+# Name: printout.py
+# Purpose: preview and printing class -> table/grid printing
+# Author: Lorne White (email: lorne.white@telusplanet.net)
+# Created:
+# Version 0.75
+# Date: May 15, 2002
+# Licence: wxWindows license
+# Release Notes
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+# fixed bug for string wider than print region
+# add index to data list after parsing total pages for paging
+# 12/10/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
+# o 2.5 compatability update.
+# 11/23/2004 - Vernon Cole (wnvcole@peppermillcas.com)
+# o Generalize for non-2-dimensional sequences and non-text data
+# (can use as a simple text printer by supplying a list of strings.)
+# o Add a small _main_ for self test
+import copy
+import types
+import wx
-__cvsid__ = "$Id$"
-__revision__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
+class PrintBase:
+ def SetPrintFont(self, font): # set the DC font parameters
+ fattr = font["Attr"]
+ if fattr[0] == 1:
+ weight = wx.BOLD
+ else:
+ weight = wx.NORMAL
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib import printout
-_rename(globals(), printout.__dict__, modulename='lib.printout')
-del printout
-del _rename
+ if fattr[1] == 1:
+ set_style = wx.ITALIC
+ else:
+ set_style = wx.NORMAL
+ underline = fattr[2]
+ fcolour = self.GetFontColour(font)
+ self.DC.SetTextForeground(fcolour)
+ setfont = wx.Font(font["Size"], wx.SWISS, set_style, weight, underline)
+ setfont.SetFaceName(font["Name"])
+ self.DC.SetFont(setfont)
+ def GetFontColour(self, font):
+ fcolour = font["Colour"]
+ return wx.Colour(fcolour[0], fcolour[1], fcolour[2])
+ def OutTextRegion(self, textout, txtdraw = True):
+ textlines = textout.split('\n')
+ y = copy.copy(self.y) + self.pt_space_before
+ for text in textlines:
+ remain = 'X'
+ while remain != "":
+ vout, remain = self.SetFlow(text, self.region)
+ if self.draw == True and txtdraw == True:
+ test_out = self.TestFull(vout)
+ if self.align == wx.ALIGN_LEFT:
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, self.indent+self.pcell_left_margin, y)
+ elif self.align == wx.ALIGN_CENTRE:
+ diff = self.GetCellDiff(test_out, self.region)
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, self.indent+diff/2, y)
+ elif self.align == wx.ALIGN_RIGHT:
+ diff = self.GetCellDiff(test_out, self.region)
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, self.indent+diff, y)
+ else:
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, self.indent+self.pcell_left_margin, y)
+ text = remain
+ y = y + self.space
+ return y - self.space + self.pt_space_after
+ def GetCellDiff(self, text, width): # get the remaining cell size for adjustment
+ w, h = self.DC.GetTextExtent(text)
+ diff = width - w
+ if diff < 0:
+ diff = 0
+ return diff
+ def TestFull(self, text_test):
+ w, h = self.DC.GetTextExtent(text_test)
+ if w > self.region: # trouble fitting into cell
+ return self.SetChar(text_test, self.region) # fit the text to the cell size
+ else:
+ return text_test
+ def SetFlow(self, ln_text, width):
+ width = width - self.pcell_right_margin
+ text = ""
+ split = ln_text.split()
+ if len(split) == 1:
+ return ln_text, ""
+ try:
+ w, h = self.DC.GetTextExtent(" " + split[0])
+ if w >= width:
+ return ln_text, ""
+ except:
+ pass
+ cnt = 0
+ for word in split:
+ bword = " " + word # blank + word
+ length = len(bword)
+ w, h = self.DC.GetTextExtent(text + bword)
+ if w < width:
+ text = text + bword
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ else:
+ remain = ' '.join(split[cnt:])
+ text = text.strip()
+ return text, remain
+ remain = ' '.join(split[cnt:])
+ vout = text.strip()
+ return vout, remain
+ def SetChar(self, ln_text, width): # truncate string to fit into width
+ width = width - self.pcell_right_margin - self.pcell_left_margin
+ text = ""
+ for val in ln_text:
+ w, h = self.DC.GetTextExtent(text + val)
+ if w > width:
+ text = text + ".."
+ return text # fitted text value
+ text = text + val
+ return text
+ def OutTextPageWidth(self, textout, y_out, align, indent, txtdraw = True):
+ textlines = textout.split('\n')
+ y = copy.copy(y_out)
+ pagew = self.parent.page_width * self.pwidth # full page width
+ w, h = self.DC.GetTextExtent(textout)
+ y_line = h
+ for text in textlines:
+ remain = 'X'
+ while remain != "":
+ vout, remain = self.SetFlow(text, pagew)
+ if self.draw == True and txtdraw == True:
+ test_out = vout
+ if align == wx.ALIGN_LEFT:
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, indent, y)
+ elif align == wx.ALIGN_CENTRE:
+ diff = self.GetCellDiff(test_out, pagew)
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, indent+diff/2, y)
+ elif align == wx.ALIGN_RIGHT:
+ diff = self.GetCellDiff(test_out, pagew)
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, indent+diff, y)
+ else:
+ self.DC.DrawText(test_out, indent, y_out)
+ text = remain
+ y = y + y_line
+ return y - y_line
+ def GetDate(self):
+ date, time = self.GetNow()
+ return date
+ def GetDateTime(self):
+ date, time = self.GetNow()
+ return date + ' ' + time
+ def GetNow(self):
+ now = wx.DateTime.Now()
+ date = now.FormatDate()
+ time = now.FormatTime()
+ return date, time
+ def SetPreview(self, preview):
+ self.preview = preview
+ def SetPSize(self, width, height):
+ self.pwidth = width/self.scale
+ self.pheight = height/self.scale
+ def SetScale(self, scale):
+ self.scale = scale
+ def SetPTSize(self, width, height):
+ self.ptwidth = width
+ self.ptheight = height
+ def getWidth(self):
+ return self.sizew
+ def getHeight(self):
+ return self.sizeh
+class PrintTableDraw(wx.ScrolledWindow, PrintBase):
+ def __init__(self, parent, DC, size):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.DC = DC
+ self.scale = parent.scale
+ self.width = size[0]
+ self.height = size[1]
+ self.SetDefaults()
+ def SetDefaults(self):
+ self.page = 1
+ self.total_pages = None
+ self.page_width = self.parent.page_width
+ self.page_height = self.parent.page_height
+ self.left_margin = self.parent.left_margin
+ self.right_margin = self.parent.right_margin
+ self.top_margin = self.parent.top_margin
+ self.bottom_margin = self.parent.bottom_margin
+ self.cell_left_margin = self.parent.cell_left_margin
+ self.cell_right_margin = self.parent.cell_right_margin
+ self.label_colour = self.parent.label_colour
+ self.row_line_colour = self.parent.row_line_colour
+ self.row_line_size = self.parent.row_line_size
+ self.row_def_line_colour = self.parent.row_def_line_colour
+ self.row_def_line_size = self.parent.row_def_line_size
+ self.column_line_colour = self.parent.column_line_colour
+ self.column_line_size = self.parent.column_line_size
+ self.column_def_line_size = self.parent.column_def_line_size
+ self.column_def_line_colour = self.parent.column_def_line_colour
+ self.text_font = self.parent.text_font
+ self.label_font = self.parent.label_font
+ def AdjustValues(self):
+ self.vertical_offset = self.pheight * self.parent.vertical_offset
+ self.horizontal_offset = self.pheight * self.parent.horizontal_offset
+ self.pcell_left_margin = self.pwidth * self.cell_left_margin
+ self.pcell_right_margin = self.pwidth * self.cell_right_margin
+ self.ptop_margin = self.pheight * self.top_margin
+ self.pbottom_margin = self.pheight * self.bottom_margin
+ self.pheader_margin = self.pheight * self.parent.header_margin
+ self.pfooter_margin = self.pheight * self.parent.footer_margin
+ self.cell_colour = self.parent.set_cell_colour
+ self.cell_text = self.parent.set_cell_text
+ self.column = []
+ self.column_align = []
+ self.column_bgcolour = []
+ self.column_txtcolour = []
+ set_column_align = self.parent.set_column_align
+ set_column_bgcolour = self.parent.set_column_bgcolour
+ set_column_txtcolour = self.parent.set_column_txtcolour
+ pos_x = self.left_margin * self.pwidth + self.horizontal_offset # left margin
+ self.column.append(pos_x)
+ #module logic expects two dimensional data -- fix input if needed
+ if isinstance(self.data,types.StringTypes):
+ self.data = [[copy.copy(self.data)]] # a string becomes a single cell
+ try:
+ rows = len(self.data)
+ except TypeError:
+ self.data = [[str(self.data)]] # a non-iterable becomes a single cell
+ rows = 1
+ first_value = self.data[0]
+ if isinstance(first_value, types.StringTypes): # a sequence of strings
+ if self.label == [] and self.set_column == []:
+ data = []
+ for x in self.data: #becomes one column
+ data.append([x])
+ else:
+ data = [self.data] #becames one row
+ self.data = data
+ first_value = data[0]
+ try:
+ column_total = len(first_value)
+ except TypeError: # a sequence of non-iterables
+ if self.label == [] and self.set_column == []:
+ data = [] #becomes one column
+ for x in self.data:
+ data.append([str(x)])
+ column_total = 1
+ else:
+ data = [self.data] #becomes one row
+ column_total = len(self.data)
+ self.data = data
+ first_value = data[0]
+ if self.set_column == []:
+ table_width = self.page_width - self.left_margin - self.right_margin
+ if self.label == []:
+ temp = first_value
+ else:
+ temp = self.label
+ width = table_width/(len(temp))
+ for val in temp:
+ column_width = width * self.pwidth
+ pos_x = pos_x + column_width
+ self.column.append(pos_x) # position of each column
+ else:
+ for val in self.set_column:
+ column_width = val * self.pwidth
+ pos_x = pos_x + column_width
+ self.column.append(pos_x) # position of each column
+ if pos_x > self.page_width * self.pwidth: # check if it fits in page
+ print "Warning, Too Wide for Page"
+ return
+ if self.label != []:
+ if len(self.column) -1 != len(self.label):
+ print "Column Settings Incorrect", "\nColumn Value: " + str(self.column), "\nLabel Value: " + str(self.label)
+ return
+ if column_total != len(self.column) -1:
+ print "Cannot fit", first_value, 'in', len(self.column)-1, 'columns.'
+ return
+ for col in range(column_total):
+ try:
+ align = set_column_align[col] # check if custom column alignment
+ except:
+ align = wx.ALIGN_LEFT
+ self.column_align.append(align)
+ try:
+ colour = set_column_bgcolour[col] # check if custom column background colour
+ except:
+ colour = self.parent.column_colour
+ self.column_bgcolour.append(colour)
+ try:
+ colour = set_column_txtcolour[col] # check if custom column text colour
+ except:
+ colour = self.GetFontColour(self.parent.text_font)
+ self.column_txtcolour.append(colour)
+ def SetPointAdjust(self):
+ f = wx.Font(10, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL) # setup using 10 point
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ f.SetFaceName(self.text_font["Name"])
+ x, y = self.DC.GetTextExtent("W")
+ self.label_pt_space_before = self.parent.label_pt_adj_before * y/10 # extra spacing for label per point value
+ self.label_pt_space_after = self.parent.label_pt_adj_after * y/10
+ self.text_pt_space_before = self.parent.text_pt_adj_before * y/10 # extra spacing for row text per point value
+ self.text_pt_space_after = self.parent.text_pt_adj_after * y/10
+ def SetPage(self, page):
+ self.page = page
+ def SetColumns(self, col):
+ self.column = col
+ def OutCanvas(self):
+ self.AdjustValues()
+ self.SetPointAdjust()
+ self.y_start = self.ptop_margin + self.vertical_offset
+ self.y_end = self.parent.page_height * self.pheight - self.pbottom_margin + self.vertical_offset
+ self.SetPrintFont(self.label_font)
+ x, y = self.DC.GetTextExtent("W")
+ self.label_space = y
+ self.SetPrintFont(self.text_font)
+ x, y = self.DC.GetTextExtent("W")
+ self.space = y
+ if self.total_pages is None:
+ self.GetTotalPages() # total pages for display/printing
+ self.data_cnt = self.page_index[self.page-1]
+ self.draw = True
+ self.PrintHeader()
+ self.PrintFooter()
+ self.OutPage()
+ def GetTotalPages(self):
+ self.data_cnt = 0
+ self.draw = False
+ self.page_index = [0]
+ cnt = 0
+ while 1:
+ test = self.OutPage()
+ self.page_index.append(self.data_cnt)
+ if test == False:
+ break
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ self.total_pages = cnt + 1
+ def OutPage(self):
+ self.y = self.y_start
+ self.end_x = self.column[-1]
+ if self.data_cnt < len(self.data): # if there data for display on the page
+ if self.label != []: # check if header defined
+ self.PrintLabel()
+ else:
+ return False
+ for val in self.data:
+ try:
+ row_val = self.data[self.data_cnt]
+ except:
+ self.FinishDraw()
+ return False
+ max_y = self.PrintRow(row_val, False) # test to see if row will fit in remaining space
+ test = max_y + self.space
+ if test > self.y_end:
+ break
+ self.ColourRowCells(max_y-self.y+self.space) # colour the row/column
+ max_y = self.PrintRow(row_val, True) # row fits - print text
+ self.DrawGridLine() # top line of cell
+ self.y = max_y + self.space
+ if self.y > self.y_end:
+ break
+ self.data_cnt = self.data_cnt + 1
+ self.FinishDraw()
+ if self.data_cnt == len(self.data): # last value in list
+ return False
+ return True
+ def PrintLabel(self):
+ self.pt_space_before = self.label_pt_space_before # set the point spacing
+ self.pt_space_after = self.label_pt_space_after
+ self.LabelColorRow(self.label_colour)
+ self.SetPrintFont(self.label_font)
+ self.col = 0
+ max_y = 0
+ for vtxt in self.label:
+ self.region = self.column[self.col+1] - self.column[self.col]
+ self.indent = self.column[self.col]
+ self.align = wx.ALIGN_LEFT
+ max_out = self.OutTextRegion(vtxt, True)
+ if max_out > max_y:
+ max_y = max_out
+ self.col = self.col + 1
+ self.DrawGridLine() # top line of label
+ self.y = max_y + self.label_space
+ def PrintHeader(self): # print the header array
+ if self.draw == False:
+ return
+ for val in self.parent.header:
+ self.SetPrintFont(val["Font"])
+ header_indent = val["Indent"] * self.pwidth
+ text = val["Text"]
+ htype = val["Type"]
+ if htype == "Date":
+ addtext = self.GetDate()
+ elif htype == "Date & Time":
+ addtext = self.GetDateTime()
+ else:
+ addtext = ""
+ self.OutTextPageWidth(text+addtext, self.pheader_margin, val["Align"], header_indent, True)
+ def PrintFooter(self): # print the header array
+ if self.draw == False:
+ return
+ footer_pos = self.parent.page_height * self.pheight - self.pfooter_margin + self.vertical_offset
+ for val in self.parent.footer:
+ self.SetPrintFont(val["Font"])
+ footer_indent = val["Indent"] * self.pwidth
+ text = val["Text"]
+ ftype = val["Type"]
+ if ftype == "Pageof":
+ addtext = "Page " + str(self.page) + " of " + str(self.total_pages)
+ elif ftype == "Page":
+ addtext = "Page " + str(self.page)
+ elif ftype == "Num":
+ addtext = str(self.page)
+ elif ftype == "Date":
+ addtext = self.GetDate()
+ elif ftype == "Date & Time":
+ addtext = self.GetDateTime()
+ else:
+ addtext = ""
+ self.OutTextPageWidth(text+addtext, footer_pos, val["Align"], footer_indent, True)
+ def LabelColorRow(self, colour):
+ brush = wx.Brush(colour, wx.SOLID)
+ self.DC.SetBrush(brush)
+ height = self.label_space + self.label_pt_space_before + self.label_pt_space_after
+ self.DC.DrawRectangle(self.column[0], self.y,
+ self.end_x-self.column[0]+1, height)
+ def ColourRowCells(self, height):
+ if self.draw == False:
+ return
+ col = 0
+ for colour in self.column_bgcolour:
+ cellcolour = self.GetCellColour(self.data_cnt, col)
+ if cellcolour is not None:
+ colour = cellcolour
+ brush = wx.Brush(colour, wx.SOLID)
+ self.DC.SetBrush(brush)
+ self.DC.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour('WHITE'), 0))
+ start_x = self.column[col]
+ width = self.column[col+1] - start_x + 2
+ self.DC.DrawRectangle(start_x, self.y, width, height)
+ col = col + 1
+ def PrintRow(self, row_val, draw = True, align = wx.ALIGN_LEFT):
+ self.SetPrintFont(self.text_font)
+ self.pt_space_before = self.text_pt_space_before # set the point spacing
+ self.pt_space_after = self.text_pt_space_after
+ self.col = 0
+ max_y = 0
+ for vtxt in row_val:
+ if not isinstance(vtxt,types.StringTypes):
+ vtxt = str(vtxt)
+ self.region = self.column[self.col+1] - self.column[self.col]
+ self.indent = self.column[self.col]
+ self.align = self.column_align[self.col]
+ fcolour = self.column_txtcolour[self.col] # set font colour
+ celltext = self.GetCellTextColour(self.data_cnt, self.col)
+ if celltext is not None:
+ fcolour = celltext # override the column colour
+ self.DC.SetTextForeground(fcolour)
+ max_out = self.OutTextRegion(vtxt, draw)
+ if max_out > max_y:
+ max_y = max_out
+ self.col = self.col + 1
+ return max_y
+ def GetCellColour(self, row, col): # check if custom colour defined for the cell background
+ try:
+ set = self.cell_colour[row]
+ except:
+ return None
+ try:
+ colour = set[col]
+ return colour
+ except:
+ return None
+ def GetCellTextColour(self, row, col): # check if custom colour defined for the cell text
+ try:
+ set = self.cell_text[row]
+ except:
+ return None
+ try:
+ colour = set[col]
+ return colour
+ except:
+ return None
+ def FinishDraw(self):
+ self.DrawGridLine() # draw last row line
+ self.DrawColumns() # draw all vertical lines
+ def DrawGridLine(self):
+ if self.draw == True \
+ and len(self.column) > 2: #supress grid lines if only one column
+ try:
+ size = self.row_line_size[self.data_cnt]
+ except:
+ size = self.row_def_line_size
+ try:
+ colour = self.row_line_colour[self.data_cnt]
+ except:
+ colour = self.row_def_line_colour
+ self.DC.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour, size))
+ y_out = self.y
+# y_out = self.y + self.pt_space_before + self.pt_space_after # adjust for extra spacing
+ self.DC.DrawLine(self.column[0], y_out, self.end_x, y_out)
+ def DrawColumns(self):
+ if self.draw == True \
+ and len(self.column) > 2: #surpress grid line if only one column
+ col = 0
+ for val in self.column:
+ try:
+ size = self.column_line_size[col]
+ except:
+ size = self.column_def_line_size
+ try:
+ colour = self.column_line_colour[col]
+ except:
+ colour = self.column_def_line_colour
+ indent = val
+ self.DC.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour, size))
+ self.DC.DrawLine(indent, self.y_start, indent, self.y)
+ col = col + 1
+ def DrawText(self):
+ self.DoRefresh()
+ def DoDrawing(self, DC):
+ size = DC.GetSize()
+ self.DC = DC
+ DC.BeginDrawing()
+ self.DrawText()
+ DC.EndDrawing()
+ self.sizew = DC.MaxY()
+ self.sizeh = DC.MaxX()
+class PrintTable:
+ def __init__(self, parentFrame=None):
+ self.data = []
+ self.set_column = []
+ self.label = []
+ self.header = []
+ self.footer = []
+ self.set_column_align = {}
+ self.set_column_bgcolour = {}
+ self.set_column_txtcolour = {}
+ self.set_cell_colour = {}
+ self.set_cell_text = {}
+ self.column_line_size = {}
+ self.column_line_colour = {}
+ self.row_line_size = {}
+ self.row_line_colour = {}
+ self.parentFrame = parentFrame
+ self.SetPreviewSize()
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData()
+ self.scale = 1.0
+ self.SetParms()
+ self.SetColors()
+ self.SetFonts()
+ self.TextSpacing()
+ self.SetPrinterOffset()
+ self.SetHeaderValue()
+ self.SetFooterValue()
+ self.SetMargins()
+ self.SetPortrait()
+ def SetPreviewSize(self, position = wx.Point(0, 0), size="Full"):
+ if size == "Full":
+ r = wx.GetClientDisplayRect()
+ self.preview_frame_size = r.GetSize()
+ self.preview_frame_pos = r.GetPosition()
+ else:
+ self.preview_frame_size = size
+ self.preview_frame_pos = position
+ def SetPaperId(self, paper):
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(paper)
+ def SetOrientation(self, orient):
+ self.printData.SetOrientation(orient)
+ def SetColors(self):
+ self.row_def_line_colour = wx.NamedColour('BLACK')
+ self.row_def_line_size = 1
+ self.column_def_line_colour = wx.NamedColour('BLACK')
+ self.column_def_line_size = 1
+ self.column_colour = wx.NamedColour('WHITE')
+ self.label_colour = wx.NamedColour('LIGHT GREY')
+ def SetFonts(self):
+ self.label_font = { "Name": self.default_font_name, "Size": 12, "Colour": [0, 0, 0], "Attr": [0, 0, 0] }
+ self.text_font = { "Name": self.default_font_name, "Size": 10, "Colour": [0, 0, 0], "Attr": [0, 0, 0] }
+ def TextSpacing(self):
+ self.label_pt_adj_before = 0 # point adjustment before and after the label text
+ self.label_pt_adj_after = 0
+ self.text_pt_adj_before = 0 # point adjustment before and after the row text
+ self.text_pt_adj_after = 0
+ def SetLabelSpacing(self, before, after): # method to set the label space adjustment
+ self.label_pt_adj_before = before
+ self.label_pt_adj_after = after
+ def SetRowSpacing(self, before, after): # method to set the row space adjustment
+ self.text_pt_adj_before = before
+ self.text_pt_adj_after = after
+ def SetPrinterOffset(self): # offset to adjust for printer
+ self.vertical_offset = -0.1
+ self.horizontal_offset = -0.1
+ def SetHeaderValue(self):
+ self.header_margin = 0.25
+ self.header_font = { "Name": self.default_font_name, "Size": 11, "Colour": [0, 0, 0], "Attr": [0, 0, 0] }
+ self.header_align = wx.ALIGN_CENTRE
+ self.header_indent = 0
+ self.header_type = "Text"
+ def SetFooterValue(self):
+ self.footer_margin = 0.7
+ self.footer_font = { "Name": self.default_font_name, "Size": 11, "Colour": [0, 0, 0], "Attr": [0, 0, 0] }
+ self.footer_align = wx.ALIGN_CENTRE
+ self.footer_indent = 0
+ self.footer_type = "Pageof"
+ def SetMargins(self):
+ self.left_margin = 0.5
+ self.right_margin = 0.5 # only used if no column sizes
+ self.top_margin = 0.8
+ self.bottom_margin = 1.0
+ self.cell_left_margin = 0.1
+ self.cell_right_margin = 0.1
+ def SetPortrait(self):
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
+ self.printData.SetOrientation(wx.PORTRAIT)
+ self.page_width = 8.5
+ self.page_height = 11.0
+ def SetLandscape(self):
+ self.printData.SetOrientation(wx.LANDSCAPE)
+ self.page_width = 11.0
+ self.page_height = 8.5
+ def SetParms(self):
+ self.ymax = 1
+ self.xmax = 1
+ self.page = 1
+ self.total_pg = 100
+ self.preview = None
+ self.page = 0
+ self.default_font_name = "Arial"
+ self.default_font = { "Name": self.default_font_name, "Size": 10, "Colour": [0, 0, 0], "Attr": [0, 0, 0] }
+ def SetColAlignment(self, col, align=wx.ALIGN_LEFT):
+ self.set_column_align[col] = align
+ def SetColBackgroundColour(self, col, colour):
+ self.set_column_bgcolour[col] = colour
+ def SetColTextColour(self, col, colour):
+ self.set_column_txtcolour[col] = colour
+ def SetCellColour(self, row, col, colour): # cell background colour
+ try:
+ set = self.set_cell_colour[row] # test if row already exists
+ try:
+ set[col] = colour # test if column already exists
+ except:
+ set = { col: colour } # create the column value
+ except:
+ set = { col: colour } # create the column value
+ self.set_cell_colour[row] = set # create dictionary item for colour settings
+ def SetCellText(self, row, col, colour): # font colour for custom cells
+ try:
+ set = self.set_cell_text[row] # test if row already exists
+ try:
+ set[col] = colour # test if column already exists
+ except:
+ set = { col: colour } # create the column value
+ except:
+ set = { col: colour } # create the column value
+ self.set_cell_text[row] = set # create dictionary item for colour settings
+ def SetColumnLineSize(self, col, size): # column line size
+ self.column_line_size[col] = size # create dictionary item for column line settings
+ def SetColumnLineColour(self, col, colour):
+ self.column_line_colour[col] = colour
+ def SetRowLineSize(self, row, size):
+ self.row_line_size[row] = size
+ def SetRowLineColour(self, row, colour):
+ self.row_line_colour[row] = colour
+ def GetColour(self, colour): # returns colours based from wxColour value
+ red = colour.Red()
+ blue = colour.Blue()
+ green = colour.Green()
+ return [red, green, blue ]
+ def SetHeader(self, text = "", type = "Text", font=None, align = None, indent = None, colour = None, size = None):
+ set = { "Text": text }
+ if font is None:
+ set["Font"] = copy.copy(self.default_font)
+ else:
+ set["Font"] = font
+ if colour is not None:
+ setfont = set["Font"]
+ setfont["Colour"] = self.GetColour(colour)
+ if size is not None:
+ setfont = set["Font"]
+ setfont["Size"] = size
+ if align is None:
+ set["Align"] = self.header_align
+ else:
+ set["Align"] = align
+ if indent is None:
+ set["Indent"] = self.header_indent
+ else:
+ set["Indent"] = indent
+ if type is None:
+ set["Type"] = self.header_type
+ else:
+ set["Type"] = type
+ self.header.append(set)
+ def SetFooter(self, text = "", type = None, font=None, align = None, indent = None, colour = None, size = None):
+ set = { "Text": text }
+ if font is None:
+ set["Font"] = copy.copy(self.default_font)
+ else:
+ set["Font"] = font
+ if colour is not None:
+ setfont = set["Font"]
+ setfont["Colour"] = self.GetColour(colour)
+ if size is not None:
+ setfont = set["Font"]
+ setfont["Size"] = size
+ if align is None:
+ set["Align"] = self.footer_align
+ else:
+ set["Align"] = align
+ if indent is None:
+ set["Indent"] = self.footer_indent
+ else:
+ set["Indent"] = indent
+ if type is None:
+ set["Type"] = self.footer_type
+ else:
+ set["Type"] = type
+ self.footer.append(set)
+ def Preview(self):
+ data = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
+ printout = SetPrintout(self)
+ printout2 = SetPrintout(self)
+ self.preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, printout2, data)
+ if not self.preview.Ok():
+ wxMessageBox("There was a problem printing!", "Printing", wx.OK)
+ return
+ self.preview.SetZoom(60) # initial zoom value
+ frame = wx.PreviewFrame(self.preview, self.parentFrame, "Print preview")
+ frame.Initialize()
+ if self.parentFrame:
+ frame.SetPosition(self.preview_frame_pos)
+ frame.SetSize(self.preview_frame_size)
+ frame.Show(True)
+ def Print(self):
+ pdd = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
+ printer = wx.Printer(pdd)
+ printout = SetPrintout(self)
+ if not printer.Print(self.parentFrame, printout):
+ wx.MessageBox("There was a problem printing.\nPerhaps your current printer is not set correctly?", "Printing", wx.OK)
+ else:
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData( printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData() )
+ printout.Destroy()
+ def DoDrawing(self, DC):
+ size = DC.GetSize()
+ DC.BeginDrawing()
+ table = PrintTableDraw(self, DC, size)
+ table.data = self.data
+ table.set_column = self.set_column
+ table.label = self.label
+ table.SetPage(self.page)
+ if self.preview is None:
+ table.SetPSize(size[0]/self.page_width, size[1]/self.page_height)
+ table.SetPTSize(size[0], size[1])
+ table.SetPreview(False)
+ else:
+ if self.preview == 1:
+ table.scale = self.scale
+ table.SetPSize(size[0]/self.page_width, size[1]/self.page_height)
+ else:
+ table.SetPSize(self.pwidth, self.pheight)
+ table.SetPTSize(self.ptwidth, self.ptheight)
+ table.SetPreview(self.preview)
+ table.OutCanvas()
+ self.page_total = table.total_pages # total display pages
+ DC.EndDrawing()
+ self.ymax = DC.MaxY()
+ self.xmax = DC.MaxX()
+ self.sizeh = size[0]
+ self.sizew = size[1]
+ def GetTotalPages(self):
+ self.page_total = 100
+ return self.page_total
+ def HasPage(self, page):
+ if page <= self.page_total:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def SetPage(self, page):
+ self.page = page
+ def SetPageSize(self, width, height):
+ self.pwidth, self.pheight = width, height
+ def SetTotalSize(self, width, height):
+ self.ptwidth, self.ptheight = width, height
+ def SetPreview(self, preview, scale):
+ self.preview = preview
+ self.scale = scale
+ def SetTotalSize(self, width, height):
+ self.ptwidth = width
+ self.ptheight = height
+class PrintGrid:
+ def __init__(self, parent, grid, format = [], total_col = None, total_row = None):
+ if total_row is None:
+ total_row = grid.GetNumberRows()
+ if total_col is None:
+ total_col = grid.GetNumberCols()
+ self.total_row = total_row
+ self.total_col = total_col
+ self.grid = grid
+ data = []
+ for row in range(total_row):
+ row_val = []
+ value = grid.GetRowLabelValue(row)
+ row_val.append(value)
+ for col in range(total_col):
+ value = grid.GetCellValue(row, col)
+ row_val.append(value)
+ data.append(row_val)
+ label = [""]
+ for col in range(total_col):
+ value = grid.GetColLabelValue(col)
+ label.append(value)
+ self.table = PrintTable(parent)
+ self.table.cell_left_margin = 0.0
+ self.table.cell_right_margin = 0.0
+ self.table.label = label
+ self.table.set_column = format
+ self.table.data = data
+ def GetTable(self):
+ return self.table
+ def SetAttributes(self):
+ for row in range(self.total_row):
+ for col in range(self.total_col):
+ colour = self.grid.GetCellTextColour(row, col-1)
+ self.table.SetCellText(row, col, colour)
+ colour = self.grid.GetCellBackgroundColour(row, col-1)
+ self.table.SetCellColour(row, col, colour)
+ def Preview(self):
+ self.table.Preview()
+ def Print(self):
+ self.table.Print()
+class SetPrintout(wx.Printout):
+ def __init__(self, canvas):
+ wx.Printout.__init__(self)
+ self.canvas = canvas
+ self.end_pg = 1000
+ def OnBeginDocument(self, start, end):
+ return self.base_OnBeginDocument(start, end)
+ def OnEndDocument(self):
+ self.base_OnEndDocument()
+ def HasPage(self, page):
+ try:
+ end = self.canvas.HasPage(page)
+ return end
+ except:
+ return True
+ def GetPageInfo(self):
+ try:
+ self.end_pg = self.canvas.GetTotalPages()
+ except:
+ pass
+ end_pg = self.end_pg
+ str_pg = 1
+ return (str_pg, end_pg, str_pg, end_pg)
+ def OnPreparePrinting(self):
+ self.base_OnPreparePrinting()
+ def OnBeginPrinting(self):
+ dc = self.GetDC()
+ self.preview = self.IsPreview()
+ if (self.preview):
+ self.pixelsPerInch = self.GetPPIScreen()
+ else:
+ self.pixelsPerInch = self.GetPPIPrinter()
+ (w, h) = dc.GetSize()
+ scaleX = float(w) / 1000
+ scaleY = float(h) / 1000
+ self.printUserScale = min(scaleX, scaleY)
+ self.base_OnBeginPrinting()
+ def GetSize(self):
+ self.psizew, self.psizeh = self.GetPPIPrinter()
+ return self.psizew, self.psizeh
+ def GetTotalSize(self):
+ self.ptsizew, self.ptsizeh = self.GetPageSizePixels()
+ return self.ptsizew, self.ptsizeh
+ def OnPrintPage(self, page):
+ dc = self.GetDC()
+ (w, h) = dc.GetSize()
+ scaleX = float(w) / 1000
+ scaleY = float(h) / 1000
+ self.printUserScale = min(scaleX, scaleY)
+ dc.SetUserScale(self.printUserScale, self.printUserScale)
+ self.preview = self.IsPreview()
+ self.canvas.SetPreview(self.preview, self.printUserScale)
+ self.canvas.SetPage(page)
+ self.ptsizew, self.ptsizeh = self.GetPageSizePixels()
+ self.canvas.SetTotalSize(self.ptsizew, self.ptsizeh)
+ self.psizew, self.psizeh = self.GetPPIPrinter()
+ self.canvas.SetPageSize(self.psizew, self.psizeh)
+ self.canvas.DoDrawing(dc)
+ return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = wx.PySimpleApp()
+ frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, "Dummy wx frame for testing printout.py")
+ frame.Show(True)
+ ptbl = PrintTable(frame)
+ ptbl.SetHeader('This is the test HEADER')
+ # a single sequence will print out as a single column with no borders ...
+ ptbl.data = (
+ 'This is the first line of text.',
+ 'This is the second line\nand the third. The fourth will be the number "4.0".',
+ 04.00,
+ 'This is the fifth line, but by design it is too long to fit in the width of a standard'\
+ ' page, so it will be forced to wrap around in order to fit without having '\
+ 'some of its verbose verbage truncated.',
+ 'Here we have the final line.'
+ )
+ #... but, if labels or columns are defined, a single sequence will print out as a single row
+ ##ptbl.label = ('One','Two','Three','Four','5')
+ ptbl.Preview()
+ app.MainLoop()