]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - docs/latex/wx/tipc.tex
added wx/ipc.h and used/documented it
[wxWidgets.git] / docs / latex / wx / tipc.tex
1 \section{Interprocess communication overview}\label{ipcoverview}
3 Classes: \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection},
4 \helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient},
5 \helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver}, \helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection},
6 \helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient}
8 wxWindows has a number of different classes to help with interprocess communication
9 and network programming. This section only discusses one family of classes - the DDE-like
10 protocol - but here's a list of other useful classes:
12 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
13 \item \helpref{wxSocketEvent}{wxsocketevent},
14 \helpref{wxSocketBase}{wxsocketbase},
15 \helpref{wxSocketClient}{wxsocketclient},
16 \helpref{wxSocketServer}{wxsocketserver}: classes for the low-level TCP/IP API.
17 \item \helpref{wxProtocol}{wxprotocol}, \helpref{wxURL}{wxurl}, \helpref{wxFTP}{wxftp}, wxHTTP: classes
18 for programming popular Internet protocols.
19 \end{itemize}
21 Further information on these classes will be available in due course.
23 Notice that by including {\tt <wx/ipc.h>} you may define convnient synonyms for
24 the IPC classes: {\tt wxServer} for either {\tt wxDDEServer} or
25 {\tt wxTCPServer} depending on whether DDE-based or socket-based implementation
26 is used and the same thing for {\tt wxClient} and {\tt wxConnection}. By
27 default, DDE implementation is used under Windows. If you want to use IPC
28 between the different workstations you should define {\tt wxUSE\_DDE\_FOR\_IPC}
29 as $0$ before including this header -- this will force using TCP/IP
30 implementation even under Windows.
33 wxWindows has a high-level protocol based on Windows DDE.
34 There are two implementations of this DDE-like protocol:
35 one using real DDE running on Windows only, and another using TCP/IP (sockets) that runs
36 on most platforms. Since the API is the same apart from the names of the classes, you
37 should find it easy to switch between the two implementations.
39 The following description refers to 'DDE' but remember that the equivalent wxTCP... classes
40 can be used in much the same way.
42 Three classes are central to the DDE API:
44 \begin{enumerate}\itemsep=0pt
45 \item wxDDEClient. This represents the client application, and is used
46 only within a client program.
47 \item wxDDEServer. This represents the server application, and is used
48 only within a server program.
49 \item wxDDEConnection. This represents the connection from the current
50 client or server to the other application (server or client), and can be used
51 in both server and client programs. Most DDE
52 transactions operate on this object.
53 \end{enumerate}
55 Messages between applications are usually identified by three variables:
56 connection object, topic name and item name. A data string is a fourth
57 element of some messages. To create a connection (a conversation in
58 Windows parlance), the client application sends the message
59 MakeConnection to the client object, with a string service name to
60 identify the server and a topic name to identify the topic for the
61 duration of the connection. Under Unix, the service name may be either an
62 integer port identifier in which case an Internet domain socket will be used
63 for the communications or a valid file name (which shouldn't exist and will be
64 deleted afterwards) in which case a Unix domain socket is created.
66 {\bf SECURITY NOTE:} Using Internet domain sockets if extremely insecure for
67 IPC as there is absolutely no access control for them, use Unix domain sockets
68 whenever possible!
70 The server then responds and either vetoes the connection or allows it.
71 If allowed, a connection object is created which persists until the
72 connection is closed. The connection object is then used for subsequent
73 messages between client and server.
75 To create a working server, the programmer must:
77 \begin{enumerate}\itemsep=0pt
78 \item Derive a class from wxDDEServer.
79 \item Override the handler OnAcceptConnection for accepting or rejecting a connection,
80 on the basis of the topic argument. This member must create and return a connection
81 object if the connection is accepted.
82 \item Create an instance of your server object, and call Create to
83 activate it, giving it a service name.
84 \item Derive a class from wxDDEConnection.
85 \item Provide handlers for various messages that are sent to the server
86 side of a wxDDEConnection.
87 \end{enumerate}
89 To create a working client, the programmer must:
91 \begin{enumerate}\itemsep=0pt
92 \item Derive a class from wxDDEClient.
93 \item Override the handler OnMakeConnection to create and return
94 an appropriate connection object.
95 \item Create an instance of your client object.
96 \item Derive a class from wxDDEConnection.
97 \item Provide handlers for various messages that are sent to the client
98 side of a wxDDEConnection.
99 \item When appropriate, create a new connection by sending a MakeConnection
100 message to the client object, with arguments host name (processed in Unix only),
101 service name, and topic name for this connection. The client object will call OnMakeConnection
102 to create a connection object of the desired type.
103 \item Use the wxDDEConnection member functions to send messages to the server.
104 \end{enumerate}
106 \subsection{Data transfer}
108 These are the ways that data can be transferred from one application to
109 another.
111 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
112 \item {\bf Execute:} the client calls the server with a data string representing
113 a command to be executed. This succeeds or fails, depending on the
114 server's willingness to answer. If the client wants to find the result
115 of the Execute command other than success or failure, it has to explicitly
116 call Request.
117 \item {\bf Request:} the client asks the server for a particular data string
118 associated with a given item string. If the server is unwilling to
119 reply, the return value is NULL. Otherwise, the return value is a string
120 (actually a pointer to the connection buffer, so it should not be
121 deallocated by the application).
122 \item {\bf Poke:} The client sends a data string associated with an item
123 string directly to the server. This succeeds or fails.
124 \item {\bf Advise:} The client asks to be advised of any change in data
125 associated with a particular item. If the server agrees, the server will
126 send an OnAdvise message to the client along with the item and data.
127 \end{itemize}
129 The default data type is wxCF\_TEXT (ASCII text), and the default data
130 size is the length of the null-terminated string. Windows-specific data
131 types could also be used on the PC.
133 \subsection{Examples}
135 See the sample programs {\it server}\/ and {\it client}\/ in the IPC
136 samples directory. Run the server, then the client. This demonstrates
137 using the Execute, Request, and Poke commands from the client, together
138 with an Advise loop: selecting an item in the server list box causes
139 that item to be highlighted in the client list box.
141 \subsection{More DDE details}
143 A wxDDEClient object represents the client part of a client-server DDE
144 (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation (available in both
145 Windows and Unix).
147 To create a client which can communicate with a suitable server,
148 you need to derive a class from wxDDEConnection and another from wxDDEClient.
149 The custom wxDDEConnection class will intercept communications in
150 a `conversation' with a server, and the custom wxDDEServer is required
151 so that a user-overridden \helpref{wxDDEClient::OnMakeConnection}{wxddeclientonmakeconnection} member can return
152 a wxDDEConnection of the required class, when a connection is made.
154 For example:
156 \begin{verbatim}
157 class MyConnection: public wxDDEConnection
158 {
159 public:
160 MyConnection(void)::wxDDEConnection(ipc_buffer, 3999) {}
161 ~MyConnection(void) { }
162 bool OnAdvise(const wxString& topic, const wxString& item, char *data, int size, wxIPCFormat format)
163 { wxMessageBox(topic, data); }
164 };
166 class MyClient: public wxDDEClient
167 {
168 public:
169 MyClient(void) {}
170 wxConnectionBase *OnMakeConnection(void) { return new MyConnection; }
171 };
173 \end{verbatim}
175 Here, {\bf MyConnection} will respond to \helpref{OnAdvise}{wxddeconnectiononadvise} messages sent
176 by the server.
178 When the client application starts, it must create an instance of the derived wxDDEClient. In the following, command line
179 arguments are used to pass the host name (the name of the machine the server is running
180 on) and the server name (identifying the server process). Calling \helpref{wxDDEClient::MakeConnection}{wxddeclientmakeconnection}\rtfsp
181 implicitly creates an instance of {\bf MyConnection} if the request for a
182 connection is accepted, and the client then requests an {\it Advise} loop
183 from the server, where the server calls the client when data has changed.
185 \begin{verbatim}
186 wxString server = "4242";
187 wxString hostName;
188 wxGetHostName(hostName);
190 // Create a new client
191 MyClient *client = new MyClient;
192 connection = (MyConnection *)client->MakeConnection(hostName, server, "IPC TEST");
194 if (!connection)
195 {
196 wxMessageBox("Failed to make connection to server", "Client Demo Error");
197 return NULL;
198 }
199 connection->StartAdvise("Item");
200 \end{verbatim}
202 Note that it is no longer necessary to call wxDDEInitialize or wxDDECleanUp, since
203 wxWindows will do this itself if necessary.