// Name: life.cpp
-// Purpose: The game of life, created by J. H. Conway
+// Purpose: The game of Life, created by J. H. Conway
// Author: Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia, <guille@iies.es>
// Modified by:
// Created: Jan/2000
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 2000, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// ==========================================================================
-// declarations
+// headers, declarations, constants
// ==========================================================================
-// minimum and maximum table size, in each dimension
-#define LIFE_MIN 20
-#define LIFE_MAX 200
-// some shortcuts
-#define ADD_TOOL(a, b, c, d) \
- toolBar->AddTool(a, b, wxNullBitmap, FALSE, -1, -1, (wxObject *)0, c, d)
-#define GET_FRAME() \
- ((LifeFrame *) wxGetApp().GetTopWindow())
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// headers
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- #pragma implementation "life.cpp"
- #pragma interface "life.cpp"
-// for compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
-// for all others, include the necessary headers
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/statline.h"
-#include "wx/spinctrl.h"
+#include "wx/wfstream.h"
+#include "wx/filedlg.h"
+#include "wx/stockitem.h"
+#include "life.h"
+#include "game.h"
+#include "dialogs.h"
+#include "reader.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// resources
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
- // the application icon
+ // application icon
#include "mondrian.xpm"
// bitmap buttons for the toolbar
#include "bitmaps/reset.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/open.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/play.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/stop.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/zoomin.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/zoomout.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/info.xpm"
+ // navigator
+ #include "bitmaps/north.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/south.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/east.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/west.xpm"
+ #include "bitmaps/center.xpm"
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// classes
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class Life;
-class LifeShape;
-class LifeCanvas;
-class LifeTimer;
-class LifeFrame;
-class LifeApp;
-class LifeNewGameDialog;
-class LifeSamplesDialog;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// non-GUI classes
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Life
-class Life
- // ctors and dtors
- Life(int width, int height);
- ~Life();
- void Create(int width, int height);
- void Destroy();
- // accessors
- inline int GetWidth() const { return m_width; };
- inline int GetHeight() const { return m_height; };
- inline bool IsAlive(int x, int y) const;
- inline bool HasChanged(int x, int y) const;
- // flags
- void SetBorderWrap(bool on);
- // game logic
- void Clear();
- void SetCell(int x, int y, bool alive = TRUE);
- void SetShape(LifeShape &shape);
- bool NextTic();
- enum CellFlags {
- CELL_DEAD = 0x0000, // is dead
- CELL_ALIVE = 0x0001, // is alive
- CELL_MARK = 0x0002, // will change / has changed
- };
- typedef int Cell;
- int GetNeighbors(int x, int y) const;
- inline void SetCell(int x, int y, Cell status);
- int m_width;
- int m_height;
- Cell *m_cells;
- bool m_wrap;
-// LifeShape
-class LifeShape
- LifeShape::LifeShape(wxString name,
- wxString desc,
- int width, int height, char *data,
- int fieldWidth = 20, int fieldHeight = 20,
- bool wrap = TRUE)
- {
- m_name = name;
- m_desc = desc;
- m_width = width;
- m_height = height;
- m_data = data;
- m_fieldWidth = fieldWidth;
- m_fieldHeight = fieldHeight;
- m_wrap = wrap;
- }
- wxString m_name;
- wxString m_desc;
- int m_width;
- int m_height;
- char *m_data;
- int m_fieldWidth;
- int m_fieldHeight;
- bool m_wrap;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// GUI classes
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Life canvas
-class LifeCanvas : public wxScrolledWindow
- // ctor and dtor
- LifeCanvas(wxWindow* parent, Life* life, bool interactive = TRUE);
- ~LifeCanvas();
- // member functions
- void Reset();
- void DrawEverything(bool force = FALSE);
- void DrawCell(int i, int j);
- void DrawCell(int i, int j, wxDC &dc);
- inline int CellToCoord(int i) const { return (i * m_cellsize); };
- inline int CoordToCell(int x) const { return ((x >= 0)? (x / m_cellsize) : -1); };
- // event handlers
- void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
- void OnMouse(wxMouseEvent& event);
- void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
- // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro
- enum MouseStatus {
- };
- Life *m_life;
- wxBitmap *m_bmp;
- int m_height;
- int m_width;
- int m_cellsize;
- wxCoord m_xoffset;
- wxCoord m_yoffset;
- MouseStatus m_status;
- bool m_interactive;
-// Life timer
-class LifeTimer : public wxTimer
- void Notify();
-// Life main frame
-class LifeFrame : public wxFrame
- // ctor and dtor
- LifeFrame();
- ~LifeFrame();
- // member functions
- void UpdateInfoText();
- // event handlers
- void OnMenu(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnNewGame(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnSamples(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnStart();
- void OnStop();
- void OnTimer();
- void OnSlider(wxScrollEvent& event);
- // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro
- Life *m_life;
- LifeTimer *m_timer;
- LifeCanvas *m_canvas;
- wxStaticText *m_text;
- bool m_running;
- long m_interval;
- long m_tics;
-// Life new game dialog
-class LifeNewGameDialog : public wxDialog
- // ctor
- LifeNewGameDialog(wxWindow *parent, int *w, int *h);
- // event handlers
- void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event);
- // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro
- int *m_w;
- int *m_h;
- wxSpinCtrl *m_spinctrlw;
- wxSpinCtrl *m_spinctrlh;
-// Life sample configurations dialog
-class LifeSamplesDialog : public wxDialog
- // ctor and dtor
- LifeSamplesDialog(wxWindow *parent);
- ~LifeSamplesDialog();
- // members
- int GetValue();
- // event handlers
- void OnListBox(wxCommandEvent &event);
- // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro
- int m_value;
- wxListBox *m_list;
- wxTextCtrl *m_text;
- LifeCanvas *m_canvas;
- Life *m_life;
-// Life app
-class LifeApp : public wxApp
- virtual bool OnInit();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// IDs for the controls and the menu commands
+// IDs for the controls and the menu commands. Exluding those already defined
+// by wxWidgets, such as wxID_NEW.
- // menu items and toolbar buttons
- ID_NEWGAME = 1001,
+ // timer
+ // file menu
+ // view menu
+ // game menu
// speed selection slider
- // listbox in samples dialog
-// built-in sample games
-#include "samples.inc"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// event tables and other macros for wxWindows
+// event tables and other macros for wxWidgets
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event tables
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(LifeFrame, wxFrame)
- EVT_MENU (ID_NEWGAME, LifeFrame::OnNewGame)
- EVT_MENU (ID_SAMPLES, LifeFrame::OnSamples)
- EVT_MENU (ID_ABOUT, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
- EVT_MENU (ID_EXIT, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
- EVT_MENU (ID_CLEAR, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
- EVT_MENU (ID_START, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
- EVT_MENU (ID_STEP, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
- EVT_MENU (ID_STOP, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
- EVT_MENU (ID_WRAP, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(LifeCanvas, wxScrolledWindow)
- EVT_PAINT ( LifeCanvas::OnPaint)
- EVT_SIZE ( LifeCanvas::OnSize)
- EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS ( LifeCanvas::OnMouse)
+ EVT_MENU (wxID_NEW, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (wxID_OPEN, LifeFrame::OnOpen)
+ EVT_MENU (ID_SAMPLES, LifeFrame::OnSamples)
+ EVT_MENU (wxID_ABOUT, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (wxID_EXIT, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (ID_SHOWNAV, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (ID_ORIGIN, LifeFrame::OnNavigate)
+ EVT_BUTTON (ID_CENTER, LifeFrame::OnNavigate)
+ EVT_BUTTON (ID_NORTH, LifeFrame::OnNavigate)
+ EVT_BUTTON (ID_SOUTH, LifeFrame::OnNavigate)
+ EVT_BUTTON (ID_EAST, LifeFrame::OnNavigate)
+ EVT_BUTTON (ID_WEST, LifeFrame::OnNavigate)
+ EVT_MENU (wxID_ZOOM_IN, LifeFrame::OnZoom)
+ EVT_MENU (wxID_ZOOM_OUT,LifeFrame::OnZoom)
+ EVT_MENU (ID_INFO, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (ID_START, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (ID_STEP, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (wxID_STOP, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_MENU (ID_TOPSPEED, LifeFrame::OnMenu)
+ EVT_TIMER (ID_TIMER, LifeFrame::OnTimer)
+ EVT_CLOSE ( LifeFrame::OnClose)
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(LifeNewGameDialog, wxDialog)
- EVT_BUTTON (wxID_OK, LifeNewGameDialog::OnOK)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(LifeNavigator, wxMiniFrame)
+ EVT_CLOSE ( LifeNavigator::OnClose)
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(LifeSamplesDialog, wxDialog)
- EVT_LISTBOX (ID_LISTBOX, LifeSamplesDialog::OnListBox)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(LifeCanvas, wxWindow)
+ EVT_PAINT ( LifeCanvas::OnPaint)
+ EVT_SCROLLWIN ( LifeCanvas::OnScroll)
+ EVT_SIZE ( LifeCanvas::OnSize)
+ EVT_MOTION ( LifeCanvas::OnMouse)
+ EVT_LEFT_DOWN ( LifeCanvas::OnMouse)
+ EVT_LEFT_UP ( LifeCanvas::OnMouse)
+ EVT_LEFT_DCLICK ( LifeCanvas::OnMouse)
+ EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND( LifeCanvas::OnEraseBackground)
// Create a new application object
// ==========================================================================
// implementation
// ==========================================================================
+// some shortcuts
+#define ADD_TOOL(id, bmp, tooltip, help) \
+ toolBar->AddTool(id, wxEmptyString, bmp, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, tooltip, help)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LifeApp
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// `Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here
+// 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here
bool LifeApp::OnInit()
// create the main application window
LifeFrame *frame = new LifeFrame();
- // show it and tell the application that it's our main window
- frame->Show(TRUE);
- SetTopWindow(frame);
+ // show it
+ frame->Show(true);
+ // just for Motif
+#ifdef __WXMOTIF__
+ frame->UpdateInfoText();
// enter the main message loop and run the app
- return TRUE;
+ return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// frame constructor
-LifeFrame::LifeFrame() : wxFrame((wxFrame *)0, -1, _("Life!"), wxPoint(50, 50))
+LifeFrame::LifeFrame() :
+ wxFrame( (wxFrame *) NULL, wxID_ANY, _("Life!"), wxDefaultPosition ),
+ m_navigator(NULL)
// frame icon
// menu bar
- wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu("", wxMENU_TEAROFF);
- wxMenu *menuGame = new wxMenu("", wxMENU_TEAROFF);
- menuFile->Append(ID_NEWGAME, _("New game..."), _("Start a new game"));
- menuFile->Append(ID_SAMPLES, _("Sample game..."), _("Select a sample configuration"));
- menuFile->AppendSeparator();
- menuFile->Append(ID_ABOUT, _("&About...\tCtrl-A"), _("Show about dialog"));
+ wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu(wxMENU_TEAROFF);
+ wxMenu *menuView = new wxMenu(wxMENU_TEAROFF);
+ wxMenu *menuGame = new wxMenu(wxMENU_TEAROFF);
+ wxMenu *menuHelp = new wxMenu(wxMENU_TEAROFF);
+ menuFile->Append(wxID_NEW, wxEmptyString, _("Start a new game"));
+ menuFile->Append(wxID_OPEN, wxEmptyString, _("Open an existing Life pattern"));
+ menuFile->Append(ID_SAMPLES, _("&Sample game..."), _("Select a sample configuration"));
+#if ! (defined(__SMARTPHONE__) || defined(__POCKETPC__))
- menuFile->Append(ID_EXIT, _("E&xit\tAlt-X"), _("Quit this program"));
+ menuFile->Append(wxID_EXIT);
+ menuView->Append(ID_SHOWNAV, _("Navigation &toolbox"), _("Show or hide toolbox"), wxITEM_CHECK);
+ menuView->Check(ID_SHOWNAV, true);
+ menuView->AppendSeparator();
+ menuView->Append(ID_ORIGIN, _("&Absolute origin"), _("Go to (0, 0)"));
+ menuView->Append(ID_CENTER, _("&Center of mass"), _("Find center of mass"));
+ menuView->Append(ID_NORTH, _("&North"), _("Find northernmost cell"));
+ menuView->Append(ID_SOUTH, _("&South"), _("Find southernmost cell"));
+ menuView->Append(ID_EAST, _("&East"), _("Find easternmost cell"));
+ menuView->Append(ID_WEST, _("&West"), _("Find westernmost cell"));
+ menuView->AppendSeparator();
+ menuView->Append(wxID_ZOOM_IN, wxEmptyString, _("Zoom in"));
+ menuView->Append(wxID_ZOOM_OUT, wxEmptyString, _("Zoom out"));
+ menuView->Append(ID_INFO, _("&Description\tCtrl-D"), _("View pattern description"));
- menuGame->Append(ID_CLEAR, _("&Clear\tCtrl-C"), _("Clear game field"));
menuGame->Append(ID_START, _("&Start\tCtrl-S"), _("Start"));
menuGame->Append(ID_STEP, _("&Next\tCtrl-N"), _("Single step"));
- menuGame->Append(ID_STOP, _("S&top\tCtrl-T"), _("Stop"));
- menuGame->Enable(ID_STOP, FALSE);
+ menuGame->Append(wxID_STOP, wxEmptyString, _("Stop"));
+ menuGame->Enable(wxID_STOP, false);
- menuGame->Append(ID_WRAP, _("&Wraparound\tCtrl-W"), _("Wrap around borders"), TRUE);
- menuGame->Check (ID_WRAP, TRUE);
+ menuGame->Append(ID_TOPSPEED, _("T&op speed!"), _("Go as fast as possible"));
+ menuHelp->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _("&About\tCtrl-A"), _("Show about dialog"));
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar();
menuBar->Append(menuFile, _("&File"));
+ menuBar->Append(menuView, _("&View"));
menuBar->Append(menuGame, _("&Game"));
+ menuBar->Append(menuHelp, _("&Help"));
// tool bar
- wxBitmap tbBitmaps[3];
+ wxBitmap tbBitmaps[7];
tbBitmaps[0] = wxBITMAP(reset);
- tbBitmaps[1] = wxBITMAP(play);
- tbBitmaps[2] = wxBITMAP(stop);
+ tbBitmaps[1] = wxBITMAP(open);
+ tbBitmaps[2] = wxBITMAP(zoomin);
+ tbBitmaps[3] = wxBITMAP(zoomout);
+ tbBitmaps[4] = wxBITMAP(info);
+ tbBitmaps[5] = wxBITMAP(play);
+ tbBitmaps[6] = wxBITMAP(stop);
wxToolBar *toolBar = CreateToolBar();
toolBar->SetMargins(5, 5);
toolBar->SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(16, 16));
- ADD_TOOL(ID_CLEAR, tbBitmaps[0], _("Clear"), _("Clear game board"));
- ADD_TOOL(ID_START, tbBitmaps[1], _("Start"), _("Start"));
- ADD_TOOL(ID_STOP , tbBitmaps[2], _("Stop"), _("Stop"));
- toolBar->EnableTool(ID_STOP, FALSE);
+ ADD_TOOL(wxID_NEW, tbBitmaps[0], wxGetStockLabel(wxID_NEW, wxSTOCK_NOFLAGS), _("Start a new game"));
+#ifndef __POCKETPC__
+ ADD_TOOL(wxID_OPEN, tbBitmaps[1], wxGetStockLabel(wxID_OPEN, wxSTOCK_NOFLAGS), _("Open an existing Life pattern"));
+#endif // wxUSE_FILEDLG
+ toolBar->AddSeparator();
+ ADD_TOOL(wxID_ZOOM_IN, tbBitmaps[2], wxGetStockLabel(wxID_ZOOM_IN, wxSTOCK_NOFLAGS), _("Zoom in"));
+ ADD_TOOL(wxID_ZOOM_OUT, tbBitmaps[3], wxGetStockLabel(wxID_ZOOM_OUT, wxSTOCK_NOFLAGS), _("Zoom out"));
+ ADD_TOOL(ID_INFO, tbBitmaps[4], _("Description"), _("Show description"));
+ toolBar->AddSeparator();
+#endif // __POCKETPC__
+ ADD_TOOL(ID_START, tbBitmaps[5], _("Start"), _("Start"));
+ ADD_TOOL(wxID_STOP, tbBitmaps[6], _("Stop"), _("Stop"));
+ toolBar->EnableTool(wxID_STOP, false); // must be after Realize() !
// status bar
SetStatusText(_("Welcome to Life!"));
+#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
- // panel
- wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel(this, -1);
- // game
- m_life = new Life(20, 20);
- m_canvas = new LifeCanvas(panel, m_life);
- m_timer = new LifeTimer();
+ // game and timer
+ m_life = new Life();
+ m_timer = new wxTimer(this, ID_TIMER);
+ m_running = false;
+ m_topspeed = false;
m_interval = 500;
m_tics = 0;
- m_text = new wxStaticText(panel, -1, "");
- UpdateInfoText();
- // slider
- wxSlider *slider = new wxSlider(panel, ID_SLIDER, 5, 1, 10,
- wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, -1), wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_AUTOTICKS);
+ // We use two different panels to reduce flicker in wxGTK, because
+ // some widgets (like wxStaticText) don't have their own X11 window,
+ // and thus updating the text would result in a refresh of the canvas
+ // if they belong to the same parent.
+ wxPanel *panel1 = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY);
+ wxPanel *panel2 = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY);
+ // canvas
+ m_canvas = new LifeCanvas(panel1, m_life);
+ // info panel
+ m_text = new wxStaticText(panel2, wxID_ANY,
+ wxEmptyString,
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxDefaultSize,
+ wxSlider *slider = new wxSlider(panel2, ID_SLIDER,
+ 5, 1, 10,
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(200, wxDefaultCoord),
+ UpdateInfoText();
// component layout
- wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(panel, -1), 0, wxGROW | wxCENTRE);
- sizer->Add(m_canvas, 1, wxGROW | wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(panel, -1), 0, wxGROW | wxCENTRE);
- sizer->Add(m_text, 0, wxCENTRE | wxTOP, 5);
- sizer->Add(slider, 0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5);
- panel->SetSizer(sizer);
- panel->SetAutoLayout(TRUE);
- sizer->Fit(this);
- sizer->SetSizeHints(this);
+ wxBoxSizer *sizer1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ wxBoxSizer *sizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ wxBoxSizer *sizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ sizer1->Add( new wxStaticLine(panel1, wxID_ANY), 0, wxGROW );
+#endif // wxUSE_STATLINE
+ sizer1->Add( m_canvas, 1, wxGROW | wxALL, 2 );
+ sizer1->Add( new wxStaticLine(panel1, wxID_ANY), 0, wxGROW );
+#endif // wxUSE_STATLINE
+ panel1->SetSizer( sizer1 );
+ sizer1->Fit( panel1 );
+ sizer2->Add( m_text, 0, wxGROW | wxTOP, 4 );
+ sizer2->Add( slider, 0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 4 );
+ panel2->SetSizer( sizer2 );
+ sizer2->Fit( panel2 );
+ sizer3->Add( panel1, 1, wxGROW );
+ sizer3->Add( panel2, 0, wxGROW );
+ SetSizer( sizer3 );
+#ifndef __WXWINCE__
+ sizer3->Fit( this );
+ // set minimum frame size
+ sizer3->SetSizeHints( this );
+ // navigator frame - not appropriate for small devices
+ m_navigator = new LifeNavigator(this);
delete m_timer;
- delete m_life;
void LifeFrame::UpdateInfoText()
wxString msg;
- msg.Printf(_("Generation: %u, Interval: %u ms"), m_tics, m_interval);
+ msg.Printf(_(" Generation: %lu (T: %lu ms), Population: %lu "),
+ m_tics,
+ m_topspeed? 0 : m_interval,
+ static_cast<unsigned long>(m_life->GetNumCells()));
-// event handlers
+// Enable or disable tools and menu entries according to the current
+// state. See also wxEVT_UPDATE_UI events for a slightly different
+// way to do this.
+void LifeFrame::UpdateUI()
+ // start / stop
+ GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_START, !m_running);
+ GetToolBar()->EnableTool(wxID_STOP, m_running);
+ GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_START, !m_running);
+ GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_STEP, !m_running);
+ GetMenuBar()->Enable(wxID_STOP, m_running);
+ GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_TOPSPEED, !m_topspeed);
+ // zooming
+ int cellsize = m_canvas->GetCellSize();
+ GetToolBar()->EnableTool(wxID_ZOOM_IN, cellsize < 32);
+ GetToolBar()->EnableTool(wxID_ZOOM_OUT, cellsize > 1);
+ GetMenuBar()->Enable(wxID_ZOOM_IN, cellsize < 32);
+ GetMenuBar()->Enable(wxID_ZOOM_OUT, cellsize > 1);
+// Event handlers -----------------------------------------------------------
+// OnMenu handles all events which don't have their own event handler
void LifeFrame::OnMenu(wxCommandEvent& event)
switch (event.GetId())
- case ID_START : OnStart(); break;
- case ID_STEP : OnTimer(); break;
- case ID_STOP : OnStop(); break;
- case ID_WRAP :
- {
- bool checked = GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->IsChecked(ID_WRAP);
- m_life->SetBorderWrap(checked);
- break;
- }
- case ID_CLEAR :
+ case wxID_NEW:
+ // stop if it was running
- m_canvas->DrawEverything(TRUE);
- m_canvas->Refresh(FALSE);
+ m_canvas->Recenter(0, 0);
m_tics = 0;
- case ID_ABOUT :
+ case wxID_ABOUT:
- wxMessageBox(
- _("This is the about dialog of the Life! sample.\n"
- "(c) 2000 Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia"),
- _("About Life!"),
- this);
+ LifeAboutDialog dialog(this);
+ dialog.ShowModal();
- case ID_EXIT :
+ case wxID_EXIT:
- // TRUE is to force the frame to close
- Close(TRUE);
+ // true is to force the frame to close
+ Close(true);
- }
+ case ID_SHOWNAV:
+ {
+ bool checked = GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->IsChecked(ID_SHOWNAV);
+ if (m_navigator)
+ m_navigator->Show(checked);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ID_INFO:
+ {
+ wxString desc = m_life->GetDescription();
-void LifeFrame::OnNewGame(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- int w = m_life->GetWidth();
- int h = m_life->GetHeight();
+ if ( desc.empty() )
+ desc = _("Not available");
- // stop if it was running
- OnStop();
+ // should we make the description editable here?
+ wxMessageBox(desc, _("Description"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
- // dialog box
- LifeNewGameDialog dialog(this, &w, &h);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ID_START : OnStart(); break;
+ case ID_STEP : OnStep(); break;
+ case wxID_STOP : OnStop(); break;
+ {
+ m_running = true;
+ m_topspeed = true;
+ UpdateUI();
+ while (m_running && m_topspeed)
+ {
+ OnStep();
+ wxYield();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- // new game?
- if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
+void LifeFrame::OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxFileDialog filedlg(this,
+ _("Choose a file to open"),
+ wxEmptyString,
+ wxEmptyString,
+ _("Life patterns (*.lif)|*.lif|All files (*.*)|*.*"),
+ if (filedlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- // check dimensions
- if (w >= LIFE_MIN && w <= LIFE_MAX &&
- h >= LIFE_MIN && h <= LIFE_MAX)
+ wxFileInputStream stream(filedlg.GetPath());
+ LifeReader reader(stream);
+ // the reader handles errors itself, no need to do anything here
+ if (reader.IsOk())
- // resize game field
- m_life->Destroy();
- m_life->Create(w, h);
- // tell the canvas
- m_canvas->Reset();
- m_canvas->Refresh();
+ // stop if running and put the pattern
+ OnStop();
+ m_life->Clear();
+ m_life->SetPattern(reader.GetPattern());
+ // recenter canvas
+ m_canvas->Recenter(0, 0);
m_tics = 0;
- else
- {
- wxString msg;
- msg.Printf(_("Both dimensions must be within %u and %u.\n"),
- wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error!"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this);
- }
void LifeFrame::OnSamples(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
// dialog box
LifeSamplesDialog dialog(this);
- // new game?
if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- int result = dialog.GetValue();
+ const LifePattern pattern = dialog.GetPattern();
- if (result == -1)
- return;
+ // put the pattern
+ m_life->Clear();
+ m_life->SetPattern(pattern);
- int gw = g_shapes[result].m_fieldWidth;
- int gh = g_shapes[result].m_fieldHeight;
- int wrap = g_shapes[result].m_wrap;
+ // recenter canvas
+ m_canvas->Recenter(0, 0);
+ m_tics = 0;
+ UpdateInfoText();
+ }
- // set wraparound (don't ask the user)
- m_life->SetBorderWrap(wrap);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Check(ID_WRAP, wrap);
+void LifeFrame::OnZoom(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ int cellsize = m_canvas->GetCellSize();
- // need to resize the game field?
- if (gw > m_life->GetWidth() || gh > m_life->GetHeight())
- {
- wxString s;
- s.Printf(_("Your game field is too small for this configuration.\n"
- "It is recommended to resize it to %u x %u. Proceed?\n"),
- gw, gh);
+ if ((event.GetId() == wxID_ZOOM_IN) && cellsize < 32)
+ {
+ m_canvas->SetCellSize(cellsize * 2);
+ UpdateUI();
+ }
+ else if ((event.GetId() == wxID_ZOOM_OUT) && cellsize > 1)
+ {
+ m_canvas->SetCellSize(cellsize / 2);
+ UpdateUI();
+ }
- if (wxMessageBox(s, _("Question"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION, this) == wxYES)
- {
- m_life->Destroy();
- m_life->Create(gw, gh);
- }
- }
+void LifeFrame::OnNavigate(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ LifeCell c;
+ switch (event.GetId())
+ {
+ case ID_NORTH: c = m_life->FindNorth(); break;
+ case ID_SOUTH: c = m_life->FindSouth(); break;
+ case ID_WEST: c = m_life->FindWest(); break;
+ case ID_EAST: c = m_life->FindEast(); break;
+ case ID_CENTER: c = m_life->FindCenter(); break;
+ default :
+ wxFAIL;
+ // Fall through!
+ case ID_ORIGIN: c.i = c.j = 0; break;
+ }
- // put the shape
- m_life->SetShape(g_shapes[result]);
+ m_canvas->Recenter(c.i, c.j);
- // tell the canvas about the change
- m_canvas->Reset();
- m_canvas->Refresh();
- m_tics = 0;
- UpdateInfoText();
+void LifeFrame::OnSlider(wxScrollEvent& event)
+ m_interval = event.GetPosition() * 100;
+ if (m_running)
+ {
+ OnStop();
+ OnStart();
+ UpdateInfoText();
+void LifeFrame::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ OnStep();
+void LifeFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ // Stop if it was running; this is absolutely needed because
+ // the frame won't be actually destroyed until there are no
+ // more pending events, and this in turn won't ever happen
+ // if the timer is running faster than the window can redraw.
+ OnStop();
+ Destroy();
void LifeFrame::OnStart()
if (!m_running)
- GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_START, FALSE);
- GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_STOP, TRUE);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_START, FALSE);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_STEP, FALSE);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_STOP, TRUE);
- m_running = TRUE;
+ m_running = true;
+ UpdateUI();
if (m_running)
- GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_START, TRUE);
- GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_STOP, FALSE);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_START, TRUE);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_STEP, TRUE);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_STOP, FALSE);
- m_running = FALSE;
+ m_running = false;
+ m_topspeed = false;
+ UpdateUI();
-void LifeFrame::OnTimer()
+void LifeFrame::OnStep()
if (m_life->NextTic())
+ m_canvas->DrawChanged();
- m_canvas->DrawEverything();
- m_canvas->Refresh(FALSE);
-void LifeFrame::OnSlider(wxScrollEvent& event)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// LifeNavigator miniframe
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+LifeNavigator::LifeNavigator(wxWindow *parent)
+ : wxMiniFrame(parent, wxID_ANY,
+ _("Navigation"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxDefaultSize,
- m_interval = event.GetPosition() * 100;
+ wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY);
+ wxBoxSizer *sizer1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ wxBoxSizer *sizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ // create bitmaps and masks for the buttons
+ wxBitmap
+ bmpn = wxBITMAP(north),
+ bmpw = wxBITMAP(west),
+ bmpc = wxBITMAP(center),
+ bmpe = wxBITMAP(east),
+ bmps = wxBITMAP(south);
+#if !defined(__WXGTK__) && !defined(__WXMOTIF__) && !defined(__WXMAC__)
+ bmpn.SetMask(new wxMask(bmpn, *wxLIGHT_GREY));
+ bmpw.SetMask(new wxMask(bmpw, *wxLIGHT_GREY));
+ bmpc.SetMask(new wxMask(bmpc, *wxLIGHT_GREY));
+ bmpe.SetMask(new wxMask(bmpe, *wxLIGHT_GREY));
+ bmps.SetMask(new wxMask(bmps, *wxLIGHT_GREY));
- // restart timer if running, to set the new interval
- if (m_running)
- {
- m_timer->Stop();
- m_timer->Start(m_interval);
- }
+ // create the buttons and attach tooltips to them
+ wxBitmapButton
+ *bn = new wxBitmapButton(panel, ID_NORTH, bmpn),
+ *bw = new wxBitmapButton(panel, ID_WEST , bmpw),
+ *bc = new wxBitmapButton(panel, ID_CENTER, bmpc),
+ *be = new wxBitmapButton(panel, ID_EAST , bmpe),
+ *bs = new wxBitmapButton(panel, ID_SOUTH, bmps);
+ bn->SetToolTip(_("Find northernmost cell"));
+ bw->SetToolTip(_("Find westernmost cell"));
+ bc->SetToolTip(_("Find center of mass"));
+ be->SetToolTip(_("Find easternmost cell"));
+ bs->SetToolTip(_("Find southernmost cell"));
- UpdateInfoText();
+ // add buttons to sizers
+ sizer2->Add( bw, 0, wxCENTRE | wxWEST, 4 );
+ sizer2->Add( bc, 0, wxCENTRE);
+ sizer2->Add( be, 0, wxCENTRE | wxEAST, 4 );
+ sizer1->Add( bn, 0, wxCENTRE | wxNORTH, 4 );
+ sizer1->Add( sizer2 );
+ sizer1->Add( bs, 0, wxCENTRE | wxSOUTH, 4 );
+ // set the panel and miniframe size
+ panel->SetSizer(sizer1);
+ sizer1->Fit(panel);
+ SetClientSize(panel->GetSize());
+ wxSize sz = GetSize();
+ SetSizeHints(sz.x, sz.y, sz.x, sz.y);
+ // move it to a sensible position
+ wxRect parentRect = parent->GetRect();
+ wxSize childSize = GetSize();
+ int x = parentRect.GetX() +
+ parentRect.GetWidth();
+ int y = parentRect.GetY() +
+ (parentRect.GetHeight() - childSize.GetHeight()) / 4;
+ Move(x, y);
+ // done
+ Show(true);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// LifeTimer
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void LifeTimer::Notify()
+void LifeNavigator::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event)
- GET_FRAME()->OnTimer();
+ // avoid if we can
+ if (event.CanVeto())
+ event.Veto();
+ else
+ Destroy();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LifeCanvas
// canvas constructor
LifeCanvas::LifeCanvas(wxWindow *parent, Life *life, bool interactive)
- : wxScrolledWindow(parent, -1, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(100, 100))
+ : wxWindow(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100, 100),
+#if !defined(__SMARTPHONE__) && !defined(__POCKETPC__)
+ )
m_life = life;
m_interactive = interactive;
m_cellsize = 8;
- m_bmp = NULL;
- Reset();
+ m_status = MOUSE_NOACTION;
+ m_viewportX = 0;
+ m_viewportY = 0;
+ m_viewportH = 0;
+ m_viewportW = 0;
+ if (m_interactive)
+ SetCursor(*wxCROSS_CURSOR);
+ // reduce flicker if wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND is not available
+ SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE);
- delete m_bmp;
+ delete m_life;
-void LifeCanvas::Reset()
+// recenter at the given position
+void LifeCanvas::Recenter(wxInt32 i, wxInt32 j)
- if (m_bmp)
- delete m_bmp;
- m_status = MOUSE_NOACTION;
- m_width = CellToCoord(m_life->GetWidth()) + 1;
- m_height = CellToCoord(m_life->GetHeight()) + 1;
- m_bmp = new wxBitmap(m_width, m_height);
- wxCoord w = GetClientSize().GetX();
- wxCoord h = GetClientSize().GetY();
- m_xoffset = (w > m_width)? ((w - m_width) / 2) : 0;
- m_yoffset = (h > m_height)? ((h - m_height) / 2) : 0;
+ m_viewportX = i - m_viewportW / 2;
+ m_viewportY = j - m_viewportH / 2;
// redraw everything
- DrawEverything(TRUE);
- SetScrollbars(10, 10, (m_width + 9) / 10, (m_height + 9) / 10);
+ Refresh(false);
-void LifeCanvas::DrawEverything(bool force)
+// set the cell size and refresh display
+void LifeCanvas::SetCellSize(int cellsize)
- wxMemoryDC dc;
+ m_cellsize = cellsize;
- dc.SelectObject(*m_bmp);
- dc.BeginDrawing();
+ // find current center
+ wxInt32 cx = m_viewportX + m_viewportW / 2;
+ wxInt32 cy = m_viewportY + m_viewportH / 2;
- // draw cells
- for (int j = 0; j < m_life->GetHeight(); j++)
- for (int i = 0; i < m_life->GetWidth(); i++)
- if (force || m_life->HasChanged(i, j))
- DrawCell(i, j, dc);
+ // get current canvas size and adjust viewport accordingly
+ int w, h;
+ GetClientSize(&w, &h);
+ m_viewportW = (w + m_cellsize - 1) / m_cellsize;
+ m_viewportH = (h + m_cellsize - 1) / m_cellsize;
- // bounding rectangle (always drawn - better than clipping region)
- dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
- dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, m_width, m_height);
+ // recenter
+ m_viewportX = cx - m_viewportW / 2;
+ m_viewportY = cy - m_viewportH / 2;
- dc.EndDrawing();
- dc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
+ // adjust scrollbars
+ if (m_interactive)
+ {
+ SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, m_viewportW, m_viewportW, 3 * m_viewportW);
+ SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, m_viewportH, m_viewportH, 3 * m_viewportH);
+ m_thumbX = m_viewportW;
+ m_thumbY = m_viewportH;
+ }
+ Refresh(false);
-void LifeCanvas::DrawCell(int i, int j)
+// draw a cell
+void LifeCanvas::DrawCell(wxInt32 i, wxInt32 j, bool alive)
- wxMemoryDC dc;
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
- dc.SelectObject(*m_bmp);
- dc.BeginDrawing();
+ dc.SetPen(alive? *wxBLACK_PEN : *wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(alive? *wxBLACK_BRUSH : *wxWHITE_BRUSH);
- dc.SetClippingRegion(1, 1, m_width - 2, m_height - 2);
DrawCell(i, j, dc);
- dc.EndDrawing();
- dc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
-void LifeCanvas::DrawCell(int i, int j, wxDC &dc)
+void LifeCanvas::DrawCell(wxInt32 i, wxInt32 j, wxDC &dc)
- if (m_life->IsAlive(i, j))
- {
- dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- dc.SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH);
- dc.DrawRectangle(CellToCoord(i),
- CellToCoord(j),
- m_cellsize,
- m_cellsize);
- }
- else
- {
- dc.SetPen(*wxLIGHT_GREY_PEN);
- dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
- dc.DrawRectangle(CellToCoord(i),
- CellToCoord(j),
- m_cellsize,
- m_cellsize);
- dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN);
- dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH);
- dc.DrawRectangle(CellToCoord(i) + 1,
- CellToCoord(j) + 1,
- m_cellsize - 1,
- m_cellsize - 1);
- }
-// event handlers
-void LifeCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
- wxPaintDC dc(this);
- wxMemoryDC memdc;
+ wxCoord x = CellToX(i);
+ wxCoord y = CellToY(j);
- wxRegionIterator upd(GetUpdateRegion());
- wxCoord x, y, w, h, xx, yy;
- dc.BeginDrawing();
- memdc.SelectObject(*m_bmp);
- while(upd)
+ // if cellsize is 1 or 2, there will be no grid
+ switch (m_cellsize)
- x = upd.GetX();
- y = upd.GetY();
- w = upd.GetW();
- h = upd.GetH();
- CalcUnscrolledPosition(x, y, &xx, &yy);
- dc.Blit(x, y, w, h, &memdc, xx - m_xoffset, yy - m_yoffset);
- upd++;
+ case 1:
+ dc.DrawPoint(x, y);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, 2, 2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, m_cellsize - 1, m_cellsize - 1);
- memdc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
- dc.EndDrawing();
-void LifeCanvas::OnMouse(wxMouseEvent& event)
+// draw all changed cells
+void LifeCanvas::DrawChanged()
- if (!m_interactive)
- return;
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
- int x, y, xx, yy, i, j;
+ size_t ncells;
+ LifeCell *cells;
+ bool done = false;
- // which cell are we pointing at?
- x = event.GetX();
- y = event.GetY();
- CalcUnscrolledPosition(x, y, &xx, &yy);
- i = CoordToCell( xx - m_xoffset );
- j = CoordToCell( yy - m_yoffset );
- // adjust x, y to point to the upper left corner of the cell
- CalcScrolledPosition( CellToCoord(i) + m_xoffset,
- CellToCoord(j) + m_yoffset,
- &x, &y );
- // set cursor shape and statusbar text
- if (i < 0 || i >= m_life->GetWidth() ||
- j < 0 || j >= m_life->GetHeight())
+ m_life->BeginFind(m_viewportX,
+ m_viewportY,
+ m_viewportX + m_viewportW,
+ m_viewportY + m_viewportH,
+ true);
+ if (m_cellsize == 1)
- GET_FRAME()->SetStatusText(wxEmptyString, 1);
- SetCursor(*wxSTANDARD_CURSOR);
+ dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- wxString msg;
- msg.Printf(_("Cell: (%u, %u)"), i, j);
- GET_FRAME()->SetStatusText(msg, 1);
- SetCursor(*wxCROSS_CURSOR);
+ dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH);
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT);
- // button pressed?
- if (!event.LeftIsDown())
- {
- m_status = MOUSE_NOACTION;
- }
- else if (i >= 0 && i < m_life->GetWidth() &&
- j >= 0 && j < m_life->GetHeight())
+ while (!done)
- bool alive = m_life->IsAlive(i, j);
- // if just pressed, update status
- if (m_status == MOUSE_NOACTION)
- m_status = (alive? MOUSE_ERASING : MOUSE_DRAWING);
+ done = m_life->FindMore(&cells, &ncells);
- // toggle cell and refresh if needed
- if (((m_status == MOUSE_ERASING) && alive) ||
- ((m_status == MOUSE_DRAWING) && !alive))
- {
- wxRect rect(x, y, m_cellsize + 1, m_cellsize + 1);
- m_life->SetCell(i, j, !alive);
- DrawCell(i, j);
- Refresh(FALSE, &rect);
- }
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < ncells; m++)
+ DrawCell(cells[m].i, cells[m].j, dc);
-void LifeCanvas::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event)
- wxCoord w = event.GetSize().GetX();
- wxCoord h = event.GetSize().GetY();
- m_xoffset = (w > m_width)? ((w - m_width) / 2) : 0;
- m_yoffset = (h > m_height)? ((h - m_height) / 2) : 0;
- // allow default processing
- event.Skip();
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// LifeNewGameDialog
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LifeNewGameDialog::LifeNewGameDialog(wxWindow *parent, int *w, int *h)
- : wxDialog(parent, -1,
- _("New game"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxDefaultSize,
+// event handlers
+void LifeCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- m_w = w;
- m_h = h;
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ wxRect rect = GetUpdateRegion().GetBox();
+ wxCoord x, y, w, h;
+ wxInt32 i0, j0, i1, j1;
- // spin ctrls
- m_spinctrlw = new wxSpinCtrl( this, -1 );
- m_spinctrlw->SetValue(*m_w);
- m_spinctrlw->SetRange(LIFE_MIN, LIFE_MAX);
+ // find damaged area
+ x = rect.GetX();
+ y = rect.GetY();
+ w = rect.GetWidth();
+ h = rect.GetHeight();
- m_spinctrlh = new wxSpinCtrl( this, -1 );
- m_spinctrlh->SetValue(*m_h);
- m_spinctrlh->SetRange(LIFE_MIN, LIFE_MAX);
+ i0 = XToCell(x);
+ j0 = YToCell(y);
+ i1 = XToCell(x + w - 1);
+ j1 = YToCell(y + h - 1);
- // component layout
- wxBoxSizer *inputsizer1 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
- inputsizer1->Add( new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Width")), 1, wxCENTRE | wxLEFT, 20);
- inputsizer1->Add( m_spinctrlw, 2, wxCENTRE | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 20 );
- wxBoxSizer *inputsizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
- inputsizer2->Add( new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Height")), 1, wxCENTRE | wxLEFT, 20);
- inputsizer2->Add( m_spinctrlh, 2, wxCENTRE | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 20 );
- wxBoxSizer *topsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
- topsizer->Add( CreateTextSizer(_("Enter board dimensions")), 0, wxALL, 10 );
- topsizer->Add( new wxStaticLine(this, -1), 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 10);
- topsizer->Add( inputsizer1, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
- topsizer->Add( inputsizer2, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
- topsizer->Add( new wxStaticLine(this, -1), 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP, 10);
- topsizer->Add( CreateButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL), 0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 10);
- // activate
- SetSizer(topsizer);
- SetAutoLayout(TRUE);
- topsizer->SetSizeHints(this);
- topsizer->Fit(this);
- Centre(wxBOTH);
+ size_t ncells;
+ LifeCell *cells;
-void LifeNewGameDialog::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- *m_w = m_spinctrlw->GetValue();
- *m_h = m_spinctrlh->GetValue();
+ m_life->BeginFind(i0, j0, i1, j1, false);
+ bool done = m_life->FindMore(&cells, &ncells);
- EndModal(wxID_OK);
+ // erase all damaged cells and draw the grid
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// LifeSamplesDialog
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LifeSamplesDialog::LifeSamplesDialog(wxWindow *parent)
- : wxDialog(parent, -1,
- _("Sample games"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxDefaultSize,
- m_value = 0;
- // create and populate the list of available samples
- m_list = new wxListBox( this, ID_LISTBOX,
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxDefaultSize,
- 0, NULL,
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(g_shapes) / sizeof(LifeShape)); i++)
- m_list->Append(g_shapes[i].m_name);
- // descriptions
- wxStaticBox *statbox = new wxStaticBox( this, -1, _("Description"));
- m_life = new Life( 16, 16 );
- m_life->SetShape(g_shapes[0]);
- m_canvas = new LifeCanvas( this, m_life, FALSE );
- m_text = new wxTextCtrl( this, -1,
- g_shapes[0].m_desc,
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 60),
- // layout components
- wxStaticBoxSizer *sizer1 = new wxStaticBoxSizer( statbox, wxVERTICAL );
- sizer1->Add( m_canvas, 2, wxGROW | wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5);
- sizer1->Add( m_text, 1, wxGROW | wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5 );
- wxBoxSizer *sizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
- sizer2->Add( m_list, 0, wxGROW | wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5 );
- sizer2->Add( sizer1, 1, wxGROW | wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5 );
- wxBoxSizer *sizer3 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
- sizer3->Add( CreateTextSizer(_("Select one configuration")), 0, wxALL, 10 );
- sizer3->Add( new wxStaticLine(this, -1), 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10 );
- sizer3->Add( sizer2, 1, wxGROW | wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5 );
- sizer3->Add( new wxStaticLine(this, -1), 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10 );
- sizer3->Add( CreateButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL), 0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 10 );
- // activate
- SetSizer(sizer3);
- SetAutoLayout(TRUE);
- sizer3->SetSizeHints(this);
- sizer3->Fit(this);
- Centre(wxBOTH);
+ if (m_cellsize <= 2)
+ {
+ // no grid
+ dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x = CellToX(i0);
+ y = CellToY(j0);
+ w = CellToX(i1 + 1) - x + 1;
+ h = CellToY(j1 + 1) - y + 1;
- m_canvas->Destroy();
- delete m_life;
+ dc.SetPen(*wxLIGHT_GREY_PEN);
+ for (wxInt32 yy = y; yy <= (y + h - m_cellsize); yy += m_cellsize)
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x, yy, w, m_cellsize + 1);
+ for (wxInt32 xx = x; xx <= (x + w - m_cellsize); xx += m_cellsize)
+ dc.DrawLine(xx, y, xx, y + h);
+ }
-int LifeSamplesDialog::GetValue()
- return m_value;
+ // draw all alive cells
+ dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH);
-void LifeSamplesDialog::OnListBox(wxCommandEvent& event)
- if (event.GetSelection() != -1)
+ while (!done)
- m_value = m_list->GetSelection();
- m_text->SetValue(g_shapes[ event.GetSelection() ].m_desc);
- m_life->SetShape(g_shapes[ event.GetSelection() ]);
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < ncells; m++)
+ DrawCell(cells[m].i, cells[m].j, dc);
- m_canvas->DrawEverything(TRUE); // force redraw everything
- m_canvas->Refresh(FALSE); // do not erase background
+ done = m_life->FindMore(&cells, &ncells);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Life
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Life::Life(int width, int height)
- m_wrap = TRUE;
- m_cells = NULL;
- Create(width, height);
- Destroy();
+ // last set
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < ncells; m++)
+ DrawCell(cells[m].i, cells[m].j, dc);
-void Life::Create(int width, int height)
+void LifeCanvas::OnMouse(wxMouseEvent& event)
- wxASSERT(width > 0 && height > 0);
+ if (!m_interactive)
+ return;
- m_width = width;
- m_height = height;
- m_cells = new Cell[m_width * m_height];
- Clear();
+ // which cell are we pointing at?
+ wxInt32 i = XToCell( event.GetX() );
+ wxInt32 j = YToCell( event.GetY() );
-void Life::Destroy()
- delete[] m_cells;
+ // set statusbar text
+ wxString msg;
+ msg.Printf(_("Cell: (%d, %d)"), i, j);
+ ((LifeFrame *) wxGetApp().GetTopWindow())->SetStatusText(msg, 1);
+#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
+ // NOTE that wxMouseEvent::LeftDown() and wxMouseEvent::LeftIsDown()
+ // have different semantics. The first one is used to signal that the
+ // button was just pressed (i.e., in "button down" events); the second
+ // one just describes the current status of the button, independently
+ // of the mouse event type. LeftIsDown is typically used in "mouse
+ // move" events, to test if the button is _still_ pressed.
+ // is the button down?
+ if (!event.LeftIsDown())
+ {
+ m_status = MOUSE_NOACTION;
+ return;
+ }
-void Life::Clear()
- for (int i = 0; i < m_width * m_height; i++)
- m_cells[i] = CELL_DEAD;
+ // was it pressed just now?
+ if (event.LeftDown())
+ {
+ // yes: start a new action and toggle this cell
+ m_status = (m_life->IsAlive(i, j)? MOUSE_ERASING : MOUSE_DRAWING);
-bool Life::IsAlive(int x, int y) const
- wxASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_width && y < m_height);
+ m_mi = i;
+ m_mj = j;
+ m_life->SetCell(i, j, m_status == MOUSE_DRAWING);
+ DrawCell(i, j, m_status == MOUSE_DRAWING);
+ }
+ else if ((m_mi != i) || (m_mj != j))
+ {
+ // no: continue ongoing action
+ bool alive = (m_status == MOUSE_DRAWING);
+ // prepare DC and pen + brush to optimize drawing
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ dc.SetPen(alive? *wxBLACK_PEN : *wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(alive? *wxBLACK_BRUSH : *wxWHITE_BRUSH);
+ // draw a line of cells using Bresenham's algorithm
+ wxInt32 d, ii, jj, di, ai, si, dj, aj, sj;
+ di = i - m_mi;
+ ai = abs(di) << 1;
+ si = (di < 0)? -1 : 1;
+ dj = j - m_mj;
+ aj = abs(dj) << 1;
+ sj = (dj < 0)? -1 : 1;
+ ii = m_mi;
+ jj = m_mj;
+ if (ai > aj)
+ {
+ // iterate over i
+ d = aj - (ai >> 1);
- return (m_cells[y * m_width + x] & CELL_ALIVE);
+ while (ii != i)
+ {
+ m_life->SetCell(ii, jj, alive);
+ DrawCell(ii, jj, dc);
+ if (d >= 0)
+ {
+ jj += sj;
+ d -= ai;
+ }
+ ii += si;
+ d += aj;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // iterate over j
+ d = ai - (aj >> 1);
-bool Life::HasChanged(int x, int y) const
- wxASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_width && y < m_height);
+ while (jj != j)
+ {
+ m_life->SetCell(ii, jj, alive);
+ DrawCell(ii, jj, dc);
+ if (d >= 0)
+ {
+ ii += si;
+ d -= aj;
+ }
+ jj += sj;
+ d += ai;
+ }
+ }
- return (m_cells[y * m_width + x] & CELL_MARK) != 0;
+ // last cell
+ m_life->SetCell(ii, jj, alive);
+ DrawCell(ii, jj, dc);
+ m_mi = ii;
+ m_mj = jj;
+ }
-void Life::SetBorderWrap(bool on)
- m_wrap = on;
+ ((LifeFrame *) wxGetApp().GetTopWindow())->UpdateInfoText();
-void Life::SetCell(int x, int y, bool alive)
+void LifeCanvas::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event)
- wxASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_width && y < m_height);
+ // find center
+ wxInt32 cx = m_viewportX + m_viewportW / 2;
+ wxInt32 cy = m_viewportY + m_viewportH / 2;
- m_cells[y * m_width + x] = (alive? CELL_ALIVE : CELL_DEAD);
+ // get new size
+ wxCoord w = event.GetSize().GetX();
+ wxCoord h = event.GetSize().GetY();
+ m_viewportW = (w + m_cellsize - 1) / m_cellsize;
+ m_viewportH = (h + m_cellsize - 1) / m_cellsize;
-void Life::SetShape(LifeShape& shape)
- wxASSERT((m_width >= shape.m_width) && (m_height >= shape.m_height));
+ // recenter
+ m_viewportX = cx - m_viewportW / 2;
+ m_viewportY = cy - m_viewportH / 2;
- int x0 = (m_width - shape.m_width) / 2;
- int y0 = (m_height - shape.m_height) / 2;
- char *p = shape.m_data;
+ // scrollbars
+ if (m_interactive)
+ {
+ SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, m_viewportW, m_viewportW, 3 * m_viewportW);
+ SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, m_viewportH, m_viewportH, 3 * m_viewportH);
+ m_thumbX = m_viewportW;
+ m_thumbY = m_viewportH;
+ }
- Clear();
- for (int j = y0; j < y0 + shape.m_height; j++)
- for (int i = x0; i < x0 + shape.m_width; i++)
- SetCell(i, j, *(p++) == '*');
+ // allow default processing
+ event.Skip();
-bool Life::NextTic()
+void LifeCanvas::OnScroll(wxScrollWinEvent& event)
- long changed = 0;
- int i, j;
- /* 1st pass. Find and mark deaths and births for this generation.
- *
- * Rules:
- * An organism with <= 1 neighbors will die due to isolation.
- * An organism with >= 4 neighbors will die due to starvation.
- * New organisms are born in cells with exactly 3 neighbors.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < m_height; j++)
- for (i = 0; i < m_width; i++)
+ WXTYPE type = (WXTYPE)event.GetEventType();
+ int pos = event.GetPosition();
+ int orient = event.GetOrientation();
+ // calculate scroll increment
+ int scrollinc = 0;
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP)
+ {
+ if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
+ scrollinc = -m_viewportW;
+ else
+ scrollinc = -m_viewportH;
+ }
+ else
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM)
+ {
+ if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
+ scrollinc = m_viewportW;
+ else
+ scrollinc = m_viewportH;
+ }
+ else
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP)
+ {
+ scrollinc = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scrollinc = +1;
+ }
+ else
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP)
+ {
+ scrollinc = -10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scrollinc = +10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
- int neighbors = GetNeighbors(i, j);
- bool alive = IsAlive(i, j);
- /* Set CELL_MARK if this cell must change, clear it
- * otherwise. We cannot toggle the CELL_ALIVE bit yet
- * because all deaths and births are simultaneous (it
- * would affect neighbouring cells).
- */
- if ((!alive && neighbors == 3) ||
- (alive && (neighbors <= 1 || neighbors >= 4)))
- m_cells[j * m_width + i] |= CELL_MARK;
- else
- m_cells[j * m_width + i] &= ~CELL_MARK;
+ scrollinc = pos - m_thumbX;
+ m_thumbX = pos;
- /* 2nd pass. Stabilize.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < m_height; j++)
- for (i = 0; i < m_width; i++)
+ else
- /* Toggle CELL_ALIVE for those cells marked in the
- * previous pass. Do not clear the CELL_MARK bit yet;
- * it is useful to know which cells have changed and
- * thus must be updated in the screen.
- */
- if (m_cells[j * m_width + i] & CELL_MARK)
- {
- m_cells[j * m_width + i] ^= CELL_ALIVE;
- changed++;
- }
+ scrollinc = pos - m_thumbY;
+ m_thumbY = pos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_thumbX = m_viewportW;
+ m_thumbY = m_viewportH;
+ }
- return (changed != 0);
-int Life::GetNeighbors(int x, int y) const
- wxASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_width && y < m_height);
- int neighbors = 0;
+#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
+ // wxGTK and wxMotif update the thumb automatically (wxMSW doesn't);
+ // so reset it back as we always want it to be in the same position.
+ {
+ SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, m_viewportW, m_viewportW, 3 * m_viewportW);
+ SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, m_viewportH, m_viewportH, 3 * m_viewportH);
+ }
- int i0 = (x)? (x - 1) : 0;
- int j0 = (y)? (y - 1) : 0;
- int i1 = (x < (m_width - 1))? (x + 1) : (m_width - 1);
- int j1 = (y < (m_height - 1))? (y + 1) : (m_height - 1);
+ if (scrollinc == 0) return;
- if (m_wrap && ( !x || !y || x == (m_width - 1) || y == (m_height - 1)))
+ // scroll the window and adjust the viewport
+ if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
- // this is an outer cell and wraparound is on
- for (int j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++)
- for (int i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++)
- if (IsAlive( ((i < 0)? (i + m_width ) : (i % m_width)),
- ((j < 0)? (j + m_height) : (j % m_height)) ))
- neighbors++;
+ m_viewportX += scrollinc;
+ ScrollWindow( -m_cellsize * scrollinc, 0, (const wxRect *) NULL);
- // this is an inner cell, or wraparound is off
- for (int j = j0; j <= j1; j++)
- for (int i = i0; i <= i1; i++)
- if (IsAlive(i, j))
- neighbors++;
+ m_viewportY += scrollinc;
+ ScrollWindow( 0, -m_cellsize * scrollinc, (const wxRect *) NULL);
- // do not count ourselves
- if (IsAlive(x, y)) neighbors--;
- return neighbors;
-void Life::SetCell(int x, int y, Cell status)
+void LifeCanvas::OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- wxASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_width && y < m_height);
- m_cells[y * m_width + x] = status;
+ // do nothing. I just don't want the background to be erased, you know.