1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 // Purpose: Misc debug functions and macros
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
8 // Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
9 // Licence: wxWindows license
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 @name Debugging macros
21 All debugging macros rely on ASSERT() which in turn calls user-defined
22 OnAssert() function. To keep things simple, it's called even when the
23 expression is TRUE (i.e. everything is ok) and by default does nothing: just
24 returns the same value back. But if you redefine it to do something more sexy
25 (popping up a message box in your favourite GUI, sending you e-mail or
26 whatever) it will affect all ASSERTs, FAILs and CHECKs in your code.
29 <b>Warning</b>: if you don't like advices on programming style, don't read
33 Extensive use of these macros is recommended! Remember that ASSERTs are
34 disabled in final (without WXDEBUG defined) build, so they add strictly
35 nothing to your program's code. On the other hand, CHECK macros do stay
36 even in release builds, but in general are not much of a burden, while
37 a judicious use of them might increase your program's stability.
39 @memo Debugging macros (replacement for standard assert()) and more.
41 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 /** @name Macros which are completely disabled in 'release' mode */
48 this function may be redefined to do something non trivial and is called
49 whenever one of debugging macros fails (i.e. condition is false in an
51 @param szFile and nLine - file name and line number of the ASSERT
52 szMsg - optional message explaining the reason
54 void wxOnAssert(const char *szFile
, int nLine
, const char *szMsg
= (const char *) NULL
56 /// generic assert macro
57 #define wxASSERT(cond) if ( !(cond) ) wxOnAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__)
58 /// assert with additional message explaining it's cause
59 #define wxASSERT_MSG(x, m) if ( !(x) ) wxOnAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, m)
61 // nothing to do in release modes (hopefully at this moment there are
63 #define wxASSERT(cond)
64 #define wxASSERT_MSG(x, m)
67 /// special form of assert: always triggers it (in debug mode)
68 #define wxFAIL wxASSERT(0)
69 /// FAIL with some message
70 #define wxFAIL_MSG(msg) wxASSERT_MSG(0, msg)
73 // NB: these macros work also in release mode!
76 These macros must be used only in invalid situation: for example, an
77 invalid parameter (NULL pointer) is passed to a function. Instead of
78 dereferencing it and causing core dump the function might try using
79 CHECK( p != NULL ) or CHECK( p != NULL, return LogError("p is NULL!!") )
81 @name Macros which remain even in 'release' mode
84 /// check that expression is true, "return" if not (also FAILs in debug mode)
85 #define wxCHECK(x, rc) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL; return rc; }
86 /// as wxCHECK but with a message explaining why we fail
87 #define wxCHECK_MSG(x, rc, msg) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL_MSG(msg); return rc; }
88 /// check that expression is true, perform op if not
89 #define wxCHECK2(x, op) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL; op; }
90 /// as wxCHECK2 but with a message explaining why we fail
91 #define wxCHECK2_MSG(x, op, msg) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL_MSG(msg); op; }
92 /// special form of wxCHECK2: as wxCHECK, but for use in void functions
93 // NB: there is only one form (with msg parameter) and it's intentional:
94 // there is no other way to tell the caller what exactly went wrong
95 // from the void function (of course, the function shouldn't be void
97 #define wxCHECK_RET(x, msg) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL_MSG(msg); return; }
102 #endif // _WX_DEBUG_H_