+# Name: wxPython.lib.editor.Editor
+# Purpose: An intelligent text editor with colorization capabilities.
+# Original
+# Authors: Dirk Holtwic, Robin Dunn
+# New
+# Authors: Adam Feuer, Steve Howell
+# History:
+# This code used to support a fairly complex subclass that did
+# syntax coloring and outliner collapse mode. Adam and Steve
+# inherited the code, and added a lot of basic editor
+# functionality that had not been there before, such as cut-and-paste.
+# Created: 15-Dec-1999
+# RCS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 1999 by Dirk Holtwick, 1999
+# Licence: wxWindows license
+# 12/14/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
+# o 2.5 compatability update.
+# 12/21/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
+# o wxEditor -> Editor
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+import os
+import time
-__cvsid__ = "$Id$"
-__revision__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
+import wx
+import selection
+import images
+def ForceBetween(min, val, max):
+ if val > max:
+ return max
+ if val < min:
+ return min
+ return val
+def LineTrimmer(lineOfText):
+ if len(lineOfText) == 0:
+ return ""
+ elif lineOfText[-1] == '\r':
+ return lineOfText[:-1]
+ else:
+ return lineOfText
+def LineSplitter(text):
+ return map (LineTrimmer, text.split('\n'))
+class Scroller:
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.ow = 0
+ self.oh = 0
+ self.ox = 0
+ self.oy = 0
+ def SetScrollbars(self, fw, fh, w, h, x, y):
+ if (self.ow != w or self.oh != h or self.ox != x or self.oy != y):
+ self.parent.SetScrollbars(fw, fh, w, h, x, y)
+ self.ow = w
+ self.oh = h
+ self.ox = x
+ self.oy = y
+class Editor(wx.ScrolledWindow):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id,
+ pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
+ wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, id,
+ pos, size,
+ style|wx.WANTS_CHARS)
+ self.isDrawing = False
+ self.InitCoords()
+ self.InitFonts()
+ self.SetColors()
+ self.MapEvents()
+ self.LoadImages()
+ self.InitDoubleBuffering()
+ self.InitScrolling()
+ self.SelectOff()
+ self.SetFocus()
+ self.SetText([""])
+ self.SpacesPerTab = 4
+##------------------ Init stuff
+ def InitCoords(self):
+ self.cx = 0
+ self.cy = 0
+ self.oldCx = 0
+ self.oldCy = 0
+ self.sx = 0
+ self.sy = 0
+ self.sw = 0
+ self.sh = 0
+ self.sco_x = 0
+ self.sco_y = 0
+ def MapEvents(self):
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN, self.OnScroll)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
+##------------------- Platform-specific stuff
+ def NiceFontForPlatform(self):
+ if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+ font = wx.Font(10, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+ else:
+ font = wx.Font(12, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)
+ if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+ font.SetNoAntiAliasing()
+ return font
+ def UnixKeyHack(self, key):
+ #
+ # this will be obsolete when we get the new wxWindows patch
+ #
+ # 12/14/03 - jmg
+ #
+ # Which patch? I don't know if this is needed, but I don't know
+ # why it's here either. Play it safe; leave it in.
+ #
+ if key <= 26:
+ key += ord('a') - 1
+ return key
+##-------------------- UpdateView/Cursor code
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ self.AdjustScrollbars()
+ self.SetFocus()
+ def SetCharDimensions(self):
+ # TODO: We need a code review on this. It appears that Linux
+ # improperly reports window dimensions when the scrollbar's there.
+ self.bw, self.bh = self.GetClientSize()
+ if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+ self.sh = self.bh / self.fh
+ self.sw = (self.bw / self.fw) - 1
+ else:
+ self.sh = self.bh / self.fh
+ if self.LinesInFile() >= self.sh:
+ self.bw = self.bw - wx.SystemSettings_GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X)
+ self.sw = (self.bw / self.fw) - 1
+ self.sw = (self.bw / self.fw) - 1
+ if self.CalcMaxLineLen() >= self.sw:
+ self.bh = self.bh - wx.SystemSettings_GetMetric(wx.SYS_HSCROLL_Y)
+ self.sh = self.bh / self.fh
+ def UpdateView(self, dc = None):
+ if dc is None:
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
+ if dc.Ok():
+ self.SetCharDimensions()
+ self.KeepCursorOnScreen()
+ self.DrawSimpleCursor(0,0, dc, True)
+ self.Draw(dc)
+ def OnPaint(self, event):
+ dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
+ if self.isDrawing:
+ return
+ self.isDrawing = True
+ self.UpdateView(dc)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.AdjustScrollbars)
+ self.isDrawing = False
+ def OnEraseBackground(self, evt):
+ pass
+##-------------------- Drawing code
+ def InitFonts(self):
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
+ self.font = self.NiceFontForPlatform()
+ dc.SetFont(self.font)
+ self.fw = dc.GetCharWidth()
+ self.fh = dc.GetCharHeight()
+ def SetColors(self):
+ self.fgColor = wx.NamedColour('black')
+ self.bgColor = wx.NamedColour('white')
+ self.selectColor = wx.Colour(238, 220, 120) # r, g, b = emacsOrange
+ def InitDoubleBuffering(self):
+ pass
+ def DrawEditText(self, t, x, y, dc):
+ dc.DrawText(t, x * self.fw, y * self.fh)
+ def DrawLine(self, line, dc):
+ if self.IsLine(line):
+ l = line
+ t = self.lines[l]
+ dc.SetTextForeground(self.fgColor)
+ fragments = selection.Selection(
+ self.SelectBegin, self.SelectEnd,
+ self.sx, self.sw, line, t)
+ x = 0
+ for (data, selected) in fragments:
+ if selected:
+ dc.SetTextBackground(self.selectColor)
+ if x == 0 and len(data) == 0 and len(fragments) == 1:
+ data = ' '
+ else:
+ dc.SetTextBackground(self.bgColor)
+ self.DrawEditText(data, x, line - self.sy, dc)
+ x += len(data)
+ def Draw(self, odc=None):
+ if not odc:
+ odc = wx.ClientDC(self)
+ bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(max(1,self.bw), max(1,self.bh))
+ dc = wx.BufferedDC(odc, bmp)
+ if dc.Ok():
+ dc.SetFont(self.font)
+ dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.SOLID)
+ dc.SetTextBackground(self.bgColor)
+ dc.SetTextForeground(self.fgColor)
+ dc.Clear()
+ for line in range(self.sy, self.sy + self.sh):
+ self.DrawLine(line, dc)
+ if len(self.lines) < self.sh + self.sy:
+ self.DrawEofMarker(dc)
+ self.DrawCursor(dc)
+##------------------ eofMarker stuff
+ def LoadImages(self):
+ self.eofMarker = images.GetBitmap(images.EofImageData)
+ def DrawEofMarker(self,dc):
+ x = 0
+ y = (len(self.lines) - self.sy) * self.fh
+ hasTransparency = 1
+ dc.DrawBitmap(self.eofMarker, x, y, hasTransparency)
+##------------------ cursor-related functions
+ def DrawCursor(self, dc = None):
+ if not dc:
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
+ if (self.LinesInFile())<self.cy: #-1 ?
+ self.cy = self.LinesInFile()-1
+ s = self.lines[self.cy]
+ x = self.cx - self.sx
+ y = self.cy - self.sy
+ self.DrawSimpleCursor(x, y, dc)
+ def DrawSimpleCursor(self, xp, yp, dc = None, old=False):
+ if not dc:
+ dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
+ if old:
+ xp = self.sco_x
+ yp = self.sco_y
+ szx = self.fw
+ szy = self.fh
+ x = xp * szx
+ y = yp * szy
+ dc.Blit(x,y, szx,szy, dc, x,y, wx.SRC_INVERT)
+ self.sco_x = xp
+ self.sco_y = yp
+##-------- Enforcing screen boundaries, cursor movement
+ def CalcMaxLineLen(self):
+ """get length of longest line on screen"""
+ maxlen = 0
+ for line in self.lines[self.sy:self.sy+self.sh]:
+ if len(line) >maxlen:
+ maxlen = len(line)
+ return maxlen
+ def KeepCursorOnScreen(self):
+ self.sy = ForceBetween(max(0, self.cy-self.sh), self.sy, self.cy)
+ self.sx = ForceBetween(max(0, self.cx-self.sw), self.sx, self.cx)
+ self.AdjustScrollbars()
+ def HorizBoundaries(self):
+ self.SetCharDimensions()
+ maxLineLen = self.CalcMaxLineLen()
+ self.sx = ForceBetween(0, self.sx, max(self.sw, maxLineLen - self.sw + 1))
+ self.cx = ForceBetween(self.sx, self.cx, self.sx + self.sw - 1)
+ def VertBoundaries(self):
+ self.SetCharDimensions()
+ self.sy = ForceBetween(0, self.sy, max(self.sh, self.LinesInFile() - self.sh + 1))
+ self.cy = ForceBetween(self.sy, self.cy, self.sy + self.sh - 1)
+ def cVert(self, num):
+ self.cy = self.cy + num
+ self.cy = ForceBetween(0, self.cy, self.LinesInFile() - 1)
+ self.sy = ForceBetween(self.cy - self.sh + 1, self.sy, self.cy)
+ self.cx = min(self.cx, self.CurrentLineLength())
+ def cHoriz(self, num):
+ self.cx = self.cx + num
+ self.cx = ForceBetween(0, self.cx, self.CurrentLineLength())
+ self.sx = ForceBetween(self.cx - self.sw + 1, self.sx, self.cx)
+ def AboveScreen(self, row):
+ return row < self.sy
+ def BelowScreen(self, row):
+ return row >= self.sy + self.sh
+ def LeftOfScreen(self, col):
+ return col < self.sx
+ def RightOfScreen(self, col):
+ return col >= self.sx + self.sw
+##----------------- data structure helper functions
+ def GetText(self):
+ return self.lines
+ def SetText(self, lines):
+ self.InitCoords()
+ self.lines = lines
+ self.UnTouchBuffer()
+ self.SelectOff()
+ self.AdjustScrollbars()
+ self.UpdateView(None)
+ def IsLine(self, lineNum):
+ return (0<=lineNum) and (lineNum<self.LinesInFile())
+ def GetTextLine(self, lineNum):
+ if self.IsLine(lineNum):
+ return self.lines[lineNum]
+ return ""
+ def SetTextLine(self, lineNum, text):
+ if self.IsLine(lineNum):
+ self.lines[lineNum] = text
+ def CurrentLineLength(self):
+ return len(self.lines[self.cy])
+ def LinesInFile(self):
+ return len(self.lines)
+ def UnTouchBuffer(self):
+ self.bufferTouched = False
+ def BufferWasTouched(self):
+ return self.bufferTouched
+ def TouchBuffer(self):
+ self.bufferTouched = True
+##-------------------------- Mouse scroll timing functions
+ def InitScrolling(self):
+ # we don't rely on the windows system to scroll for us; we just
+ # redraw the screen manually every time
+ self.EnableScrolling(False, False)
+ self.nextScrollTime = 0
+ self.SCROLLDELAY = 0.050 # seconds
+ self.scrollTimer = wx.Timer(self)
+ self.scroller = Scroller(self)
+ def CanScroll(self):
+ if time.time() > self.nextScrollTime:
+ self.nextScrollTime = time.time() + self.SCROLLDELAY
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def SetScrollTimer(self):
+ oneShot = True
+ self.scrollTimer.Start(1000*self.SCROLLDELAY/2, oneShot)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)
+ def OnTimer(self, event):
+ screenX, screenY = wx.GetMousePosition()
+ x, y = self.ScreenToClientXY(screenX, screenY)
+ self.MouseToRow(y)
+ self.MouseToCol(x)
+ self.SelectUpdate()
+##-------------------------- Mouse off screen functions
+ def HandleAboveScreen(self, row):
+ self.SetScrollTimer()
+ if self.CanScroll():
+ row = self.sy - 1
+ row = max(0, row)
+ self.cy = row
+ def HandleBelowScreen(self, row):
+ self.SetScrollTimer()
+ if self.CanScroll():
+ row = self.sy + self.sh
+ row = min(row, self.LinesInFile() - 1)
+ self.cy = row
+ def HandleLeftOfScreen(self, col):
+ self.SetScrollTimer()
+ if self.CanScroll():
+ col = self.sx - 1
+ col = max(0,col)
+ self.cx = col
+ def HandleRightOfScreen(self, col):
+ self.SetScrollTimer()
+ if self.CanScroll():
+ col = self.sx + self.sw
+ col = min(col, self.CurrentLineLength())
+ self.cx = col
+##------------------------ mousing functions
+ def MouseToRow(self, mouseY):
+ row = self.sy + (mouseY/ self.fh)
+ if self.AboveScreen(row):
+ self.HandleAboveScreen(row)
+ elif self.BelowScreen(row):
+ self.HandleBelowScreen(row)
+ else:
+ self.cy = min(row, self.LinesInFile() - 1)
+ def MouseToCol(self, mouseX):
+ col = self.sx + (mouseX / self.fw)
+ if self.LeftOfScreen(col):
+ self.HandleLeftOfScreen(col)
+ elif self.RightOfScreen(col):
+ self.HandleRightOfScreen(col)
+ else:
+ self.cx = min(col, self.CurrentLineLength())
+ def MouseToCursor(self, event):
+ self.MouseToRow(event.GetY())
+ self.MouseToCol(event.GetX())
+ def OnMotion(self, event):
+ if event.LeftIsDown() and self.HasCapture():
+ self.Selecting = True
+ self.MouseToCursor(event)
+ self.SelectUpdate()
+ def OnLeftDown(self, event):
+ self.MouseToCursor(event)
+ self.SelectBegin = (self.cy, self.cx)
+ self.SelectEnd = None
+ self.UpdateView()
+ self.CaptureMouse()
+ self.SetFocus()
+ def OnLeftUp(self, event):
+ if not self.HasCapture():
+ return
+ if self.SelectEnd is None:
+ self.OnClick()
+ else:
+ self.Selecting = False
+ self.SelectNotify(False, self.SelectBegin, self.SelectEnd)
+ self.ReleaseMouse()
+ self.scrollTimer.Stop()
+#------------------------- Scrolling
+ def HorizScroll(self, event, eventType):
+ maxLineLen = self.CalcMaxLineLen()
+ if eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP:
+ self.sx -= 1
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN:
+ self.sx += 1
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP:
+ self.sx -= self.sw
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN:
+ self.sx += self.sw
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP:
+ self.sx = self.cx = 0
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM:
+ self.sx = maxLineLen - self.sw
+ self.cx = maxLineLen
+ else:
+ self.sx = event.GetPosition()
+ self.HorizBoundaries()
+ def VertScroll(self, event, eventType):
+ if eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP:
+ self.sy -= 1
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN:
+ self.sy += 1
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP:
+ self.sy -= self.sh
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN:
+ self.sy += self.sh
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP:
+ self.sy = self.cy = 0
+ elif eventType == wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM:
+ self.sy = self.LinesInFile() - self.sh
+ self.cy = self.LinesInFile()
+ else:
+ self.sy = event.GetPosition()
+ self.VertBoundaries()
+ def OnScroll(self, event):
+ dir = event.GetOrientation()
+ eventType = event.GetEventType()
+ if dir == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ self.HorizScroll(event, eventType)
+ else:
+ self.VertScroll(event, eventType)
+ self.UpdateView()
+ def AdjustScrollbars(self):
+ for i in range(2):
+ self.SetCharDimensions()
+ self.scroller.SetScrollbars(
+ self.fw, self.fh,
+ self.CalcMaxLineLen()+3, max(self.LinesInFile()+1, self.sh),
+ self.sx, self.sy)
+#------------ backspace, delete, return
+ def BreakLine(self, event):
+ if self.IsLine(self.cy):
+ t = self.lines[self.cy]
+ self.lines = self.lines[:self.cy] + [t[:self.cx],t[self.cx:]] + self.lines[self.cy+1:]
+ self.cVert(1)
+ self.cx = 0
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ def InsertChar(self,char):
+ if self.IsLine(self.cy):
+ t = self.lines[self.cy]
+ t = t[:self.cx] + char + t[self.cx:]
+ self.SetTextLine(self.cy, t)
+ self.cHoriz(1)
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ def JoinLines(self):
+ t1 = self.lines[self.cy]
+ t2 = self.lines[self.cy+1]
+ self.cx = len(t1)
+ self.lines = self.lines[:self.cy] + [t1 + t2] + self.lines[self.cy+2:]
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ def DeleteChar(self,x,y,oldtext):
+ newtext = oldtext[:x] + oldtext[x+1:]
+ self.SetTextLine(y, newtext)
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ def BackSpace(self, event):
+ t = self.GetTextLine(self.cy)
+ if self.cx>0:
+ self.DeleteChar(self.cx-1,self.cy,t)
+ self.cHoriz(-1)
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ elif self.cx == 0:
+ if self.cy > 0:
+ self.cy -= 1
+ self.JoinLines()
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ else:
+ wx.Bell()
+ def Delete(self, event):
+ t = self.GetTextLine(self.cy)
+ if self.cx<len(t):
+ self.DeleteChar(self.cx,self.cy,t)
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ else:
+ if self.cy < len(self.lines) - 1:
+ self.JoinLines()
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ def Escape(self, event):
+ self.SelectOff()
+ def TabKey(self, event):
+ numSpaces = self.SpacesPerTab - (self.cx % self.SpacesPerTab)
+ self.SingleLineInsert(' ' * numSpaces)
+##----------- selection routines
+ def SelectUpdate(self):
+ self.SelectEnd = (self.cy, self.cx)
+ self.SelectNotify(self.Selecting, self.SelectBegin, self.SelectEnd)
+ self.UpdateView()
+ def NormalizedSelect(self):
+ (begin, end) = (self.SelectBegin, self.SelectEnd)
+ (bRow, bCol) = begin
+ (eRow, eCol) = end
+ if (bRow < eRow):
+ return (begin, end)
+ elif (eRow < bRow):
+ return (end, begin)
+ else:
+ if (bCol < eCol):
+ return (begin, end)
+ else:
+ return (end, begin)
+ def FindSelection(self):
+ if self.SelectEnd is None or self.SelectBegin is None:
+ wx.Bell()
+ return None
+ (begin, end) = self.NormalizedSelect()
+ (bRow, bCol) = begin
+ (eRow, eCol) = end
+ return (bRow, bCol, eRow, eCol)
+ def SelectOff(self):
+ self.SelectBegin = None
+ self.SelectEnd = None
+ self.Selecting = False
+ self.SelectNotify(False,None,None)
+ def CopySelection(self, event):
+ selection = self.FindSelection()
+ if selection is None:
+ return
+ (bRow, bCol, eRow, eCol) = selection
+ if bRow == eRow:
+ self.SingleLineCopy(bRow, bCol, eCol)
+ else:
+ self.MultipleLineCopy(bRow, bCol, eRow, eCol)
+ def OnCopySelection(self, event):
+ self.CopySelection(event)
+ self.SelectOff()
+ def CopyToClipboard(self, linesOfText):
+ do = wx.TextDataObject()
+ do.SetText(os.linesep.join(linesOfText))
+ wx.TheClipboard.Open()
+ wx.TheClipboard.SetData(do)
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ def SingleLineCopy(self, Row, bCol, eCol):
+ Line = self.GetTextLine(Row)
+ self.CopyToClipboard([Line[bCol:eCol]])
+ def MultipleLineCopy(self, bRow, bCol, eRow, eCol):
+ bLine = self.GetTextLine(bRow)[bCol:]
+ eLine = self.GetTextLine(eRow)[:eCol]
+ self.CopyToClipboard([bLine] + [l for l in self.lines[bRow + 1:eRow]] + [eLine])
+ def OnDeleteSelection(self, event):
+ selection = self.FindSelection()
+ if selection is None:
+ return
+ (bRow, bCol, eRow, eCol) = selection
+ if bRow == eRow:
+ self.SingleLineDelete(bRow, bCol, eCol)
+ else:
+ self.MultipleLineDelete(bRow, bCol, eRow, eCol)
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ self.cy = bRow
+ self.cx = bCol
+ self.SelectOff()
+ self.UpdateView()
+ def SingleLineDelete(self, Row, bCol, eCol):
+ ModLine = self.GetTextLine(Row)
+ ModLine = ModLine[:bCol] + ModLine[eCol:]
+ self.SetTextLine(Row,ModLine)
+ def MultipleLineDelete(self, bRow, bCol, eRow, eCol):
+ bLine = self.GetTextLine(bRow)
+ eLine = self.GetTextLine(eRow)
+ ModLine = bLine[:bCol] + eLine[eCol:]
+ self.lines[bRow:eRow + 1] = [ModLine]
+ def OnPaste(self, event):
+ do = wx.TextDataObject()
+ wx.TheClipboard.Open()
+ success = wx.TheClipboard.GetData(do)
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ if success:
+ pastedLines = LineSplitter(do.GetText())
+ else:
+ wx.Bell()
+ return
+ if len(pastedLines) == 0:
+ wx.Bell()
+ return
+ elif len(pastedLines) == 1:
+ self.SingleLineInsert(pastedLines[0])
+ else:
+ self.MultipleLinePaste(pastedLines)
+ def SingleLineInsert(self, newText):
+ ModLine = self.GetTextLine(self.cy)
+ ModLine = ModLine[:self.cx] + newText + ModLine[self.cx:]
+ self.SetTextLine(self.cy, ModLine)
+ self.cHoriz(len(newText))
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ self.UpdateView()
+ def MultipleLinePaste(self, pastedLines):
+ FirstLine = LastLine = self.GetTextLine(self.cy)
+ FirstLine = FirstLine[:self.cx] + pastedLines[0]
+ LastLine = pastedLines[-1] + LastLine[self.cx:]
+ NewSlice = [FirstLine]
+ NewSlice += [l for l in pastedLines[1:-1]]
+ NewSlice += [LastLine]
+ self.lines[self.cy:self.cy + 1] = NewSlice
+ self.cy = self.cy + len(pastedLines)-1
+ self.cx = len(pastedLines[-1])
+ self.TouchBuffer()
+ self.UpdateView()
+ def OnCutSelection(self,event):
+ self.CopySelection(event)
+ self.OnDeleteSelection(event)
+#-------------- Keyboard movement implementations
+ def MoveDown(self, event):
+ self.cVert(+1)
+ def MoveUp(self, event):
+ self.cVert(-1)
+ def MoveLeft(self, event):
+ if self.cx == 0:
+ if self.cy == 0:
+ wx.Bell()
+ else:
+ self.cVert(-1)
+ self.cx = self.CurrentLineLength()
+ else:
+ self.cx -= 1
+ def MoveRight(self, event):
+ linelen = self.CurrentLineLength()
+ if self.cx == linelen:
+ if self.cy == len(self.lines) - 1:
+ wx.Bell()
+ else:
+ self.cx = 0
+ self.cVert(1)
+ else:
+ self.cx += 1
+ def MovePageDown(self, event):
+ self.cVert(self.sh)
+ def MovePageUp(self, event):
+ self.cVert(-self.sh)
+ def MoveHome(self, event):
+ self.cx = 0
+ def MoveEnd(self, event):
+ self.cx = self.CurrentLineLength()
+ def MoveStartOfFile(self, event):
+ self.cy = 0
+ self.cx = 0
+ def MoveEndOfFile(self, event):
+ self.cy = len(self.lines) - 1
+ self.cx = self.CurrentLineLength()
+#-------------- Key handler mapping tables
+ def SetMoveSpecialFuncs(self, action):
+ action[wx.WXK_DOWN] = self.MoveDown
+ action[wx.WXK_UP] = self.MoveUp
+ action[wx.WXK_LEFT] = self.MoveLeft
+ action[wx.WXK_RIGHT] = self.MoveRight
+ action[wx.WXK_NEXT] = self.MovePageDown
+ action[wx.WXK_PRIOR] = self.MovePageUp
+ action[wx.WXK_HOME] = self.MoveHome
+ action[wx.WXK_END] = self.MoveEnd
+ def SetMoveSpecialControlFuncs(self, action):
+ action[wx.WXK_HOME] = self.MoveStartOfFile
+ action[wx.WXK_END] = self.MoveEndOfFile
+ def SetAltFuncs(self, action):
+ # subclass implements
+ pass
+ def SetControlFuncs(self, action):
+ action['c'] = self.OnCopySelection
+ action['d'] = self.OnDeleteSelection
+ action['v'] = self.OnPaste
+ action['x'] = self.OnCutSelection
+ def SetSpecialControlFuncs(self, action):
+ action[wx.WXK_INSERT] = self.OnCopySelection
+ def SetShiftFuncs(self, action):
+ action[wx.WXK_DELETE] = self.OnCutSelection
+ action[wx.WXK_INSERT] = self.OnPaste
+ def SetSpecialFuncs(self, action):
+ action[wx.WXK_BACK] = self.BackSpace
+ action[wx.WXK_DELETE] = self.Delete
+ action[wx.WXK_RETURN] = self.BreakLine
+ action[wx.WXK_ESCAPE] = self.Escape
+ action[wx.WXK_TAB] = self.TabKey
+##-------------- Logic for key handlers
+ def Move(self, keySettingFunction, key, event):
+ action = {}
+ keySettingFunction(action)
+ if not action.has_key(key):
+ return False
+ if event.ShiftDown():
+ if not self.Selecting:
+ self.Selecting = True
+ self.SelectBegin = (self.cy, self.cx)
+ action[key](event)
+ self.SelectEnd = (self.cy, self.cx)
+ else:
+ action[key](event)
+ if self.Selecting:
+ self.Selecting = False
+ self.SelectNotify(self.Selecting, self.SelectBegin, self.SelectEnd)
+ self.UpdateView()
+ return True
+ def MoveSpecialKey(self, event, key):
+ return self.Move(self.SetMoveSpecialFuncs, key, event)
+ def MoveSpecialControlKey(self, event, key):
+ if not event.ControlDown():
+ return False
+ return self.Move(self.SetMoveSpecialControlFuncs, key, event)
+ def Dispatch(self, keySettingFunction, key, event):
+ action = {}
+ keySettingFunction(action)
+ if action.has_key(key):
+ action[key](event)
+ self.UpdateView()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def ModifierKey(self, key, event, modifierKeyDown, MappingFunc):
+ if not modifierKeyDown:
+ return False
+ key = self.UnixKeyHack(key)
+ try:
+ key = chr(key)
+ except:
+ return False
+ if not self.Dispatch(MappingFunc, key, event):
+ wx.Bell()
+ return True
+ def ControlKey(self, event, key):
+ return self.ModifierKey(key, event, event.ControlDown(), self.SetControlFuncs)
+ def AltKey(self, event, key):
+ return self.ModifierKey(key, event, event.AltDown(), self.SetAltFuncs)
+ def SpecialControlKey(self, event, key):
+ if not event.ControlDown():
+ return False
+ if not self.Dispatch(self.SetSpecialControlFuncs, key, event):
+ wx.Bell()
+ return True
+ def ShiftKey(self, event, key):
+ if not event.ShiftDown():
+ return False
+ return self.Dispatch(self.SetShiftFuncs, key, event)
+ def NormalChar(self, event, key):
+ self.SelectOff()
+ # regular ascii
+ if not self.Dispatch(self.SetSpecialFuncs, key, event):
+ if (key>31) and (key<256):
+ self.InsertChar(chr(key))
+ else:
+ wx.Bell()
+ return
+ self.UpdateView()
+ self.AdjustScrollbars()
+ def OnChar(self, event):
+ key = event.KeyCode()
+ filters = [self.AltKey,
+ self.MoveSpecialControlKey,
+ self.ControlKey,
+ self.SpecialControlKey,
+ self.MoveSpecialKey,
+ self.ShiftKey,
+ self.NormalChar]
+ for filter in filters:
+ if filter(event,key):
+ break
+ return 0
+#----------------------- Eliminate memory leaks
+ def OnDestroy(self, event):
+ self.mdc = None
+ self.odc = None
+ self.bgColor = None
+ self.fgColor = None
+ self.font = None
+ self.selectColor = None
+ self.scrollTimer = None
+ self.eofMarker = None
+#-------------------- Abstract methods for subclasses
+ def OnClick(self):
+ pass
+ def SelectNotify(self, Selecting, SelectionBegin, SelectionEnd):
+ pass
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib.editor import editor
-_rename(globals(), editor.__dict__, modulename='lib.editor.editor')
-del editor
-del _rename