Implement sorting in wxTreeListCtrl.
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / treelist.h
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: interface/wx/treelist.h
3 // Purpose: wxTreeListCtrl class documentation
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Created: 2011-08-17
6 // RCS-ID: $Id$
7 // Copyright: (c) 2011 Vadim Zeitlin <>
8 // Licence: wxWindows licence
9 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /**
12 Unique identifier of an item in wxTreeListCtrl.
14 This is an opaque class which can't be used by the application in any other
15 way than receiving or passing it to wxTreeListCtrl and checking for
16 validity.
18 @see wxTreeListCtrl
20 @library{wxadv}
21 @category{ctrl}
23 @since 2.9.3
24 */
25 class wxTreeListItem
26 {
27 public:
28 /**
29 Only the default constructor is publicly accessible.
31 Default constructing a wxTreeListItem creates an invalid item.
32 */
33 wxTreeListItem();
35 /**
36 Return true if the item is valid.
37 */
38 bool IsOk() const;
39 };
41 /**
42 Class defining sort order for the items in wxTreeListCtrl.
44 @see wxTreeListCtrl
46 @library{wxadv}
47 @category{ctrl}
49 @since 2.9.3
50 */
51 class wxTreeListItemComparator
52 {
53 public:
54 /**
55 Default constructor.
57 Notice that this class is not copyable, comparators are not passed by
58 value.
59 */
60 wxTreeListItemComparator();
62 /**
63 Pure virtual function which must be overridden to define sort order.
65 The comparison function should return negative, null or positive value
66 depending on whether the first item is less than, equal to or greater
67 than the second one. The items should be compared using their values
68 for the given column.
70 @param treelist
71 The control whose contents is being sorted.
72 @param column
73 The column of this control used for sorting.
74 @param first
75 First item to compare.
76 @param second
77 Second item to compare.
78 @return
79 A negative value if the first item is less than (i.e. should appear
80 above) the second one, zero if the two items are equal or a
81 positive value if the first item is greater than (i.e. should
82 appear below) the second one.
83 */
84 virtual int
85 Compare(wxTreeListCtrl* treelist,
86 unsigned column,
87 wxTreeListItem first,
88 wxTreeListItem second) = 0;
90 /**
91 Trivial but virtual destructor.
93 Although this class is not used polymorphically by wxWidgets itself,
94 provide virtual dtor in case it's used like this in the user code.
95 */
96 virtual ~wxTreeListItemComparator();
97 };
99 /**
100 Container of multiple items.
101 */
102 typedef wxVector<wxTreeListItem> wxTreeListItems;
104 /**
105 Special wxTreeListItem value meaning "insert before the first item".
107 This value can be passed to wxTreeListCtrl::InsertItem() to achieve the
108 same effect as calling wxTreeListCtrl::PrependItem().
109 */
110 extern const wxTreeListItem wxTLI_FIRST;
112 /**
113 Special wxTreeListItem value meaning "insert after the last item".
115 This value can be passed to wxTreeListCtrl::InsertItem() to achieve the
116 same effect as calling wxTreeListCtrl::AppendItem().
117 */
118 extern const wxTreeListItem wxTLI_LAST;
120 /**
121 A control combining wxTreeCtrl and wxListCtrl features.
123 This is a multi-column tree control optionally supporting images and
124 checkboxes for the items in the first column.
126 It is currently implemented using wxDataViewCtrl internally but provides a
127 much simpler interface for the common use case it addresses. Thus, one of
128 the design principles for this control is simplicity and intentionally
129 doesn't provide all the features of wxDataViewCtrl. Most importantly, this
130 class stores all its data internally and doesn't require you to define a
131 custom model for it.
133 Instead, this controls works like wxTreeCtrl or non-virtual wxListCtrl and
134 allows you to simply add items to it using wxTreeListCtrl::AppendItem() and
135 related methods. Typically, you start by setting up the columns (you must
136 have at least one) by calling wxTreeListCtrl::AppendColumn() and then add
137 the items. While only the text of the first column can be specified when
138 adding them, you can use wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemText() to set the text of
139 the other columns.
142 Unlike wxTreeCtrl or wxListCtrl this control can sort its items on its own.
143 To allow user to sort the control contents by clicking on some column you
144 should use wxCOL_SORTABLE flag when adding that column to the control. When
145 a column with this flag is clicked, the control resorts itself using the
146 values in this column. By default the sort is done using alphabetical order
147 comparison of the items text, which is not always correct (e.g. this
148 doesn't work for the numeric columns). To change this you may use
149 SetItemComparator() method to provide a custom comparator, i.e. simply an
150 object that implements comparison between the two items. The treelist
151 sample shows an example of doing this. And if you need to sort the control
152 programmatically, you can call SetSortColumn() method.
155 Here are the styles supported by this control. Notice that using
156 wxTL_USER_3STATE implies wxTL_3STATE and wxTL_3STATE in turn implies
159 @beginStyleTable
160 @style{wxTL_SINGLE}
161 Single selection, this is the default.
162 @style{wxTL_MULTIPLE}
163 Allow multiple selection, see GetSelections().
164 @style{wxTL_CHECKBOX}
165 Show the usual, 2 state, checkboxes for the items in the first column.
166 @style{wxTL_3STATE}
167 Show the checkboxes that can possibly be set by the program, but not
168 the user, to a third, undetermined, state, for the items in the first
169 column. Implies wxTL_CHECKBOX.
170 @style{wxTL_USER_3STATE}
171 Same as wxTL_3STATE but the user can also set the checkboxes to the
172 undetermined state. Implies wxTL_3STATE.
173 @style{wxTL_DEFAULT_STYLE}
174 Style used by the control by default, just wxTL_SINGLE currently.
175 @endStyleTable
177 @beginEventTable{wxTreeListEvent}
179 Process @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_SELECTION_CHANGED event and notifies
180 about the selection change in the control. In the single selection case
181 the item indicated by the event has been selected and previously
182 selected item, if any, was deselected. In multiple selection case, the
183 selection of this item has just changed (it may have been either
184 selected or deselected) but notice that the selection of other items
185 could have changed as well, use wxTreeListCtrl::GetSelections() to
186 retrieve the new selection if necessary.
187 @event{EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_EXPANDING(id, func)}
188 Process @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_ITEM_EXPANDING event notifying about
189 the given branch being expanded. This event is sent before the
190 expansion occurs and can be vetoed to prevent it from happening.
191 @event{EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_EXPANDED(id, func)}
192 Process @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_ITEM_EXPANDED event notifying about
193 the expansion of the given branch. This event is sent after the
194 expansion occurs and can't be vetoed.
195 @event{EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CHECKED(id, func)}
196 Process @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_ITEM_CHeCKED event notifying about
197 the user checking or unchecking the item. You can use
198 wxTreeListCtrl::GetCheckedState() to retrieve the new item state and
199 wxTreeListEvent::GetOldCheckedState() to get the previous one.
200 @event{EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED(id, func)}
201 Process @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED event notifying about
202 the user double clicking the item or activating it from keyboard.
203 @event{EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU(id, func)}
204 Process @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU event indicating
205 that the popup menu for the given item should be displayed.
206 @event{EVT_TREELIST_COLUMN_SORTED(id, func)}
207 Process @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_COLUMN_SORTED event indicating that
208 the control contents has just been resorted using the specified column.
209 The event doesn't carry the sort direction, use GetSortColumn() method
210 if you need to know it.
211 @endEventTable
213 @library{wxadv}
214 @category{ctrl}
216 @since 2.9.3
218 @see wxTreeCtrl, wxDataViewCtrl
219 */
220 class wxTreeListCtrl : public wxWindow
221 {
222 public:
223 /**
224 Default constructor, call Create() later.
226 This constructor is used during two-part construction process when it
227 is impossible or undesirable to create the window when constructing the
228 object.
229 */
230 wxTreeListCtrl();
232 /**
233 Full constructing, creating the object and its window.
235 See Create() for the parameters description.
236 */
237 wxTreeListCtrl(wxWindow* parent,
238 wxWindowID id,
239 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
240 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
241 long style = wxTL_DEFAULT_STYLE,
242 const wxString& name = wxTreeListCtrlNameStr);
244 /**
245 Create the control window.
247 Can be only called for the objects created using the default
248 constructor and exactly once.
250 @param parent
251 The parent window, must be non-NULL.
252 @param id
253 The window identifier, may be ::wxID_ANY.
254 @param pos
255 The initial window position, usually unused.
256 @param size
257 The initial window size, usually unused.
258 @param style
259 The window style, see their description in the class documentation.
260 @param name
261 The name of the window.
262 */
263 bool Create(wxWindow* parent,
264 wxWindowID id,
265 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
266 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
267 long style = wxTL_DEFAULT_STYLE,
268 const wxString& name = wxTreeListCtrlNameStr);
271 /**
272 Image list methods.
274 Like wxTreeCtrl and wxListCtrl this class uses wxImageList so if you
275 intend to use item icons with it, you must construct wxImageList
276 containing them first and then specify the indices of the icons in this
277 image list when adding the items later.
278 */
279 //@{
281 /// A constant indicating that no image should be used for an item.
282 static const int NO_IMAGE = -1;
284 /**
285 Sets the image list and gives its ownership to the control.
287 The image list assigned with this method will be automatically deleted
288 by wxTreeCtrl as appropriate (i.e. it takes ownership of the list).
290 @see SetImageList().
291 */
292 void AssignImageList(wxImageList* imageList);
294 /**
295 Sets the image list.
297 The image list assigned with this method will @b not be deleted by the
298 control itself and you will need to delete it yourself, use
299 AssignImageList() to give the image list ownership to the control.
301 @param imageList
302 Image list to use, may be @NULL to not show any images any more.
303 */
304 void SetImageList(wxImageList* imageList);
306 //@}
309 /**
310 Column methods.
311 */
312 //@{
314 /**
315 Add a column with the given title and attributes.
317 @param title
318 The column label.
319 @param width
320 The width of the column in pixels or the special
321 wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE value indicating that the column should adjust
322 to its contents.
323 @param align
324 Alignment of both the column header and its items.
325 @param flags
326 Column flags, currently can include wxCOL_RESIZABLE to allow the
327 user to resize the column and wxCOL_SORTABLE to allow the user to
328 resort the control contents by clicking on this column.
329 @return
330 Index of the new column or -1 on failure.
331 */
332 int AppendColumn(const wxString& title,
333 int width = wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE,
334 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_LEFT,
335 int flags = wxCOL_RESIZABLE);
337 /// Return the total number of columns.
338 unsigned GetColumnCount() const;
340 /**
341 Delete the column with the given index.
343 @param col
344 Column index in 0 to GetColumnCount() (exclusive) range.
345 @return
346 True if the column was deleted, false if index is invalid or
347 deleting the column failed for some other reason.
348 */
349 bool DeleteColumn(unsigned col);
351 /**
352 Delete all columns.
354 @see DeleteAllItems()
355 */
356 void ClearColumns();
358 /**
359 Change the width of the given column.
361 Set column width to either the given value in pixels or to the value
362 large enough to fit all of the items if width is wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE.
363 */
364 void SetColumnWidth(unsigned col, int width);
366 /// Get the current width of the given column in pixels.
367 int GetColumnWidth(unsigned col) const;
369 /**
370 Get the width appropriate for showing the given text.
372 This is typically used as second argument for AppendColumn() or with
373 SetColumnWidth().
374 */
375 int WidthFor(const wxString& text) const;
377 //@}
380 /**
381 Adding and removing items.
383 When adding items, the parent and text of the first column of the new item
384 must always be specified, the rest is optional.
386 Each item can have two images: one used for closed state and another
387 for opened one. Only the first one is ever used for the items that
388 don't have children. And both are not set by default.
390 It is also possible to associate arbitrary client data pointer with the
391 new item. It will be deleted by the control when the item is deleted
392 (either by an explicit DeleteItem() call or because the entire control
393 is destroyed).
394 */
395 //@{
397 /// Same as InsertItem() with wxTLI_LAST.
398 wxTreeListItem AppendItem(wxTreeListItem parent,
399 const wxString& text,
400 int imageClosed = NO_IMAGE,
401 int imageOpened = NO_IMAGE,
402 wxClientData* data = NULL);
404 /**
405 Insert a new item into the tree.
407 @param parent
408 The item parent. Must be valid, may be GetRootItem().
409 @param previous
410 The previous item that this one should be inserted immediately
411 after. It must be valid but may be one of the special values
412 wxTLI_FIRST or wxTLI_LAST indicating that the item should be either
413 inserted before the first child of its parent (if any) or after the
414 last one.
415 @param imageClosed
416 The normal item image, may be NO_IMAGE to not show any image.
417 @param imageOpened
418 The item image shown when it's in the expanded state.
419 @param data
420 Optional client data pointer that can be later retrieved using
421 GetItemData() and will be deleted by the tree when the item itself
422 is deleted.
423 */
424 wxTreeListItem InsertItem(wxTreeListItem parent,
425 wxTreeListItem previous,
426 const wxString& text,
427 int imageClosed = NO_IMAGE,
428 int imageOpened = NO_IMAGE,
429 wxClientData* data = NULL);
431 /// Same as InsertItem() with wxTLI_FIRST.
432 wxTreeListItem PrependItem(wxTreeListItem parent,
433 const wxString& text,
434 int imageClosed = NO_IMAGE,
435 int imageOpened = NO_IMAGE,
436 wxClientData* data = NULL);
438 /// Delete the specified item.
439 void DeleteItem(wxTreeListItem item);
441 /// Delete all tree items.
442 void DeleteAllItems();
444 //@}
447 /**
448 Methods for the tree navigation.
450 The tree has an invisible root item which is the hidden parent of all
451 top-level items in the tree. Starting from it it is possible to iterate
452 over all tree items using GetNextItem().
454 It is also possible to iterate over just the children of the given item
455 by using GetFirstChild() to get the first of them and then calling
456 GetNextSibling() to retrieve all the others.
457 */
458 //@{
460 /// Return the (never shown) root item.
461 wxTreeListItem GetRootItem() const;
463 /**
464 Return the parent of the given item.
466 All the tree items visible in the tree have valid parent items, only
467 the never shown root item has no parent.
468 */
469 wxTreeListItem GetItemParent(wxTreeListItem item) const;
471 /**
472 Return the first child of the given item.
474 Item may be the root item.
476 Return value may be invalid if the item doesn't have any children.
477 */
478 wxTreeListItem GetFirstChild(wxTreeListItem item) const;
480 /**
481 Return the next sibling of the given item.
483 Return value may be invalid if there are no more siblings.
484 */
485 wxTreeListItem GetNextSibling(wxTreeListItem item) const;
487 /**
488 Return the first item in the tree.
490 This is the first child of the root item.
492 @see GetNextItem()
493 */
494 wxTreeListItem GetFirstItem() const;
496 /**
497 Get item after the given one in the depth-first tree-traversal order.
499 Calling this function starting with the result of GetFirstItem() allows
500 iterating over all items in the tree.
502 The iteration stops when this function returns an invalid item, i.e.
503 @code
504 for ( wxTreeListItem item = tree->GetFirstItem();
505 item.IsOk();
506 item = tree->GetNextItem(item) )
507 {
508 ... Do something with every tree item ...
509 }
510 @endcode
511 */
512 wxTreeListItem GetNextItem(wxTreeListItem item) const;
514 //@}
517 /**
518 Items attributes
519 */
520 //@{
522 /**
523 Return the text of the given item.
525 By default, returns the text of the first column but any other one can
526 be specified using @a col argument.
527 */
528 const wxString& GetItemText(wxTreeListItem item, unsigned col = 0) const;
530 /**
531 Set the text of the specified column of the given item.
532 */
533 void SetItemText(wxTreeListItem item, unsigned col, const wxString& text);
535 /**
536 Set the text of the first column of the given item.
537 */
538 void SetItemText(wxTreeListItem item, const wxString& text);
540 /**
541 Set the images for the given item.
543 See InsertItem() for the images parameters descriptions.
544 */
545 void SetItemImage(wxTreeListItem item, int closed, int opened = NO_IMAGE);
547 /**
548 Get the data associated with the given item.
550 The returned pointer may be @NULL.
552 It must not be deleted by the caller as this will be done by the
553 control itself.
554 */
555 wxClientData* GetItemData(wxTreeListItem item) const;
557 /**
558 Set the data associated with the given item.
560 Previous client data, if any, is deleted when this function is called
561 so it may be used to delete the current item data object and reset it
562 by passing @NULL as @a data argument.
563 */
564 void SetItemData(wxTreeListItem item, wxClientData* data);
566 //@}
569 /**
570 Expanding and collapsing tree branches.
572 Notice that calling neither Expand() nor Collapse() method generates
573 any events.
574 */
575 //@{
577 /**
578 Expand the given tree branch.
579 */
580 void Expand(wxTreeListItem item);
582 /**
583 Collapse the given tree branch.
584 */
585 void Collapse(wxTreeListItem item);
587 /**
588 Return whether the given item is expanded.
589 */
590 bool IsExpanded(wxTreeListItem item) const;
592 //@}
595 /**
596 Selection methods.
598 The behaviour of the control is different in single selection mode (the
599 default) and multi-selection mode (if @c wxTL_MULTIPLE was specified
600 when creating it). Not all methods can be used in both modes and some
601 of those that can don't behave in the same way in two cases.
602 */
603 //@{
605 /**
606 Return the currently selected item.
608 This method can't be used with multi-selection controls, use
609 GetSelections() instead.
611 The return value may be invalid if no item has been selected yet. Once
612 an item in a single selection control was selected, it will keep a
613 valid selection.
614 */
615 wxTreeListItem GetSelection() const;
617 /**
618 Fill in the provided array with all the selected items.
620 This method can be used in both single and multi-selection case.
622 The previous array contents is destroyed.
624 Returns the number of selected items.
625 */
626 unsigned GetSelections(wxTreeListItems& selections) const;
628 /**
629 Select the given item.
631 In single selection mode, deselects any other selected items, in
632 multi-selection case it adds to the selection.
633 */
634 void Select(wxTreeListItem item);
636 /**
637 Deselect the given item.
639 This method can be used in multiple selection mode only.
640 */
641 void Unselect(wxTreeListItem item);
643 /**
644 Return true if the item is selected.
646 This method can be used in both single and multiple selection modes.
647 */
648 bool IsSelected(wxTreeListItem item) const;
650 /**
651 Select all the control items.
653 Can be only used in multi-selection mode.
654 */
655 void SelectAll();
657 /**
658 Deselect all the control items.
660 Can be only used in multi-selection mode.
661 */
662 void UnselectAll();
664 //@}
667 /**
668 Checkbox handling
670 Methods in this section can only be used with the controls created with
671 wxTL_CHECKBOX style.
672 */
673 //@{
675 /**
676 Change the item checked state.
678 @param item
679 Valid non-root tree item.
680 @param state
681 One of wxCHK_CHECKED, wxCHK_UNCHECKED or, for the controls with
683 */
684 void CheckItem(wxTreeListItem item, wxCheckBoxState state = wxCHK_CHECKED);
686 /**
687 Change the checked state of the given item and all its children.
689 This is the same as CheckItem() but checks or unchecks not only this
690 item itself but all its children recursively as well.
691 */
692 void CheckItemRecursively(wxTreeListItem item,
693 wxCheckBoxState state = wxCHK_CHECKED);
695 /**
696 Uncheck the given item.
698 This is synonymous with CheckItem(wxCHK_UNCHECKED).
699 */
700 void UncheckItem(wxTreeListItem item);
702 /**
703 Update the state of the parent item to reflect the checked state of its
704 children.
706 This method updates the parent of this item recursively: if this item
707 and all its siblings are checked, the parent will become checked as
708 well. If this item and all its siblings are unchecked, the parent will
709 be unchecked. And if the siblings of this item are not all in the same
710 state, the parent will be switched to indeterminate state. And then the
711 same logic will be applied to the parents parent and so on recursively.
713 This is typically called when the state of the given item has changed
714 from EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CHECKED() handler in the controls which have
715 wxTL_3STATE flag. Notice that without this flag this function can't
716 work as it would be unable to set the state of a parent with both
717 checked and unchecked items so it's only allowed to call it when this
718 flag is set.
719 */
720 void UpdateItemParentStateRecursively(wxTreeListItem item);
722 /**
723 Return the checked state of the item.
725 The return value can be wxCHK_CHECKED, wxCHK_UNCHECKED or
727 */
728 wxCheckBoxState GetCheckedState(wxTreeListItem item) const;
730 /**
731 Return true if all children of the given item are in the specified
732 state.
734 This is especially useful for the controls with @c wxTL_3STATE style to
735 allow to decide whether the parent effective state should be the same
736 @a state, if all its children are in it, or ::wxCHK_UNDETERMINED.
738 @see UpdateItemParentStateRecursively()
739 */
740 bool AreAllChildrenInState(wxTreeListItem item,
741 wxCheckBoxState state) const;
743 //@}
745 /**
746 Sorting.
748 If some control columns were added with wxCOL_SORTABLE flag, clicking
749 on them will automatically resort the control using the custom
750 comparator set by SetItemComparator() or by doing alphabetical
751 comparison by default.
753 In any case, i.e. even if the user can't sort the control by clicking
754 on its header, you may call SetSortColumn() to sort it programmatically
755 and call GetSortColumn() to determine whether it's sorted now and, if
756 so, by which column and in which order.
757 */
758 //@{
760 /**
761 Set the column to use for sorting and the order in which to sort.
763 Calling this method resorts the control contents using the values of
764 the items in the specified column. Sorting uses custom comparator set
765 with SetItemComparator() or alphabetical comparison of items texts if
766 none was specified.
768 Notice that currently there is no way to reset sort order.
770 @param col
771 A valid column index.
772 @param ascendingOrder
773 Indicates whether the items should be sorted in ascending (A to Z)
774 or descending (Z to A) order.
775 */
776 void SetSortColumn(unsigned col, bool ascendingOrder = true);
778 /**
779 Return the column currently used for sorting, if any.
781 If the control is currently unsorted, the function simply returns
782 @false and doesn't modify any of its output parameters.
784 @param col
785 Receives the index of the column used for sorting if non-@NULL.
786 @param ascendingOrder
787 Receives @true or @false depending on whether the items are sorted
788 in ascending or descending order.
789 @return
790 @true if the control is sorted or @false if it isn't sorted at all.
791 */
792 bool GetSortColumn(unsigned* col, bool* ascendingOrder = NULL);
794 /**
795 Set the object to use for comparing the items.
797 This object will be used when the control is being sorted because the
798 user clicked on a sortable column or SetSortColumn() was called.
800 The provided pointer is stored by the control so the object it points
801 to must have a life-time equal or greater to that of the control
802 itself. In addition, the pointer can be @NULL to stop using custom
803 comparator and revert to the default alphabetical comparison.
804 */
805 void SetItemComparator(wxTreeListItemComparator* comparator);
807 //@}
810 /**
811 View window.
813 This control itself is entirely covered by the "view window" which is
814 currently a wxDataViewCtrl but if you want to avoid relying on this to
815 allow your code to work with later versions which might not be
816 wxDataViewCtrl-based, use GetView() function only and only use
817 GetDataView() if you really need to call wxDataViewCtrl methods on it.
818 */
819 //@{
821 /**
822 Return the view part of this control as a wxWindow.
824 This method always returns non-@NULL pointer once the window was
825 created.
826 */
827 wxWindow* GetView() const;
829 /**
830 Return the view part of this control as wxDataViewCtrl.
832 This method may return @NULL in the future, non wxDataViewCtrl-based,
833 versions of this class, use GetView() unless you really need to use
834 wxDataViewCtrl methods on the returned object.
835 */
836 wxDataViewCtrl* GetDataView() const;
838 //@}
839 };
841 /**
842 Event generated by wxTreeListCtrl.
844 @since 2.9.3
845 */
846 class wxTreeListEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
847 {
848 public:
849 /**
850 Return the item affected by the event.
852 This is the item being selected, expanded, checked or activated
853 (depending on the event type).
854 */
855 wxTreeListItem GetItem() const;
857 /**
858 Return the previous state of the item checkbox.
860 This method can be used with @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_ITEM_CHeCKED
861 events only.
863 Notice that the new state of the item can be retrieved using
864 wxTreeListCtrl::GetCheckedState().
865 */
866 wxCheckBoxState GetOldCheckedState() const;
868 /**
869 Return the column affected by the event.
871 This is currently only used with @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_COLUMN_SORTED
872 event.
873 */
874 unsigned GetColumn() const;
875 };
878 /**
879 Type of wxTreeListEvent event handlers.
881 This macro should be used with wxEvtHandler::Connect() when connecting to
882 wxTreeListCtrl events.
883 */
884 #define wxTreeListEventHandler(func) \
885 wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxTreeListEventFunction, func)
887 #endif // _WX_TREELIST_H_