+"""Filling is the gui tree control through which a user can navigate
+the local namespace or any object."""
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+__author__ = "Patrick K. O'Brien <pobrien@orbtech.com>"
__cvsid__ = "$Id$"
__revision__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.py import filling
-_rename(globals(), filling.__dict__, modulename='py.filling')
-del filling
-del _rename
+import wx
+import dispatcher
+import editwindow
+import inspect
+import introspect
+import keyword
+import sys
+import types
+from version import VERSION
+COMMONTYPES = [getattr(types, t) for t in dir(types) \
+ if not t.startswith('_') \
+ and t not in ('ClassType', 'InstanceType', 'ModuleType')]
+DOCTYPES = ('BuiltinFunctionType', 'BuiltinMethodType', 'ClassType',
+ 'FunctionType', 'GeneratorType', 'InstanceType',
+ 'LambdaType', 'MethodType', 'ModuleType',
+ 'UnboundMethodType', 'method-wrapper')
+SIMPLETYPES = [getattr(types, t) for t in dir(types) \
+ if not t.startswith('_') and t not in DOCTYPES]
+del t
+ COMMONTYPES.append(type(''.__repr__)) # Method-wrapper in version 2.2.x.
+except AttributeError:
+ pass
+class FillingTree(wx.TreeCtrl):
+ """FillingTree based on TreeCtrl."""
+ name = 'Filling Tree'
+ revision = __revision__
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE,
+ rootObject=None, rootLabel=None, rootIsNamespace=False,
+ static=False):
+ """Create FillingTree instance."""
+ wx.TreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
+ self.rootIsNamespace = rootIsNamespace
+ import __main__
+ if rootObject is None:
+ rootObject = __main__.__dict__
+ self.rootIsNamespace = True
+ if rootObject is __main__.__dict__ and rootLabel is None:
+ rootLabel = 'locals()'
+ if not rootLabel:
+ rootLabel = 'Ingredients'
+ rootData = wx.TreeItemData(rootObject)
+ self.item = self.root = self.AddRoot(rootLabel, -1, -1, rootData)
+ self.SetItemHasChildren(self.root, self.objHasChildren(rootObject))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING, self.OnItemExpanding, id=self.GetId())
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED, self.OnItemCollapsed, id=self.GetId())
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnSelChanged, id=self.GetId())
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnItemActivated, id=self.GetId())
+ if not static:
+ dispatcher.connect(receiver=self.push, signal='Interpreter.push')
+ def push(self, command, more):
+ """Receiver for Interpreter.push signal."""
+ self.display()
+ def OnItemExpanding(self, event):
+ """Add children to the item."""
+ busy = wx.BusyCursor()
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ if self.IsExpanded(item):
+ return
+ self.addChildren(item)
+# self.SelectItem(item)
+ def OnItemCollapsed(self, event):
+ """Remove all children from the item."""
+ busy = wx.BusyCursor()
+ item = event.GetItem()
+# self.CollapseAndReset(item)
+# self.DeleteChildren(item)
+# self.SelectItem(item)
+ def OnSelChanged(self, event):
+ """Display information about the item."""
+ busy = wx.BusyCursor()
+ self.item = event.GetItem()
+ self.display()
+ def OnItemActivated(self, event):
+ """Launch a DirFrame."""
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ text = self.getFullName(item)
+ obj = self.GetPyData(item)
+ frame = FillingFrame(parent=self, size=(600, 100), rootObject=obj,
+ rootLabel=text, rootIsNamespace=False)
+ frame.Show()
+ def objHasChildren(self, obj):
+ """Return true if object has children."""
+ if self.objGetChildren(obj):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def objGetChildren(self, obj):
+ """Return dictionary with attributes or contents of object."""
+ busy = wx.BusyCursor()
+ otype = type(obj)
+ if otype is types.DictType \
+ or str(otype)[17:23] == 'BTrees' and hasattr(obj, 'keys'):
+ return obj
+ d = {}
+ if otype is types.ListType or otype is types.TupleType:
+ for n in range(len(obj)):
+ key = '[' + str(n) + ']'
+ d[key] = obj[n]
+ if otype not in COMMONTYPES:
+ for key in introspect.getAttributeNames(obj):
+ # Believe it or not, some attributes can disappear,
+ # such as the exc_traceback attribute of the sys
+ # module. So this is nested in a try block.
+ try:
+ d[key] = getattr(obj, key)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return d
+ def addChildren(self, item):
+ self.DeleteChildren(item)
+ obj = self.GetPyData(item)
+ children = self.objGetChildren(obj)
+ if not children:
+ return
+ keys = children.keys()
+ keys.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(str(x).lower(), str(y).lower()))
+ for key in keys:
+ itemtext = str(key)
+ # Show string dictionary items with single quotes, except
+ # for the first level of items, if they represent a
+ # namespace.
+ if type(obj) is types.DictType \
+ and type(key) is types.StringType \
+ and (item != self.root \
+ or (item == self.root and not self.rootIsNamespace)):
+ itemtext = repr(key)
+ child = children[key]
+ data = wx.TreeItemData(child)
+ branch = self.AppendItem(parent=item, text=itemtext, data=data)
+ self.SetItemHasChildren(branch, self.objHasChildren(child))
+ def display(self):
+ item = self.item
+ if self.IsExpanded(item):
+ self.addChildren(item)
+ self.setText('')
+ obj = self.GetPyData(item)
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ if obj is None: # Windows bug fix.
+ return
+ self.SetItemHasChildren(item, self.objHasChildren(obj))
+ otype = type(obj)
+ text = ''
+ text += self.getFullName(item)
+ text += '\n\nType: ' + str(otype)
+ try:
+ value = str(obj)
+ except:
+ value = ''
+ if otype is types.StringType or otype is types.UnicodeType:
+ value = repr(obj)
+ text += '\n\nValue: ' + value
+ if otype not in SIMPLETYPES:
+ try:
+ text += '\n\nDocstring:\n\n"""' + \
+ inspect.getdoc(obj).strip() + '"""'
+ except:
+ pass
+ if otype is types.InstanceType:
+ try:
+ text += '\n\nClass Definition:\n\n' + \
+ inspect.getsource(obj.__class__)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ text += '\n\nSource Code:\n\n' + \
+ inspect.getsource(obj)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.setText(text)
+ def getFullName(self, item, partial=''):
+ """Return a syntactically proper name for item."""
+ name = self.GetItemText(item)
+ parent = None
+ obj = None
+ if item != self.root:
+ parent = self.GetItemParent(item)
+ obj = self.GetPyData(parent)
+ # Apply dictionary syntax to dictionary items, except the root
+ # and first level children of a namepace.
+ if (type(obj) is types.DictType \
+ or str(type(obj))[17:23] == 'BTrees' \
+ and hasattr(obj, 'keys')) \
+ and ((item != self.root and parent != self.root) \
+ or (parent == self.root and not self.rootIsNamespace)):
+ name = '[' + name + ']'
+ # Apply dot syntax to multipart names.
+ if partial:
+ if partial[0] == '[':
+ name += partial
+ else:
+ name += '.' + partial
+ # Repeat for everything but the root item
+ # and first level children of a namespace.
+ if (item != self.root and parent != self.root) \
+ or (parent == self.root and not self.rootIsNamespace):
+ name = self.getFullName(parent, partial=name)
+ return name
+ def setText(self, text):
+ """Display information about the current selection."""
+ # This method will likely be replaced by the enclosing app to
+ # do something more interesting, like write to a text control.
+ print text
+ def setStatusText(self, text):
+ """Display status information."""
+ # This method will likely be replaced by the enclosing app to
+ # do something more interesting, like write to a status bar.
+ print text
+class FillingText(editwindow.EditWindow):
+ """FillingText based on StyledTextCtrl."""
+ name = 'Filling Text'
+ revision = __revision__
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.CLIP_CHILDREN,
+ static=False):
+ """Create FillingText instance."""
+ editwindow.EditWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
+ # Configure various defaults and user preferences.
+ self.SetReadOnly(True)
+ self.SetWrapMode(True)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(1, 0)
+ if not static:
+ dispatcher.connect(receiver=self.push, signal='Interpreter.push')
+ def push(self, command, more):
+ """Receiver for Interpreter.push signal."""
+ self.Refresh()
+ def SetText(self, *args, **kwds):
+ self.SetReadOnly(False)
+ editwindow.EditWindow.SetText(self, *args, **kwds)
+ self.SetReadOnly(True)
+class Filling(wx.SplitterWindow):
+ """Filling based on wxSplitterWindow."""
+ name = 'Filling'
+ revision = __revision__
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.SP_3D|wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE,
+ name='Filling Window', rootObject=None,
+ rootLabel=None, rootIsNamespace=False, static=False):
+ """Create a Filling instance."""
+ wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
+ self.tree = FillingTree(parent=self, rootObject=rootObject,
+ rootLabel=rootLabel,
+ rootIsNamespace=rootIsNamespace,
+ static=static)
+ self.text = FillingText(parent=self, static=static)
+ wx.FutureCall(1, self.SplitVertically, self.tree, self.text, 200)
+ self.SetMinimumPaneSize(1)
+ # Override the filling so that descriptions go to FillingText.
+ self.tree.setText = self.text.SetText
+ # Display the root item.
+ self.tree.SelectItem(self.tree.root)
+ self.tree.display()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED, self.OnChanged)
+ def OnChanged(self, event):
+ #this is important: do not evaluate this event=> otherwise, splitterwindow behaves strange
+ #event.Skip()
+ pass
+ def LoadSettings(self, config):
+ pos = config.ReadInt('Sash/FillingPos', 200)
+ wx.FutureCall(250, self.SetSashPosition, pos)
+ zoom = config.ReadInt('View/Zoom/Filling', -99)
+ if zoom != -99:
+ self.text.SetZoom(zoom)
+ def SaveSettings(self, config):
+ config.WriteInt('Sash/FillingPos', self.GetSashPosition())
+ config.WriteInt('View/Zoom/Filling', self.text.GetZoom())
+class FillingFrame(wx.Frame):
+ """Frame containing the namespace tree component."""
+ name = 'Filling Frame'
+ revision = __revision__
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title='PyFilling',
+ pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(600, 400),
+ style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, rootObject=None,
+ rootLabel=None, rootIsNamespace=False, static=False):
+ """Create FillingFrame instance."""
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+ intro = 'PyFilling - The Tastiest Namespace Inspector'
+ self.CreateStatusBar()
+ self.SetStatusText(intro)
+ import images
+ self.SetIcon(images.getPyIcon())
+ self.filling = Filling(parent=self, rootObject=rootObject,
+ rootLabel=rootLabel,
+ rootIsNamespace=rootIsNamespace,
+ static=static)
+ # Override so that status messages go to the status bar.
+ self.filling.tree.setStatusText = self.SetStatusText
+class App(wx.App):
+ """PyFilling standalone application."""
+ def OnInit(self):
+ wx.InitAllImageHandlers()
+ self.fillingFrame = FillingFrame()
+ self.fillingFrame.Show(True)
+ self.SetTopWindow(self.fillingFrame)
+ return True