fixed doxygen warnings produced by the ifacecheck fixes
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / log.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: log.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxLogWindow
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxLogWindow
12 This class represents a background log window: to be precise, it collects all
13 log messages in the log frame which it manages but also passes them on to the
14 log target which was active at the moment of its creation. This allows you, for
15 example, to show all the log messages in a frame but still continue to process
16 them normally by showing the standard log dialog.
18 @library{wxbase}
19 @category{logging}
21 @see wxLogTextCtrl
22 */
23 class wxLogWindow : public wxLogInterposer
24 {
25 public:
26 /**
27 Creates the log frame window and starts collecting the messages in it.
29 @param pParent
30 The parent window for the log frame, may be @NULL
31 @param szTitle
32 The title for the log frame
33 @param show
34 @true to show the frame initially (default), otherwise
35 Show() must be called later.
36 @param passToOld
37 @true to process the log messages normally in addition to
38 logging them in the log frame (default), @false to only log them in the
39 log frame.
40 */
41 wxLogWindow(wxWindow* pParent, const wxString& szTitle, bool show = true,
42 bool passToOld = true);
44 /**
45 Returns the associated log frame window. This may be used to position or resize
46 it but use Show() to show or hide it.
47 */
48 wxFrame* GetFrame() const;
50 /**
51 Called if the user closes the window interactively, will not be
52 called if it is destroyed for another reason (such as when program
53 exits).
55 Return @true from here to allow the frame to close, @false to
56 prevent this from happening.
58 @see OnFrameDelete()
59 */
60 virtual bool OnFrameClose(wxFrame* frame);
62 /**
63 Called immediately after the log frame creation allowing for
64 any extra initializations.
65 */
66 virtual void OnFrameCreate(wxFrame* frame);
68 /**
69 Called right before the log frame is going to be deleted: will
70 always be called unlike OnFrameClose().
71 */
72 virtual void OnFrameDelete(wxFrame* frame);
74 /**
75 Shows or hides the frame.
76 */
77 void Show(bool show = true);
78 };
82 /**
83 @class wxLogInterposerTemp
85 A special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
86 It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to
87 processing them itself. Unlike wxLogInterposer, it doesn't delete the old
88 target which means it can be used to temporarily redirect log output.
90 As per wxLogInterposer, this class must be derived from to implement
91 wxLog::DoLog and/or wxLog::DoLogString methods.
93 @library{wxbase}
94 @category{logging}
95 */
96 class wxLogInterposerTemp : public wxLogChain
97 {
98 public:
99 /**
100 The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
101 */
102 wxLogInterposerTemp();
103 };
107 /**
108 @class wxLogChain
110 This simple class allows you to chain log sinks, that is to install a new sink but
111 keep passing log messages to the old one instead of replacing it completely as
112 wxLog::SetActiveTarget does.
114 It is especially useful when you want to divert the logs somewhere (for
115 example to a file or a log window) but also keep showing the error messages
116 using the standard dialogs as wxLogGui does by default.
118 Example of usage:
120 @code
121 wxLogChain *logChain = new wxLogChain(new wxLogStderr);
123 // all the log messages are sent to stderr and also processed as usually
124 ...
126 // don't delete logChain directly as this would leave a dangling
127 // pointer as active log target, use SetActiveTarget() instead
128 delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(...something else or NULL...);
129 @endcode
131 @library{wxbase}
132 @category{logging}
133 */
134 class wxLogChain : public wxLog
135 {
136 public:
137 /**
138 Sets the specified @c logger (which may be @NULL) as the default log
139 target but the log messages are also passed to the previous log target if any.
140 */
141 wxLogChain(wxLog* logger);
143 /**
144 Destroys the previous log target.
145 */
146 virtual ~wxLogChain();
148 /**
149 Detaches the old log target so it won't be destroyed when the wxLogChain object
150 is destroyed.
151 */
152 void DetachOldLog();
154 /**
155 Returns the pointer to the previously active log target (which may be @NULL).
156 */
157 wxLog* GetOldLog() const;
159 /**
160 Returns @true if the messages are passed to the previously active log
161 target (default) or @false if PassMessages() had been called.
162 */
163 bool IsPassingMessages() const;
165 /**
166 By default, the log messages are passed to the previously active log target.
167 Calling this function with @false parameter disables this behaviour
168 (presumably temporarily, as you shouldn't use wxLogChain at all otherwise) and
169 it can be reenabled by calling it again with @a passMessages set to @true.
170 */
171 void PassMessages(bool passMessages);
173 /**
174 Sets another log target to use (may be @NULL).
176 The log target specified in the wxLogChain(wxLog*) constructor or in a
177 previous call to this function is deleted.
178 This doesn't change the old log target value (the one the messages are
179 forwarded to) which still remains the same as was active when wxLogChain
180 object was created.
181 */
182 void SetLog(wxLog* logger);
183 };
187 /**
188 @class wxLogGui
190 This is the default log target for the GUI wxWidgets applications.
192 Please see @ref overview_log_customize for explanation of how to change the
193 default log target.
195 An object of this class is used by default to show the log messages created
196 by using wxLogMessage(), wxLogError() and other logging functions. It
197 doesn't display the messages logged by them immediately however but
198 accumulates all messages logged during an event handler execution and then
199 shows them all at once when its Flush() method is called during the idle
200 time processing. This has the important advantage of showing only a single
201 dialog to the user even if several messages were logged because of a single
202 error as it often happens (e.g. a low level function could log a message
203 because it failed to open a file resulting in its caller logging another
204 message due to the failure of higher level operation requiring the use of
205 this file). If you need to force the display of all previously logged
206 messages immediately you can use wxLog::FlushActive() to force the dialog
207 display.
209 Also notice that if an error message is logged when several informative
210 messages had been already logged before, the informative messages are
211 discarded on the assumption that they are not useful -- and may be
212 confusing and hence harmful -- any more after the error. The warning
213 and error messages are never discarded however and any informational
214 messages logged after the first error one are also kept (as they may
215 contain information about the error recovery). You may override DoLog()
216 method to change this behaviour.
218 At any rate, it is possible that that several messages were accumulated
219 before this class Flush() method is called. If this is the case, Flush()
220 uses a custom dialog which shows the last message directly and allows the
221 user to view the previously logged ones by expanding the "Details"
222 wxCollapsiblePane inside it. This custom dialog also provides the buttons
223 for copying the log messages to the clipboard and saving them to a file.
225 However if only a single message is present when Flush() is called, just a
226 wxMessageBox() is used to show it. This has the advantage of being closer
227 to the native behaviour but it doesn't give the user any possibility to
228 copy or save the message (except for the recent Windows versions where @c
229 Ctrl-C may be pressed in the message box to copy its contents to the
230 clipboard) so you may want to override DoShowSingleMessage() to customize
231 wxLogGui -- the dialogs sample shows how to do this.
233 @library{wxcore}
234 @category{logging}
235 */
236 class wxLogGui : public wxLog
237 {
238 public:
239 /**
240 Default constructor.
241 */
242 wxLogGui();
244 /**
245 Presents the accumulated log messages, if any, to the user.
247 This method is called during the idle time and should show any messages
248 accumulated in wxLogGui#m_aMessages field to the user.
249 */
250 virtual void Flush();
252 protected:
253 /**
254 Returns the appropriate title for the dialog.
256 The title is constructed from wxApp::GetAppDisplayName() and the
257 severity string (e.g. "error" or "warning") appropriate for the current
258 wxLogGui#m_bErrors and wxLogGui#m_bWarnings values.
259 */
260 wxString GetTitle() const;
262 /**
263 Returns wxICON_ERROR, wxICON_WARNING or wxICON_INFORMATION depending on
264 the current maximal severity.
266 This value is suitable to be used in the style parameter of
267 wxMessageBox() function.
268 */
269 int GetSeverityIcon() const;
271 /**
272 Forgets all the currently stored messages.
274 If you override Flush() (and don't call the base class version), you
275 must call this method to avoid messages being logged over and over
276 again.
277 */
278 void Clear();
281 /**
282 Method called by Flush() to show a single log message.
284 This function can be overridden to show the message in a different way.
285 By default a simple wxMessageBox() call is used.
287 @param message
288 The message to show (it can contain multiple lines).
289 @param title
290 The suggested title for the dialog showing the message, see
291 GetTitle().
292 @param style
293 One of @c wxICON_XXX constants, see GetSeverityIcon().
294 */
295 virtual void DoShowSingleLogMessage(const wxString& message,
296 const wxString& title,
297 int style);
299 /**
300 Method called by Flush() to show multiple log messages.
302 This function can be overridden to show the messages in a different way.
303 By default a special log dialog showing the most recent message and
304 allowing the user to expand it to view the previously logged ones is
305 used.
307 @param messages
308 Array of messages to show; it contains more than one element.
309 @param severities
310 Array of message severities containing @c wxLOG_XXX values.
311 @param times
312 Array of time_t values indicating when each message was logged.
313 @param title
314 The suggested title for the dialog showing the message, see
315 GetTitle().
316 @param style
317 One of @c wxICON_XXX constants, see GetSeverityIcon().
318 */
319 virtual void DoShowMultipleLogMessages(const wxArrayString& messages,
320 const wxArrayInt& severities,
321 const wxArrayLong& times,
322 const wxString& title,
323 int style);
326 /**
327 All currently accumulated messages.
329 This array may be empty if no messages were logged.
331 @see m_aSeverity, m_aTimes
332 */
333 wxArrayString m_aMessages;
335 /**
336 The severities of each logged message.
338 This array is synchronized with wxLogGui#m_aMessages, i.e. the n-th
339 element of this array corresponds to the severity of the n-th message.
340 The possible severity values are @c wxLOG_XXX constants, e.g.
341 wxLOG_Error, wxLOG_Warning, wxLOG_Message etc.
342 */
343 wxArrayInt m_aSeverity;
345 /**
346 The time stamps of each logged message.
348 The elements of this array are time_t values corresponding to the time
349 when the message was logged.
350 */
351 wxArrayLong m_aTimes;
353 /**
354 True if there any error messages.
355 */
356 bool m_bErrors;
358 /**
359 True if there any warning messages.
361 If both wxLogGui#m_bErrors and this member are false, there are only
362 informational messages to be shown.
363 */
364 bool m_bWarnings;
366 /**
367 True if there any messages to be shown to the user.
369 This variable is used instead of simply checking whether
370 wxLogGui#m_aMessages array is empty to allow blocking further calls to
371 Flush() while a log dialog is already being shown, even if the messages
372 array hasn't been emptied yet.
373 */
374 bool m_bHasMessages;
375 };
379 /**
380 @class wxLogStream
382 This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C++ stream.
384 Please note that this class is only available if wxWidgets was compiled with
385 the standard iostream library support (@c wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM must be on).
387 @library{wxbase}
388 @category{logging}
390 @see wxLogStderr, wxStreamToTextRedirector
391 */
392 class wxLogStream : public wxLog
393 {
394 public:
395 /**
396 Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given
397 output stream. If it is @NULL, the messages are sent to @c cerr.
398 */
399 wxLogStream(std::ostream ostr = NULL);
400 };
404 /**
405 @class wxLogStderr
407 This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C file stream (not to
408 be confused with C++ streams). It is the default log target for the non-GUI
409 wxWidgets applications which send all the output to @c stderr.
411 @library{wxbase}
412 @category{logging}
414 @see wxLogStream
415 */
416 class wxLogStderr : public wxLog
417 {
418 public:
419 /**
420 Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given
421 @c FILE. If it is @NULL, the messages are sent to @c stderr.
422 */
423 wxLogStderr(FILE* fp = NULL);
424 };
428 /**
429 @class wxLogBuffer
431 wxLogBuffer is a very simple implementation of log sink which simply collects
432 all the logged messages in a string (except the debug messages which are output
433 in the usual way immediately as we're presumably not interested in collecting
434 them for later). The messages from different log function calls are separated
435 by the new lines.
437 All the messages collected so far can be shown to the user (and the current
438 buffer cleared) by calling the overloaded wxLogBuffer::Flush method.
440 @library{wxbase}
441 @category{logging}
442 */
443 class wxLogBuffer : public wxLog
444 {
445 public:
446 /**
447 Shows all the messages collected so far to the user (using a message box in the
448 GUI applications or by printing them out to the console in text mode) and
449 clears the internal buffer.
450 */
451 virtual void Flush();
453 /**
454 Returns the current buffer contains. Messages from different log function calls
455 are separated with the new lines in the buffer.
456 The buffer can be cleared by Flush() which will also show the current
457 contents to the user.
458 */
459 const wxString& GetBuffer() const;
460 };
464 /**
465 @class wxLogInterposer
467 A special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
468 It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to
469 processing them itself.
471 Unlike wxLogChain which is usually used directly as is, this class must be
472 derived from to implement wxLog::DoLog and/or wxLog::DoLogString methods.
474 wxLogInterposer destroys the previous log target in its destructor.
475 If you don't want this to happen, use wxLogInterposerTemp instead.
477 @library{wxbase}
478 @category{logging}
479 */
480 class wxLogInterposer : public wxLogChain
481 {
482 public:
483 /**
484 The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
485 */
486 wxLogInterposer();
487 };
491 /**
492 @class wxLogTextCtrl
494 Using these target all the log messages can be redirected to a text control.
495 The text control must have been created with @c wxTE_MULTILINE style by the
496 caller previously.
498 @library{wxbase}
499 @category{logging}
501 @see wxTextCtrl, wxStreamToTextRedirector
502 */
503 class wxLogTextCtrl : public wxLog
504 {
505 public:
506 /**
507 Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given text
508 control. The @a textctrl parameter cannot be @NULL.
509 */
510 wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl* pTextCtrl);
511 };
515 /**
516 @class wxLog
518 wxLog class defines the interface for the @e log targets used by wxWidgets
519 logging functions as explained in the @ref overview_log.
520 The only situations when you need to directly use this class is when you want
521 to derive your own log target because the existing ones don't satisfy your
522 needs. Another case is if you wish to customize the behaviour of the standard
523 logging classes (all of which respect the wxLog settings): for example, set
524 which trace messages are logged and which are not or change (or even remove
525 completely) the timestamp on the messages.
527 Otherwise, it is completely hidden behind the @e wxLogXXX() functions and
528 you may not even know about its existence.
531 @section log_derivingyours Deriving your own log target
533 There are two functions which must be implemented by any derived class to
534 actually process the log messages: DoLog() and DoLogString().
535 The second function receives a string which just has to be output in some way
536 and the easiest way to write a new log target is to override just this function
537 in the derived class.
539 If more control over the output format is needed, then the first function must
540 be overridden which allows to construct custom messages depending on the log level
541 or even do completely different things depending on the message severity
542 (for example, throw away all messages except warnings and errors, show warnings
543 on the screen and forward the error messages to the user's (or programmer's) cell
544 phone - maybe depending on whether the timestamp tells us if it is day or
545 night in the current time zone).
547 There also functions to support message buffering. Why are they needed?
548 Some of wxLog implementations, most notably the standard wxLogGui class,
549 buffer the messages (for example, to avoid showing the user a zillion of modal
550 message boxes one after another -- which would be really annoying).
552 Flush() shows them all and clears the buffer contents.
553 This function doesn't do anything if the buffer is already empty.
555 See also:
556 @li Flush()
557 @li FlushActive()
560 @section log_tracemasks Using trace masks
562 The functions below allow some limited customization of wxLog behaviour
563 without writing a new log target class (which, aside from being a matter of
564 several minutes, allows you to do anything you want).
565 The verbose messages are the trace messages which are not disabled in the
566 release mode and are generated by wxLogVerbose().
567 They are not normally shown to the user because they present little interest,
568 but may be activated, for example, in order to help the user find some program
569 problem.
571 As for the (real) trace messages, their handling depends on the settings of
572 the (application global) @e trace mask which can either be specified using
573 SetTraceMask(), GetTraceMask() and wxLogTrace() which takes an integer mask
574 or using AddTraceMask() for string trace masks.
576 The difference between bit-wise and string trace masks is that a message using
577 integer trace mask will only be logged if all bits of the mask are set in the
578 current mask while a message using string mask will be logged simply if the
579 mask had been added before to the list of allowed ones.
580 For example,
582 @code
583 wxLogTrace( wxTraceRefCount|wxTraceOleCalls, "Active object ref count: %d", nRef );
584 @endcode
586 will do something only if the current trace mask contains both @c wxTraceRefCount
587 and @c wxTraceOle, but:
589 @code
590 wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_OleCalls, "IFoo::Bar() called" );
591 @endcode
593 will log the message if it was preceded by:
595 @code
596 wxLog::AddTraceMask( wxTRACE_OleCalls);
597 @endcode
599 Using string masks is simpler and allows you to easily add custom ones, so this
600 is the preferred way of working with trace messages. The integer trace mask is
601 kept for compatibility and for additional (but very rarely needed) flexibility
602 only.
604 The standard trace masks are given in wxLogTrace() documentation.
606 Finally, the @e wxLog::DoLog() function automatically prepends a time stamp
607 to all the messages. The format of the time stamp may be changed: it can be
608 any string with % specifications fully described in the documentation of the
609 standard @e strftime() function. For example, the default format is
610 "[%d/%b/%y %H:%M:%S] " which gives something like "[17/Sep/98 22:10:16] "
611 (without quotes) for the current date. Setting an empty string as the time
612 format disables timestamping of the messages completely.
614 See also
615 @li AddTraceMask()
616 @li RemoveTraceMask()
617 @li ClearTraceMasks()
618 @li GetTraceMasks()
619 @li IsAllowedTraceMask()
620 @li SetVerbose()
621 @li GetVerbose()
622 @li SetTimestamp()
623 @li GetTimestamp()
624 @li SetTraceMask()
625 @li GetTraceMask()
626 @li SetRepetitionCounting()
627 @li GetRepetitionCounting()
629 @note Timestamping is disabled for Visual C++ users in debug builds by
630 default because otherwise it would be impossible to directly go to the line
631 from which the log message was generated by simply clicking in the debugger
632 window on the corresponding error message. If you wish to enable it, please
633 use SetTimestamp() explicitly.
636 @section log_target Manipulating the log target
638 The functions in this section work with and manipulate the active log
639 target. The OnLog() is called by the @e wxLogXXX() functions
640 and invokes the DoLog() of the active log target if any.
642 Get/Set methods are used to install/query the current active target and,
643 finally, DontCreateOnDemand() disables the automatic creation of a standard
644 log target if none actually exists. It is only useful when the application
645 is terminating and shouldn't be used in other situations because it may
646 easily lead to a loss of messages.
648 See also:
649 @li OnLog()
650 @li GetActiveTarget()
651 @li SetActiveTarget()
652 @li DontCreateOnDemand()
653 @li Suspend()
654 @li Resume()
657 @library{wxcore}
658 @category{logging}
660 @see @ref overview_log
661 */
662 class wxLog
663 {
664 public:
665 /**
666 Add the @a mask to the list of allowed masks for wxLogTrace().
668 @see RemoveTraceMask(), GetTraceMasks()
669 */
670 static void AddTraceMask(const wxString& mask);
672 /**
673 Removes all trace masks previously set with AddTraceMask().
675 @see RemoveTraceMask()
676 */
677 static void ClearTraceMasks();
679 /**
680 Disables time stamping of the log messages.
682 @since 2.9.0
683 */
684 static void SetTimestamp(const wxString& format);
686 /**
687 Instructs wxLog to not create new log targets on the fly if there is none
688 currently. (Almost) for internal use only: it is supposed to be called by the
689 application shutdown code.
691 Note that this function also calls ClearTraceMasks().
692 */
693 static void DontCreateOnDemand();
695 /**
696 Shows all the messages currently in buffer and clears it.
697 If the buffer is already empty, nothing happens.
698 */
699 virtual void Flush();
701 /**
702 Flushes the current log target if any, does nothing if there is none.
704 @see Flush()
705 */
706 static void FlushActive();
708 /**
709 Returns the pointer to the active log target (may be @NULL).
710 */
711 static wxLog* GetActiveTarget();
713 /**
714 Returns the current log level limit.
715 */
716 static wxLogLevel GetLogLevel();
718 /**
719 Returns whether the repetition counting mode is enabled.
720 */
721 static bool GetRepetitionCounting();
723 /**
724 Returns the current timestamp format string.
725 */
726 static const wxString GetTimestamp();
728 /**
729 Returns the current trace mask, see Customization() section for details.
730 */
731 static wxTraceMask GetTraceMask();
733 /**
734 Returns the currently allowed list of string trace masks.
736 @see AddTraceMask().
737 */
738 static const wxArrayString GetTraceMasks();
740 /**
741 Returns whether the verbose mode is currently active.
742 */
743 static bool GetVerbose();
745 /**
746 Returns @true if the @a mask is one of allowed masks for wxLogTrace().
748 See also: AddTraceMask(), RemoveTraceMask()
749 */
750 static bool IsAllowedTraceMask(const wxString& mask);
752 /**
753 Forwards the message at specified level to the @e DoLog() function of the
754 active log target if there is any, does nothing otherwise.
755 */
756 static void OnLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxString& message);
758 /**
759 Remove the @a mask from the list of allowed masks for
760 wxLogTrace().
762 @see AddTraceMask()
763 */
764 static void RemoveTraceMask(const wxString& mask);
766 /**
767 Resumes logging previously suspended by a call to Suspend().
768 All messages logged in the meanwhile will be flushed soon.
769 */
770 static void Resume();
772 /**
773 Sets the specified log target as the active one.
775 Returns the pointer to the previous active log target (may be @NULL).
776 To suppress logging use a new instance of wxLogNull not @NULL. If the
777 active log target is set to @NULL a new default log target will be
778 created when logging occurs.
779 */
780 static wxLog* SetActiveTarget(wxLog* logtarget);
782 /**
783 Specifies that log messages with level logLevel should be ignored
784 and not sent to the active log target.
785 */
786 static void SetLogLevel(wxLogLevel logLevel);
788 /**
789 Enables logging mode in which a log message is logged once, and in case exactly
790 the same message successively repeats one or more times, only the number of
791 repetitions is logged.
792 */
793 static void SetRepetitionCounting(bool repetCounting = true);
795 /**
796 Sets the timestamp format prepended by the default log targets to all
797 messages. The string may contain any normal characters as well as %
798 prefixed format specificators, see @e strftime() manual for details.
799 Passing an empty string to this function disables message time stamping.
800 */
801 static void SetTimestamp(const wxString& format);
803 /**
804 Sets the trace mask, see @ref log_derivingyours section for details.
805 */
806 static void SetTraceMask(wxTraceMask mask);
808 /**
809 Activates or deactivates verbose mode in which the verbose messages are
810 logged as the normal ones instead of being silently dropped.
811 */
812 static void SetVerbose(bool verbose = true);
814 /**
815 Suspends the logging until Resume() is called.
817 Note that the latter must be called the same number of times as the former
818 to undo it, i.e. if you call Suspend() twice you must call Resume() twice as well.
820 Note that suspending the logging means that the log sink won't be be flushed
821 periodically, it doesn't have any effect if the current log target does the
822 logging immediately without waiting for Flush() to be called (the standard
823 GUI log target only shows the log dialog when it is flushed, so Suspend()
824 works as expected with it).
826 @see Resume(), wxLogNull
827 */
828 static void Suspend();
830 protected:
832 /**
833 Called to process the message of the specified severity. @a msg is the text
834 of the message as specified in the call of @e wxLogXXX() function which
835 generated it and @a timestamp is the moment when the message was generated.
837 The base class version prepends the timestamp to the message, adds a prefix
838 corresponding to the log level and then calls
839 DoLogString() with the resulting string.
840 */
841 virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxString& msg, time_t timestamp);
843 /**
844 Called to log the specified string. The timestamp is already included in the
845 string but still passed to this function.
847 A simple implementation may just send the string to @c stdout or, better,
848 @c stderr.
849 */
850 virtual void DoLogString(const wxString& msg, time_t timestamp);
851 };
855 /**
856 @class wxLogNull
858 This class allows you to temporarily suspend logging. All calls to the log
859 functions during the life time of an object of this class are just ignored.
861 In particular, it can be used to suppress the log messages given by wxWidgets
862 itself but it should be noted that it is rarely the best way to cope with this
863 problem as @b all log messages are suppressed, even if they indicate a
864 completely different error than the one the programmer wanted to suppress.
866 For instance, the example of the overview:
868 @code
869 wxFile file;
871 // wxFile.Open() normally complains if file can't be opened, we don't want it
872 {
873 wxLogNull logNo;
874 if ( !file.Open("bar") )
875 ... process error ourselves ...
876 } // ~wxLogNull called, old log sink restored
878 wxLogMessage("..."); // ok
879 @endcode
881 would be better written as:
883 @code
884 wxFile file;
886 // don't try to open file if it doesn't exist, we are prepared to deal with
887 // this ourselves - but all other errors are not expected
888 if ( wxFile::Exists("bar") )
889 {
890 // gives an error message if the file couldn't be opened
891 file.Open("bar");
892 }
893 else
894 {
895 ...
896 }
897 @endcode
900 @library{wxbase}
901 @category{logging}
902 */
903 class wxLogNull : public wxLog
904 {
905 public:
906 /**
907 Suspends logging.
908 */
909 wxLogNull();
911 /**
912 Resumes logging.
913 */
914 ~wxLogNull();
915 };
919 // ============================================================================
920 // Global functions/macros
921 // ============================================================================
923 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
924 //@{
926 /**
927 This function shows a message to the user in a safe way and should be safe
928 to call even before the application has been initialized or if it is
929 currently in some other strange state (for example, about to crash). Under
930 Windows this function shows a message box using a native dialog instead of
931 wxMessageBox() (which might be unsafe to call), elsewhere it simply prints
932 the message to the standard output using the title as prefix.
934 @param title
935 The title of the message box shown to the user or the prefix of the
936 message string.
937 @param text
938 The text to show to the user.
940 @see wxLogFatalError()
942 @header{wx/log.h}
943 */
944 void wxSafeShowMessage(const wxString& title, const wxString& text);
946 /**
947 Returns the error code from the last system call. This function uses
948 @c errno on Unix platforms and @c GetLastError under Win32.
950 @see wxSysErrorMsg(), wxLogSysError()
952 @header{wx/log.h}
953 */
954 unsigned long wxSysErrorCode();
956 /**
957 Returns the error message corresponding to the given system error code. If
958 @a errCode is 0 (default), the last error code (as returned by
959 wxSysErrorCode()) is used.
961 @see wxSysErrorCode(), wxLogSysError()
963 @header{wx/log.h}
964 */
965 const wxChar* wxSysErrorMsg(unsigned long errCode = 0);
967 //@}
969 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
970 //@{
971 /**
972 For all normal, informational messages. They also appear in a message box
973 by default (but it can be changed).
975 @header{wx/log.h}
976 */
977 void wxLogMessage(const char* formatString, ... );
978 void wxVLogMessage(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
979 //@}
981 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
982 //@{
983 /**
984 For verbose output. Normally, it is suppressed, but might be activated if
985 the user wishes to know more details about the program progress (another,
986 but possibly confusing name for the same function could be @c wxLogInfo).
988 @header{wx/log.h}
989 */
990 void wxLogVerbose(const char* formatString, ... );
991 void wxVLogVerbose(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
992 //@}
994 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
995 //@{
996 /**
997 For warnings - they are also normally shown to the user, but don't
998 interrupt the program work.
1000 @header{wx/log.h}
1001 */
1002 void wxLogWarning(const char* formatString, ... );
1003 void wxVLogWarning(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1004 //@}
1006 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1007 //@{
1008 /**
1009 Like wxLogError(), but also terminates the program with the exit code 3.
1010 Using @e abort() standard function also terminates the program with this
1011 exit code.
1013 @header{wx/log.h}
1014 */
1015 void wxLogFatalError(const char* formatString, ... );
1016 void wxVLogFatalError(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1017 //@}
1019 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1020 //@{
1021 /**
1022 The functions to use for error messages, i.e. the messages that must be
1023 shown to the user. The default processing is to pop up a message box to
1024 inform the user about it.
1026 @header{wx/log.h}
1027 */
1028 void wxLogError(const char* formatString, ... );
1029 void wxVLogError(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1030 //@}
1032 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1033 //@{
1034 /**
1035 Like wxLogDebug(), trace functions only do something in debug builds and
1036 expand to nothing in the release one. The reason for making it a separate
1037 function is that usually there are a lot of trace messages, so it might
1038 make sense to separate them from other debug messages.
1040 wxLogDebug(const char*,const char*,...) and
1041 wxLogDebug(wxTraceMask,const char*,...) can be used instead if you would
1042 like to be able to separate trace messages into different categories which
1043 can be enabled or disabled with the static functions provided in wxLog.
1045 @header{wx/log.h}
1046 */
1047 void wxLogTrace(const char* formatString, ... );
1048 void wxVLogTrace(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1049 //@}
1051 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1052 //@{
1053 /**
1054 Like wxLogDebug(), trace functions only do something in debug builds and
1055 expand to nothing in the release one. The reason for making it a separate
1056 function is that usually there are a lot of trace messages, so it might
1057 make sense to separate them from other debug messages.
1059 In this version of wxLogTrace(), trace messages can be separated into
1060 different categories and calls using this function only log the message if
1061 the given @a mask is currently enabled in wxLog. This lets you selectively
1062 trace only some operations and not others by enabling the desired trace
1063 masks with wxLog::AddTraceMask() or by setting the
1064 @ref overview_envvars "@c WXTRACE environment variable".
1066 The predefined string trace masks used by wxWidgets are:
1068 @beginDefList
1069 @itemdef{ wxTRACE_MemAlloc, Trace memory allocation (new/delete) }
1070 @itemdef{ wxTRACE_Messages, Trace window messages/X callbacks }
1071 @itemdef{ wxTRACE_ResAlloc, Trace GDI resource allocation }
1072 @itemdef{ wxTRACE_RefCount, Trace various ref counting operations }
1073 @itemdef{ wxTRACE_OleCalls, Trace OLE method calls (Win32 only) }
1074 @endDefList
1076 @note Since both the mask and the format string are strings, this might
1077 lead to function signature confusion in some cases: if you intend to
1078 call the format string only version of wxLogTrace(), add a "%s"
1079 format string parameter and then supply a second string parameter for
1080 that "%s", the string mask version of wxLogTrace() will erroneously
1081 get called instead, since you are supplying two string parameters to
1082 the function. In this case you'll unfortunately have to avoid having
1083 two leading string parameters, e.g. by adding a bogus integer (with
1084 its "%d" format string).
1086 @header{wx/log.h}
1087 */
1088 void wxLogTrace(const char* mask, const char* formatString, ... );
1089 void wxVLogTrace(const char* mask,
1090 const char* formatString,
1091 va_list argPtr);
1092 //@}
1094 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1095 //@{
1096 /**
1097 Like wxLogDebug(), trace functions only do something in debug builds and
1098 expand to nothing in the release one. The reason for making it a separate
1099 function is that usually there are a lot of trace messages, so it might
1100 make sense to separate them from other debug messages.
1102 This version of wxLogTrace() only logs the message if all the bits
1103 corresponding to the @a mask are set in the wxLog trace mask which can be
1104 set by calling wxLog::SetTraceMask(). This version is less flexible than
1105 wxLogDebug(const char*,const char*,...) because it doesn't allow defining
1106 the user trace masks easily. This is why it is deprecated in favour of
1107 using string trace masks.
1109 The following bitmasks are defined for wxTraceMask:
1111 @beginDefList
1112 @itemdef{ wxTraceMemAlloc, Trace memory allocation (new/delete) }
1113 @itemdef{ wxTraceMessages, Trace window messages/X callbacks }
1114 @itemdef{ wxTraceResAlloc, Trace GDI resource allocation }
1115 @itemdef{ wxTraceRefCount, Trace various ref counting operations }
1116 @itemdef{ wxTraceOleCalls, Trace OLE method calls (Win32 only) }
1117 @endDefList
1119 @header{wx/log.h}
1120 */
1121 void wxLogTrace(wxTraceMask mask, const char* formatString, ... );
1122 void wxVLogTrace(wxTraceMask mask, const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1123 //@}
1125 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1126 //@{
1127 /**
1128 The right functions for debug output. They only do something in debug mode
1129 (when the preprocessor symbol @c __WXDEBUG__ is defined) and expand to
1130 nothing in release mode (otherwise).
1132 @header{wx/log.h}
1133 */
1134 void wxLogDebug(const char* formatString, ... );
1135 void wxVLogDebug(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1136 //@}
1138 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1139 //@{
1140 /**
1141 Messages logged by this function will appear in the statusbar of the
1142 @a frame or of the top level application window by default (i.e. when using
1143 the second version of the functions).
1145 If the target frame doesn't have a statusbar, the message will be lost.
1147 @header{wx/log.h}
1148 */
1149 void wxLogStatus(wxFrame* frame, const char* formatString, ... );
1150 void wxVLogStatus(wxFrame* frame, const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1151 void wxLogStatus(const char* formatString, ... );
1152 void wxVLogStatus(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1153 //@}
1155 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_log */
1156 //@{
1157 /**
1158 Mostly used by wxWidgets itself, but might be handy for logging errors
1159 after system call (API function) failure. It logs the specified message
1160 text as well as the last system error code (@e errno or @e ::GetLastError()
1161 depending on the platform) and the corresponding error message. The second
1162 form of this function takes the error code explicitly as the first
1163 argument.
1165 @see wxSysErrorCode(), wxSysErrorMsg()
1167 @header{wx/log.h}
1168 */
1169 void wxLogSysError(const char* formatString, ... );
1170 void wxVLogSysError(const char* formatString, va_list argPtr);
1171 //@}