]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/BUILD.unix.txt
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[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / BUILD.unix.txt
1 Building wxPython on Unix or Unix-like Systems
2 ----------------------------------------------
4 The basic steps for building wxPython for Unix or Unix-like systems
5 are:
7 1. Compile and/or install glib and gtk+
8 2. Compile and/or install wxGTK
9 3. Compile and install wxPython
11 We'll go into more detail of each of these steps below, but first a
12 few bits of background information on tools.
14 I use a tool called SWIG (http://www.swig.org) to help generate the
15 C++ sources used in the wxPython extension module. However you don't
16 need to have SWIG unless you want to modify the *.i files. I've made
17 several modifications to SWIG specific to wxPython's needs and so the
18 modified sources are included in the wx CVS at .../wxPython/wxSWIG.
19 If you need to modify the *.i files for wxPython then change to this
20 directory and run:
22 configure
23 make
25 (Do not run "make install" as wxswig is run in-place.) You'll then
26 need to change a flag in the setup.py script as described below so the
27 wxPython build process will use SWIG if needed.
29 I use the new Python Distutils tool to build wxPython. It is included
30 with Python 2.0, but if you want to use Python 1.5.2 or 1.6 then
31 you'll need to download and install Distutils 1.0 from
32 http://www.python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/
34 Okay, now on the the fun stuff...
37 1. Compile and/or install glib and gtk+
38 ---------------------------------------
40 A. First of all, check and see if you've already got glib/gtk+ on your
41 system, all the Linux distributions I know of come with it, at
42 least as an option. Look for libglib.* and libgtk.* in your system's
43 standard library directories. You'll also need the headers and
44 config scripts in order to build things that use glib/gtk. Try
45 running gtk-config:
47 gtk-config --version
49 If you have version 1.2.5 or better then you're all set. You can
50 skip to step #2.
52 B. If your system has a binary package mechanism, (RPMs, debs,
53 whatever...) check and see if binaries for glib abd gtk+ are
54 available. Be sure to get the runtime library package as well as
55 the development package, if they are separate. Install them with
56 your package tool, and skip to step #2.
58 C. If all else fails, you can get the source code for glib and gtk+ at
59 http://www.gtk.org/. Fetch the latest of each in the 1.2.x
60 series. Compile and install each of them like this:
62 gzip -d [package].tar.gz | tar xvf -
63 cd [package]
64 ./configure
65 make
66 make install
68 The last step will probably have to be done as root. Also, if your
69 system needs anything done to update the dynamic loader for shared
70 libraries, (such as running ldconfig on Linux) then do it after
71 each library is installed.
75 2. Compile and/or install wxGTK
76 -------------------------------
78 A. You can find the sources and RPMs for wxGTK at
79 http://wxwindows.org/, just follow the download links from the
80 nevigation panel. You can also check out a current snapshot of the
81 sources from the CVS server. (Some information about annonymous
82 CVS access is at http://wxwindows.org/cvs.htm.) The advantage of
83 using CVS is that you can easily update as soon as the developers
84 check in new sources or fixes. The advantage of using a released
85 version is that it usually has had more thorough testing done. You
86 can decide which method is best for you.
88 B. You'll usually want to use a version of wxGTK that has the same
89 version number as the wxPython sources you are using. (Another
90 advantage of using CVS is that you'll get both at the same time.)
92 C. If using the RPMs be sure to get both the wxGTK and wxGTK-devel
93 RPMs (at a minimum) and then install them as root.
95 rpm -Uhv wxGTK-2.2.2-0.i386.rpm wxGTK-devel-2.2.2-0.i386.rpm
97 D. If using the sources (either from the tarball or from CVS) then
98 configure it like this:
100 cd wxWindows # or whatever your top-level directory is called
101 mkdir build
102 cd build
103 ../configure --with-gtk
105 There are gobs and gobs of options for the configure script, run
106 ../configure --help to see them all. I'll describe some that I find
107 useful here.
109 If you have OpenGL or compatible libraries installed, then add the
110 --with-opengl flag.
112 If you are on Solaris and are using a recent version of GCC, then
113 you'll probably want to add the --enable-permissive flag so the
114 compiler won't barf on your broken X11 header files.
116 To make a debugging version of wxGTK, add the --enable-debug flag.
117 This sets the -g flag for the compiler and also activates some
118 special debugging code in wxWindows by defining the __WXDEBUG__
119 macro. You'll get some extra asserts, failure logging, etc.
121 To make a static library and not make a shared library, use the
122 --disable-shared and --enable-static flags.
124 NOTE: It has been discovered that some pre-built distributions of
125 Python are built with options that can cause incompatibilities
126 between wxPython and wxGTK. Typically these are things like large
127 file support on the platforms that have it. This causes some basic
128 types, like off_t, to be typedef'd differently causing the C++
129 method signatures to be incompatible and giving link errors. The
130 way to fix this is to activate these same settings in the wxGTK
131 build, usually by looking at the flags and options used in
132 compiling wxPython that are different from the options used on
133 wxGTK compiles. For example, on SuSE doing the following before
134 running wxGTK's configure seems to take care of it:
140 E. Now just compile and install. You need to use GNU make, so if your
141 system has something else get GNU make and build and install it and
142 use it instead of your system's default make command.
144 make
145 make install
147 The last step will probably have to be done as root. Also, if your
148 system needs anything done to update the dynamic loader for shared
149 libraries, (such as running ldconfig on Linux) then do it now.
151 F. You can test your build by changing to one of the directories under
152 build/samples or build/demos, running make and then running the
153 executable that is built.
157 3. Compile and install wxPython
158 -------------------------------
160 A. You have the same options (and same advantages/disadvantages) for
161 getting the wxPython source, either a released snapshot or from
162 CVS. The released version file is named wxPython-[version].tar.gz
163 and is available at http://wxpython.org/download.php. If you want
164 to use CVS you'll find wxPython in the wxWindows CVS tree (see
165 above) in the wxWindows/wxPython directory.
167 B. As mentioned previouslly, wxPython is built with the standard
168 Python Distutils tool. If you are using Python 2.0 or later you
169 are all set, otherwise you need to download and install Distutils
170 1.0 from http://www.python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/.
172 On Unix systems Distutils figures out what commands and flags to
173 use for the compiler and linker by looking in the Makefile that was
174 used to build Python itself. Most of the time this works okay. If
175 it doesn't, there doesn't seem to be a way to override the values
176 that Distutils uses without hacking either Distutils itself, or
177 Python's Makefile. (Complain to the distutils-sig about this
178 please.) For example, on a Solaris system I had to edit
179 /usr/local/lib/python1.5/config/Makefile and replace
181 LDSHARED=ld -G
183 with
185 LDSHARED=gcc -G
187 This particular problem has been fixed in Python 1.6 and beyond,
188 but there may be similar issues on other platforms.
190 While we're on the subject of how Python was built... Since
191 wxPython is a C++ extension some platforms and/or compilers will
192 require that the Python executable was linked with the C++ linker
193 in order for everything to work correctly. If you build and
194 install Python yourself then this is easy to take care of,
195 otherwise you may have to mess with binary packages or bribe your
196 system administrator...
198 In my case on Solaris wxPython applications would core dump on
199 exit. The core file indicated that the fault happened after
200 _exit() was called and the run-time library was trying to execute
201 cleanup code. After relinking the Python executable the problem
202 went away. To build Python to link with the C++ linker do this:
204 cd Python-2.0 # wherever the root of the source tree is
205 rm python # in case it's still there from an old build
206 make LINKCC=g++ # or whatever your C++ command is
207 make install
210 C. Change to the root wxPython directory and look at the setup.py
211 file. This is the script that configures and defines all the
212 information that Distutils needs to build wxPython. There are some
213 options near the begining of the script that you may want or need
214 to change based on your system and what options you have selected
215 up to this point, (sources from tar.gz or from CVS, etc.) You can
216 either change these flags directly in setup.py or supply them on
217 the command-line.
219 BUILD_GLCANVAS Set to zero if you don't want to build the
220 Open GL canvas extension module. If you don't
221 have OpenGL or compatible libraries then you'll
222 need to set this to zero.
224 BUILD_OGL Set to zero if you don't want to build the
225 Object Graphics Library extension module.
227 BUILD_STC Set to zero if you don't want to build the
228 wxStyledTextCtrl (the Scintilla wrapper)
229 extension module.
231 USE_SWIG If you have edited any of the *.i files you
232 will need to set this flag to non-zero so SWIG
233 will be executed to regenerate the wrapper C++
234 and shadow python files.
236 IN_CVS_TREE If you are using the CVS version of the
237 wxWindows and wxPython sources then you will
238 need to set this flag to non-zero. This is
239 needed because some source files from the
240 wxWindows tree are copied to be under the
241 wxPython tree in order to keep Distutils happy.
242 With this flag set then setup.py will
243 automatically keep these copied sources up to
244 date if the original version is ever updated.
245 If you are using the tar.gz version of the
246 Python sources then these copied sources are
247 already present in your source tree.
250 D. To build and install wxPython you simply need to execute the
251 setup.py script. If you have more than one version of Python
252 installed, be sure to execute setup.py with the version you want to
253 build wxPython for. Depending on the permissions on your
254 site-packages directory you may need to be root to run the install
255 command.
257 python setup.py build
258 python setup.py install
260 E. At this point you should be able to change into the wxPython/demo
261 directory and run the demo:
263 python demo.py
265 F. If you would like to make a test build that doesn't overwrite the
266 installed version of wxPython you can do so with this command
267 instead of the install command above:
269 python setup.py build_ext --inplace
271 This will build the wxPython package in the local wxPython
272 directory instead of installing it under your Python installation.
273 To run using this test version just add the base wxPython source
274 directory to the PYTHONPATH:
276 export PYTHONPATH=~/projects/wxWindows/wxPython
277 # or whatever is required for your shell
278 cd ~/projects/wxWindows/wxPython/demo
279 python demo.py
282 That's all folks!
285 -----------------
286 robin@alldunn.com