]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/wx/html/htmlpars.h
remove usage of wxT() macro; it makes example code a bit harder to read
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / html / htmlpars.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: html/htmlpars.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxHtmlTagHandler
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxHtmlTagHandler
12 @todo describe me
14 @library{wxhtml}
15 @category{html}
17 @see @ref overview_html_handlers, wxHtmlTag
18 */
19 class wxHtmlTagHandler : public wxObject
20 {
21 public:
22 /**
23 Constructor.
24 */
25 wxHtmlTagHandler();
27 /**
28 Returns list of supported tags.
29 The list is in uppercase and tags are delimited by ','.
30 Example: @c "I,B,FONT,P"
31 */
32 virtual wxString GetSupportedTags() = 0;
34 /**
35 This is the core method of each handler. It is called each time
36 one of supported tags is detected. @a tag contains all necessary
37 info (see wxHtmlTag for details).
39 Example:
41 @code
42 bool MyHandler::HandleTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag)
43 {
44 ...
45 // change state of parser (e.g. set bold face)
46 ParseInner(tag);
47 ...
48 // restore original state of parser
49 }
50 @endcode
52 You shouldn't call ParseInner() if the tag is not paired with an ending one.
54 @return @true if ParseInner() was called, @false otherwise.
55 */
56 virtual bool HandleTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag) = 0;
58 /**
59 Assigns @a parser to this handler. Each @b instance of handler
60 is guaranteed to be called only from the parser.
61 */
62 virtual void SetParser(wxHtmlParser* parser);
64 protected:
66 /**
67 This method calls parser's wxHtmlParser::DoParsing method
68 for the string between this tag and the paired ending tag:
69 @code
70 ...<A HREF="x.htm">Hello, world!</A>...
71 @endcode
73 In this example, a call to ParseInner() (with @a tag pointing to A tag)
74 will parse 'Hello, world!'.
75 */
76 void ParseInner(const wxHtmlTag& tag);
78 /**
79 This attribute is used to access parent parser. It is protected so that
80 it can't be accessed by user but can be accessed from derived classes.
81 */
82 wxHtmlParser* m_Parser;
83 };
87 /**
88 @class wxHtmlParser
90 Classes derived from this handle the @b generic parsing of HTML documents: it
91 scans the document and divide it into blocks of tags (where one block consists
92 of beginning and ending tag and of text between these two tags).
94 It is independent from wxHtmlWindow and can be used as stand-alone parser.
96 It uses system of tag handlers to parse the HTML document. Tag handlers
97 are not statically shared by all instances but are created for each
98 wxHtmlParser instance. The reason is that the handler may contain
99 document-specific temporary data used during parsing (e.g. complicated
100 structures like tables).
102 Typically the user calls only the wxHtmlParser::Parse method.
104 @library{wxhtml}
105 @category{html}
107 @see @ref overview_html_cells, @ref overview_html_handlers, wxHtmlTag
108 */
109 class wxHtmlParser
110 {
111 public:
112 /**
113 Constructor.
114 */
115 wxHtmlParser();
117 /**
118 Adds handler to the internal list ( hash table) of handlers.
119 This method should not be called directly by user but rather by derived class'
120 constructor.
122 This adds the handler to this @b instance of wxHtmlParser, not to
123 all objects of this class!
124 (Static front-end to AddTagHandler is provided by wxHtmlWinParser).
126 All handlers are deleted on object deletion.
127 */
128 virtual void AddTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler* handler);
130 /**
131 Must be overwritten in derived class.
133 This method is called by DoParsing() each time a part of text is parsed.
134 @a txt is NOT only one word, it is substring of input.
135 It is not formatted or preprocessed (so white spaces are unmodified).
136 */
137 virtual void AddWord(const wxString& txt);
139 /**
140 Parses the m_Source from @a begin_pos to @a end_pos - 1.
141 */
142 void DoParsing(const const_iterator& begin_pos, const const_iterator& end_pos);
144 /**
145 Parses the whole m_Source.
146 */
147 void DoParsing();
149 /**
150 This must be called after DoParsing().
151 */
152 virtual void DoneParser();
154 /**
155 Returns pointer to the file system. Because each tag handler has
156 reference to it is parent parser it can easily request the file by
157 calling:
158 @code
159 wxFSFile *f = m_Parser -> GetFS() -> OpenFile("image.jpg");
160 @endcode
161 */
162 wxFileSystem* GetFS() const;
164 /**
165 Returns product of parsing.
166 Returned value is result of parsing of the document.
168 The type of this result depends on internal representation in derived
169 parser (but it must be derived from wxObject!).
170 See wxHtmlWinParser for details.
171 */
172 virtual wxObject* GetProduct() = 0;
174 /**
175 Returns pointer to the source being parsed.
176 */
177 const wxString* GetSource();
179 /**
180 Setups the parser for parsing the @a source string.
181 (Should be overridden in derived class)
182 */
183 virtual void InitParser(const wxString& source);
185 /**
186 Opens given URL and returns @c wxFSFile object that can be used to read data
187 from it. This method may return @NULL in one of two cases: either the URL doesn't
188 point to any valid resource or the URL is blocked by overridden implementation
189 of @e OpenURL in derived class.
191 @param type
192 Indicates type of the resource. Is one of:
193 - wxHTML_URL_PAGE: Opening a HTML page.
194 - wxHTML_URL_IMAGE: Opening an image.
195 - wxHTML_URL_OTHER: Opening a resource that doesn't fall into
196 any other category.
197 @param url
198 URL being opened.
200 @note
201 Always use this method in tag handlers instead of GetFS()->OpenFile()
202 because it can block the URL and is thus more secure.
203 Default behaviour is to call wxHtmlWindow::OnOpeningURL of the associated
204 wxHtmlWindow object (which may decide to block the URL or redirect it to
205 another one),if there's any, and always open the URL if the parser is not
206 used with wxHtmlWindow.
207 Returned wxFSFile object is not guaranteed to point to url, it might have
208 been redirected!
209 */
210 virtual wxFSFile* OpenURL(wxHtmlURLType type, const wxString& url) const;
212 /**
213 Proceeds parsing of the document. This is end-user method. You can simply
214 call it when you need to obtain parsed output (which is parser-specific).
216 The method does these things:
217 -# calls InitParser(source)
218 -# calls DoParsing()
219 -# calls GetProduct()
220 -# calls DoneParser()
221 -# returns value returned by GetProduct()
223 You shouldn't use InitParser(), DoParsing(), GetProduct() or DoneParser() directly.
224 */
225 wxObject* Parse(const wxString& source);
227 /**
228 Restores parser's state before last call to PushTagHandler().
229 */
230 void PopTagHandler();
232 /**
233 Forces the handler to handle additional tags
234 (not returned by wxHtmlTagHandler::GetSupportedTags).
235 The handler should already be added to this parser.
237 @param handler
238 the handler
239 @param tags
240 List of tags (in same format as GetSupportedTags()'s return value).
241 The parser will redirect these tags to handler (until call to PopTagHandler()).
243 Example:
245 Imagine you want to parse following pseudo-html structure:
246 @code
247 <myitems>
248 <param name="one" value="1">
249 <param name="two" value="2">
250 </myitems>
252 <execute>
253 <param program="text.exe">
254 </execute>
255 @endcode
257 It is obvious that you cannot use only one tag handler for \<param\> tag.
258 Instead you must use context-sensitive handlers for \<param\> inside \<myitems\>
259 and \<param\> inside \<execute\>.
260 This is the preferred solution:
262 @code
265 {
266 // ...something...
268 m_Parser -> PushTagHandler(this, "PARAM");
269 ParseInner(tag);
270 m_Parser -> PopTagHandler();
272 // ...something...
273 }
275 @endcode
276 */
277 void PushTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler* handler,
278 const wxString& tags);
280 /**
281 Sets the virtual file system that will be used to request additional files.
282 (For example @c IMG tag handler requests wxFSFile with the image data.)
283 */
284 void SetFS(wxFileSystem* fs);
286 /**
287 Call this function to interrupt parsing from a tag handler.
288 No more tags will be parsed afterward. This function may only be called
289 from Parse() or any function called by it (i.e. from tag handlers).
290 */
291 virtual void StopParsing();
293 protected:
295 /**
296 This may (and may not) be overwritten in derived class.
298 This method is called each time new tag is about to be added.
299 @a tag contains information about the tag. (See wxHtmlTag for details.)
301 Default (wxHtmlParser) behaviour is this: first it finds a handler capable
302 of handling this tag and then it calls handler's HandleTag() method.
303 */
304 virtual void AddTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag);
305 };