]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/arrstr.h
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[wxWidgets.git] / interface / arrstr.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: arrstr.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxArrayString
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @todo
11 the following functions are not documented; do they need to be?
12 WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE int wxCMPFUNC_CONV wxStringSortAscending(wxString*, wxString*);
13 WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE int wxCMPFUNC_CONV wxStringSortDescending(wxString*, wxString*);
14 */
16 /**
17 @class wxArrayString
18 @wxheader{arrstr.h}
20 wxArrayString is an efficient container for storing wxString objects.
22 It has the same features as all wxArray classes, i.e. it dynamically expands
23 when new items are added to it (so it is as easy to use as a linked list),
24 but the access time to the elements is constant, instead of being linear in
25 number of elements as in the case of linked lists. It is also very size
26 efficient and doesn't take more space than a C array @e wxString[] type
27 (wxArrayString uses its knowledge of internals of wxString class to achieve this).
29 This class is used in the same way as other dynamic arrays(), except that no
30 ::WX_DEFINE_ARRAY declaration is needed for it.
31 When a string is added or inserted in the array, a copy of the string is created,
32 so the original string may be safely deleted (e.g. if it was a @e wxChar *
33 pointer the memory it was using can be freed immediately after this).
34 In general, there is no need to worry about string memory deallocation when using
35 this class - it will always free the memory it uses itself.
37 The references returned by wxArrayString::Item, wxArrayString::Last or
38 wxArrayString::operator[] are not constant, so the array elements may
39 be modified in place like this:
41 @code
42 array.Last().MakeUpper();
43 @endcode
45 @note none of the methods of wxArrayString is virtual including its
46 destructor, so this class should not be used as a base class.
48 Although this is not true strictly speaking, this class may be considered as
49 a specialization of wxArray class for the wxString member data: it is not
50 implemented like this, but it does have all of the wxArray functions.
52 @todo what about stl? how does it integrate?
54 @library{wxbase}
55 @category{containers}
57 @see wxArray, wxString, @ref overview_string
58 */
59 class wxArrayString : public wxArray
60 {
61 public:
62 /**
63 Default constructor.
64 */
65 wxArrayString();
67 /**
68 Copy constructor.
69 */
70 wxArrayString(const wxArrayString& array);
72 //@{
73 /**
74 Constructor from a C string array. Pass a size @a sz and an array @a arr.
75 **/
76 wxArrayString(size_t sz, const char** arr);
77 wxArrayString(size_t sz, const wchar_t** arr);
78 //@}
80 /**
81 Constructor from a wxString array. Pass a size @a sz and array @a arr.
82 */
83 wxArrayString(size_t sz, const wxString* arr);
85 /**
86 Destructor frees memory occupied by the array strings. For performance
87 reasons it is not virtual, so this class should not be derived from.
88 */
89 ~wxArrayString();
91 /**
92 Appends the given number of @a copies of the new item @a str to the
93 array and returns the index of the first new item in the array.
95 @see Insert()
96 */
97 size_t Add(const wxString& str, size_t copies = 1);
99 /**
100 Preallocates enough memory to store @a nCount items. This function may be
101 used to improve array class performance before adding a known number of items
102 consecutively.
104 @todo FIX THIS LINK
106 @see @ref wxArray::memorymanagement "Dynamic array memory management"
107 */
108 void Alloc(size_t nCount);
110 /**
111 Clears the array contents and frees memory.
113 @see Empty()
114 */
115 void Clear();
117 /**
118 Empties the array: after a call to this function GetCount() will return 0.
119 However, this function does not free the memory used by the array and so
120 should be used when the array is going to be reused for storing other strings.
121 Otherwise, you should use Clear() to empty the array and free memory.
122 */
123 void Empty();
125 /**
126 Returns the number of items in the array.
127 */
128 size_t GetCount() const;
130 /**
131 Search the element in the array, starting from the beginning if @a bFromEnd
132 is @false or from end otherwise. If @a bCase, comparison is case sensitive
133 (default), otherwise the case is ignored.
135 This function uses linear search for wxArrayString.
136 Returns index of the first item matched or @c wxNOT_FOUND if there is no match.
137 */
138 int Index(const wxString& sz, bool bCase = true, bool bFromEnd = false) const;
140 /**
141 Insert the given number of @a copies of the new element in the array before the
142 position @a nIndex. Thus, for example, to insert the string in the beginning of
143 the array you would write:
145 @code
146 Insert("foo", 0);
147 @endcode
149 If @a nIndex is equal to GetCount() this function behaves as Add().
150 */
151 void Insert(const wxString& str, size_t nIndex,
152 size_t copies = 1);
154 /**
155 Returns @true if the array is empty, @false otherwise. This function returns the
156 same result as GetCount() == 0 but is probably easier to read.
157 */
158 bool IsEmpty() const;
160 /**
161 Return the array element at position @a nIndex. An assert failure will
162 result from an attempt to access an element beyond the end of array in debug
163 mode, but no check is done in release mode.
165 @see operator[] for the operator version.
166 */
167 wxString& Item(size_t nIndex) const;
169 /**
170 Returns the last element of the array. Attempt to access the last element of
171 an empty array will result in assert failure in debug build, however no checks
172 are done in release mode.
173 */
174 wxString& Last() const;
176 /**
177 Removes the first item matching this value. An assert failure is provoked by
178 an attempt to remove an element which does not exist in debug build.
180 @see Index()
181 */
182 void Remove(const wxString& sz);
184 /**
185 Removes @a count items starting at position @a nIndex from the array.
186 */
187 void RemoveAt(size_t nIndex, size_t count = 1);
189 /**
190 Releases the extra memory allocated by the array. This function is useful to
191 minimize the array memory consumption.
193 @todo FIX THIS LINK
195 @see Alloc(), @ref wxArray::memorymanagement "Dynamic array memory
196 management"
197 */
198 void Shrink();
200 /**
201 Sorts the array in alphabetical order or in reverse alphabetical order if
202 @a reverseOrder is @true. The sort is case-sensitive.
203 */
204 void Sort(bool reverseOrder = false);
206 /**
207 Sorts the array using the specified @a compareFunction for item comparison.
208 @a CompareFunction is defined as a function taking two @e const wxString
209 parameters and returning an @e int value less than, equal to or greater
210 than 0 if the first string is less than, equal to or greater than the
211 second one.
213 Example:
214 The following example sorts strings by their length.
216 @code
217 static int CompareStringLen(const wxString& first, const wxString& second)
218 {
219 return first.length() - second.length();
220 }
222 ...
224 wxArrayString array;
226 array.Add("one");
227 array.Add("two");
228 array.Add("three");
229 array.Add("four");
231 array.Sort(CompareStringLen);
232 @endcode
233 */
234 void Sort(CompareFunction compareFunction);
236 /**
237 Compares 2 arrays respecting the case. Returns @true if the arrays have
238 different number of elements or if the elements don't match pairwise.
239 */
240 bool operator !=(const wxArrayString& array) const;
242 /**
243 Assignment operator.
244 */
245 wxArrayString& operator=(const wxArrayString&);
247 /**
248 Compares 2 arrays respecting the case. Returns @true only if the arrays have
249 the same number of elements and the same strings in the same order.
250 */
251 bool operator ==(const wxArrayString& array) const;
253 /**
254 Return the array element at position @a nIndex. An assert failure will
255 result from an attempt to access an element beyond the end of array in
256 debug mode, but no check is done in release mode.
258 This is the operator version of the Item() method.
259 */
260 wxString& operator[](size_t nIndex) const;
261 };
264 /**
265 @class wxSortedArrayString
266 @wxheader{arrstr.h}
268 wxSortedArrayString is an efficient container for storing wxString objects
269 which always keeps the string in alphabetical order.
271 wxSortedArrayString uses binary search in its wxArrayString::Index() function
272 (instead of linear search for wxArrayString::Index()) which makes it much more
273 efficient if you add strings to the array rarely (because, of course, you have
274 to pay for Index() efficiency by having Add() be slower) but search for them
275 often. Several methods should not be used with sorted array (basically, all
276 those which break the order of items) which is mentioned in their description.
278 @todo what about STL? who does it integrates?
280 @library{wxbase}
281 @category{containers}
283 @see wxArray, wxString, @ref overview_string
284 */
285 class wxSortedArrayString : public wxArrayString
286 {
287 public:
289 /**
290 Copy constructor. Note that when an array is assigned to a sorted array,
291 its contents is automatically sorted during construction.
292 */
293 wxArrayString(const wxArrayString& array);
295 /**
296 @copydoc wxArrayString::Add()
298 @warning
299 For sorted arrays, the index of the inserted item will not be, in general,
300 equal to GetCount() - 1 because the item is inserted at the correct position
301 to keep the array sorted and not appended.
302 */
303 size_t Add(const wxString& str, size_t copies = 1);
306 /**
307 @copydoc wxArrayString::Index()
309 This function uses binary search for wxSortedArrayString, but it ignores
310 the @a bCase and @a bFromEnd parameters.
311 */
312 int Index(const wxString& sz, bool bCase = true,
313 bool bFromEnd = false);
315 /**
316 @warning this function should not be used with sorted arrays because it
317 could break the order of items and, for example, subsequent calls
318 to Index() would then not work!
319 */
320 void Insert(const wxString& str, size_t nIndex,
321 size_t copies = 1);
323 //@{
324 /**
325 @warning this function should not be used with sorted array because it could
326 break the order of items and, for example, subsequent calls to Index()
327 would then not work! Also, sorting a wxSortedArrayString doesn't make
328 sense because its elements are always already sorted.
329 */
330 void Sort(bool reverseOrder = false);
331 void Sort(CompareFunction compareFunction);
332 //@}
333 };
336 // ============================================================================
337 // Global functions/macros
338 // ============================================================================
340 /** @ingroup group_funcmacro_string */
341 //@{
343 /**
344 Splits the given wxString object using the separator @a sep and returns the
345 result as a wxArrayString.
347 If the @a escape character is non-@NULL, then the occurrences of @a sep
348 immediately prefixed with @a escape are not considered as separators.
349 Note that empty tokens will be generated if there are two or more adjacent
350 separators.
352 @see wxJoin()
354 @header{wx/arrstr.h}
355 */
356 wxArrayString wxSplit(const wxString& str, const wxChar sep,
357 const wxChar escape = '\\');
359 /**
360 Concatenate all lines of the given wxArrayString object using the separator
361 @a sep and returns the result as a wxString.
363 If the @a escape character is non-@NULL, then it's used as prefix for each
364 occurrence of @a sep in the strings contained in @a arr before joining them
365 which is necessary in order to be able to recover the original array
366 contents from the string later using wxSplit().
368 @see wxSplit()
370 @header{wx/arrstr.h}
371 */
372 wxString wxJoin(const wxArrayString& arr, const wxChar sep,
373 const wxChar escape = '\\');
375 //@}