]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/wx/config.h
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[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / config.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: config.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxConfigBase
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows licence
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 // Flags for constructor style parameter
11 enum
12 {
18 };
21 /**
22 @class wxConfigBase
24 wxConfigBase defines the basic interface of all config classes. It cannot
25 be used by itself (it is an abstract base class) and you will always use
26 one of its derivations: wxFileConfig, wxRegConfig or any other.
28 However, usually you don't even need to know the precise nature of the
29 class you're working with but you would just use the wxConfigBase methods.
30 This allows you to write the same code regardless of whether you're working
31 with the registry under Windows or text-based config files under Unix.
32 To make writing the portable code even easier, wxWidgets provides a typedef
33 wxConfig which is mapped onto the native wxConfigBase implementation on the
34 given platform: i.e. wxRegConfig under Windows and wxFileConfig otherwise.
36 See @ref overview_config for a description of all features of this class.
38 It is highly recommended to use static functions Get() and/or Set(), so
39 please have a look at them.
41 Related Include Files:
43 @li @c <wx/config.h> - Let wxWidgets choose a wxConfig class for your
44 platform.
45 @li @c <wx/confbase.h> - Base config class.
46 @li @c <wx/fileconf.h> - wxFileConfig class.
47 @li @c <wx/msw/regconf.h> - wxRegConfig class, see also wxRegKey.
50 @section configbase_example Example
52 Here is how you would typically use this class:
54 @code
55 // using wxConfig instead of writing wxFileConfig or wxRegConfig enhances
56 // portability of the code
57 wxConfig *config = new wxConfig("MyAppName");
59 wxString str;
60 if ( config->Read("LastPrompt", &str) ) {
61 // last prompt was found in the config file/registry and its value is
62 // now in str
63 // ...
64 }
65 else {
66 // no last prompt...
67 }
69 // another example: using default values and the full path instead of just
70 // key name: if the key is not found , the value 17 is returned
71 long value = config->ReadLong("/LastRun/CalculatedValues/MaxValue", 17);
73 // at the end of the program we would save everything back
74 config->Write("LastPrompt", str);
75 config->Write("/LastRun/CalculatedValues/MaxValue", value);
77 // the changes will be written back automatically
78 delete config;
79 @endcode
81 This basic example, of course, doesn't show all wxConfig features, such as
82 enumerating, testing for existence and deleting the entries and groups of
83 entries in the config file, its abilities to automatically store the
84 default values or expand the environment variables on the fly. However, the
85 main idea is that using this class is easy and that it should normally do
86 what you expect it to.
88 @note In the documentation of this class, the words "config file" also mean
89 "registry hive" for wxRegConfig and, generally speaking, might mean
90 any physical storage where a wxConfigBase-derived class stores its
91 data.
94 @section configbase_static Static Functions
96 The static functions provided deal with the "default" config object.
97 Although its usage is not at all mandatory it may be convenient to use a
98 global config object instead of creating and deleting the local config
99 objects each time you need one (especially because creating a wxFileConfig
100 object might be a time consuming operation). In this case, you may create
101 this global config object in the very start of the program and Set() it as
102 the default. Then, from anywhere in your program, you may access it using
103 the Get() function. This global wxConfig object will be deleted by
104 wxWidgets automatically if it exists. Note that this implies that if you do
105 delete this object yourself (usually in wxApp::OnExit()) you must use
106 Set(@NULL) to prevent wxWidgets from deleting it the second time.
108 As it happens, you may even further simplify the procedure described above:
109 you may forget about calling Set(). When Get() is called and there is no
110 current object, it will create one using Create() function. To disable this
111 behaviour DontCreateOnDemand() is provided.
113 @note You should use either Set() or Get() because wxWidgets library itself
114 would take advantage of it and could save various information in it.
115 For example wxFontMapper or Unix version of wxFileDialog have the
116 ability to use wxConfig class.
119 @section configbase_paths Path Management
121 As explained in the @ref overview_config "config overview", the config
122 classes support a file system-like hierarchy of keys (files) and groups
123 (directories). As in the file system case, to specify a key in the config
124 class you must use a path to it. Config classes also support the notion of
125 the current group, which makes it possible to use the relative paths. To
126 clarify all this, here is an example (it is only for the sake of
127 demonstration, it doesn't do anything sensible!):
129 @code
130 wxConfig *config = new wxConfig("FooBarApp");
132 // right now the current path is '/'
133 conf->Write("RootEntry", 1);
135 // go to some other place: if the group(s) don't exist, they will be created
136 conf->SetPath("/Group/Subgroup");
138 // create an entry in subgroup
139 conf->Write("SubgroupEntry", 3);
141 // '..' is understood
142 conf->Write("../GroupEntry", 2);
143 conf->SetPath("..");
145 wxASSERT( conf->ReadLong("Subgroup/SubgroupEntry", 0) == 3 );
147 // use absolute path: it is allowed, too
148 wxASSERT( conf->ReadLong("/RootEntry", 0) == 1 );
149 @endcode
151 It is highly recommended that you restore the path to its old value on
152 function exit:
154 @code
155 void foo(wxConfigBase *config)
156 {
157 wxString strOldPath = config->GetPath();
159 config->SetPath("/Foo/Data");
160 // ...
162 config->SetPath(strOldPath);
163 }
164 @endcode
166 Otherwise the assert in the following example will surely fail (we suppose
167 here that the foo() function is the same as above except that it doesn’t
168 save and restore the path):
170 @code
171 void bar(wxConfigBase *config)
172 {
173 config->Write("Test", 17);
175 foo(config);
177 // we're reading "/Foo/Data/Test" here! -1 will probably be returned...
178 wxASSERT( config->ReadLong("Test", -1) == 17 );
179 }
180 @endcode
182 Finally, the path separator in wxConfigBase and derived classes is always
183 "/", regardless of the platform (i.e. it is not "\\" under Windows).
186 @section configbase_enumeration Enumeration
188 The enumeration functions allow you to enumerate all entries and groups in
189 the config file. All functions here return @false when there are no more
190 items.
192 You must pass the same index to GetNext() and GetFirst() (don't modify it).
193 Please note that it is not the index of the current item (you will have
194 some great surprises with wxRegConfig if you assume this) and you shouldn't
195 even look at it: it is just a "cookie" which stores the state of the
196 enumeration. It can't be stored inside the class because it would prevent
197 you from running several enumerations simultaneously, that's why you must
198 pass it explicitly.
200 Having said all this, enumerating the config entries/groups is very simple:
202 @code
203 wxConfigBase *config = ...;
204 wxArrayString aNames;
206 // enumeration variables
207 wxString str;
208 long dummy;
210 // first enum all entries
211 bool bCont = config->GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
212 while ( bCont ) {
213 aNames.Add(str);
215 bCont = GetConfig()->GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
216 }
218 // ... we have all entry names in aNames...
220 // now all groups...
221 bCont = GetConfig()->GetFirstGroup(str, dummy);
222 while ( bCont ) {
223 aNames.Add(str);
225 bCont = GetConfig()->GetNextGroup(str, dummy);
226 }
228 // ... we have all group (and entry) names in aNames...
229 @endcode
231 There are also functions to get the number of entries/subgroups without
232 actually enumerating them, but you will probably never need them.
235 @section configbase_keyaccess Key Access
237 The key access functions are the core of wxConfigBase class: they allow you
238 to read and write config file data. All Read() functions take a default
239 value which will be returned if the specified key is not found in the
240 config file.
242 Currently, supported types of data are: wxString, @c long, @c double,
243 @c bool, wxColour and any other types for which the functions
244 wxToString() and wxFromString() are defined.
246 Try not to read long values into string variables and vice versa:
247 although it just might work with wxFileConfig, you will get a system
248 error with wxRegConfig because in the Windows registry the different
249 types of entries are indeed used.
251 Final remark: the @a szKey parameter for all these functions can
252 contain an arbitrary path (either relative or absolute), not just the
253 key name.
255 @library{wxbase}
256 @category{cfg}
258 @see wxConfigPathChanger
259 */
260 class wxConfigBase : public wxObject
261 {
262 public:
263 /**
264 This is the default and only constructor of the wxConfigBase class, and
265 derived classes.
267 @param appName
268 The application name. If this is empty, the class will normally use
269 wxApp::GetAppName() to set it. The application name is used in the
270 registry key on Windows, and can be used to deduce the local
271 filename parameter if that is missing.
272 @param vendorName
273 The vendor name. If this is empty, it is assumed that no vendor
274 name is wanted, if this is optional for the current config class.
275 The vendor name is appended to the application name for
276 wxRegConfig.
277 @param localFilename
278 Some config classes require a local filename. If this is not
279 present, but required, the application name will be used instead.
280 @param globalFilename
281 Some config classes require a global filename. If this is not
282 present, but required, the application name will be used instead.
283 @param style
284 Can be one of @c wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE and @c wxCONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE.
285 @n The style interpretation depends on the config class and is ignored
286 by some implementations. For wxFileConfig, these styles determine
287 whether a local or global config file is created or used: if
288 @c wxCONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE is used, then settings are read from the
289 global config file and if @c wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE is used, settings
290 are read from and written to local config file (if they are both
291 set, global file is read first, then local file, overwriting global
292 settings). If the flag is present but the parameter is empty, the
293 parameter will be set to a default. If the parameter is present but
294 the style flag not, the relevant flag will be added to the style.
295 For wxRegConfig, the GLOBAL flag refers to the @c HKLM key while LOCAL
296 one is for the usual @c HKCU one.
297 @n For wxFileConfig you can also add @c wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH by
298 logically or'ing it to either of the _FILE options to tell
299 wxFileConfig to use relative instead of absolute paths.
300 @n On non-VMS Unix systems, the default local configuration file is
301 "~/.appname". However, this path may be also used as user data
302 directory (see wxStandardPaths::GetUserDataDir()) if the
303 application has several data files. In this case
304 @c wxCONFIG_USE_SUBDIR flag, which changes the default local
305 configuration file to "~/.appname/appname" should be used. Notice
306 that this flag is ignored if @a localFilename is provided.
307 @c wxCONFIG_USE_SUBDIR is new since wxWidgets version 2.8.2.
308 @n For wxFileConfig, you can also add
309 @c wxCONFIG_USE_NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS which will turn off character
310 escaping for the values of entries stored in the config file: for
311 example a foo key with some backslash characters will be stored as
312 "foo=C:\mydir" instead of the usual storage of "foo=C:\\mydir".
313 @n The @c wxCONFIG_USE_NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS style can be helpful if your
314 config file must be read or written to by a non-wxWidgets program
315 (which might not understand the escape characters). Note, however,
316 that if @c wxCONFIG_USE_NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS style is used, it is
317 now your application's responsibility to ensure that there is no
318 newline or other illegal characters in a value, before writing that
319 value to the file.
320 @param conv
321 This parameter is only used by wxFileConfig when compiled in
322 Unicode mode. It specifies the encoding in which the configuration
323 file is written.
325 @remarks By default, environment variable expansion is on and recording
326 defaults is off.
327 */
328 wxConfigBase(const wxString& appName = wxEmptyString,
329 const wxString& vendorName = wxEmptyString,
330 const wxString& localFilename = wxEmptyString,
331 const wxString& globalFilename = wxEmptyString,
332 long style = 0,
333 const wxMBConv& conv = wxConvAuto());
335 /**
336 Empty but ensures that dtor of all derived classes is virtual.
337 */
338 virtual ~wxConfigBase();
341 /**
342 @name Path Management
344 See @ref configbase_paths
345 */
346 //@{
348 /**
349 Retrieve the current path (always as absolute path).
350 */
351 virtual const wxString& GetPath() const = 0;
353 /**
354 Set current path: if the first character is '/', it is the absolute
355 path, otherwise it is a relative path. '..' is supported. If @a strPath
356 doesn't exist, it is created.
358 @see wxConfigPathChanger
359 */
360 virtual void SetPath(const wxString& strPath) = 0;
362 //@}
365 /**
366 @name Enumeration
368 See @ref configbase_enumeration
369 */
370 //@{
372 /**
373 Gets the first entry.
375 @beginWxPerlOnly
376 In wxPerl this method takes no parameters and returns a 3-element
377 list (continue_flag, string, index_for_getnextentry).
378 @endWxPerlOnly
379 */
380 virtual bool GetFirstEntry(wxString& str, long& index) const = 0;
382 /**
383 Gets the first group.
385 @beginWxPerlOnly
386 In wxPerl this method takes no parameters and returns a 3-element
387 list (continue_flag, string, index_for_getnextentry).
388 @endWxPerlOnly
389 */
390 virtual bool GetFirstGroup(wxString& str, long& index) const = 0;
392 /**
393 Gets the next entry.
395 @beginWxPerlOnly
396 In wxPerl this method only takes the @a index parameter and
397 returns a 3-element list (continue_flag, string,
398 index_for_getnextentry).
399 @endWxPerlOnly
400 */
401 virtual bool GetNextEntry(wxString& str, long& index) const = 0;
403 /**
404 Gets the next group.
406 @beginWxPerlOnly
407 In wxPerl this method only takes the @a index parameter and
408 returns a 3-element list (continue_flag, string,
409 index_for_getnextentry).
410 @endWxPerlOnly
411 */
412 virtual bool GetNextGroup(wxString& str, long& index) const = 0;
414 /**
415 Get number of entries in the current group.
416 */
417 virtual size_t GetNumberOfEntries(bool bRecursive = false) const = 0;
419 /**
420 Get number of entries/subgroups in the current group, with or without
421 its subgroups.
422 */
423 virtual size_t GetNumberOfGroups(bool bRecursive = false) const = 0;
425 //@}
428 enum EntryType
429 {
430 Type_Unknown,
431 Type_String,
432 Type_Boolean,
433 Type_Integer,
434 Type_Float
435 };
437 /**
438 @name Tests of Existence
439 */
440 //@{
442 /**
443 @return @true if either a group or an entry with a given name exists.
444 */
445 bool Exists(const wxString& strName) const;
447 /**
448 Returns the type of the given entry or @e Unknown if the entry doesn't
449 exist. This function should be used to decide which version of Read()
450 should be used because some of wxConfig implementations will complain
451 about type mismatch otherwise: e.g., an attempt to read a string value
452 from an integer key with wxRegConfig will fail.
453 */
454 virtual wxConfigBase::EntryType GetEntryType(const wxString& name) const;
456 /**
457 @return @true if the entry by this name exists.
458 */
459 virtual bool HasEntry(const wxString& strName) const = 0;
461 /**
462 @return @true if the group by this name exists.
463 */
464 virtual bool HasGroup(const wxString& strName) const = 0;
466 //@}
469 /**
470 @name Miscellaneous Functions
471 */
472 //@{
474 /**
475 Returns the application name.
476 */
477 wxString GetAppName() const;
479 /**
480 Returns the vendor name.
481 */
482 wxString GetVendorName() const;
484 //@}
487 /**
488 @name Key Access
490 See @ref configbase_keyaccess
491 */
492 //@{
494 /**
495 Permanently writes all changes (otherwise, they're only written from
496 object's destructor).
497 */
498 virtual bool Flush(bool bCurrentOnly = false) = 0;
500 /**
501 Read a string from the key, returning @true if the value was read. If
502 the key was not found, @a str is not changed.
504 @beginWxPerlOnly
505 Not supported by wxPerl.
506 @endWxPerlOnly
507 */
508 bool Read(const wxString& key, wxString* str) const;
509 /**
510 Read a string from the key. The default value is returned if the key
511 was not found.
513 @return @true if value was really read, @false if the default was used.
515 @beginWxPerlOnly
516 Not supported by wxPerl.
517 @endWxPerlOnly
518 */
519 bool Read(const wxString& key, wxString* str,
520 const wxString& defaultVal) const;
521 /**
522 Another version of Read(), returning the string value directly.
524 @beginWxPerlOnly
525 In wxPerl, this can be called as:
526 - Read(key): returns the empty string if no key is found
527 - Read(key, default): returns the default value if no key is found
528 @endWxPerlOnly
529 */
530 const wxString Read(const wxString& key,
531 const wxString& defaultVal) const;
532 /**
533 Reads a long value, returning @true if the value was found. If the
534 value was not found, @a l is not changed.
536 @beginWxPerlOnly
537 Not supported by wxPerl.
538 @endWxPerlOnly
539 */
540 bool Read(const wxString& key, long* l) const;
541 /**
542 Reads a long value, returning @true if the value was found. If the
543 value was not found, @a defaultVal is used instead.
545 @beginWxPerlOnly
546 In wxPerl, this can be called as:
547 - ReadInt(key): returns the 0 if no key is found
548 - ReadInt(key, default): returns the default value if no key is found
549 @endWxPerlOnly
550 */
551 bool Read(const wxString& key, long* l,
552 long defaultVal) const;
553 /**
554 Reads a double value, returning @true if the value was found. If the
555 value was not found, @a d is not changed.
557 @beginWxPerlOnly
558 Not supported by wxPerl.
559 @endWxPerlOnly
560 */
561 bool Read(const wxString& key, double* d) const;
562 /**
563 Reads a double value, returning @true if the value was found. If the
564 value was not found, @a defaultVal is used instead.
566 @beginWxPerlOnly
567 In wxPerl, this can be called as:
568 - ReadFloat(key): returns the 0.0 if no key is found
569 - ReadFloat(key, default): returns the default value if no key is found
570 @endWxPerlOnly
571 */
572 bool Read(const wxString& key, double* d,
573 double defaultVal) const;
575 /**
576 Reads a float value, returning @true if the value was found.
578 If the value was not found, @a f is not changed.
580 Notice that the value is read as a double but must be in a valid range
581 for floats for the function to return @true.
583 @since 2.9.1
585 @beginWxPerlOnly
586 Not supported by wxPerl.
587 @endWxPerlOnly
588 */
589 bool Read(const wxString& key, float* f) const;
590 /**
591 Reads a float value, returning @true if the value was found.
593 If the value was not found, @a defaultVal is used instead.
595 Notice that the value is read as a double but must be in a valid range
596 for floats for the function to return @true.
598 @since 2.9.1
600 @beginWxPerlOnly
601 Not supported by wxPerl.
602 @endWxPerlOnly
603 */
604 bool Read(const wxString& key, float* f, float defaultVal) const;
606 /**
607 Reads a boolean value, returning @true if the value was found. If the
608 value was not found, @a b is not changed.
610 @since 2.9.1
612 @beginWxPerlOnly
613 Not supported by wxPerl.
614 @endWxPerlOnly
615 */
616 bool Read(const wxString& key, bool* b) const;
617 /**
618 Reads a boolean value, returning @true if the value was found. If the
619 value was not found, @a defaultVal is used instead.
621 @beginWxPerlOnly
622 In wxPerl, this can be called as:
623 - ReadBool(key): returns false if no key is found
624 - ReadBool(key, default): returns the default value if no key is found
625 @endWxPerlOnly
626 */
627 bool Read(const wxString& key, bool* d,
628 bool defaultVal) const;
629 /**
630 Reads a binary block, returning @true if the value was found. If the
631 value was not found, @a buf is not changed.
632 */
633 bool Read(const wxString& key, wxMemoryBuffer* buf) const;
634 /**
635 Reads a value of type T, for which function wxFromString() is defined,
636 returning @true if the value was found. If the value was not found,
637 @a value is not changed.
638 */
639 bool Read(const wxString& key, T* value) const;
640 /**
641 Reads a value of type T, for which function wxFromString() is defined,
642 returning @true if the value was found. If the value was not found,
643 @a defaultVal is used instead.
644 */
645 bool Read(const wxString& key, T* value,
646 const T& defaultVal) const;
648 /**
649 Reads a bool value from the key and returns it. @a defaultVal is
650 returned if the key is not found.
651 */
652 bool ReadBool(const wxString& key, bool defaultVal) const;
654 /**
655 Reads a double value from the key and returns it. @a defaultVal is
656 returned if the key is not found.
657 */
658 double ReadDouble(const wxString& key, double defaultVal) const;
660 /**
661 Reads a long value from the key and returns it. @a defaultVal is
662 returned if the key is not found.
663 */
664 long ReadLong(const wxString& key, long defaultVal) const;
666 /**
667 Reads a value of type T (for which the function wxFromString() must be
668 defined) from the key and returns it. @a defaultVal is returned if the
669 key is not found.
670 */
671 T ReadObject(const wxString& key, T const& defaultVal) const;
673 /**
674 Writes the wxString value to the config file and returns @true on
675 success.
676 */
677 bool Write(const wxString& key, const wxString& value);
678 /**
679 Writes the long value to the config file and returns @true on success.
680 */
681 bool Write(const wxString& key, long value);
682 /**
683 Writes the double value to the config file and returns @true on
684 success.
686 Notice that if floating point numbers are saved as strings (as is the
687 case with the configuration files used by wxFileConfig), this function
688 uses the C locale for writing out the number, i.e. it will always use a
689 period as the decimal separator, irrespectively of the current locale.
690 This behaviour is new since wxWidgets 2.9.1 as the current locale was
691 used before, but the change should be transparent because both C and
692 current locales are tried when reading the numbers back.
693 */
694 bool Write(const wxString& key, double value);
695 /**
696 Writes the bool value to the config file and returns @true on success.
697 */
698 bool Write(const wxString& key, bool value);
699 /**
700 Writes the wxMemoryBuffer value to the config file and returns @true on
701 success.
702 */
703 bool Write(const wxString& key, const wxMemoryBuffer& buf);
704 /**
705 Writes the specified value to the config file and returns @true on
706 success. The function wxToString() must be defined for type @e T.
707 */
708 bool Write(const wxString& key, T const& buf);
710 //@}
713 /**
714 @name Rename Entries/Groups
716 These functions allow renaming entries or subgroups of the current
717 group. They will return @false on error, typically because either the
718 entry/group with the original name doesn't exist, because the
719 entry/group with the new name already exists or because the function is
720 not supported in this wxConfig implementation.
721 */
722 //@{
724 /**
725 Renames an entry in the current group. The entries names (both the old
726 and the new one) shouldn't contain backslashes, i.e. only simple names
727 and not arbitrary paths are accepted by this function.
729 @return @false if @a oldName doesn't exist or if @a newName already
730 exists.
731 */
732 virtual bool RenameEntry(const wxString& oldName,
733 const wxString& newName) = 0;
735 /**
736 Renames a subgroup of the current group. The subgroup names (both the
737 old and the new one) shouldn't contain backslashes, i.e. only simple
738 names and not arbitrary paths are accepted by this function.
740 @return @false if @a oldName doesn't exist or if @a newName already
741 exists.
742 */
743 virtual bool RenameGroup(const wxString& oldName,
744 const wxString& newName) = 0;
746 //@}
749 /**
750 @name Delete Entries/Groups
752 These functions delete entries and/or groups of entries from the config
753 file. DeleteAll() is especially useful if you want to erase all traces
754 of your program presence: for example, when you uninstall it.
755 */
756 //@{
758 /**
759 Delete the whole underlying object (disk file, registry key, ...).
760 Primarily for use by uninstallation routine.
761 */
762 virtual bool DeleteAll() = 0;
764 /**
765 Deletes the specified entry and the group it belongs to if it was the
766 last key in it and the second parameter is @true.
767 */
768 virtual bool DeleteEntry(const wxString& key,
769 bool bDeleteGroupIfEmpty = true) = 0;
771 /**
772 Delete the group (with all subgroups). If the current path is under the
773 group being deleted it is changed to its deepest still existing
774 component. E.g. if the current path is @c "/A/B/C/D" and the group @c C
775 is deleted, the path becomes @c "/A/B".
776 */
777 virtual bool DeleteGroup(const wxString& key) = 0;
779 //@}
782 /**
783 @name Options
785 Some aspects of wxConfigBase behaviour can be changed during run-time.
786 The first of them is the expansion of environment variables in the
787 string values read from the config file: for example, if you have the
788 following in your config file:
790 @code
791 # config file for my program
792 UserData = $HOME/data
794 # the following syntax is valud only under Windows
795 UserData = %windir%\\data.dat
796 @endcode
798 The call to Read("UserData") will return something like
799 @c "/home/zeitlin/data" on linux for example.
801 Although this feature is very useful, it may be annoying if you read a
802 value which containts '$' or '%' symbols (% is used for environment
803 variables expansion under Windows) which are not used for environment
804 variable expansion. In this situation you may call
805 SetExpandEnvVars(@false) just before reading this value and
806 SetExpandEnvVars(@true) just after. Another solution would be to prefix
807 the offending symbols with a backslash.
808 */
809 //@{
811 /**
812 Returns @true if we are expanding environment variables in key values.
813 */
814 bool IsExpandingEnvVars() const;
816 /**
817 Returns @true if we are writing defaults back to the config file.
818 */
819 bool IsRecordingDefaults() const;
821 /**
822 Determine whether we wish to expand environment variables in key
823 values.
824 */
825 void SetExpandEnvVars(bool bDoIt = true);
827 /**
828 Sets whether defaults are recorded to the config file whenever an
829 attempt to read the value which is not present in it is done.
831 If on (default is off) all default values for the settings used by the
832 program are written back to the config file. This allows the user to
833 see what config options may be changed and is probably useful only for
834 wxFileConfig.
835 */
836 void SetRecordDefaults(bool bDoIt = true);
838 //@}
841 /**
842 Create a new config object and sets it as the current one.
844 This function will create the most appropriate implementation of
845 wxConfig available for the current platform. By default this means that
846 the system registry will be used for storing the configuration
847 information under MSW and a file under the user home directory (see
848 wxStandardPaths::GetUserConfigDir()) elsewhere.
850 If you prefer to use the configuration files everywhere, you can define
851 @c wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE to 0 when compiling wxWidgets. Or you can simply
852 always create wxFileConfig explicitly.
854 Finally, if you want to create a custom wxConfig subclass you may
855 change this function behaviour by overriding wxAppTraits::CreateConfig()
856 to create it. An example when this could be useful could be an
857 application which could be installed either normally (in which case the
858 default behaviour of using wxRegConfig is appropriate) or in a
859 "portable" way in which case a wxFileConfig with a file in the program
860 directory would be used and the choice would be done in CreateConfig()
861 at run-time.
862 */
863 static wxConfigBase* Create();
865 /**
866 Calling this function will prevent @e Get() from automatically creating
867 a new config object if the current one is @NULL. It might be useful to
868 call it near the program end to prevent "accidental" creation of a new
869 config object.
870 */
871 static void DontCreateOnDemand();
873 /**
874 Get the current config object. If there is no current object and
875 @a CreateOnDemand is @true, this creates one (using Create()) unless
876 DontCreateOnDemand() was called previously.
877 */
878 static wxConfigBase* Get(bool CreateOnDemand = true);
880 /**
881 Sets the config object as the current one, returns the pointer to the
882 previous current object (both the parameter and returned value may be
883 @NULL).
884 */
885 static wxConfigBase* Set(wxConfigBase* pConfig);
886 };
889 /**
890 @class wxConfigPathChanger
892 A handy little class which changes the current path in a wxConfig object and restores it in dtor.
893 Declaring a local variable of this type, it's possible to work in a specific directory
894 and ensure that the path is automatically restored when the function returns.
896 For example:
897 @code
898 // this function loads somes settings from the given wxConfig object;
899 // the path selected inside it is left unchanged
900 bool LoadMySettings(wxConfigBase* cfg)
901 {
902 wxConfigPathChanger changer(cfg, "/Foo/Data/SomeString");
903 wxString str;
904 if ( !config->Read("SomeString", &str) ) {
905 wxLogError("Couldn't read SomeString!");
906 return false;
907 // NOTE: without wxConfigPathChanger it would be easy to forget to
908 // set the old path back into the wxConfig object before this return!
909 }
911 // do something useful with SomeString...
913 return true; // again: wxConfigPathChanger dtor will restore the original wxConfig path
914 }
915 @endcode
917 @library{wxbase}
918 @category{cfg}
919 */
920 class wxConfigPathChanger
921 {
922 public:
924 /**
925 Changes the path of the given wxConfigBase object so that the key @a strEntry is accessible
926 (for read or write).
928 In other words, the ctor uses wxConfigBase::SetPath() with everything which precedes the
929 last slash of @a strEntry, so that:
930 @code
931 wxConfigPathChanger(wxConfigBase::Get(), "/MyProgram/SomeKeyName");
932 @endcode
933 has the same effect of:
934 @code
935 wxConfigPathChanger(wxConfigBase::Get(), "/MyProgram/");
936 @endcode
937 */
938 wxConfigPathChanger(const wxConfigBase *pContainer, const wxString& strEntry);
940 /**
941 Restores the path selected, inside the wxConfig object passed to the ctor, to the path which was
942 selected when the wxConfigPathChanger ctor was called.
943 */
944 ~wxConfigPathChanger();
946 /**
947 Returns the name of the key which was passed to the ctor.
948 The "name" is just anything which follows the last slash of the string given to the ctor.
949 */
950 const wxString& Name() const;
952 /**
953 This method must be called if the original path inside the wxConfig object
954 (i.e. the current path at the moment of creation of this wxConfigPathChanger object)
955 could have been deleted, thus preventing wxConfigPathChanger from restoring the not
956 existing (any more) path.
958 If the original path doesn't exist any more, the path will be restored to
959 the deepest still existing component of the old path.
960 */
961 void UpdateIfDeleted();
962 };