and brush settings would be lost if the device context were obtained and
released for each drawing operation.
\func{bool}{Blit}{\param{wxCoord}{ xdest}, \param{wxCoord}{ ydest}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height},
\helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}, \helpref{wxBitmap}{wxbitmap}, \helpref{wxMask}{wxmask}
\func{static bool}{CacheEnabled}{\void}
\helpref{wxDC::EnableCache}{wxdcenablecache}, \helpref{wxDC::ClearCache}
\func{void}{CalcBoundingBox}{\param{wxCoord }{x}, \param{wxCoord }{y}}
Clears the device context using the current background brush.
\func{static void}{ClearCache}{\void}
\helpref{wxDC::EnableCache}{wxdcenablecache}, \helpref{wxDC::CacheEnabled}
\func{void}{CrossHair}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
and horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred
on the given point.
Destroys the current clipping region so that none of the DC is clipped.
See also \helpref{wxDC::SetClippingRegion}{wxdcsetclippingregion}.
\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalX}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
Convert device X coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalXRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
mapping mode but ignoring the x axis orientation.
Use this function for converting a width, for example.
\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalY}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Converts device Y coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
\func{wxCoord}{DeviceToLogicalYRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
mapping mode but ignoring the y axis orientation.
Use this function for converting a height, for example.
\func{void}{DrawArc}{\param{wxCoord}{ x1}, \param{wxCoord}{ y1}, \param{wxCoord}{ x2}, \param{wxCoord}{ y2}, \param{wxCoord}{ xc}, \param{wxCoord}{ yc}}
The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to the end point.
\func{void}{DrawBitmap}{\param{const wxBitmap\&}{ bitmap}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{bool}{ transparent}}
(all bits set to 0). See also \helpref{SetTextForeground}{wxdcsettextforeground},
\helpref{SetTextBackground}{wxdcsettextbackground} and \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}.
\func{void}{DrawCheckMark}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}}
Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle.
\func{void}{DrawCircle}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ radius}}
\func{void}{DrawEllipse}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}}
\func{void}{DrawEllipticArc}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height},
counter-clockwise motion. If {\it start} is equal to {\it end}, a
complete ellipse will be drawn.
\func{void}{DrawIcon}{\param{const wxIcon\&}{ icon}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is PostScript).
This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a window.
\func{void}{DrawLine}{\param{wxCoord}{ x1}, \param{wxCoord}{ y1}, \param{wxCoord}{ x2}, \param{wxCoord}{ y2}}
line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with the behaviour
of many other toolkits).
\func{void}{DrawLines}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint}{ points[]}, \param{wxCoord}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{wxCoord}{ yoffset = 0}}
as its first parameter a reference to an array
of wxPoint objects.}
\func{void}{DrawPolygon}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint}{ points[]}, \param{wxCoord}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{wxCoord}{ yoffset = 0},\\
as its first parameter a reference to an array
of wxPoint objects.}
+\func{void}{DrawPolyPolygon}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{int}{ count[]}, \param{wxPoint}{ points[]}, \param{wxCoord}{ xoffset = 0}, \param{wxCoord}{ yoffset = 0},\\
+ \param{int }{fill\_style = wxODDEVEN\_RULE}}
+Draws two or more filled polygons using an array of {\it points}, adding the
+optional offset coordinates.
+Notice that for the platforms providing a native implementation
+of this function (Windows and PostScript-based wxDC currently), this is more
+efficient than using \helpref{DrawPolygon}{wxdcdrawpolygon} in a loop.
+{\it n} specifies the number of polygons to draw, the array {\it count} of size
+{\it n} specifies the number of points in each of the polygons in the
+{\it points} array.
+The last argument specifies the fill rule: {\bf wxODDEVEN\_RULE} (the default)
+or {\bf wxWINDING\_RULE}.
+The current pen is used for drawing the outline, and the current brush for
+filling the shape. Using a transparent brush suppresses filling.
+The polygons maybe disjoint or overlapping. Each polygon specified in a call to
+{\bf DrawPolyPolygon} must be closed. Unlike polygons created by the
+\helpref{DrawPolygon}{wxdcdrawpolygon} member function, the polygons created by
+{\bf DrawPolyPolygon} are not closed automatically.
+\pythonnote{Not implemented yet}
+\perlnote{Not implemented yet}
\func{void}{DrawPoint}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Draws a point using the current pen.
\func{void}{DrawRectangle}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}}
size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush
for filling the shape.
\func{void}{DrawRotatedText}{\param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{double}{ angle}}
\func{void}{DrawRoundedRectangle}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}, \param{double}{ radius = 20}}
the strange effects X produces when the corners are too big for
the rectangle.
\func{void}{DrawSpline}{\param{wxList *}{points}}
\perlnote{The wxPerl version of this method accepts a reference to an array
of wxPoint objects.}
\func{void}{DrawText}{\param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
with this function in portable programs.
\func{static void}{EnableCache}{\param{bool}{ enableCache}}
\helpref{wxDC::CacheEnabled}{wxdccacheenabled}, \helpref{wxDC::ClearCache}
Ends a document (only relevant when outputting to a printer).
drawing primitives between {\bf BeginDrawing} and {\bf EndDrawing}\rtfsp
Ends a document page (only relevant when outputting to a printer).
\func{bool}{FloodFill}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{const wxColour\&}{ colour}, \param{int}{ style=wxFLOOD\_SURFACE}}
colour borders if the pixels do not match the colour exactly. However the
function will still return true.
Gets the brush used for painting the background (see \helpref{wxDC::SetBackground}{wxdcsetbackground}).
Gets the current brush (see \helpref{wxDC::SetBrush}{wxdcsetbrush}).
Gets the character height of the currently set font.
Gets the average character width of the currently set font.
\func{void}{GetClippingBox}{\param{wxCoord}{ *x}, \param{wxCoord}{ *y}, \param{wxCoord}{ *width}, \param{wxCoord}{ *height}}
\perlnote{This method takes no arguments and returns a four element list
{\tt ( x, y, width, height )}}
Gets the current font (see \helpref{wxDC::SetFont}{wxdcsetfont}).
Gets the current logical function (see \helpref{wxDC::SetLogicalFunction}{wxdcsetlogicalfunction}).
Gets the {\it mapping mode} for the device context (see \helpref{wxDC::SetMapMode}{wxdcsetmapmode}).
Returns true if device context optimization is on.
See \helpref{wxDC::SetOptimization}{wxsetoptimization} for details.
+\constfunc{bool}{GetPartialTextExtents}{\param{const wxString\& }{text},
+\param{wxArrayInt\& }{widths}}
+Fills the {\it widths} array with the widths from the begining of
+{\it text} to the coresponding character of {\it text}. The generic
+version simply builds a running total of the widths of each character
+using \helpref{GetTextExtent}{wxdcgettextextent}, however if the
+various platforms have a native API function that is faster or more
+accurate than the generic implementaiton then it should be used
+\pythonnote{This method only takes the {\it text} parameter and
+ returns a Python list of integers.}
\func{bool}{GetPixel}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxColour *}{colour}}
-Sets {\it colour} to the colour at the specified location. Windows only; an X implementation
-is being worked on. Not available for wxPostScriptDC or wxMetafileDC.
+Sets {\it colour} to the colour at the specified location.
+Not available for wxPostScriptDC or wxMetafileDC.
\pythonnote{For wxPython the wxColour value is returned and is not
required as a parameter.}
\perlnote{This method only takes the parameters {\tt x} and {\tt y} and returns
a Wx::Colour value}
+Returns the resolution of the device in pixels per inch.
-\func{void}{GetSize}{\param{wxCoord *}{width}, \param{wxCoord *}{height}}
+\constfunc{void}{GetSize}{\param{wxCoord *}{width}, \param{wxCoord *}{height}}
-For a PostScript device context, this gets the maximum size of graphics
-drawn so far on the device context.
-For a Windows printer device context, this gets the horizontal and vertical
-resolution. It can be used to scale graphics to fit the page when using
-a Windows printer device context. For example, if {\it maxX} and {\it maxY}\rtfsp
+This gets the horizontal and vertical resolution in device units. It can be used to scale graphics to fit the page.
+For example, if {\it maxX} and {\it maxY}\rtfsp
represent the maximum horizontal and vertical `pixel' values used in your
application, the following code will scale the graphic to fit on the
printer page:
+\constfunc{void}{GetSizeMM}{\param{wxCoord *}{width}, \param{wxCoord *}{height}}
+Returns the horizontal and vertical resolution in millimetres.
Gets the current text background colour (see \helpref{wxDC::SetTextBackground}{wxdcsettextbackground}).
\func{void}{GetTextExtent}{\param{const wxString\& }{string}, \param{wxCoord *}{w}, \param{wxCoord *}{h},\\
array {\tt ( width, height, descent, externalLeading )}
Gets the current text foreground colour (see \helpref{wxDC::SetTextForeground}{wxdcsettextforeground}).
\func{void}{GetUserScale}{\param{double}{ *x}, \param{double}{ *y}}
\perlnote{In wxPerl this method takes no arguments and return a two element
array {\tt ( x, y )}}
\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceX}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
Converts logical X coordinate to device coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceXRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}}
mapping mode but ignoring the x axis orientation.
Use this for converting a width, for example.
\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceY}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
Converts logical Y coordinate to device coordinate, using the current
mapping mode.
\func{wxCoord}{LogicalToDeviceYRel}{\param{wxCoord}{ y}}
mapping mode but ignoring the y axis orientation.
Use this for converting a height, for example.
Gets the maximum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far.
Gets the maximum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far.
Gets the minimum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far.
Gets the minimum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far.
Returns true if the DC is ok to use.
\func{void}{SetAxisOrientation}{\param{bool}{ xLeftRight},
\docparam{yBottomUp}{True to set the y axis orientation to the natural
bottom up orientation, false to invert it.}
\func{void}{SetDeviceOrigin}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}}
This function may be useful in Windows printing
operations for placing a graphic on a page.
\func{void}{SetBackground}{\param{const wxBrush\& }{brush}}
Sets the current background brush for the DC.
\func{void}{SetBackgroundMode}{\param{int}{ mode}}
{\it mode} may be one of wxSOLID and wxTRANSPARENT. This setting determines
whether text will be drawn with a background colour or not.
\func{void}{SetClippingRegion}{\param{wxCoord}{ x}, \param{wxCoord}{ y}, \param{wxCoord}{ width}, \param{wxCoord}{ height}}
\helpref{wxDC::DestroyClippingRegion}{wxdcdestroyclippingregion}, \helpref{wxRegion}{wxregion}
\func{void}{SetPalette}{\param{const wxPalette\& }{palette}}
See \helpref{wxPalette}{wxpalette} for further details.
\func{void}{SetBrush}{\param{const wxBrush\& }{brush}}
See also \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc} for the interpretation of colours
when drawing into a monochrome bitmap.
\func{void}{SetFont}{\param{const wxFont\& }{font}}
See also \helpref{wxFont}{wxfont}.
\func{void}{SetLogicalFunction}{\param{int}{ function}}
logical operation. wxINVERT is commonly used for drawing rubber bands or
moving outlines, since drawing twice reverts to the original colour.
\func{void}{SetMapMode}{\param{int}{ int}}
Windows, scalable TrueType fonts are always used; in X, results depend
on availability of fonts, but usually a reasonable match is found.
-Note that the coordinate origin should ideally be selectable, but for
-now is always at the top left of the screen/printer.
+The coordinate origin is always at the top left of the screen/printer.
-Drawing to a Windows printer device context under UNIX
-uses the current mapping mode, but mapping mode is currently ignored for
-PostScript output.
+Drawing to a Windows printer device context uses the current mapping mode,
+but mapping mode is currently ignored for PostScript output.
The mapping mode can be one of the following:
\twocolitem{wxMM\_TEXT}{Each logical unit is 1 pixel.}
\func{void}{SetOptimization}{\param{bool }{optimize}}
Setting optimization off, drawing, then setting it back on again, is a trick
that must occasionally be employed.
\func{void}{SetPen}{\param{const wxPen\& }{pen}}
See also \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc} for the interpretation of colours
when drawing into a monochrome bitmap.
\func{void}{SetTextBackground}{\param{const wxColour\& }{colour}}
Sets the current text background colour for the DC.
\func{void}{SetTextForeground}{\param{const wxColour\& }{colour}}
See also \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc} for the interpretation of colours
when drawing into a monochrome bitmap.
\func{void}{SetUserScale}{\param{double}{ xScale}, \param{double}{ yScale}}
Sets the user scaling factor, useful for applications which require
\func{bool}{StartDoc}{\param{const wxString\& }{message}}
Starts a document (only relevant when outputting to a printer).
Message is a message to show whilst printing.
\func{}{wxDCClipper}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{wxCoord }{x},\param{wxCoord }{y},\param{wxCoord }{w},\param{wxCoord }{h},}
Constructor: sets the the clipping region for the given device context to the
specified rectangle.