEWIN extension module (experimental)
-if not GL_ONLY and BUILD_IEWIN:
- msg('Preparing IEWIN...')
- location = 'contrib/iewin'
- swig_files = ['iewin.i', ]
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('iewinc', ['%s/IEHtmlWin.cpp' % location,
- ] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
+ libraries = libs + makeLibName('stc'),
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
-# Define the XRC extension module
+# Define the ACTIVEX extension module (experimental)
-if not GL_ONLY and BUILD_XRC:
- msg('Preparing XRC...')
- location = 'contrib/xrc'
- XMLLOC = opj(location, 'contrib/src/xrc')
- XMLINC = opj(location, 'contrib/include')
+ msg('Preparing ACTIVEX...')
+ location = 'contrib/activex'
+ axloc = opj(location, "wxie")
- swig_files = ['xrc.i']
+ swig_files = ['activex.i', ]
swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ '%s/_activex_ex.py' % location])
- xmlres_includes = includes[:]
- xmlres_includes.append('%s/expat/xmlparse' % XMLLOC)
- xmlres_includes.append('%s/expat/xmltok' % XMLLOC)
- xmlres_includes.append(XMLINC)
- # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_INC, 'xrc'), opj(XMLINC, 'wx/xrc'))
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'xrc'), XMLLOC)
- ext = Extension('xrcc', ['%s/expat/xmlparse/xmlparse.c' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/expat/xmltok/xmlrole.c' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/expat/xmltok/xmltok.c' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_bmp.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_bmpbt.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_bttn.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_cald.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_chckb.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_chckl.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_choic.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_combo.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_dlg.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_frame.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_gauge.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_gdctl.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_html.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_listb.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_listc.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_menu.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_notbk.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_panel.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_radbt.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_radbx.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_scrol.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_sizer.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_slidr.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_spin.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_stbmp.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_stbox.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_stlin.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_sttxt.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_text.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_toolb.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_tree.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xh_unkwn.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xml.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xmlres.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- '%s/xmlrsall.cpp' % XMLLOC,
- ] + swig_sources,
+ ext = Extension('_activex', ['%s/IEHtmlWin.cpp' % axloc,
+ '%s/wxactivex.cpp' % axloc,
+ ] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = xmlres_includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + [ axloc ],
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
# Define the GIZMOS extension module
msg('Preparing GIZMOS...')
location = 'contrib/gizmos'
- GIZMOLOC = opj(location, 'contrib/src/gizmos')
- GIZMOINC = opj(location, 'contrib/include')
- swig_files = ['gizmos.i']
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['gizmos.i'], location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ '%s/_treelist.i' % location])
- gizmos_includes = includes[:]
- gizmos_includes.append(GIZMOINC)
+ ext = Extension('_gizmos',
+ [ '%s/treelistctrl.cpp' % opj(location, 'wxCode/src') ] + swig_sources,
- # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_INC, 'gizmos'), opj(GIZMOINC, 'wx/gizmos'))
- contrib_copy_tree(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'gizmos'), GIZMOLOC)
- ext = Extension('gizmosc', [
- '%s/dynamicsash.cpp' % GIZMOLOC,
- '%s/editlbox.cpp' % GIZMOLOC,
- #'%s/multicell.cpp' % GIZMOLOC,
- '%s/splittree.cpp' % GIZMOLOC,
- '%s/ledctrl.cpp' % GIZMOLOC,
- ] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = gizmos_includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + [ location, opj(location, 'wxCode/include') ] + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
- libraries = libs,
+ libraries = libs + makeLibName('gizmos'),
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
# Define the DLLWIDGET extension module
msg('Preparing DLLWIDGET...')
location = 'contrib/dllwidget'
swig_files = ['dllwidget_.i']
# copy a contrib project specific py module to the main package dir
copy_file(opj(location, 'dllwidget.py'), PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
+ CLEANUP.append(opj(PKGDIR, 'dllwidget.py'))
ext = Extension('dllwidget_c', [
'%s/dllwidget.cpp' % location,
] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
-# Tools and scripts
+# Tools, scripts data files, etc.
-TOOLS = [("wxPython/tools", glob.glob("tools/*.py")),
- ("wxPython/tools/XRCed", glob.glob("tools/XRCed/*.py") +
- glob.glob("tools/XRCed/*.xrc") +
- ["tools/XRCed/CHANGES",
- "tools/XRCed/TODO",
- "tools/XRCed/README"]),
- ]
+ SCRIPTS = None
+ SCRIPTS = [opj('scripts/helpviewer'),
+ opj('scripts/img2png'),
+ opj('scripts/img2py'),
+ opj('scripts/img2xpm'),
+ opj('scripts/pyalacarte'),
+ opj('scripts/pyalamode'),
+ opj('scripts/pycrust'),
+ opj('scripts/pyshell'),
+ opj('scripts/pywrap'),
+ opj('scripts/pywrap'),
+ opj('scripts/pywxrc'),
+ opj('scripts/xrced'),
+ ]
+DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wx/tools/XRCed', '*.txt', '*.xrc')
+DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wx/py', '*.txt', '*.ico', '*.css', '*.html')
+DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wx', '*.txt', '*.css', '*.html')
+ HEADERS = None
+ h_files = glob.glob(opj("include/wx/wxPython/*.h"))
+ i_files = glob.glob(opj("src/*.i")) + \
+ glob.glob(opj("src/_*.py")) + \
+ glob.glob(opj("src/*.swg"))
+ HEADERS = zip(h_files, ["/wxPython"]*len(h_files)) + \
+ zip(i_files, ["/wxPython/i_files"]*len(i_files))
+ EXTRA_PATH = getExtraPath(addOpts=EP_ADD_OPTS, shortVer=not EP_FULL_VER)
+ open("src/wx.pth", "w").write(EXTRA_PATH)
+ CLEANUP.append("src/wx.pth")
# Do the Setup/Build/Install/Whatever
if __name__ == "__main__":
- if not GL_ONLY:
- setup(name = PKGDIR,
+ if not PREP_ONLY:
+ setup(name = 'wxPython',
version = VERSION,
description = DESCRIPTION,
long_description = LONG_DESCRIPTION,
author = AUTHOR,
author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL,
url = URL,
- licence = LICENCE,
- packages = [PKGDIR,
- PKGDIR+'.lib',
- PKGDIR+'.lib.editor',
- PKGDIR+'.lib.mixins',
- PKGDIR+'.lib.PyCrust',
+ download_url = DOWNLOAD_URL,
+ license = LICENSE,
+ platforms = PLATFORMS,
+ classifiers = filter(None, CLASSIFIERS.split("\n")),
+ keywords = KEYWORDS,
+ packages = ['wxPython',
+ 'wxPython.lib',
+ 'wxPython.lib.colourchooser',
+ 'wxPython.lib.editor',
+ 'wxPython.lib.mixins',
+ 'wxPython.tools',
+ 'wx',
+ 'wx.build',
+ 'wx.lib',
+ 'wx.lib.analogclock',
+ 'wx.lib.analogclock.lib_setup',
+ 'wx.lib.colourchooser',
+ 'wx.lib.editor',
+ 'wx.lib.floatcanvas',
+ 'wx.lib.masked',
+ 'wx.lib.mixins',
+ 'wx.lib.ogl',
+ 'wx.py',
+ 'wx.tools',
+ 'wx.tools.XRCed',
- ext_package = PKGDIR,
- ext_modules = wxpExtensions,
- options = { 'build' : { 'build_base' : BUILD_BASE }}
- ##data_files = TOOLS,
- )
- else:
- setup(name = "wxPython-gl",
- version = VERSION,
- description = "wxGLCanvas class for wxPython",
- author = AUTHOR,
- author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL,
- url = URL,
- licence = LICENCE,
- py_modules = [ "wxPython.glcanvas" ],
+ extra_path = EXTRA_PATH,
ext_package = PKGDIR,
ext_modules = wxpExtensions,
- )
+ options = { 'build' : { 'build_base' : BUILD_BASE },
+ },
+ scripts = SCRIPTS,
+ data_files = DATA_FILES,
+ headers = HEADERS,
+ # Override some of the default distutils command classes with my own
+ cmdclass = { 'install' : wx_install,
+ 'install_data': wx_smart_install_data,
+ 'install_headers': wx_install_headers,
+ 'clean': wx_extra_clean,
+ },
+ )
+ setup(name = 'wxaddons',
+ version = VERSION,
+ description = DESCRIPTION,
+ long_description = LONG_DESCRIPTION,
+ author = AUTHOR,
+ author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL,
+ url = URL,
+ download_url = DOWNLOAD_URL,
+ license = LICENSE,
+ platforms = PLATFORMS,
+ classifiers = filter(None, CLASSIFIERS.split("\n")),
+ keywords = KEYWORDS,
+ packages = ['wxaddons']
+ )
+ setup(name = 'wxPython-common',
+ version = VERSION,
+ description = DESCRIPTION,
+ long_description = LONG_DESCRIPTION,
+ author = AUTHOR,
+ author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL,
+ url = URL,
+ download_url = DOWNLOAD_URL,
+ license = LICENSE,
+ platforms = PLATFORMS,
+ classifiers = filter(None, CLASSIFIERS.split("\n")),
+ keywords = KEYWORDS,
+ package_dir = { '': 'wxversion' },
+ py_modules = ['wxversion'],
+ data_files = [('', ['src/wx.pth'])],
+ options = { 'build' : { 'build_base' : BUILD_BASE },
+ },
+ cmdclass = { 'install_data': wx_smart_install_data,
+ },
+ )