Don't block the main UI thread while generating completions in wxMSW.
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / textcompleter.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: wx/textcompleter.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxTextCompleter
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Created: 2011-04-13
6 // RCS-ID: $Id$
7 // Copyright: (c) 2011 Vadim Zeitlin <>
8 // Licence: wxWindows licence
9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /**
12 @class wxTextCompleter
14 Base class for custom text completer objects.
16 Custom completer objects used with wxTextEntry::AutoComplete() must derive
17 from this class and implement its pure virtual method returning the
18 completions. You would typically use a custom completer when the total
19 number of completions is too big for performance to be acceptable if all of
20 them need to be returned at once but if they can be generated
21 hierarchically, i.e. only the first component initially, then the second
22 one after the user finished entering the first one and so on.
24 Here is a simple example of a custom completer that completes the names of
25 some chess pieces. Of course, as the total list here has only four items it
26 would have been much simpler to just specify the array containing all the
27 completions in this example but the same approach could be used when the
28 total number of completions is much higher provided the number of
29 possibilities for each word is still relatively small:
30 @code
31 class MyTextCompleter : public wxTextCompleter
32 {
33 public:
34 virtual void GetCompletions(const wxString& prefix, wxArrayString& res)
35 {
36 const wxString firstWord = prefix.BeforeFirst(' ');
37 if ( firstWord == "white" )
38 {
39 res.push_back("white pawn");
40 res.push_back("white rook");
41 }
42 else if ( firstWord == "black" )
43 {
44 res.push_back("black king");
45 res.push_back("black queen");
46 }
47 else
48 {
49 res.push_back("white");
50 res.push_back("black");
51 }
52 }
53 };
54 ...
55 wxTextCtrl *text = ...;
56 text->AutoComplete(new MyTextCompleter);
57 @endcode
59 @library{wxcore}
61 @since 2.9.2
62 */
63 class wxTextCompleter
64 {
65 public:
66 /**
67 Pure virtual method returning all possible completions for the given
68 prefix.
70 The custom completer should examine the provided prefix and return all
71 the possible completions for it in the output array @a res.
73 Please notice that the returned values should start with the prefix,
74 otherwise they will be simply ignored, making adding them to the array
75 in the first place useless.
77 Notice that this function may be called from thread other than main one
78 (this is currently always the case under MSW) so care should be taken
79 if it needs to access any shared data.
81 @param prefix
82 The possibly empty prefix that the user had already entered.
83 @param res
84 Initially empty array that should be filled with all possible
85 completions (possibly none if there are no valid possibilities
86 starting with the given prefix).
87 */
88 virtual void GetCompletions(const wxString& prefix, wxArrayString& res) = 0;
89 };