+ // lay out the toolbar horizontally
+ wxTB_HORIZONTAL = wxHORIZONTAL, // == 0x0004
+ // lay out the toolbar vertically
+ wxTB_VERTICAL = wxVERTICAL, // == 0x0008
+ // show 3D buttons (wxToolBarSimple only)
+ wxTB_3DBUTTONS = 0x0010,
+ // "flat" buttons (Win32/GTK only)
+ wxTB_FLAT = 0x0020,
+ // dockable toolbar (GTK only)
+ wxTB_DOCKABLE = 0x0040,
+ // don't show the icons (they're shown by default)
+ wxTB_NOICONS = 0x0080,
+ // show the text (not shown by default)
+ wxTB_TEXT = 0x0100,
+ // don't show the divider between toolbar and the window (Win32 only)
+ wxTB_NODIVIDER = 0x0200,
+ // no automatic alignment (Win32 only, useless)
+ wxTB_NOALIGN = 0x0400,
+ // show the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked (Win32/GTK)
+ wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT = 0x0800,
+ // don't show the toolbar short help tooltips
+ wxTB_NO_TOOLTIPS = 0x1000