+ ".......***..." ),
+ LifePattern(
+ _("Glider gun"),
+ _("A gun is a stationary pattern that emits spaceships forever. The glider gun shown here was the first known gun, and indeed the first known finite pattern with unbounded growth. It was found by Bill Gosper in November 1970. Many new guns have since been found."),
+ 36, 9,
+ ".........................*.........."
+ "......................****.........."
+ ".............*.......****..........."
+ "............*.*......*..*.........**"
+ "...........*...**....****.........**"
+ "**.........*...**.....****.........."
+ "**.........*...**........*.........."
+ "............*.*....................."
+ ".............*......................" ),
+ LifePattern(
+ _("Puffer train"),
+ _("A puffer is an object that moves like a spaceship, except that it leaves a trail of debris behind. The puffer train is one of the best-known puffers. Originally found by Bill Gosper, this is a very dirty puffer; the tail does not stabilize until generation 5533. It consists of a B-heptomino (the middle pattern) escorted by two light weight space ships."),
+ 5, 18,
+ "...*."
+ "....*"
+ "*...*"
+ ".****"
+ "....."
+ "....."
+ "....."
+ "*...."
+ ".**.."
+ "..*.."
+ "..*.."
+ ".*..."
+ "....."
+ "....."
+ "...*."
+ "....*"
+ "*...*"
+ ".****" ),
+ LifePattern(
+ _("Max"),
+ _("Max is the fastest-growing known pattern in Conway's Game of Life (possibly the fastest possible). It fills space to a density of 1/2, conjectured to be the maximum density, and does it at a speed of c/2 in each of the 4 directions, which has been proven to be the maximum possible speed.\n\nPopulation growth is:\n[(t+19)^2+463]/4 for t divisible by 4;\n[(t+19)^2+487]/4 for t even, not div. by 4;\n[(t+18)^2+639]/4 for t odd.\n\nOriginal construction, top/bottom stretchers by Hartmut Holzwart; Size optimization, left/right stretchers by David Bell; Original idea, middle part, left/right stretcher connection by Al Hensel.\n\nThis spacefiller by David Bell, September 1993."),
+ 29, 43,
+ ".....*.*....................."
+ "....*..*....................."
+ "...**........................"
+ "..*.........................."
+ ".****........................"
+ "*....*......................."
+ "*..*........................."
+ "*..*........................."
+ ".*.........***...***........."
+ "..****.*..*..*...*..*........"
+ "...*...*.....*...*..........."
+ "....*........*...*..........."
+ "....*.*......*...*..........."
+ "............................."
+ "...***.....***...***........."
+ "...**.......*.....*.........."
+ "...***......*******.........."
+ "...........*.......*........."
+ "....*.*...***********........"
+ "...*..*..*............**....."
+ "...*.....************...*...."
+ "...*...*.............*...*..."
+ "....*...************.....*..."
+ ".....**............*..*..*..."
+ "........***********...*.*...."
+ ".........*.......*..........."
+ "..........*******......***..."
+ "..........*.....*.......**..."
+ ".........***...***.....***..."
+ "............................."
+ "...........*...*......*.*...."
+ "...........*...*........*...."
+ "...........*...*.....*...*..."
+ "........*..*...*..*..*.****.."
+ ".........***...***.........*."
+ ".........................*..*"
+ ".........................*..*"
+ ".......................*....*"
+ "........................****."
+ "..........................*.."
+ "........................**..."
+ ".....................*..*...."
+ ".....................*.*....." )