+To generate the windows installer (.exe) and the documentation files (chm and htb formats)
+which depends on the wxwidgets.iss file, and generates output in the %DAILY% directory. It
+assumes a clean copy of the wxWidgets source tree in %INNO%. Temporary files will be generated
+in the tree from which the batch file is run. It depends on doxygen, a number of gnu
+win32 tools and Microsofts htmlhelp compiler. The wxwidgets.iss file should not need
+editing, but you will want to check that the bld_chm_exe.bat has the correct version number.
+Upload the files to SourceForge. This can be done via the web interface or just
+scp to sfusername,wxwindows@frs.sf.net:/home/frs/project/w/wx/wxwindows/x.y.z
+The following files need to be uploaded:
+ wxMSW-Setup-x.y.z.exe
+ wxWidgets-x.y.z.7z
+ wxWidgets-x.y.z.tar.bz2
+ wxWidgets-x.y.z.zip
+ wxWidgets-docs-chm-x.y.z.zip
+ wxWidgets-docs-html-x.y.z.tar.bz2
+ wxWidgets-docs-html-x.y.z.zip
+The file wxWidgets-x.y.z_Headers.7z should be uploaded to binaries
+subdirectory as it's only useful when using pre-built binaries.
+You will need to use the web interface to mark the latest uploaded files as
+being "default downloads" for the appropriate platforms (.zip or .exe for MSW,
+.tar.bz2 for everything else) as otherwise SourceForge would continue to suggest
+people to download old files.
+Next, update (at least the versions and SHA1 sums, but maybe more) and upload
+docs/release_files.mdwn and docs/release_binaries.mdwn files. They need to be
+renamed to README.md on SF to be shown when the directory is viewed, i.e. do:
+ scp docs/release_files.mdwn \
+ sfuser,wxwindows@frs.sf.net:/home/frs/project/w/wx/wxwindows/x.y.z/README.md
+ scp docs/release_binaries.mdwn \
+ sfuser,wxwindows@frs.sf.net:/home/frs/project/w/wx/wxwindows/x.y.z/binaries/README.md
+And upload the change log too:
+ scp docs/changes.txt \
+ sfuser,wxwindows@frs.sf.net:/home/frs/project/w/wx/wxwindows/x.y.z
+Also upload the files to the FTP mirror at ftp.wxwidgets.org (ask Chris for
+access if you don't have it).
+Create http://docs.wxwidgets.org/x.y.z/ (ask Bryan to do it if not done yet).
+Post docs/publicity/announce.txt at least to wx-announce@googlegroups.com.
+Submit a link to http://www.reddit.com/r/programming
+For major releases, submit the announcement to http://slashdot.org/submission
+Update www.wxwidgets.org, usually a news item is enough but something more can
+be called for for major releases.
+Also update downloads/index.html to mention the new latest release.
+Post to wxBlog if necessary.
+Announce on Google+/Twitter/whatever the person doing the release prefers (we
+don't have "official" wxWidgets account, should we?).
+Version updates
+Trac: mark the milestone corresponding to the release as completed and add a
+new version for it to allow reporting bugs against it and create the next
+milestone (ask Vadim or Robin to do it or to get admin password).
+Run misc/scripts/inc_release to increment micro version, i.e. replace x.y.z
+with x.y.z+1 (minor or major versions updates require manual intervention).