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[wxWidgets.git] / docs / doxygen / overviews / log.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: log.h
3 // Purpose: topic overview
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows licence
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
11 @page overview_log wxLog Classes Overview
13 Classes: wxLog, wxLogStderr, wxLogStream, wxLogTextCtrl, wxLogWindow, wxLogGui, wxLogNull, wxLogBuffer,
14 wxLogChain, wxLogInterposer, wxLogInterposerTemp, wxStreamToTextRedirector
16 Table of contents:
17 @li @ref overview_log_introduction
18 @li @ref overview_log_enable
19 @li @ref overview_log_targets
20 @li @ref overview_log_mt
21 @li @ref overview_log_customize
22 @li @ref overview_log_tracemasks
23 @li @ref overview_log_timestamps
24 <hr>
27 @section overview_log_introduction Introduction
29 This is a general overview of logging classes provided by wxWidgets. The word
30 logging here has a broad sense, including all of the program output, not only
31 non-interactive messages. The logging facilities included in wxWidgets provide
32 the base wxLog class which defines the standard interface for a @e log target
33 as well as several standard implementations of it and a family of functions to
34 use with them.
36 First of all, no knowledge of wxLog classes is needed to use them. For this,
37 you should only know about @ref group_funcmacro_log "wxLogXXX() functions".
38 All of them have the same syntax as @e printf() or @e vprintf() , i.e. they
39 take the format string as the first argument and respectively a variable number
40 of arguments or a variable argument list pointer. Here are all of them:
42 @li wxLogFatalError() which is like wxLogError(), but also terminates the program
43 with the exit code 3 (using @e abort() standard function). Unlike for all
44 the other logging functions, this function can't be overridden by a log
45 target.
46 @li wxLogError() is the function to use for error messages, i.e. the messages
47 that must be shown to the user. The default processing is to pop up a
48 message box to inform the user about it.
49 @li wxLogWarning() for warnings. They are also normally shown to the user, but
50 don't interrupt the program work.
51 @li wxLogMessage() is for all normal, informational messages. They also appear in
52 a message box by default (but it can be changed, see below).
53 @li wxLogVerbose() is for verbose output. Normally, it is suppressed, but might
54 be activated if the user wishes to know more details about the program
55 progress (another, but possibly confusing name for the same function is
56 wxLogInfo).
57 @li wxLogStatus() is for status messages. They will go into the status bar of the
58 active or specified (as the first argument) wxFrame if it has one.
59 @li wxLogSysError() is mostly used by wxWidgets itself, but might be handy for
60 logging errors after system call (API function) failure. It logs the
61 specified message text as well as the last system error code (@e errno or
62 Windows' @e GetLastError() depending on the platform) and the corresponding error
63 message. The second form of this function takes the error code explicitly
64 as the first argument.
65 @li wxLogDebug() is @b the right function for debug output. It only does anything
66 at all in the debug mode (when the preprocessor symbol @c __WXDEBUG__ is
67 defined) and expands to nothing in release mode (otherwise).
68 Note that under Windows, you must either run the program under debugger or
69 use a 3rd party program such as DebugView
70 (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/Miscellaneous/DebugView.mspx)
71 to actually see the debug output.
72 @li wxLogTrace() as wxLogDebug() only does something in debug build. The reason for
73 making it a separate function from it is that usually there are a lot of
74 trace messages, so it might make sense to separate them from other debug
75 messages which would be flooded in them. Moreover, the second version of
76 this function takes a trace mask as the first argument which allows to
77 further restrict the amount of messages generated.
79 The usage of these functions should be fairly straightforward, however it may
80 be asked why not use the other logging facilities, such as C standard stdio
81 functions or C++ streams. The short answer is that they're all very good
82 generic mechanisms, but are not really adapted for wxWidgets, while the log
83 classes are. Some of advantages in using wxWidgets log functions are:
85 @li @b Portability: It is a common practice to use @e printf() statements or
86 cout/cerr C++ streams for writing out some (debug or otherwise)
87 information. Although it works just fine under Unix, these messages go
88 strictly nowhere under Windows where the stdout of GUI programs is not
89 assigned to anything. Thus, you might view wxLogMessage() as a simple
90 substitute for @e printf().
91 You can also redirect the @e wxLogXXX calls to @e cout by just writing:
92 @code
93 wxLog* logger = new wxLogStream(&cout);
94 wxLog::SetActiveTarget(logger);
95 @endcode
96 Finally, there is also a possibility to redirect the output sent to @e cout
97 to a wxTextCtrl by using the wxStreamToTextRedirector class.
98 @li @b Flexibility: The output of wxLog functions can be redirected or
99 suppressed entirely based on their importance, which is either impossible
100 or difficult to do with traditional methods. For example, only error
101 messages, or only error messages and warnings might be logged, filtering
102 out all informational messages.
103 @li @b Completeness: Usually, an error message should be presented to the user
104 when some operation fails. Let's take a quite simple but common case of a
105 file error: suppose that you're writing your data file on disk and there is
106 not enough space. The actual error might have been detected inside
107 wxWidgets code (say, in wxFile::Write), so the calling function doesn't
108 really know the exact reason of the failure, it only knows that the data
109 file couldn't be written to the disk. However, as wxWidgets uses
110 wxLogError() in this situation, the exact error code (and the corresponding
111 error message) will be given to the user together with "high level" message
112 about data file writing error.
115 @section overview_log_enable Log Messages Selection
117 By default, most log messages are enabled. In particular, this means that
118 errors logged by wxWidgets code itself (e.g. when it fails to perform some
119 operation, for instance wxFile::Open() logs an error when it fails to open a
120 file) will be processed and shown to the user. To disable the logging entirely
121 you can use wxLog::EnableLogging() method or, more usually, wxLogNull class
122 which temporarily disables logging and restores it back to the original setting
123 when it is destroyed.
125 To limit logging to important messages only, you may use wxLog::SetLogLevel()
126 with e.g. wxLOG_Warning value -- this will completely disable all logging
127 messages with the severity less than warnings, so wxLogMessage() output won't
128 be shown to the user any more.
130 Moreover, the log level can be set separately for different log components.
131 Before showing how this can be useful, let us explain what log components are:
132 they are simply arbitrary strings identifying the component, or module, which
133 generated the message. They are hierarchical in the sense that "foo/bar/baz"
134 component is supposed to be a child of "foo". And all components are children
135 of the unnamed root component.
137 By default, all messages logged by wxWidgets originate from "wx" component or
138 one of its subcomponents such as "wx/net/ftp", while the messages logged by
139 your own code are assigned empty log component. To change this, you need to
140 define @c wxLOG_COMPONENT to a string uniquely identifying each component, e.g.
141 you could give it the value "MyProgram" by default and re-define it as
142 "MyProgram/DB" in the module working with the database and "MyProgram/DB/Trans"
143 in its part managing the transactions. Then you could use
144 wxLog::SetComponentLevel() in the following ways:
145 @code
146 // disable all database error messages, everybody knows databases never
147 // fail anyhow
148 wxLog::SetComponentLevel("MyProgram/DB", wxLOG_FatalError);
150 // but enable tracing for the transactions as somehow our changes don't
151 // get committed sometimes
152 wxLog::SetComponentLevel("MyProgram/DB/Trans", wxLOG_Trace);
154 // also enable tracing messages from wxWidgets dynamic module loading
155 // mechanism
156 wxLog::SetComponentLevel("wx/base/module", wxLOG_Trace);
157 @endcode
158 Notice that the log level set explicitly for the transactions code overrides
159 the log level of the parent component but that all other database code
160 subcomponents inherit its setting by default and so won't generate any log
161 messages at all.
163 @section overview_log_targets Log Targets
165 After having enumerated all the functions which are normally used to log the
166 messages, and why would you want to use them, we now describe how all this
167 works.
169 wxWidgets has the notion of a <em>log target</em>: it is just a class deriving
170 from wxLog. As such, it implements the virtual functions of the base class
171 which are called when a message is logged. Only one log target is @e active at
172 any moment, this is the one used by @ref group_funcmacro_log "wxLogXXX() functions".
173 The normal usage of a log object (i.e. object of a class derived from wxLog) is
174 to install it as the active target with a call to @e SetActiveTarget() and it will be used
175 automatically by all subsequent calls to @ref group_funcmacro_log "wxLogXXX() functions".
177 To create a new log target class you only need to derive it from wxLog and
178 override one or several of wxLog::DoLogRecord(), wxLog::DoLogTextAtLevel() and
179 wxLog::DoLogText() in it. The first one is the most flexible and allows you to
180 change the formatting of the messages, dynamically filter and redirect them and
181 so on -- all log messages, except for those generated by wxLogFatalError(),
182 pass by this function. wxLog::DoLogTextAtLevel() should be overridden if you
183 simply want to redirect the log messages somewhere else, without changing their
184 formatting. Finally, it is enough to override wxLog::DoLogText() if you only
185 want to redirect the log messages and the destination doesn't depend on the
186 message log level.
189 There are some predefined classes deriving from wxLog and which might be
190 helpful to see how you can create a new log target class and, of course, may
191 also be used without any change. There are:
193 @li wxLogStderr: This class logs messages to a <tt>FILE *</tt>, using stderr by
194 default as its name suggests.
195 @li wxLogStream: This class has the same functionality as wxLogStderr, but uses
196 @e ostream and cerr instead of <tt>FILE *</tt> and stderr.
197 @li wxLogGui: This is the standard log target for wxWidgets applications (it is
198 used by default if you don't do anything) and provides the most reasonable
199 handling of all types of messages for given platform.
200 @li wxLogWindow: This log target provides a "log console" which collects all
201 messages generated by the application and also passes them to the previous
202 active log target. The log window frame has a menu allowing user to clear
203 the log, close it completely or save all messages to file.
204 @li wxLogBuffer: This target collects all the logged messages in an internal
205 buffer allowing to show them later to the user all at once.
206 @li wxLogNull: The last log class is quite particular: it doesn't do anything.
207 The objects of this class may be instantiated to (temporarily) suppress
208 output of @e wxLogXXX() functions. As an example, trying to open a
209 non-existing file will usually provoke an error message, but if for some
210 reasons it is unwanted, just use this construction:
211 @code
212 wxFile file;
214 // wxFile.Open() normally complains if file can't be opened, we don't want it
215 {
216 wxLogNull logNo;
217 if ( !file.Open("bar") )
218 {
219 // ... process error ourselves ...
220 }
221 } // ~wxLogNull called, old log sink restored
223 wxLogMessage("..."); // ok
224 @endcode
226 The log targets can also be combined: for example you may wish to redirect the
227 messages somewhere else (for example, to a log file) but also process them as
228 normally. For this the wxLogChain, wxLogInterposer, and wxLogInterposerTemp can
229 be used.
232 @section overview_log_mt Logging in Multi-Threaded Applications
234 Starting with wxWidgets 2.9.1, logging functions can be safely called from any
235 thread. Messages logged from threads other than the main one will be buffered
236 until wxLog::Flush() is called in the main thread (which usually happens during
237 idle time, i.e. after processing all pending events) and will be really output
238 only then. Notice that the default GUI logger already only output the messages
239 when it is flushed, so by default messages from the other threads will be shown
240 more or less at the same moment as usual. However if you define a custom log
241 target, messages may be logged out of order, e.g. messages from the main thread
242 with later timestamp may appear before messages with earlier timestamp logged
243 from other threads. wxLog does however guarantee that messages logged by each
244 thread will appear in order in which they were logged.
246 Also notice that wxLog::EnableLogging() and wxLogNull class which uses it only
247 affect the current thread, i.e. logging messages may still be generated by the
248 other threads after a call to @c EnableLogging(false).
251 @section overview_log_customize Logging Customization
253 To completely change the logging behaviour you may define a custom log target.
254 For example, you could define a class inheriting from wxLog which shows all the
255 log messages in some part of your main application window reserved for the
256 message output without interrupting the user work flow with modal message
257 boxes.
259 To use your custom log target you may either call wxLog::SetActiveTarget() with
260 your custom log object or create a wxAppTraits-derived class and override
261 wxAppTraits::CreateLogTarget() virtual method in it and also override wxApp::CreateTraits()
262 to return an instance of your custom traits object. Notice that in the latter
263 case you should be prepared for logging messages early during the program
264 startup and also during program shutdown so you shouldn't rely on existence of
265 the main application window, for example. You can however safely assume that
266 GUI is (already/still) available when your log target as used as wxWidgets
267 automatically switches to using wxLogStderr if it isn't.
269 There are several methods which may be overridden in the derived class to
270 customize log messages handling: wxLog::DoLogRecord(), wxLog::DoLogTextAtLevel()
271 and wxLog::DoLogText().
273 The last method is the simplest one: you should override it if you simply
274 want to redirect the log output elsewhere, without taking into account the
275 level of the message. If you do want to handle messages of different levels
276 differently, then you should override wxLog::DoLogTextAtLevel().
278 Finally, if more control over the output format is needed, then the first
279 function must be overridden as it allows to construct custom messages
280 depending on the log level or even do completely different things depending
281 on the message severity (for example, throw away all messages except
282 warnings and errors, show warnings on the screen and forward the error
283 messages to the user's (or programmer's) cell phone -- maybe depending on
284 whether the timestamp tells us if it is day or night in the current time
285 zone).
287 The @e dialog sample illustrates this approach by defining a custom log target
288 customizing the dialog used by wxLogGui for the single messages.
291 @section overview_log_tracemasks Using trace masks
293 Notice that the use of log trace masks is hardly necessary any longer in
294 current wxWidgets version as the same effect can be achieved by using
295 different log components for different log statements of any level. Please
296 see @ref overview_log_enable for more information about the log components.
298 The functions below allow some limited customization of wxLog behaviour
299 without writing a new log target class (which, aside from being a matter of
300 several minutes, allows you to do anything you want).
301 The verbose messages are the trace messages which are not disabled in the
302 release mode and are generated by wxLogVerbose().
303 They are not normally shown to the user because they present little interest,
304 but may be activated, for example, in order to help the user find some program
305 problem.
307 As for the (real) trace messages, their handling depends on the currently
308 enabled trace masks: if wxLog::AddTraceMask() was called for the mask of the given
309 message, it will be logged, otherwise nothing happens.
311 For example,
312 @code
313 wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_OleCalls, "IFoo::Bar() called" );
314 @endcode
316 will log the message if it was preceded by:
318 @code
319 wxLog::AddTraceMask( wxTRACE_OleCalls );
320 @endcode
322 The standard trace masks are given in wxLogTrace() documentation.
325 @section overview_log_timestamps Timestamps
327 The wxLog::LogRecord() function automatically prepends a time stamp
328 to all the messages. The format of the time stamp may be changed: it can be
329 any string with % specifications fully described in the documentation of the
330 standard @e strftime() function. For example, the default format is
331 @c "[%d/%b/%y %H:%M:%S] " which gives something like @c "[17/Sep/98 22:10:16] "
332 (without quotes) for the current date.
334 Setting an empty string as the time format or calling the shortcut wxLog::DisableTimestamp(),
335 disables timestamping of the messages completely.
337 @note
338 Timestamping is disabled for Visual C++ users in debug builds by
339 default because otherwise it would be impossible to directly go to the line
340 from which the log message was generated by simply clicking in the debugger
341 window on the corresponding error message. If you wish to enable it, please
342 use SetTimestamp() explicitly.
344 */