+ return self.GetModel().FindFile(filename)
+ def GetAppInfo(self):
+ return self.GetModel().GetAppInfo()
+ def GetAppDocMgr(self):
+ return self.GetModel()
+ def GetProjectName(self):
+ return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.GetFilename()))[0]
+ def GetDeploymentFilepath(self):
+ projectName = self.GetProjectName()
+ return os.path.join(self.GetModel().homeDir, projectName + "RunTime_tmp" + deploymentlib.DEPLOYMENT_EXTENSION)
+ def GenerateDeployment(self, deployFilepath=None, preview=False, productionDeployment=False):
+ return
+ def FindOpenDoc(filePath):
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if openDoc.GetFilename() == filePath:
+ return openDoc
+ return None
+ if not deployFilepath:
+ deployFilepath = self.GetDeploymentFilepath()
+ deployment = deploymentlib.Deployment(deployFilepath)
+ defaultFlagsNoView = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags()|wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT|wx.lib.docview.DOC_OPEN_ONCE|wx.lib.docview.DOC_NO_VIEW
+ self.GetAppInfo().CopyToDeployment(deployment)
+ for file in self.GetModel()._files:
+ if not file.type:
+ continue
+ elif file.type == basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_SERVICE: # set serviceRefs
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(file.filePath, flags=defaultFlagsNoView)
+ if (doc == None): # already open
+ doc = FindOpenDoc(file.filePath)
+ if doc:
+ serviceRef = doc.GetModel()
+ if serviceRef:
+ documentRef = copy.copy(serviceRef)
+ deployment.serviceRefs.append(documentRef)
+ if not productionDeployment:
+ # filePath should point to location of wsdl file
+ # wsdlag filePath points to relative path to wsdl file from wsdlag location
+ # but deployment needs relative path from deployment location, so here's the conversion
+ curDir = os.path.dirname(self.GetFilename()) + os.sep
+ filePath = file.document.fileName
+ if (filePath == None):
+ raise Exception("Cannot find file \"%s\"" % file.filePath)
+ if filePath.startswith(curDir):
+ filePath = filePath[len(curDir):]
+ if os.sep != '/':
+ filePath = filePath.replace(os.sep, "/")
+ documentRef.filePath = filePath
+ documentRef.document = file.document
+ if serviceRef.serviceType == deploymentlib.SERVICE_DATABASE and serviceRef.databaseService:
+ dataSourceService = wx.GetApp().GetService(DataModelEditor.DataSourceService)
+ ds = dataSourceService.getDataSource(serviceRef.databaseService.datasourceName)
+ if ds:
+ found = False
+ for d in deployment.dataSources:
+ if d.name == ds.name:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ deployment.dataSources.append(ds)
+ else:
+ curDir = os.path.dirname(self.GetFilename()) + os.sep
+ filePath = file.filePath
+ if filePath.startswith(curDir):
+ filePath = filePath[len(curDir):]
+ if os.sep != '/':
+ filePath = filePath.replace(os.sep, "/")
+ if file.type == basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_XFORM:
+ documentRef = deploymentlib.XFormRef()
+ deployment.xformRefs.append(documentRef)
+ elif file.type == basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_PROCESS:
+ documentRef = deploymentlib.ProcessRef()
+ deployment.processRefs.append(documentRef)
+ elif file.type == basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_SCHEMA:
+ # set schemaRefs
+ documentRef = deploymentlib.SchemaRef()
+ deployment.schemaRefs.append(documentRef)
+ # set dataSources
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(file.filePath, flags=defaultFlagsNoView)
+ if (doc == None): # already open
+ doc = FindOpenDoc(file.filePath)
+ if doc:
+ dataSourceService = wx.GetApp().GetService(DataModelEditor.DataSourceService)
+ ds = dataSourceService.getDataSource(doc.GetModel().getDefaultDataSourceName())
+ if ds:
+ found = False
+ for d in deployment.dataSources:
+ if d.name == ds.name:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ deployment.dataSources.append(ds)
+ # set keyServices
+ keyServices = doc.GetModel().keyServices
+ for keyService in keyServices:
+ # add default key service to deployment
+ if not productionDeployment:
+ mainModuleDir = sysutils.mainModuleDir
+ else:
+ mainModuleDir = sysutils.MAINMODULE_DIR_VAR
+ wsdlFullPath = os.path.join(mainModuleDir, "..", "wsdl", DataModelEditor.DEFAULT_KEYSERVICE_WSDL_FILENAME)
+ keyServiceRef = deploymentlib.ServiceRef(filePath=wsdlFullPath)
+ deployment.serviceRefs.append(keyServiceRef)
+ keyServiceRef.name = keyService
+ keyServiceRef.serviceType = deploymentlib.SERVICE_LOCAL
+ keyServiceRef.localService = deploymentlib.LocalService()
+ if keyService == DataModelEditor.DEFAULT_KEYSERVICE:
+ keyServiceRef.filePath = wsdlFullPath
+ keyServiceRef.localServiceClassName = DataModelEditor.DEFAULT_KEYSERVICE_CLASSNAME
+ elif file.type == basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_SKIN:
+ documentRef = deploymentlib.SkinRef(deployment)
+ deployment.skinref = documentRef
+ elif file.type == basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_IDENTITY:
+ documentRef = deploymentlib.IdentityRef()
+ deployment.identityRefs.append(documentRef)
+ else:
+ continue
+ documentRef.name = file.name
+ documentRef.filePath = filePath
+ doc = FindOpenDoc(file.filePath)
+ if doc and hasattr(doc, 'GetModel'):
+ documentRef.document = doc.GetModel()
+ if isinstance(documentRef, deploymentlib.XFormRef):
+ doc.GetModel().linkDeployment(deployment, deployment.loader)
+ if preview:
+ deployment.initialize() # used in preview only
+ if 0: # preview: # setPrototype not working, commented this out
+ deploymentlib._deploymentCache.setPrototype(deployment.fileName, deployment)
+ else:
+ deploymentlib.saveThroughCache(deployment.fileName, deployment)
+ return deployFilepath
+ def AddNameSpaces(self, filePaths):
+ """ Add any new wsdl namespaces to bpel files """
+ """ Add any new schema namespaces to wsdl files """
+ return
+ serviceRefs = self.GetAppDocMgr().allServiceRefs # wsdl
+ processRefs = self.GetAppDocMgr().findRefsByFileType(basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_PROCESS) # bpel
+ if processRefs and serviceRefs:
+ for processRef in processRefs:
+ processDoc = processRef._GetDoc()
+ process = processDoc.GetModel()
+ modified = False
+ for serviceRef in serviceRefs:
+ wsdl = serviceRef.document
+ if (wsdl.fileName in filePaths
+ or serviceRef.filePath in filePaths):
+ wsdlLongNS = wsdl.targetNamespace
+ wsdlShortNS = self.GetAppDocMgr().findShortNS(wsdlLongNS)
+ if not wsdlShortNS:
+ wsdlShortNS = xmlutils.genShortNS(process, wsdlLongNS)
+ xmlutils.addNSAttribute(process, wsdlShortNS, wsdlLongNS)
+ modified = True
+ if modified:
+ processDoc.OnSaveDocument(processDoc.GetFilename())
+ schemaRefs = self.GetAppDocMgr().findRefsByFileType(basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_SCHEMA)
+ if schemaRefs and serviceRefs:
+ for serviceRef in serviceRefs:
+ wsdl = serviceRef.document
+ wsdlDoc = serviceRef.ideDocument
+ modified = False
+ for schemaRef in schemaRefs:
+ schema = schemaRef.document
+ if schema.fileName in filePaths:
+ schemaLongNS = schema.targetNamespace
+ schemaShortNS = self.GetAppDocMgr().findShortNS(schemaLongNS)
+ if not schemaShortNS:
+ schemaShortNS = xmlutils.genShortNS(process, schemaLongNS)
+ xmlutils.addNSAttribute(wsdl, schemaShortNS, schemaLongNS)
+ modified = True
+ if modified:
+ wsdlDoc.OnSaveDocument(wsdlDoc.GetFilename())